import numpy as np
import torch
torch.set_printoptions(edgeitems=2, threshold=50)
with open('../data/p1ch4/jane-austen/1342-0.txt', encoding='utf8') as f:
    text =
lines = text.split('\n')
line = lines[200]
'“Impossible, Mr. Bennet, impossible, when I am not acquainted with him'
letter_t = torch.zeros(len(line), 128) # <1> 
torch.Size([70, 128])
for i, letter in enumerate(line.lower().strip()):
    letter_index = ord(letter) if ord(letter) < 128 else 0  # <1>
    letter_t[i][letter_index] = 1
def clean_words(input_str):
    punctuation = '.,;:"!?”“_-'
    word_list = input_str.lower().replace('\n',' ').split()
    word_list = [word.strip(punctuation) for word in word_list]
    return word_list

words_in_line = clean_words(line)
line, words_in_line
('“Impossible, Mr. Bennet, impossible, when I am not acquainted with him',
word_list = sorted(set(clean_words(text)))
word2index_dict = {word: i for (i, word) in enumerate(word_list)}

len(word2index_dict), word2index_dict['impossible']
(7261, 3394)
word_t = torch.zeros(len(words_in_line), len(word2index_dict))
for i, word in enumerate(words_in_line):
    word_index = word2index_dict[word]
    word_t[i][word_index] = 1
    print('{:2} {:4} {}'.format(i, word_index, word))
 0 3394 impossible
 1 4305 mr
 2  813 bennet
 3 3394 impossible
 4 7078 when
 5 3315 i
 6  415 am
 7 4436 not
 8  239 acquainted
 9 7148 with
10 3215 him
torch.Size([11, 7261])
word_t = word_t.unsqueeze(1)
torch.Size([11, 1, 7261])
[(c, ord(c)) for c in sorted(set(text))]
[('\n', 10),
 (' ', 32),
 ('!', 33),
 ('#', 35),
 ('$', 36),
 ('%', 37),
 ("'", 39),
 ('(', 40),
 (')', 41),
 ('*', 42),
 (',', 44),
 ('-', 45),
 ('.', 46),
 ('/', 47),
 ('0', 48),
 ('1', 49),
 ('2', 50),
 ('3', 51),
 ('4', 52),
 ('5', 53),
 ('6', 54),
 ('7', 55),
 ('8', 56),
 ('9', 57),
 (':', 58),
 (';', 59),
 ('?', 63),
 ('@', 64),
 ('A', 65),
 ('B', 66),
 ('C', 67),
 ('D', 68),
 ('E', 69),
 ('F', 70),
 ('G', 71),
 ('H', 72),
 ('I', 73),
 ('J', 74),
 ('K', 75),
 ('L', 76),
 ('M', 77),
 ('N', 78),
 ('O', 79),
 ('P', 80),
 ('Q', 81),
 ('R', 82),
 ('S', 83),
 ('T', 84),
 ('U', 85),
 ('V', 86),
 ('W', 87),
 ('X', 88),
 ('Y', 89),
 ('Z', 90),
 ('[', 91),
 (']', 93),
 ('_', 95),
 ('a', 97),
 ('b', 98),
 ('c', 99),
 ('d', 100),
 ('e', 101),
 ('f', 102),
 ('g', 103),
 ('h', 104),
 ('i', 105),
 ('j', 106),
 ('k', 107),
 ('l', 108),
 ('m', 109),
 ('n', 110),
 ('o', 111),
 ('p', 112),
 ('q', 113),
 ('r', 114),
 ('s', 115),
 ('t', 116),
 ('u', 117),
 ('v', 118),
 ('w', 119),
 ('x', 120),
 ('y', 121),
 ('z', 122),
 ('“', 8220),
 ('”', 8221),
 ('\ufeff', 65279)]