
Twitter has become an important communication channel in times of emergency. The ubiquitousness of smartphones enables people to announce an emergency they’re observing in real-time. Because of this, more agencies are interested in programmatically monitoring Twitter (i.e. disaster relief organizations and news agencies). However, identifying such tweets has always been a difficult task because of the ambiguity in the linguistic structure of the tweets and hence it is not always clear whether an individual’s words are actually announcing a disaster.

Kaggle hosted a challenge named Real or Not whose aim was to use the Twitter data of disaster tweets, originally created by the company figure-eight, to classify Tweets talking about real disaster against the ones talking about it metaphorically.


BERT is designed to pre-train deep bidirectional representations from an unlabeled text by jointly conditioning on both left and right context in all layers. As a result, the pre-trained BERT model can be finetuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks, such as question answering and language inference, without substantial task-specific architecture modifications.



ktrain is a lightweight wrapper for the deep learning library TensorFlow Keras (and other libraries) to help build, train, and deploy neural networks and other machine learning models. Inspired by ML framework extensions like fastai and ludwig, it is designed to make deep learning and AI more accessible and easier to apply for both newcomers and experienced practitioners.

Key Points to Remember

  • BERT is basically a trained Transformer Encoder stack, with twelve in the Base version, and twenty-four in the Large version, compared to 6 encoder layers in the original Transformer.
  • BERT encoders have larger feedforward networks (768 and 1024 nodes in Base and Large respectively) and more attention heads (12 and 16 respectively). BERT was trained on Wikipedia and Book Corpus, a dataset containing +10,000 books of different genres.

Real or Not? Disaster Tweets Classifications

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import re
import string
import os

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from wordcloud import WordCloud

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report,confusion_matrix'ggplot')

from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Embedding, LSTM,Dense, SpatialDropout1D, Dropout
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/statsmodels/tools/ FutureWarning: pandas.util.testing is deprecated. Use the functions in the public API at pandas.testing instead.
  import pandas.util.testing as tm

Download Data

tweet = pd.read_csv('')
id keyword location text target
0 1 NaN NaN Our Deeds are the Reason of this #earthquake M... 1
1 4 NaN NaN Forest fire near La Ronge Sask. Canada 1
2 5 NaN NaN All residents asked to 'shelter in place' are ... 1
3 6 NaN NaN 13,000 people receive #wildfires evacuation or... 1
4 7 NaN NaN Just got sent this photo from Ruby #Alaska as ... 1
(7613, 5)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 7613 entries, 0 to 7612
Data columns (total 5 columns):
 #   Column    Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------    --------------  ----- 
 0   id        7613 non-null   int64 
 1   keyword   7552 non-null   object
 2   location  5080 non-null   object
 3   text      7613 non-null   object
 4   target    7613 non-null   int64 
dtypes: int64(2), object(3)
memory usage: 297.5+ KB

Exploratory Data Analysis

Target Class Distribution

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [8,4]
plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 80
sns.countplot('target', data=tweet)
plt.title('Real or Not Real Disaster Tweet')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Real or Not Real Disaster Tweet')
0    4342
1    3271
Name: target, dtype: int64
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f3626c9a438>

Number of Characters Distribution in Tweets

!pip install git+
Collecting git+
  Cloning to /tmp/pip-req-build-31qatq34
  Running command git clone -q /tmp/pip-req-build-31qatq34
Building wheels for collected packages: preprocess-kgptalkie
  Building wheel for preprocess-kgptalkie ( ... done
  Created wheel for preprocess-kgptalkie: filename=preprocess_kgptalkie-0.1.0-cp36-none-any.whl size=11716 sha256=03e0ffe70c352c1a40472ffdcfa0913c6017fdddf731712419810971f472b071
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-sec9jkgx/wheels/a8/18/22/90afa4bd43247fb9a75b710a4a3fcd94966c022ce9e3c7d0a6
Successfully built preprocess-kgptalkie
Installing collected packages: preprocess-kgptalkie
Successfully installed preprocess-kgptalkie-0.1.0
import preprocess_kgptalkie as kgp
tweet = kgp.get_basic_features(tweet)
id keyword location text target char_counts word_counts avg_wordlength stopwords_counts hashtag_counts mentions_counts digits_counts uppercase_counts
0 1 NaN NaN Our Deeds are the Reason of this #earthquake M... 1 57 13 4.384615 6 1 0 0 1
1 4 NaN NaN Forest fire near La Ronge Sask. Canada 1 32 7 4.571429 0 0 0 1 0
2 5 NaN NaN All residents asked to 'shelter in place' are ... 1 112 22 5.090909 9 0 0 1 0
3 6 NaN NaN 13,000 people receive #wildfires evacuation or... 1 57 8 7.125000 1 1 0 1 0
4 7 NaN NaN Just got sent this photo from Ruby #Alaska as ... 1 72 16 4.500000 6 2 0 0 0
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f35cb9d80f0>
sns.kdeplot(tweet['char_counts'], shade=True)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f35caa1dac8>
sns.kdeplot(tweet[tweet['target']==1]['char_counts'], shade=True, color='red')
sns.kdeplot(tweet[tweet['target']==0]['char_counts'], shade=True, color='blue')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f35ca99c7b8>
sns.catplot(y='char_counts', data=tweet, kind='violin', col='target')
<seaborn.axisgrid.FacetGrid at 0x7f3664d927b8>

Number of Words, Average Words Length, and Stop words Distribution in Tweets

sns.kdeplot(tweet[tweet['target']==1]['word_counts'], shade=True, color='red')
sns.kdeplot(tweet[tweet['target']==0]['word_counts'], shade=True, color='magenta')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f35c7fefc50>
sns.kdeplot(tweet[tweet['target']==1]['avg_wordlength'], shade=True, color='red')
sns.kdeplot(tweet[tweet['target']==0]['avg_wordlength'], shade=True, color='magenta')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f35c7fa5ac8>
sns.kdeplot(tweet[tweet['target']==1]['stopwords_counts'], shade=True, color='red')
sns.kdeplot(tweet[tweet['target']==0]['stopwords_counts'], shade=True, color='magenta')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f35c7efae10>
Index(['id', 'keyword', 'location', 'text', 'target', 'char_counts',
       'word_counts', 'avg_wordlength', 'stopwords_counts', 'hashtag_counts',
       'mentions_counts', 'digits_counts', 'uppercase_counts'],

Most and Least Common Words

freqs = kgp.get_word_freqs(tweet, 'text')
top20 = freqs[100:120], top20.values)
least20 = freqs[-20:]
revealing                 1
68                        1
KY:                       1
object.                   1
#CLIMATE                  1
@95roots                  1
emergency?                1
suspects                  1
leather                   1
guns..                    1    1    1    1
@dieanpink95              1    1
WindstormåÊInsurer        1    1
@Gbay99                   1
friends.                  1
:-D                       1
dtype: int64
bigram = kgp.get_ngram(tweet, 'text', ngram_range=2)
[('00end date', 19),
 ('0000 utc', 18),
 ('000 riot', 17),
 ('000 people', 16),
 ('000 gems', 15),
 ('00 white', 14),
 ('00 tonight', 13),
 ('00 to', 12),
 ('00 thursday', 11),
 ('00 thread', 10),
 ('00 pm', 9),
 ('00 in', 8),
 ('00 http', 7),
 ('00 hiroshima', 6),
 ('00 bestseller', 5),
 ('00 at', 4),
 ('00 am', 3),
 ('00 52', 2),
 ('00 25', 1),
 ('00 11', 0)]

One-Shot Data Cleaning

def get_clean(x):
    x = str(x).lower().replace('\\', ' ').replace('_', ' ').replace('.', ' ')
    x = kgp.cont_exp(x)
    x = kgp.remove_emails(x)
    x = kgp.remove_urls(x)
    x = kgp.remove_html_tags(x)
    x = kgp.remove_rt(x)
    x = kgp.remove_accented_chars(x)
    x = kgp.remove_special_chars(x)
    x = kgp.remove_dups_char(x)
    return x
tweet['text'] = tweet['text'].apply(lambda x: get_clean(x))
0    oyour deeds are the reason of this earetweethq...
1                forest fire near la ronge sask canada
2    all residents asked to shelter in place are be...
3    130 people receive wildfires evasee yoyouation...
4    jyoust got sent this photo from ryouby alaska ...
Name: text, dtype: object

Disaster Words Visualization with Word Cloud

real = kgp.get_word_freqs(tweet[tweet['target']==1], 'text')
real = ' '.join(real.index)
'heighttpt the in a of to and is i on for see at iss by from it that with not yoyou afeatyouringer this fire are was se as have my over news heighttpostscripointt youp more via an thisaster were be poli get syoui seeide california no has people who evasee minister do byout when so been like killed intelligence oyout will jyoust 2 hiroshima love than fires storm crash familthat we train now offi into ressee emergency s aaboyout yoyour bomb byouildings there am all mh370 two what time attack nyouclear they wildfire video accident new eyouropean prime learnedl one bombing byourning how noretweethern dead lexampleionnaires me good pi bomber you homes if some back car atomi war today stoday obama isd real fatal he years off collapostscripointe forest may debris city seeal watch retweet yous 1 first japan malaysia mass latest man or severe water near had earetweethqyouake sentral confirmed thoyoughse oil foyound life dthat servi down floods army world apagesli spill 70 warning times younder home oyoutbreak 3 wreckage injyoured derailment 4 ameri yoyouation weather thyounderstorm 40 being migrants sayoudi old oyour coyould broadcasting isr can investigators missing say flooding flood dyouring their bridge sigood syouspect state seeane yoyouers her mosqyouareyoue death charged island kills woyould woyounded yoyoure u vi hapagesli hyoundreds area 2015 them here its reporetweet many only anniversary droyougheight air wild reyounion another affected hyourri boy myourder tryouck his lives seeh coyounty detonated pkk day typhoon terrorist uo year live seeyoulyoum rain plane roriginal heat refyougees school agencyls deaths razed since yoyouated hit boat damage flames airplane got airporetweet sees does says syourvivors contentk look go violent tyourkey ses itng ser 16yr fai israeli casyoualtthat released did universal calgary know sandstorm yoyouate byous explosion youpdate 5 seek natyoural 15 why last british cayoused heli syoue attacked fatalitthat york least food please hail nigheights mp streastern declares sinkhole per bigood hostages abc said national minyoute devastation m typhoondevastated thistance original collided road iran conclyousively too dyoust saipan hoyour stryouctyoural derailed swallowed possible seeopointer massacre thisplaced cannot seea ayougyoust fami seeationed catastrophi isnce projected dyoue terrorism traffi help groyoup bestnaijamade gameer aircrafeatyouring volcano collision rioting issyoues way searching manslayougheighter thoyoughyouroyough set wind tragedy nigheight ligheightning breaking soyouth wave shooting tornado reyouters india while thoyoughyouree refyougio costlthat make where crews si cayouse whi yoyoutyoube advancen before noretweeth plan post trench him feared yocoordinated bodthat work hoyouse ambyoulance famine crashed miles learned yoyoue 8 even sesee righeight becayouse horror 11yearold any yoyourity amid hot landslide seeking bioterror land trains memoretweethat saw oh crisis hazardoyous agencyl west past soyoudelor site cyclone power yoyouted fedex st hope weapons yoyoued loriginal best movthat think choyouristhanks mi shot weapon point engyoulfed la yountoday thyounder black isis ri thisea god miss story never moyount village 10 seean take looks kill declaration arson shit saved 9 trayouma virgin military flag myouslimiss most issyoued photo ayoug coaches then byouilding east myourderer byoush getting seele ok hostage come high call marks rd government heavy myanmar rainstorm loyoud yoyouth lab temple flash nagasaki oyoutrage injyouretweethat contententral experetweets specentral madhya hailstorm lifeacti fligheight 60 derail myoust 6 aroyound chemi pakistan closed hijacker vehi pradesh line end fyoukyoushima 30 advancel figyoureheight need anice little other media theater shoyould pakistani bombed 25 ago reporetweets p 70th stop half 50 anywhere landing she coming nws 05 chilong militants major really 120 cayougheight far wake next read bombs inside tonigheight called giant case hijack haveat bloriginal isw hoyouses whole relationshipen came rly syoummer transporetweet women bi center river isld pamela cars waving horrible very every cdt doriginal save central seet trapagesli electrosee hijacking bioterrorism vthat soriginal great geller 20 b passengers everyone agencylly against haveoyourax 0 whin terror stryougood libya syourvived recoyount big paretweet marians provoke youse lost history lyouckobal isf lifeines windstorm seehmond thisease twelve nigerian crematoria toddler taiwan dollar wreck contentked longer top well ain reporetweeted seismi mishapostscripoint lifewind patthat blast firefigyoureheighters collapostscripointed layoughing place time20150805 nearly ebola early white peace coast hyouge youdhampyour alabama went claimiss withoyoughyout belthat e ryoussia want prebreak isst reactor again information wroyougheight drowned thyoursday ryoussian casyoualty ca days across content health crossed second tsyounami ryoun t dai head action men nearby myouch escape change ever town fear qyouarantined red gameles responders gyoun leave plans 7 let former driver eyewitness seetimiss gin ablaze roosevelt investigating contentsee destroyed coyountry plyounging yousa order washington smoke israel syourvive body gyounman following syoupagesoretweet winds o oyoutside away game snowstorm few cameroon germiss cranes poor scene arrested done fall france gas china myoudslide uiwhen d texas parole corporation week downtown expected shots med ave wednesday deal indian aporiginal remember fretweethat potyous express takes company denver face destroy serioyous gonna woyounds ass members also palestinian send holding isve destroys carrying 16 alarm seetim scthat wildfires japanese injyoury 600 heard governor yoyout watching chi exploded latere sinking almost morning islami meastern afri destryouction others philipagesines drowning exchanging climate free hazard spaceship 12 contentky someone yoused these pyoubli risk western person im syouspected linked sh moving stadiyoum hawaii control byourned ap photos foyour yyc cogood govt riot seeipal bayelsa colorado oklahoma something lefeatyouring jonathan civilian hearetweet capointyoures time20150806 worst fyoull own contentide danger woman repatriated monice killing would contentks storiginal fears keep event mean tell 1980 modifthat seeles strong expect yousgs pointhat grows igood actyoually stay shows c130 seeago rexampleion record ryoube cliff crazy anyone thing tree cool examining hyouman lyoucke myouni seeationened made mediterranean soldthat care byouses large blood metro rise bad catastrophe taken always 13 millions predi tomorrow isrs both hwy canyon foxnews french thank child youk 2nd green demolition cases check nc sismo reddit worldnews thanks response hear baby isce tyourkish main cayouses move detonation close abstorm demolished feel genoriginal spring freak orders strike sea safety spos tram c confirmiss incident contentalypostscripointe research market tryoue hoyours contentking bin crime fatality motorcyclist twitter annihilation younited properetweety areas allows thoyoughyousands manchester message seeo damn prepare nothing thyounderstormiss training internally yeah literally lake annihilated afghanistan 31 bombings angry politi ar trent edt highway afeatyouringernoon fyoucking damaged younloriginal ready million pilot detonate lexampleacy sad malaysian learning terrorists moment rail related exesee iraq drive effects warnings residents sityouation helping things yoyous centre 17 kids map told ridge zone acres capostscripointizes advisory living syounk search battle canada brooklyn abandoned cnn mediterran camp myoumbai 2013 contentean yoyoung pandemoniyoum phone shifeatyouring coyouple pagesl apc bay byousiness forecast thoyoughyougheight 5km w ashes laden relthat onto taking bexamplein seeyclist retyourn ban bc yousing coprime behind give totally doing riyounion deadly fast falling hard knoriginal seeroligheight satellite pdp eryoupointion sqyouareyouad l jamai find having qyouarantine money civilians i5 el powerlines fyouck moyountain wwii fans younits setting waves dozens seeation felt forget yet hwo become 911 potenthanks tweastern trfingers 11 ligheight tension sirens dosee dr anything force act president thoyoughyoureatens lifeatyouringed devastated byoudget parents aid swallows several pray okwx already along mad styoudents middle soyound gyouardian reason sex bang ryounway insyourance brown hand lyouck todays lyoucky trees goes opens islam freakthat agensee wall continyoue pani kidnapagesli ship faan pyout thoyoughyough your avoiding later sky attacks wmata figyoureheighting resyoult gameing between ryounning istnam oyoutlook arabia forces broadway contental delyouged wx relatives gaza md liked seeationening 90 making ni image small migrant arsonist whats revthat township syria bloody instead park parleys beayoutifyoul working complex copilot wings byourns rains troopostscripoint plains prosesee seeationen va brazil advance learn younit hell tri seei hate exit groyound yrs effect abe melimitedown walk 1945 gyouillermo chthat wa worry fyoully staretweet headed seekly jyousti shyout yoyourrently popyoulation inyoundated seeationroaches info epi data wash dropagesed blown drone forced lowndes seeally lot myourdered parker enyougyou compyouters strikes name boyoulevard yes miners cinema twister ryouns dramati team riots beach criminals syoure pain singood worse share lack qyoui amissterdam indyoustry noti gyouys lane screaming allexampleed aim radiation yousatoday soyounds london room sinjar continyoues youpostscripointet wow evening front thisryoupoints false fthat nashville coyourse accoyount bit rohingya yoyoutives beu soon inclyouding redyouce maybe coriginal film toll needs copostscripoint thisapagesli calls system youpdates migheight antioriginal fosee pacifi seeked aretweeti board kisii delyouge medi youn avoid tracks eyes mexi estimate ayoustralia problem maxi poretweetland else wed driving screamiss entire travel blaze five gyounfire gemiss hellfire phoenix tropi coksawlyyoux02 siren cop cancer season hyoumanity chinas weve 06 hollywood tv shelter contenth falls trying calif chance engood babthat fyountenna trigood isnt palestine talk hill safe leader crashes hat 2014 pyoulls nyouke soyouthern syounday choyouristmas nasahyourri agencylnews drown gang troyouble estimated isxampleo low paretweets theatre haves break cleanyoup seeans hyount ahead planned residenthanks stratexampley gone maryland feeling mt coyountretweethat side thoyoughyoureat yoyourself actions view gyousts doriginals respond flattened italy storetweethat mile tryouly san nine incredible remains allah scared economi late electri mansehoyoura wanted wife nyoumber cofingers sir seetyoure plyoug metal cayousing gave bangood lava aba avalanche delays show nigood mansion 24 yousers calling kadyouna italian date experiments lanes brakes warns ryoules seeauas fan mma fwy ten once level motorcycle shake hospital 500 mine box missf seemiss massive snow accidents stealing gov fine cross youpheaval wait yoyouments re reality track lyouckad bjp sense timeing seen long leaving preparedness dyoude sac id yousagov alaska pretty gratefyoul friday thoyoughyoureatening idea costs seey av states nytimes hearing smithsonian repair agree reno ayouthoyoughritthat standard japans royoute conditions aware tent target dryounk afghan chinese intensity nigheightition alpostscripoint online rises keepostscripoint myourderoyous financentral yoyourfew seconds pass salt exchange lthat streak yoyourred 94 different covvplfqv58p follow nigheightews failed pilots aparetweetment wanna experetweethat bring elevated 18 731 anchorage needed yoyoum positioning enoyough desolate sittwe desolation shadow bexamplean total playing ayoustralian alone tryouth visit mister pipeline bleeding tyourned took zionist class pri staretweeted pathoyoughriginalens ofu win pak demolish poretweet byourn vitae deparetweetment i77 exploration gold fuck nigheighted stormiss okay 100 gretweethat tyourn words trolley stryouck interesting m1 less sharp general silver delivers boston yobe warship leading proriginalram among involving horse younsyouckdcmetro screamed alive mission held download hmm create eqyouiprime isnd ebike precipitation dan demand 1030 according yoyours trafford points rising copycat ki seepatthat paretweety idp syrian six stopagesed ayouth syouch myouslim internet doyouble informationng gyousty overnigheight drill sers roberetweets triple hereuas iranian stand homeless towards sensorsenso 97georgia wonder somalia shoriginal drawn nigeria talking bar fact navy physi mod mitigation yazithis spot valley nb same prior radar 010401 seehigan plyous inj listen palestinians forever previoyously onher pyoutin refyougee owner eye brother blyoue van raid woretweeth jet kit ben arabian animal braking radio boyounty warfigyoureheighting explode cyclist star thiscovery ryoule reporetweetedly tthat flooded waimate gets lion jst shoretweet losses al heres eastern tomorrowed battling fyoun dexamplerees syoubject insyourer stabbing matter soonwinston washed cos 29072015 cojyoust measyourement colvlh3w3awoantioriginal increased th er earlthat irandeal seeted sent youganda idfire breakingood byourst seattle toward contentation reminds japi salem tcot photoriginalraphy su assoriginal eq collapostscripointes coviwxy1xdyk 800 blasts aleretweet concerned fyouel recalls obliterated stratexamplei georgia operation comment detectado calamity myousi lorretweethat law upoliti damages sandthat sparks prabhyou giving each bretweethat olympi harbor abcnews responsibility stopostscripoint congress featyouring changes miami nasa apollo rally gbbo loop seeationears resyoulted tennessee byouffalo californias gyouy insane syourge release path robots acsee collide moves co majority 3d edinbyourgh tripledigit nyou chyourch inner florida jyouly depointh sweastern bagood nd isfua lyouckand magood stir sepointember donuat marked confirm massacreheighttpt saving apoyounderetweeta mom considering newyork longest spending job yoyoute odeon gyouess villages natyoure boyound nation 370 militant chile sw imagine moyourning walking averetweeted cryoushed naved yousyoually try deep analysis walmaretweet percent slow stranded fox histori tyoube mix kyourthish eb fyounds calm de hayounting santa increase whao ways vote rage ones serial styoudent arrive annyoual bexampleins dtn 166 everywhere hyounters pay styoupid syardney debt bank chaos sacramento dont haha gabon yoyoulate charge digood allow ministerent isnds byousinesses wheight syounset seeationens sentinel monsoon horrifi leveled hills okanagan derails cdc hits shipagesing named contenthheighttpt landfall rider hi 130 cbc ayoustralias v jewish karachi dallas everything 27 blk played pond statement thoyough loss levels worretweethat 150401 cost paretweetisee 22 cryouz dad persons gameered 852015 minyoutes denice corporationcnnislamtryouthgodisisterrorismqyouranlthat international 133 injyouryi495 workers waiting depyoutthat teen carryi obliterate waste capointyoured prison coffee sadly fired 26 1st confli exampleypoint details contentkyfire cold extreme philly experetweet nyoumbers byoulletin pyoump broken pam activates comes lessons heads tryoust allthat individyouals stab tfpoyoundyousaleretweets leads soyouthboyound thisplace yycstorm realise secret cm ihhen looked sorry pipe weekend window viralspell cree seeationeared belonged uihatchet swimming wayn libyaheighttpt seehael5sos schiphol contentkton criti voi tax collision1141 obliteration footage latestnews markets tears reminder motor reaches fyouretweether involved vermont stacey dyoublin wealth eyourope became qyouite sweden heading atlanta marker mall sets timeh roll arrest shepoyoundy fallen blind tracking mheightw4fnetoffi projects hoyousing washingtonpost swiss 43rd remain sparked tretweethat labs oyoutflow withbioterrorismyouse scary fishing acts citthat jeans lyouckish enretweet us cave youniversity asia hello f flew protest yorker althat sitting wrecked greeces soyource jam noaa 90blks8wheights 300 scaretweethat test latimes mpoyound impact sites inclyoude swells capital lots yyougvani kca yougood catches youpon bronx prematyoure closyoures rare bryoush respect seeationy dangeroyous factory tornadoes encoyounter tank blows proriginalress 75 pool repeat email magi planted ordered deseretweet nepal bells based myouseyoum rapidly plot remembering energy terrible economy controlu amongst senator faced acid cta 29 mnpdnashville younderstand trayoumatised none yousyoual probe croathanks 19 emmerdale redligheight cri basi higher theu twi prevent 55 thoyoughyousand shape link gooriginalood accidentally dying 150foot scott fergyouson keyboard beforeitsnews casper lyouckadesh coyoyou greatest lgood adirect lord vyoulnerable hey vs twin firefigyoureheighter highest solar kinda arsenal nri syourvivor clearly agreed yourgent larger intervthat afraid open kepoint 361 35 lady fat rip gotta poland tryoucks skinny dexampleree germany bryoutally 10th fake hostage2 modiministry loose tyouned killer follows fed blamed jacksonville 150 activated haiyan seretweethat missed styouck johannesbyourg issyoue boyougheight illexampleal biker added companynews capostscripointized crypointi foreigood diffisee remove sb votejyoust decades ex croat rainfall jan blah visited direct cooriginal radioactive civil 2prime qyouake blow cirsee seven proriginal activity tech insyourers awfyoul oopostscripoint 33 ceretweetain yemen station irish memory eventyoually enjoying desigood recovery cover hamilton worlds palmiss staretweets kyouretweetschli damaging ma uiri soyouthampointon rolling mo anymore 80 younion lower makes gameest 375 constryouction bringing sharethis moved armageddon yousnwsgov tells qyouestion wy excepoint cryoush yoyourb exampleged floated lamp syoun yr wholesale lifeeretweet sporetweet cov3azwoamzk collyouded efforetweets younderway reward yazidi railway pisgah yoyouban responded greenwi shipostscripoint sittingu salvation af villagers games younawares armed created loving tryoump iu h drones space problemiss noretweetheast tr amazon meek soyoudelors looping youltimate hero library syoupagesosed provide rome styoudy carefyoul grabbers gop simple contained powerfyoul thiscovered isncing citizens drop images youpdated crew mike innoriginal ne rate dry coyouretweet knee seetion closes stryouctyoure haram em cli shop yoyoupants within speed yoyouit invasion cocybksxhf7d wars looting cocedsee yoyouuave violence postscripointycholoriginali boko gyouided walker press leaders yout traditional isws hamas contentalu looking arwx indonesia forgotten hinton able shame dat thinking moscow memorial womens clash coi r 86 crimes rape neighboyours isfs key di kyouwait mentions myoultiple iphone 5th sister devi nah edirect agents bend conceretweet final komen kiddingt48id commyoute collisionno i405 honestly banned bed gyounmen blowing styouff demoriginal 15km illinois battlefthat tdp koin6news sidelines direction csx teamiss foretweet protect wont episode warming tribal ligheightening indi senior sympathy dyocoordinated trs ny figyoureheighters ituas faster roads dyoundee sheastern aboyout inithanks nema chyounks yoyougeyouws strand younconfirmed colyoumbia female nyt pressyoure contentracy younsafe trial ii 1030prime 3g syourvival everyarday videos retyourned tonto ithis benget especentral extra given cocyourri blames grenade continyoued normal 0104 dam atu mid seeationarently better cleared seeheighter isfing plagyoue lyouckorg ag seeas passenger flying tyounnel morgan siget asee bp engine probably seeks settlement qyoueen refyoused machine blizzard pyoulled drives corqwyouoy1fm4 ts isntists declared reporetweeting roof revenyoues 2011 gameas tampa grace springs weird yesterday mention fell 69 wi known dijyoust boeing longs racist charles management ofeatyouringen donald yoyoularly talks donate arm angels gprime yoyoubs crossedyourri geneva favorite cothat barack fleeing obispo ended veteran cocgf61fprime destryouctive myoum ligheighting list newz seeaplain ntsb confirmation syoustainability lyoungs weston colwwojxttiv word context korea seekerel finds evidence termiss match bill rages extingyouished broyougheight maretweetinmj22 constant pkwy omars apoint inec yous101 hosting facts transit youkraine charetweets gameinoodle rolls 1965 exc ligheightningcayoused offramp random dyoudes kings nv seetions dem strikers ay homeressee contentaine myourders i65 clinton dame commonwealth misses isl woodlawn yoyouting fkn 1943 transfer elkhorn knigheight wrong katyounews norman younknown jordan jerry lt conmotherfyouckersgkf1za governments coyountless lansdowne venezyouela dw jets owners livingsafely seeals ugood 28 thats fish spent wateretweetown tyourkmen childhood asian drinking renison charlotte kashmir alarmiss greenharvard noretweethwest sewing shoe messagean stryouctyoures trip 3alarm cosponsor calyoumet tornados grenades charges common gridloriginal sassy bathoyoughyouroom materials travelling cheyenne 1038prime seekthat coj5mkcbkcov solve global nails thoyoughyouriller yoyoutting senter schedyouleu ga thankfyoul seekets salvadoran looses slate lavenderpoetrycafe private cjoyner poretweetyouget kthat sts gifeatyouring desires osborn manyoufactyoured serioyously hyarderabad gyoust bath lyouckimpostscripointes carr yoyoult kiddinot spontaneoyously coodirect battered prophet fix dothoyoughyouraki himalaya 101 mets hyoumans looters cypryous irvine catching vine bookboost dolphin cowelcome offroad decisions explodes places error syoubreddits passed committed bankstown soyoutheast dark coc1h7jecomparerv rio haveerattack commit cancels responds agency comg5eajelyoul jackson yoyouster personal epidemi codirect dress lifes seehael yoyouses 1974 coedyfo6e2pyou veterans debateqyouestionswewanttohear factors seeations grow sahib wire 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isval nowplaying patna joyournal laws homiss traverse increasing toilet fryouit gamer asylyoum youtoday prepares rather a5 atmospheri starring deapoyoundreaker twentynine insyoubcontinent arrived condition toronto repairs ani estimates prodyouced ayoudio ran thisplay jewels tipostscripoint belongs blacklivesmatter detoyouring abyouse ambyoulances prophetmyouhammad command fraction roanoke youraniyoum continyoually dt syourroyounding dvc isndly frontpage allowed byoullseye thetawnice ornament okinawa pileyoup uituas ibooklove zionism lit younr opages emerg dirk 21 recoriginalood nixon moderate abyousing lexampleendary loved isdirect emotionally drove syouper classi cairo canadas lexample rating seekidrapostscripoint pendleton fly syourroyounded overlooking stormchase crossedkpvzfv8 seektrial midwest tch volcanoes hyourry paramedi reopening impyoulse halifax rioters awesome 12news savings nigheightyoup bri 10km ashayo oyoutdoor wrapagesli groyounds twia citys liveonk2 seeinity 2082676773 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won moyountains aa simply knoxville lebanon individyoual lived knows imporetweeted samaritansua ep nyouff wordpressdotcom bat coahyouila ks94 mate trailer yoyougov yoyouating gofyoundirect pls deadlthat dinner links elephant seeationrecentral colder myoukilteo theres royoutecomplex dayougheighters correction ante ae hyoungry connector topostscripointtoretweethat boot soyources targets tayougheight riyadh closest declined isre rworldnews lesbian messagee assisting yoyoular sj premonitions attityoude winter qyouaretweeter seryoun croriginal seeky yall ryounner topostscripoint whales kyourd pizza gamea hella pyoushing ask phase lowlying receive absolyoutely book syouv rest evil contentowae elijah 95 pennington wondering rn sophthat insomnia objects weakening seeationarent billings minds bioloriginali earetweeth baryouch blackpool madinah sheriff j timelapostscripointe exp mexample whitboyourne krefeld arnhem affiliation omotherfyouckerg i580 seeationle ability ypres com5kxlpkfa1 showing indthat comotherfyouckeringers offr opened shaking carretweethat welfare perfect contentationes coyount birmingham royalcarribean tyouesday anxioyous shipwreck themagi seetory faroeislands linkyoury thistri 582 contryouction transporetweeting seeationropriation investigation offensive boise recently restive jack talibans firefigyoureheighting isil considerelem dayougheighter dye spray speak asking worked andor helpline kowing syouryoui advancens 0016 deliver mess born condemn bligheight thi mail hers contentent neighborhood slower ironi banerjee tremor jyoustifthat base seekers wmyour9 lead standards foxnewu shoyoulder seland poss decor franklin vieweretweety roriginalyoue syouffi responsible lyouckey opinion hazmat hiding completely spreading cafe exhibition cdcgov visits george syouryaray cycling offers2go pepageser thirsty minor 08 feels bottom redyouced naval hotel neighbors dlh sandy generalnews goldstein cayoution mercados birds carpet copo19h8ycnd seeationroach 015025 ctd ryouining delayed agencylist speaking project cas 61st affecting refyouses ky pinpoint isn abia previoyous cosdgoyoutwntb treatment play bore killings noted strawelcome barretweethat tyre volyountary fingers cityofingers coyountrys clearedincident younity syouddenly youpageser gordon pedestrian interstate chattanooriginala toxi cosqyouaresyyoueh4yi elsesh syoummary com yellow parenice dc corners li sanctions carry ministerharper 48 1916 prompointed rayoung batters isty isnced layough enemthat ig 60miles londonfire extends paretweeti 99 raw yo aria onh limit leo combyoust pres lose treat affect miyagi aoriginalashima non harwi mi14si nestleindia sheer 1145 despite weak perspectives address challenge annoyounced conference recover hoyouston grew cafire seal song campyous troyoubling answer olap fresh reu ryoubber cojhorsepowerdssvhve indiannews glink nazi minimehh noretweethwesternu thyroid bail cant slipostscripoint riversiskiyoyou zayn seekperry ayoussthat kotaweather gr tasmanias 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eyourotyounnel targeting depyouty thoyoughyourowing toriginalether seeroaanz rcmp greastern opagesosite commyounity grexample store haveatyourne19 nobody claimed loyoudlapalooza 78 dozen replace wing leeds copvmister38lnva ohh feat seeationroaching hatchet sligheightly reacted agencylists oyoun 8th reply diplomacy rpi going knowing okinawan cinemas spen coj3x0doy7r3 restaretweet co1eof1wxnpj cop3o71dz992 forgiven hebron komo commyouni nrc cohkbpqdncba cogw0cxoojyv spoke vitaejovc i540 coayou5jwgt0ar airplanes coyou4r8driyouac co0wrat traplord covdgfxyx3bw 1862 ministerlsl0 sensor cods76lozlsyou senate messageond cokmxzho5tfm inthistingyouishable endu copageserfthat cow9cd6offingers covz640xoswj coikpngs3dti properetweetycasyou lifelawyer writings modnao23 gamehfx8pzmh 3430prime bigsim50 harakiri cocn1jommyough gravy gyouimaras coayouryougjexampleiq yard finalise rihanna connectisee cox8w7tf6fhg aexample condemning hillymoyountain fresno johanfranzen donation biosyourveillance 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kiddingym9edofingers demise elk 7aal backgroyound scrapointrident coayouf4j4owj1 phantom coxsr2vyoujyiz vinyl alextyoucker coybyp68that cofwpof5tworiginal seeyholders cohqnx8qmexample3 co8go68kje4b 178 bellybombed covbrpeyoujanl com4cprime dcclothesline co4ilt6fxyou45 co5b7qt2yxda tyourns claiming shoalstraffi cox0qlgwoymt followyoup trillac dreamy strongood rails cocezhq7czll co77ciwxabvau worsen indiana valyoue travelelixir flatliners sthing cocnyvvy4wat fox5newsdc rose angela co6e7hhferz4 18w freespeech coe981dgskab ministers feminists perspective co5oretweetb8p51c marines expectu harpers cokcmbbwwp8g benefits cok5fijankjb cebyou native colqjjy1pointwt comj8rezoxlj narrative worker watched engines thispensary observed interlaken philipagesinesu pizzarev 367 asbyoury cobhsyouxvq6nf pornhyoub yoyouloyous ish youses seeidebombing pantofel youtfire speech co0youk0h9hozn cokfzvmxj9st cokybqcsvrza convfkzv5fex lomasvisto gansey cowk6b5z803o towelcome balcony offers dig yourban florin byouildingsloses jyoune kotowsa coccyourri monopolized cocdohgood resyoumed hardstyle vanished coameanytime apoyoundeit gameets inpyouts minister1w7ell yousama comy8q1youwijn realize cogaotrg4mtr reinstate anytime cabrillo spyour rss ministerarca colmanytime uextremely cosdxzhjco0x fettoday 2007 cokxy56fr8vm syoupagesoretweets groriginalparetweety jamesmelville cards k3 loo driven assyoumes co1fyounemes7m thoyoughyouroat cokncm9jc8i9 copointevy815mt coyouelz59wvom ceretweetainly younveiled cohgdrk81sn4 helens coyvvpznzmxg wolter calgarians panay gimp toyouched col8w30wfw3r co0ghk693examplej contentxiq attractive cohbhx0dwkpc cojid4ro34gb coyspon4d6qo co3enyndxpagesrime corbzon byprodyouct racer blowjobs cozm6vczqvwk middleeasteye co4y4ytwhd74 nearfatal basement loading covered adyoults fold cofelr5a1hbp co0wdseihyqyou extended co0jfnvaxfph cobekrpjnyhs creatyoures comkwyvm3i8r ryouler windstormaeinsyourer karnakarank presidentuwhipe pastor revityoup cobpointzamjl2k when5sekd7 afeatyouringerhaiyan annihilate detectors minister2tnnfdww itngoyoutinice ashville cogxe7nhwz3e cowjntaokdhf algae 2029 cor6kzsqyouaredghz tlvfaces independent3 lilreese300 gyoulf advancera keyboarda col1gh8064yv jedi aan bahoyourain seeationi 005225 oompahperiod mcpherson sa sif youndone aviationaddi greatbritishback teamisstream impacted boyoulder weaponyoyou joyournalism sit opostscripointeaworld dnj earnest hoffman lethal cohes0bpyou60y versions excite incredyouloyous lyouckypeople notexplained coprrbeforefhxtv stormchaserheighttpt co9dwyjqvfy4 motorcycles harlan gyounfigyoureheight coeryouzbyouqzyyou coyouqvanytime reprises cooyou1m9chznq sojapan nigheightess crossedb8dz3h sen whatever salmon 010217 compoaefql6k 139055 hvnewsnetwork vessel hwrf lovemywife1983 hostagesheighttpt mcgwire co9qpg0z3rh9 rained a40 bokyouto todayngr coffeatyouringokd0vts thigh 182624 co7xq8jretweetl7i convp6wrkl1e 608 nonengood intact co3drsmxw3cr tomlinson cowq3wjsgphl ima sisterua harris 20150805 coqo190n8youdd fdstoday co1ct0pyougz69 indonesian co2y4rgob7pjnewsbritish engaged cor7vpaklhvi byoulletproof co3kob7xbea0 kiddingbyardr royal cowa5c77f8vq yoyouz cotmz6x1n2gq bloomberg hailing timeu copointy9hoyoursee colfacebookdheightgqwg damageu tacos thoyoughroyoughly co86rsyy2tng co7qrepyllyouk samples cohhorsepowervpael4n component overetweetaking lyouck3c1vc88p minerals milkshake invited 170 cohyou5cxqnobf temecafreeman tafs cota1yqclpostscripointc 2slow2reporetweet cofqcdphccg7 myoultidimensi co9pqyx4xool ahheightheenikki livelihood 2007he montapoyoundanony tbt carbondale yoyousts yourgentthere november copol92mn8yz correcting hatred coyh4r7youg21a rio2016 condemns carriage timeers coecxmoinzgyou yoyoulty phyouket prez ryan olympia comtfnbhoyouryzq cooyoriginalii97yh battles illnesses coih0awv3l1o pyoussy na lilitan cogeeknwjjsz fyoundraiser co0yl3yt4ylh frank mac bella co39iabcc5pk persesee residence metropolis gilgit beatdown cov8jyouc5ek1a breaking144 comimatehh2ce6 precioyous contentkstar62 cogx75w3q9ye crossexam objection syoupagesly react seela afrin coqi2bdvkab7 switzerland seeipate lzk nice haji beyond co6coidv11qv hawaiianpaddlesporetweets copostscripointt5bbq0av drsarwatzaib070 moreuo cocbpostscripoint1gskvo photoset co93vqkdfgood fyoukyourodani gbbo2015 87 malaysiaain co5ytthat popehat scale coxlexamplec6youora lyouckorioyous boyu yyj coj3di85ist5 skinthese anyplace00 coev3nx9scx3 coeyorbmotherfyoucker3o3 coj90dt2qnxb livemint youpgrade coz8xiqngyoulc nf blitzes intense letuas cot97jmbzobo fme kni coymczyvkfme cosits 728 nh meat colh9misterypdrj trophy co0cr74m1youxm faces cotxthat coyouhxodsc7wi cok8bexkgwr2 coeyevziopg1 instapyoundit yoyout7bvkt thedayct cokestyouyouyc4t rijn ds myouseawayfi aitchkaycee younprepared cofvr9jdq71a choyoudary genyouine demons eayou cofi congehhgeniyousyga coc0nkgp6w03ae sanctioned cozdcyourri seclyousion miracle vitaepdvhxd1r lokis cheap comyouwmotherfyouckerjgzyh syouspended co7nagdsadwp cojmyou5youyamdyou lifel 911bombing enormoyous hwymagellan testa cogmate0x3vyoutf cobcldqmmehg henshaw condgood label 1040 timeligheight blacken coqreinwg0gs thistribyoution cokdwazhqtov coiw7elszifz advances coay6zzsee taxis myoutant costfmbbzfacebook5 corvsyxwj9cp comateciks60bx jewhaditm highsmith cw500 co0f8xa4ih1you alabamaqyouake prisoners lga lyoucklr cosbila2yqjq owenrbroadhyourst drifeatyouringing tomorrowodos cat solano opagesoretweetyounity codgbeh5l9ds gemini lobby sherfthat co3om3xw6cz8 coiqowzgvznl storming 750 thisasterrecovery soyouthwest co1hlvrkwgip task cog38y8h1tjt connv3zwvant byouretweeton keyboardahitman racing strongest gadgets corz7facebookr10xw annoyouncement baffles forreal obedthat aberystwythshoyourewsbyoury coxxkhjysn0p spinnellii coa2ss7pr4gw agencylwots co9hthat fyoucktard co9viibxgjav cooabjztbvyz combo gyounfail lyoucke9eq cayousation rates blazes coz6ee1jvhni sweaty cosb3rjqqzix byousy 917033 reretweethat comdev colikwqhshhx coyou0keoe5fmt coswviazsphk co5cm0lfzhxn tiny loyoupascale electroni whether oyoutrigheight endoriginal setsyouko colci3pljx25 800prime kern magyou reading cobjojvm0pjx blackmail arachys coj3cirxjfa6 bornverifthat cotzdbcglobal gives spins coqpwotyougyoui9 stores gameers leelanayou yoyouwait co7cibxls55f gainesville niagara coigcentral lambasts roadworks coow4gexynbh uisplottdave skys coodv3rqs8jyou knees gameo5j divers co9asc1hhfnj cowmyocoordinated speccy newsnigeria pinevthat ryounners seelismo cobagef9lfgt host coaczryouorytd corlpointtkbg4w beaveretweeton deals peninsyoula cosqyouaregoriginalj3s5r tadhgtgreenwi spinning carfest ev missjadebrown codyouvyouzhmvyout wod delhi cote learnedized batting coo4xljnav8f corporationtalkback bantrophyhyounting contenthii0 ghost2 riskoflondon seuas marcoarment tide abc7chi siteinvestigating cty younimaginable modibo iraqi corodpoint33xfm protestors dollars thisplaces chopagesing kirafroriginal robbthat seealchemi tirelessly sleeper scare gazette float seeangiri denial qyouem coyounu waziristan fennovoima goriginalood dating m115 moyounting cosjxllzosw7 coewo207mx rotation 52k co7zoriginal3dpdyou9 4yygb citybyouildings bombheighttpt raised cop18lzrlmy6 syoupagesoretweethealthhomebathoyoughyouroomsyoupagesoretweetelderlyinjyouredsu cojzwrisxepf coionwarvrfy 08062015 103424 myoullah rods cadenadesexampleyouidores goode cokzbsoheightwelcome cotyouvbr4lep3 syouresh thisclosed calwildfires game0dzsvbz7 tests figyoureheightaeterrorism fadelyourker avenyoue snd skyscrapers loyoudgop coteq7sri57p freedoma reoriginal co8nhd9idajs cohavxobcsvyou cop1wmkxa9d8 ministeretweetqhivsxx org cofeatyouring7orfa52y benstracy coyouci8stqyoug1 coyousee scifi copqhyouthss3i yolandaph hodge harms cojs9ehorsepower88wq cd eep cotyou9cgood vitaebyoubs01 inclyousion evac syoucceed jsyounnews killsaeone cog03dkpoonp cofjdirect bradleybrad47 contentents cokbe91arcdw com2horsepowernoak8b athlete imposing nw syourfers ty tested missoyouri lately protectdenaliwolves coyouilpg8i1ev tyrant cobre2lgmn7c yoyourry growingyoupincoloradou coehomn68ojb greenway myoumbairiot9293 10news ryounaway filmiss coenrjh5qkve irisheightimesworld slam atlanti co5t69ev0xti co9ikhdyhvnc cop3g3bqbczyou byoummer hyouyovoetripolye memes newyear cox3rcchkago trek coe7ojhorsepowerdfg2 covckit6edev co5youkohk7sob covymno helsinkiu cosakorgdqyoul 1040prime panda yourged gail ori moshav contentrisis finger staretweetelexampleram coitbj6dkrzi syoudanuas 239 cofphfesemyj cote2yeryougsi cogei58vhbw6 banking histu oakridge anyoumber coezeisasm0c cohsee tooyou1c cotpyouyou3eatb3 coe3l1jqjh2you coldx9youkngsk nigheighte1fw0xhe covijfnhl630 oyouts aimlessly 5499 coqcyxwr2rdv cojrgj17oamt coj49xeyouj7postscripoint kirsten lretweet crossedqmkflw co7rakhorsepower3bwm messagerzgeryx sechoyourispointhat daretweet coqwpyouxpywelcome ranks sovthat fedporn harda motion cod02sbm0ojs co1h7zk6youyze stree coastheighttpt stonewall camped syourah co8l4rffzd0p godlike yelp jsdf coctijdpxabk myouncle kessler comxz7yx8ld1 width con00dvxexamplea2 conkaw9ezqgood canaget answers covts9cayibc'
word_cloud = WordCloud(max_font_size=100).generate(real)
nreal = kgp.get_word_freqs(tweet[tweet['target']==0], 'text')
nreal = ' '.join(nreal.index)
word_cloud = WordCloud(max_font_size=100).generate(nreal)

Classification with TFIDF and SVM

text = tweet['text']
y = tweet['target']
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer()
X = tfidf.fit_transform(text)
(7613, 23333)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0, stratify=y)
def run_SVM(clf, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test):, y_train)
  y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)

  print('Classification Report')
  print(classification_report(y_test, y_pred))
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
clf = LinearSVC()
run_SVM(clf, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test)
Classification Report
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.79      0.88      0.83       869
           1       0.82      0.69      0.75       654

    accuracy                           0.80      1523
   macro avg       0.80      0.79      0.79      1523
weighted avg       0.80      0.80      0.80      1523

Classification with Word2Vec and SVM

!python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
Collecting en_core_web_lg==2.2.5
  Downloading (827.9MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 827.9MB 54.4MB/s 
Requirement already satisfied: spacy>=2.2.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (2.2.4)
Requirement already satisfied: catalogue<1.1.0,>=0.0.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (1.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (49.6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: preshed<3.1.0,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (3.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: thinc==7.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (7.4.0)
Requirement already satisfied: srsly<1.1.0,>=1.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (1.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (2.23.0)
Requirement already satisfied: blis<0.5.0,>=0.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (0.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: murmurhash<1.1.0,>=0.28.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (1.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm<5.0.0,>=4.38.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (4.41.1)
Requirement already satisfied: wasabi<1.1.0,>=0.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (0.7.1)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.15.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (1.18.5)
Requirement already satisfied: cymem<2.1.0,>=2.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (2.0.3)
Requirement already satisfied: plac<1.2.0,>=0.9.6 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (1.1.3)
Requirement already satisfied: importlib-metadata>=0.20; python_version < "3.8" in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from catalogue<1.1.0,>=0.0.7->spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (1.7.0)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (1.24.3)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (2020.6.20)
Requirement already satisfied: chardet<4,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (3.0.4)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from requests<3.0.0,>=2.13.0->spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (2.10)
Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from importlib-metadata>=0.20; python_version < "3.8"->catalogue<1.1.0,>=0.0.7->spacy>=2.2.2->en_core_web_lg==2.2.5) (3.1.0)
Building wheels for collected packages: en-core-web-lg
  Building wheel for en-core-web-lg ( ... done
  Created wheel for en-core-web-lg: filename=en_core_web_lg-2.2.5-cp36-none-any.whl size=829180944 sha256=e57f78b5c7fc9ad0cc482ce2a7f9b49636ca448e6618ed9b520cef34d64c2e36
  Stored in directory: /tmp/pip-ephem-wheel-cache-_05ejxhr/wheels/2a/c1/a6/fc7a877b1efca9bc6a089d6f506f16d3868408f9ff89f8dbfc
Successfully built en-core-web-lg
Installing collected packages: en-core-web-lg
Successfully installed en-core-web-lg-2.2.5
✔ Download and installation successful
You can now load the model via spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')
import spacy
import en_core_web_lg
nlp = en_core_web_lg.load()
x = 'cat dog'
doc = nlp(x)
def get_vec(x):
  doc = nlp(x)
  vec = doc.vector
  return vec
tweet['vec'] = tweet['text'].apply(lambda x: get_vec(x))
id keyword location text target char_counts word_counts avg_wordlength stopwords_counts hashtag_counts mentions_counts digits_counts uppercase_counts vec
0 1 NaN NaN oyour deeds are the reason of this earetweethq... 1 57 13 4.384615 6 1 0 0 1 [-0.2098871, -0.007629695, -0.19607861, -0.163...
1 4 NaN NaN forest fire near la ronge sask canada 1 32 7 4.571429 0 0 0 1 0 [-0.014817425, -0.09212343, -0.10716944, -0.33...
2 5 NaN NaN all residents asked to shelter in place are be... 1 112 22 5.090909 9 0 0 1 0 [-0.00050089136, 0.023181401, -0.102390535, -0...
3 6 NaN NaN 130 people receive wildfires evasee yoyouation... 1 57 8 7.125000 1 1 0 1 0 [-0.14550035, 0.21902388, 0.07671245, -0.14768...
4 7 NaN NaN jyoust got sent this photo from ryouby alaska ... 1 72 16 4.500000 6 2 0 0 0 [-0.0026213732, -0.01916919, -0.063435, 0.0685...
X = tweet['vec'].to_numpy()
X = X.reshape(-1, 1)
(7613, 1)
X = np.concatenate(np.concatenate(X, axis=0), axis=0).reshape(-1, 300)
(7613, 300)
y = tweet['target']
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0, stratify=y)
clf = LinearSVC()
run_SVM(clf, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test)
Classification Report
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.78      0.85      0.82       869
           1       0.78      0.68      0.73       654

    accuracy                           0.78      1523
   macro avg       0.78      0.77      0.77      1523
weighted avg       0.78      0.78      0.78      1523

CPU times: user 2.79 s, sys: 25.8 ms, total: 2.81 s
Wall time: 2.81 s

Word Embeddings and Classification with Deep Learning

from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense,Flatten,Embedding,Dropout
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv1D, MaxPooling1D, GlobalMaxPooling1D 
0       oyour deeds are the reason of this earetweethq...
1                   forest fire near la ronge sask canada
2       all residents asked to shelter in place are be...
3       130 people receive wildfires evasee yoyouation...
4       jyoust got sent this photo from ryouby alaska ...
7608    two giant cranes holding a bridge collapostscr...
7609    aria ahoyourary thetawnice to haveat isst the ...
7610    m1 94 0104 yocoordinated universal time5km s o...
7611    poli se investigating afeatyouringer an ebike ...
7612    the latest more homes razed by noretweethern c...
Name: text, Length: 7613, dtype: object
token = Tokenizer()
vocab_size = len(token.word_index) + 1
{'heighttpt': 1, 'the': 2, 'a': 3, 'to': 4, 'in': 5, 'i': 6, 'of': 7, 'is': 8, 'and': 9, 'yoyou': 10, 'for': 11, 'on': 12, 'see': 13, 'my': 14, 'it': 15, 'not': 16, 'that': 17, 'with': 18, 'at': 19, 'by': 20, 'iss': 21, 'this': 22, 'have': 23, 'are': 24, 'from': 25, 'be': 26, 'was': 27, 'heighttpostscripointt': 28, 'so': 29, 'do': 30, 'get': 31, 'oyout': 32, 'like': 33, 'as': 34, 'am': 35, 'youp': 36, 'jyoust': 37, 'me': 38, 'byout': 39, 'yoyour': 40, 'will': 41, 'se': 42, 'over': 43, 'has': 44, 'all': 45, 'afeatyouringer': 46, 'no': 47, 'fire': 48, 'an': 49, 'love': 50, 'when': 51, 'new': 52, 'if': 53, 'he': 54, 'we': 55, 'they': 56, 'now': 57, 'via': 58, 'more': 59, 'aaboyout': 60, 'what': 61, 'intelligence': 62, 'or': 63, 'time': 64, 'people': 65, 'how': 66, 'one': 67, 'been': 68, 'there': 69, '2': 70, 'news': 71, 'back': 72, 'who': 73, 'poli': 74, 'good': 75, 'into': 76, 'real': 77, 'were': 78, 'video': 79, 'eyouropean': 80, 'can': 81, 'emergency': 82, 'thisaster': 83, 'learnedl': 84, 'life': 85, 'than': 86, 'off': 87, 'her': 88, 'woyould': 89, 'evasee': 90, 'some': 91, 'stoday': 92, 'you': 93, 'contentk': 94, 'his': 95, 'yous': 96, 'body': 97, 'minister': 98, 'byourning': 99, 'syoui': 100, 'ressee': 101, 'california': 102, 'crash': 103, 'know': 104, 'seeide': 105, '3': 106, 'storm': 107, 'them': 108, 'got': 109, 'today': 110, 'offi': 111, 'had': 112, 'why': 113, 'loyoud': 114, 'man': 115, 'retweet': 116, 'yoyoure': 117, 'pi': 118, 's': 119, 'byouildings': 120, 'day': 121, 'first': 122, 'itng': 123, 'seek': 124, 'world': 125, 'bomb': 126, 'did': 127, 'nyouclear': 128, 'oyour': 129, 'fires': 130, 'attack': 131, 'cannot': 132, 'seeal': 133, 'isd': 134, 'apagesli': 135, 'two': 136, 'yoyoutyoube': 137, 'go': 138, 'killed': 139, 'dead': 140, 'their': 141, 'nigheight': 142, 'train': 143, '1': 144, 'fyoull': 145, 'being': 146, 'car': 147, 'war': 148, 'accident': 149, 'may': 150, 'only': 151, 'familthat': 152, 'hiroshima': 153, 'sentral': 154, 'think': 155, 'hapagesli': 156, 'down': 157, 'layoughing': 158, 'times': 159, 'here': 160, '4': 161, 'many': 162, 'say': 163, 'servi': 164, 'watch': 165, 'last': 166, 'she': 167, 'dthat': 168, 'way': 169, 'work': 170, 'let': 171, 'coyould': 172, 'too': 173, 'years': 174, 'want': 175, 'its': 176, 'then': 177, 'make': 178, 'prime': 179, 'ass': 180, 'ses': 181, 'pani': 182, 'home': 183, 'collapostscripointe': 184, '5': 185, 'becayouse': 186, 'city': 187, 'even': 188, 'look': 189, 'help': 190, 'god': 191, 'need': 192, 'death': 193, 'wildfire': 194, 'does': 195, 'please': 196, 'best': 197, 'really': 198, 'agencyl': 199, 'army': 200, 'content': 201, 'mh370': 202, 'u': 203, 'another': 204, 'righeight': 205, 'mass': 206, 'year': 207, 'him': 208, 'take': 209, 'shoyould': 210, 'thoyoughse': 211, 'sees': 212, 'bombing': 213, 'forest': 214, 'hot': 215, 'school': 216, 'uo': 217, 'black': 218, 'never': 219, 'seeh': 220, 'myouch': 221, 'noretweethern': 222, 'fatal': 223, 'electrosee': 224, 'reddit': 225, 'ameri': 226, 'oh': 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encoded_text = token.texts_to_sequences(text)
[[129, 4714, 24, 2, 966, 7, 22, 291, 150, 1820, 4715, 96, 45], [214, 48, 261, 858, 7056, 7057, 1454], [45, 1821, 1455, 4, 2220, 5, 741, 24, 146, 7058, 134, 20, 111, 1822, 47, 476, 90, 300, 63, 2220, 5, 741, 1456, 24, 1161], [2974, 65, 4716, 1457, 90, 300, 1456, 5, 102], [37, 109, 1221, 22, 367, 25, 7059, 2221, 34, 309, 25, 1457, 7060, 76, 3, 216], [268, 2975, 452, 102, 1687, 889, 926, 5, 722, 7061, 604, 4, 1222, 430, 48, 4717, 1457], [262, 83, 927, 332, 1286, 890, 292, 7, 530, 80, 159, 5, 7062, 1106, 2504, 1688], [6, 35, 12, 263, 7, 2, 2012, 9, 6, 81, 13, 3, 48, 5, 2, 4718], [69, 8, 49, 82, 90, 300, 156, 1365, 57, 5, 2, 666, 928, 2, 530, 80, 64], [6, 35, 2505, 17, 2, 553, 8, 283, 4, 129, 409], [667, 65, 168, 134, 25, 2, 333, 531, 29, 692], [929, 693, 2976, 8, 252, 2977, 3662, 742, 3, 743, 6, 232, 5, 693, 2976, 61, 35, 6, 354, 30, 61, 35, 6, 354, 30, 7063, 292], [2978, 292, 2222, 7064, 2976, 1574, 63, 2013, 694, 6, 23, 825, 3663], [262, 5, 4719, 1006, 55, 1823, 4719], [284, 4, 216, 453, 12, 2506, 5, 4720, 147, 103, 410], [723, 36, 115], [6, 50, 4721], [368, 8, 1824], [14, 147, 8, 29, 859], [61, 3, 2223], [22, 8, 2507, 2979], [1162, 8, 605], [50, 7065], [61, 3, 2508, 121], [4722], [47, 169, 6, 132, 2014, 17, 253], [27, 5, 52, 431, 187, 166, 454], [50, 14, 229, 77, 2224, 695], [3664], [30, 10, 33, 4723], [2, 381], [432, 264, 7066, 2980, 2015, 696, 1, 7067], [55, 325, 967, 4, 1045, 2, 927, 1287, 116, 1, 7068], [1046, 7069, 410, 7070, 891, 310, 696, 5, 1223, 1, 7071], [1689, 32, 11, 59, 310, 38, 696], [12, 2016, 892, 189, 19, 2, 1163, 166, 142, 15, 27, 696, 1, 7072], [7073, 4724, 697, 56, 23, 2225, 29, 221, 3665, 411, 52, 4725, 39, 6, 2509, 56, 41, 310, 2, 7074, 696, 22, 1224], [4726, 111, 42, 5, 4727, 310, 696, 1, 7075], [7076, 7077, 1690, 334, 217, 136, 893, 310, 696, 2226, 1575, 217, 293, 7, 2, 554, 4728, 74, 42, 7078, 1, 7079], [696, 11, 10, 894, 606], [355, 301, 32, 1, 4729, 1, 4730, 1, 4731, 1, 4732, 16, 1458, 11, 170], [12, 2, 768, 117, 696, 9, 7080, 117, 140, 698], [112, 49, 1047, 64, 7081, 2, 4733, 293, 111, 42, 2, 7082, 724, 9, 696, 607, 4, 7083, 4734, 11, 1048, 477, 7, 96], [29, 7084, 11, 696, 7085], [6, 968, 4, 310, 769, 1164, 696, 18, 14, 7086, 39, 16, 14, 2227, 1, 7087], [6, 2228, 106, 1825, 5, 2, 166, 454, 10, 104, 40, 3666, 9, 1826, 18, 1, 7088], [66, 2, 797, 27, 412, 1007, 7, 1457, 696, 5, 102, 1008, 1, 7089, 7090], [666, 2, 1576, 7091, 4, 85, 699, 2, 530, 80, 159, 696], [355, 301, 32, 1, 4729, 1, 4730, 1, 4731, 1, 4732, 16, 1458, 11, 170], [122, 142, 18, 7092, 5, 15, 8, 1577, 1691, 502, 31, 635, 4, 15, 6, 23, 4, 3667, 108, 240, 1165, 798, 142, 11, 2, 302, 207, 19, 478], [2981, 21, 115, 725, 241, 4735, 183, 310, 696, 1, 7093], [115, 1366, 31, 2982, 174, 3668, 11, 1459, 696, 2510, 4, 285, 7094, 7095], [2226, 1575, 217, 293, 7, 2, 554, 4728, 74, 42, 7096, 7097, 3669, 44, 930, 1, 7098, 1, 7099], [74, 42, 860, 7100, 310, 218, 2017, 5, 726, 7101, 1, 7102], [3670, 7103, 7104, 5, 1692, 4736, 4737, 156, 744, 4, 13, 14, 7105, 9, 1367, 931, 7106, 7107, 1, 7108], [7109, 7110, 12, 4738, 891, 1368, 310, 15, 696, 269, 895, 7111, 111, 181, 7, 4738, 1009, 5, 30, 15, 7112, 1, 7113], [303, 696, 7114, 7115, 1166, 768, 63, 7116, 7117, 3671, 2983, 1, 7118], [310, 129, 2511, 696, 9, 240, 187, 27, 3, 2984, 9, 240, 4739, 27, 33, 3, 4740, 1107, 2, 7119, 203, 28, 7120], [56, 1163, 27, 696, 433, 5, 2985, 2986, 6, 35, 2987, 2988, 9, 1460, 4, 26, 3672, 18, 2229, 1167, 53, 6, 104, 14, 3673], [66, 2, 797, 27, 412, 1007, 7, 1457, 696, 5, 102, 1008, 1, 2018, 7121, 1010, 2019, 1, 7122], [7123, 5, 861, 4741, 1693, 20, 1225, 7, 2230, 7124, 696, 4741, 2512, 1578, 4, 2513, 7125], [7126, 2989, 80, 7127, 60, 3, 770, 4, 23, 1288, 89, 23, 310, 141, 7128, 696, 5, 2, 2990, 799, 1694, 1, 7129], [4742, 696, 7130, 1168, 7131, 2991, 3674, 21, 4743, 7132, 727, 1289, 28, 7133], [7134, 1827, 301, 130, 32, 160, 24, 587, 969, 102, 8, 3, 7135, 9, 22, 7136, 27, 1459, 14, 4744, 696, 7137], [745, 4742, 696, 1828, 7138, 1108, 7139, 1, 7140, 1226, 636], [7141, 896, 48, 19, 2980, 2015, 696, 1, 7142], [696, 61, 64, 195, 40, 970, 138, 335, 6, 270, 6, 30, 16, 104, 53, 6, 81, 178, 15, 604, 4, 170], [6, 132, 23, 637, 13, 1695, 6, 109, 5, 3, 971, 3675, 149, 3676, 14, 7143, 1049, 15, 8, 2992, 11, 38, 4, 23, 637, 254, 1369, 10, 24, 2, 2514], [149, 12, 7144, 800, 7145, 13, 555, 13, 1461, 7146, 3677, 86, 2515, 28, 7147], [149, 862, 1829, 413, 771, 5, 7148, 12, 4745, 2993, 241, 233, 226, 334, 4746, 7149, 555, 13, 1, 1462, 7150], [1, 7151, 112, 3, 7152, 149, 22, 368, 248, 129, 4747, 42, 13, 66, 3, 4748, 4749, 81, 190, 7153], [7154, 7155, 7156, 1463, 263, 1286, 7, 1290, 1830, 28, 7157, 28, 7158, 147, 149, 7159], [1109, 2516, 772, 588, 149, 5, 13, 7160, 12, 7161, 897, 261, 7162, 1291, 49, 7163, 772, 588, 196, 608, 1, 7164], [7165, 232, 149, 4750], [2517, 1831, 3678, 1696, 693, 4751, 4752, 772, 588, 149, 7166, 926, 19, 2994, 4753, 179, 98], [116, 7167, 21, 1464, 7168, 1292, 40, 1011, 7, 3, 147, 149, 1, 7169, 826], [20, 149, 56, 1832, 61, 27, 2995, 156, 1370, 28, 7170], [555, 13, 149, 9, 7171, 7172, 2518, 7173, 7174, 7175], [2517, 1831, 3678, 1696, 4, 326, 693, 4751, 4752, 772, 588, 149, 7176, 19, 2994, 4753, 179, 98], [2, 7177, 27, 16, 5, 2, 1169, 7, 2, 149, 73, 27, 2, 1465, 7, 2, 2996, 4754], [932, 55, 127, 16, 31, 183, 34, 859, 34, 55, 7178, 38, 113, 8, 7179, 69, 27, 49, 149, 9, 91, 303, 7180, 7181, 45, 43], [6, 27, 5, 3, 503, 147, 149, 22, 504, 1466, 6, 35, 827, 1579, 4, 31, 411, 382, 10, 191], [81, 742, 4, 13, 66, 4755, 7182, 4, 285, 8, 8, 51, 6, 773, 208, 6, 27, 5, 204, 149], [7183, 7184, 12, 7185, 4756, 1, 7186, 1697, 124, 160, 53, 2020, 68, 5, 3, 7187, 7188], [149, 5, 7189, 12, 96, 2519, 3679, 241, 4757, 7190, 555, 13, 1, 7191], [7192, 149, 1698, 168, 21, 5, 7193, 103, 18, 147, 17, 697, 7194, 3, 2520, 2521, 4758, 1, 7195], [11, 40, 933, 4759, 40, 933, 149, 1012, 7196, 668, 7197, 4760, 4761, 1227], [116, 7198, 122, 149, 5, 174, 3680, 1833, 7199, 7200, 25, 261, 2231, 7201, 4762, 76, 38, 269, 6, 27, 7202, 1110, 271, 7203], [149, 589, 1829, 413, 771, 5, 1699, 12, 116, 7204, 2993, 241, 7205, 897, 294, 9, 138, 555, 13, 72, 4, 7206, 3681, 7, 161, 3682, 555, 13], [149, 1012, 284, 4760, 4761, 1227], [15, 27, 49, 149, 1, 7207], [11, 40, 933, 4759, 40, 933, 149, 1012, 7208, 119, 7209, 554], [7210, 179, 98, 555, 13, 149, 47, 455, 19, 7211, 7212, 7213, 897, 1, 7214], [7215, 4763, 7216, 1834, 7217, 12, 88, 7218, 149, 1, 7219], [7220, 638, 2997, 149, 28, 7221], [340, 1831, 4764, 12, 2517, 693, 149, 413, 1170, 2, 205, 70, 2522, 19, 1835, 1696, 7222, 897, 2523, 1580, 7223, 63, 1580, 3683, 4, 1580, 1111, 34, 7224], [44, 49, 149, 2998, 40, 85, 55, 41, 190, 10, 7225, 2999, 17, 81, 1112, 62, 746, 801, 85, 477, 747, 9, 7226, 43, 123, 2524], [410, 69, 27, 3, 1700, 2520, 147, 149, 17, 156, 1013, 4, 7227, 110, 6, 41, 23, 59, 2232, 19, 185, 7228, 7229], [7230, 78, 10, 7231, 15, 63, 27, 15, 49, 149], [151, 112, 3, 147, 11, 16, 188, 3, 454, 9, 109, 5, 3, 265, 147, 149, 3684, 132, 265, 1014], [7232, 7233, 74, 42, 112, 3000, 168, 134, 5, 3, 434, 149, 56, 78, 16, 139, 20, 394, 28, 7234], [6, 92, 6, 84, 23, 16, 505, 2017, 3001, 7, 3002, 283, 3003, 4, 1293, 12, 2, 149, 1581, 9, 7235, 7236], [828, 94, 4765, 2525, 4766, 2526, 232, 9, 2, 304, 13, 10], [2, 115, 73, 81, 1014, 1836, 3004, 863, 2, 2233, 748, 7237, 8, 2, 115, 73, 41, 934, 4767, 7238], [2021, 2022, 6, 1228, 828, 94, 1, 7239, 2023, 1228, 1837, 2024, 2025, 13, 1838, 1226, 636, 1229, 6, 2026, 1, 7240], [69, 8, 47, 295, 2527, 19, 2528, 3685, 1230, 181, 7241, 1467, 7242], [2021, 2022, 6, 1228, 828, 94, 1, 4768, 2023, 1228, 1837, 2024, 2025, 13, 1838, 1226, 636, 1229, 6, 2026, 1, 4769], [2529, 7243, 73, 479, 5, 743, 3005, 7244], [828, 94, 4765, 266, 3006, 25, 395, 17, 8, 1294, 3, 2525, 4766, 12, 4770, 272, 7, 108, 65, 41, 381, 36, 252, 12, 11, 2526, 356], [2, 7245, 2, 2234, 826, 2, 59, 75, 3686, 2, 3687, 435, 456, 2027, 7246], [7247, 31, 43, 123, 7248, 7249, 669, 9, 1689, 186, 7, 2, 828, 94], [29, 6, 1171, 47, 67, 700, 1172, 242, 369, 828, 94, 4771], [828, 94, 27, 2, 272, 3688, 40, 1839, 197, 3689, 4772, 6, 23, 267, 68, 12, 7250, 6, 23, 68, 12, 590, 670], [828, 94, 28, 7251], [2021, 2022, 6, 1228, 828, 94, 1, 7252, 2023, 1228, 1837, 2024, 2025, 13, 1838, 1226, 636, 1229, 6, 2026, 1, 7253], [2021, 2022, 6, 1228, 828, 94, 1, 4768, 2023, 1228, 1837, 2024, 2025, 13, 1838, 1226, 636, 1229, 6, 2026, 1, 4769], [2021, 2022, 6, 1228, 828, 94, 1, 7254, 2023, 1228, 1837, 2024, 2025, 13, 1838, 1226, 636, 1229, 6, 2026, 1, 7255], [7256, 6, 35, 1050, 108, 9, 639, 19, 828, 94], [2021, 2022, 6, 1228, 828, 94, 1, 4773, 2023, 1228, 1837, 2024, 2025, 13, 1838, 1226, 636, 1229, 6, 2026, 1, 4774], [2021, 2022, 6, 1228, 828, 94, 1, 4773, 2023, 1228, 1837, 2024, 2025, 13, 1838, 1226, 636, 1229, 6, 2026, 1, 4774], [7257, 14, 7258, 7259, 185, 640, 774, 50, 10, 4775, 17, 172, 198, 4776, 40, 85, 66, 162, 30, 10, 671, 30, 7260, 1, 7261], [828, 94, 2028, 749, 9, 3007, 5, 2, 302, 75, 972, 1112, 62, 199, 556, 20, 1467, 7262, 7263, 7264, 1, 7265], [17, 1113, 51, 10, 31, 12, 3, 2029, 3689, 4772, 9, 2, 898, 1051, 10, 8, 37, 357, 341, 383, 7266, 828, 94], [828, 94, 3, 3690, 7267, 4777, 137, 1, 7268], [296, 532, 828, 94, 2028, 749, 9, 3007, 5, 2, 302, 75, 972, 1112, 62, 199, 802, 1, 7269], [1295, 10, 327, 2530, 7270, 21, 16, 186, 117, 609, 587, 935, 39, 186, 117, 609, 587, 205, 3691, 7271], [2, 151, 506, 17, 3008, 1296, 10, 9, 40, 1840, 8, 2, 41, 4, 967, 9, 2, 457, 728, 17, 15, 8, 700, 480, 3691, 750], [7272, 191, 17, 55, 23, 7273, 17, 2531, 15, 33, 15, 8, 57, 7274, 7275, 28, 7276, 7277], [2235, 17, 10, 24, 31, 43, 123, 4, 168, 8, 8, 2, 197, 169, 6, 104, 4, 1582, 2, 2532, 7, 1114, 10, 23, 587, 4, 1583, 217, 1827, 899], [1015, 134, 2533, 828, 94, 110, 14, 85, 41, 219, 26, 2, 701], [7278, 6, 50, 10, 7279], [828, 94, 28, 7280], [828, 94, 72, 4, 216, 1052, 124, 87, 27, 233, 6, 175, 4, 382, 271, 11, 672, 15, 480, 61, 3, 233, 142], [65, 73, 163, 15, 132, 26, 673, 210, 16, 7281, 211, 73, 24, 609, 15, 217, 2236, 7282, 4778], [2, 122, 115, 748, 2, 7283, 2, 743, 115, 748, 2, 3009, 4779, 7284, 8], [641, 192, 3, 7285, 433, 6, 751, 3692, 3693, 4780, 3010, 4781, 7286, 7287, 7288, 7289, 7290, 7291, 828, 94, 2534], [1016, 5, 1053, 1371, 1584, 533, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 1585, 396, 149, 1016, 558, 1, 7292, 71], [3011, 826, 4782, 5, 2, 3694, 7, 49, 533, 149, 1841, 2535, 8, 3, 1586, 7293, 7, 272, 4783, 3695, 1, 7294], [7295, 40, 3696, 3697, 7, 1701, 25, 49, 533, 149, 24, 144, 5, 7296], [1016, 5, 1053, 1371, 1584, 533, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 1585, 396, 149, 1016, 12, 4784, 1, 7297], [7298, 2237, 56, 24, 12, 49, 533, 149, 9, 56, 24, 354, 168, 8, 61, 3, 13, 7299, 21, 75, 775], [342, 50, 10, 1173, 7, 7300, 1587, 1702, 23, 168, 134, 5, 49, 533, 149, 66, 3012, 13, 7301, 1703, 253, 6, 481], [115, 610, 76, 533, 3013, 149, 1, 7302, 58, 137], [503, 149, 115, 168, 134, 5, 2238, 7, 533, 3014, 1, 7303], [3, 7304, 533, 149, 5, 245, 7305, 4785, 1842, 1468, 12, 2030, 2536, 234, 139, 1054, 752, 1843, 3, 305, 7, 4785, 611, 111, 154, 62, 199], [503, 149, 115, 168, 134, 5, 2238, 533, 3014, 7306, 1, 7307], [1016, 5, 1053, 1371, 1584, 533, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 1, 7308, 1585, 396, 149, 1016, 12, 7309], [1016, 5, 1053, 1371, 1584, 533, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 1585, 396, 149, 1016, 12, 1231, 1704, 1584, 864], [3015, 3016, 3017, 7310, 1705, 7311, 342, 50, 10, 1173, 73, 139, 5, 49, 7312, 149], [6, 776, 1221, 14, 4786, 7313, 12, 149, 382, 191, 11, 533, 1115], [254, 7314, 7315, 13, 17, 63, 56, 829, 26, 139, 5, 49, 533, 149, 5, 2, 142, 3, 147, 235, 1174, 212, 19, 15, 8, 197], [1016, 5, 1053, 1371, 1584, 533, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 1585, 396, 149, 1016, 12, 1, 7316, 2537], [22, 8, 7317, 7318, 2239, 115, 642, 533, 777, 7319, 2031, 149, 7320, 28, 7321], [503, 149, 115, 168, 134, 5, 2238, 7, 7322, 1, 7323], [503, 149, 115, 168, 134, 5, 2238, 7, 533, 3014, 1, 7324, 7325], [7326, 1587, 7327, 342, 50, 10, 140, 5, 533, 103, 7328, 47, 149], [1841, 168, 21, 5, 559, 103, 19, 147, 2538, 28, 7329, 58, 137, 103, 777, 533, 1841, 193, 149, 7330], [3011, 826, 4782, 5, 2, 3694, 7, 49, 533, 149, 1, 7331], [3018, 2032, 1016, 5, 1053, 1371, 1584, 533, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 1585, 396, 149, 2240, 1, 7332], [1016, 5, 1053, 1371, 1584, 533, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 1585, 396, 149, 1016, 12, 4784, 1, 7333], [503, 149, 115, 168, 134, 5, 2238, 7, 7334, 3014, 61, 2, 1372, 10, 2241, 457, 643, 40, 830, 217, 1, 7335], [612, 7336, 7337, 29, 729, 67, 7, 3, 295, 1373, 7, 482, 533, 670, 159, 730, 2, 149, 589, 3, 313, 1374, 414, 11, 88, 3019, 167, 8], [227, 14, 191, 503, 149, 115, 168, 134, 5, 2238, 7, 533, 1, 7338], [227, 14, 191, 6, 30, 16, 457, 643, 22, 1705, 7339, 149, 7340, 7341, 7342, 7343, 1, 7344], [1016, 5, 1053, 1371, 1584, 533, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 1585, 396, 149, 1016, 12, 1231, 1704, 1584, 864], [6, 112, 3, 533, 149], [14, 483, 328, 33, 15, 27, 5, 3, 147, 900, 533, 149, 2033], [7345, 1175, 6, 35, 19, 59, 7, 1011, 7, 252, 139, 20, 3, 1844, 86, 6, 35, 7, 1701, 5, 49, 533, 149], [533, 2539, 12, 358, 5, 7346, 803, 65, 168, 8, 5, 149, 28, 7347], [2, 669, 63, 2, 533, 149, 28, 3020, 7348], [172, 3, 2242, 311, 49, 533, 149, 2243, 2034, 134, 60, 608, 7, 2540, 3698, 5, 1375, 295, 4787, 7, 7349, 1, 7350, 7351], [1055, 702, 36, 437, 25, 14, 2244, 4788, 38, 4, 249, 43, 3021, 7352, 5, 2, 397, 4, 2, 1588, 7353], [1, 7354, 7355, 1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7356], [136, 396, 4789, 12, 1169, 7, 1297, 103, 1296, 136, 893, 9, 7357, 5, 1, 7358, 1, 7359, 7360], [1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 804, 1, 7361, 3699], [1706, 82, 164, 181, 2541, 7362, 52, 397, 1845, 1, 7363], [641, 4790, 7364, 205, 57, 69, 8, 68, 49, 1707, 164, 181, 19, 3, 4791, 37, 768, 7365, 397, 12, 1169], [1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7366], [397, 3022, 2035, 13, 3023, 772, 588, 1589, 42, 7, 1846, 3024, 3025, 560, 1, 7367], [52, 7368, 2542, 42, 41, 26, 1579, 4, 1708, 9, 384, 370, 7369, 1, 7370], [7371, 7372, 2536, 7373, 561, 7374, 7375, 15, 27, 4792, 901, 106, 2543, 49, 397, 9, 3, 973, 7376, 4793], [53, 6, 31, 371, 43, 20, 49, 397, 35, 6, 704, 7377, 7378], [71, 1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7379, 7380, 110, 6, 270, 57, 7381], [1, 7382, 7383, 1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7384], [7385, 1590, 11, 49, 397], [4794, 10, 507, 192, 3, 397, 4795, 17, 27, 75, 1, 7386], [397, 3022, 2035, 13, 3023, 772, 588, 1589, 42, 7, 1846, 3024, 3025, 560, 1, 7387], [936, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 508, 2245, 1, 7388], [7389, 7390, 7391, 24, 10, 507, 30, 10, 192, 1469, 133, 3026, 6, 81, 437, 49, 397, 53, 10, 192, 38, 4], [7392, 1847, 7393, 1376, 11, 296, 1233, 435, 456, 7394, 343, 1234, 7395, 1, 7396, 2246, 3027, 212, 397], [1, 2247, 7397, 1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7398], [1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7399], [397, 3022, 2035, 13, 3023, 772, 588, 1589, 42, 7, 1846, 3024, 3025, 560, 1, 7400], [397, 3022, 2035, 13, 3023, 772, 588, 1589, 42, 7, 1846, 3024, 3025, 560, 1, 7401], [7402, 7403, 355, 32, 723, 5, 14, 3028, 562, 54, 250, 17, 335, 6, 270, 166, 207, 15, 27, 49, 397, 5, 554, 4796, 1, 7404], [51, 10, 30, 16, 104, 306, 220, 169, 49, 397, 8, 283, 25], [804, 1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7405], [1, 7406, 1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7407], [113, 8, 69, 49, 397, 205, 768, 14, 170], [7408, 22, 591, 3700, 54, 8, 49, 397, 1, 7409, 7410], [156, 1365, 57, 7411, 2246, 397, 4797, 18, 3701, 674, 4798, 28, 7412], [1, 7413, 1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7414, 4799, 7415], [1, 7416, 1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7417], [1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7418, 7419, 80, 64, 1709], [1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7420, 1709], [723, 2, 74, 42, 63, 397, 1298, 5, 7421, 242, 97, 104], [1469, 7422, 7423, 2534, 6, 35, 2544, 55, 92, 6, 84, 132, 7424, 2, 7425, 133, 1377, 42, 928, 2, 866, 329, 668, 4800, 397, 1017], [1, 7426, 1232, 865, 139, 5, 1116, 396, 397, 703, 778, 103, 1, 7427], [65, 73, 967, 4, 7428, 269, 49, 397, 8, 2036, 6, 902, 10], [2, 1378, 255, 7429, 613, 7430, 8, 2, 7431, 253, 267, 54, 3702, 17, 644, 1235, 47, 3029], [56, 1591, 26, 613, 9, 45, 7, 141, 7432, 7433, 3030, 9, 3703, 3031, 177, 10, 1591, 7434, 241, 38], [3032, 37, 613, 17, 2037, 1848], [7435, 7436, 78, 613, 5, 141, 3033, 867, 80, 1592, 18, 4801, 13, 1710, 176, 49, 7437], [7438, 7439, 7440, 44, 613, 2222, 2, 504, 70, 3704, 188, 2038, 7441, 1299, 37, 132, 4802, 18, 7442], [613, 7443, 1, 7444], [26, 613, 11, 2545, 2546, 7445, 12, 3705, 7, 3, 12, 1849, 530, 80, 64, 7446, 7447, 1, 7448], [4, 4803, 56, 210, 45, 168, 8, 45, 7, 108, 831, 613, 4804, 4805], [7449, 23, 3, 75, 1711, 4806, 937, 6, 286, 16, 26, 69, 4, 31, 613, 18, 10], [1844, 2547, 1470, 1056, 4, 1176, 1850, 241, 95, 147, 8, 277, 20, 143, 1, 7450, 7451, 1, 7452, 58, 2548], [10, 563, 26, 613], [1844, 2547, 1470, 1056, 4, 1176, 1850, 241, 95, 147, 8, 277, 20, 143, 1, 7453, 1, 7454, 58, 2548], [3706, 40, 832, 27, 37, 7455, 613, 20, 3, 4807, 217, 4808, 28, 7456, 7457], [7458, 10, 89, 23, 68, 613, 29, 10, 829, 34, 307, 382, 7459, 7460], [67, 506, 11, 7461, 44, 7462, 1117, 41, 16, 26, 613, 39, 2, 753, 7, 534, 7463, 28, 7464], [7465, 6, 1171, 17, 8, 507, 11, 7466, 278, 2039, 1851, 272, 7, 129, 779, 252, 613], [336, 174, 278, 55, 613, 535, 65, 4809, 9, 2549, 2550, 17, 55, 23, 2, 3034, 4, 7467, 2, 385, 7, 1852], [121, 144, 7, 4810, 536, 75, 7468, 2, 1379, 6, 1712, 1057, 1593, 4, 31, 3, 1471, 903, 9, 613, 14, 7469, 455, 188, 59], [287, 2, 7470, 2, 7471, 3, 7472, 7, 2, 3035, 7473, 78, 613, 20, 2040, 1, 7474, 1, 7475, 7476], [4, 4803, 56, 210, 45, 168, 8, 45, 7, 108, 831, 613, 4804, 4805], [1018, 4, 31, 613, 11, 2, 7477, 304], [7478, 7479, 65, 613, 20, 166, 645, 279, 198, 7480, 614, 10, 89, 23, 1713, 17], [7481, 476, 7482, 904, 26, 613, 7483, 7484, 1380, 7485], [7486, 2248, 894, 6, 868, 7487, 4811, 1058, 5, 3707, 51, 3036, 479, 72, 4812, 34, 801, 265, 613, 2, 741, 7488, 4813], [111, 154, 62, 746, 4814, 32, 12, 2041, 7489, 7490, 2, 3708, 8, 15, 8, 252, 613, 5, 1059, 1472, 4815], [4816, 3709, 7491, 113, 10, 78, 45, 613, 39, 2, 670, 63, 5, 22, 869, 10, 2, 151, 3710, 7492, 9, 2549, 7493], [37, 1714, 613, 7494, 18, 1594, 7495, 61, 3, 64, 4, 26, 1595], [4816, 73, 177, 78, 613, 20, 2, 3711, 2249, 2, 415, 7, 2, 4817, 3692, 2250, 1057, 1593, 3712, 3, 52, 1168, 3037], [7496, 1853, 17, 8, 113, 2, 7497, 1596, 25, 7498, 166, 207, 27, 29, 233, 186, 3038, 94, 613, 3, 898, 2251], [1844, 2547, 1470, 1056, 4, 1176, 1850, 241, 95, 147, 8, 277, 20, 143, 1, 7499, 19, 7500, 1, 7501, 58, 2548], [613, 5, 7502, 1236, 1473, 200, 7503, 7504, 9, 95, 2252, 76, 2, 7505, 7506, 7507], [7508, 507, 6, 27, 16, 1714, 7509, 6, 150, 23, 356, 68, 5, 3, 330, 7510, 754, 7, 2, 7511, 7512, 6, 356, 613, 7513, 21], [3, 675, 3672, 156, 7514, 19, 7515, 805, 5, 7516, 18, 22, 7517, 67, 6, 109, 613, 3713, 25, 22, 304, 1, 7518], [7519, 7520, 4757, 613, 17, 903, 7521], [7522, 4818, 7523, 806, 8, 37, 3, 3714, 7, 95, 457, 728, 7, 1381, 870, 416, 7, 905, 7524, 7525, 4819], [1118, 807, 55, 210, 437, 1117, 9, 773, 108, 78, 937, 24, 2253, 44, 4820, 108, 157, 2, 615, 4, 870], [7526, 870, 7, 4821, 1, 7527], [93, 119, 329, 1060, 164, 181, 1854, 329, 214, 294, 2, 870, 7, 2, 1300, 615, 314, 1301, 1, 7528, 58, 359], [7529, 7530, 7, 870], [125, 870, 1019, 906, 3715, 1, 4822, 3039, 4823, 131, 4, 4824, 2254, 1, 7531], [7532, 7533, 106, 7534, 870, 1, 7535, 58, 137], [93, 119, 329, 1060, 164, 181, 1854, 329, 214, 294, 2, 870, 7, 2, 1300, 615, 314, 1301, 28, 7536, 58, 359], [93, 119, 329, 1060, 164, 181, 1854, 329, 214, 294, 2, 870, 7, 2, 1300, 615, 314, 1301, 28, 7537, 561, 7538, 58, 359], [7539, 81, 10, 196, 236, 142, 9, 1119, 22, 1376, 4, 398, 314, 2551, 5, 3716, 1, 7540], [93, 119, 329, 1060, 164, 181, 1854, 329, 214, 294, 2, 870, 7, 2, 1300, 615, 314, 1301, 1, 7541, 58, 359], [7542, 196, 355, 76, 1300, 615, 2551, 190, 294, 2, 870, 60, 4, 156, 1370, 288, 4825, 59, 236, 7543, 359, 2534, 382, 10], [24, 3717, 4826, 7544, 1, 7545, 1, 7546], [7547, 7548, 16, 4, 1855, 3, 907, 7549, 4, 2, 870, 7, 1117], [4827, 7550, 55, 192, 190, 2551, 41, 168, 4828, 116, 236, 142, 4829, 3, 908, 26, 3, 1474, 42, 11, 108, 3718, 28, 3719, 273, 3720], [6, 4830, 2, 2552, 7, 2, 7551, 1475, 7552, 7553, 3721, 4831, 906, 870], [93, 119, 329, 1060, 164, 181, 1854, 329, 214, 294, 2, 870, 7, 2, 1300, 615, 314, 1301, 28, 7554, 58, 359], [2, 870, 7, 1715, 2553, 8, 7555, 220, 8, 1476, 86, 1382, 676, 484, 196, 191, 2255, 38, 19, 478, 67, 59, 145, 121], [7556, 2554, 55, 192, 7557, 41, 168, 8, 196, 116, 236, 142, 1376, 209, 3, 908, 26, 3, 1474, 42, 11, 108, 3718, 28, 3719, 273, 3720], [7558, 55, 192, 190, 2551, 41, 168, 4828, 116, 236, 142, 4829, 3, 908, 26, 3, 1474, 42, 11, 108, 3718, 28, 3719, 273, 3720], [833, 7559, 236, 142, 22, 1376, 4, 398, 2, 4832, 7560, 3, 7561, 7562, 8, 5, 808, 1, 7563], [294, 2, 870, 7, 2, 1300, 615, 314, 2551, 1, 7564, 58, 359], [7565, 9, 54, 8, 2, 13, 3040, 7566, 5, 2, 7567, 6, 3041, 54, 27, 2042, 134, 76, 2, 1716, 5, 1717, 46, 2521, 168, 134, 287, 870], [93, 119, 329, 1060, 164, 181, 1854, 329, 214, 294, 2, 870, 7, 2, 1300, 615, 314, 1301, 28, 7568, 561, 7569, 58, 359], [196, 236, 142, 116, 4, 398, 7570, 1, 7571, 1, 7572], [607, 3663, 4833, 30, 1383, 96, 20, 1061, 2, 870, 616, 4834], [125, 870, 1019, 906, 3715, 1, 4822, 3039, 4823, 131, 4, 4824, 2254, 1, 7573, 273, 7574], [93, 119, 329, 1060, 164, 181, 1854, 329, 214, 294, 2, 870, 7, 2, 1300, 615, 314, 1301, 28, 7575, 58, 359], [93, 119, 329, 1060, 164, 181, 1854, 329, 214, 294, 2, 870, 7, 2, 1300, 615, 314, 1301, 1, 7576, 58, 359], [6, 35, 354, 677, 4835, 34, 417, 34, 6, 31, 69], [4836, 47, 7577, 127, 16, 386, 2, 418, 509, 7578, 1477, 503, 14, 974, 372, 14, 7579, 909], [41, 69, 26, 204, 7580, 7581, 1478, 418, 509], [116, 7582, 116, 7583, 7584, 165, 2256, 8, 2254, 418, 509, 57, 57, 7585, 11, 1020, 1177, 7586, 1597, 203], [418, 509, 196], [204, 456, 15, 8, 564, 975, 234, 19, 7587, 98, 1856, 485, 4754, 1857, 8, 418, 509, 1384, 1, 7588, 7589, 7590], [7591, 7592, 6, 257, 33, 38, 609, 3, 7593, 8, 67, 7, 2, 7594, 7, 2, 418, 509], [167, 8, 1385, 215, 1302, 12, 2, 976, 110, 723, 302, 1062, 4, 45, 2, 418, 509, 44, 1178, 271, 26, 1718], [39, 53, 15, 8, 2, 418, 509, 158, 32, 114, 4837, 3042], [6, 104, 15, 8, 3, 1598, 7, 7595, 39, 22, 8, 3, 236, 142, 7, 2, 418, 509, 6, 910, 15, 28, 7596], [1858, 8, 930, 8, 2, 418, 509, 1479, 7, 7597, 1858, 1599, 7598, 21], [2, 418, 509, 8, 1107, 96], [116, 7599, 2043, 142, 704, 413, 94, 1303, 2555, 418, 509, 3043, 70, 617, 59, 1303, 3722, 4838, 1, 7600, 7601], [9, 29, 15, 2257, 121, 67, 7, 2, 1719, 418, 509], [116, 129, 2258, 1859, 1471, 4839, 509, 4840, 5, 2, 2556, 2, 1860, 1304, 38, 4, 2, 263, 7, 49, 4841, 373, 1305, 9, 203], [7602, 1600, 7603, 5, 3, 1857, 8, 418, 509, 1386, 72, 4, 72, 537, 4, 537, 3723, 43, 2, 1, 7604], [116, 7605, 6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 7606, 2043, 142, 704, 413, 94, 1303, 2555, 418, 509, 3043, 70, 617, 59, 7607], [9, 17, 8, 186, 12, 14, 2557, 15, 8, 2, 3724, 3044, 315, 7, 2, 418, 509], [1179, 1861, 3, 2513, 17, 328, 33, 3, 1177, 315, 591, 201, 12, 2, 1009, 39, 6, 248, 2, 72, 9, 15, 8, 700, 60, 2, 4842, 7608, 133, 418, 509], [7609, 15, 8, 1710, 53, 2, 418, 509, 1063, 22, 454, 6, 104, 255, 6, 41, 26], [138, 189, 19, 7610, 4843, 205, 57, 15, 328, 33, 2, 3045, 7, 49, 4844, 418, 509, 258, 8], [14, 2510, 4, 285, 1064, 37, 1455, 38, 89, 10, 26, 1065, 53, 69, 27, 49, 418, 509, 160], [69, 8, 3, 107, 43, 4845, 5, 2, 239, 7611, 418, 509, 310, 367, 28, 7612, 58, 7613], [2043, 142, 704, 413, 94, 1303, 2555, 418, 509, 3043, 70, 617, 59, 1303, 3722, 4838, 1, 7614, 58, 137], [725, 316, 2, 537, 4846, 10, 24, 31, 43, 123, 4, 977, 1066, 50, 3, 331, 871, 18, 22, 537, 834, 7615, 1, 4847, 1, 7616], [116, 7617, 418, 509, 7618, 98, 3046, 220, 938, 64, 7619, 3725, 1720, 3717, 70, 121, 340, 1, 7620, 3726, 4, 7621, 1480, 7622, 1, 7623, 9, 29, 7624], [6, 104, 255, 4, 138, 51, 2, 1857, 21, 209, 43, 1, 7625, 7626], [2, 239, 25, 7627, 3047, 107, 8, 3, 1387, 5, 418, 509, 7628, 7629, 1, 7630], [2044, 4848, 2, 418, 509], [1471, 4839, 509, 4840, 5, 2, 2556, 2, 1860, 1304, 38, 4, 2, 263, 7, 49, 4841, 373, 1305, 9, 1, 7631], [3048, 7632, 131, 12, 3727, 39, 240, 64, 6, 13, 4849, 6, 35, 7633, 66, 7634, 2558, 9, 7635, 271, 8, 5, 2, 418, 509], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 7636, 2043, 142, 704, 413, 94, 1303, 2555, 418, 509, 3043, 70, 617, 59, 1303, 3722], [3049, 3050, 7637, 486, 30, 16, 646, 3051, 151, 859, 3052, 11, 966], [3049, 3050, 7638, 486, 30, 16, 646, 3051, 151, 859, 3052, 11, 966], [111, 154, 62, 199, 3728, 4850, 3729, 28, 4851, 3730, 4852, 4853, 486], [4854, 780, 50, 486], [197, 258, 8, 2020, 267, 868, 486, 1, 7639], [1120, 64, 30, 16, 702, 38, 36, 1862, 3731, 63, 486, 678], [485, 7640, 486, 254, 3732, 2259, 3733, 1717, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 7641, 1, 7642], [4855, 7643, 3734, 10, 671, 104, 66, 22, 253, 610, 125, 1180, 21, 63, 486], [116, 7644, 50, 4856, 3053, 4857, 3735, 4858, 4859, 4860, 4861, 1601, 418, 509, 486, 7645], [266, 354, 1602, 486, 34, 7646, 7647, 37, 109, 3, 4862, 12, 14, 122, 967], [7648, 1603, 4863, 6, 104, 69, 8, 3, 7649, 9, 476, 229, 77, 1306, 39, 6, 132, 190, 15, 6, 23, 1481, 208, 278, 486, 7650], [53, 6, 286, 23, 112, 3, 565, 4864, 4, 1121, 6, 286, 23, 4865, 15, 2, 7651, 7, 486, 3054, 3, 1237, 7, 245, 3055], [40, 483, 8, 7652, 12, 10, 4866, 72, 1388, 7653, 781, 2260, 4867, 2, 1112, 62, 199, 486, 413, 1, 7654], [3049, 3050, 7655, 7656, 486, 30, 16, 646, 3051, 151, 859, 3052, 11, 966], [116, 7657, 50, 4856, 3053, 4857, 3735, 4858, 4859, 4860, 4861, 1601, 418, 509, 486, 7658], [3049, 3050, 7659, 486, 30, 16, 646, 3051, 151, 859, 3052, 11, 966], [367, 3736, 29, 3737, 6, 127, 1604, 12, 2, 3, 3056, 7, 486, 1378, 7, 7660, 7661, 1, 7662], [486, 28, 7663], [7664, 697, 7665, 75, 1307, 4, 2, 647, 142, 31, 91, 7666, 3738, 618, 1863, 7667, 486], [7668, 486], [4868, 117, 204, 67, 11, 2, 779, 1716, 382, 2, 1721, 42, 1181, 9, 20, 2, 169, 6, 23, 16, 4869, 4870, 2045, 5, 7669], [3739, 2559, 639, 907, 360, 39, 8, 15, 173, 1605, 4, 1067, 7670, 7671], [2261, 3057, 4871, 1068, 41, 1722, 43, 45, 65, 12, 2, 1238, 46, 486, 1, 7672, 1, 7673], [1482, 835, 2262, 562, 7, 566, 7674, 258, 21, 2513, 168, 8, 931, 144, 70, 803, 4872, 486, 3058, 560, 4873, 1, 7675], [2263, 970, 91, 59, 60, 40, 7676, 7677, 7678, 249, 205, 36, 160, 12, 1606, 28, 7679], [7680, 14, 2510, 4, 285, 1064, 8, 4874, 2, 3034, 4, 908, 6, 35, 252, 2560, 11, 939, 418, 509, 486], [355, 32, 7681, 7682, 563, 23, 2264, 2265, 12, 3740, 7683, 7684, 2046, 7685, 4875, 1, 7686, 58, 560], [7687, 361, 7688, 614, 7, 10, 1864, 51, 6, 487, 17, 4792, 2029, 362, 486], [29, 2, 7689, 155, 2, 7690, 112, 671, 249, 4876, 174, 730, 255, 8, 486, 255, 8, 2, 7691, 255, 8, 7692, 7693], [1865, 66, 2561, 535, 3047, 254, 4877, 4878, 212, 486, 1, 7694], [486, 2266, 20, 1483, 7695], [7696, 53, 10, 23, 2, 64, 2519, 676, 2, 239, 1180, 21, 60, 3059, 4879, 11, 486, 8, 2267, 4880], [80, 7697, 110, 6, 84, 2047, 486], [782, 5, 2562, 940, 11, 1117, 13, 7698, 7699, 210, 7700, 417, 63, 168, 8, 20, 486, 28, 7701, 96, 1, 7702], [111, 154, 62, 199, 3728, 4850, 3729, 28, 4851, 3730, 4852, 4853, 486], [647, 8, 2, 121, 55, 678, 486, 7703], [7704, 195, 3741, 7705, 1122, 911, 7706, 21, 1239, 11, 40, 486, 7707], [340, 3060, 7708, 1112, 62, 199, 872, 538, 70, 44, 7709, 2, 1112, 62, 199, 486, 1484, 13, 184, 413, 1485, 7710, 1, 7711], [1594, 7712, 3061, 217, 3739, 2559, 639, 907, 360, 39, 8, 15, 173, 1605, 4, 1067, 3, 1, 7713, 3062, 212, 3061, 1123], [4868, 117, 12, 1606, 57, 205, 259, 2, 1866, 8, 16, 15, 1308, 255, 30, 10, 31, 2, 7714, 18, 306, 220, 10, 2563, 40, 7715], [111, 154, 62, 199, 3728, 7716, 28, 7717, 3730, 486, 7718, 417], [307, 673, 4801, 13, 1867, 697, 11, 7719, 647, 142, 486, 3742], [1723, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 3063, 648, 200, 1868, 1, 3064, 4881], [67, 1240, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 2268, 648, 200, 1724, 1, 2269, 7720], [185, 1850, 7, 368, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 7721, 648, 200, 4882, 1, 7722], [1607, 1723, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 3065, 648, 200, 1868, 1, 3066, 561, 3067], [1233, 1723, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 3065, 648, 200, 1868, 1, 3066, 561, 3067], [67, 1240, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 2268, 648, 200, 1724, 1, 2269, 7723], [1050, 17, 200, 7, 7724, 27, 2, 590, 122, 506, 17, 44, 2048, 7725, 38, 12, 109, 29, 692], [1608, 40, 705, 3057, 9, 1486, 40, 200, 4, 295, 2527, 7726, 678, 2270, 22, 317, 695, 3068, 7727, 1, 7728], [3743, 200, 7729, 2564, 4, 7730, 4883, 18, 755, 387, 731, 2, 3743, 200, 8, 3069, 3, 72, 4, 216, 7731, 1, 7732], [1389, 11, 1724, 1019, 3744, 5, 2, 2271, 1609, 7, 2, 4884, 7733, 1, 7734], [39, 53, 10, 1608, 49, 200, 7, 1069, 1309, 9, 141, 1869, 8, 3, 2049, 45, 1309, 41, 677, 33, 3, 2049], [438, 38, 3, 1487, 783, 1059, 337, 1, 7735, 1, 7736], [67, 1240, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 2268, 648, 200, 1724, 1, 2269, 7737], [7738, 3070, 7739, 7740, 200, 7741, 4885, 4886, 165, 1870, 978, 4887, 4888, 13, 145, 1871, 1, 7742, 1, 7743, 7744], [67, 1240, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 2268, 648, 200, 1724, 1, 2269, 7745], [295, 7746, 3745, 200, 1070, 912, 1872, 7747, 165, 7748, 1, 7749, 1, 7750], [116, 7751, 7752, 200, 7753, 1, 7754], [185, 1850, 7, 368, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 7755, 648, 200, 4882, 1, 7756, 304, 7757], [1723, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 3063, 648, 200, 1868, 1, 3064, 3746], [67, 1240, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 2268, 648, 200, 1724, 1, 2269, 7758], [10, 1725, 67, 7759, 4889, 2272, 4890, 3747, 7760, 4891, 4892], [67, 1240, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 7761, 648, 200, 1724, 1, 7762, 7763], [7764, 2050, 8, 226, 2051, 166, 289, 34, 54, 1873, 49, 200, 7, 7765, 3709, 9, 200, 4893, 439, 2, 200, 558, 4894, 1, 7766, 7767, 7768], [3748, 1610, 1182, 200, 1488, 280, 274, 873, 165, 148, 2565, 3059, 70, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 7769, 1, 7770], [1723, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 3063, 648, 200, 1868, 1, 3064, 7771], [567, 1723, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 3065, 648, 200, 1868, 1, 3066, 561, 3067], [1723, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 3063, 648, 200, 1868, 1, 3064, 7772], [510, 1723, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 3065, 648, 200, 1868, 1, 3066, 561, 3067], [1118, 135, 3071, 7773, 7774, 440, 3072, 2270, 7775, 34, 3073, 7, 2, 7776, 615, 7777, 979, 59, 60, 2, 7778, 1, 7779, 273, 7780], [1489, 61, 3, 458, 832, 31, 2, 200, 3074, 4, 190, 941, 2, 4895, 9, 1045, 72, 780, 4, 2, 974, 65], [3748, 1610, 1182, 200, 1488, 280, 274, 873, 165, 148, 2565, 3059, 70, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 7781, 1, 7782], [3748, 1610, 1182, 200, 1488, 280, 274, 873, 165, 148, 2565, 3059, 70, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 7783, 1, 7784], [67, 1240, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 2268, 648, 200, 1724, 1, 2269, 7785], [67, 1240, 8, 14, 118, 124, 11, 1, 7786, 648, 200, 1724, 1, 7787, 7788], [136, 2566, 1726, 419, 5, 2567, 7789, 679, 2, 1874, 704, 1390, 1, 3020, 7790, 11, 7791, 1, 7792], [7793, 2273, 21, 163, 56, 24, 1183, 3749, 4, 3750, 679, 1727, 33, 1391, 12, 3751, 1, 7794, 1, 7795, 4896], [1007, 7796, 3, 2564, 7797, 20, 780, 57, 4897, 2, 679, 131, 17, 1304, 2, 85, 7, 49, 1, 7798], [2052, 4898, 4, 2, 679, 1728], [204, 2568, 902, 1490, 7799, 1491, 141, 705, 358, 157, 61, 969, 8, 52, 1, 7800], [2985, 2986, 159, 679, 481, 1392, 4, 727, 130, 874, 5, 222, 1, 7801, 3752, 80, 159, 1, 7802], [2569, 1241, 181, 11, 2570, 679, 295, 1242, 2571, 2572, 212, 7, 2274, 2573, 5, 1117, 1, 7803], [2569, 1241, 181, 11, 2570, 679, 295, 1242, 2571, 2572, 212, 7, 2274, 2573, 5, 1117, 1, 7804], [2, 649, 7, 679], [1465, 7, 769, 2275, 1611, 805, 1310, 2276, 4, 679, 2277, 1, 7805, 2574, 28, 7806], [742, 61, 1, 7807, 1, 7808], [679, 481, 1392, 4, 727, 130, 874, 5, 222, 102, 1, 7809], [2575, 1070, 310, 11, 115, 419, 18, 679, 4899, 7810, 1, 7811], [46, 193, 7, 1492, 939, 5, 7812, 1117, 4900, 157, 12, 2566], [1492, 1290, 139, 836, 3753, 439, 679, 131, 1, 7813, 14, 7814, 13], [2278, 74, 42, 5, 2278, 1729, 11, 1288, 43, 2279, 679, 3075, 74, 42, 5, 2278, 1729, 11, 1288, 1, 7815, 4901], [4902, 252, 3754, 124, 5, 2, 3755, 974, 229, 77, 85], [2569, 1241, 181, 11, 2570, 679, 295, 1242, 2571, 2572, 212, 7, 2274, 2573, 5, 1117, 4849, 11, 4903, 7816, 9, 3, 1, 7817], [7818, 7819, 116, 3756, 679, 481, 1392, 4, 727, 130, 874, 5, 222, 102, 1, 7820], [2566, 3001, 7821, 19, 2, 1588, 255, 3, 1492, 342, 50, 10, 8, 146, 4904, 46, 679, 1, 7822, 58, 7823], [1465, 7, 769, 2275, 1611, 805, 1310, 2276, 4, 679, 2277, 1, 7824, 58, 4905, 4906, 2574], [7825, 1730, 1860, 63, 679], [2278, 74, 42, 5, 2278, 1729, 11, 1288, 43, 2279, 679, 3075, 74, 42, 5, 2278, 1729, 11, 1288, 1, 7826, 4901], [2569, 1241, 181, 11, 2570, 679, 295, 1242, 2571, 2572, 212, 7, 2274, 2573, 5, 1117, 1, 7827], [1465, 7, 769, 2275, 1611, 805, 1310, 2276, 4, 679, 2277, 1, 7828, 58, 4905, 4906, 2574, 28, 7829], [1465, 7, 769, 2275, 1611, 805, 1310, 2276, 4, 679, 2277, 1, 7830, 697, 2574, 28, 7831], [2569, 1241, 181, 11, 2570, 679, 295, 1242, 2571, 2572, 212, 7, 2274, 2573, 5, 1117, 1, 7832], [1465, 7, 769, 2275, 1611, 805, 1310, 2276, 4, 679, 2277, 1, 7833, 2574], [679, 481, 1392, 4, 727, 130, 874, 5, 222, 102, 1, 7834, 58, 3756], [2576, 3757, 973, 7835, 902, 1490, 9, 399, 705, 183, 18, 7836, 1, 7837, 3757], [679, 481, 1392, 4, 727, 130, 874, 5, 222, 102, 2985, 2986, 159, 1, 7838], [679, 481, 1392, 4, 727, 130, 874, 5, 222, 102, 1, 7839], [7840, 4907, 7841, 387, 7842, 6, 902, 459, 65, 2577], [745, 860, 4908, 29, 3076, 4909, 13, 1, 7843], [2280, 942, 1493, 2578, 860, 1184, 1, 7844], [7845, 37, 3, 3758, 7846, 11, 7847, 7, 3, 7848, 7849, 266, 16, 4910, 242, 64], [1494, 2578, 860, 1184, 5, 2281, 1, 7850], [679, 481, 1392, 4, 727, 130, 874, 5, 222, 102, 1, 7851], [290, 1071, 860, 4911, 695, 2, 2579, 1311, 219, 7852], [2580, 4912, 93, 12, 943, 124], [7853, 860, 356, 412, 3, 7854, 12, 7855, 554, 7856, 1, 7857], [3077, 14, 860, 19], [53, 10, 30, 16, 23, 756, 612, 42, 4, 163, 10, 81, 249, 1612, 18, 38], [3759, 7858, 79, 1124, 860, 4913, 4914, 7859, 3760, 3011, 7860, 3759, 1, 7861, 7862, 7863], [860, 1184, 11, 1459, 162, 130, 165, 4915, 476, 4916, 1, 7864, 7865, 7866, 7867, 7868], [79, 1495, 115, 4917, 226, 568, 891, 25, 565, 980, 981, 183, 99, 15, 860, 7869, 1, 7870, 1, 7871], [7872, 14, 1731, 124, 8, 4, 155, 60, 3078, 460], [7873, 209, 38, 4, 7874, 20, 860, 4908, 7875, 1, 7876, 4909, 13, 1, 7877], [73, 809, 301, 1, 7878], [12, 875, 7, 2053, 6, 37, 7879, 6, 42, 13, 7880, 754, 266, 2, 860, 606], [7881, 146, 2282, 11, 3, 837, 19, 3, 4918, 212, 3761, 680, 5, 7882, 7883, 7884, 982, 7885, 1, 7886], [6, 26, 12, 17, 7887, 253], [7888, 229, 77, 85, 1380, 7889, 7890, 3079, 20, 7891, 7892, 7893, 1725, 860, 1, 7894], [290, 1071, 860, 681, 14, 265, 180, 87], [2280, 942, 1493, 2578, 860, 1184, 7895, 1, 7896], [7897, 4911, 695, 266, 7898, 92, 6, 84, 1243, 26, 12, 2581], [290, 1071, 860, 6, 1171, 93, 81, 163, 17, 15, 8, 37, 91, 253, 6, 27, 1114, 60], [860, 3080, 52, 431, 187, 3759, 3760, 12, 48, 74, 42, 3081, 1, 7899], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 7900, 1, 7901, 875, 7, 2053, 66, 4, 934, 34, 2, 860], [2580, 4912, 7902, 723, 4919, 13, 1695], [309, 75, 400, 2014, 1496, 1014, 612, 42, 147, 3667, 45, 1021, 7903], [646, 6, 109, 1497, 2, 121, 46, 7904], [290, 1071, 860, 681, 14, 180, 87, 39, 77, 232, 10, 210, 138], [1465, 7, 769, 2275, 1611, 805, 1310, 2276, 4, 679, 2277, 3762, 4920, 7905, 3763, 4, 1072, 49, 860, 4, 4, 1, 7906], [4921, 534, 4, 294, 650, 8, 33, 7907, 49, 860, 4, 1383, 2, 48, 4922, 3764, 1, 7908], [374, 263, 99, 2, 1073, 441, 7, 49, 860, 3, 363, 229, 77, 85, 203, 1, 7909], [682, 7910, 2283, 7911, 21, 24, 259, 3765, 131, 7912, 7913, 28, 7914], [3766, 4, 7915, 11, 4923, 38, 4, 7916, 22, 7917, 2582, 1, 7918], [1, 7919, 2284, 1074, 131, 41, 944, 3767, 57, 2583, 3768, 3769], [410, 1185, 131, 7920, 42, 488, 1312], [4924, 4925, 198, 155, 537, 131, 4820, 3770, 1393, 4926, 21], [15, 4927, 38, 17, 69, 8, 52, 4928, 7, 128, 131, 1875, 33, 37, 3771, 17, 4929, 92, 6, 84, 1239, 11, 108], [4930, 1125, 100, 105, 213, 19, 401, 511, 17, 139, 19, 478, 532, 1, 7921, 7922, 1, 7923], [7924, 2, 7925, 4, 285, 1058, 538, 60, 17, 512, 8, 2, 2054, 17, 967, 4, 131, 15, 7926], [3082, 13, 131, 12, 1366, 20, 3083, 5, 2285, 1, 7927, 7928, 71], [7929, 3084, 1498, 3085, 7930, 7931, 168, 21, 5, 3086, 7, 537, 131, 1, 7932, 1876], [7933, 96, 2242, 131, 508, 7934, 1126, 5, 726, 7935, 7936, 2286, 28, 7937], [481, 5, 239, 1074, 131, 112, 3772, 133, 639, 1, 7938], [1126, 131, 74, 42, 488, 5, 1312, 70, 1732, 298, 7939, 1, 7940, 1, 7941, 7942], [410, 228, 111, 154, 62, 569, 1075, 3083, 420, 2, 345, 635, 5, 913, 131, 1, 7943], [7944, 611, 4, 3773, 369, 2524, 4, 3774, 131, 295, 1242, 5, 3087, 4931, 1, 7945, 7946], [52, 488, 25, 7947, 1, 7948, 52, 7949, 7950, 131, 7951, 3775, 7952, 5, 7953, 43, 1244], [706, 1877, 2584, 183, 7, 2280, 147, 131, 481, 1, 7954, 2585], [37, 112, 3, 537, 131, 186, 6, 614, 14, 1499, 7, 45, 64, 27, 140, 30, 16, 1313, 268, 1878, 8, 838], [6, 35, 16, 354, 1076, 8, 6, 35, 1385, 1018, 4, 131, 14, 2287, 207], [589, 1121, 892, 7, 3, 2586, 8, 3, 4932, 1186, 23, 4, 131, 9, 7955, 205, 7956, 47, 23, 4, 30, 17, 173, 10, 265, 3776], [4933, 131, 2288, 4933, 1367, 2289, 3080, 539, 343, 3088, 1, 7957, 1, 7958, 7959], [7960, 7961, 651, 590, 1500, 1314, 4, 7962, 131, 12, 7963, 1068, 806, 810, 3089, 246, 1, 7964, 7965, 7966], [74, 42, 7967, 5, 239, 96, 258, 8, 2290, 131, 27, 2291, 112, 3772, 133, 639, 1, 7968, 273, 7969], [7970, 607, 11, 2, 811, 537, 131], [481, 5, 239, 96, 2290, 131, 112, 3772, 133, 639, 1, 7971, 1, 7972, 7973], [732, 7974, 16, 1066, 242, 2292, 70, 2293, 56, 41, 1119, 18, 1726, 608, 11, 302, 131, 1119, 18, 4934, 7975, 21, 28, 7976], [1879, 3039, 3777, 388, 20, 7977, 161, 159, 419, 18, 2587, 383, 7, 2226, 2588, 981, 513, 112, 3090, 7978, 1, 7979], [4935, 704, 4936, 131, 12, 7980, 71, 876, 5, 3086, 3, 7981, 1245, 439, 211, 3778, 757, 4, 30, 141, 775], [2284, 1074, 131, 41, 944, 3767, 57, 2583, 3768, 3769, 1, 7982], [2, 1379, 17, 2, 243, 13, 1127, 78, 910, 313, 372, 9, 1394, 115, 346, 3, 562, 60, 2, 7983, 17, 536, 76, 2, 131], [7984, 16, 271, 81, 13, 707, 7985, 8, 7986, 17, 8, 45, 167, 81, 267, 7987, 7988, 49, 131, 591, 161, 3, 902, 540, 1077], [537, 1062, 4937, 61, 60, 7989, 309, 1, 7990], [3, 7991, 2534, 2531, 38, 15, 27, 277, 20, 3, 4938, 131, 1, 7992], [131, 12, 3727, 304, 12, 2526, 7993, 2589, 132, 742, 11, 4939], [7994, 2284, 1074, 131, 41, 944, 3767, 57, 2583, 3768, 3769, 1, 7995, 98, 4940], [3779, 1187, 131], [14, 591, 389, 38, 11, 14, 330, 7996], [1844, 298, 5, 7997, 34, 1126, 131, 1312, 74, 42, 488, 1494, 1126, 389, 3, 74, 42, 488, 6, 1, 7998, 7999], [4941, 612, 4942, 4943, 1858, 4944, 4945, 4946, 6, 1455, 66, 127, 54, 257, 389, 20, 1858, 8, 6, 1455, 53, 54, 27, 8000, 17, 8, 45], [8001, 6, 257, 389], [6, 35, 758, 29, 389, 28, 2590, 273, 8002], [863, 361, 218, 752, 127, 16, 178, 15, 17, 169, 459, 752, 127, 29, 113, 24, 218, 752, 252, 389, 28, 8003], [6, 1243, 457, 643, 3, 265, 8004, 2294, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 2295, 2591, 4, 26, 8005, 43, 3, 8006, 2294, 2251, 68, 389, 20, 708], [706, 703, 4947, 17, 389, 1880, 5, 2055, 37, 4948, 8007, 5, 4949], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8008, 304], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8009], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8010], [733, 2, 2296, 389, 20, 8, 27, 2592, 11, 3091, 3083, 8011, 9, 8012, 2, 914, 1, 8013], [8014, 389, 25, 4950, 985, 8015, 326, 8016, 14], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8017, 8018], [2582, 683, 17, 64, 1881, 124, 8019, 389, 3, 4951, 1056, 43, 889], [266, 758, 389, 1, 8020], [3780, 151, 4952, 95, 4953, 8021, 219, 840, 4954, 108, 63, 389, 141, 152, 21, 269, 45, 7, 108, 840, 2593, 3780, 8022], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8023, 10], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8024], [4941, 612, 4942, 4943, 1858, 4944, 4945, 4946, 113, 35, 6, 2, 945, 709, 4955, 66, 1858, 8, 389, 208, 30, 10, 710, 23, 47, 8025], [8026, 8027, 389, 11, 3092, 3781, 1395, 8028, 60, 8029, 12, 2, 652, 337, 1, 8030], [8031, 42, 8032, 8033, 167, 915, 4, 3093, 9, 1396, 8034, 176, 16, 33, 167, 8, 146, 389], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8035], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8036], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8037], [6, 389, 8038, 2013, 9, 6, 23, 4956, 3, 1381, 7, 8039, 369, 8040, 1, 2056, 8041, 8042, 4957, 8043], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8044], [8045, 4958, 8046, 6, 37, 487, 301, 619, 80, 159, 9, 6, 257, 198, 389], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8047], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8048], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8049], [783, 1501, 6, 487, 250, 96, 396, 559, 2594, 4, 4959, 1397, 5, 1023, 9, 389, 20, 2289, 944, 51, 2595, 200, 78, 2596, 442, 15], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8050], [8051, 460, 9, 61, 53, 55, 31, 389], [782, 5, 839, 389, 20, 1022, 19, 2, 983, 984, 46, 1188, 706, 891, 58, 1128, 1189, 1, 8052], [8053, 8054, 759, 2597, 66, 56, 1596, 1019, 554, 1315, 4960, 1, 8055, 8056], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 8057, 72, 3782, 3783, 759, 111, 154, 62, 199, 79], [307, 103, 157, 33, 49, 759], [1106, 759, 3070, 111, 154, 62, 199, 1106, 759, 8058, 8059, 8060, 978, 1069, 3094, 1, 8061, 4961, 3784, 4962], [70, 4963, 3785, 3786, 4964, 8062, 2985, 2986, 3787, 1398, 759, 3785, 8063, 4965, 3788, 1, 8064, 2057, 9, 8065], [6, 2058, 10, 2297, 104, 6, 1052, 124, 1502, 173, 28, 8066], [3, 313, 834, 1064, 6, 8067, 11, 2, 759, 1316, 645, 413, 6, 286, 135, 2059, 62, 986, 10, 3095, 15, 8068, 53, 10, 3041, 15, 32, 28, 8069], [1881, 124, 8070, 8071, 2598, 4966, 8072, 8073, 8074, 3789, 375, 1106, 759, 8075, 1, 8076, 1, 8077], [443, 154, 62, 3096, 3782, 3783, 4967, 3790, 2599, 13, 1246, 2600, 5, 4968, 443, 13, 79, 11, 759, 1, 8078], [620, 1503, 80, 64, 759, 3097, 9, 8079, 4969, 18, 1613, 7, 8080, 8081, 1, 8082, 8083, 1, 8084, 8085], [1111, 4963, 592, 247, 1019, 3664, 759, 8086, 8087, 8088, 5, 8089, 8090, 1, 8091], [1733, 36, 759, 8092, 1882, 906, 11, 2, 8093, 5, 734, 3098, 904, 34, 8094, 4970, 1504, 5, 3099], [2, 347, 7, 3100, 25, 3, 4971, 8, 34, 1399, 8095, 34, 2, 4972, 7, 49, 759, 8096], [6, 487, 136, 233, 8097, 3101, 672, 245, 443, 13, 166, 454, 355, 1734, 32, 160, 8098, 8099, 28, 8100, 13], [233, 4973, 8101, 8102, 8103, 3791, 8104, 1, 2018, 8105, 1, 8106], [443, 154, 62, 3096, 3782, 3783, 4967, 3790, 2599, 13, 1246, 2600, 5, 4968, 443, 13, 79, 11, 8107, 1, 8108], [1024, 2, 759, 46, 711, 14, 147, 11, 3, 454, 8, 33, 1024, 3, 2060], [369, 560, 4974, 116, 1, 8109, 4975, 759, 8110, 1883, 1884, 303, 196, 1025, 1119], [8111, 8112, 132, 249, 4, 760, 8113, 759, 1, 8114, 1, 8115], [1594, 4976, 8116, 8117, 1467, 3792, 1021, 3102, 759, 8118, 8119, 19, 2298, 798, 1, 8120, 8121, 79], [233, 67, 64, 760, 12, 45, 759, 443, 13, 9, 18, 3793, 31, 3, 8122, 8123, 1235, 3794, 1, 8124], [8125, 27, 8126, 20, 2, 759, 5, 3707, 897, 161, 4950, 8127, 1302, 166, 1224, 5, 8128, 1, 8129], [6, 23, 109, 59, 1693, 86, 10, 2299, 3795, 109, 3796, 1, 8130, 8131], [8132, 1735, 8133, 266, 160, 28, 8134], [10, 24, 2, 759, 67, 125, 484, 14, 178, 457, 3103, 269, 6, 35, 4977, 8135], [2, 480, 52, 8136, 11, 2, 759, 302, 207, 1, 8137], [61, 3, 1380, 165, 2, 3797, 7, 8138, 2300, 443, 13, 79, 11, 759, 28, 8139], [759, 187, 2229, 1, 8140, 8141, 946, 976], [4975, 759, 4978, 1717, 4978, 635, 185, 106, 1482, 1398, 566, 1111, 1398, 2035, 13, 161, 4979, 118, 4980, 303, 3798, 4981, 1, 8142, 1, 8143], [47, 8144, 5, 49, 759, 267, 1477, 2592], [987, 1614, 514, 7, 2, 4982, 2265, 144, 489, 3799, 4983, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 8145, 1, 8146], [2283, 148, 1247, 489, 8147, 371, 1487, 8148, 1505, 52, 3800, 4984, 236, 1129, 1, 8149, 1, 8150], [2601, 903, 3104, 489, 7, 2261, 1384, 4985, 4986, 1, 8151, 58, 8152], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 8153, 125, 7, 4987, 489, 4988, 1303, 2602, 3801, 1079, 8154], [1885, 372, 2603, 1019, 8155, 145, 8156, 8157, 489, 8158, 8159, 8160, 8161, 28, 8162], [1710, 6, 35, 1399, 2550, 7, 17, 489, 6, 801, 10, 5, 17, 677, 28, 8163], [15, 8, 72, 8164, 8165, 489, 7, 2, 8166, 178, 621, 10, 293, 12, 43, 9, 3105, 40, 1389, 11, 40, 1, 8167], [3802, 4989, 3106, 10, 175, 3, 489, 1856, 3, 148, 28, 8168], [8169, 4990, 8170, 1505, 8171, 11, 3, 233, 8172, 876, 2543, 3, 4991, 489, 11, 1886, 8173, 9, 2, 8174, 169], [218, 1026, 340, 3, 841, 489, 245, 812, 1248, 19, 987, 8175, 1291, 144, 1506, 80, 159, 1736, 8176, 1507, 18, 567, 399], [61, 198, 156, 1013, 5, 2, 988, 1191, 441, 2301, 3, 841, 489, 17, 3803, 3, 2604, 5, 4992, 8177, 8178, 1, 8179], [301, 46, 489, 8180, 24, 29, 265, 221], [13, 61, 156, 1508, 18, 47, 489, 7, 2, 413, 94, 4993, 827], [8181, 73, 2995, 31, 5, 22, 4994, 489, 18, 38], [30, 40, 705, 506, 2, 489, 7, 2605, 1019, 2302, 4995, 1, 8182], [355, 32, 22, 4996, 6, 37, 109, 8183, 13, 8184, 1, 8185, 3804], [3, 1192, 2061, 8186, 8187, 5, 2, 489, 7, 2, 8188, 4997, 3107, 5, 4998, 1, 8189], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 8190, 3108, 1019, 1737, 4999, 489], [8191, 8192, 774, 50, 10, 489], [8193, 13, 6, 23, 249, 4, 2, 8194, 17, 6, 37, 30, 16, 23, 2, 2062, 8195, 11, 206, 489, 1080, 722, 3109, 9, 989], [8196, 3110, 4, 13, 73, 41, 934, 22, 489], [489, 7, 2, 1499, 7, 45, 159, 28, 8197, 273, 8198], [987, 1614, 514, 7, 2, 4982, 2265, 144, 489, 3799, 4983, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 8199, 1, 8200], [218, 1026, 340, 3, 841, 489, 245, 812, 1248, 19, 987, 1887, 1291, 70, 1506, 80, 159, 1736, 8201, 1507, 18, 684, 399], [8202, 3111, 411, 1249, 34, 8203, 1826, 58, 8204, 31, 3, 5000, 8205, 8206, 1, 8207], [66, 127, 6, 343, 17, 5001, 8208, 1888, 3725, 8209, 8, 12, 95, 2063, 13, 1021, 8210, 287, 2, 5002, 8211, 8212], [71, 541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8213], [541, 47, 622, 41, 813, 570, 1027, 1, 8214, 58, 1400], [905, 110, 541, 41, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1615, 46, 1, 8215, 3752, 80, 159, 1, 8216], [541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8217, 58, 1400], [2606, 8218, 541, 2064, 2303, 1401, 5, 734, 570, 1615, 1, 8219], [541, 41, 47, 622, 813, 570, 1615, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8220], [8221, 2607, 541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8222], [71, 541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 163, 61, 8223, 47, 1, 8224, 2065], [541, 4, 294, 3805, 570, 1027, 46, 735, 990, 541, 44, 1712, 3805, 2304, 1193, 1, 8225, 8226], [541, 47, 622, 41, 900, 1401, 5, 734, 570, 1615, 1, 8227, 58, 8228], [3806, 570, 735, 2608, 1168, 3112, 440, 3807, 195, 16, 178, 2, 13, 1130, 11, 1616, 3808, 1, 8229, 1400], [541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8230, 58, 1400], [358, 2019, 8231, 5003, 8232, 4, 1617, 8233, 1738, 7, 2609, 8234, 7, 570, 3809, 200, 784, 4, 947, 990, 8235], [541, 16, 3113, 4, 813, 1193, 3114, 7, 1401, 5, 734, 570, 1615, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8236], [125, 541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8237], [541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8238, 71, 483, 135, 3115, 5004], [116, 8239, 5005, 541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 1193, 3114, 7, 570, 1615, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 203], [3116, 22, 172, 26, 1250, 11, 91, 8240, 541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 8241, 3810, 1, 8242, 58, 1400], [125, 541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8243], [541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8244], [541, 47, 622, 41, 900, 1401, 5, 734, 570, 1615, 541, 5006, 8245, 8246, 41, 47, 622, 3811, 8247, 1, 8248], [541, 47, 622, 41, 900, 1401, 5, 734, 570, 1615, 3117, 680, 3812, 588, 1, 8249], [382, 10, 541, 11, 47, 622, 2303, 232, 254, 8250, 11, 2, 1181, 7, 8251, 8252], [745, 19, 8253, 5, 8254, 7, 52, 431, 187, 570, 5007, 260, 9, 305, 8255, 8256, 5008, 1, 8257], [541, 47, 622, 41, 813, 570, 1027, 1, 8258, 58, 1400], [3813, 8259, 5009, 541, 2064, 2303, 1401, 5, 734, 570, 1615, 1, 8260, 273, 8261], [1400, 12, 1391, 3806, 570, 735, 2608, 1168, 3112, 440, 3807, 195, 16, 178, 2, 13, 1130, 11, 5010, 1, 8262], [2610, 2286, 1, 8263, 541, 47, 622, 3113, 4, 813, 1193, 3114, 7, 1401, 5, 734, 8264, 1, 8265], [541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8266, 58, 1400], [541, 2064, 2303, 1401, 5, 734, 570, 1615, 1, 8267, 8268], [541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8269], [541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8270, 8271], [541, 47, 622, 2303, 570, 1027, 8272, 3814, 1, 8273], [541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8274], [1400, 12, 1391, 3806, 570, 735, 2608, 1168, 3112, 440, 3807, 195, 16, 178, 2, 13, 1130, 11, 5010, 1, 8275], [541, 47, 622, 4, 813, 570, 1027, 5, 702, 7, 784, 4, 947, 735, 990, 1, 8276, 58, 1400], [8277, 1176, 3118, 1826, 541, 2064, 3805, 2304, 3114, 1193, 5011, 21, 8278, 20, 991, 1, 8279], [4, 677, 842, 1739], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 8280, 8281, 1618, 6, 5012, 11, 842, 3119, 274, 268, 1878, 3815, 18, 8282], [784, 4, 947, 842, 2609, 4, 2305, 32, 5013, 1059, 337, 7, 735, 1176, 9, 5014, 5015, 1889, 3816, 1, 8283], [8284, 5, 2, 735, 2063, 13, 8285, 5016, 5, 2, 677, 439, 5017, 8286, 9, 842, 203, 1, 8287, 8288], [8289, 53, 3817, 3818, 70, 209, 3120, 1509, 2611, 2612, 3819, 178, 88, 189, 2066, 3820, 88, 3121, 3821, 3822, 2067, 92, 6, 84, 8290], [8291, 195, 17, 233, 534, 760, 1402, 842, 10, 109, 13, 1130, 87, 2033, 7, 108, 421, 36, 2, 75, 170], [3, 5018, 7, 136, 8292, 97, 5019, 1, 8293, 3823, 8294, 842], [842, 799, 13, 668, 8295, 8296, 5020, 212, 8297, 8298, 5021, 515, 593, 71, 3122, 1, 2590, 273, 8299], [8300, 7, 8301, 8302, 5016, 7, 8303, 18, 476, 8304, 8305, 2039, 109, 15, 1849], [5, 1076, 21, 55, 1017, 2513, 948, 62, 1403, 843, 9, 842, 3099, 8306, 8307, 4940, 1, 8308, 1, 8309], [558, 8310, 8311, 2613, 2044, 5022, 5, 8312, 542, 2068, 8313, 1115, 2526, 52, 431, 187, 8, 60, 4, 5023, 2614, 2614, 862, 7, 842], [8314, 8315, 761, 6, 89, 155, 16, 39, 278, 3824, 8316, 15, 8, 68, 2530, 5024, 16, 4, 155, 7, 842, 3698, 754, 8317], [8318, 2069, 4, 5025, 8319, 5, 82, 1740, 1890, 539, 343, 5026, 3, 842, 83, 1, 8320, 8321], [8322, 8323, 8324, 7, 3, 907, 226, 568, 8325, 949, 3, 1180, 21, 12, 45, 2, 2280, 842, 1193, 31, 43, 123, 12, 8326], [4, 677, 842, 1739], [2609, 44, 3, 844, 605, 1741, 7, 45, 842, 3810, 106], [611, 1016, 1891, 60, 480, 842, 1294, 1742, 8327, 1177, 3123, 24, 1891, 17, 2, 1, 8328], [195, 22, 1239, 96, 8329, 8330, 340, 5027, 594, 62, 199, 5014, 2524, 5028, 842, 5017, 1194, 1, 8331], [8332, 242, 801, 8333, 161, 2611, 2612, 988, 571, 20, 2066, 96, 8334, 70, 3124, 8335, 8336, 20, 8337], [336, 1743, 336, 91, 155, 5029, 7, 14, 145, 3715, 8, 2992, 6, 30, 16, 1577, 33, 1469, 133, 8338, 21, 842, 3125], [4, 677, 842, 1739], [66, 60, 3, 802, 3825, 2, 1404, 7, 5030, 21, 5031, 21, 1870, 8339, 842, 9, 8340, 5032, 8341, 8342], [8343, 8344, 8345, 604, 70, 40, 1874, 8346, 543, 62, 8347, 8348, 8349, 35, 167, 2251, 3126, 2067, 93, 296, 8350, 204, 5, 14, 183, 762], [8351, 53, 3817, 3818, 70, 209, 3120, 1509, 2611, 2612, 3819, 178, 88, 189, 2066, 3820, 88, 3121, 3821, 3822, 2067, 92, 6, 84, 5033], [4, 677, 842, 1739], [8352, 53, 3817, 3818, 70, 209, 3120, 1509, 2611, 2612, 3819, 178, 88, 189, 2066, 3820, 88, 3121, 3821, 3822, 2067, 92, 6, 84, 5033], [8353, 1053, 8354, 842, 12, 268, 8355, 8356, 8357, 70, 8358, 3121, 1307, 2615, 70, 2070, 390, 8359, 161, 8360, 8361, 3826], [2, 1744, 151, 2600, 128, 2616, 61, 24, 56, 609, 60, 842, 534, 44, 1619, 19, 478, 3127, 476, 8362], [2, 1405, 784, 4, 947, 2609, 1, 8363, 58, 5034], [842, 2273, 21, 8364, 75, 8365, 1510, 1195, 7, 5035, 2617, 13, 8366, 1406, 1407, 1, 8367, 58, 8368], [8369, 837, 8370, 93], [6, 23, 68, 20, 2, 1620, 45, 121, 8371], [30, 10, 104, 641, 992, 4, 845, 4, 8372, 63, 1119, 22, 8373, 1, 8374], [85, 8, 8375, 701, 64, 176, 901, 644, 1131, 5036, 516, 837, 38, 902, 15, 186, 6, 375, 15, 45, 15, 1304, 27, 3827, 904, 9, 91, 4995], [837, 8, 14, 1892, 1, 8376], [8377, 761, 6, 50, 15], [13, 3, 8378, 2306, 7, 67, 7, 129, 8379, 12, 8380, 5037, 554, 5038, 980, 63, 3128, 20, 8381, 8, 8382, 1, 8383], [5039, 708, 111, 42, 250, 151, 48, 12, 3129, 205, 57, 8, 2, 8384, 837], [1028, 8385, 8386, 8387, 8388, 431, 8389, 8390, 111, 154, 62, 8391, 342, 50, 10, 3130, 8392, 8393, 1, 8394, 8395], [50, 1408, 12, 14, 705, 6, 81, 837, 698, 14, 5040, 63, 12, 2, 8396], [8397, 8398, 277, 38, 36, 9, 307, 837], [6, 837, 3828, 400, 2, 2618, 348, 1081, 8399, 8400], [14, 1251, 8, 733, 7, 2619, 19, 2, 1113, 192, 4, 31, 3, 8401, 241, 2, 1317, 748, 160], [1012, 2620, 25, 102, 194, 916, 1292, 34, 5041, 837, 5042, 1, 8402], [410, 1196, 2621, 837, 19, 942, 8403, 8404, 666, 1, 8405], [644, 1131, 50, 3829], [8406, 30, 16, 26, 33, 17, 5043, 106, 1511, 23, 3, 903, 7, 675, 18, 38, 19, 8407], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 8408, 1, 8409, 2043, 8410, 558, 837, 5044, 905, 5045, 877, 8411, 8412], [61, 5046, 30, 837, 2307, 770, 4, 1252, 730, 769, 1164, 74, 42, 3830, 1007, 7, 218, 226, 1132, 19, 8413, 5047, 1, 8414], [1735, 6, 109, 3831, 9, 6, 35, 16, 188, 3, 2299, 5048], [2622, 3131, 127, 837, 461, 2, 2071, 21, 20, 141, 8415, 507, 605, 8416, 5049], [118, 13, 7, 38, 9, 837, 5, 3, 2072, 51, 55, 78, 637, 6, 189, 33, 3, 8417, 8418, 14, 327, 33, 17, 1, 8419, 8420], [328, 33, 3, 207, 7, 2073, 9, 950, 8, 1195, 1, 8421], [620, 3132, 5050, 37, 3133, 10, 104], [8422, 80, 8423, 6, 35, 993, 8424, 5, 40, 871, 10, 30, 16, 837], [8425, 810, 6, 104, 39, 837, 978, 951, 23, 3, 512, 158, 32, 114, 6, 5051, 22, 3, 670, 2308, 730, 1, 8426], [402, 543, 62, 5052, 71, 52, 1460, 2309, 3832, 124, 4, 190, 8427, 2, 13, 5053, 1197, 315, 1, 8428], [8429, 5054, 32, 837, 2, 5055, 3833, 5, 2, 8430], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 8431, 2043, 1378, 70, 837, 3834, 8432], [1012, 2620, 25, 102, 194, 916, 1292, 34, 5041, 837, 5042, 2, 5056, 1, 8433], [8434, 16, 5, 2, 3835, 651, 127, 10, 13, 2, 52, 8435, 1471, 5, 837, 1, 8436], [8437, 8438, 1381, 619, 80, 64, 2310, 10, 24, 29, 620, 698, 9, 32, 837, 12], [2, 8439, 8, 283, 6, 2623, 55, 31, 43, 8440, 5, 205, 57, 1, 8441, 142], [8442, 8443, 8444, 3134, 8445, 2624, 38, 10, 9, 3135, 1178, 17, 166, 207, 9, 267, 278, 65, 837, 15, 5, 2, 72], [106, 8446, 144, 8447, 11, 1893, 5, 2536, 2625, 981, 1, 8448, 79, 1, 8449, 561, 8450], [761, 6, 30, 23, 70, 1894], [3, 5057, 195, 641, 8451, 229, 77, 85, 5058, 5059, 1409], [28, 8452, 8453, 163, 3723, 20, 8454, 1318, 3836, 8455, 119, 8456, 8, 3, 3837, 8457], [5060, 653, 5061, 1478, 1198, 1, 8458, 8459], [77, 5062, 976, 653, 2, 197, 5062, 1, 8460, 745, 3838], [5063, 249, 11, 2, 653, 215, 279, 682, 11, 2, 8461, 651, 204, 5064, 187, 8462], [249, 9, 1383, 96, 8463, 567, 234, 19, 8464, 2, 5065, 4, 2, 8465, 134, 125, 7, 3839, 1, 8466], [2311, 1319, 296, 5066, 119, 3840, 3841, 1500, 5067, 5068, 5069, 653, 343, 373, 2626, 145, 248, 203, 1, 8467, 1, 8468], [2311, 1319, 296, 5066, 119, 3840, 3841, 1500, 5067, 5068, 5069, 653, 343, 373, 2626, 145, 248, 203, 1, 8469, 1, 8470], [22, 2627, 109, 38, 1114, 811, 6, 23, 68, 653, 11, 29, 811, 565], [8471, 8472, 54, 8, 653, 316, 22, 304, 18, 2, 197, 8473, 3842, 651, 685, 3136, 2, 8474, 5070], [1374, 8475, 1019, 8476, 106, 8477, 653, 3843, 846, 8478, 1, 8479], [1082, 12, 40, 8480, 8481, 8, 232, 12, 40, 8482, 1, 8483, 5071, 340, 5072, 1745, 8484, 431, 187, 8485, 653, 45, 40, 1886], [8486, 6, 23, 3, 3844, 8487, 8488], [6, 35, 2, 151, 349, 5073, 160, 171, 952, 138, 5, 1894, 8489], [653, 1603, 8490, 8491, 8492, 16, 198, 1865, 6, 23, 249, 4, 1320, 17, 25, 228], [8493, 4, 8494, 311, 88, 2628, 5074, 24, 653, 215, 33, 2, 279, 5075, 5], [8495, 7, 8496, 244, 8497, 1253, 5, 8498, 875, 25, 5076, 8499, 12, 8500, 185, 5077, 118, 5078, 1, 8501], [227, 14, 537, 5079, 9, 14, 5080, 8, 653, 316, 2, 2074, 4889, 2629, 8502], [227, 14, 8503, 8504, 929, 50, 22], [1500, 8505, 1106, 8, 3, 2630, 1621, 5081, 3845, 3846, 8506, 63, 8507, 45, 10, 8508, 21, 24, 8509, 15, 935], [113, 91, 555, 13, 8, 3847, 1321, 9, 91, 653, 215, 217, 9, 66, 4, 333, 36, 91, 7, 40, 555, 13, 1, 8510], [6, 35, 901, 1133, 4, 371, 5, 3848, 2631, 8511, 333, 259, 2, 653, 1322, 5, 3, 741, 255, 6, 35, 8512, 28, 8513], [6, 35, 653, 1746, 9, 69, 8, 685, 10, 81, 30, 4, 294, 38], [92, 6, 84, 653], [8514, 800, 607, 6, 3849, 3137, 240, 64, 6, 31, 5, 18, 22, 653, 1322, 8515, 157, 12, 38], [3850, 8516, 32, 8517, 47, 54, 27, 653, 15], [111, 154, 62, 8518, 40, 825, 11, 712, 375, 38, 3, 52, 648, 7, 861, 3138, 901, 3842, 1512, 2312, 421, 653, 1199, 375, 50, 9, 2313], [171, 38, 26, 40, 215, 653, 1747, 8519, 8520, 8521, 1, 8522], [8523, 113, 382, 10, 69, 8524, 614, 15, 8525, 2, 653, 215, 5082, 8526], [8527, 1748, 133, 403, 7, 653], [2, 653, 8528, 8529, 30, 16, 3851, 38, 8530, 623, 3852, 1, 8531], [2311, 1319, 296, 8532, 422, 8533, 3840, 3841, 8534, 653, 343, 8535, 2075, 5083, 33, 145, 736, 1, 8536, 1, 8537, 8538], [653, 215, 5084, 369, 8539, 11, 1513, 803, 770, 4, 1252, 5084, 8, 1254, 32, 8540, 12, 8541, 8542, 160, 8, 2, 8543, 1, 8544, 8545], [8546, 8547, 6, 175, 3, 145, 12, 1622, 8548, 2076, 1894, 653, 994, 2632, 3005, 8549, 57, 17, 41, 26, 1504, 2, 742], [1083, 8550, 13, 9, 355, 32, 95, 277, 1165, 798, 8551, 115, 176, 653], [6, 92, 6, 84, 30, 16, 104, 66, 566, 676, 7, 1749, 133, 2616, 5, 2, 653, 1322, 8, 16, 3, 1870], [1895, 29, 8552, 3, 517, 8553, 8554, 8555, 1, 8556], [3853, 3, 769, 3139, 3140, 8557, 19, 14, 3141, 3142, 9, 57, 15, 8, 517], [10, 172, 8558, 14, 5085, 9, 6, 286, 8559, 11, 517, 12, 10], [1623, 8560, 22, 3854, 81, 178, 10, 294, 517, 4809, 1, 8561, 3716, 8562, 1, 8563], [57, 14, 2633, 8, 517, 2, 166, 67, 27, 33, 535, 174, 730], [6, 23, 68, 517, 76, 22, 8564, 45, 121, 39, 29, 692, 45, 6, 23, 2634, 8, 3, 3855, 7, 8565], [8566, 6, 132, 190, 15, 289, 117, 507, 1410, 38, 53, 10, 192, 4, 970, 3143, 8567, 40, 169, 2526, 47, 517, 4, 193, 2635], [10, 81, 3144, 38, 5, 2, 72, 39, 6, 2623, 1511, 26, 2, 67, 517], [135, 1896, 53, 117, 517, 65, 189, 19, 10, 1691, 158, 32, 114, 307, 15, 8, 1750, 421, 1323], [3145, 8568, 177, 8569, 14, 830, 18, 14, 1897, 57, 14, 830, 24, 517, 1514], [8570, 3146, 505, 60, 17, 16, 283, 32, 335, 6, 270, 8571, 9, 8572, 3856, 8, 517], [8573, 127, 17, 189, 1619, 63, 517], [6, 277, 14, 3147, 57, 14, 3857, 8, 517], [1191, 8574, 34, 565, 34, 6, 13, 8575, 517, 6, 35, 75], [421, 1114, 60, 15, 335, 6, 270, 6, 3858, 12, 3, 1619, 75, 1515, 3148, 5086, 8576, 9, 6, 30, 16, 257, 2, 995, 356, 15, 8, 517, 253], [14, 3859, 24, 517, 28, 8577], [6, 8578, 70, 185, 676, 4, 31, 3, 4951, 14, 1624, 80, 64, 24, 517], [15, 8, 16, 3, 13, 390, 3149, 1070, 110, 6, 270, 8579, 2633, 1625, 517], [5087, 8580, 293, 36, 33, 1735, 2633, 517], [6, 23, 68, 517, 5, 40, 3150, 6, 257, 3151, 5, 40, 2636], [8581, 6, 2077, 87, 3152, 72, 9, 277, 14, 293, 12, 5088, 6, 27, 517, 9, 253], [8582, 761, 6, 35, 3, 517, 537, 5089], [8583, 8, 671, 67, 7, 14, 3860, 3108, 2637, 9, 45, 6, 104, 8, 54, 8584, 3, 485, 5090, 29, 2, 331, 710, 132, 773, 53, 54, 8, 517], [8585, 6, 8586, 41, 51, 15, 2064, 517], [8587, 55, 104, 73, 93, 24, 117, 3, 517, 537, 3861, 118, 4980, 5091], [8588, 154, 62, 8589, 1047, 6, 487, 54, 27, 517, 844, 331], [8590, 517, 12, 2, 1751, 30, 16, 104, 2, 311], [1411, 13, 66, 75, 10, 24, 19, 402, 3862, 51, 117, 517, 32, 1735, 327], [8591, 8592, 8593, 517, 314, 460, 949, 411, 2, 2078, 269, 2638, 5, 170, 19, 2, 805], [8594, 8595, 10, 78, 517, 14, 8596, 1052, 1084, 5, 167, 328, 484, 9, 8597, 2, 72, 7, 88, 293], [14, 3859, 24, 517, 6, 902, 8598], [14, 3153, 1178, 517, 361], [8599, 8600, 8601, 487, 17, 5092, 12, 783, 421, 5079, 188, 517], [3, 8602, 1324, 35, 6, 1050, 22, 14, 830, 24, 517], [56, 163, 331, 460, 156, 1370, 11, 3, 8603, 47, 8604, 712, 354, 294, 5093, 517], [8605, 5094, 1735, 3863, 544, 36, 29, 811, 859], [8606, 138, 189, 37, 544, 15, 36, 800, 243, 13, 126], [6, 544, 36, 8607, 8608, 311, 167, 8, 13, 390, 9, 167, 8, 49, 2639, 5095], [8609, 6, 13, 17, 901, 66, 22, 785, 544, 36], [14, 2640, 37, 544, 36, 135, 1896, 6, 27, 5096, 12, 6, 35, 3864, 433, 66, 605, 8, 17, 50, 88], [6, 286, 92, 6, 84, 26, 876, 8610, 188, 53, 167, 544, 36, 2, 953, 2314, 1311, 20, 91, 8611, 8612], [8613, 8614, 8615, 683, 51, 93, 78, 36, 33, 326, 9, 544, 15, 5, 67, 304, 93, 8616, 30, 16, 186, 15, 27, 241, 2, 3787, 1743, 2, 13, 2315], [6, 902, 65, 73, 619, 80, 64, 8617, 39, 104, 176, 8618, 56, 1752, 209, 15, 157, 754, 15, 544, 8619, 5097, 117, 17, 8620], [6, 155, 6, 37, 544, 36, 8621, 3154, 1694, 138, 355, 88, 32, 167, 8, 29, 8622, 4, 38, 50, 88], [8623, 31, 43, 123, 8624, 1199, 27, 8625, 36, 18, 38, 1304, 2, 701, 1835, 2641, 4, 2, 892, 9, 1134, 38, 54, 544, 95, 2516, 158, 32, 5098, 8626], [2, 2079, 829, 16, 700, 3124, 1177, 3123, 163, 1, 8627, 2, 1322, 544, 36, 9, 2, 1238, 1704], [2080, 544, 3155, 36, 1167, 2316, 8628], [440, 124, 9, 8629, 56, 544, 36, 1, 8630], [8631, 3865, 37, 544, 36, 2, 2516, 536, 36, 5, 247, 54, 109, 32, 507], [37, 2642, 14, 1199, 8632, 27, 12, 17, 61, 24, 211, 169, 241, 15, 544, 36, 2, 8633, 304, 8634, 8635], [22, 142, 37, 544, 36, 8636], [6, 544, 36, 3866, 11, 47, 966], [3744, 5099, 536, 307, 335, 6, 270, 8637, 544, 36, 2, 3799, 941, 900, 227, 307, 92, 6, 84, 675, 132, 294, 8, 302, 1028, 8638], [8639, 64, 3012, 1175, 254, 3867, 8640, 1516, 22, 36, 5, 866, 8641, 1594, 271, 544, 88, 87, 9, 910, 3868, 167, 27, 827, 205], [5100, 2643, 80, 3869, 38, 14, 3154, 1694, 544, 36], [91, 898, 8642, 19, 38, 5, 2, 3028, 562, 15, 127, 16, 190, 17, 2, 423, 544, 14, 3870, 36, 252, 5, 2, 147], [544, 36, 211, 2317], [2, 1517, 64, 395, 544, 36, 14, 483, 727, 159, 56, 89, 26, 413, 771, 457, 643, 15, 5100], [8643, 33, 840, 544, 36], [8644, 79, 544, 36, 1753], [8645, 1849, 169, 4, 189, 75, 46, 2, 2318, 440, 42, 5101, 17, 544, 36], [681, 14, 180, 87, 17, 624, 2644, 898, 544, 36, 12, 512, 20, 1626, 60, 66, 1874, 704, 54, 27, 34, 3, 1898], [186, 10, 1899, 3871, 6, 544, 36, 2, 8646, 2645, 2, 5102, 8647, 7, 8648, 8649, 8650], [127, 641, 969, 13, 17, 8651, 1255, 4, 1238, 189, 33, 3, 559, 544, 36], [8652, 127, 2, 701, 506, 4, 374, 2646, 9, 54, 92, 6, 84, 544, 36], [3872, 37, 544, 36, 512], [1622, 673, 544, 14, 253, 36], [8653, 8654, 5103, 16, 3, 811, 8655, 1015, 134, 4, 13, 66, 162, 1697, 1085, 6, 172, 31, 241, 6, 544, 36, 17, 8, 66, 6, 1302], [8656, 8657, 40, 3, 233, 3873, 33, 3, 973, 7, 8658, 1386, 2, 786], [8659, 2081, 700, 3, 3156, 32, 69, 17, 2, 5104, 8660, 2, 151, 966, 11, 2, 8661, 5105, 2, 1412, 25, 2], [34, 3, 3874, 648, 6, 257, 937, 11, 125, 8662, 212, 8663, 8, 3, 786, 5106, 8664, 2647, 3, 562, 7, 1135, 814, 41, 26, 3875], [8665, 786], [974, 2082], [8666, 5107, 6, 1318, 39, 6, 1832, 1627, 26, 31, 43, 123, 4, 2, 1256, 1900, 361, 186, 56, 276, 786, 5, 485, 8667, 15, 35, 16, 43, 651], [31, 3, 3157, 7, 22, 3876, 1754, 5108, 3, 786, 12, 402, 1901, 1187, 1, 8668], [52, 488, 8669, 515, 5109, 5110, 11, 786, 2083, 423, 3834, 1, 8670], [3130, 3158, 5111, 3158, 677, 786, 2, 358, 302, 1388, 1, 8671], [2648, 8672, 29, 8673, 968, 4, 13, 17, 1136, 12, 786, 93, 109], [8674, 8675, 3036, 8676, 8677, 786, 8678, 3135, 5112, 8679, 9, 3, 670, 895, 6, 41, 1496, 3, 3159, 18, 108, 8680], [8681, 1052, 1085, 87, 8682, 3160, 2233, 5, 3877, 435, 3161, 1, 8683, 1, 8684], [187, 1501, 4, 190, 1082, 786, 76, 8685, 2, 2576, 2649, 8686, 8687, 1, 8688, 71, 1, 8689], [8690, 761, 6, 175, 4, 26, 2, 52, 786, 1869], [1902, 12, 2, 8691, 954, 144, 8692, 786, 12, 8693, 6, 8694, 8695, 8696, 6, 8697, 3878, 1, 8698], [1, 8699, 3130, 3158, 5111, 3158, 677, 786, 2, 358, 302, 1388, 1, 8700], [53, 10, 24, 31, 43, 123, 4, 3879, 643, 8701, 5, 374, 460, 10, 5113, 2, 8702, 5, 313, 3880, 951, 104, 2, 3162], [8703, 2319, 621, 2, 8704, 21, 41, 26, 1595, 18, 2, 786], [8705, 786, 382, 10, 11, 1061, 38], [135, 8706, 8707, 786, 8708, 1, 8709], [53, 10, 8710, 4, 786, 40, 147, 138, 205, 1195, 863, 15, 8, 16, 1397], [2650, 8711, 11, 542, 8, 32, 1, 8712, 1413, 21, 58, 8713, 8714, 8715], [33, 6, 3881, 2, 1168, 307, 8716, 8, 2, 244, 2261, 5, 3, 8717, 6, 155, 2081, 354, 26, 204, 786], [8718, 61, 8, 1292, 1903, 232, 12, 2, 135, 904], [8719, 122, 87, 15, 8, 2, 8720, 34, 47, 67, 1172, 4, 608, 15, 9, 2, 1755, 219, 1455, 11, 22, 786, 12, 2, 1060, 8721], [189, 11, 14, 74, 654, 3880, 3882, 424, 12, 8722, 9, 13, 8723, 430, 786, 9, 8724, 3163, 3164, 417, 28, 8725], [5114, 9, 461, 2, 8726, 69, 9, 17, 45, 17, 2, 5104, 127, 27, 4, 1257, 2, 3883, 9, 171, 2, 786, 31, 484, 25, 15], [5114, 69, 8, 3, 3156, 17, 809, 169, 173, 221, 1237, 17, 346, 17, 2, 5105, 150, 26, 2, 2651, 3845, 7, 2, 786], [2, 1492, 3165, 518, 8, 3, 786, 12, 1852, 210, 1904, 240, 706, 11, 1408, 18, 15, 28, 8727], [1079, 588, 20, 254, 1369, 8728, 19, 1414, 159, 8729, 540, 1368, 8730, 2, 2084, 4, 5115, 3884, 787, 7, 1, 8731], [290, 8732, 8733, 8734, 151, 786, 290, 1086, 8735], [3885, 786, 8736, 10, 13, 8737], [61, 53, 240, 684, 2320, 5, 8738, 751, 1075, 10, 3, 594, 62, 199, 2321, 72, 89, 26, 605, 11, 2, 565, 8739, 1, 8740], [1518, 760, 742, 63, 1325, 1, 8741], [52, 3166, 5116, 12, 1, 8742, 1590, 173, 565, 20, 1128, 815, 1, 8743], [815, 3886, 1066, 38, 369, 1200, 8744], [8745, 8746, 37, 808, 3, 815, 996, 177, 461, 40, 8747, 5, 15, 163, 56, 23, 10, 903, 8748, 3706, 369, 6, 42, 2322], [815, 7, 8749, 340, 179, 98, 8750, 8751, 1086, 1, 8752, 70, 676, 7, 268, 94, 4, 178, 40, 8753, 121, 1513, 1, 8754], [6, 198, 1172, 3, 8755, 815, 39, 932, 250, 47, 29, 6, 1171, 47, 3887, 433], [5117, 8756, 8757, 1326, 5117, 6, 457, 643, 69, 41, 26, 5118, 12, 137, 46, 2, 8758, 39, 69, 8, 685, 33, 1050, 15, 232], [3666, 1, 8759], [619, 80, 8760, 8, 3, 5119, 8761, 540, 1604, 12, 8762, 37, 209, 3, 189, 19, 141, 619, 80, 159], [815, 1087, 8763, 171, 952, 31, 2, 8764, 3665, 143, 3167, 91, 59, 3168, 847, 69, 24, 16, 242, 3888], [815, 8765, 8766], [2652, 2323, 8767, 8, 8768, 815, 8], [14, 254, 13, 9, 5120, 24, 16, 1122, 67, 743], [3889, 3169, 5118, 1, 2324, 8769], [2085, 4, 2561, 535, 57, 6, 31, 22, 2535, 1, 8770], [52, 8771, 2086, 8772, 911, 2087, 5121, 144, 1, 8773], [8774, 16, 198, 17, 1905, 1170, 815, 8775, 141, 244, 8776, 72, 18, 5122, 9, 1258, 8777, 96, 5123, 29, 2653, 1519, 361], [2, 197, 506, 19, 3887, 8, 2, 3094, 3890, 815], [8778, 8779, 5, 3, 815, 8780, 72, 1, 8781], [815, 3886, 3170, 6, 192, 22], [8782, 8783, 8784, 196, 815, 55, 50, 10], [3, 815, 89, 26, 2088, 348, 1081, 5059], [815, 3886, 3170, 356, 38, 196, 6, 89, 590, 221, 33, 3, 1137], [3891, 72, 8785, 8786, 507, 507, 838, 3892, 1245, 205, 1906, 4, 31, 22, 815, 1415], [3170, 941, 749, 8787], [122, 64, 989, 5124, 12, 2325, 2326, 1, 8788], [6, 50, 2, 3094, 3890, 815], [8789, 37, 931, 8790, 14, 2259], [6, 198, 516, 8791, 4, 285, 8, 8792, 815], [6, 437, 15, 3, 313, 1374, 7, 40, 815], [595, 71, 8793, 815, 5125, 8794, 1520, 122, 2314, 1, 8795], [2646, 381, 1299, 8796, 815, 1019, 788, 8797, 1, 8798], [61, 8, 2, 350, 1138, 3893, 10, 23, 5, 5124, 1, 8799], [395, 1259, 18, 38, 4, 3887, 6, 516, 5126, 815, 29, 331], [17, 503, 1113, 51, 93, 1257, 36, 2, 5127, 9, 15, 328, 33, 3, 8800, 815, 13, 1695, 93, 589, 3, 834, 1064, 7, 2654, 5, 40, 3171, 1756, 1878], [3170, 1907, 168, 21], [1705, 370], [1327, 728, 8801, 1757, 1192, 370, 17, 1758, 8, 1328, 6, 35, 13, 1130, 57, 929], [87, 2, 1329, 8802, 9, 779, 370, 12, 2, 1229, 1908, 28, 8803, 8804], [1330, 14, 8805, 16, 2568, 22, 917, 370, 9, 45, 1759, 15, 2089, 242, 2086, 66, 4, 2655, 15, 190, 38, 844, 196], [161, 185, 32, 7, 185, 2090, 20, 8806, 1059, 8807, 11, 2601, 370, 8808, 20, 4958, 8809, 1, 8810, 8811, 1760, 1, 8812], [370, 540, 3, 5128, 8, 1909, 543, 62, 986, 10, 1910, 18, 8813, 13, 8814, 346, 1410, 802, 204, 5129, 8815, 5, 14, 97], [3, 317, 695, 8, 33, 370, 56, 24, 16, 8816, 96, 325, 39, 56, 249, 32, 51, 55, 24, 318], [55, 1328, 31, 15, 31, 15, 5, 370], [65, 18, 3, 5130, 32, 69, 24, 93, 2635, 4, 3894, 370, 9, 4716, 370, 34, 307, 63, 16], [609, 8817, 4, 14, 5131, 9, 227, 894, 22, 370, 809, 38, 624, 1911], [8818, 1179, 113, 951, 10, 2591, 38, 17, 938, 17, 16, 205, 55, 189, 2, 701, 701, 830, 701, 370, 701, 2259, 3733, 1628, 14, 293], [8819, 8820, 2035, 13, 370, 1761, 5132, 1331, 9, 1029, 3172, 13, 8821, 1, 8822, 1, 8823], [14, 370, 1761, 8, 316, 2, 2074, 6, 30, 16, 192, 45, 22, 2614, 253], [8824, 370, 810, 10, 24, 8825, 315], [132, 457, 643, 59, 65, 5, 141, 3895, 5133, 30, 16, 23, 373, 370, 1761, 85, 8, 3896, 8826], [710, 6, 23, 49, 5, 14, 8827, 73, 8, 16, 700, 1762, 4, 38, 20, 370], [1907, 459, 65, 1325, 2, 1874, 8828, 1058, 2091, 9, 56, 108, 1201, 8829, 47, 370, 31, 43, 123, 4, 69, 1624, 80, 64], [204, 121, 204, 3173, 8830, 5134, 1629, 65, 370, 2533, 5, 5134, 8, 8831], [8832, 156, 744, 1478, 1192, 370], [53, 15, 27, 16, 11, 2, 370], [47, 1385, 5, 15, 17, 8833, 3078, 370, 47, 3148, 8834], [35, 16, 47, 5135, 5, 14, 370], [110, 27, 713, 3, 8835, 25, 252, 2656, 3897, 370, 572, 32, 3802, 725, 4, 1630, 5136, 8836], [115, 1912, 1416, 294, 8837, 1199, 173, 3898, 1308, 370], [255, 41, 2, 1260, 209, 14, 8838, 370, 22, 64, 1, 8839], [8840, 8841, 1468, 993, 752], [3087, 5137, 8842, 370, 268, 8843, 2657], [8844, 8845, 8, 8846, 14, 370, 8847, 8848, 724, 8849, 8850, 1, 8851], [8852, 1028, 248, 3, 369, 8853, 7, 14, 52, 802, 8854, 18, 2658, 15, 8, 145, 7, 289, 1, 8855], [784, 4, 8856, 1521, 5, 2, 370], [8857, 14, 2659, 5138, 2660, 8858, 8859, 1021, 121, 3899, 370, 9, 3900], [8860, 2661, 3174, 370, 7, 141, 5139, 9, 3175, 9, 2, 596, 27, 8861, 5140, 8862, 190, 294, 2, 3176, 7, 3901], [42, 8863, 3, 8864, 1689, 338], [15, 8865, 3, 590, 374, 3144, 39, 15, 27, 3, 1256, 3144, 9, 2081, 33, 370, 8866], [2052, 301, 5141, 4, 40, 2327, 3145, 4775, 196, 30, 2, 1193, 12, 66, 4, 209, 18, 40, 8867, 28, 8868], [4722, 73, 2, 341, 806, 127, 17, 28, 8869], [8870, 341, 3153, 834, 8871, 24, 325, 675], [1834, 8872, 8, 29, 341, 1834, 5142], [6, 3177, 4, 934, 2, 953, 310, 7, 8873, 3142, 8874, 58, 26, 8875, 138, 3178, 26, 72, 8876, 3902, 1, 8877], [8878, 833, 8879, 937, 23, 10, 8880, 38, 68, 8881, 341, 170, 8882, 8883, 8884], [6, 35, 43, 160, 2092, 4, 341, 3179, 28, 8885], [8886, 6, 23, 2, 8887, 1479, 25, 8888, 17, 8, 341, 2093, 34, 307, 1030], [3, 5143, 12, 8889, 530, 80, 64, 8, 252, 8890, 361, 1, 8891], [6, 132, 341, 742, 5144, 3080, 3, 1070, 11, 2328, 8892, 8893, 1720, 8894, 8895, 8896, 1, 8897, 8898], [1416, 967, 4, 171, 138, 7, 29, 162, 341, 460, 1628, 14, 293], [8899, 2, 8900, 144, 1123, 150, 23, 1302, 76, 966, 39, 17, 1137, 8, 3903, 8901, 27, 341, 9, 8902, 3904, 2329, 33, 3, 341], [341, 5145, 361, 3905, 5145], [8903, 6, 1015, 134, 866, 830, 8904, 3906, 646, 9, 5146, 8905, 45, 811, 341, 6, 951, 2662, 165], [8906, 57, 8907, 15, 36, 186, 17, 8, 45, 117, 341, 252, 32, 7, 38, 20, 1225, 7, 8908], [10, 437, 108, 8909, 6, 437, 108, 341, 1859, 159, 22, 8910, 68, 145, 7, 108, 14, 5147, 28, 8911], [341, 806, 61, 3, 121, 6, 23, 16, 188, 198, 673, 756, 37, 1522, 7, 831, 614, 8912, 89, 190, 39, 15, 151, 127, 29, 221], [811, 341, 215], [8913, 15, 8, 341, 3907, 8914], [10, 104, 66, 56, 163, 2, 892, 1417, 816, 198, 859, 1888, 2, 5148, 27, 49, 8915, 2322, 113, 144, 7, 2, 892, 1417, 27, 341, 8916], [8917, 8918, 89, 26, 1375, 4, 672, 5149, 8919, 817, 5, 684, 2543, 341, 5150, 1, 8920, 10, 8921, 8922, 4848], [6, 35, 2093, 19, 3109, 113, 127, 6, 1318, 4, 30, 49, 5151, 561, 5152, 5153, 5, 341, 8923, 7, 45, 5154], [45, 6, 192, 5, 22, 85, 7, 8924, 37, 38, 9, 14, 229, 77, 2224, 8925, 4, 3021, 110, 6, 84, 2, 341, 8926, 38, 9, 14, 229, 77, 2224, 695], [8927, 6, 155, 15, 8, 307, 15, 8, 341, 8928, 57], [3742, 1631, 1402, 40, 341, 5155, 40, 341, 8929, 217, 3742, 1631, 278, 51, 30, 6, 8930, 14, 8931, 9, 6, 12, 1, 8932], [8933, 8934, 3908, 341, 8935], [341, 1859, 5, 2, 3909, 5156, 80, 64, 3132, 42, 1, 8936], [8937, 8938, 1028, 8939, 3910, 8940, 8941, 53, 14, 8942, 8943, 8, 36, 4, 1070, 34, 341, 692, 34, 54, 1172, 4, 138], [867, 80, 64, 2, 341, 8944, 1, 8945], [1418, 1763, 4, 26, 3, 156, 744, 121, 39, 15, 8, 3, 341, 1418, 3662, 1464, 2057, 9, 8946], [8947, 3911, 8948, 6, 210, 341, 289, 29, 167, 250, 8949, 88, 2330, 1523, 72, 5, 88, 3912], [742, 335, 6, 270, 6, 773, 14, 3824, 317, 695, 73, 8950, 341, 1859, 173, 60, 2, 5157, 3740], [6, 479, 4, 646, 8951, 11, 675, 79, 7, 8952, 9, 8953, 1116, 1524, 1124, 208, 8954, 1, 8955], [6, 23, 37, 1899, 1378, 8956, 7, 341, 8957, 1, 8958, 8959, 8960, 1, 8961], [5158, 2663, 8962, 8963, 5158, 2663, 2248, 2331, 4, 8964, 8965, 1115, 33, 3, 341, 8966], [218, 1418, 2664, 341, 89, 1419, 26, 8967, 1, 8968, 8969, 2665], [8970, 395, 1134, 38, 45, 2, 402, 3862, 5159, 24, 252, 22, 118, 13, 545, 36, 9, 461, 12, 141, 3175, 3180, 3913, 16], [8971, 9, 6, 5160, 53, 14, 2317, 31, 545, 36, 43, 14, 1589, 42, 6, 41, 8972, 9, 699, 11, 75, 2313, 14, 1589, 181], [5161, 3181, 50, 8973, 955, 37, 955, 53, 242, 476, 2094, 112, 545, 45, 17, 817, 9, 2666, 36, 3, 1913, 33, 17, 56, 286, 26, 8974, 134], [811, 8975, 109, 545, 36, 5, 17, 122, 3914], [1632, 36, 29, 545, 158, 32, 114], [5162, 8976, 117, 545, 36, 8977], [8978, 810, 176, 16, 1504, 15, 754, 54, 671, 44, 29, 162, 8979, 95, 512, 8, 848, 545, 36, 240, 743], [459, 342, 50, 10, 8980, 8981, 226, 2051, 233, 3182, 748, 545, 36, 5, 3, 503, 8982, 128, 1261, 681, 14, 265, 180, 5163], [115, 113, 44, 16, 8983, 545, 36, 54, 8, 92, 6, 84, 8984], [9, 14, 2317, 24, 545, 36, 11, 61, 61, 2, 1372], [12, 8985, 5, 8986, 8987, 900, 545, 36, 20, 3183, 248, 59, 1, 8988, 58, 779], [17, 1113, 51, 686, 60, 4, 934, 3, 1914, 8989, 9, 86, 31, 545, 36, 20, 3, 8990, 9, 31, 1052, 1084, 11, 2667, 29, 5164, 1746], [8991, 54, 127, 31, 3, 8992, 5165, 7, 135, 5166, 306, 220, 8, 848, 113, 54, 8, 545, 36, 1, 8993, 443, 8994], [53, 3, 8995, 7, 1332, 1525, 41, 26, 545, 36, 2529, 182, 212, 39, 51, 67, 313, 2049, 168, 21, 271, 5167, 141, 8996, 8997], [833, 189, 8998, 8999, 232, 11, 110, 109, 545, 36, 12, 65, 9000, 3184, 2648, 3915, 1, 9001], [9002, 109, 15, 166, 770, 4, 23, 51, 6, 536, 76, 2, 3916, 2668, 75, 1262, 15, 44, 16, 545, 36, 651, 1, 9003, 4, 9004], [22, 8, 2, 122, 64, 3, 619, 80, 64, 44, 545, 36, 776, 573, 3, 121, 1368, 1633, 28, 9005], [9006, 545, 484, 20, 22, 5168, 685, 9007, 868, 44, 34, 162, 2999, 34, 22, 67, 28, 9008, 28, 9009], [9010, 607, 361, 11, 3133, 38, 682, 160, 278, 2, 9011, 27, 545, 36, 5169, 66, 24, 10, 609, 9012], [9013, 9014, 21, 2, 9015, 12, 2, 9016, 23, 68, 545, 484, 2, 818, 5, 9017, 9018, 36, 5, 247, 1, 9019], [188, 847, 9020, 112, 68, 5170, 3738, 5171, 9021, 36, 11, 38, 5, 45, 2, 174, 6, 2295, 5172, 763, 15, 6, 27, 3185, 3185, 545, 484], [9022, 304, 44, 111, 154, 62, 746, 545, 36, 997, 21, 9, 9023, 2, 77, 438, 8, 60, 4, 1371, 2669], [5173, 68, 9024, 20, 91, 5174, 9025, 14, 3186, 44, 545, 36, 313, 13, 3917], [460, 10, 81, 118, 124, 36, 25, 9026, 1915, 3918, 9027, 9028, 9029, 5175, 3, 9030, 9031, 2095, 440, 1526], [9032, 9033, 9034, 14, 2988, 8, 146, 545, 36, 37, 18, 5176, 6, 192, 15, 4, 294, 9035], [3919, 9036, 8, 5177, 8, 9037, 301, 1693, 915, 4, 3187, 36, 612, 3188, 3920, 63, 395, 18, 93, 119, 2096, 918, 29, 3189, 81, 26, 545], [9038, 166, 454, 968, 2, 3921, 1237, 4, 31, 545, 36, 29, 692, 29, 75, 3190, 172, 934, 39, 54, 8, 3, 896, 1708, 9, 41, 26, 1328, 417], [9039, 59, 33, 545, 36, 5178], [14, 9040, 37, 545, 95, 9041, 36, 217, 341, 9042, 420], [1082, 12, 9043, 9, 31, 545, 36], [9044, 77, 85, 536, 157, 6, 27, 9045, 9, 545, 36, 177, 302, 506, 6, 104, 9046, 1634, 9047, 1516, 38, 72, 4, 85, 9, 6, 5179, 9, 11, 3], [9048, 9049, 180, 37, 109, 9050, 1175, 545, 36, 361, 9051, 9052], [9053, 13, 9054, 9055, 9056, 75, 9057, 9058, 356, 3922, 18, 146, 545, 36, 269, 9059, 3, 3923, 7, 9060, 9061, 439, 3, 802], [52, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 1203, 542, 319, 97, 403, 1333, 873, 1139, 1420, 145, 736, 1, 9062, 1, 9063], [52, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 1203, 542, 319, 97, 403, 1333, 873, 1139, 1420, 145, 736, 1, 9064, 1, 9065], [53, 10, 23, 3, 1888, 63, 3, 2613, 89, 10, 33, 4, 13, 108, 31, 43, 123, 4, 3, 148, 18, 534, 9, 249, 72, 5, 3, 97, 403, 171, 2, 1204, 1132, 104], [9066, 77, 85, 9067, 39, 176, 45, 55, 112, 9, 2, 169, 6, 257, 53, 6, 9068, 9069, 43, 6, 42, 56, 89, 23, 4, 97, 403, 38], [1635, 3924, 9070, 9071, 319, 97, 3191, 403, 1720, 3925, 5180, 2332, 873, 9072, 9073, 1070, 800, 1, 9074], [1315, 2097, 2333, 2098, 8, 1764, 2334, 2088, 348, 1081, 319, 97, 403, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 9075, 1, 9076], [1315, 2097, 2333, 2098, 8, 1764, 2334, 2088, 348, 1081, 319, 97, 403, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 878, 9077, 1, 9078], [1315, 2097, 13, 9079, 9080, 2333, 655, 403, 319, 97, 403, 1, 9081, 1, 9082, 14, 9083], [355, 32, 9084, 5181, 72, 403, 655, 319, 97, 5182, 9085, 5183, 9086, 4887, 1, 9087, 560], [367, 3192, 97, 3835, 9088, 13, 403, 5, 9089, 978, 18, 9090, 9091, 1334, 2, 263, 9, 1054, 3926, 1, 9092], [52, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 1203, 542, 319, 97, 403, 1333, 873, 1139, 1420, 145, 736, 1, 9093, 1, 9094], [52, 368, 565, 3927, 97, 403, 2670, 3, 1621, 3870, 978, 1, 9095, 1, 9096], [3, 52, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 1203, 1333, 873, 1636, 1420, 319, 97, 403, 912, 1, 5184, 1, 9097, 116, 5185], [3193, 9098, 1907, 10, 516, 677, 6, 35, 157, 867, 80, 64, 38, 5, 2, 3928, 1892, 502, 789, 32, 73, 117, 5186, 18, 241, 10, 381, 36, 5, 3, 97, 403], [52, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 1203, 1333, 873, 1636, 1420, 319, 97, 403, 912, 145, 2335, 1, 9099, 3777, 1, 9100], [2612, 1315, 2097, 750, 9101, 2671, 319, 97, 655, 403, 2333, 567, 2519, 9102, 145, 2335, 1, 9103, 1, 9104], [355, 32, 3194, 9105, 9106, 4888, 13, 655, 319, 97, 403, 750, 873, 9107, 1, 9108, 560], [52, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 1203, 1333, 873, 1636, 1420, 319, 97, 403, 912, 1, 3195, 1, 9109], [52, 368, 565, 3927, 97, 403, 2670, 3, 1621, 3870, 978, 1, 9110, 1, 9111], [2672, 52, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 1203, 1333, 873, 1636, 1420, 319, 97, 403, 912, 1, 5184, 1, 9112, 5187, 116, 5185], [1315, 2097, 2333, 2098, 8, 1764, 2334, 2088, 348, 1081, 319, 97, 403, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 9113, 3929, 9114, 1, 9115], [52, 542, 1203, 1333, 873, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 319, 97, 403, 1029, 2336, 145, 736, 1, 9116, 1, 9117], [52, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 1203, 1333, 873, 1636, 1420, 319, 97, 403, 912, 1, 3195, 1, 9118], [67, 121, 22, 537, 1328, 31, 38, 9119, 36, 5, 3, 97, 403], [1203, 1139, 2337, 1, 9120, 3930, 13, 1315, 2097, 1756, 9121, 9122, 655, 319, 97, 9123, 1, 9124], [3, 52, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 1203, 1333, 873, 1636, 1420, 319, 97, 403, 912, 1, 3195, 1, 9125], [1203, 1139, 2337, 1, 9126, 3194, 2673, 1420, 3931, 403, 319, 97, 9127, 296, 1111, 2674, 617, 9128, 1, 9129, 9130], [3924, 873, 115, 403, 3191, 3932, 5188, 1914, 161, 1527, 869, 319, 97, 396, 5189, 145, 1871, 1, 9131, 4, 680, 1, 9132], [1315, 2097, 2333, 2098, 8, 1764, 2334, 2088, 348, 1081, 319, 97, 403, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 9133, 1, 9134], [52, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 1203, 1333, 873, 1636, 1420, 319, 97, 403, 912, 1, 3195, 1, 9135], [9136, 17, 3138, 9137, 6, 35, 699, 10, 5, 3, 97, 403], [52, 997, 21, 655, 1202, 1203, 1333, 873, 1636, 1420, 319, 97, 403, 912, 145, 2335, 1, 9138, 1, 2099, 9139], [9140, 5190, 9141, 47, 6, 35, 16, 6, 35, 1335, 17, 56, 24, 704, 56, 81, 138, 183, 4, 141, 152, 21, 16, 461, 5, 3, 97, 403], [3933, 9142, 227, 6, 35, 16, 574, 442, 88, 19, 45, 88, 97, 26, 9143, 6, 35, 1335, 167, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 31, 2, 2675], [9144, 9145, 73, 8, 574, 442, 88, 97, 167, 8, 2676, 215], [1031, 8, 198, 97, 574, 442, 956], [9146, 9147, 134, 1031, 1421, 22, 1199, 9, 3196, 574, 442, 2, 140, 97, 19, 22, 733], [5191, 8, 235, 2677, 903, 1031, 8, 2617, 13, 954, 97, 574, 442, 208, 33, 95, 1299, 27, 685, 9148, 6, 9149], [6, 30, 16, 1066, 3, 400, 73, 2338, 63, 73, 25, 1454, 9, 73, 25, 726, 2678, 956, 68, 3934, 33, 3, 1622, 1031, 68, 97, 574, 442, 95, 180, 12, 1485], [5192, 97, 574, 442, 3684], [9150, 9151, 8, 6, 9152, 316, 512, 9, 2100, 22, 97, 574, 442], [2270, 28, 9153, 97, 574, 442, 108, 3197, 1175, 28, 9154], [9155, 9156, 1528, 97, 574, 442], [97, 574, 442, 2679, 1, 9157], [47, 502, 758, 86, 1050, 9, 146, 12, 1606, 18, 14, 121, 1412, 1607, 207, 317, 9158, 9, 55, 92, 6, 84, 97, 574, 442, 254, 212, 1422], [9159, 9, 9160, 3935, 24, 3, 1250, 5, 22, 304, 97, 574, 442, 644, 1131, 9161], [6, 27, 97, 574, 442, 12, 2, 110, 9162, 4, 488, 14, 3198, 1, 9163], [9164, 177, 171, 2, 574, 442, 5193, 1371, 158, 32, 114, 6, 35, 16, 13, 9165, 651, 29, 15, 1765, 26, 17, 331], [5194, 1031, 1528, 97, 574, 442, 956, 12, 17, 5195, 1606, 9166, 343, 2315], [6, 35, 16, 3, 1031, 648, 39, 6, 1766, 1050, 208, 5196, 442, 65, 233, 3839, 158, 32, 114], [9167, 956, 8, 2680, 9168, 7, 97, 574, 442, 95, 180, 12, 2, 2101, 1031, 27, 37, 5058, 34, 400, 18, 15], [3883, 16, 97, 574, 442, 2529, 644, 1131, 5, 9169, 198, 104, 73, 54, 8], [5197, 5198, 9170, 9171, 9172, 97, 574, 442, 3936, 1, 9173, 58, 137], [6, 127, 204, 67, 6, 127, 204, 67, 10, 92, 6, 84, 35, 16, 673, 253, 60, 2, 476, 67, 644, 1235, 97, 574, 442, 956], [1031, 97, 574, 442, 956, 54, 563, 7, 277, 3, 9174, 879, 1626, 60, 3, 5199, 54, 757, 70, 381, 95, 1299, 1, 9175], [75, 3199, 331, 1602, 9, 5200, 2681, 14, 712, 956, 2102, 8, 97, 574, 442, 208, 863, 54, 2607, 790, 618, 790, 618, 956, 8, 3, 489, 2299, 5048], [1031, 8, 97, 574, 442, 956, 9176, 54, 8, 12, 2306, 18, 612, 3188, 45, 5201, 5201, 54, 8, 461, 70, 3199, 1485, 32, 9, 956, 617, 39, 1199, 1178, 15, 158, 32, 114], [9177, 9178, 11, 2, 1263, 266, 9179, 32, 2, 1916, 1055, 6, 109, 111, 154, 62, 9180, 97, 574, 442, 1307, 158, 32, 114, 398, 2, 5202], [44, 97, 574, 2339, 116, 606, 9181, 1031, 8, 97, 574, 442, 956], [1031, 68, 2340, 15, 2, 272, 2670, 3200, 287, 22, 9182, 9, 54, 265, 97, 574, 442, 956, 72, 4, 72], [1632, 36, 4, 1031, 97, 574, 442, 956, 361, 956, 93, 132, 32, 9183, 1885, 229, 77, 2224, 695, 37, 3937, 157, 115, 16, 205, 1, 9184, 72], [9185, 6, 27, 31, 43, 123, 4, 773, 208, 39, 10, 78, 97, 574, 442, 208], [9186, 3135, 47, 9187, 2069, 5203, 1, 9188, 644, 1235, 3938, 97, 574, 442, 644, 1131], [9189, 198, 32, 160, 5196, 442, 956], [566, 676, 7, 574, 442, 9190, 9191, 21, 49, 9192, 97], [9193, 9194, 1031, 198, 97, 574, 442, 3673, 115, 54, 198, 1906, 15], [1616, 9195, 51, 10, 437, 4, 424, 1637, 2616, 773, 1734, 4, 23, 97, 376, 12, 9196], [254, 5204, 234, 368, 5205, 3890, 3201, 9197, 319, 97, 1202, 655, 376, 11, 9198, 77, 1306, 18, 254, 5204, 9199, 2682, 1, 9200], [1636, 1636, 3194, 4903, 9201, 4981, 296, 9202, 3202, 5206, 1, 9203], [909, 655, 376, 9204, 655, 802, 403, 5207, 319, 97, 376, 11, 229, 77, 1306, 1, 9205, 1, 9206], [912, 3203, 3939, 3940, 655, 1635, 1756, 2683, 319, 97, 376, 1021, 1, 9207], [35, 16, 47, 376, 5, 2, 5208, 15, 8, 3, 97], [5206, 5209, 9208, 1914, 319, 97, 403, 9209, 296, 9210, 3202, 1, 9211], [9212, 9213, 9214, 9215, 135, 957, 4, 671, 26, 3941, 5, 9216, 5, 97, 376], [2, 97, 376, 44, 3, 438, 12, 9217, 19, 9218, 179, 98, 9219, 443, 13, 5210, 5, 3942, 1580, 1, 9220, 2103], [97, 376, 28, 9221], [10, 104, 10, 902, 40, 97, 51, 10, 1325, 70, 376, 7, 9222, 9, 3, 3943, 1187, 3944, 7, 2341, 5211, 9, 3, 9223, 34, 3, 9224], [410, 5212, 430, 1917, 5213, 12, 1310, 5214, 699, 836, 3204, 76, 1460, 488, 60, 2684, 74, 42, 5, 97, 376, 3945, 346], [912, 3203, 3939, 3940, 655, 1635, 1756, 2683, 319, 97, 376, 459, 1, 9225], [2062, 45, 9226, 1638, 3205, 69, 41, 26, 9227, 9, 97, 376, 20, 2, 290, 3206, 5215, 3187, 67, 9228, 186, 78, 354, 168, 8], [912, 3946, 9229, 655, 1635, 319, 97, 1287, 3947, 2336, 376, 978, 1, 9230, 1, 9231], [912, 319, 97, 9232, 376, 2088, 348, 1081, 1264, 3755, 9233, 376, 459, 1, 9234, 1, 9235], [9236, 2057, 9, 1522, 1045, 2, 97, 376, 1415], [96, 9237, 7, 9238, 5216, 1172, 958, 97, 376, 1, 9239, 9240], [452, 2104, 1917, 12, 1310, 9241, 699, 46, 1460, 488, 1529, 11, 65, 4, 461, 111, 1822, 5, 97, 376, 1, 9242], [5217, 29, 10, 81, 597, 2, 974, 9, 1140, 911, 755, 387, 731, 4, 148, 29, 56, 81, 249, 5, 97, 376, 5218, 133, 1077], [9243, 97, 376], [2245, 919, 97, 3948, 5219, 376, 1368, 6, 35, 37, 31, 43, 123, 4, 678, 2632, 460, 484, 9244, 9245], [6, 50, 2, 97, 9246, 9247, 9248, 9249, 9250, 9251, 9252, 2640, 9253, 9254, 1, 9255, 264, 9256], [912, 1202, 1333, 873, 1635, 655, 319, 97, 263, 5220, 376, 2675, 1, 9257, 1, 9258], [912, 2336, 9259, 42, 3947, 9260, 319, 97, 4720, 1639, 655, 376, 978, 1, 9261, 1, 9262], [735, 110, 1018, 11, 301, 97, 376], [2679, 26, 9263, 118, 212, 18, 376, 350, 714, 86, 56, 385, 97], [912, 3203, 3939, 3940, 655, 1635, 1756, 2683, 319, 97, 376, 1021, 1, 9264, 1, 9265], [1744, 272, 1173, 7, 2105, 73, 30, 16, 175, 22, 760, 30, 16, 23, 242, 637, 73, 89, 835, 283, 183, 5, 97, 376, 148, 809, 108, 817], [9266, 21, 9, 97, 376, 138, 1422, 33, 1918, 9, 1024, 203], [9267, 9268, 5221, 63, 2684, 65, 5, 97, 376], [3949, 253, 36, 110, 6, 84, 55, 13, 97, 376], [40, 97, 41, 3950, 2, 376, 259, 40, 830, 41, 138, 484, 5222, 26, 29, 156, 744, 5222, 3207, 9, 198, 1, 9269], [912, 1635, 319, 97, 5223, 13, 3951, 2336, 5224, 655, 376, 459, 1, 9270, 1, 9271, 116, 9272], [542, 3191, 376, 2088, 348, 1081, 403, 1203, 319, 97, 655, 376, 403, 997, 21, 1316, 3952, 1635, 373, 9273, 1, 9274, 9275], [912, 1635, 319, 97, 5223, 13, 3951, 2336, 5224, 655, 376, 459, 1, 9276, 1, 9277], [2545, 166, 868, 3953, 97, 376], [9278, 9279, 6, 35, 9280, 20, 151, 9281, 9282, 376, 6, 198, 33, 9283, 295, 3954, 376, 2289, 9284, 1, 9285], [9286, 9287, 3194, 873, 2342, 9288, 9289, 3191, 2336, 1202, 319, 97, 1635, 11, 912, 1, 2685, 561, 9290], [5212, 1205, 1917, 43, 1460, 488, 1335, 74, 42, 210, 26, 461, 5, 9291, 9292, 2, 1206, 488, 1, 9293], [3070, 319, 97, 5225, 5226, 2686, 3955, 4984, 3166, 1919, 9294, 376, 1767, 1, 9295, 9296, 1, 9297], [946, 4, 22, 277, 623, 3, 368, 126, 145, 7, 3208, 2019, 9, 9298, 10, 33, 9299, 9300, 9301], [3209, 75, 972, 9302, 296, 144, 185, 9303, 64, 126, 1, 9304, 9305, 1, 9306, 1, 9307], [2, 1920, 2687, 12, 52, 2292, 7, 2688, 2233, 4, 1608, 9308, 126, 19, 2, 381, 7, 1610, 1, 9309], [22, 8, 60, 4, 26, 3, 126, 180, 9310, 118, 1640, 1, 9311], [153, 5227, 4, 683, 2, 121, 2, 126, 1921, 1, 9312], [2, 1922, 652, 337, 12, 2, 153, 1768, 92, 6, 84, 5, 2, 2044, 7, 2, 126, 5228, 2, 125, 3956, 4, 5229, 1, 9313], [9314, 2041, 13, 8, 126, 9315, 227, 14, 191], [9316, 9, 9317, 9318, 89, 26, 126], [9319, 4, 9320, 710, 4, 1065, 4, 438, 95, 77, 871, 2689, 54, 2106, 6, 41, 126, 208], [9321, 29, 31, 43, 123, 4, 178, 242, 126, 3210, 9322, 9323, 212], [9324, 1122, 19, 9325, 9326, 8, 2, 1, 9327, 306, 220, 290, 2690], [52, 1630, 2343, 276, 5230, 4, 2688, 1610, 243, 13, 126, 1501, 1, 9328], [9329, 10, 1725, 126, 229, 77, 85, 28, 9330], [9331, 9332, 156, 744, 1478, 374, 606, 6, 343, 10, 229, 77, 85, 289, 10, 23, 3, 126, 67, 1, 9333], [9334, 9335, 186, 3, 944, 1712, 2, 1336, 18, 73, 27, 1530, 3, 126], [2344, 4, 285, 9336, 4, 285, 8, 15, 286, 26, 29, 126, 53, 93, 710, 1743], [52, 1630, 2343, 276, 5230, 4, 2688, 1610, 243, 13, 126, 1501, 1, 9337], [153, 1032, 336, 174, 278, 126, 1, 9338], [2, 3183, 12, 9339, 112, 128, 126, 12, 1423, 9340, 532, 3682, 4, 153, 56, 109, 1018, 4, 3957, 313, 372, 1, 9341], [9342, 3958, 117, 126, 598], [51, 10, 31, 3, 126, 180, 118, 1640, 2345], [53, 6, 347, 8, 752, 191, 9343, 8, 606, 126, 307, 2518, 325, 2346, 3211, 278, 3959, 350, 714, 93, 6, 1141, 1739], [6, 479, 36, 18, 49, 1207, 7, 3, 9344, 3960, 11, 3, 3192, 126, 910, 2, 370, 7, 14, 5231, 21, 29, 10, 81, 163, 17, 8, 61, 10, 9345, 5], [9346, 9347, 9348, 2, 126, 1923, 9349, 277, 1512, 3212, 9350], [9351, 9352, 9353, 69, 24, 126], [2107, 32, 126, 20, 9354, 9355, 4, 9356], [61, 89, 15, 189, 33, 53, 153, 126, 277, 5232, 1033, 1032, 2, 9357, 519, 7, 2, 940, 119, 1, 9358], [1135, 330, 649, 29, 126, 205, 57], [2, 126, 27, 29, 135, 9359, 868, 34, 14, 342, 50, 10, 9, 272, 1690, 1132, 50, 5054, 3137], [2, 5233, 5234, 1336, 112, 2691, 5235, 9, 3, 2568, 126], [2692, 2108, 126, 825, 336, 787, 87, 2, 9360, 1265, 2077, 87, 2, 900, 5236, 1, 9361], [2, 1922, 652, 337, 12, 2, 153, 1768, 92, 6, 84, 5, 2, 2044, 7, 2, 126, 5228, 2, 125, 3956, 4, 5229, 1, 9362], [2, 3213, 85, 8, 3, 2628, 1071, 9, 3197, 133, 126, 487, 88, 232, 22, 368, 1924, 2628, 9363, 116, 9364, 9365, 9366, 4, 285, 8, 9367, 8, 29, 9368, 12], [9369, 348, 1081, 8, 1725, 126, 1, 9370], [3828, 268, 1170, 2537, 9371, 37, 520, 67, 32, 7, 9372, 998, 2693, 930, 1195, 11, 2, 2347, 3214, 9373, 9, 9374, 638, 930, 72], [9375, 6, 5237, 367, 520], [1503, 80, 9376, 9377, 9378, 9379, 29, 871, 45, 2, 2694, 21, 2039, 9380, 9381, 1266, 5, 726, 1046, 334, 5, 166, 185, 174], [2, 93, 119, 520, 153, 336, 174, 730, 110, 3, 189, 19, 66, 148, 44, 2998, 278, 1, 9382, 1, 9383], [1162, 85, 818, 7, 3, 620, 9384, 4808, 1, 9385, 3215], [6, 132, 457, 643, 9386, 9387, 9388, 367, 520, 3, 9389], [96, 2242, 1127, 1337, 13, 305, 1708, 5, 2109, 46, 1048, 87, 25, 715, 3, 96, 3961, 2242, 44, 520, 3, 9390, 1, 9391], [9392, 520, 12, 5238, 5, 17, 9393, 4, 9394], [2, 3216, 7, 211, 139, 78, 1880, 12, 2, 1424, 46, 2, 2695, 122, 520, 2, 5239, 1641, 530, 80, 64, 177, 2110, 1175, 5240], [336, 174, 730, 19, 22, 456, 2, 905, 9395, 153, 9396, 1421, 889, 1880, 219, 1769, 2, 1490, 9, 219, 3962, 780], [12, 1517, 564, 1338, 5241, 520, 2, 999, 9397, 5, 9398, 9, 139, 566, 1880, 9, 532, 895, 318], [612, 9399, 6, 536, 4, 216, 5, 3, 520, 32, 942, 381, 7, 9400, 152, 21, 4, 67, 358, 47, 2111, 768, 9401, 974, 29, 723, 2348, 733], [367, 520, 1, 9402], [9403, 9404, 9405, 4, 30, 18, 817, 9406, 8, 520, 32, 2, 374, 9407, 19, 940, 2112, 174, 7, 1048, 43, 269, 9408], [2, 3963, 2696, 243, 13, 520, 3710, 367, 5242, 5243, 4, 9409, 2994, 153, 1, 9410, 9411], [9412, 5244, 5245, 10, 938, 33, 2, 9413, 10, 3702, 51, 5246, 1770, 2349, 18, 2, 9414, 742, 10, 9415, 6, 5247, 9, 520, 108], [9416, 9417, 5248, 9418, 8, 367, 520], [9419, 9, 2, 9420, 520, 1, 9421, 58, 1518], [5249, 1118, 37, 3217, 2697, 9422, 3964, 274, 520, 9423, 3218, 9424, 100, 105, 1, 9425], [5250, 80, 9426, 9427, 15, 1477, 33, 53, 6, 89, 967, 4, 3187, 67, 87, 2638, 5250, 80, 9428, 6, 41, 31, 520], [9429, 9430, 9431, 810, 115, 17, 258, 8, 520, 931], [9432, 1073, 6, 2608, 831, 25, 8, 1587, 1702, 40, 5251, 4, 3219, 1642, 41, 26, 520, 755, 387, 731, 81, 26, 590, 1874, 704], [3220, 3221, 9433, 22, 5089, 9434, 8, 3903, 3, 3222, 13, 3965, 250, 2, 96, 520, 274, 72, 4, 2698, 9435, 3182], [1, 9436, 1088, 44, 4, 26, 1531, 2, 166, 187, 520, 18, 3, 128, 345, 9437], [997, 21, 1856, 66, 4, 3223, 25, 3, 1070, 10, 977, 520, 1643, 4, 752, 1, 9438, 9439, 1, 9440, 42], [930, 9441, 9442, 9443, 6, 289, 10, 31, 9444, 520, 3224], [9445, 5252, 3225, 3226, 520, 20, 715, 9, 3227, 65, 3966, 36, 18, 2, 625, 1, 9446], [9447, 9448, 5253, 6, 35, 2550, 17, 16, 45, 34, 24, 25, 2694, 21, 55, 23, 520, 39, 3, 562, 24, 5254, 2234, 826], [9449, 9450, 3061, 9451, 58, 5255, 1, 9452, 273, 9453], [38, 757, 4, 1425, 9454, 18, 14, 342, 50, 10, 2350, 36, 20, 38, 711, 4, 371, 46, 2, 903, 46, 15, 748, 520, 43, 14, 293], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 9455, 5256, 826, 13, 9456, 748, 79, 520], [110, 274, 1032, 336, 2113, 278, 2, 93, 119, 3, 520, 70, 2699, 21, 1421, 43, 1089, 65, 39, 55, 23, 4, 1313, 60, 534, 1, 2247, 9457], [10, 37, 109, 5257, 520, 1046, 9458, 9459, 1480, 1311, 28, 9460], [167, 127, 16, 188, 1241, 42, 38, 5, 2, 3967, 6, 35, 3, 9461, 293, 520, 1, 9462], [336, 174, 730, 110, 2, 940, 1532, 7, 226, 334, 520, 153, 5, 274], [107, 5, 440, 1208, 86, 166, 320, 308, 14, 9463, 9464, 277, 14, 9465, 328, 33, 15, 27, 520, 411, 5258, 92, 6, 84, 288, 514], [3, 9466, 37, 9467, 520, 14, 327], [9468, 9469, 109, 520], [2, 940, 3057, 9, 1053, 24, 213, 195, 641, 5259, 5, 2109, 9470, 3228, 1, 9471], [15, 8, 68, 336, 174, 9, 67, 456, 278, 2, 213, 7, 153, 171, 952, 209, 22, 64, 4, 683], [2, 3968, 13, 712, 17, 3969, 2243, 12, 2, 153, 213, 2351, 1, 2247, 9472], [274, 12, 1033, 1032, 2, 1142, 519, 7, 2, 243, 13, 213, 7, 153, 18, 2, 272, 2287, 111, 154, 62, 199, 25, 1206, 267, 5260], [110, 1032, 2, 1142, 519, 7, 2, 213, 7, 153, 3, 187, 6, 3970, 9, 27, 9473, 20, 5, 5261, 1289, 1, 9474], [3971, 5262, 9475, 9476, 9477, 9478, 9479, 12, 9480, 3, 9481, 5263, 187, 46, 106, 770, 4, 1252, 7, 9482, 213, 20, 596, 396], [2, 151, 832, 9483, 2, 3972, 373, 1424, 8, 2, 151, 67, 4, 23, 1921, 243, 13, 1127, 153, 9484, 4, 9485, 9486], [2, 3968, 13, 712, 17, 3969, 2243, 12, 2, 153, 213, 2351, 1, 9487, 273, 9488, 1454], [9489, 2700, 2352, 5, 153, 34, 274, 1032, 336, 174, 278, 243, 13, 213, 71, 9490, 5264], [1249, 71, 274, 1032, 1142, 519, 7, 153, 243, 13, 213, 1, 9491, 248, 59, 1, 9492], [329, 264, 3973, 3146, 213, 9493, 16, 29, 75, 7, 49, 1207], [2, 3968, 13, 712, 17, 3969, 2243, 12, 2, 153, 213, 2351, 1, 9494], [1142, 519, 7, 153, 243, 13, 213, 3229, 1, 9495], [274, 1032, 1142, 519, 7, 153, 243, 13, 213, 1, 9496, 9497], [274, 1032, 1142, 519, 7, 153, 243, 13, 213, 1, 9498], [274, 1032, 1142, 519, 7, 153, 243, 13, 213, 1, 9499], [274, 1032, 1142, 519, 7, 153, 243, 13, 213, 1, 9500], [9501, 9502, 9503, 51, 9504, 9505, 9506, 2349, 148, 9507, 29, 9508, 9509, 213], [153, 213, 5265, 134, 3216, 226, 1132, 188, 110, 9510, 159, 1, 9511], [9512, 2700, 2352, 5, 153, 34, 274, 1032, 336, 174, 278, 243, 13, 213, 1, 9513], [274, 1032, 1142, 519, 7, 153, 243, 13, 213, 1, 9514], [274, 1032, 1142, 519, 7, 153, 243, 13, 213, 25, 1489, 1, 9515], [110, 8, 2, 121, 153, 109, 243, 13, 126, 336, 174, 730, 2, 9516, 9517, 7, 9518, 243, 13, 213, 1, 9519], [61, 15, 27, 33, 4, 386, 2, 243, 13, 213, 7, 9520, 9521, 9522], [6, 155, 213, 534, 89, 26, 5266, 28, 9523, 9524, 98], [274, 12, 1033, 1032, 2, 1142, 519, 7, 2, 243, 13, 213, 7, 153, 18, 2, 272, 2287, 111, 154, 62, 199, 25, 1206, 267, 5260], [227, 9, 400, 3230, 2701, 11, 213, 96, 9, 400, 5267], [274, 1032, 1142, 519, 7, 153, 243, 13, 213, 2700, 9525, 5, 153, 12, 1033, 34, 274, 3229, 9526, 1, 9527], [274, 1032, 1142, 519, 7, 153, 243, 13, 213, 5268, 1, 9528], [3, 5269, 312, 11, 2, 940, 1532, 20, 5270, 5271, 58, 5272, 5273, 1, 878, 9529, 58, 2682, 554], [5274, 20, 686, 3231, 13, 53, 404, 2297, 184, 177, 743, 143, 3013, 210, 319, 404, 177, 9530, 9531], [2702, 1426, 83, 66, 2, 184, 5275, 19, 1533, 404, 1, 9532, 2703, 2353], [9533, 187, 48, 111, 154, 62, 569, 457, 643, 404, 184, 1486, 4, 5276, 303, 2657, 43, 9534, 3880, 9535, 1, 9536], [1426, 234, 3974, 184, 19, 1533, 404, 1463, 945, 5, 779, 1209, 1771, 5277, 32, 1249, 11, 880, 1, 9537], [70, 298, 144, 363, 5, 404, 184, 5, 948, 1842, 1468, 1, 9538], [6, 219, 1832, 60, 2, 3232, 20, 2, 3975, 9539, 187, 9540, 404, 184, 9541, 9542, 1, 9543, 58, 9544], [61, 2, 400, 8, 31, 43, 123, 12, 19, 1533, 404, 2354, 38, 7, 1209, 9545, 184, 32, 5, 2, 5278, 72, 5, 2, 9546], [3745, 9547, 2227, 404, 184, 3976, 1427, 65, 1, 9548, 9549, 9550], [404, 184, 16, 339, 3233, 39, 3977, 9551, 9552, 2105, 9553, 9554, 1, 9555, 561, 9556, 3699], [136, 919, 1428, 1143, 3, 404, 184, 76, 737, 237, 1, 9557], [6, 3978, 1426, 234, 1249, 184, 19, 1533, 404, 66, 512, 5279, 1, 878, 9558, 5187, 1, 9559], [3979, 1905, 771, 43, 2702, 959, 13, 184, 19, 1533, 404, 3980, 849, 1644, 5280, 3981, 2114, 1, 5281], [136, 919, 1428, 1143, 3, 404, 184, 76, 737, 237, 1, 9560], [9561, 186, 6, 192, 4, 104, 53, 6, 35, 1763, 4, 2704, 850, 87, 3, 404, 11, 3, 184, 63, 312, 2, 5282, 69, 8, 47, 722], [70, 298, 144, 363, 5, 404, 184, 5, 948, 1842, 1468, 2115, 71, 9562, 1, 9563], [136, 919, 1428, 1143, 3, 404, 184, 76, 737, 237, 1, 9564, 58, 1, 9565], [9566, 156, 1013, 5, 716, 604, 4, 184, 7, 404, 57, 6, 321, 2505, 4, 209, 3, 565, 387, 143, 1, 9567], [2092, 4, 9568, 9, 9569, 12, 2, 1925, 8, 5283, 184, 19, 1533, 404, 2354, 38, 113, 6, 50, 432, 264, 9570, 2508, 1534, 5284], [136, 919, 1428, 1143, 3, 404, 184, 76, 737, 237, 1, 9571], [136, 919, 1428, 1143, 3, 404, 184, 76, 737, 237, 1, 9572], [950, 3982, 136, 919, 1428, 1143, 3, 404, 184, 76, 737, 237, 1, 9573, 9574, 2286], [2702, 1426, 83, 66, 2, 184, 5275, 19, 1533, 404, 3764, 1, 9575], [9576, 22, 8, 9577, 8, 13, 1645, 3, 106, 9578, 666, 19, 2017, 9579, 9580, 3963, 9581, 404, 306, 220, 1144, 4, 184], [136, 919, 1428, 1143, 3, 404, 184, 76, 737, 237, 1, 9582], [136, 919, 1428, 1143, 3, 404, 184, 76, 737, 237, 1, 9583], [1426, 234, 3974, 184, 19, 1533, 404, 1463, 945, 5, 779, 1209, 1771, 5277, 32, 1249, 11, 880, 1, 9584], [1426, 234, 1249, 184, 19, 1533, 404, 66, 512, 5279, 1, 9585, 1, 9586], [1842, 1468, 3983, 7, 404, 184, 9587, 1, 9588, 9589, 72, 1, 9590], [136, 1428, 9591, 3, 404, 5, 2, 948, 2618, 348, 1081, 875, 7, 9592, 9593, 9594, 9595, 184, 12, 4, 120, 18, 101, 425, 814, 11], [9596, 9597, 9598, 6, 3978, 1426, 234, 1249, 184, 19, 1533, 404, 66, 512, 1871, 1, 9599, 1, 9600, 9601], [136, 919, 1428, 1143, 3, 404, 184, 76, 737, 237, 1, 9602], [96, 1752, 9603, 176, 9604, 1, 9605, 15, 3, 331, 1772, 9, 176, 31, 43, 123, 4, 31, 1874, 704, 590, 1057, 1593, 905, 5285], [3, 5269, 312, 11, 2, 940, 1532, 20, 5270, 5271, 58, 5272, 5273, 1, 9606, 304, 58, 2682, 554], [5274, 1739, 6, 37, 151, 968, 4, 178, 3, 733, 60, 9607, 10, 375, 9, 250, 54, 8, 5286, 60, 404, 184], [9608, 45, 9609, 20, 2, 9610, 99, 120, 45, 411, 2, 875], [6, 35, 3, 9611, 755, 387, 731, 357, 120, 99, 74, 42, 674, 5, 2, 387], [321, 6, 35, 99, 6, 35, 99, 120, 6, 35, 666, 227, 227, 3984], [9612, 5061, 3985, 1521, 76, 99, 120, 269, 895, 24, 949, 32, 9613, 54, 3986, 40, 2313], [5287, 5288, 16, 1646, 18, 3, 2564, 1646, 18, 99, 120, 1145, 1926, 5289, 1647, 17, 23, 685, 4, 30, 18, 15, 9, 29, 12], [9614, 8, 33, 3987, 2705, 120, 99], [5290, 5291, 6, 563, 26, 5292, 2, 99, 120, 3988], [5293, 80, 159, 45, 444, 1535, 37, 16, 3, 648, 7, 99, 157, 120, 9, 1927, 25, 40, 5294, 4, 2706], [2, 1499, 2294, 1602, 3234, 267, 57, 39, 15, 8, 9615, 398, 1648, 21, 3989, 99, 120, 12, 14, 369, 64, 39, 1885, 104, 9616], [6, 35, 3990, 5295, 850, 11, 3, 126, 180, 216, 207, 53, 15, 8, 16, 6, 35, 99, 120], [2, 268, 1429, 48, 99, 5, 222, 102, 8, 92, 6, 84, 2707, 59, 86, 336, 120, 15, 8, 2, 3235, 5, 2, 305, 9617], [373, 3674, 21, 99, 120, 1, 9618, 745], [5296, 44, 9619, 29, 54, 132, 3894, 9620, 1521, 76, 99, 120, 4, 398, 1309, 2313], [6, 81, 848, 9621, 12, 301, 2708, 13, 85, 2355, 460, 11, 3, 670, 694, 13, 1130, 4, 99, 120, 65, 357, 5, 2, 530, 80, 159], [9622, 1616, 47, 67, 8, 490, 99, 157, 120, 63, 2709], [9623, 5297, 1419, 10, 1832, 15, 63, 16, 40, 3, 1917, 57, 694, 10, 2710, 371, 76, 99, 120, 760, 18, 15], [76, 99, 265, 120, 1607], [267, 278, 9624, 412, 6, 421, 711, 3236, 60, 146, 698, 99, 120], [3237, 5, 1339, 3238, 92, 6, 84, 99, 157, 120, 287, 2116, 2116, 5, 1339, 3238, 325, 5298, 840], [6, 5299, 5300, 4, 2, 422, 558, 422, 877, 9, 2, 99, 120, 7, 959, 13, 187], [591, 9625, 9626, 9627, 9628, 47, 99, 120, 9, 3036, 287, 3, 462, 17, 8, 9629, 5301, 22, 2356], [65, 24, 59, 2034, 134, 60, 2, 99, 7, 120, 86, 218, 65, 2711, 141, 444, 3991], [9630, 72, 4, 609, 61, 55, 30, 197, 99, 157, 129, 705, 120, 248, 15, 9, 9631, 5302, 28, 9632], [9633, 14, 5303, 1514, 24, 99, 18, 2, 48, 7, 3, 3239, 9634, 120, 29, 1047], [9635, 6, 3240, 4, 2052, 2, 99, 120, 9, 357, 1648, 21], [351, 1507, 99, 120, 1255, 5304, 24, 61, 2354, 38, 7, 2, 244, 96], [33, 11, 2, 443, 13, 79, 6, 175, 91, 77, 991, 253, 33, 99, 120, 9, 74, 42, 3992, 16, 91, 3241, 1603, 3242, 253], [99, 120, 708, 1090, 1, 5305], [563, 31, 215, 5, 99, 9636, 1825, 28, 9637], [268, 5306, 8, 67, 7, 2, 5307, 12, 2338, 1133, 101, 9638, 65, 25, 99, 120], [1649, 1648, 21, 25, 99, 120, 5308, 994, 5, 3, 253, 9639, 7, 3243, 3993, 8, 3, 115, 46, 14, 705, 537, 960], [9640, 19, 478, 56, 24, 16, 99, 120, 9, 2709, 5309], [5310, 79, 1124, 147, 426, 1051, 99, 120, 12, 1505, 554, 22, 1928, 1699, 1, 9641, 58, 9642], [763, 9643, 1196, 1183, 9644, 4, 398, 99, 120, 166, 142, 18, 244, 1650, 1773, 809, 38, 29, 2712, 11, 9645, 9646, 9647], [1, 9648, 2357, 2, 302, 121, 99, 120, 5, 373, 530, 80, 64, 9649, 19, 9650, 9651, 1717], [48, 463, 1909, 543, 62, 986, 10, 1910, 18, 3994, 7, 3995, 2302, 3996, 12, 1, 9652, 20, 800, 5311], [9653, 5312, 4, 1617, 369, 9654, 12, 194, 3244, 9655, 19, 2358, 98, 5313, 1, 9656, 9657, 254, 3867, 5312], [48, 463, 1909, 543, 62, 986, 10, 1910, 18, 3994, 7, 3995, 2302, 3996, 12, 1, 9658, 20, 800, 5311], [79, 48, 1929, 136, 2078, 120, 9, 2713, 36, 147, 5, 1699, 1, 9659], [48, 1536, 136, 120, 12, 1505, 530, 80, 64, 5, 1699, 1, 9660], [2714, 120, 12, 48, 5, 1034, 3997, 1, 9661, 1, 9662], [120, 24, 12, 48, 9, 56, 23, 64, 11, 3, 680, 867, 80, 1592, 9663], [9664, 7, 309, 283, 32, 7, 67, 7, 2, 52, 2078, 120, 19, 9665, 1537, 5, 9666, 2117, 48, 3245, 12, 1169, 1, 9667], [3884, 37, 171, 9668, 2534, 2359, 4846, 266, 621, 1627, 30, 37, 1750, 120, 411, 38, 310, 12, 48], [309, 9669, 16, 3875, 5, 45, 120, 49, 111, 42, 666, 12, 9670, 1014, 27, 12, 48, 69, 55, 1, 9671], [395, 2317, 9672, 12, 9673, 9674, 316, 2, 3062, 124, 3913, 7, 2118, 1267, 120], [713, 620, 5314, 5, 52, 431, 187, 6, 50, 211, 48, 1067, 9675, 12, 2, 120, 9676, 28, 9677], [619, 80, 5315, 211, 136, 120, 24, 12, 48], [37, 5, 3002, 2117, 120, 24, 1109, 4, 26, 12, 48, 1375, 4, 3246, 3998, 9678, 19, 2358, 98], [56, 24, 90, 5316, 120, 5, 17, 409, 7, 305, 434, 889, 55, 92, 6, 84, 30, 16, 23, 5317, 7, 61, 8, 12, 48], [9679, 9680, 1121, 5318, 5319, 19, 893, 9, 961, 772, 1049, 9, 120, 310, 12, 48, 15, 45, 37, 9681, 38, 8, 22, 3999], [3, 359, 5, 2, 305, 48, 3068, 9682, 5320, 12, 9683, 19, 5321, 9, 2078, 120, 355, 18, 40, 1, 9684], [48, 463, 1909, 543, 62, 986, 10, 1910, 18, 3994, 7, 3995, 2302, 3996, 12, 9685, 120, 1035, 5322, 1, 9686], [48, 9687, 152, 21, 9, 2715, 136, 120, 5, 5323, 48, 1330, 32, 12, 5324, 530, 80, 64, 5325, 1, 9688, 5326, 1847, 71], [61, 71, 982, 35, 6, 363, 24, 69, 120, 12, 48, 65, 725, 9, 29, 12, 604, 4, 1693, 9689, 28, 9690], [29, 14, 4000, 120, 12, 48, 24, 989, 432, 264, 9691, 9692, 22, 1231, 18, 9693, 28, 9694, 9695], [619, 80, 5315, 211, 136, 120, 24, 12, 48], [57, 12, 1, 9696, 818, 247, 3247, 316, 1699, 120, 5, 5327, 48, 1, 9697, 9698], [9699, 1757, 2678, 9700, 24, 573, 2, 311, 56, 310, 120, 12, 48, 4, 424, 12, 120, 146, 12, 48], [9701, 116, 5328, 136, 120, 3074, 5, 48, 12, 1505, 530, 80, 64, 5, 1699, 5328, 1, 9702, 58, 9703], [57, 12, 9704, 48, 1929, 2714, 120, 5, 5063, 1930, 1931, 4, 178, 9705, 1476, 4001, 332, 1383, 9706, 1881, 9707], [6, 37, 968, 4, 165, 2654, 9708, 39, 2, 120, 12, 48], [6, 289, 2, 151, 64, 6, 381, 36, 12, 783, 8, 51, 6, 35, 146, 1184, 11, 4002, 120, 12, 48], [9709, 2119, 7, 237, 12, 1505, 554, 5, 1699, 9710, 46, 48, 9711, 316, 70, 120, 4003, 9712, 237, 1, 9713, 561, 9714], [9715, 48, 1536, 136, 2360, 5, 734, 120, 3, 147, 5, 1699, 9, 2108, 12, 1466, 1928, 1, 9716], [5329, 3964, 170, 1198, 9717, 5, 2, 5330, 193, 1146, 9718, 9719, 9720, 1264, 2330, 9, 1459, 120, 12, 48, 779], [1233, 65, 521, 46, 5327, 48, 9721, 316, 70, 2078, 120, 12, 743, 530, 80, 64, 5, 1699, 1, 9722, 9723], [3997, 187, 111, 154, 62, 569, 2361, 2714, 120, 12, 48, 13, 1645, 90, 5316, 65, 12, 1641, 530, 80, 64, 78, 12, 129, 169, 9724], [6, 902, 51, 266, 757, 4, 9725, 14, 1251, 9, 14, 1538, 1063, 9726, 5, 1051, 38, 9, 4927, 38, 6, 37, 412, 14, 4004], [48, 99, 12, 5039, 44, 412, 2716, 1932, 309, 1109, 5331, 43, 9727, 5332, 1, 9728], [6, 210, 848, 682, 484, 25, 215, 75, 9729, 1894, 6, 412, 67, 4004, 844, 331], [61, 2362, 55, 24, 672, 5, 2, 1140, 4005, 56, 89, 23, 412, 38, 57, 56, 24, 201, 18, 99, 14, 1716, 9730, 9731], [9732, 4006, 2624, 10, 151, 23, 4, 26, 412, 863, 4, 104, 48, 2089, 5333, 8, 1537, 210, 2704, 183, 371, 3248, 5, 2, 45, 987, 304, 9733], [412, 14, 9734], [314, 9735, 29, 895, 30, 16, 31, 412], [51, 117, 1048, 3, 1933, 9, 395, 9736, 2, 2095, 9, 10, 23, 144, 743, 4, 5097, 63, 10, 31, 412], [325, 189, 11, 2, 1319, 9737, 14, 4007, 711, 412, 4, 2, 9738, 81, 57, 13, 2, 2120, 9739, 1, 878, 9740], [621, 6, 37, 412, 60, 1069, 2071, 21, 46, 3145, 3, 919, 2627, 7, 2230, 9, 2121, 29, 6, 977, 4956, 22, 2716, 2071, 8, 9741, 805], [9742, 750, 37, 127, 3, 9743, 9, 54, 412, 2, 2323, 9, 5334, 2, 215, 2717, 173, 417, 9, 375, 3, 9744, 4008, 1, 9745, 9746], [45, 10, 23, 4, 30, 8, 189, 36, 1919, 2357, 12, 2298, 798, 9, 1511, 13, 59, 86, 9747, 146, 412, 10, 2363, 1416, 138, 28, 9748], [6, 1851, 1233, 1539, 1323, 18, 9749, 1540, 2071, 21, 412, 5335], [621, 209, 108, 484, 25, 48, 1386, 11, 1191, 9750, 8, 5336, 4, 23, 3, 9751, 1, 9752], [412, 9753, 2071, 21, 609, 1382, 1539, 7, 1323, 106, 185, 787, 435, 456, 5337, 3249, 5338], [30, 16, 31, 412, 1774, 42, 20, 2, 701, 9754], [412, 591, 3227, 52, 183, 18, 1192, 1491, 295, 1373, 1, 9755], [15, 2089, 11, 38, 4, 2014, 311, 6, 412, 14, 9756, 18, 3, 9757, 1864], [6, 1851, 532, 1539, 4009, 9758, 4010, 2071, 21, 412, 5335], [2087, 400, 9759, 1622, 37, 109, 412, 29, 931], [6, 37, 3111, 2, 4011, 17, 412, 157, 635, 4, 23, 2, 9760, 751, 1424, 2, 52, 67, 35, 16, 109, 253, 39, 79, 1080], [412, 9761, 2071, 21, 609, 727, 1539, 7, 1323, 161, 617, 787, 435, 456, 590, 5337, 3249, 5338], [14, 2244, 9762, 412, 45, 88, 4012, 695, 2718, 4013, 15, 1221, 15, 4, 208], [9763, 59, 33, 1767, 9, 9764, 412], [37, 412, 2, 1934, 32, 7, 14, 9765, 2121, 9766, 220, 621, 1430, 6, 112, 3, 670, 85, 3842, 9767, 32, 20, 57], [6, 9768, 60, 15, 39, 3250, 44, 4, 26, 412, 32, 25, 1122, 29, 162, 9769, 29, 2710, 13, 9770], [993, 615, 2364, 130, 23, 412, 9771, 1932, 566, 4014, 2, 993, 615, 2364, 130, 5, 5121, 430, 1, 9772], [9773, 9774, 9775, 5339, 412, 3989, 2, 413, 1086, 9, 12, 402, 543, 62, 199, 708, 1, 9776, 9777], [6, 412, 850, 110, 12, 2, 9778, 15, 27, 19, 1775, 2719], [165, 66, 331, 17, 5340, 31, 412, 5, 5341, 22, 207, 3211, 1199, 8, 9779, 1377, 42, 1728, 5342], [6, 461, 14, 769, 3139, 3140, 4015, 5, 2, 254, 9780, 11, 185, 1539, 9781, 7, 144, 12, 149, 9, 56, 265, 412], [37, 412, 2, 253, 3989, 850, 12, 14, 3251, 5343], [1287, 13, 4016, 3252, 4017, 48, 5, 4735, 3, 4017, 48, 17, 27, 2365, 20, 3, 9782, 13, 4016, 1287, 412, 9783, 1, 9784], [2, 2090, 24, 99, 6, 160, 40, 1474, 42, 5, 14, 1935], [10, 2679, 1323, 411, 33, 1541, 215, 253, 109, 1120, 5344, 10, 99], [15, 8, 2978, 768, 6, 35, 99, 14, 1025, 5345, 9, 69, 8, 215, 1210, 9785, 4, 9786, 4018, 64, 9787], [5346, 19, 2, 2366, 5347, 116, 5348, 5347, 19, 2, 2366, 1936, 45, 301, 130, 24, 99, 316, 203, 1, 2056, 9788], [9789, 1163, 71, 9790, 5, 9791, 31, 43, 123, 993, 99, 36, 3966, 893, 49, 4019, 9792, 9793], [9794, 9795, 9796, 53, 10, 155, 2367, 33, 99, 115, 10, 210, 967, 15, 186, 15, 8, 2, 151, 169, 4, 104], [2, 9797, 5349, 9798, 4020, 356, 198, 675, 1, 9799, 1394, 9800, 5349, 9801, 3253, 4021], [217, 9802, 9, 218, 33, 3, 9803, 2, 125, 411, 96, 8, 99, 39, 78, 29, 1321, 1, 9804], [9805, 18, 1427, 99, 2122, 11, 4022, 9806, 9, 554, 9807, 5, 5350, 1, 9808, 9809], [9810, 1937, 6, 30, 16, 104, 108, 15, 8, 198, 99], [1869, 7, 5351, 294, 99, 1648, 21, 28, 9811], [9812, 9813, 99, 32, 859, 58, 9814, 1, 9815], [116, 9816, 55, 210, 1608, 3, 1329, 17, 1651, 99, 115, 9817, 25, 283, 183, 1, 9818, 1, 9819], [247, 9820, 25, 48, 5, 9821, 4023, 3, 5352, 48, 99, 5, 9822, 268, 1429, 9823, 5, 9824, 1, 9825], [55, 41, 26, 99, 36, 33, 9826, 1866], [30, 16, 26, 29, 9827, 10, 3254, 5353, 5353, 2720, 9828, 8, 587, 99], [2, 99, 3711, 44, 3255, 28, 9829], [2, 805, 3256, 217, 9830, 2, 1394, 99, 9831, 7, 9832, 1367, 2, 3257, 9833, 9834, 1, 9835], [53, 117, 2057, 18, 85, 53, 10, 30, 16, 31, 36, 240, 917, 18, 3, 99, 2721, 4, 30, 460, 10, 30, 16, 23, 1133, 3258, 9836, 9837], [14, 1121, 8, 99], [4006, 5354, 2040, 39, 16, 2, 385, 99, 9838, 1398, 70, 617, 506, 28, 9839], [57, 989, 445, 2094, 791, 21, 12, 1162, 99, 9840, 976, 1, 9841], [9842, 5355, 295, 9843, 9844, 94, 9845, 1705, 2, 125, 176, 99], [9846, 66, 162, 9847, 7, 99, 127, 15, 135, 1652], [1268, 24, 1048, 141, 637, 4, 99, 115, 9, 67, 866, 207, 244, 3700, 15, 8, 502, 86, 1, 9848], [254, 3259, 929, 29, 89, 10, 163, 176, 29, 215, 40, 5356, 24, 99, 87], [113, 461, 32, 3, 48, 17, 8, 92, 6, 84, 99], [1030, 9, 4, 4024, 2722, 713, 34, 2, 99, 7, 2, 9849, 2264], [102, 8, 99, 1703, 5357, 750, 1134, 9850, 19, 3, 1340, 1938, 17, 102, 8, 1197, 4025, 1, 9851], [53, 5358, 16, 9852, 2062, 4, 40, 9853, 5358, 99, 817, 402, 543, 62, 5359, 1, 9854], [9855, 6, 1714, 1776, 186, 6, 37, 1632, 36, 33, 532, 1539, 730, 9, 266, 99], [9856, 5360, 3260, 168, 1599, 3261, 1394, 99, 3260, 3261, 1, 9857, 1394, 99, 3260, 168, 1599, 9858, 1, 9859], [70, 99, 115, 1269, 1526, 772, 588, 1425, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 9860, 1, 9861], [2, 166, 670, 694, 7, 368, 24, 1763, 4, 26, 2, 272, 675, 29, 723, 59, 675, 177, 2368, 99, 3957, 1251, 269, 989, 18, 3, 9862], [1421, 218, 1648, 21, 19, 1270, 1939, 4, 1777, 3077, 2, 9863, 2709, 7, 5361, 99, 157, 2, 120, 218, 1648, 21, 444, 1535], [321, 6, 35, 99, 6, 35, 99, 120, 6, 35, 666, 227, 227, 3984], [6, 35, 3990, 5295, 850, 11, 3, 126, 180, 216, 207, 53, 15, 8, 16, 6, 35, 99, 120], [2, 5362, 210, 37, 26, 108, 9864, 33, 56, 938, 15, 269, 120, 24, 99, 36, 5, 2, 9865, 9, 247, 1753, 66, 605, 89, 17, 26], [1315, 4990, 2300, 2, 755, 387, 731, 78, 357, 120, 78, 99, 9, 6, 27, 9866, 5, 2, 1426], [5293, 80, 159, 45, 444, 1535, 37, 16, 3, 648, 7, 99, 157, 120, 9, 1927, 25, 40, 5294, 4, 2706], [3, 2706, 2564, 19, 2123, 1305, 9867, 56, 24, 16, 99, 157, 120, 9, 2709, 2369, 33, 91, 3262, 30, 51, 56, 2706], [14, 115, 1521, 76, 99, 120, 11, 3, 1408, 39, 8, 1065, 4, 277, 36, 3, 229, 77, 85, 6, 30, 16, 31, 15], [22, 1091, 33, 3, 623, 10, 89, 819, 5, 3, 258, 8, 255, 56, 24, 1323, 484, 25, 99, 120, 9, 893, 9, 253], [9868, 9869, 9870, 9871, 29, 255, 24, 2, 5363, 5364, 9, 99, 120, 459, 444, 1535], [9872, 42, 116, 9873, 1196, 371, 76, 99, 9874, 170, 12, 2124, 9875, 1, 9876, 1, 9877], [3015, 3016, 3017, 9878, 32, 114, 99, 9879, 2, 3263, 9, 346, 5365, 22, 1411, 277, 91, 120, 9880, 3, 1227, 203, 1, 9881], [5366, 677, 1614, 9, 398, 1092, 25, 99, 120, 9, 29, 12, 6, 35, 937, 39, 93, 1416, 30, 59, 86, 996, 161, 3, 851, 359, 241, 6, 437, 93, 3, 1487], [5287, 5288, 16, 1646, 18, 3, 2564, 1646, 18, 99, 120, 1145, 1926, 5289, 1647, 17, 23, 685, 4, 30, 18, 15, 9, 29, 12], [416, 1748, 212, 1750, 37, 30, 16, 138, 99, 157, 242, 120], [99, 120, 708, 1090, 1, 5305], [6, 41, 219, 801, 2709, 63, 2, 99, 7, 120, 39, 51, 1050, 2, 65, 677, 72, 439, 2, 74, 42, 6, 27, 5367], [5368, 9882, 9883, 5, 9884, 1847, 333, 9885, 215, 1767, 2723, 5369, 7, 120, 99, 11, 694, 288, 446], [9886, 40, 166, 2643, 80, 64, 10, 89, 155, 2, 2049, 852, 65, 25, 3, 99, 120, 15, 8, 16, 17, 1256], [33, 11, 2, 443, 13, 79, 6, 175, 91, 77, 991, 253, 33, 99, 120, 9, 74, 42, 3992, 16, 91, 3241, 1603, 3242, 253], [6, 35, 2621, 9887, 6, 35, 4026, 10, 32, 7, 2, 99, 120, 9, 10, 163, 6, 41, 1066, 10, 756, 39, 10, 219, 249, 316], [1029, 48, 99, 2117, 120, 1431, 90, 5370, 5, 1034, 3997, 1, 9888], [5371, 10, 2594, 5372, 9, 2370, 76, 99, 120, 113, 24, 10, 672, 3260, 11, 17, 115, 909, 9889, 5107], [927, 309, 9890, 32, 7, 120, 12, 48, 5, 2724, 9891, 1, 9892, 273, 2125, 1, 9893], [5051, 9894, 8, 848, 13, 4027, 1653, 1649, 5373, 21, 25, 99, 120, 269, 4028, 61, 54, 127, 70, 5374, 22, 9895], [1759, 761, 2, 5375, 24, 977, 4029, 226, 334, 6, 81, 13, 120, 99, 9, 9896, 4030, 76, 3237, 955], [5290, 5291, 6, 563, 26, 5292, 2, 99, 120, 3988], [5376, 5, 9897, 5377, 43, 2, 2371, 1048, 141, 899, 5376, 99, 120, 3264, 893, 70, 1, 9898], [53, 1196, 5378, 33, 1647, 56, 286, 1014, 411, 669, 3, 9899, 19, 99, 120], [591, 9900, 3, 9901, 25, 99, 9902, 9903, 9904, 1, 9905], [3237, 5, 1339, 3238, 92, 6, 84, 99, 157, 120, 287, 2116, 2116, 5, 1339, 3238, 325, 5298, 840], [9906, 9907, 99, 157, 120, 61, 10, 938, 33, 51, 10, 4031, 157, 211, 218, 9908], [6, 219, 9909, 710, 73, 968, 4, 371, 76, 99, 120, 10, 5379, 4032, 16, 53, 56, 24, 12, 48], [3936, 41, 9910, 1542, 66, 1778, 218, 1092, 930, 11, 99, 120, 5, 1314, 4, 9911, 39, 219, 1855, 108, 146, 5380], [10, 118, 1640, 120, 99, 4, 2, 1424, 25, 2, 3685, 4, 2, 530, 80, 9912, 6, 35, 16, 40, 1918, 9913, 2604, 8, 5, 2, 1163], [6, 5299, 5300, 4, 2, 422, 558, 422, 877, 9, 2, 99, 120, 7, 959, 13, 187], [255, 24, 2, 3753, 2, 2357, 2, 99, 120, 66, 249, 10, 30, 16, 13, 242, 7, 17, 1934, 156, 1365, 51, 1, 9914, 9915], [2239, 717, 130, 5, 102, 26, 1458, 28, 9916], [1118, 89, 10, 196, 5381, 61, 10, 24, 31, 43, 123, 4, 30, 60, 2, 5382, 717, 130, 9917, 45, 17, 9918, 76, 2, 396], [9919, 1140, 7, 2725, 5, 2726, 55, 23, 112, 1719, 717, 130, 9, 3746, 2631, 694, 5, 2, 166, 454, 1651, 10, 12, 40, 9920, 11, 621], [2372, 1575, 130, 72, 19, 1715, 717, 3265, 1583, 186, 7, 1204, 1132, 33, 1715, 3266, 203, 79, 1, 9921], [4033, 69, 24, 717, 130, 45, 43, 22, 9922, 436, 129, 5383, 358, 8, 354, 1491, 157], [9923, 2282, 11, 717, 130, 5, 1339, 554, 2027, 1, 9924], [447, 4034, 717, 130, 5, 1690, 334, 1, 9925, 1, 9926, 1690, 5384, 5385, 1633, 28, 9927], [2372, 1575, 130, 72, 19, 1715, 717, 3265, 1583, 186, 7, 1204, 1132, 33, 1715, 3266, 203, 79, 1, 9928], [9929, 9930, 9931, 1654, 1703, 9932, 1296, 9933, 4035, 717, 11, 45, 2, 130], [2, 799, 13, 668, 876, 27, 522, 46, 2, 717, 130, 172, 135, 2059, 62, 986, 10, 9934, 1082, 22, 411, 1, 9935, 9936], [51, 10, 131, 912, 668, 10, 131, 226, 2051, 668, 4036, 2701, 1124, 66, 4, 5386, 1, 9937], [12, 2727, 4, 4037, 9938, 9, 1496, 2684, 32, 717, 130, 16, 29, 221, 3267, 28, 9939], [9940, 717, 130, 234, 1, 9941], [4038, 245, 9942, 9943, 717, 130, 1, 9944, 9945], [9946, 4836, 69, 24, 717, 130, 5, 3267, 33, 240, 207, 67, 64, 51, 55, 536, 2728, 69, 78, 5372, 252, 230, 4, 677], [717, 130, 24, 2029, 188, 4039, 246, 51, 10, 138, 157, 9, 677, 108], [67, 506, 10, 81, 26, 621, 7, 69, 41, 219, 26, 717, 130, 5, 4040, 34, 2, 1424, 8, 325, 5308, 2729], [447, 4034, 717, 130, 5, 1690, 334, 1, 9947, 9948, 1, 9949, 1690, 5384, 5385, 1633, 28, 5387, 9950], [9951, 9952, 11, 75, 972, 4041, 30, 16, 198, 170, 51, 102, 1249, 421, 711, 546, 13, 717, 130], [2372, 1575, 130, 72, 19, 1715, 717, 3265, 1583, 186, 7, 1204, 1132, 33, 1715, 3266, 203, 79, 1, 9953], [1628, 14, 293, 4042, 9954, 9955, 80, 9956, 27, 12, 2, 1009, 785, 18, 9957, 9958, 48, 164, 42, 853, 9959, 1, 9960, 1, 9961, 9962], [29, 135, 1896, 69, 78, 717, 130, 261, 255, 6, 232, 43, 2, 1317, 17, 6, 27, 977, 9963, 4], [102, 717, 130, 196, 90, 364, 575, 1688, 34, 417, 34, 480, 51, 102, 9964, 5388, 10, 4, 30, 29, 1, 9965], [2372, 1575, 130, 72, 19, 1715, 717, 3265, 1583, 186, 7, 1204, 1132, 33, 1715, 3266, 203, 79, 1, 9966, 8], [2, 717, 130, 5, 981, 24, 29, 901], [17, 3687, 435, 9967, 1113, 51, 10, 1758, 36, 136, 4043, 43, 1849, 18, 47, 9968, 523, 21, 1, 9969], [3268, 3269, 172, 1940, 1655, 523, 21, 29, 1941, 11, 3, 1432, 57, 8, 4044, 17, 5389, 9970, 1, 9971], [204, 258, 8, 1074, 131, 1375, 4, 183, 22, 64, 5390, 11, 47, 523, 21, 85, 41, 138, 12, 186, 55, 132, 2255, 2126, 4, 934], [1655, 523, 21, 820, 34, 2373, 148, 5391, 21, 5, 234, 1, 9972], [2373, 2234, 826, 212, 2730, 820, 5, 2294, 523, 21, 1, 9973, 1, 9974], [3268, 3269, 172, 1940, 1655, 523, 21, 29, 1941, 11, 3, 1, 9975], [9976, 6, 35, 45, 11, 17, 4, 26, 4045, 53, 65, 175, 4, 138, 12, 3, 9977, 171, 108, 608, 141, 705, 1897, 9, 1624, 80, 64, 47, 523, 21], [1642, 93, 9, 982, 9978, 2374, 7, 1655, 523, 21, 5, 71, 25, 1642, 2, 940, 1, 9979], [192, 4, 294, 9980, 460, 36, 186, 51, 831, 3270, 5392, 2, 523, 21, 37, 421, 252, 4046, 9, 4046], [5393, 523, 21, 45, 928, 2, 75, 5394, 148, 146, 9981, 12, 45, 2, 3926, 7, 2, 2557, 12, 45, 2374, 1, 9982, 18, 9983], [9984, 3268, 3269, 172, 1940, 1655, 523, 21, 29, 1941, 11, 3, 1432, 57, 8, 1, 9985, 2731, 9986], [3, 9987, 9988, 4047, 17, 5, 148, 69, 24, 162, 523, 21, 1, 9989], [9990, 851, 290, 9991, 9992, 9993, 56, 9994, 15, 5, 4, 106, 4048, 1543, 11, 70, 65, 39, 151, 12, 1341, 7, 173, 162, 9995, 523, 21], [69, 829, 26, 523, 21, 647], [2, 59, 6, 946, 4, 15, 2, 59, 6, 457, 643, 523, 21, 7, 605, 8, 67, 7, 2, 197, 9996, 69, 267, 27], [226, 568, 349, 9, 801, 24, 4831, 3, 341, 396, 148, 5, 4049, 1, 9997], [6, 35, 158, 5, 2, 327, 7, 523, 21, 9, 9998, 2, 122, 64, 6, 35, 1114, 504, 647, 39, 6, 35, 16, 9999, 484, 14, 725], [10000, 204, 669, 5, 3, 258, 8, 1074, 22, 8, 252, 59, 10001, 246, 39, 6, 35, 75, 1262, 56, 109, 2, 5395, 47, 523, 21], [1288, 19, 10002, 683, 2114, 523, 21, 19, 3724, 10003, 31, 3, 5000, 1, 10004, 58, 10005], [2730, 820, 5, 542, 755, 387, 731, 523, 21, 5, 2373, 148, 1711, 346, 1, 10006, 1, 10007], [10008, 10, 938, 2617, 13, 356, 176, 10009, 11, 10010, 2127, 10011, 5, 45, 5396, 4050, 134, 523, 21, 10012, 1182, 140], [10013, 10014, 80, 10015, 30, 756, 4, 2375, 17, 7, 2, 670, 65, 54, 112, 240, 10016, 5, 95, 85, 3005, 27, 67, 7, 2, 523, 21], [1655, 523, 21, 5, 1642, 2732, 1263, 373, 1, 10017, 1, 10018], [10019, 3735, 1603, 6, 23, 505, 78, 92, 6, 84, 1294, 2733, 2511, 5007, 177, 754, 7, 2, 7, 523, 21, 55, 1161], [204, 121, 44, 3271, 9, 5397, 948, 5398, 44, 322, 47, 52, 523, 21, 196, 1141, 11, 211, 5, 1, 10020], [71, 4051, 1711, 2376, 2294, 9, 909, 523, 21, 24, 12, 2, 820, 5, 1642, 1, 10021, 10022, 1779], [3272, 434, 4, 514, 8, 5399, 18, 5400, 5401, 9, 523, 21, 203, 10023, 3784, 201, 28, 10024], [10025, 2, 193, 4, 226, 334, 10026, 269, 69, 8, 1775, 226, 568, 523, 21, 20, 2734, 2616, 1494, 1, 10027], [1642, 2730, 820, 5, 542, 9, 755, 387, 731, 523, 21, 5, 122, 573, 7, 234, 1, 10028], [682, 3273, 63, 30, 16, 6, 30, 16, 477, 523, 21, 1, 10029], [1655, 523, 21, 5, 1642, 277, 3274, 1298, 278, 3275, 93, 9, 346, 58, 4052, 1, 10030], [3268, 3269, 172, 1940, 1655, 523, 21, 29, 1941, 11, 3, 1432, 57, 8, 4044, 1, 10031, 10032, 10033, 203], [10034, 61, 10, 30, 16, 155, 2, 4050, 21, 210, 23, 37, 10035, 36, 144, 1393, 523, 21], [1642, 2730, 820, 5, 542, 9, 755, 387, 731, 523, 21, 5, 122, 573, 7, 234, 1, 10036, 10037], [10038, 34, 15, 5402, 4, 206, 523, 21, 325, 4880], [143, 405, 5, 5403, 47, 71, 7, 242, 738, 29, 692, 1, 10039, 10040], [78, 1072, 5, 129, 2735, 10041, 10042, 10043, 10044, 9, 738, 5148, 1869, 135, 1652, 110, 1, 10045], [146, 1579, 4, 682, 32, 7, 170, 22, 454, 4, 209, 846, 10046, 11, 2, 1012, 9, 738, 5404, 28, 10047, 636], [4053, 1035, 5405, 36, 144, 5, 2030, 46, 2117, 770, 4, 1252, 7, 47, 3276, 2377, 62, 199, 10048, 1, 10049], [27, 3277, 52, 531, 3, 738, 7, 10050, 619, 80, 64, 9, 278, 10051, 4054, 36, 763, 10052, 1, 10053], [3217, 10054, 3278, 47, 2647, 11, 67, 59, 277, 9, 67, 166, 3198, 30, 16, 26, 3, 738, 13, 1130, 2, 3279], [204, 1211, 245, 1656, 10055, 5406, 1544, 5, 2, 2378, 13, 3128, 34, 2731, 1175, 5407, 2242, 79, 28, 10056, 10057], [10058, 14, 10059, 27, 310, 4, 26, 5, 2, 122, 5408, 7, 5409, 4, 277, 274, 5, 2127, 2617, 13, 3848, 738, 1545, 1433, 5410], [1517, 2736, 1035, 540, 8, 1072, 2379, 5411, 1012, 738, 1035, 10060, 10061, 1, 10062, 899, 1342], [962, 204, 738, 7, 402, 1901, 1187], [10063, 10064, 704, 328, 4, 26, 3, 738, 7, 10065, 52, 189, 1728, 2737, 3280, 10066, 963, 6, 155], [968, 10067, 9, 77, 738, 818, 7, 4723, 10068, 19, 5412, 5413, 2738, 96, 63, 5412, 10069, 10070, 5413, 1, 10071], [738, 876, 6, 42, 2322, 3281, 4055, 3093, 316, 330, 1434, 1, 10072], [10073, 10074, 10075, 9, 402, 543, 62, 199, 738, 24, 14, 5138, 66, 30, 65, 16, 33, 108], [10076, 414, 862, 10077, 5, 1314, 4, 10078, 103, 1, 10079, 1, 2099, 10080], [10081, 4855, 10082, 20, 2, 169, 2, 10083, 8, 700, 302, 207, 738, 1704, 3921, 2380, 5414, 29, 4939, 1032, 727, 174], [10084, 10085, 10086, 3220, 3221, 356, 24, 10, 2550, 7, 2, 738, 5415, 11, 49, 3904, 7, 2688, 183, 5416], [10, 132, 165, 183, 1008, 70, 288, 2739, 40, 637, 167, 635, 4, 26, 12, 738, 10087, 10088], [35, 197, 594, 62, 199, 424, 66, 4056, 212, 10089, 4, 35, 10090, 4053, 10091, 1, 10092, 10093], [17, 1304, 169, 622, 86, 6, 1161], [6, 92, 6, 84, 30, 16, 104, 113, 10094, 121, 9, 402, 543, 62, 199, 738, 24, 16, 12, 2, 10095, 5417, 301, 3796, 89, 26, 29, 75, 232], [4057, 6, 192, 4, 294, 609, 22, 4, 850, 119, 738], [116, 5418, 1630, 10096, 1010, 1435, 122, 907, 738, 1, 10097, 58, 5418], [10098, 402, 543, 62, 199, 738], [10099, 760, 11, 70, 4058, 1053, 5419, 4, 5420, 1123, 58, 2381, 1, 10100], [402, 543, 62, 199, 738, 2272, 3900], [10101, 5421, 1343, 869, 11, 10102, 10103, 904, 11, 4053, 3282, 1, 10104], [10105, 10106, 54, 27, 2, 2379, 220, 3787, 122, 738, 413, 94, 38, 72, 6, 902, 10, 1, 10107], [738, 10108, 1912, 196, 35, 29, 2057], [738, 1035, 899, 439, 1729, 36, 10109, 76, 10110, 1, 10111], [274, 112, 3, 2740, 1501, 10112, 10113, 9, 2, 738, 5415, 11, 3, 1424, 148, 78, 5, 2, 5422, 7, 1780, 10114], [745, 1837, 10115, 2532, 10116, 1546, 1407, 5423, 20, 3039, 3777, 738, 12, 10117, 1, 5424, 1, 5424], [1264, 738, 12, 2, 169, 4, 1106, 1, 10118], [10119, 1053, 2741, 4, 5420, 1123, 11, 136, 4058, 306, 220, 78, 219, 10120, 46, 1484, 13, 3112, 1, 10121], [10122, 448, 8, 756, 39, 6, 840, 23, 68, 10123, 4, 294, 10124, 5026], [135, 10125, 10126, 10127, 25, 10128, 4, 367, 8, 3, 448, 6, 23, 10129, 694, 757, 4, 31, 22, 4, 170, 803, 10130, 31, 4, 566, 1513], [13, 10131, 2128, 5, 2, 327, 7, 448, 9, 2742, 1, 10132, 5425, 10133, 1, 10134], [10135, 1891, 19, 480, 3283, 1545, 820, 22, 172, 26, 3, 448, 1, 10136], [10137, 2, 283, 448, 7, 2, 416, 7, 2, 10138, 1204, 13, 573, 10139, 1781, 4, 10140, 801, 10141, 9, 439], [365, 50, 117, 8, 3, 10142, 3893, 8, 3, 448], [10143, 10144, 17, 448, 115, 1942, 216, 10145, 54, 8, 49, 5426, 16, 3, 4059, 3, 10146, 16, 10147, 242, 698, 4060, 133, 10148, 21], [2382, 10149, 2383, 1740, 2264, 1, 10150, 1239, 749, 11, 242, 448, 10151, 1, 10152], [10153, 5427, 219, 5428, 10154, 6, 81, 16, 10155, 242, 448, 17, 89, 1547, 3, 513, 5429, 88, 909, 11, 10156], [5430, 39, 69, 24, 75, 5431, 4, 457, 643, 17, 1174, 133, 280, 448, 27, 3, 1490, 1270, 9, 5432, 20, 3262], [177, 2, 10157, 10158, 68, 4061, 346, 69, 8, 3, 605, 438, 12, 1518, 179, 910, 448], [372, 1546, 2383, 1740, 2264, 1, 10159, 1239, 749, 11, 242, 448, 43, 535, 1, 10160, 10161], [191, 3284, 448], [10162, 2048, 5433, 448, 5434, 27, 949, 5435, 39, 3285, 2, 701, 506], [452, 567, 7, 2, 340, 2230, 10163, 14, 854, 1861, 5, 150, 23, 112, 448, 365, 50, 5109, 5436, 1943], [10164, 619, 80, 159, 192, 4, 31, 502, 186, 272, 2, 619, 80, 159, 178, 38, 649, 33, 3, 1381, 1548, 448], [4835, 9, 10165, 2068, 448, 9, 2258, 10166, 1051, 2, 5437, 7, 331, 370, 1389, 1, 10167, 10168, 1, 10169], [1059, 1472, 10170, 8, 16, 3, 448, 5438, 3, 1308, 258, 8, 129, 1059, 337, 160, 1, 10171], [10172, 61, 3, 448, 555, 13, 9, 374, 2743, 21, 47, 991, 34, 2515, 25, 10173], [1342, 1930, 1035, 775, 1125, 1012, 1344, 638, 10174, 448, 10175, 217, 905, 19, 10176, 5439, 1035, 1, 10177], [10178, 623, 2383, 1740, 2264, 1, 10179, 1239, 749, 11, 242, 448, 43, 1, 10180], [803, 770, 4, 23, 10181, 1471, 448, 5440, 5441, 10182, 40, 2721, 10183], [6, 5442, 448, 234, 10184, 5443, 1782, 1, 10185], [10186, 1783, 10187, 9, 448, 2620, 3286, 10188, 2129, 1, 10189], [5444, 24, 162, 7, 96, 24, 92, 6, 84, 2596, 442, 32, 25, 17, 448, 22, 8, 113, 955, 915, 4, 5445, 22, 8, 113, 15, 132, 26, 10190, 1549], [227, 14, 191, 4020, 2, 350, 1138, 960, 448, 6, 23, 267, 868, 16, 17, 6, 165, 2, 438, 63, 35, 76, 15, 19, 45], [10191, 10192, 2383, 1740, 2264, 1, 10193, 1239, 749, 11, 242, 448, 43, 1, 10194], [16, 3, 448, 19, 45, 6, 35, 5446, 201, 146, 2, 151, 67, 1225, 685, 51, 6, 35, 146, 4062, 1410, 38, 53, 10, 109, 1934, 4, 163], [10195, 10196, 10197, 448, 15, 626, 65, 4, 31, 5447, 9, 2, 2384, 785, 8, 17, 19, 478, 667, 7, 40, 317, 881, 41, 23], [6, 112, 70, 3287, 10198, 9, 3, 268, 5448, 1767, 110, 9, 6, 35, 92, 6, 84, 1522], [10199, 5449, 327, 448, 5450, 5449, 1544, 5240, 4, 3288, 10200, 619, 80, 10201, 1, 10202], [2681, 10203, 6, 23, 16, 1899, 17, 67, 651, 37, 5451, 448, 306, 220, 8, 1924], [432, 264, 1345, 10204, 5452, 2130, 4063, 7, 153, 1398, 974, 5453, 1307, 2, 1321, 148, 127, 16, 1903, 5, 448, 993, 485, 10205, 10206], [1147, 779, 2744, 59, 9, 59, 3, 3289, 1296, 2546, 9, 448], [3290, 8, 16, 2225, 12, 3290, 176, 2225, 12, 365, 50, 117, 176, 2225, 12, 10207, 176, 2225, 12, 448, 77], [4890, 3747, 3291, 6, 2100, 10, 29, 221, 2241, 742, 11, 2, 438, 433, 834, 10208, 448, 1, 10209], [1944, 25, 2, 1768, 7, 3, 546, 13, 2131, 1, 10210, 10211], [1010, 359, 172, 26, 546, 13, 39, 15, 195, 23, 91, 3292, 198, 4064, 1, 10212], [1061, 3, 546, 13, 455, 3293, 390, 1469, 133, 477, 1000, 10213, 4065, 2710, 3294, 5, 15, 8, 702, 10214, 1, 10215], [546, 10216, 10217, 10218, 32, 10219, 6, 27, 1763, 4, 2359, 10220, 10221, 9, 6, 916, 1, 10222], [2, 546, 13, 1417, 7, 153, 9, 1088, 243, 13, 1945, 92, 6, 84, 146, 1346, 110, 1, 10223], [2, 546, 13, 1417, 7, 153, 9, 1088, 243, 13, 1945, 92, 6, 84, 146, 1346, 110, 1, 10224], [2, 546, 13, 1417, 7, 153, 9, 1088, 243, 13, 1945, 92, 6, 84, 146, 1346, 110, 1, 10225], [10226, 1779, 27, 3, 546, 13, 4066, 5454, 915, 4, 1946, 3765, 1405, 7, 148, 20, 96, 9, 10227, 10228], [1944, 25, 2, 1768, 7, 3, 546, 13, 2131, 1, 10229, 58, 5455], [2, 546, 13, 1417, 7, 153, 9, 1088, 243, 13, 1945, 92, 6, 84, 146, 1346, 110, 1, 10230], [10231, 6, 1430, 31, 43, 123, 13, 5456, 10232, 3295, 29, 546, 13], [2, 197, 538, 7, 244, 2037, 10233, 2745, 5457, 8, 2, 5458, 904, 17, 53, 587, 546, 13, 156, 1508, 56, 41, 3187, 3, 75, 10234], [1944, 25, 2, 272, 5459, 10235, 13, 1407, 5, 93, 119, 779, 10236, 174, 1368, 1, 10237], [2, 546, 13, 1417, 7, 153, 9, 1088, 243, 13, 1945, 92, 6, 84, 146, 1346, 110, 1, 10238], [10239, 7, 2, 432, 2598, 911, 9, 95, 10240, 2, 10241, 5460, 10242, 1286, 3, 546, 13, 1186, 10243, 7], [10244, 5461, 2674, 7, 1177, 3123, 1212, 457, 643, 5, 546, 13, 3977, 75, 972, 4041, 151, 2, 10245, 30], [10246, 8, 22, 61, 93, 175, 5462, 1706, 301, 940, 1532, 76, 3, 546, 13, 10247, 125, 148, 1133, 671], [1944, 25, 2, 1768, 7, 3, 546, 13, 2131, 2, 52, 3296, 1, 10248], [1944, 25, 2, 1768, 7, 3, 546, 13, 2131, 1, 10249, 10250, 58, 5455], [2, 546, 13, 1417, 7, 153, 9, 1088, 243, 13, 1945, 92, 6, 84, 146, 1346, 110, 1, 10251], [3, 502, 189, 19, 61, 22, 546, 13, 332, 9, 292, 44, 673, 4, 10252, 28, 10253], [2, 546, 13, 1417, 7, 153, 9, 1088, 243, 13, 1945, 92, 6, 84, 146, 1346, 110, 1, 10254, 273, 10255], [1944, 25, 2, 1768, 7, 3, 546, 13, 2131, 2, 52, 3296, 1, 10256], [587, 546, 13, 8, 283, 210, 55, 3852, 32, 1, 10257], [10258, 5175, 8, 2, 871, 11, 2, 546, 13, 10259, 5, 734, 10260, 7, 841, 297, 9, 416, 7, 10261, 10262, 8], [1944, 25, 2, 1768, 7, 3, 546, 13, 2131, 2, 52, 3296, 1, 10263], [3297, 16, 151, 60, 2, 302, 510, 174, 7, 216, 9, 10264, 2595, 2385, 39, 356, 546, 13, 1010, 359, 5, 14, 3696, 606], [844, 221, 240, 64, 2, 2132, 168, 21, 12, 49, 2132, 1784, 11, 3, 2037, 304, 6, 10265, 546, 13, 128, 131], [992, 11, 3, 10266, 546, 13, 455, 4748, 4749, 899, 1, 10267, 1, 10268], [10269, 2746, 9, 848, 188, 59, 39, 91, 10270, 18, 1247, 1537, 9, 2, 546, 13, 245, 812, 10271, 375, 587, 2747, 1730], [82, 1314, 9, 491, 464, 133, 2386, 10272, 9, 1377, 181, 1, 10273, 1, 10274], [2, 464, 133, 2387, 4, 751, 2, 4067, 5, 4068, 647, 142, 82, 1493, 409, 1226, 636, 3169, 217, 2, 5463, 1, 10275], [4069, 82, 1785, 539, 343, 2748, 3, 464, 133, 394, 19, 2749, 28, 10276, 58, 4070, 5464], [19, 10277, 862, 11, 83, 1740, 11, 3, 10278, 1367, 12, 464, 133, 3298, 133, 4071, 128, 82, 1314], [958, 10279, 10280, 133, 329, 264, 854, 4922, 82, 1314, 10281, 5, 2388, 1947, 1, 10282, 1, 10283], [1467, 4072, 294, 10284, 22, 4073, 946, 4, 1177, 315, 16, 464, 133, 1948, 4, 285, 21, 4074, 28, 10285, 1, 10286], [5465, 2, 1707, 156, 1013, 5, 3, 464, 133, 1434, 1060, 82, 3299, 3300, 3, 666, 10287, 465, 5466, 10288], [2, 464, 133, 2387, 4, 751, 2, 4067, 5, 4068, 647, 142, 82, 1493, 409, 1226, 636, 3169, 217, 2, 5463, 1, 2099, 10289], [236, 142, 2, 1376, 1467, 4072, 4, 2028, 3301, 1036, 7, 3302, 13, 464, 133, 1948, 4, 285, 21, 175, 4, 466, 108, 4074, 1, 10290], [905, 410, 71, 464, 133, 10291, 10292, 319, 82, 1, 10293], [52, 775, 1786, 19, 1034, 82, 164, 42, 862, 5, 1787, 464, 133, 3303, 3304, 63, 3305, 899, 1, 10294], [82, 853, 2133, 4, 464, 133, 366, 1034, 10295, 10296, 1, 1462, 10297], [394, 19, 464, 133, 724, 1873, 4, 666, 184, 261, 5465, 2697, 82, 853, 12, 1169, 1582, 2, 409, 10298], [126, 103, 10299, 462, 82, 2389, 126, 128, 464, 133, 366, 1213, 440, 5467, 5468, 2636, 3306, 10300, 1210, 5469, 4075, 5470, 10301, 10302], [2298, 798, 2750, 82, 1785, 539, 343, 2748, 3, 464, 133, 394, 19, 2749, 1, 10303], [1034, 82, 164, 42, 862, 8, 1072, 464, 133, 3303, 3304, 63, 3305, 5, 1787, 135, 1652, 57, 899, 1, 5471], [30, 10, 23, 3, 312, 5, 869, 7, 3, 1620, 464, 133, 82, 979, 59, 160, 1, 10304, 10305, 2609], [10306, 192, 4, 26, 10307, 5, 82, 3307, 11, 464, 133, 5472, 13, 356, 1, 10308, 42], [82, 1785, 539, 343, 2748, 3, 464, 133, 394, 19, 2749, 4076, 3, 2595, 5, 2, 1193, 3809, 19, 5473, 1, 10309], [55, 104, 22, 8, 331, 11, 2, 3301, 30, 16, 1066, 5, 4, 1761, 25, 1471, 5474, 3007, 5475, 464, 133, 1948, 4, 285, 21, 1, 10310], [10311, 10312, 82, 1380, 2, 464, 133, 2387, 14, 5476, 1, 10313, 10314], [1034, 82, 164, 42, 862, 8, 1072, 3, 464, 133, 3303, 3304, 63, 3305, 135, 1652, 57, 1787, 899, 1, 5471], [82, 1785, 539, 343, 2748, 3, 464, 133, 394, 19, 2749, 4076, 3, 2595, 5, 2, 1193, 3809, 19, 5473, 1, 10315], [129, 464, 133, 366, 2751, 1693, 41, 1239, 10, 11, 49, 82, 1772, 5, 2, 735, 1, 10316], [1034, 82, 164, 42, 862, 8, 1072, 464, 133, 3303, 3304, 63, 3305, 5, 1787, 135, 1652, 57, 899, 1, 10317], [121, 70, 10318, 7, 82, 19, 464, 133, 4077, 10319, 10320, 10321, 1, 878, 10322], [82, 1785, 539, 343, 2748, 3, 464, 133, 394, 19, 2749, 5477, 57, 1, 10323], [196, 908, 36, 11, 3301, 439, 10324, 464, 133, 1948, 4, 285, 21, 421, 2, 1432, 4074, 236, 142, 2, 1376, 10325, 10326], [10327, 5478, 6, 10328, 2, 10329, 12, 14, 82, 464, 133, 1933, 4, 5479, 25, 2, 75, 10330, 2389, 11, 37, 713, 49, 245, 3055], [464, 133, 5480, 176, 3, 342, 50, 10, 82, 29, 6, 132, 178, 15, 1862, 6, 23, 3, 963, 4, 608, 20, 483, 11, 1784], [82, 161, 3218, 187, 1303, 10331, 185, 70, 510, 464, 133, 48, 5, 2360, 5, 734, 409, 1, 10332, 58, 137], [82, 656, 1239, 11, 464, 133, 83, 316, 5464, 1367, 1, 10333], [10334, 10335, 10336, 853, 24, 19, 3, 464, 133, 366, 5, 2, 1641, 530, 80, 64, 261, 2017, 530, 80, 64], [138, 173, 10337, 2134, 1759, 5481, 31, 1470, 347, 87, 3, 524, 77, 970, 10338, 10339, 10340, 2553, 10341], [10342, 10343, 47, 1889, 4078, 4, 347, 87, 3, 524], [400, 4079, 138, 347, 87, 3, 524, 63, 587, 2348], [1602, 2, 333, 110, 151, 646, 524, 369, 347, 296, 70, 118, 124, 36, 3, 1321, 1496, 110, 46, 2, 2338, 10344, 1, 10345], [71, 890, 242, 5482, 10346, 68, 10347, 4, 2390, 53, 29, 171, 38, 104, 34, 6, 175, 4, 165, 40, 4080, 347, 87, 3, 524, 5483], [10348, 176, 33, 117, 60, 4, 347, 157, 3, 524, 39, 117, 10349, 14, 1121, 39, 14, 2625, 24, 10350, 113, 1907, 28, 10351], [6, 10352, 9, 6, 4081, 9, 6, 347, 87, 17, 524], [507, 780, 6, 289, 6, 347, 87, 3, 524, 1334, 18, 14, 2596, 5484], [53, 117, 1788, 22, 138, 2368, 347, 87, 3, 524, 3042], [53, 93, 10353, 17, 6, 289, 10, 347, 87, 3, 524], [10354, 680, 165, 2, 1113, 3, 524, 3308, 34, 896, 4082, 7, 268, 94, 347, 1833, 3, 434, 5, 1001, 1, 10355], [4042, 4083, 5485, 5486, 5487, 80, 64, 4084, 4, 3309, 2752, 9, 4085, 1, 10356], [4086, 8, 672, 38, 165, 5071, 4087, 60, 5488, 6, 175, 4, 347, 87, 3, 524, 190], [30, 38, 3, 5489, 9, 347, 87, 3, 524], [10357, 45, 10358, 9, 10359, 23, 4, 30, 8, 16, 347, 87, 2, 524, 9, 78, 4088, 12, 17, 892, 7, 2, 903], [347, 87, 3, 524, 196, 28, 10360], [6, 289, 56, 347, 87, 3, 524], [30, 16, 171, 40, 2337, 347, 2107, 22, 368, 894, 524, 10361, 1748, 10362, 8, 40, 1396, 4089, 22, 1, 10363], [51, 117, 5, 1256, 2135, 9, 177, 10, 1840, 117, 1906, 4, 347, 87, 3, 524, 177, 702, 36, 269, 1183, 3749, 4, 421, 3, 5490], [13, 1645, 175, 4, 1014, 14, 147, 87, 3, 524, 9, 347, 4, 14, 193], [6, 289, 10, 347, 87, 3, 524], [6, 2368, 139, 49, 4090, 121, 2391, 2753, 9, 57, 6, 516, 2368, 347, 87, 3, 524], [10364, 10365, 347, 87, 3, 524, 76, 806, 6, 30, 16, 477], [4042, 4083, 5485, 5486, 5487, 80, 64, 4084, 4, 3309, 2752, 9, 4085, 1, 10366], [10367, 6, 109, 22, 13, 390, 1789, 524, 10, 81, 347, 87, 7], [6, 289, 93, 1949, 9, 347, 7, 3, 524, 46, 22, 619, 80, 64, 28, 10368, 10369, 10370], [71, 452, 896, 524, 467, 12, 434, 5, 1001, 165, 2, 1113, 3, 524, 3308, 34, 896, 4082, 7, 268, 94, 347, 1, 10371], [896, 524, 467, 12, 434, 5, 1001, 165, 2, 1113, 3, 524, 3308, 34, 896, 4082, 7, 268, 94, 347, 1833, 3, 930, 1, 10372], [67, 121, 6, 175, 395, 4, 371, 11, 2, 5491, 347, 9, 3310, 69, 327, 1257, 11, 776, 788, 1170, 38, 43, 37, 4, 31, 12, 3, 445], [10373, 2019, 10374, 10375, 347, 87, 3, 524, 1, 10376], [10377, 87, 7, 3, 524, 269, 1918, 10378, 8, 66, 432, 65, 347, 87, 5492], [10379, 39, 53, 56, 112, 2754, 10380, 86, 1111, 6, 89, 23, 1328, 188, 3004, 10381, 22, 172, 198, 347, 87, 3, 524], [17, 1091, 33, 3, 198, 331, 1207, 6, 33, 10382, 39, 6, 257, 33, 95, 10383, 172, 347, 87, 3, 896, 524], [6, 35, 69, 2752, 4085, 12, 1305, 524, 5493, 1950, 1950, 37, 2755, 6, 41, 16, 267, 26, 69, 1950, 1950, 1, 10384], [10385, 10386, 218, 168, 134, 7, 5494, 46, 347, 5, 3267, 1739, 524, 2756, 54, 27, 604, 4, 2136, 88, 5, 3267, 10387, 1, 10388], [745, 524, 440, 3072, 6, 172, 2757, 50, 10, 347, 5, 50, 18, 10, 10389, 1244, 2510, 4, 285, 10390, 976, 12, 1, 10391], [10392, 10393, 1286, 555, 13, 184, 5, 4091, 1, 3311, 10394], [64, 184, 8, 713, 3, 605, 79, 5495, 28, 10395], [89, 3, 3027, 13, 198, 30, 17, 699, 395, 698, 3, 666, 17, 8, 60, 4, 10396, 36, 10397], [10398, 1593, 6, 30, 16, 13, 2, 2758, 4, 1325, 2, 145, 184, 2392, 18, 10399, 5496, 37, 2, 1590], [3979, 10400, 1905, 771, 20, 2114, 184, 4092, 2703, 2353, 732, 28, 10401], [165, 2, 3688, 40, 1839, 1113, 136, 919, 1428, 184, 1833, 237, 3, 2393, 7, 237, 27, 399, 5, 1850, 1, 10402], [10403, 2, 10404, 13, 10405, 21, 34, 10, 250, 56, 5497, 10406, 2394, 53, 55, 294, 283, 160, 162, 2250, 41, 184], [1550, 337, 12, 2, 184, 7, 10407, 197, 5498, 946, 232, 1, 10408], [1484, 13, 184, 5499, 3222, 13, 1951, 9, 10409, 21, 4, 515, 4027, 5500, 2759, 25, 2, 1112, 62, 199, 4093, 1, 10410], [61, 89, 10, 30, 53, 10, 78, 377, 281, 5, 3, 465, 2395, 1236, 1790, 18, 3, 3855, 7, 10411, 1, 10412], [6, 31, 22, 758, 17, 402, 1901, 1187, 41, 184, 63, 10413, 29, 30, 16, 26, 3, 1487, 9, 751, 40, 538], [3108, 10414, 212, 10415, 212, 10416, 212, 10417, 9, 20, 609, 22, 117, 10418, 2, 480, 184, 7, 2, 1434], [10419, 10420, 1922, 4094, 2045, 4095, 184, 34, 2385, 872, 2137, 34, 4096, 1781, 43, 5501, 4097, 1, 10421], [151, 67, 10422, 44, 5179, 2, 1381, 184, 5, 1230, 181, 1, 10423, 680], [1426, 234, 1249, 977, 184, 9, 2, 1244, 1347, 2760, 15, 1, 10424], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 10425, 10426, 1380, 10427, 5502, 304, 110, 6, 84, 6, 184], [10428, 818, 184, 953, 10429, 76, 1165, 798, 10430, 2761, 1, 10431], [2317, 7, 2290, 669, 12, 512, 10432, 10433, 3090, 4, 296, 10434, 184, 1, 10435], [2762, 1790, 184, 441, 1, 10436], [10437, 638, 1614, 10438, 1503, 80, 64, 894, 6, 184, 34, 14, 5503, 3203], [1426, 5504, 1406, 535, 1782, 512, 10439, 4, 2702, 184, 1, 10440, 20, 10441, 10442], [4098, 716, 2248, 9, 10443, 10444, 1434, 12, 10445, 7, 184, 10, 30, 16, 188, 461, 17, 12, 1741, 7, 2122, 4, 1551, 11, 4099, 1396], [2762, 1790, 184, 441, 1, 10446], [879, 10447, 5505, 10448, 15, 44, 4, 26, 2293, 10449, 1952, 10450, 63, 10451, 4, 163, 22, 5506, 12, 108, 73, 163, 17, 51, 301, 876, 184], [113, 127, 6, 249, 4, 170, 110, 840, 516, 184, 7, 10452], [4094, 2045, 4095, 184, 34, 2385, 872, 2137, 58, 1922, 10453, 1, 10454, 716], [880, 45, 32, 61, 125, 10455, 4, 1925, 8, 184, 1, 10456], [3979, 1905, 771, 43, 2702, 959, 13, 184, 19, 1533, 404, 3980, 849, 1644, 5280, 3981, 2114, 1, 5281], [57, 17, 8, 61, 10, 437, 3, 5283, 184, 10457], [4100, 5507, 21, 36, 11, 10458, 10459, 34, 275, 1230, 42, 184, 5508, 1, 10460], [5509, 10461, 10462, 10463, 2762, 1790, 184, 441, 1, 10464, 96, 5509, 10465, 10466], [4094, 2045, 4095, 184, 34, 2385, 872, 10467, 10468], [10469, 10470, 10471, 10472, 1730, 2762, 1790, 184, 441, 2762, 1790, 184, 441, 1730, 1, 10473, 10474], [2, 1118, 2394, 2137, 4, 184], [10475, 14, 317, 695, 479, 4, 216, 10476, 6, 1455, 208, 53, 54, 27, 373, 54, 250, 5510, 177, 465, 5, 476, 10477, 187, 10478], [10479, 10480, 10481, 10482, 852, 10483, 10484, 2045, 1545, 11, 5460, 9, 2394, 465, 10485, 911, 10486, 399], [6, 27, 12, 14, 169, 4, 5001, 39, 45, 2, 769, 1164, 10487, 27, 926, 604, 4, 3, 404, 465, 6, 289, 56, 171, 96, 316, 647], [10488, 10489, 5511, 2, 244, 9, 4985, 2, 10490, 44, 465, 2, 52, 150, 232, 565, 232, 2, 2061, 1204, 13, 28, 10491], [233, 432, 10492, 19, 10493, 5512, 72, 9, 4101, 10494, 10495, 4102, 465, 10496, 1, 10497], [4103, 10498, 10499, 10500, 1430, 10501, 704, 10502, 10503, 78, 4104, 12, 15, 51, 15, 465], [4105, 36, 12, 960, 9, 227, 14, 191, 17, 229, 77, 1306, 994, 17, 37, 977, 465, 6, 257, 29, 331], [2074, 465, 3, 4106, 10504, 162, 5, 2, 1755, 683, 31, 43, 123, 4, 11, 59, 86, 727, 174, 10505, 1, 10506], [127, 10, 163, 4, 208, 9, 5513, 700, 465, 12, 2, 5514, 10507, 10508, 18, 3, 3312, 763, 208, 10509, 920, 993], [144, 456, 5282, 33, 684, 65, 465, 10510], [2, 995, 7, 211, 1850, 563, 23, 68, 2093, 34, 88, 537, 2138, 9, 88, 2763, 465, 9, 69, 27, 47, 396, 9], [1493, 5515, 826, 1037, 979, 10511, 287, 1469, 133, 921, 10512, 187, 217, 49, 5426, 465, 12, 2, 1344, 638, 1037, 1, 10513], [10514, 9, 2139, 32, 34, 167, 465, 5, 2, 13, 1234, 10515, 88, 385, 97, 2307], [2764, 10516, 10517, 6, 1243, 4107, 14, 2763, 465], [5516, 8, 3, 832, 18, 3, 465, 611, 10518, 20, 3, 943, 10519, 269, 162, 232, 2765, 2, 733, 7, 2619, 785], [10520, 1230, 181, 160, 24, 2239, 129, 296, 44, 465, 439, 2, 96, 9, 15, 8, 10521, 96, 607, 11, 2, 1136], [6, 37, 465, 5, 14, 1120, 2622, 6, 35, 5517], [204, 10522, 1953, 4, 1375, 5, 10523, 1493, 34, 3, 1903, 7, 2, 465, 5518, 785, 10524], [1376, 4108, 1465, 17, 4109, 1301, 335, 6, 270, 15, 465, 8, 1134, 54, 81, 421, 95, 1436, 1245, 57, 1, 10525], [12, 2, 1505, 207, 2, 111, 657, 876, 949, 2, 2094, 465, 3, 670, 10526, 5, 734, 1173, 4110, 2653, 1017, 10527, 2, 1755], [1376, 4108, 1465, 17, 4109, 1301, 335, 6, 270, 15, 465, 8, 1134, 54, 81, 421, 95, 1436, 1245, 57, 1, 10528], [14, 10529, 10530, 44, 465, 5519, 9, 15, 827, 1330, 9, 14, 932, 250, 807, 93, 210, 31, 3313, 7, 91, 2718, 158, 32, 114, 66, 60, 47], [10531, 5389, 2, 304, 44, 111, 154, 62, 746, 465], [233, 432, 72, 19, 3314, 5512, 72, 9, 4101, 2766, 3315, 4102, 465, 4111, 10532, 1, 10533, 1, 10534], [92, 6, 84, 10535, 134, 17, 51, 6, 536, 4, 4969, 6, 465, 12, 14, 5520, 327, 3316, 5, 1009, 7, 271, 9, 1330, 14, 2767, 2091], [15, 44, 16, 465, 186, 2, 5521, 65, 24, 92, 6, 84, 146, 1302, 11, 34, 10536, 20, 10537, 54, 10538, 217, 10539, 1, 10540], [14, 10541, 1396, 4, 113, 30, 14, 5522, 31, 465, 51, 895, 30, 16, 1, 10542], [9, 54, 776, 465, 754, 54, 250, 95, 1430, 479, 1073, 10543, 400], [465, 2, 1113, 6, 109, 183, 166, 142, 158, 32, 114], [10544, 10545, 227, 955, 14, 537, 465, 605, 266, 1689, 605, 605], [189, 6, 23, 465, 46, 5368, 4, 10546, 49, 5407, 5523, 21], [135, 1896, 538, 7, 2, 666, 37, 465, 289, 271, 8, 507], [10547, 6, 27, 935, 4, 437, 15, 5524, 700, 2768, 15, 5525, 465, 12, 38, 17, 8, 16, 590, 5524], [1376, 4108, 1465, 17, 4109, 1301, 335, 6, 270, 15, 465, 8, 1134, 54, 81, 421, 95, 1436, 1245, 57, 1, 10548, 10549, 10550], [465, 382, 93], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 10551, 1, 878, 10552, 437, 7, 2769, 3272, 10553, 10554, 2140, 340, 217, 443, 154, 62, 2770, 576], [9, 51, 211, 821, 1591, 10555, 576, 15, 8, 12, 2, 4112, 7, 40, 50, 6, 41, 386, 50, 10556, 10557], [2295, 789, 10, 9, 6, 576, 1, 10558], [39, 188, 53, 2, 2090, 9, 2120, 576, 6, 219, 175, 10, 72, 76, 14, 85], [3858, 768, 18, 3, 1496, 9, 3, 3317, 9, 4113, 290, 771, 830, 18, 3, 10559, 714, 1348, 198, 30, 576], [15, 8, 325, 1201, 5526, 51, 1348, 576], [1, 10560, 10561, 1, 10562, 987, 1614, 9, 987, 5527, 576, 12, 5528, 2120, 10563, 5528], [51, 373, 1139, 9, 330, 576, 10564, 44, 4114, 67, 7, 10565, 272, 4914, 2377, 62, 199, 4115, 1, 10566, 1139], [17, 1091, 60, 205, 129, 666, 41, 23, 3, 323, 698, 67, 121, 51, 2, 396, 10567, 576, 28, 10568], [6, 37, 683, 96, 1024, 9, 2771, 576, 1422], [1411, 576, 335, 6, 84, 55, 2772, 2, 841], [1288, 576, 22, 10569, 2705, 1, 10570, 10571, 1, 10572], [6, 1212, 516, 10573, 37, 516, 178, 129, 1348, 576], [10574, 50, 10, 132, 742, 335, 6, 270, 576], [834, 3318, 2, 10575, 1872, 10576, 10577, 576, 18, 2, 1163, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 10578, 1, 10579], [10580, 576, 2094, 1546, 1, 10581], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 10582, 568, 1, 10583, 51, 10584, 21, 576, 85, 8, 2773, 1782, 75, 10585], [10586, 10587, 2318, 10588, 1348, 576, 167, 5529, 26, 38, 531, 504, 1576, 557, 704, 605, 53, 6, 249, 43, 215, 159], [2, 10589, 7, 2, 75, 1515, 5530, 4116, 1885, 255, 5531, 10590, 1748, 13, 9, 50, 576, 10591, 1760, 1, 10592], [807, 53, 2, 2090, 10593, 142, 807, 53, 129, 1348, 576], [355, 32, 14, 52, 623, 576, 232, 19, 2, 10594, 1552, 13, 1, 10595], [10596, 33, 3, 1169, 25, 51, 1348, 576], [9, 188, 53, 2, 2090, 9, 2120, 576, 217, 227, 227, 6, 219, 175, 10, 72, 4, 14, 85, 10, 81, 209, 40, 712, 9, 45, 1, 10597], [745, 2, 1190, 51, 3864, 9, 3837, 576, 5, 10598, 1, 10599], [4117, 4, 3319, 10600, 7, 2063, 13, 1200, 2774, 1843, 10601, 10602, 1, 10603, 10604], [1348, 576, 51, 49, 226, 568, 342, 50, 10, 1000, 43, 10605, 10606, 7, 115, 5, 52, 5532, 438, 4118, 3899, 1, 10607, 58, 65], [51, 3320, 9, 52, 431, 187, 576, 10608, 10609, 10610, 588, 10611, 607, 5, 10612, 10613, 10614, 10615, 1, 10616], [22, 5417, 25, 10617, 22, 504, 1466, 27, 2141, 61, 623, 27, 40, 1025, 1, 10618], [10619, 10620, 70, 298, 51, 70, 216, 1553, 576, 1730, 410, 216, 453, 10621, 76, 216, 453, 5, 10622, 1, 10623], [188, 177, 129, 712, 4081, 9, 3717, 5533, 10624, 86, 10625, 13, 10626, 37, 34, 55, 576, 1, 10627, 10628], [10629, 10630, 34, 55, 576, 10631, 47, 5534, 10632, 1597, 1, 10633, 1, 10634], [1733, 7, 2, 125, 576, 39, 6, 699, 2, 504, 1051, 15, 8, 68, 29, 565, 57, 9, 6, 132, 138, 288], [51, 373, 1139, 9, 330, 576, 1, 10635], [10, 1657, 3021, 18, 96, 63, 576, 18, 96, 15, 8, 34, 1954, 34, 17, 11, 38, 9, 14, 644, 1131], [2775, 73, 378, 18, 3321, 12, 4119, 5535, 2320, 296, 727, 2283, 4120, 826, 1, 10636, 58, 10637], [14, 70, 2767, 1348, 23, 378, 607, 4, 10638, 10639, 334, 10640, 6, 276, 2, 10641, 10642, 10643, 304, 10644], [10645, 34, 15, 27, 5218, 133, 11, 108, 141, 3137, 378, 9, 1658, 5536, 4, 2732, 141, 3322, 713, 27, 2, 13, 10646, 7, 3], [122, 619, 80, 64, 378, 18, 3, 1955, 8, 844, 1503, 80, 64, 53, 10, 1659, 38, 1, 10647, 14, 10648], [74, 42, 1205, 46, 49, 3323, 378, 18, 3, 147, 5, 313, 5537, 3, 85, 3323, 2521, 4121, 1297, 5538, 2707, 352, 21], [5539, 70, 772, 1049, 378, 19, 290, 94, 9, 5540, 5541, 5, 5542, 5543, 853, 12, 141, 169], [51, 50, 9, 902, 378, 538, 10649, 10650, 10651, 3885, 19, 10652, 10653, 217, 28, 10654], [3709, 672, 10655, 10656, 10657, 2, 3747, 378, 18, 2, 1720, 1349, 4122, 127, 16, 10658, 604, 4, 2, 1720], [6, 10659, 10660, 1863, 5, 5544, 2776, 1712, 51, 3, 10661, 2602, 378, 76, 14, 10662, 1, 10663], [1788, 11, 170, 44, 378, 18, 1788, 11, 5545, 10664, 30, 16, 343, 10665, 2, 10666, 10667, 1, 10668, 24, 10669], [1935, 545, 20, 75, 10670, 10671, 10672, 1350, 1397, 1402, 7, 810, 810, 10673, 10674, 10675, 1, 10676], [3324, 292, 3324, 1956, 23, 23, 277, 732, 936, 9, 1006, 931, 22, 1224, 136, 855, 378, 1, 10677], [49, 10678, 10679, 115, 73, 74, 42, 250, 27, 1470, 51, 95, 4123, 378, 18, 3, 143, 27, 10680, 5, 10681, 430, 1, 10682], [136, 855, 23, 378, 5, 732, 196, 1141, 11, 295, 1242, 141, 152, 21, 9, 101, 425], [136, 893, 378, 1061, 10683, 48, 5, 10684, 1, 10685], [907, 149, 1286, 5546, 352, 21, 4124, 1791, 49, 5547, 9, 49, 4123, 378, 9, 10686, 1, 10687], [12, 2309, 1775, 7, 10688, 7, 46, 55, 378, 20, 4125, 2648, 1, 10689], [147, 1019, 2520, 5, 5548, 220, 2724, 5548, 220, 2724, 217, 3, 147, 9, 2520, 378, 411, 5549, 422, 321, 2, 103, 156, 10690, 1, 10691], [2, 70, 893, 205, 5, 1009, 7, 38, 378, 9, 53, 6, 10692, 1712, 5, 64, 15, 2777, 68, 38, 173, 10693], [14, 10694, 9, 330, 1348, 23, 378, 5, 22, 10695, 3669, 79, 1954, 10696, 10697, 28, 10698], [1111, 140, 5, 1123, 453, 149, 19, 478, 1111, 65, 78, 139, 9, 1957, 895, 298, 51, 136, 1553, 378, 6, 1, 10699], [1778, 542, 916, 378, 76, 38, 110, 46, 167, 479, 32, 7, 3, 10700, 16, 992, 92, 6, 84, 2340, 283, 2778, 38, 110, 6, 84, 6, 10701, 14, 5550], [10702, 942, 346, 3, 147, 10703, 10704, 5551, 20, 3, 1192, 115, 378, 18, 10705, 10706, 712, 78, 10707, 9, 54, 127, 10708, 5, 10709, 277, 4126], [167, 2329, 72, 88, 2613, 250, 271, 1481, 2, 118, 1640, 6, 3325, 7, 10, 33, 378, 76, 204, 147, 33, 61, 2], [78, 156, 5552, 50, 10, 378], [5553, 37, 378, 2396, 18, 129, 10710, 10711, 2, 1514], [5539, 70, 772, 1049, 378, 19, 290, 94, 9, 5540, 5541, 5, 5542, 5543, 853, 12, 141, 169], [70, 10712, 23, 68, 322, 140, 9, 43, 889, 101, 427, 269, 162, 536, 363, 46, 3, 5491, 1530, 4127, 378, 18, 3, 3326, 445, 71], [10713, 378, 76, 1554, 3327, 269, 167, 27, 31, 43, 123, 46, 2, 903, 328, 33, 54, 2779, 95, 72, 34, 54, 2077, 72, 12, 2, 3912, 289, 54, 8, 507], [70, 893, 576, 144, 2539, 76, 666, 136, 893, 378, 19, 49, 5554, 9, 17, 1221, 67, 772, 588, 10714, 1, 10715], [1555, 5555, 2090, 293, 2673, 1554, 3327, 27, 37, 10716, 4, 2, 290, 3206, 1148, 46, 67, 7, 95, 10717, 378, 18, 1, 10718], [971, 10719, 149, 5, 10720, 124, 74, 42, 163, 17, 2, 971, 1958, 3177, 1833, 797, 10721, 9, 378, 18, 3, 445, 1, 10722], [15, 8, 188, 1208, 86, 15, 328, 66, 2, 226, 568, 10723, 1311, 378, 18, 2, 52, 1174, 5556, 1, 10724, 561, 10725], [227, 14, 191, 227, 14, 191, 227, 14, 191, 1959, 1660, 9, 10726, 23, 378, 5, 3, 128, 149, 19, 10727, 10728, 1, 10729], [1111, 140, 5, 1123, 453, 149, 19, 478, 1111, 65, 78, 139, 9, 1957, 895, 298, 51, 136, 1553, 378, 6, 1, 10730, 10731], [307, 17, 27, 3, 10732, 4, 31, 183, 3, 143, 378, 18, 10733, 12, 2, 2101], [853, 1122, 4, 2780, 514, 5, 10734, 10735, 46, 772, 588, 378, 18, 5557, 6, 10736, 10737, 1, 10738], [10739, 708, 136, 322, 140, 46, 2, 445, 56, 78, 4790, 5, 378, 5, 1482, 295, 10740, 1, 10741], [2775, 73, 378, 18, 3321, 12, 4119, 5535, 2320, 296, 727, 2283, 4120, 826, 4119, 159, 2775, 73, 1409, 1, 10742], [132, 165, 10743, 6, 35, 29, 1211, 754, 15, 378, 18, 204, 310], [1698, 971, 1958, 298, 5, 1342, 627, 12, 2142, 19, 478, 136, 65, 78, 988, 4, 3, 290, 4128, 1, 10744], [10745, 10, 840, 776, 112, 3, 293, 12, 627, 18, 96, 110, 12, 1841, 5558], [726, 2781, 5559, 2143, 5560, 897, 1792, 697, 4129, 4130, 1, 10746, 10747], [10748, 2516, 772, 588, 627, 277, 9, 371, 19, 5561, 4, 285, 246, 2518, 119, 119, 3005, 554, 1109, 12, 3328, 10749, 179, 98, 437, 10750], [10751, 2516, 772, 588, 627, 19, 9, 2671, 554, 10752, 2518, 9, 1109, 12, 3328, 10753, 179, 98, 437, 10754], [693, 2781, 10755, 897, 5562, 2143, 1792, 697, 4129, 4130, 1, 10756], [627, 10757, 3329, 37, 942, 7, 1687, 566, 10758, 1165, 798, 772, 588, 413, 1170, 2, 589, 1829, 5563, 5564, 4131], [2226, 10759, 2504, 10760, 19, 10761, 897, 693, 554, 1792, 697, 2782, 2144, 1, 10762], [2145, 627, 2397, 1520, 605, 1, 10763], [1698, 971, 1958, 298, 5, 1342, 627, 12, 2142, 19, 478, 136, 65, 78, 988, 4, 3, 290, 4128, 1, 10764], [70, 140, 70, 298, 5, 10765, 627, 12, 10766, 10767, 1791, 1, 10768], [1698, 971, 1958, 298, 5, 1342, 627, 12, 2142, 19, 478, 136, 65, 78, 988, 4, 3, 290, 4128, 1, 10769], [4132, 14, 4133, 187, 5565, 726, 19, 716, 4134, 566, 2072, 5566, 4135, 4136, 106, 627, 5565, 726, 19, 716, 4134, 566, 2072, 5566, 4135, 4136, 106, 10770], [135, 1652, 57, 4, 170, 11, 10771, 34, 97, 10772, 998, 2390, 5, 4117, 899, 1, 10773, 1, 10774], [10775, 2145, 627, 2397, 1520, 605, 1, 10776, 58, 5567, 2124], [2145, 627, 2397, 1520, 605, 1, 10777, 58, 5567, 2124], [1555, 5568, 5569, 800, 10778, 10779, 2143, 1792, 697, 2782, 2144, 1, 10780], [12, 4137, 4138, 19, 5570, 10781, 4746, 69, 8, 3, 627, 413, 1170, 2, 862, 1829], [4091, 5571, 877, 5571, 877, 726, 10782, 897, 10783, 1792, 697, 2782, 2144, 1, 10784], [10785, 10786, 800, 10787, 554, 1792, 697, 2782, 2144, 1, 10788], [2145, 627, 2397, 5572, 3982, 1, 10789], [307, 4992, 195, 16, 3124, 1549, 29, 2, 627, 741, 44, 3, 2146, 2084, 7, 296, 326, 17, 8, 106, 159, 61, 14, 147, 8, 1504], [1698, 971, 1958, 298, 5, 1342, 627, 12, 2142, 1, 10790], [797, 2398, 4137, 9, 4745, 119, 4137, 9, 5573, 1792, 697, 10791, 2144, 1, 10792], [10793, 2531, 7, 2, 5574, 13, 10794, 627, 306, 220, 5575, 2, 85, 7, 3, 1192, 115, 5576, 3, 2520, 28, 10795], [5577, 588, 627, 19, 10796, 3926, 19, 1687, 567, 9, 3762, 2012, 897, 8, 413, 1170, 2, 434, 5563, 151, 3758, 352, 21, 4, 2, 245, 812, 4139], [14, 1025, 1253, 479, 4, 129, 10797, 867, 80, 10798, 4140, 88, 914, 627, 9, 6, 35, 10799, 1, 10800], [1106, 71, 1698, 971, 1958, 298, 5, 1342, 627, 12, 2142, 19, 478, 136, 65, 78, 5086, 1, 10801, 10802], [555, 13, 627, 397, 5564, 5559, 2143, 19, 5560, 897, 3330, 1, 10803], [10804, 98, 10805, 10806, 1687, 3329, 8, 926, 1296, 10807, 9, 10808, 5208, 897, 186, 7, 627, 10809, 8, 1296, 3107, 179, 98, 9, 5578, 179, 98], [293, 12, 293, 627, 3892, 1250, 9, 2529, 81, 3750, 1734, 12, 565, 10810], [10811, 10812, 10813, 1080, 436, 897, 1792, 697, 4129, 4130, 1, 10814, 10815], [555, 13, 627, 47, 455, 2147, 119, 19, 2147, 119, 4141, 1166, 5579, 693, 2781, 1, 5580], [4142, 627, 10816, 2072, 10817, 8, 3280, 135, 5581, 1687, 10818, 5582, 772, 1049, 5583, 4131], [1698, 971, 1958, 298, 5, 1342, 627, 12, 2142, 1, 10819], [1698, 971, 1958, 298, 5, 1342, 627, 12, 2142, 1, 10820, 20, 2148, 10821, 10822], [693, 2781, 2147, 119, 2147, 119, 4141, 1166, 10823, 1792, 697, 2782, 2144, 1, 10824], [2145, 627, 2397, 10825, 1520, 1, 10826], [1295, 5, 841, 10827, 5, 734, 792, 21, 18, 10828, 10829, 21, 17, 10830, 789, 2783, 5, 3, 1229, 1419, 86, 3, 627, 921], [2, 302, 1112, 62, 199, 103, 3272, 2073, 8, 12, 2, 10831, 1212, 163, 5584, 10832, 10833, 28, 10834, 58, 10835], [6, 257, 17, 103, 9, 1491, 20, 2027, 10836, 11, 621], [10837, 10838, 10839, 5585, 2034, 21, 38, 3, 313, 1, 10840, 1, 10841], [37, 1861, 204, 5586, 1574, 5587, 103, 833, 5586, 61, 60, 49, 10842, 2146, 4, 31, 4001], [10843, 4143, 103, 921, 1, 10844, 10845, 921, 1, 10846], [3, 10847, 1388, 9, 3, 5588, 270, 6, 171, 204, 4144, 103, 9, 1491], [10848, 73, 112, 3, 147, 10849, 27, 1024, 5, 2, 10850, 63, 10851, 4145], [195, 641, 10852, 3331, 57, 6, 35, 354, 103, 6, 35, 29, 5517], [1198, 11, 10853, 103, 295, 1373, 254, 1369, 10854, 12, 61, 89, 23, 68, 95, 10855, 1, 10856], [4142, 103, 5, 3751, 12, 10857, 693, 19, 10858, 10859], [3811, 5589, 3, 3987, 3332, 103, 921, 1, 10860, 921, 1, 10861], [2, 302, 1112, 62, 199, 103, 2, 2073, 8, 12, 2, 1329, 30, 16, 163, 10, 3295, 3333, 1, 10862], [35, 372, 103, 28, 10863], [178, 115, 10864, 103], [10865, 5, 10866, 10867, 693, 10868, 12, 10869, 2784, 10870, 261, 10871, 897, 772, 1049, 87, 5, 82, 1829, 47, 2785], [6, 171, 204, 50, 103, 9, 1491], [53, 10, 1612, 9, 10872, 12, 3866, 4, 40, 135, 4146, 1087, 51, 10, 23, 60, 2506, 1825, 6, 289, 40, 5, 3, 143, 103, 5590], [103, 9, 1491, 28, 10873], [10874, 103, 921, 1, 10875, 921, 1, 10876], [10877, 10878, 8, 5591, 252, 1052, 1084, 32, 20, 17, 103, 8, 67, 7, 2, 945, 1197, 5592, 6, 23, 112, 989, 79, 1080], [10879, 10880, 10881, 6, 41, 103, 15], [196, 421, 5593, 2, 10882, 152, 21, 10883, 317, 881, 5, 40, 4147, 167, 27, 988, 692, 173, 417, 1705, 1, 10884], [67, 142, 9, 78, 354, 249, 9, 103, 2, 10885, 5594, 39, 78, 5595, 5596, 28, 10886], [223, 103, 1109, 12, 4796, 436, 1, 10887], [3334, 3335, 103, 921, 1513, 3334, 4148, 1437, 1, 10888, 921, 1, 10889], [3334, 10890, 103, 921, 1, 2590, 273, 10891, 921, 1, 10892], [10893, 13, 10894, 103, 921, 46, 1417, 79, 1, 10895, 921, 1, 10896], [74, 42, 2133, 4, 103, 789, 1494, 5597, 1, 10897], [6, 13, 3211, 55, 5598, 4, 400, 36, 9, 103], [10898, 125, 71, 1844, 2547, 115, 25, 147, 4, 1582, 22, 1, 10899], [115, 139, 5, 103, 5, 10900, 2786, 3, 10901, 10902, 115, 27, 139, 5, 3, 1165, 10903, 103, 1231, 10904, 1, 10905], [103, 10906, 10907, 10908, 10909, 1394, 3949, 4149, 1960, 10910], [103, 1406, 2301, 1594, 10911, 3036, 10912, 3741, 594, 62, 199, 4013, 12, 3, 1, 10913], [5599, 10914, 10915, 6, 1015, 134, 10916, 15, 9, 15, 482, 46, 2, 3336], [4150, 5600, 1841, 5601, 7, 5602, 482, 261, 2787, 110, 1, 10917], [1, 10918, 1587, 1702, 342, 50, 10, 559, 482, 46, 1961, 254, 2149, 9, 10919, 1, 10920, 10921], [14, 1888, 127, 16, 2135, 45, 142, 29, 827, 19, 10922, 6, 3703, 208, 18, 38, 12, 14, 1120, 9, 54, 482, 32], [4079, 10923, 6, 35, 3, 10924, 1587, 1702, 342, 50, 10, 559, 482, 46, 1961, 254, 2149, 9, 1093, 864, 203, 1, 10925], [1587, 1702, 342, 50, 10, 559, 482, 46, 1961, 254, 2149, 9, 1093, 173, 692, 157, 2031, 667, 1173, 7, 864, 1, 10926], [10927, 10928, 2310, 7, 10929, 65, 175, 4, 10930, 9, 1661, 1057, 1593, 33, 3, 1213, 2788, 10931, 10932, 144, 709, 1134, 38, 15, 482, 2, 10933], [907, 10934, 10935, 1841, 7, 10936, 703, 17, 482, 5, 2787, 1, 10937], [1038, 1587, 1702, 342, 50, 10, 559, 482, 46, 1961, 254, 2149, 9, 1093, 173, 692, 157, 2031, 667, 1173, 1, 10938], [10939, 15, 44, 482, 29, 162, 159, 2, 504, 973, 676], [1587, 1702, 342, 50, 10, 559, 482, 46, 1961, 254, 2149, 9, 1093, 173, 692, 157, 2031, 1, 10940, 10941, 268, 10942, 10943], [14, 5603, 482, 10944, 2272, 67, 1240], [10945, 505, 22, 670, 694, 730, 269, 1024, 9, 261, 482, 2, 147, 25, 158, 4, 221], [10946, 10947, 10948, 10, 482], [172, 641, 773, 38, 7, 22, 160, 44, 482, 63, 37, 1048, 3, 590, 565, 64, 10949, 196, 1, 10950], [10951, 10952, 1, 10953, 58, 10954, 11, 5522], [2293, 200, 703, 778, 482, 5, 2787], [144, 217, 2, 3337, 17, 776, 482, 2, 4151, 1, 10955], [936, 346, 200, 703, 778, 44, 482, 5, 5604, 5605, 5606, 1421, 19, 478, 566, 1, 10956], [71, 1587, 1702, 342, 50, 10, 559, 482, 46, 1961, 254, 2149, 9, 1093, 173, 692, 157, 2031, 1, 10957, 10958], [22, 898, 1861, 14, 147, 12, 4152, 74, 42, 788, 771, 14, 1388, 10959, 3217, 54, 482, 9, 2370, 10960, 54, 1410, 38, 2150, 16, 4, 597, 2, 290, 802], [4150, 5600, 1841, 5601, 7, 5602, 482, 261, 2787, 110, 150, 10961, 1066, 10962, 4, 342, 50, 10, 4, 2151, 2, 1962, 1, 10963], [5607, 728, 1330, 1009, 1916, 7, 1326, 10964, 2369, 5608, 684, 3037, 3338, 5609, 482, 76, 1, 10965], [200, 3339, 163, 803, 2789, 12, 1423, 1843, 3, 876, 7, 591, 5610, 168, 8, 5, 703, 778, 482, 261, 2787, 279, 1654, 4, 26, 311, 7, 103], [10966, 10967, 37, 482, 93, 3319], [6, 671, 112, 14, 483, 2085, 4, 566, 161, 9, 2295, 14, 483, 482, 9, 6, 112, 4, 2780, 15, 9, 56, 24, 16, 3133, 38, 2780, 15], [54, 27, 151, 161, 7, 3, 743, 3340, 86, 38, 9, 6, 10968, 208, 1774, 42, 177, 482, 10969, 10970, 106, 106], [6, 37, 916, 482, 14, 147, 10971, 1594, 4976, 389, 20, 2667, 10972, 76, 10973, 12, 14, 483], [1793, 10974, 191, 1024, 4, 52, 2790, 8, 325, 3896, 34, 253, 6, 902, 15, 29, 221, 2622, 776, 482, 3, 670, 159], [6, 482, 14, 147, 76, 3, 10975, 147, 2, 476, 121, 10976, 10977], [10978, 10979, 346, 200, 703, 778, 44, 482, 5, 5604, 5605, 5606, 2115, 71], [10980, 1391, 71, 1587, 1702, 342, 50, 10, 559, 482, 46, 1961, 254, 2149, 9, 1093, 173, 692, 157, 2031, 1, 10981], [505, 10982, 12, 2, 976, 11, 2, 122, 64, 776, 482, 2, 147, 3900, 10983, 10984, 254, 3259, 4057], [202, 5611, 538, 10985, 3697, 559, 75, 10986, 16, 482, 76, 1149, 1, 10987], [10988, 59, 33, 10, 50, 40, 10989, 39, 117, 4153, 204, 115, 11, 40, 115, 525, 10990, 158, 32, 114], [10991, 525, 1231, 10992], [10993, 510, 40, 10994, 10995, 5612], [22, 898, 6, 30, 16, 104, 37, 375, 38, 95, 513, 525, 122, 67, 267], [5613, 6, 132, 188, 1076, 8, 188, 1415, 6, 132, 908, 88, 167, 92, 6, 84, 41, 325, 26, 14, 525, 5614, 10996], [542, 525, 1, 10997], [14, 513, 525, 10998, 610, 4, 2, 620, 10999, 11000, 11001, 28, 11002, 758, 11003, 13], [146, 11004, 881, 18, 40, 373, 216, 525, 11005, 11006], [11007, 11008, 229, 77, 85, 525], [5615, 5615, 44, 3, 525, 1, 11009], [6, 35, 14, 705, 513, 525], [50, 50, 50, 30, 10, 683, 40, 122, 525], [112, 3, 640, 1008, 18, 14, 525, 15, 27, 49, 11010, 1197, 315, 1628, 14, 293], [11011, 5044, 11012, 4154, 5616, 1660], [11013, 44, 3, 525, 1, 11014], [14, 1789, 1538, 44, 3, 525, 12, 4902], [11015, 5617, 11016, 373, 216, 525, 28, 11017, 58, 137], [51, 117, 229, 77, 2224, 695, 8, 1714, 5618, 513, 525, 1534, 28, 11018], [6, 35, 29, 373, 11019, 6, 35, 11020, 525, 22, 11021], [6, 23, 2, 350, 1138, 525, 12, 10, 6, 951, 104, 53, 1511, 267, 104, 15], [11022, 8, 1254, 38, 11023, 11024, 443, 13, 4059, 328, 32, 11, 1288, 44, 525, 12, 229, 77, 85, 54, 536, 4, 373, 216, 18], [1629, 23, 2, 350, 1138, 229, 77, 85, 525, 267, 12, 3915, 11025], [51, 10, 13, 40, 525, 5, 2, 3008, 2152, 20, 11026, 28, 11027], [11028, 37, 619, 80, 3869, 60, 141, 1168, 11029, 11030], [11031, 229, 77, 85, 810, 6, 23, 3, 525, 12, 88], [38, 757, 4, 189, 13, 390, 5619, 525, 8, 2036, 20, 1, 11032], [525, 201, 11033, 11034, 1, 11035, 1, 11036], [151, 112, 3, 525, 12, 67, 229, 77, 85, 5, 373, 216, 9, 167, 30, 16, 188, 3341, 15, 158, 32, 114], [11037, 44, 3, 525, 1, 11038], [752, 525, 240, 265, 121, 1, 11039], [11040, 44, 3, 525, 1, 11041], [59, 86, 3, 525, 5613, 11042, 1, 11043], [11044, 681, 14, 180, 87, 307, 6, 151, 104, 67, 9, 5620, 151, 112, 3, 525, 12, 22, 67, 29], [745, 11045, 9, 2, 11046, 32, 7, 14, 2677, 12, 525, 946, 1, 11047, 11048, 745], [115, 525, 2327, 5621, 5, 11049, 1, 11050], [30, 54, 50, 38, 30, 54, 50, 38, 16, 6, 35, 16, 3, 11051, 6, 37, 525, 3, 562], [11052, 3342, 525, 1725, 4734], [658], [22, 11053, 1906, 4, 31, 658], [17, 27, 658, 2087, 253], [11054, 932, 44, 658, 2653, 1135], [658, 15, 28, 11055], [1, 11056, 4155, 4156, 119, 1438, 783, 1948, 4, 285, 21, 1963, 658, 46, 1964, 1258, 3071, 1, 11057], [4157, 6, 658, 5622, 5623, 18, 3, 11058, 9, 11059, 11, 14, 3237, 4158, 3945, 16, 198, 621, 113, 3343], [11060, 955, 658], [11061, 3132, 42, 18, 658, 6, 42], [115, 658, 4, 193, 20, 705, 147, 1, 11062], [3, 2586, 8, 37, 3, 834, 1064, 7, 11063, 17, 11064, 3344, 11065, 307, 55, 24, 931, 5624, 12, 240, 892, 39, 16, 658, 70, 11066], [955, 54, 658, 17, 11067, 2347], [658, 2, 4159, 177, 658, 3, 5126, 11068, 2791, 14, 5625, 21, 24, 1528], [4155, 4156, 119, 1438, 783, 1948, 4, 285, 21, 1963, 658, 46, 1964, 1258, 3071, 1, 11069, 11070], [11071, 29, 2, 1598, 8, 89, 10, 525, 11072, 11, 11073, 34, 40, 1919, 2073, 11074, 658, 2663], [4993, 11075, 11076, 10, 172, 776, 819, 141, 5626, 9, 3236, 146, 658], [2658, 4160, 17, 903, 27, 265, 658, 2347], [6, 658, 3, 106, 144, 5627, 371, 18, 3, 3249, 7, 11077, 18, 4161, 5628, 2792, 1480, 1311, 5629, 1, 2685, 561, 11078], [5630, 1347, 658, 17, 903], [658, 3, 510, 1831, 371, 433, 1047], [4155, 4156, 119, 1438, 783, 1948, 4, 285, 21, 1963, 658, 46, 1964, 1258, 3071, 1, 11079], [275, 1230, 181, 1255, 39, 5631, 172, 3345, 3292, 1, 11080], [6, 658, 3, 866, 70, 5627, 371, 18, 3, 3249, 7, 11081, 18, 4161, 5628, 2792, 1480, 1311, 5629, 1, 11082], [612, 124, 2663, 37, 277, 204, 126, 37, 658, 15], [2087, 11083, 17, 27, 658], [11084, 751, 11085, 1403, 658, 9, 11086, 1, 11087, 976, 11088, 2063, 11089, 13, 946, 11090, 13], [29, 162, 137, 11091, 1335, 2, 5632, 89, 31, 658, 53, 56, 479, 4, 5633, 1757, 1892, 10, 11092, 2, 5632], [11093, 1486, 1794, 11094, 744, 138, 704, 369, 2556, 229, 77, 11095, 85, 11096, 443, 11097, 11098, 11099, 5611], [683, 66, 11100, 3911, 658, 15, 5, 136, 2308, 1241, 42], [66, 5634, 4115, 658, 14, 1135, 1, 11101, 58, 11102], [985, 321, 11103, 246, 11104, 11105, 29, 221, 2733, 11106, 4162, 658, 5514, 459, 2691, 11107, 1053, 5635, 1737, 1, 11108], [11109, 11110, 2, 5636, 44, 47, 13, 492, 11111], [11112, 71, 2793, 4111, 2794, 11113, 11114, 5515, 826, 7, 11115, 18, 2153, 7, 1530, 32, 100, 105, 1795, 11116, 23, 11117, 3, 13, 492], [11118, 5636, 44, 47, 13, 492], [9, 2, 1379, 17, 6, 23, 3, 13, 492], [254, 11119, 1796, 36, 5203, 176, 504, 686, 13, 492, 93, 192, 91, 2135, 93, 3346, 173, 221, 7, 686, 64, 763, 783, 1036, 7, 31, 43, 123, 768], [8, 69, 3, 142, 13, 492, 12, 11120, 32, 160, 28, 11121, 1, 11122], [74, 42, 5637, 1184, 11, 13, 492, 5638, 5, 5477, 78, 5576, 4163, 971, 5639, 136, 5637, 988, 76, 13, 1236, 769, 1164, 71], [11, 91, 966, 266, 2092, 4, 13, 492, 5640, 9, 2795, 5, 3, 11123, 43, 9, 43, 361], [11124, 6, 5237, 1075, 208, 3, 13, 492], [13, 492, 198, 3922, 53, 10, 155, 60, 15, 754], [11125, 11126, 3070, 3234, 2342, 728, 13, 492, 1029, 1, 11127], [1136, 119, 4164, 5641, 5642, 11128, 11129, 2240, 4165, 4166, 4167, 975, 13, 492, 5, 4168, 335, 6, 270, 3347, 3104, 4169, 2399, 185, 2399, 510, 4170, 4171, 535], [11130, 382, 10, 57, 6, 30, 16, 23, 3, 187, 4977, 13, 492], [167, 37, 250, 195, 54, 23, 3, 13, 492, 4172], [88, 13, 492, 41, 678, 205, 46, 88, 3087, 911, 2350, 11131, 563, 3, 513, 11132, 395, 43, 684], [11133, 11134, 69, 8, 47, 713, 13, 492], [15, 27, 504, 13, 11135, 55, 78, 19, 2, 4173], [11136, 744, 186, 15, 8, 803, 11137, 94, 9, 14, 932, 250, 271, 44, 4, 138, 183, 186, 7, 13, 492], [11138, 167, 250, 3, 670, 770, 4, 1252, 39, 6, 31, 3, 13, 492, 11, 32, 64, 11139], [903, 44, 47, 13, 492, 28, 11140], [11141, 6, 26, 868, 108, 1082, 3, 2796, 1026, 4, 3, 11142, 1918, 9, 2676, 12, 287, 2, 13, 492, 64, 11143, 16, 1504, 2, 11144], [302, 150, 6, 41, 26, 369, 25, 216, 25, 11145, 33, 342, 50, 10, 197, 7, 45, 17, 811, 13, 492], [11146, 6, 104, 11147, 41, 26, 1335, 88, 1965, 11148, 4, 5131, 34, 868, 12, 71, 1705, 38, 325, 1257, 4, 2086, 39, 150, 5128, 13, 492], [65, 198, 92, 6, 84, 26, 711, 13, 492, 188, 51, 56, 24, 1574, 11149, 373, 216], [1778, 644, 4174, 6, 35, 2739, 40, 932, 40, 36, 504, 13, 492, 4934], [112, 4, 3348, 14, 3349, 591, 3350, 135, 5643, 186, 167, 2797, 4, 138, 32, 9, 751, 9, 16, 249, 183, 20, 13, 492], [1136, 930, 13, 492, 5, 4168, 335, 6, 270, 3347, 3104, 4169, 2399, 185, 2399, 510, 4170, 4164, 11150, 2240, 4165, 4166, 4167, 975, 11151, 4171, 535, 11152, 11153], [39, 47, 1076, 21, 847, 15, 8, 4175, 4, 26, 2, 11154, 1295, 33, 146, 2, 122, 4, 31, 3, 147, 9, 23, 47, 13, 492, 3351, 11155, 4, 11156], [1136, 93, 5642, 11157, 11158, 2240, 4165, 4166, 4167, 975, 13, 492, 5, 4168, 335, 6, 270, 3347, 3104, 4169, 2399, 185, 2399, 510, 4170, 4171, 535, 4164, 5641], [11159, 57, 115, 3, 11160, 11161, 11162, 13, 492, 565, 892, 2068, 13, 1234, 4176, 5644, 943, 438, 11163, 3, 11164, 943, 385, 3, 4019, 4176, 11165, 649, 15, 443, 13], [951, 188, 249, 53, 10, 2034, 134, 60, 13, 492, 11166], [10, 109, 3, 385, 13, 492], [51, 117, 185, 676, 1605, 11, 13, 492, 9, 23, 4, 1141, 40, 591, 195, 16, 11167, 51, 1662, 1170, 2, 1388], [1725, 2798, 1075, 22, 229, 77, 85, 3352, 98, 13, 492], [5, 2, 3045, 7, 368, 14, 932, 375, 14, 13, 492, 144, 57, 15, 8, 72, 4, 803, 9, 6, 81, 219, 138, 32, 9, 167, 11168, 113, 6, 35, 325, 19, 183], [113, 2256, 8, 11169, 678, 19, 5645, 98, 12, 22, 1466, 6, 23, 13, 492, 11170], [51, 93, 520, 9, 93, 967, 70, 31, 183, 11, 13, 492, 1, 11171], [2237, 598, 5646, 11172, 11173, 687], [2, 374, 2154, 44, 141, 2155, 1638, 708, 121, 39, 241, 55, 31, 76, 17, 1856, 91, 687, 5647, 11174, 3140, 4015], [3931, 1200, 2400, 1, 11175, 11176, 52, 11177, 1227, 11178, 3701, 5648, 514, 11179, 2302, 3931, 890, 296, 11180], [11181, 142, 11182, 11183, 15, 3835, 11, 14, 11184, 3, 1029, 687, 89, 26, 502, 6, 37, 30, 16, 23, 296, 11185, 22, 27, 296, 1775], [3, 52, 2401, 133, 687, 8, 11186, 261, 11187, 863, 15, 8, 3712, 15, 41, 26, 910, 11188], [79, 52, 1271, 5649, 2027, 12, 146, 3, 687, 5650, 3353, 5650, 3353, 79, 52, 1271, 5649, 2027, 11189, 1, 11190], [11191, 55, 192, 301, 5472, 5, 2, 2378, 13, 287, 2, 687, 3704, 15, 89, 190], [432, 264, 1345, 1953, 4, 5651, 1475, 1125, 60, 687, 2799, 1, 11192, 58, 5652], [233, 4177, 11193, 687, 11194, 2602, 11195, 340, 11196, 11197, 1, 11198, 1, 11199], [324, 279, 3354, 47, 11200, 599, 5653, 11201, 133, 687, 11202, 19, 1775, 179, 98, 1644, 1, 11203], [2, 687, 11204, 176, 11205, 25, 3, 1966, 862, 29, 195, 3, 709, 5654, 11206, 11207], [11208, 5655, 11209, 687, 11210, 11211, 4178, 5655, 3906], [687, 4179, 11212, 152, 21, 5, 1006, 22, 454, 55, 192, 4, 190, 108, 110, 1, 11213, 11214], [324, 279, 3354, 11215, 133, 687, 360, 599, 5248, 1039, 19, 5243, 422, 321, 1033, 1644, 564, 1, 11216], [72, 4, 2, 1404, 5, 5656, 66, 687, 2799, 44, 11217, 2698, 1895, 7, 11218, 5657, 1, 11219], [2083, 2390, 5658, 2800, 5, 49, 1550, 337, 61, 8, 11220, 15, 8, 2, 3160, 2156, 4, 3793, 3, 971, 3675], [3297, 11, 687, 1638, 28, 11221], [432, 264, 1345, 1953, 4, 5651, 1475, 1125, 60, 687, 2799, 1, 11222, 58, 5652], [4180, 11223, 687, 1425, 707, 11224, 1425, 11225, 1014, 5659, 725, 11226], [57, 12, 11227, 3355, 976, 11228, 5, 2801, 4181, 264, 11229, 4, 2802, 2, 11230, 687, 4179, 1, 11231], [33, 3, 687, 11232, 11233, 928, 2, 75, 5394, 11234, 11235, 4182, 9, 3125, 141, 370, 33, 3, 1, 11236], [5660, 4183, 4184, 687, 3356, 4744, 5661, 590, 612, 42, 5662, 4185, 2695, 5663, 3356, 1, 11237, 1, 11238, 11239], [6, 35, 3, 687, 11240, 11241, 28, 11242], [95, 11243, 5664, 11244, 11245, 11246, 687, 7, 2262, 11247, 11248, 4970, 779, 1753, 11249, 2716, 3695], [5660, 4183, 4184, 687, 3356, 5665, 4186, 5666, 2397, 11250, 5661, 4185, 2695, 5663, 1, 11251, 1, 11252], [2401, 133, 687, 1136, 882, 11253, 2157, 343, 1234, 423, 4187, 11254, 2157, 343, 1234, 423, 5667, 4187, 11255, 1, 11256, 374, 11257, 337], [687, 11258, 53, 6, 150, 1659, 11259, 23, 10, 248, 5668, 3357, 20, 11260], [91, 3306, 9, 3243, 5, 2050, 11261, 358, 1, 11262], [11263, 2, 244, 18, 2, 52, 5, 5656, 4, 1239, 11, 1404, 11264, 21, 1, 5657, 1, 11265], [5669, 5669, 1272, 330, 4, 11266, 2801, 4181, 262, 295, 1242, 46, 2401, 133, 687, 4179, 11267, 11268, 940, 5670, 1, 11269], [2402, 961, 5, 11270, 3670, 11271, 8, 11272, 25, 11273, 1618, 5, 11274, 78, 11275, 1663, 5, 687, 11276, 1797, 11277], [687, 20, 1292, 2270, 89, 26, 2, 5671, 12, 263, 4, 22, 5672, 11278, 11279, 1, 11280, 1, 11281], [11282, 11283, 56, 41, 848, 2255, 96, 4, 11284, 108, 39, 16, 31, 108, 4, 2, 284, 2080, 3182], [2158, 15, 157, 12, 3, 644, 1235, 30, 284], [4188, 163, 56, 24, 11285, 7, 1162, 651, 24, 2560, 4, 284, 15, 1484, 1175, 11286, 166, 64, 28, 11287, 11288], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 11289, 2403, 185, 846, 11290, 284, 2403, 1398, 846, 2325], [11, 40, 933, 149, 1012, 11291, 11292, 11293, 11294, 11295, 11296, 11297], [4189, 2159, 284, 2803, 1, 11298], [9, 160, 6, 27, 11299, 60, 1439, 1115, 5, 48, 11300, 2664, 32, 2318, 11301, 41, 23, 3, 2530, 5673, 2758, 255, 10, 209, 617, 284], [11302, 5674, 5674, 11303, 11304, 11305, 864, 8, 22, 637, 284], [4142, 149, 18, 1012, 284, 12, 11306, 3329, 19, 1847, 1069], [15, 8, 901, 66, 3, 483, 81, 30, 29, 221, 284, 4, 3, 709], [11307, 15, 109, 844, 5675, 160, 173, 39, 47, 284], [11308, 5676, 5, 85, 1650, 11309, 5, 3358, 4, 11310, 11311, 142, 284, 11312], [11313, 39, 53, 10, 24, 11314, 60, 11315, 284, 2, 64, 7, 355, 5, 113, 16, 2, 64, 7, 1254, 484, 574, 11316, 15, 8, 14, 1962, 45, 606, 3359], [107, 284, 1109, 5, 797, 2576, 1, 11317], [833, 2, 5677, 50, 609, 284, 18, 70, 11318], [11319, 4190, 11320, 10, 81, 421, 22, 196, 11321, 70, 834, 2804, 57, 2404, 326, 345, 284, 36, 25, 11322], [11323, 7, 5678, 11324, 594, 62, 11325, 5, 1012, 284, 11326, 11327, 11328], [5679, 810, 39, 146, 859, 9, 609, 2267, 373, 284, 8, 61, 176, 45, 60, 53, 10, 175, 859, 177, 266, 354, 23, 4, 31, 93, 2], [5679, 2, 487, 8, 859, 1920, 9, 195, 233, 284, 6, 5680, 15, 3, 11329, 9, 635, 15, 11330, 11, 3, 385, 11331], [171, 952, 163, 3, 1150, 1798, 12, 40, 11332, 30, 10, 104, 66, 40, 5681, 1035, 150, 190, 1, 11333, 1, 11334], [11335, 5682, 11, 3, 5682, 1772, 151, 423, 284, 5683, 11336, 8, 4191, 5, 14, 2805], [11337, 638, 11338, 11339, 11340, 61, 8, 156, 1365, 55, 819, 69, 8, 2031, 4002, 284, 20, 3, 11341], [11342, 11343, 53, 2, 5684, 8, 2634, 4, 284, 40, 3034, 4, 2806, 40, 164, 181, 5, 2, 1404, 177, 10, 11344, 30, 16, 175, 2, 170, 2689], [53, 5685, 4192, 2, 785, 3, 3360, 64, 54, 195, 3, 1344, 11345, 131, 17, 195, 4193, 646, 284], [2807, 11346, 334, 284, 5686], [2245, 11347, 419, 18, 1431, 284, 5, 592, 11348, 998, 462, 1, 11349], [733, 11350, 2706, 2141, 11351, 4060, 13, 346, 11352, 5, 4194, 563, 11353, 11354, 793, 39, 55, 1752, 1769, 284, 11355, 673, 4, 686, 1092], [195, 5681, 1035, 1402, 230, 284, 160, 24, 91, 75, 460, 4, 104, 1, 11356, 1, 11357], [980, 127, 284, 4, 14, 253], [11358, 4192, 88, 2330, 4, 1402, 88, 1897, 25, 609, 1549, 284, 11359], [52, 488, 12, 14, 413, 1, 11360, 11361, 4195, 11362, 11363, 11364, 1458, 11, 170, 1967, 180, 11365, 3361, 4196, 203], [1109, 277, 11366, 11367, 284, 19, 11368, 11369, 897], [5687, 150, 2405, 161, 594, 62, 199, 2334, 11370, 1019, 1834, 11371, 1916, 2351, 510, 1500, 11372, 47, 284, 20, 11373, 11374, 273, 11375], [75, 11376, 245, 812, 861, 51, 5688, 5421, 36, 1761, 698, 1026, 4, 3, 954, 17, 150, 284, 3362, 13, 11377, 11378], [11379, 107, 284, 1109, 5, 4197, 430, 323, 284, 982, 1968, 1, 11380, 58, 1, 11381], [11382, 11383, 5689, 3363, 288, 4198, 142, 97, 7, 589, 11384, 4004, 288, 284, 4, 5690, 3364, 5, 734, 4199, 6, 11385], [382, 10, 440, 11386, 11387, 11, 712, 7, 360, 1633, 11388, 11389, 1, 11390, 58, 1112, 62, 11391, 337], [22, 77, 253, 41, 284, 3, 1622], [681, 14, 180, 87, 11392, 2998, 95, 11, 284, 11393], [254, 11394, 1331, 284, 941], [11395, 11396, 11397, 11398, 4200, 15, 250, 56, 112, 11399, 154, 62, 199, 547, 9, 15, 27, 2, 2691, 5235, 17, 127, 2, 272, 284], [5691, 11400, 1179, 6, 286, 16, 5379, 10, 3365, 45, 2, 64, 39, 5692, 18, 3, 233, 760, 7, 468, 9, 11401, 106], [6, 457, 643, 69, 8, 3, 3794, 854, 57, 11, 240, 1436, 17, 44, 267, 68, 5, 468, 6, 502, 678, 1050, 91, 1435, 5, 11402], [468, 7, 2808, 3054, 1, 11403], [2, 236, 5693, 8, 1257, 11, 2, 1255, 11, 468, 1799, 121, 659, 9, 1059, 337, 2306, 236, 5693, 160, 1, 11404], [11405, 11406, 355, 32, 22, 268, 2809, 3366, 337, 7, 4201, 468, 616, 283, 417, 28, 11407, 4202], [485, 891, 360, 11, 48, 468, 2810, 1800, 5, 1493, 409, 1, 11408, 24, 763, 279, 5694, 20, 11409], [11410, 11411, 355, 32, 22, 268, 2809, 3366, 337, 7, 4201, 468, 616, 283, 417, 28, 11412, 4202], [61, 8, 22, 33, 6, 172, 26, 5, 468, 63, 587], [51, 2, 166, 1150, 8, 13, 1130, 157, 2, 166, 2406, 4203, 9, 2, 166, 1784, 11413, 10, 41, 3341, 17, 10, 1, 11414], [14, 209, 484, 5695, 11415, 930, 49, 11416, 3, 468, 4, 1046, 568, 65, 6, 219, 5696, 28, 11417], [1351, 1068, 708, 210, 209, 1297, 3367, 60, 141, 1176, 56, 24, 5, 468, 57, 28, 11418], [1367, 5697, 7, 11419, 4, 3031, 1350, 5, 2, 564, 333, 7, 141, 4204, 6, 35, 2, 47, 11420, 11421, 10, 124, 468], [11422, 3368, 6, 3369, 8, 3370, 3371, 3372, 1499, 468, 283, 417, 2, 1246, 28, 3373], [11423, 15, 135, 957, 129, 1068, 44, 825, 49, 4878, 133, 9, 63, 3972, 11424, 22, 1225, 2, 385, 905, 1544, 8, 5, 468, 25, 108], [30, 16, 33, 211, 293, 122, 5698, 2407, 62, 746, 76, 183, 468], [5699, 11, 2151, 11425, 5, 468, 7, 11426, 2651, 3054, 2, 2379, 11427, 11, 11428, 5037, 1, 11429, 554, 11430], [11431, 9, 16, 173, 221, 468, 196], [11432, 3368, 6, 3369, 8, 3370, 3371, 3372, 1499, 468, 283, 417, 2, 1246, 28, 3373], [4205, 8, 992, 4, 1943, 176, 3374, 331, 4994, 18, 91, 11433, 5700, 1, 11434], [6, 1430, 6, 172, 31, 295, 11435, 1168, 12, 1009, 6, 35, 75, 11, 15], [11436, 11437, 355, 32, 22, 268, 2809, 3366, 337, 7, 4201, 468, 616, 283, 417, 28, 11438, 4202], [11439, 11440, 113, 89, 2737, 1087, 175, 17, 797, 11441, 41, 26, 5, 3, 11442, 489, 22, 1224, 47, 468, 11, 5701, 697, 12, 1322], [11443, 3368, 6, 3369, 8, 3370, 3371, 3372, 1499, 468, 283, 417, 2, 1246, 28, 3373], [3140, 4015, 3368, 6, 3369, 8, 3370, 3371, 3372, 1499, 468, 283, 417, 2, 1246, 28, 3373], [2, 468, 9, 5702, 7, 5703, 3375, 2408, 1, 11444, 1, 11445], [2, 229, 77, 85, 17, 6, 516, 398, 8, 33, 3, 468, 4, 14, 668, 967, 146, 18, 1912, 17, 516, 26, 1912, 969], [1894, 24, 11, 5704, 17, 253, 198, 1765, 26, 635, 1862, 40, 85, 5, 468], [29, 5137, 1541, 5, 468, 7, 11446], [1800, 18, 313, 332, 1161, 5, 948, 102, 373, 48, 468, 279, 5694, 1, 11447, 11448], [6, 516, 31, 3, 468, 694, 5130, 29, 331, 66, 605, 89, 17, 2811, 189, 33, 12, 3152, 4886, 63, 11449], [5, 14, 1197, 315, 53, 117, 325, 920, 9, 2731, 133, 34, 3, 11450, 10, 24, 5, 11451, 468, 7, 31, 43, 123, 87, 2, 5705, 144], [6, 35, 16, 5, 468, 11452, 6, 35, 2, 468], [173, 1637, 11, 108, 39, 15, 8, 507, 11, 2, 2409, 7, 96, 4, 26, 5, 468, 28, 11453], [5706, 113, 3376, 11454, 127, 16, 2133, 4, 14, 5707, 278, 11455, 1717, 37, 589, 11456, 32, 88, 5, 468, 1, 11457], [1793, 1415, 11458, 11459, 8, 1927, 3, 1408, 400, 45, 60, 208, 266, 504, 14, 197, 39, 92, 6, 84, 59, 7, 3, 468, 86, 17, 11460, 11461], [260, 44, 3, 169, 7, 672, 96, 13, 468, 255, 69, 8, 1658, 4028, 2, 3231, 13, 1051, 2, 1772, 9, 789, 2, 11462, 4, 5708, 15], [3691, 11463, 9, 802, 7, 2722, 11464, 1, 11465], [1233, 140, 34, 1642, 777, 2539, 49, 2373, 280, 703, 778, 44, 482, 5, 3, 11466, 1618, 7, 2, 119, 1, 11467], [11468, 113, 16, 188, 59, 1047, 11469, 11470, 18, 5709, 7, 5710, 9, 85, 86, 11471, 11472, 11473], [6, 343, 14, 622, 1251, 39, 15, 27, 29, 140, 5169, 15, 27, 16, 188, 1251], [11474, 11475, 7, 11476, 11477, 44, 5711, 11478, 2410, 3285, 11479, 2411, 11480, 1421, 1862, 140, 709, 127, 587], [683, 17, 64, 5712, 1075, 85, 4, 3, 140, 11481, 61, 2, 806, 5712], [5670, 6, 4073, 140, 33, 3, 3377, 1857, 8, 6, 257, 240, 5713, 538, 5, 14, 97, 28, 2412, 11, 11482], [55, 37, 156, 1013, 4, 31, 12, 2, 701, 434, 205, 1051, 2, 1553, 6, 35, 140, 1297], [681, 14, 265, 180, 87, 265, 4206, 11483, 266, 140], [6, 37, 1899, 1002, 2812, 6, 30, 16, 104, 73, 272, 7, 108, 24, 39, 3, 2048, 5714, 115, 2413, 1537, 37, 109, 1602, 36, 2812, 57, 54, 8, 140], [11484, 6, 192, 10, 4, 2361, 17, 1537, 8, 140, 311, 6, 951, 1017, 641, 969, 11485], [11486, 14, 11487, 11488, 11489, 11490, 2, 1323, 140, 75, 2637, 441, 39, 47, 77, 4207, 9, 173, 162, 4973, 639], [3209, 548, 865, 140, 46, 11491, 2160, 445, 1969, 287, 101, 282, 203, 1, 11492, 1, 11493], [53, 1970, 3, 148, 10, 479, 4, 13, 10, 41, 219, 13, 3, 11494, 459, 891, 5, 1009, 38, 6, 2241, 381, 36, 140, 6, 1752, 26, 11495], [5715, 227, 400, 5716, 54, 8, 140], [1002, 8, 1537, 198, 140, 5717], [11496, 1582, 2745, 140, 218, 4208, 485, 9, 11497, 459, 29, 221, 9, 3698, 19, 1971, 138, 18, 40, 978, 1350, 750, 188, 4, 2091, 9], [5718, 12, 2, 2712, 140, 2731, 133, 11498, 11499, 4, 2, 2813, 1, 11500, 1, 11501, 11502], [11503, 1631, 6, 35, 992, 11, 1303, 1321, 6, 42, 6, 487, 15, 12, 40, 724, 39, 1137, 4, 1094, 140, 807, 10, 23, 15, 9, 1119, 18, 38, 607], [11504, 681, 14, 180, 11505, 1398, 931, 2, 1847, 8, 2, 2, 52, 4209, 11506, 14, 180, 87, 1028, 4, 11507, 11508], [5715, 57, 6, 23, 250, 45, 22, 54, 8, 140, 9, 47, 67, 969, 168, 21], [8, 1537, 140, 47, 2414], [1114, 7, 2, 64, 17, 14, 317, 695, 11509, 2, 11510, 241, 3, 140, 438, 536, 1008, 112, 3, 233, 64, 45, 1008, 9, 369, 4, 1229, 1009, 2393], [599, 882, 1048, 140, 2153, 19, 1273, 1, 11511], [5717, 1002, 66, 1548, 24, 10, 17, 1537, 8, 140, 1002, 185], [115, 276, 140, 5, 4924, 11512, 2728, 1620, 1, 3378, 11513], [17, 8, 15, 3379, 8, 140, 266, 11514], [11515, 54, 8, 140], [11516, 434, 7, 2, 140, 1384, 27, 265, 1047, 9, 15, 112, 49, 1047, 4210, 173, 1047, 67], [132, 457, 643, 1537, 8, 140, 1002, 2414, 1002, 2814], [6, 41, 151, 437, 63, 1410, 70, 644, 1131, 14, 3380, 14, 4012, 695, 6, 50, 14, 1801, 4, 193, 47, 476, 644, 1131, 81, 1617, 14, 2062, 33, 108], [6, 902, 4, 1626, 11517, 18, 14, 5719, 5720, 6, 938, 6, 50, 88, 34, 4, 193, 39, 167, 970, 29, 811, 221, 11518], [335, 6, 270, 14, 193, 6, 41, 1531, 3381, 2, 5241], [14, 11519, 5721, 11520, 673, 11521], [193, 3210, 12, 3, 644, 1235, 85, 307, 177, 55, 2995, 13], [2415, 168, 21, 7, 2815, 5, 1106, 1, 11522], [2259, 3733, 3382, 5722, 485, 3383, 7, 193, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 11523, 1, 11524], [31, 43, 123, 72, 4, 11525, 41, 26, 2, 193, 7, 38], [3, 207, 1368, 3384, 212, 359, 39, 5658, 53, 1970, 77, 1, 11526], [11527, 11528, 61, 6, 1766, 272, 60, 2, 228, 5723, 8, 2, 11529, 5724, 346, 1077, 4211, 2734, 193, 4, 1, 11530], [6, 257, 33, 193], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 11531, 1, 11532, 3833, 463, 193, 1870], [6, 773, 14, 5725, 6, 30, 16, 516, 4212, 32, 9, 56, 1410, 38, 1335, 78, 283, 43, 1793, 30, 10, 23, 3, 193, 1430], [5726, 2798, 1456, 913, 4, 2096, 2816, 11533, 12, 5727, 193, 4213, 3385, 1, 11534], [88, 11535, 2351, 11536, 88, 1052, 256, 3, 4214, 11537, 4, 193, 6, 50, 22, 11538, 11539], [1, 11540, 561, 11541, 69, 8, 3, 169, 306, 220, 11542, 205, 5728, 3, 115, 39, 2, 381, 11543, 24, 2, 1895, 7, 193], [11544, 607, 6, 11545, 2266, 193, 17, 27, 675, 117, 205], [28, 11546, 11547, 1556, 5729, 5730, 193], [11548, 193, 4, 1022], [31, 43, 123, 4, 11549, 4, 193], [2372, 1575, 5731, 228, 4215, 1077, 4, 5732, 5733, 193, 4, 226, 334, 1, 2324, 11550], [28, 11551, 1556, 5729, 5730, 193], [52, 1490, 3771, 40, 2410, 11552, 20, 193], [6, 112, 47, 639, 5734, 193, 4, 11553, 11554, 63, 11555, 11556, 4, 137, 39, 11, 91, 966, 971, 11557, 115, 8, 146, 3, 995, 5, 2, 180], [2372, 1575, 5731, 228, 4215, 1077, 4, 5732, 5733, 193, 4, 226, 334, 1, 11558, 29, 11559, 2065], [5735, 71, 3386, 4216, 4217, 193, 150, 3676, 5736, 11560, 4217, 11561, 89, 3254, 1486, 1, 11562, 11563, 11564], [6, 257, 33, 193, 2087, 11565], [79, 11566, 1842, 568, 4218, 11567, 704, 1433, 1664, 95, 705, 193, 1, 11568, 273, 11569, 58, 11570], [69, 8, 22, 244, 1253, 268, 2809, 32, 4, 193, 1287, 5, 88, 11571, 1034, 2676, 3, 3317, 6, 276, 14, 77, 932], [2373, 780, 4096, 5, 2509, 46, 4216, 4217, 193, 1112, 62, 199, 159, 4216], [1541, 11572, 9, 11573, 4, 193, 7, 38], [2, 122, 2575, 5, 2, 193, 7, 4219, 27, 37, 11574, 1, 11575, 1, 11576], [5737, 174, 730, 22, 454, 8, 2, 519, 7, 11577, 50, 11578, 11579, 193, 11580], [11581, 11582, 9, 11583, 41, 26, 2, 193, 7, 38], [647, 41, 26, 2, 193, 7, 38], [52, 52, 431, 187, 231, 1062, 193, 2352, 2817, 1, 11584, 1083, 1, 11585], [11586, 70, 406, 25, 5738, 851, 290, 5739, 5740, 1694, 5, 535, 2113, 271, 5741, 141, 253, 566, 140, 25, 231, 5, 3, 770, 4, 23, 2703, 1526], [4220, 9, 95, 11587, 1366, 24, 419, 5, 2, 406, 7, 95, 11588, 3387, 1366, 88, 909, 566, 88, 2258, 88, 11589, 144, 9, 141, 11590], [30, 16, 31, 12, 2517, 693, 896, 235, 9, 1274, 77, 11591, 9, 807, 91, 406, 4756, 8, 1714, 413, 771], [11592, 32, 11593, 70, 70, 1727, 7, 4221, 11594, 3, 207, 55, 192, 52, 11595, 944, 406, 3, 121, 73, 700, 3294, 2552, 11596], [3150, 5742, 5743, 755, 387, 731, 406, 1, 11597], [22, 113, 11598, 11599, 168, 134, 11600, 44, 11601, 9, 56, 341, 5744, 5744, 5745, 16, 4, 3388, 11, 1332, 1525, 406, 1303, 1, 11602], [11603, 3389, 8, 2, 245, 11604, 39, 5405, 5746, 23, 11605, 2765, 326, 5747, 4, 59, 86, 2506, 909, 406, 166, 207], [803, 7, 2, 406, 5, 3390, 949, 2539, 24, 5748, 971, 11606, 476, 772, 588, 245, 812, 4139, 17, 24, 277, 20, 2, 3390, 11607], [116, 11608, 5032, 11609, 406, 435, 207, 25, 1749, 154, 62, 3096, 2535, 1, 11610, 66, 4, 1582, 146, 67, 7, 108, 1, 11611], [11612, 70, 406, 25, 5738, 851, 290, 5739, 5740, 1694, 5, 535, 2113, 271, 5741, 141, 253, 566, 140, 25, 231, 5, 3, 770, 4, 23, 2703, 1526], [4220, 9, 95, 122, 1366, 24, 419, 5, 2, 406, 7, 95, 743, 3387, 1366, 88, 909, 566, 88, 1, 11613, 71], [1775, 406, 3, 207, 25, 11614, 11615, 11616, 11617, 11618, 11619, 3010, 11620, 2098, 8, 1, 11621], [819, 11622, 11623, 970, 12, 66, 4, 1582, 1007, 7, 11624, 11625, 5, 302, 185, 2113, 1, 11626, 11627], [5749, 37, 168, 134, 3, 3239, 406, 1, 11628], [3011, 11629, 612, 11630, 212, 158, 32, 114, 1665, 39, 6, 35, 146, 11631, 160, 807, 5251, 1603, 7, 921, 272, 406, 381, 36, 680, 34, 2515], [1293, 406, 7, 4222, 755, 387, 731, 61, 30, 2, 781, 773, 96, 1, 11632, 11633], [406, 567, 1, 11634], [11635, 422, 55, 41, 219, 104, 61, 89, 23, 156, 1013, 39, 2, 1068, 4223, 4, 155, 17, 141, 457, 2818, 11636, 2, 406, 7, 2661, 3174, 11637], [77, 1748, 13, 5, 77, 11638, 536, 363, 5, 3882, 875, 2, 2161, 1236, 7, 3126, 3204, 46, 2773, 406, 9, 1, 11639, 11640], [47, 136, 1727, 30, 16, 11641, 49, 5020, 13, 1, 11642, 2815, 668, 799, 5049], [406, 106, 1, 11643], [112, 2819, 18, 4224, 4225, 151, 3, 973, 7, 676, 1557, 246, 75, 4, 827, 789, 32, 61, 156, 1013, 4, 108, 1, 11644], [11645, 74, 42, 3391, 799, 13, 46, 11646, 406, 5, 11647, 1, 11648, 1, 11649], [1658, 7, 10, 4226, 5336, 45, 444, 1535, 293, 180, 65, 267, 700, 801, 1286, 10, 37, 902, 51, 218, 406, 31, 2062], [15, 8, 64, 4, 1940, 944, 406, 1, 11650], [11651, 11652, 2, 11653, 7, 373, 5750, 406, 135, 4227, 21, 4, 755, 387, 731, 5, 3, 772, 588, 6, 1171, 56, 81, 32, 371, 11654, 502, 86, 2415], [5751, 5752, 11, 411, 964, 7, 45, 406, 5, 5753, 5754, 2, 236, 645, 172, 398, 40, 85, 1, 11655], [11656, 3, 11657, 1772, 158, 32, 114, 6, 30, 16, 104, 1601, 255, 96, 1655, 406, 78, 3222, 1175, 5557, 6, 11658, 4, 178, 3, 1174, 133], [505, 2081, 136, 59, 406, 9, 3, 383, 11659, 8, 508, 5755, 3379, 9, 11660, 168, 8, 1002], [11661, 8, 920, 11662, 11663, 11664, 56, 168, 134, 503, 406, 377, 281, 5, 2, 1507, 39, 56, 1832, 17, 27, 3, 1011], [1867, 11665, 98, 11666, 11667, 11668, 131, 19, 3, 511, 5, 401, 2162, 17, 44, 3392, 5, 19, 478, 532, 406, 1, 11669], [5751, 5752, 11, 411, 964, 7, 45, 406, 5, 5753, 5754, 2, 236, 645, 172, 398, 40, 85, 1, 11670], [11671, 1010, 9, 136, 2815, 406, 5, 1106, 1, 11672], [278, 11673, 2, 207, 11674, 11675, 27, 4228, 11676, 1052, 124, 1762, 406, 23, 2820, 2974, 1802], [2821, 8, 1048, 2416, 4, 421, 755, 387, 731, 1458, 5, 215, 772, 1049, 209, 3, 189, 19, 2, 11677, 147, 1915, 160, 1, 11678, 11679], [34, 7, 3690, 69, 78, 1233, 11680, 406, 1109, 19, 11681, 141, 3393, 1803, 532, 803, 174, 11682, 1, 11683, 5756, 273, 2125], [4220, 9, 95, 122, 1366, 24, 419, 5, 2, 406, 7, 95, 743, 3387, 1366, 88, 909, 566, 88, 11684, 1, 11685], [3993, 40, 705, 11686, 2163, 1940, 2775, 406, 18, 3, 11687, 1791, 3068, 1406, 34, 18, 240, 476, 772, 588, 17, 2417, 3, 434, 11688, 11689, 315], [11690, 11691, 559, 297, 8, 25, 363, 202, 538, 7, 2, 777, 5757, 276, 12, 557, 436, 8, 25, 2822, 1, 11692], [299, 1274, 77, 1275, 1040, 3394, 17, 1258, 4229, 11693, 4, 1252, 730, 297, 276, 693, 7, 2, 1351, 245, 1656, 1, 11694], [202, 777, 297, 276, 12, 858, 557, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 1, 11695], [2164, 559, 297, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 1040, 3394, 64, 1, 11696], [322, 2, 297, 25, 202], [202, 777, 297, 276, 12, 858, 557, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 1, 11697, 11698], [299, 1804, 559, 297, 3395, 36, 12, 557, 436, 8, 25, 1040, 202, 1, 11699], [202, 777, 297, 276, 12, 858, 557, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 1, 11700], [66, 363, 11701, 297, 172, 23, 4230, 4, 2165, 2, 52, 431, 159, 1, 11702, 4231, 11703], [2165, 297, 8, 776, 4232, 25, 1040, 3394, 111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 52, 431, 159, 1, 11704], [2165, 297, 8, 776, 4232, 25, 1040, 3394, 111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 52, 431, 159, 1, 11705], [2, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 27, 25, 1040, 202, 2, 2665, 1051, 17, 559, 1258, 4233, 172, 26, 502, 86, 242, 5758], [202, 777, 297, 276, 12, 858, 557, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 1, 11706], [804, 297, 322, 25, 202, 2166, 289, 11, 3396, 7, 103, 724, 1, 11707], [329, 264, 11708, 1972, 111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 8, 25, 202, 5759, 264, 854, 982, 1, 11709], [202, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 1211, 518, 2661, 3174, 103, 202], [50, 330, 675, 1972, 179, 98, 11710, 11711, 322, 17, 2, 777, 297, 276, 12, 2165, 11712, 1, 11713], [299, 4234, 59, 2304, 86, 1053, 559, 297, 8, 25, 363, 202, 1, 11714], [1972, 111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 8, 25, 202, 5759, 264, 854, 982, 1, 11715], [202, 777, 297, 276, 12, 858, 557, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 1, 11716, 561, 11717], [297, 276, 12, 557, 436, 1063, 25, 202, 1972, 179, 98, 1, 11718], [777, 297, 276, 12, 436, 8, 25, 202, 299, 1804, 1, 11719], [61, 5749, 297, 7, 1040, 202, 276, 12, 557, 436], [202, 777, 297, 276, 12, 858, 557, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 762, 846, 1, 11720], [202, 557, 297, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1040, 1, 11721, 273, 2125], [1016, 699, 735, 34, 299, 1804, 297, 8, 25, 202, 1, 11722], [299, 1804, 559, 297, 3395, 36, 12, 557, 436, 8, 25, 1040, 202, 1, 11723], [11724, 804, 297, 322, 25, 202, 2166, 289, 11, 3396, 7, 103, 119, 1, 11725, 1, 11726], [559, 297, 2164, 12, 557, 436, 4235, 4, 1040, 202, 217, 1972, 179, 98, 1, 2412, 11727], [297, 322, 25, 202, 2166, 289, 11, 3396, 7, 103, 724, 1972, 111, 154, 62, 569, 2361, 3, 11728, 1, 11729, 11730], [762, 11731, 777, 297, 276, 12, 858, 557, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 762, 11732, 834, 1064, 7, 777, 297, 306, 220], [299, 1804, 557, 436, 297, 8, 25, 202, 1, 11733, 11734, 71, 1, 11735, 11736], [297, 322, 25, 202, 2166, 289, 11, 3396, 7, 103, 724, 1, 11737, 58, 804, 79], [559, 297, 8, 25, 363, 202, 1, 11738], [202, 777, 297, 276, 12, 858, 557, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 762, 11739, 1, 11740, 11741, 2270, 299, 71], [1276, 202, 777, 297, 276, 12, 858, 557, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 762, 1, 11742, 196, 116], [777, 297, 322, 4, 26, 25, 202, 2356, 2, 987, 846, 1, 11743], [11744, 5760, 21, 1759, 6, 27, 11745, 18, 11746, 11747, 619, 80, 159, 177, 3397, 2, 469], [11748, 14, 2058, 8, 2258, 2167, 829, 23, 747, 4, 597, 3, 469, 129, 169], [11749, 14, 1973, 1654, 4, 23, 3, 469, 863, 63, 1774, 42, 287, 2, 454, 1970, 2041, 13], [11750, 11751, 272, 1028, 11752, 512, 4, 789, 2, 5761, 1534, 2723, 2, 469, 20, 2, 169, 1754, 2, 443, 13, 9, 236, 1129, 36, 11, 2, 2140], [5582, 1798, 11753, 2404, 469, 11754, 11755], [6, 11756, 11757, 11, 2, 4236, 469, 7, 960, 619, 80, 159, 4, 249, 6, 286, 16, 1617, 242, 11758, 53, 10, 3398, 4, 11759, 72, 19, 11760, 3399], [116, 11761, 11762, 3, 469, 7, 4237, 12, 251, 11, 1469, 133, 11763, 2751, 2168, 59, 19, 1, 11764], [11765, 11766, 5527, 4238, 469, 1798, 11767, 1, 11768], [3, 469, 7, 11769, 21, 11, 4219, 12, 14, 5762, 904, 22, 173, 11770, 1135, 20, 11771, 5, 4194, 5763, 246], [1974, 5764, 46, 2030, 469, 2, 797, 2114, 28, 11772, 58, 11773], [1001, 8, 151, 11774, 2, 469, 53, 2, 11775, 7, 49, 2394, 30, 16, 801, 2, 11776, 7, 3, 391, 94, 1, 11777], [3400, 2, 469, 7, 2041, 11778, 1241, 181, 129, 115, 11779, 11780, 8, 92, 6, 84, 3953, 1269, 1526, 186, 54, 8, 11781, 33, 17], [367, 11782, 1106, 4239, 1, 11783], [15, 8, 3, 469, 5, 11784, 11785, 60, 67, 456, 4, 31, 4, 11786, 638, 1, 11787], [113, 29, 162, 11788, 752, 12, 512, 433, 11789, 6, 286, 11790, 2, 4240, 11791, 39, 2, 4241, 7, 4242, 469, 8, 5765], [11792, 761, 115, 6, 27, 711, 3, 331, 454, 29, 692, 39, 2774, 3, 469, 7, 5766, 23, 1110, 15, 205, 411], [197, 2561, 11793, 2418, 618, 27, 5767, 469, 39, 15, 328, 33, 15, 27, 2634, 535, 174, 730, 18, 11794, 4243, 9, 2417, 1208], [2, 2629, 11795, 13, 1191, 5, 2, 3981, 4244, 241, 2, 469, 28, 11796, 11797, 2, 2419], [11798, 6, 11799, 11, 2, 469, 7, 806, 11800], [2773, 4, 11801, 13, 11802, 4245, 208, 110, 6, 84, 1066, 1474, 42, 469, 11803, 1, 11804], [72, 12, 2, 980, 46, 2, 469, 3401, 1146, 5, 5768, 129, 3401, 4246, 5769, 1052, 1084, 87, 110, 11, 1, 11805, 142], [11806, 4, 285, 11807, 624, 332, 27, 2, 1713, 6, 1604, 14, 11808, 12, 624, 332, 16, 11809, 469], [3402, 2567, 13, 210, 26, 135, 4227, 134, 16, 4, 2, 469, 7, 3226, 5770, 11810, 39, 2, 2420, 2567, 13, 4241, 7, 2, 11811], [2, 11812, 1295, 5771, 36, 2, 303, 9, 11813, 3, 11814, 469, 7, 11815, 12, 96, 11816, 3397, 113, 12, 11817, 302], [2132, 1111, 680, 2823, 1119, 61, 56, 89, 30, 11818, 11819, 1, 11820], [385, 11821, 7, 2085, 1975, 283, 57, 17, 2, 3069, 8, 4247, 11822, 469], [367, 11823, 2824, 1221, 20, 11824, 11825, 3, 590, 4248, 917, 12, 11826, 4197, 615, 3, 1055, 1352, 1, 11827], [2, 1509, 296, 11828, 460, 6, 30, 11, 11829, 37, 109, 11830, 5, 3, 469, 31, 43, 123, 11, 11831, 9, 11832, 382, 10, 5772], [1344, 11833, 469, 8, 713, 49, 1047, 1621, 47, 1207, 113, 6, 33, 15, 29, 221], [11834, 2, 327, 7, 469, 34, 11835], [11836, 607, 6, 35, 4249, 49, 846, 911, 2150, 14, 1288, 1613, 7, 2122, 33, 22, 937, 11, 2, 469, 7, 11837, 1200], [151, 11838, 81, 398, 2, 374, 1849, 25, 3, 469, 7, 4116, 11839, 21, 248, 369, 1, 11840, 1, 11841], [11842, 3403, 1934, 2, 201, 3839, 469, 20, 11843, 680, 4, 680, 680, 4, 11844, 1, 11845, 58, 11846, 11847], [6, 50, 2, 623, 5773, 8, 11848, 968, 4, 2825, 15, 19, 14, 2017, 39, 15, 8, 16, 5, 2630, 29, 6, 11849, 15, 1, 2056, 11850], [5774, 5775, 863, 361, 3, 11851, 6, 683, 1788, 3, 469, 7, 1975, 60, 5774, 5775, 2711, 296, 11852, 321, 1, 11853], [2826, 989, 11854, 5446, 2, 469, 7, 11855, 1413, 21, 44, 2057, 2, 125, 76, 16, 11856, 9, 37, 3404, 15, 4, 138, 484], [53, 117, 5, 1440, 7, 2141, 201, 4, 4776, 40, 680, 63, 23, 68, 11857, 18, 2, 469, 7, 11858, 28, 11859], [723, 363, 5, 2, 11860, 11861, 5776, 5589, 1, 11862, 11863], [11864, 11865, 1092, 109, 3256, 7, 11866, 5, 93, 422, 109, 469, 7, 11867, 11868, 161, 156, 744, 9, 3405, 85, 1, 11869], [160, 6, 35, 2, 1038, 69, 8, 16, 3, 469, 7, 11870, 5777, 5778, 411, 2, 11871, 27, 1576, 6, 132, 1577, 457, 643, 15, 993], [647, 8, 1244, 121, 15, 44, 68, 776, 70, 770, 4, 1252, 6, 189, 3003, 4, 2, 469, 7, 1534, 6, 23, 68, 1961, 3, 11872, 1076, 8], [11873, 11874, 11875, 4250, 11876, 11877, 9, 4251, 2, 1352, 7, 2, 469, 11878, 1697, 11879, 11880, 11881, 1, 11882], [641, 969, 252, 3406, 7, 11883, 1529, 12, 141, 3037, 483, 6, 23, 68, 764], [11884, 6, 35, 621, 2, 2668, 8, 764, 20, 290, 1071, 755, 387, 731, 3404, 4, 1325, 15, 198], [11885, 24, 764, 18, 1976, 181, 178, 861, 11886, 32, 18, 1639, 63, 1353, 9, 15, 8, 1144, 4, 820, 4, 2, 263, 7, 2, 996, 1805], [75, 5779, 5780, 764, 20, 927, 4252, 1, 11887, 1, 11888], [1145, 24, 764, 18, 1976, 181, 178, 861, 908, 32, 18, 11889, 930, 63, 1353, 9, 15, 8, 11890, 4, 820, 4, 2, 263, 7, 2, 996, 1805], [356, 5, 3, 1535, 7, 2308, 11891, 31, 43, 123, 4, 26, 764, 18, 5781, 2634, 2764, 8, 4844, 4176, 1597, 60, 5782, 5783, 25, 370, 11892], [1145, 24, 764, 18, 1976, 181, 178, 861, 908, 32, 18, 1639, 63, 1353, 9, 15, 8, 1144, 4, 11893, 11894, 263, 7, 2, 996, 1805], [1145, 2169, 764, 18, 1976, 181, 178, 861, 908, 32, 18, 1639, 63, 1353, 9, 15, 8, 1144, 4, 820, 4, 2, 263, 7, 2, 11895], [113, 24, 10, 764, 18, 816, 1558, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 11896, 1, 11897], [1145, 24, 764, 18, 11898, 178, 861, 908, 32, 18, 1639, 63, 1353, 9, 15, 8, 1144, 4, 820, 4, 2, 263, 7, 2, 996, 1805], [11899, 2, 966, 6, 1045, 22, 36, 11900, 54, 8, 949, 161, 3407, 11901, 8, 685, 39, 3, 1204, 568, 6, 35, 764, 18, 95, 5784, 2345], [113, 24, 10, 764, 18, 816, 1558, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 11902, 1, 11903], [11904, 5177, 5785, 2, 2802, 11905, 3408, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 26, 764, 5, 11906, 3409, 11, 38], [11907, 8, 5786, 11908, 638, 9, 132, 26, 1977, 11909, 638, 252, 764], [1145, 24, 764, 18, 11910, 181, 178, 861, 908, 32, 18, 1639, 63, 1353, 9, 15, 8, 1144, 4, 820, 4, 2, 263, 7, 2, 996, 1805], [3010, 1532, 11911, 72, 628, 43, 11912, 11913, 5787, 764, 18, 428, 67, 140, 34, 1007, 107, 4135, 1, 11914], [1145, 24, 764, 18, 1976, 181, 178, 861, 908, 11915, 18, 1639, 63, 1904, 9, 15, 8, 1144, 4, 820, 4, 2, 263, 7, 2, 996, 1805], [1145, 24, 764, 18, 11916, 181, 178, 861, 908, 32, 18, 1639, 63, 1353, 9, 15, 11917, 4, 820, 4, 2, 263, 7, 2, 996, 1805], [1145, 24, 764, 18, 1976, 181, 178, 861, 908, 32, 18, 1639, 63, 1353, 9, 15, 8, 1144, 4, 820, 4, 2, 263, 7, 864, 877, 996, 11918], [4253, 2, 93, 119, 1181, 7, 5003, 44, 68, 764, 2, 166, 136, 770, 4, 1252, 18, 3408, 1, 11919, 4254, 62, 986, 10, 4255, 3], [30, 10, 257, 764, 20, 816, 1558, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 11920, 1, 11921], [1145, 24, 764, 18, 1976, 181, 178, 861, 908, 11922, 18, 11923, 63, 1353, 9, 15, 8, 1144, 4, 820, 4, 2, 263, 7, 2, 996, 1805], [1145, 11924, 18, 1976, 181, 178, 3131, 5788, 908, 32, 18, 1639, 63, 1353, 9, 15, 8, 1144, 4, 820, 4, 2, 263, 7, 2, 996, 1805], [11925, 4715, 38, 53, 6, 27, 3, 1374, 11926, 23, 68, 764, 18, 5789, 23, 825, 790, 315], [71, 5790, 75, 5779, 5780, 764, 20, 927, 4252], [11927, 6, 112, 4, 26, 1008, 11, 49, 456, 4, 11928, 9, 11929, 2, 776, 1749, 133, 2421, 7, 2, 3410, 17, 764, 38, 3131, 11930], [56, 23, 249, 72, 2667, 11931, 121, 4256, 764, 20, 2155, 3843, 7, 11932, 11933, 1, 11934], [11935, 5791, 1971, 1978, 600, 91, 476, 331, 2086, 32, 69, 63, 733, 32, 807, 17, 69, 24, 91, 1734, 1, 11936], [1354, 611, 4, 600, 1879, 2422, 19, 1441, 1938, 998, 1, 11937], [1354, 611, 4, 600, 1879, 2422, 19, 1441, 1938, 998, 1354, 305, 611, 135, 904, 1, 11938], [11939, 1319, 11940, 44, 1743, 11941, 4, 600, 11942, 11943, 11944, 9, 1946, 15, 18, 61, 41, 26, 11945, 11946, 666], [37, 96, 1054, 81, 600, 22, 11947, 11948, 11949, 11950, 28, 11951], [1354, 305, 611, 135, 957, 310, 4, 3223, 91, 4245, 7, 2, 1354, 1441, 1938, 11952, 1, 11953, 11954, 80, 64], [11955, 46, 2092, 4, 10, 600, 11956, 12, 11957, 6, 132, 742, 4, 11958, 14, 5792, 11959, 11960, 76, 3, 4257, 2130, 4063], [2622, 29, 2423, 6, 35, 31, 43, 123, 4, 600, 22, 330], [11961, 841, 11962, 11963, 11964, 11965, 13, 11966, 11967], [1354, 611, 4, 600, 1879, 2422, 19, 1441, 1938, 998, 1, 11968], [1354, 611, 4, 600, 1879, 2422, 19, 1441, 1938, 998, 1, 11969], [11970, 142, 3878, 11971, 11972, 5793, 5439, 3319, 11973, 5794, 47, 11974, 2827, 12, 600], [3146, 29, 6, 35, 354, 600, 45, 211, 5795, 21, 17, 6, 4234, 4, 23, 11975, 310, 11, 850, 18, 3411, 2326], [685, 10, 5796, 6, 41, 600, 10, 438, 91, 2313], [310, 91, 3258, 177, 600, 108, 4189, 11976], [310, 3258, 600, 108, 45], [116, 2169, 72, 3412, 2828, 420, 600, 1574, 1492, 2422, 5, 3413, 2398, 1, 11977, 1, 11978], [11979, 6, 35, 763, 15, 205, 57, 54, 11980, 32, 46, 2, 1517, 122, 677, 255, 54, 127, 16, 600, 2, 898], [155, 11981, 11982, 1212, 249, 4, 11983, 9, 600, 120, 361, 11984, 3073, 2376, 11985, 11986, 1, 11987], [248, 22, 671, 5, 1846, 39, 15, 27, 9, 2119, 67, 7, 14, 1025, 1079, 1049, 267, 2263, 33, 600, 5797, 1, 11988], [1600, 711, 11989, 9, 1979, 1627, 600, 271], [11990, 2507, 2979, 11991, 1139, 4, 600, 10, 11992, 1, 11993], [2, 692, 205, 3092, 11994, 1529, 11, 416, 7, 11995, 3000, 54, 356, 910, 11, 11996, 1, 11997], [6, 172, 600, 22, 205, 57, 28, 11998], [11999, 164, 42, 5419, 4, 5798, 16, 600, 1034, 666, 1, 12000], [71, 452, 1354, 611, 4, 600, 1879, 2422, 19, 1441, 1938, 998, 1, 12001, 58, 774, 50, 10, 488], [6, 23, 4948, 2, 2776, 600, 185, 12002, 5, 2, 12003, 304, 2, 12004, 1, 12005, 12006, 12007], [12008, 12009, 10, 250, 56, 24, 420, 186, 7, 12010, 29, 27, 15, 507, 53, 10, 600, 14, 358, 12011, 6, 205, 4, 209, 12012], [155, 6, 41, 962, 3, 12013, 3, 600, 3, 1755, 998, 9, 1608, 5321, 12, 15, 39, 12014, 20, 3, 12015, 7, 12016, 62, 199, 12017], [37, 112, 14, 122, 4024, 12, 3, 2677, 304, 439, 204, 12018, 6, 156, 1013, 4, 600, 88, 2424, 6, 977, 135, 2059, 62, 986, 10, 3095, 65, 17, 751, 88], [53, 10, 155, 31, 43, 123, 4, 600, 12019, 358, 43, 91, 12020, 253, 10, 210, 104, 17, 5799, 444, 302, 1388], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 12021, 1554, 9, 12022, 600, 3, 919, 12023, 2151, 12024], [1757, 39, 1629, 241, 93, 600, 686, 12025, 327, 678, 12026, 72, 12027, 36, 141, 5800, 294, 1659, 12028, 2829, 176, 198, 1504, 2, 12029], [12030, 600, 53, 15, 5, 1255, 305, 2689, 209, 5801, 12031], [12032, 12033, 22, 1352, 18, 91, 75, 5802, 12034, 660, 1, 12035], [3032, 660, 17, 903], [6, 1861, 3, 12036, 12037, 7, 2652, 2323, 9, 15, 8, 37, 252, 660], [12038, 31, 660, 20, 12039, 33, 12040, 9, 12041, 4, 2826, 60, 3414, 12042, 12043, 1, 12044, 12045], [12046, 8, 53, 15, 809, 10, 257, 242, 502, 6, 35, 954, 3844, 9, 92, 6, 84, 31, 660], [12047, 240, 869, 11, 761, 44, 68, 3185, 660, 3185, 53, 6, 27, 10, 5803, 26, 12048, 4, 1045, 36, 12049, 267, 361], [12050, 6, 92, 6, 84, 109, 79, 7, 93, 660], [109, 14, 122, 4174, 4952, 6, 37, 660, 3, 1898, 25, 2678, 18, 2735, 12, 2537, 9, 54, 27, 1646, 12051, 12052], [113, 8, 2017, 708, 9, 12053, 4061, 51, 5630, 12054, 44, 660, 2, 358, 7, 3, 12055, 5, 1038, 12056, 12057], [115, 4195, 37, 660, 95, 2717, 95, 180, 27, 2423], [15, 27, 827, 660, 5, 2, 1355, 7, 1289, 9, 2, 1012, 44, 3415, 3163, 278, 2, 4258, 4259, 1, 12058], [56, 1347, 660, 2, 12059, 25, 678, 4, 4260], [158, 32, 114, 12060, 8, 2666, 56, 41, 31, 660, 20, 12061, 9, 1460, 232, 4777], [37, 660, 3, 5804, 5805], [15, 27, 827, 660, 5, 2, 1355, 7, 1289, 9, 2, 1012, 44, 3415, 3163, 278, 2, 4258, 4259, 1, 12062], [12063, 12064, 17, 8, 60, 12065, 1492, 237, 660, 57, 20, 1117, 278, 12066, 18, 617, 706, 183, 660, 1118], [209, 22, 1001, 31, 660, 9, 1221, 72, 4, 2, 265, 2123, 1803], [12067, 12068, 111, 181, 24, 283, 4, 5806, 5807, 724, 2, 1095, 5806, 5807, 41, 417, 26, 660, 4, 12069, 1, 12070], [26, 72, 12071, 239, 161, 2585, 1117, 2982, 3416, 2170, 281, 5, 797, 2083, 5808, 183, 660, 1, 878, 12072], [12073, 12074, 1395, 41, 31, 1347, 660, 5, 3, 1247, 2830], [15, 27, 827, 660, 5, 2, 1355, 7, 1289, 9, 2, 1012, 44, 3415, 3163, 278, 2, 4258, 4259, 1, 12075], [12076, 12077, 56, 977, 660, 12078, 306, 220, 27, 3, 620, 1020, 9, 776, 1540, 7, 2, 65, 2741], [1637, 1012, 5, 1034, 1439, 660, 1, 12079], [660, 14, 2659, 197, 1, 2018, 343, 12080], [684, 207, 244, 3383, 2072, 4, 26, 660, 1, 12081], [12082, 6, 155, 356, 2549, 2, 5809, 177, 5810, 2256, 21, 9, 827, 12083, 1865, 660], [3, 660, 1492, 999, 1063, 72, 4, 85, 1, 12084], [667, 237, 660, 5, 12085, 12086, 12087, 999, 1441, 1140, 942, 708, 862, 1, 12088], [12089, 2257, 629, 7, 237, 5, 3302, 13, 409, 2332, 1, 12090], [4261, 53, 10, 1481, 38, 188, 3, 313, 2367, 461, 629, 5, 12091], [5479, 121, 629, 774, 50, 10, 1638, 5811, 164, 42, 17, 12092, 809, 817, 3937, 93, 1, 12093, 1, 12094], [629, 144, 70, 92, 6, 84, 2, 272, 48, 12095, 267], [12096, 8, 1072, 3, 629, 2168, 135, 1652, 57, 4262, 899, 1, 12097], [22, 1893, 9, 629, 4209, 261, 12098, 8, 621, 5812, 5, 91, 5781, 12099, 5813, 12100, 12101], [4263, 4, 2523, 51, 1072, 3, 629, 854, 12102], [12103, 12104, 7, 12105, 3417, 13, 1588, 259, 629, 118, 13, 12106, 1, 12107], [12108, 14, 590, 122, 629, 3248, 110, 5814, 17, 14, 5702, 44, 16, 4865, 157, 9, 15, 8, 68, 43, 106, 676], [1649, 2, 187, 5, 244, 875, 2, 5501, 629, 7, 12109, 797, 12110, 1, 12111, 12112, 11, 12113], [47, 1655, 1544, 267, 3986, 629, 150, 55, 219, 1769, 979, 25, 129, 12114, 153], [1094, 165, 629, 4264, 12115, 1, 12116, 258, 8], [629, 1225, 2362, 12117, 254, 2831, 9, 2, 3357, 7, 2, 226, 568, 12118, 12119, 28, 12120], [1, 12121, 629, 854, 12122, 12123, 343, 12124], [1247, 71, 5815, 7, 961, 12, 4265, 2257, 19, 5816, 14, 5817, 1831, 567, 58, 5818, 145, 441, 19, 1, 5819], [12125, 12126, 358, 5820, 46, 747, 11, 629, 1, 12127, 12128], [12129, 59, 33, 629, 3248], [1117, 2137, 176, 629, 7, 1492, 237, 1077, 1118, 1744, 793, 28, 12130], [629, 606, 197, 1980, 93, 4266, 12131], [166, 963, 4, 170, 19, 2, 244, 12132, 12133, 19, 2, 12134, 55, 24, 4267, 629, 19, 5821, 242, 190, 89, 26, 135, 2059, 62, 986, 10, 1910], [1114, 60, 252, 3, 12135, 147, 18, 3, 317, 695, 9, 4140, 2, 629, 3248, 5, 12136], [1247, 71, 5815, 7, 961, 12, 4265, 2257, 19, 5816, 14, 5817, 1831, 567, 58, 5818, 145, 441, 19, 1, 5819], [12137, 33, 1759, 2375, 2, 12138, 375, 305, 1356, 12139, 9, 170, 5822, 2552, 1706, 4, 2, 12140, 42, 5, 129, 12141, 28, 12142], [12143, 198, 915, 4, 12144, 15, 157, 91, 5, 2, 3418, 1148, 116, 12145, 629, 5823, 1, 12146], [609, 5824, 443, 13, 1559, 12147, 406, 293, 629, 1, 12148], [2832, 2257, 629, 7, 120, 12, 1068, 216, 12149, 12150, 12151], [951, 155, 56, 41, 4268, 2, 735, 666, 311, 56, 23, 68, 3307, 11, 629, 278, 1531], [12152, 4261, 1045, 72, 629, 9, 293, 5825], [1001, 12153, 2118, 782, 5, 2562, 757, 4, 2028, 141, 12154, 319, 25, 629, 1, 12155, 1, 12156], [36, 358, 852, 25, 629, 1, 12157, 41, 26, 1977, 4, 12158, 436, 1206], [2118, 2371, 782, 5, 2562, 24, 3830, 836, 4269, 4204, 43, 319, 629, 1, 12159], [567, 782, 5, 2562, 3830, 5, 12160, 836, 4269, 4204, 43, 319, 4270, 43, 3419, 4192, 5583, 278, 166, 2348, 1, 12161, 12162], [1555, 5826, 629, 7, 12163, 75, 12164, 12165, 461, 87, 269, 2579, 5827, 1781, 1, 12166], [12167, 122, 1666, 12168, 237, 629, 2833, 388, 1, 12169], [1904, 66, 56, 12170, 25, 146, 49, 12171, 12172, 1349, 4, 3, 12173, 12174, 629, 28, 12175], [12176, 1742, 6, 1141, 242, 131, 7, 2, 2425, 70, 526, 686, 2426, 8, 413, 771, 20, 2, 894, 17, 54, 251, 686, 85, 2427, 2428], [2834, 61, 626, 3, 1414, 143, 4, 526, 5, 1034, 606, 1409, 1, 12177], [30, 16, 171, 1981, 1414, 526, 40, 121, 31, 3, 1410, 240, 12178, 51, 10, 702, 36, 18, 2, 197, 1578, 4, 170, 1, 12179, 12180], [12181, 72, 12182, 1742, 6, 1141, 242, 131, 7, 2, 2425, 70, 526, 686, 2426, 8, 413, 771, 20, 2, 894, 17, 54, 251, 686, 85, 2427, 2428], [12183, 12184, 977, 1318, 167, 8, 2519, 9, 104, 61, 4271, 941, 8, 6, 35, 16, 1335, 15, 8, 1073, 175, 4, 526, 141, 312, 7, 12185, 1087], [12186, 5828, 41, 12187, 756, 3411, 4, 967, 9, 526, 799, 13, 801, 5, 5489, 7, 2, 1744], [713, 5829, 21, 7, 1068, 132, 526, 96, 25, 129, 2153, 55, 92, 6, 84, 2835, 3405, 9, 12188, 11, 12189, 12190, 12191], [432, 264, 1345, 71, 732, 1982, 103, 855, 526, 5, 1096, 1097, 890, 262, 1, 12192], [1227, 5830, 94, 2834, 61, 150, 23, 626, 3, 1414, 143, 4, 526, 5, 1034, 606, 1409, 1, 1462, 12193, 4052], [12194, 1742, 6, 1141, 242, 131, 7, 2, 2425, 70, 526, 686, 2426, 8, 413, 771, 20, 2, 894, 17, 54, 251, 686, 85, 2427, 2428], [1382, 139, 5, 136, 539, 343, 5831, 1982, 103, 34, 3293, 390, 251, 526, 2, 136, 855, 732, 1876, 1, 12195], [432, 264, 1345, 71, 732, 1982, 103, 855, 526, 5, 1096, 1097, 890, 262, 1, 12196], [22, 8, 66, 55, 104, 5832, 65, 24, 5833, 3092, 9, 151, 477, 4, 526, 4272, 3723], [41, 1616, 1781, 4, 526, 2, 534, 128, 760, 287, 4242, 3808, 227, 810], [12197, 1742, 6, 1141, 242, 131, 7, 2, 2425, 70, 526, 686, 2426, 8, 413, 771, 20, 2, 894, 17, 54, 251, 686, 85, 2427, 2428], [1222, 3420, 103, 1286, 143, 4, 526, 1, 12198], [75, 12199, 1742, 6, 1141, 242, 131, 7, 2, 2425, 70, 526, 686, 2426, 8, 413, 771, 20, 2, 894, 17, 54, 251, 686, 85, 2427, 2428], [30, 16, 171, 2, 2429, 526, 40, 2430, 9, 1383, 96, 19, 2, 12200, 805, 11, 4048, 46, 170, 12201, 1162, 1, 12202], [66, 30, 10, 526, 3, 143, 19, 2836], [12203, 1195, 7, 4242, 3808, 12204, 3397, 66, 3, 331, 1971, 81, 526, 3, 2837, 142, 203, 1, 12205], [432, 264, 1345, 71, 732, 1982, 103, 855, 526, 5, 1096, 1097, 890, 262, 1, 12206, 348, 12207], [964, 139, 34, 12208, 1542, 12209, 1542, 526, 5, 1096, 1097, 3421, 12210, 5, 1692, 5834, 1, 12211], [5835, 639, 2310, 4, 526, 237, 3422, 1, 12212, 12213], [12214, 12215, 3422, 4, 526, 12216, 12217, 12218, 217, 12219, 1, 12220], [2171, 140, 34, 136, 855, 526, 43, 615, 5, 732, 1, 12221, 1, 12222], [1382, 139, 5, 136, 539, 343, 5831, 1982, 103, 34, 3293, 390, 251, 526, 2, 136, 855, 732, 1876, 1, 12223], [732, 251, 526, 136, 855, 1421, 2319, 65, 1, 12224], [2105, 210, 26, 12225, 2172, 12226, 1198, 56, 24, 3, 12227, 3312, 7, 12228, 9, 12229, 12230, 12231, 4, 526, 1770, 2349], [12232, 50, 12233, 1742, 6, 1141, 242, 131, 7, 2, 2425, 70, 526, 686, 2426, 8, 413, 771, 20, 2, 894, 17, 54, 251, 686, 85, 2427, 2428], [2171, 168, 8, 34, 136, 855, 526, 76, 3, 615, 5, 12234, 1839, 12235], [266, 1522, 7, 45, 301, 5832, 65, 56, 151, 163, 22, 4, 526, 3988, 56, 951, 30, 756, 11, 45, 444, 681, 14, 265, 180, 87], [1077, 12236, 8, 1122, 5640, 4, 526, 12237, 3423, 12238, 28, 12239], [3423, 12240, 176, 5083, 1770, 5836, 24, 2505, 7, 1395, 12241, 24, 757, 4, 526, 1395, 800, 2, 12242], [1856, 61, 150, 23, 626, 3, 1414, 143, 4, 526, 5, 1034, 606, 1409, 1, 12243], [649, 12244, 20, 12245, 4044, 2817, 172, 526, 2173, 680, 1, 12246], [12247, 3424, 19, 22, 733, 6, 1320, 4, 819, 982, 60, 3, 12248, 146, 549], [156, 744, 47, 67, 27, 2779, 51, 1981, 143, 549, 356, 2, 1542, 453, 8, 29, 221, 502, 86, 1414, 1982, 1, 12249, 12250], [12251, 4273, 312, 11, 2260, 549, 1249, 1497, 413, 1086, 896, 12252, 5570, 1397, 1, 12253, 12254, 58, 4274], [1737, 708, 12255, 11, 252, 1560, 12, 2, 549, 1981, 143, 110, 1659, 108, 60, 258, 8, 142, 9, 1057, 1593, 359, 2, 2431], [12256, 840, 37, 189, 17, 36, 810, 549, 19, 2836, 29, 12257, 142, 8, 1796, 157, 25, 4275, 862, 2174, 4, 12258], [7, 61, 608, 1853, 8, 2, 329, 4276, 1793, 56, 24, 12259, 55, 24, 549], [12260, 47, 1214, 78, 12, 2, 549, 143, 39, 2, 73, 917, 4277, 8, 1867, 12261, 138, 183], [2, 5837, 12262, 1514, 30, 16, 2175, 18, 38, 167, 8, 59, 1646, 17, 2, 12263, 143, 44, 68, 549, 12264, 1, 12265, 12266], [959, 13, 12267, 15, 109, 549, 768, 12268, 12269], [452, 12270, 1414, 143, 3425, 1431, 2033, 2785, 22, 917, 3, 549, 143, 8, 1431, 3, 12271, 1, 12272], [12273, 4278, 69, 78, 47, 1214, 12, 1423, 51, 2, 143, 549, 22, 917], [52, 5838, 11, 2, 1482, 3, 159, 1, 12274, 5838, 5839], [15, 8, 29, 12275, 4, 871, 3, 52, 591, 201, 12276, 9, 177, 31, 72, 4, 2073, 12277, 711, 549, 749, 1114, 7, 3, 2838, 63, 12278], [5840, 3, 1981, 143, 549, 19, 2836], [1414, 3934, 1327, 728, 2082, 12279, 346, 143, 17, 549, 27, 3, 12280, 143, 18, 535, 9, 889, 1180, 21, 1982, 893, 1981], [44, 5841, 549, 40, 12281, 566, 2416, 11, 12282, 36, 49, 5841, 143, 235, 12283, 12284], [1414, 92, 6, 84, 195, 16, 104, 51, 978, 2533, 5842, 41, 12285, 4279, 3426, 147, 549, 185, 3, 321, 16, 3, 52, 12286, 21, 12287, 1981], [5843, 3427, 170, 25, 183, 549, 49, 4279, 143, 549, 19, 2836, 22, 917, 12288, 657, 1, 12289], [12, 2, 12290, 7, 4280, 4224, 1519, 2, 774, 50, 10, 438, 1981, 44, 12291, 208, 20, 3133, 204, 143, 31, 549, 9, 5844, 2, 164, 42], [31, 43, 123, 4, 12292, 15, 8, 151, 336, 2719, 538, 7, 2, 1414, 549, 15, 8, 3, 620, 917, 5, 1206, 606, 1409], [227, 742, 6, 1161, 4, 138, 3, 977, 1267, 1578, 5, 12293, 17, 27, 549, 20, 204, 4281, 2036, 2626, 5, 3, 3875, 921, 1201], [12294, 9, 8, 2, 147, 17, 549, 3, 684, 1180, 21, 20, 963, 56, 635, 4, 23, 639, 18, 5845, 12295, 1633, 12296, 2176, 12297, 12298, 405], [667, 12299, 589, 2, 381, 8, 12300], [29, 3, 143, 549, 9, 1036, 7, 38, 252, 4, 170, 1055, 33, 6, 2777, 6, 35, 57, 1605, 34, 400], [12301, 12302, 34, 5, 5846, 2, 12303, 438, 6, 30, 16, 155, 539, 12304, 89, 23, 549, 17], [1667, 728, 143, 1530, 415, 7, 2, 549, 12305, 1542, 4282, 1876, 58, 12306, 1, 12307], [66, 162, 855, 549, 17, 1981, 44, 4, 1796, 157, 12308, 5, 272, 7, 1737, 2, 4999, 375, 1476, 7, 3, 2839, 3424], [144, 7, 211, 694, 51, 1885, 30, 16, 3341, 110, 6, 84, 671, 5, 3358, 17, 3, 143, 549, 19, 2, 1414, 554, 5847, 4, 170, 28, 12309], [12310, 4283, 27, 12, 95, 169, 4, 3, 502, 1299, 86, 12311, 9, 17, 27, 16, 549, 335, 6, 270, 1384, 1904], [675, 18, 14, 229, 77, 1306, 1623, 12312, 5848, 1641, 2309, 28, 12313], [2429, 549, 10, 129, 12314, 13, 12315, 3428, 41, 31, 10, 72, 12, 2101, 1, 12316, 12317, 1, 878, 12318], [3424, 8, 2, 143, 12319, 63, 12320, 12321], [1211, 17, 3429, 12322, 549, 95, 12323, 2349, 170, 34, 12324, 4284, 1, 12325, 1, 12326], [12327, 6, 35, 19, 170, 15, 8, 3, 3855, 7, 1092, 9, 1553, 186, 2, 143, 549], [1668, 71, 564, 185, 234, 136, 855, 549, 836, 251, 79, 11, 732, 564, 292, 234, 79, 137, 1, 12328], [29, 549, 12329, 8, 605, 11, 12330, 6, 1098, 53, 6, 81, 371, 15, 4, 789, 5849, 5, 899, 2156, 4, 12331, 173], [12332, 12333, 5850, 1391, 1414, 4277, 12334, 12335, 12336, 143, 1124, 2791, 55, 192, 3, 1982, 12337, 1783], [12338, 2, 143, 549, 22, 917], [1096, 1097, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 444], [164, 42, 12, 2, 1021, 785, 44, 12339, 46, 49, 1557, 246, 405, 261, 5851, 638, 18, 12340, 2785], [1096, 1097, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 444], [193, 12, 4285, 2101, 113, 1956, 132, 209, 45, 2, 3388, 405, 8, 16, 590, 1586, 166, 207, 1476, 2822, 1, 12341], [71, 1096, 1097, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 444, 1, 2247, 12342, 110, 6, 270, 57, 12343], [716, 855, 405, 5852, 2, 2177, 1058, 7, 1561, 12344, 716, 855, 405, 5852, 2, 2177, 1058, 7, 1, 12345], [12346, 3106, 1096, 1097, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 444, 12347, 3106], [4286, 1096, 1097, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 444, 1, 12348, 435, 12349], [92, 6, 84, 9, 1502, 1215, 11, 2, 143, 405, 19, 5853, 9, 5854, 2178, 32, 12, 2, 1456, 7, 12350, 769, 12351], [5855, 808, 12, 2751, 3300, 19, 4287, 405, 724, 4288, 71, 2840, 1, 12352, 12353, 14, 12354, 1, 5856], [1096, 1097, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 444], [1096, 1097, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 444, 3, 540, 7, 4289, 852, 43, 336, 1214, 444, 46, 136, 143], [716, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 12355, 12356, 12357, 12358, 1, 12359], [1096, 1097, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 444, 3, 540, 7, 4289, 852, 43, 336, 1214, 444, 46, 136, 143], [12360, 12361, 6, 104, 2, 4290, 1707, 16, 2348, 12362, 20, 66, 255, 56, 12, 2, 785, 172, 7, 626, 3, 405], [1096, 1097, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 444], [769, 1164, 12363, 6, 84, 1502, 12364, 312, 6, 5853, 5854, 11, 2, 1483, 143, 12365], [1096, 1097, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 444, 3, 540, 7, 4289, 852, 43, 336, 1214, 444, 46, 136, 143], [12366, 307, 6, 155, 17, 1091, 33, 3, 1750, 312, 255, 313, 405, 8, 480, 29, 6, 135, 5857, 10], [4285, 98, 3430, 1529, 716, 405, 3, 339, 3233, 1, 3378, 12367], [239, 855, 405, 15, 8, 2, 2177, 1058, 7, 1561, 1830, 2, 1351, 1542, 2, 4291, 1, 12368, 5858], [12369, 3, 143, 8, 16, 375, 4, 12370, 12371, 12372, 405, 15, 8, 977, 2666], [855, 405, 15, 8, 2, 2177, 1058, 7, 1561, 1830, 2, 1351, 1542, 1, 12373], [12374, 3430, 1529, 12375, 405, 3, 339, 3233, 111, 154, 62, 569, 257, 360, 236, 645, 707, 5859, 3430, 150, 12376, 1, 12377], [964, 139, 684, 298, 5, 1096, 1097, 3431, 143, 405, 1, 12378], [12379, 1357, 1121, 5, 1876, 70, 5860, 209, 2841, 7, 5861, 4, 1966, 4292, 2166, 2, 12380, 1, 12381, 1876], [855, 405, 15, 8, 2, 2177, 1058, 7, 1561, 1830, 2, 1351, 1542, 1, 4293, 4294, 71, 5862, 21], [239, 855, 405, 15, 8, 2, 2177, 1058, 7, 1561, 1830, 2, 1351, 1542, 2, 4291, 1, 12382, 5858], [1, 12383, 964, 139, 684, 298, 5, 1096, 1097, 3431, 143, 405, 1, 12384, 561, 12385], [855, 405, 15, 8, 2, 2177, 1058, 7, 1561, 1830, 2, 1351, 1542, 1, 2324, 12386], [818, 1021, 785, 405, 261, 12387, 4173, 9, 5851, 638, 1, 12388, 1, 12389], [4286, 4285, 98, 3430, 1529, 716, 405, 3, 339, 3233, 1, 12390], [143, 405, 5, 5403, 47, 71, 7, 242, 738, 29, 692, 2, 1351, 1542, 1, 12391, 1, 12392], [46, 2, 1021, 785, 405, 14, 3367, 11, 2101, 17, 328, 33, 22, 610, 36, 3, 1374, 4295, 12393, 1, 12394], [590, 1211, 4, 979, 7, 2, 405, 7, 70, 855, 5, 716, 14, 12395, 12396, 4, 2, 152, 21, 73, 825, 1481, 1412, 5, 22, 12397, 111, 12398], [1169, 7, 2, 405, 4295, 1021, 785, 19, 12399, 8, 1, 12400], [5855, 808, 12, 2751, 3300, 19, 4287, 405, 724, 4288, 71, 2840, 1, 12401, 1, 5856], [1357, 1121, 5, 1876, 70, 5860, 209, 2841, 7, 5861, 4, 1966, 4292, 2166, 2, 1351, 2240, 1, 12402, 12403], [1096, 1097, 143, 405, 999, 914, 852, 162, 444], [607, 3, 562, 12404, 752, 3217, 3, 2179, 1261, 27, 16, 5863, 1133, 29, 711, 4, 1259, 2, 883, 1578, 25, 12405, 4], [61, 55, 12406, 1929, 12407, 33, 3, 12408, 5345, 241, 2, 12409, 883, 75, 12410, 246, 7, 12411, 12412], [116, 2344, 4, 285, 12413, 12414, 4, 2, 3432, 2416, 9, 2, 75, 2419, 20, 2, 1020, 12415, 2, 883, 3433, 12, 45, 160, 1, 12416], [38, 763, 2411, 808, 12417, 12418, 2152, 20, 12419, 28, 12420], [2, 863, 883, 2398, 27, 5864, 76, 3, 12421, 12422, 7, 12423, 680], [12424, 4, 12425, 5, 3789, 2, 12426, 310, 5865, 11, 2, 52, 125, 248, 12427, 1, 12428, 1, 12429], [53, 2, 988, 258, 21, 1304, 741, 5, 732, 70, 2152, 20, 12430, 142, 28, 12431], [6, 1776, 113, 1330, 1092, 26, 993, 63, 325, 12432, 49, 4296, 57, 22, 12433, 35, 16, 47, 675, 6, 286, 16, 26, 883, 11, 565], [53, 22, 5866, 4, 1555, 12434, 1040, 610, 157, 5, 3, 883, 3884, 305, 15, 8, 68, 77, 512], [3, 52, 1025, 883, 70, 20, 12435, 28, 12436, 12, 2180], [6, 977, 1318, 56, 2587, 646, 384, 9, 699, 596, 883, 991, 915, 4, 156, 1370, 241, 2, 3843, 4297, 28, 12437], [2344, 4, 285, 2842, 12438, 9, 25, 2, 64, 17, 2, 774, 50, 10, 12439, 42, 1591, 26, 988, 484, 9, 2, 4298, 17, 5867, 883, 310, 36], [5868, 69, 8, 16, 756, 69, 176, 883, 754, 7, 176, 2167, 2, 236, 2843, 12440, 8, 17, 55, 78, 2, 122, 832, 4, 30, 15], [12441, 12442, 12443, 4299, 883, 12444], [12445, 23, 10, 2432, 4, 2, 5002, 12446, 12447, 2337, 5869, 12448, 989, 651], [12449, 3865, 11, 2, 1083, 138, 4, 1, 12450, 3434, 5870, 88, 1824, 4300, 168, 21, 8, 15, 383], [12451, 2, 894, 5871, 2, 1135, 7, 95, 5872, 9, 1658, 7, 108, 17, 1017, 5, 208, 1591, 26, 883], [12452, 40, 151, 2758, 57, 8, 4, 845, 4, 49, 883, 436, 18, 685, 39, 3, 12453, 7, 12454, 10, 2241, 165], [4043, 883], [12455, 15, 328, 29, 883, 381, 7, 2, 125, 1534, 5618], [5140, 12456, 2, 894, 5871, 2, 1135, 7, 95, 5872, 9, 1658, 7, 108, 17, 1017, 5, 208, 1591, 26, 883], [12457, 3865, 11, 2, 1083, 138, 4, 1, 12458, 3434, 5870, 88, 1824, 4300, 168, 21, 8, 15, 383], [3230, 12459, 17, 328, 29, 883, 9, 37, 5873], [564, 185, 3789, 67, 12460, 12461, 25, 1209, 1771, 9, 3342, 310, 5865, 11, 2, 52, 125, 56, 78, 12462, 1, 12463], [2, 883, 289, 538, 70, 12464, 1, 12465, 58, 137], [2, 4298, 17, 5867, 883, 2, 2145, 12466, 12467, 2, 12468, 983, 1554, 12469, 3933, 12470], [5868, 754, 176, 12471, 9, 5874, 6, 30, 16, 13, 3, 192, 4, 30, 17, 51, 69, 8, 16, 756, 69, 15, 8, 977, 883], [113, 24, 10, 758, 883, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 12472, 1, 12473], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 12474, 12475, 106, 12476, 12477, 883, 5008, 12478], [22, 1317, 391, 12479, 3999, 849, 566, 19, 12480, 5875, 1, 12481], [2, 1070, 11, 2, 1799, 7, 12482, 577, 8, 310, 682, 3273, 11, 59, 1136, 269, 55, 12483, 2, 2833, 12484, 5869, 268, 94, 12485], [5876, 12486, 12487, 3985, 5877, 12488, 1806, 2, 577, 7, 1442, 2061, 3089, 4301, 1, 12489, 12490], [2, 1806, 577, 7, 1442, 12491, 161, 4241, 991, 5878, 1807, 12492, 145, 2335, 1, 12493, 1, 12494], [37, 479, 72, 25, 4239, 9, 3255, 18, 3, 52, 623, 306, 220, 748, 4013, 647, 132, 742, 577, 12495, 10, 12496, 12497], [6, 2797, 4, 209, 3, 1216, 25, 14, 1548, 416, 4, 165, 5879, 5880, 177, 165, 577, 7, 1442], [6, 5442, 2, 1806, 2, 577, 7, 1442, 1289, 12498, 5443, 1, 12499], [12500, 12501, 12502, 12503, 240, 12504, 439, 14, 4009, 26, 12505, 5728, 577, 5, 2, 871, 558, 1509, 2658], [116, 12506, 577, 371, 369, 110, 6, 84, 4090, 1, 12507, 280, 2844, 5881, 1760, 12508, 12509], [116, 12510, 620, 577, 37, 38, 3, 973, 7, 5882, 91, 5883, 9, 2, 917, 1322, 1439, 12511, 1, 12512], [955, 6, 37, 1743, 22, 11, 369, 2, 1806, 577, 7, 1442, 12513, 5884, 1094, 3068, 229, 340, 1, 12514, 12515, 5, 1692], [763, 2, 577, 7, 1442, 5, 2630, 8, 3, 806, 7, 3, 2656], [127, 12516, 31, 15, 935, 60, 1983, 12517, 12518, 9, 2, 4298, 7, 577, 248, 59, 1, 12519], [260, 9, 182, 13, 5, 2, 396, 6, 175, 4, 26, 369, 25, 577, 9, 12520], [369, 1760, 802, 849, 5115, 2844, 577, 371, 20, 12521, 1, 12522], [31, 43, 123, 4, 12523, 14, 5885, 9, 165, 1051, 2, 5437, 7, 577, 7, 1442, 4302], [810, 12524, 12525, 7, 191, 268, 94, 35, 3383, 234, 12526, 2845, 28, 12527, 58, 137], [5, 159, 7, 577, 9, 578, 2344, 4, 285, 4303, 12528, 4147, 9, 12529, 1516, 5886, 4871, 514, 9, 191, 2672, 1, 12530], [12531, 1541, 23, 5887, 5, 3882, 6, 614, 45, 1541, 112, 27, 12532, 577, 9, 5839, 5888], [311, 205, 57, 6, 81, 248, 173, 75, 30, 16, 597, 38, 47, 3435, 47, 16, 1862, 117, 354, 2345, 108, 25, 577, 2393], [6, 198, 344, 2, 122, 1806, 258, 8, 6, 487, 15, 667, 159, 5, 12533, 39, 6, 487, 577, 7, 1442, 9, 479, 32, 18, 2, 701, 758], [26, 16, 2505, 7, 5889, 260, 3436, 7, 2, 577, 7, 2, 1952, 1084, 51, 15, 12534, 11, 2, 894, 1591, 26, 5890, 1, 12535], [2, 1806, 2, 577, 7, 1442, 3985, 5877, 6, 13, 48, 2845, 1, 12536], [620, 577, 37, 38, 3, 973, 7, 5882, 91, 5883, 9, 2, 917, 1322, 1439, 3716, 1, 12537], [12538, 12539, 3437, 4304, 1289, 1021, 5891, 5, 12540, 220, 11, 2, 3745, 3089, 4301, 7, 2, 577, 1, 12541], [1548, 577, 2, 856, 7, 12542, 1597, 12, 342, 50, 10, 1, 12543, 12544, 8, 931, 1, 12545], [833, 229, 77, 85, 10, 563, 26, 3857, 1806, 538, 136, 12546, 577, 7, 1442, 186, 6, 35, 16, 3110, 5, 1050, 10, 937], [1067, 2, 333, 9, 2, 12547, 11, 3, 5065, 371, 12, 577, 2433, 1511, 26, 75, 1262, 10, 127, 1, 12548, 1, 12549], [12550, 9, 177, 69, 8, 65, 33, 38, 255, 14, 385, 65, 24, 2413, 577], [22, 12551, 12552, 12553, 12554, 5, 12555, 12556, 15, 138, 9, 29, 4, 789, 484], [161, 2, 1806, 2, 577, 7, 1442, 12557, 1, 12558], [2725, 577, 7, 193, 8, 356, 12, 5892, 1, 12559, 12560, 12561, 1634, 12562, 1059, 1472, 1550, 1472, 59], [2807, 12563, 3, 12564, 1797, 2, 577, 623], [12565, 12566, 539, 70, 12567, 2, 1806, 2, 577, 7, 1442, 1, 12568, 12569, 12570, 12571, 12572], [260, 9, 182, 13, 5, 2, 12573, 175, 4, 26, 12574, 577, 9, 12575, 6, 257, 33, 831, 6, 12576, 1, 12577, 12578], [14, 464, 133, 3053, 217, 577, 2393, 2807], [5893, 312, 4, 384, 1339, 330, 2512, 12579, 8, 1431, 3, 896, 799, 13, 12580, 1, 12581], [384, 2, 369, 12582, 1793], [12583, 2, 12584, 12585, 611, 12586, 3, 1349, 2346, 34, 5894, 4, 124, 32, 9, 384, 45, 12587, 28, 12588], [773, 208, 12589, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 384, 1836, 12590, 12591, 12592, 12593], [12594, 3700, 54, 81, 12595, 38, 16, 18, 14, 12596, 384, 54, 132], [218, 4305, 106, 1440, 9, 384, 4207, 12597, 5895, 12598, 2846, 1, 12599, 58, 137], [53, 1077, 175, 4, 384, 226, 334, 177, 228, 8, 943, 50, 12600, 6, 210, 26, 12601, 63, 12602, 11, 12603, 28, 12604], [53, 5896, 195, 16, 31, 5, 3438, 6, 41, 384, 14, 12605, 93, 12606, 5896, 12607, 4, 285, 12608, 12609, 1, 12610], [12611, 12612, 254, 1369, 3413, 1347, 384, 22, 12613, 12614, 12615], [37, 375, 784, 4, 12616, 1120, 2768, 6, 384, 15, 5897, 6, 347, 1803, 851, 290, 3439, 1628, 14, 293], [12617, 12618, 1422, 55, 81, 384, 2, 5664, 9, 1722, 2, 31, 3, 12619, 2514, 9, 1888], [4019, 12620, 73, 384, 12621, 1390, 908, 18, 12622, 5, 45, 95, 247, 7, 416, 28, 12623], [165, 301, 1201, 1343, 1108, 12624, 384, 2327, 5304, 1, 12625, 1, 12626], [1723, 612, 12627, 4306, 12628, 301, 817, 12629, 12630, 192, 4, 31, 3, 12631, 23, 47, 817, 39, 6, 81, 92, 6, 84, 384, 18, 12632, 165], [12633, 608, 14, 1047, 2265, 7, 12634, 4, 384, 45, 5, 14, 2434], [31, 12635, 369, 5898, 51, 10, 2705, 19, 12636, 12637, 1307, 384, 1, 12638, 1, 12639], [12640, 29, 12641, 39, 6, 132, 163, 17, 1657, 7, 96, 210, 26, 12642, 93, 119, 845, 36, 1427, 5899, 1690, 334, 2319, 12643, 4, 2, 12644], [12645, 12646, 6, 81, 384, 93], [955, 2181, 106, 2417, 2714, 5900, 5, 2846, 93, 81, 384, 385, 120, 12647], [31, 3, 684, 12648, 369, 2058, 19, 12649, 4, 608, 12, 45, 1919, 2015, 384, 369, 1, 12650, 1, 12651], [12652, 12653, 12654, 66, 12655, 17, 67, 7, 151, 136, 2694, 21, 17, 81, 384, 2, 125, 44, 3, 163, 60, 125, 515, 593], [3770, 41, 384, 12656, 1409, 12657, 2, 953, 1618, 41, 835, 12658, 761, 3038, 4307, 748, 296, 12659, 9, 12660, 5901, 12661, 9], [30, 16, 171, 895, 1045, 10, 157, 47, 1535, 66, 931, 56, 967, 12662, 30, 16, 171, 895, 384, 10, 18, 40, 12663], [171, 952, 384, 512, 18, 4794, 5902, 249, 12, 26, 205, 12664, 1411, 30, 15, 5, 917, 18, 12665], [38, 9, 45, 14, 317, 881, 172, 384, 22, 5, 12666, 681, 14, 180, 87, 28, 12667], [1434, 2435, 384, 5191, 311, 54, 5770, 56, 3987, 4290], [5903, 12668, 12669, 961, 3834, 12670, 384, 1, 12671, 530, 80, 12672, 28, 12673], [384, 2, 358], [512, 8, 37, 160, 4, 384, 40, 3440], [12674, 955, 61, 12675, 12676, 2292, 4, 359, 14, 652, 337, 17, 8, 1010, 359, 2847, 4, 285, 1525, 6, 12677, 4, 384, 20, 1254, 2292], [1174, 212, 12678, 4296, 1123, 1456, 4, 384, 45, 330, 283, 25, 2694, 21, 15, 195, 16, 33, 69, 8, 47, 4308, 5, 2, 125], [398, 40, 440, 12679, 5, 2824, 255, 56, 41, 219, 12680, 186, 47, 5607, 728, 81, 748, 108, 9, 47, 3441, 81, 384, 108], [12681, 12682, 384, 12683, 1562, 2692, 69, 8, 685, 589, 205, 1950], [12684, 384, 2, 675], [34, 6, 2848, 2, 166, 670, 1539, 827, 12685, 748, 725, 158, 32, 114, 12686, 27, 12687, 2, 2554, 930, 354, 384, 1543, 476, 12688], [12689, 12690, 12691, 12692, 4309, 39, 56, 127, 16, 155, 12, 609, 33, 22, 56, 384, 2, 441, 1334, 18, 2, 12693], [12694, 17, 8, 16, 14, 209, 25, 95, 834, 1064, 16, 2684, 17, 12695, 5, 355, 41, 384, 2, 359, 55, 5904, 11, 2, 359, 55, 124], [1721, 12696, 12697, 12698, 399, 444, 5, 12699, 34, 3, 12700, 2798], [708, 391, 1086, 24, 252, 399, 22, 12701, 12702, 12703, 12704, 12705, 58, 12706, 1, 12707], [218, 1026, 340, 3, 841, 489, 245, 812, 1248, 19, 987, 1887, 1291, 106, 1506, 80, 159, 1736, 12708, 1507, 18, 985, 399], [1487, 10, 81, 864, 2436, 3442, 898, 190, 38, 14, 2803, 8, 16, 861, 12709, 6, 3443, 1421, 65, 66, 399, 15, 1, 12710], [12711, 12712, 12713, 89, 31, 399, 12, 512, 95, 2687, 24, 2849, 5551, 12714, 18, 313, 12715, 5905], [2849, 6, 35, 399], [12716, 5161, 399], [65, 5906, 175, 4, 819, 2, 1390, 186, 56, 5906, 175, 141, 12717, 399, 12718], [12719, 262, 136, 65, 140, 880, 961, 399, 5, 2832, 1, 12720], [262, 136, 65, 140, 880, 961, 399, 5, 2832, 136, 65, 23, 68, 2850, 139, 9, 880, 961, 4310, 1, 12721], [218, 1026, 340, 3, 841, 489, 245, 812, 1248, 19, 987, 1887, 1291, 70, 1506, 80, 159, 1736, 12722, 1507, 18, 3432, 399], [218, 1026, 340, 3, 841, 489, 245, 812, 1248, 19, 987, 1887, 1291, 106, 1506, 80, 159, 1736, 5907, 1507, 18, 1846, 399], [958, 13, 5908, 399, 3, 1381, 7, 12723, 3406, 7, 330, 110, 5909, 91, 2172, 12724, 78, 412, 5, 49, 12725, 5, 12726, 642], [218, 1026, 340, 3, 841, 489, 245, 812, 1248, 19, 987, 1887, 1291, 70, 1506, 80, 159, 1736, 5907, 1507, 18, 985, 399], [2, 3444, 649, 856, 12, 2992, 37, 399, 60, 535, 476, 5910, 5911], [12727, 40, 215, 209, 12, 5912, 12728, 12729, 399, 5, 2678, 27, 12730, 2069], [262, 136, 65, 140, 880, 961, 399, 5, 2832, 136, 65, 23, 68, 2850, 139, 49, 1, 12731, 12732], [2, 169, 54, 127, 38, 399, 38], [6, 325, 1346, 33, 2, 12733, 78, 218, 65, 9, 1346, 1302, 51, 56, 168, 134, 9, 2, 2557, 109, 399], [12734, 47, 2034, 21, 2367, 23, 4, 26, 12, 240, 12735, 272, 5913, 109, 399], [3, 709, 73, 2713, 1836, 36, 4, 646, 895, 44, 47, 85, 5, 2824, 186, 95, 5914, 97, 748, 399, 20, 609, 15], [336, 174, 46, 5915, 12736, 12737, 264, 1345, 328, 19, 3120, 449, 1, 12738, 12739, 12740, 165, 780, 12741, 1, 12742], [262, 136, 65, 140, 880, 961, 399, 5, 2832, 136, 65, 23, 68, 2850, 139, 9, 880, 961, 4310, 1, 12743, 12744], [12745, 1326, 1467, 5, 12746, 6, 487, 2, 905, 1259, 76, 3, 148, 17, 399, 2, 444, 7, 1780, 10, 81, 1547, 3, 3962, 1744], [218, 1026, 340, 3, 841, 489, 245, 812, 1248, 19, 987, 1887, 1291, 106, 1506, 80, 159, 1736, 12747, 1507, 18, 1233, 399], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 12748, 1, 12749, 594, 62, 12750, 12751, 4311, 254, 3732, 399, 5144, 19, 12752], [12753, 1458, 11, 12754, 12755, 36, 180, 2604, 8, 399, 18, 1191, 2182, 1210, 94, 12756, 851, 2603, 1, 12757], [218, 1026, 340, 3, 841, 489, 245, 812, 1248, 19, 987, 1887, 1291, 70, 1506, 80, 159, 1736, 12758, 1507, 18, 567, 399], [113, 195, 15, 163, 12759, 4312, 2851, 5, 17, 12760, 395, 12761, 208, 36, 33, 3, 834, 1064, 7, 12762, 12763], [12764, 12765, 12766, 6, 1243, 457, 643, 8, 22, 606, 701, 2437, 2183, 73, 27, 399, 20, 129, 12767], [4313, 303, 1625, 36, 9, 4314, 87, 46, 146, 399, 20, 553, 1, 12768], [218, 1026, 340, 3, 841, 489, 245, 812, 1248, 19, 987, 1887, 1291, 70, 1506, 80, 159, 1736, 12769, 1507, 18, 866, 399], [52, 2370, 424, 25, 2, 5916, 7, 1147, 2410, 12770, 9, 214, 416, 11, 1139, 1, 12771], [66, 81, 55, 190, 398, 3, 620, 875, 5, 4315, 25, 416, 20, 3, 514, 3445, 12772, 12773, 12774], [2181, 106, 416, 3446, 1664, 4, 2846, 2181, 106, 3076, 1557, 246, 22, 454, 18, 3, 4316, 1, 12775], [12776, 12777, 8, 2, 2438, 7, 12778, 12779], [12780, 12781, 72, 628, 2, 12782, 7, 12783, 416, 5683, 20, 12784, 12785, 7, 3201, 12786, 5205, 9, 12787], [958, 2273, 21, 4, 209, 1341, 7, 1376, 439, 416, 7, 5917, 330, 3739, 5893, 1340, 1, 12788], [347, 72, 22, 122, 1216, 12789, 12790, 3088, 17, 172, 416, 1007, 12791], [69, 8, 3, 3447, 1807, 5, 14, 12792, 18, 136, 2057, 3349, 6, 12793, 2033, 460, 416, 12794, 5918, 4, 5919, 154, 80, 5920], [12795, 29, 162, 12796, 29, 221, 648, 164, 42, 29, 221, 12797, 416], [303, 1056, 12798, 922, 4986, 25, 416, 12, 958, 4317, 1, 12799, 71], [1204, 568, 12800, 1484, 13, 416, 12801, 1, 12802], [30, 16, 26, 2, 311, 7, 40, 705, 906, 416], [2559, 12803, 2129, 5, 416, 7, 535, 3406, 7, 4318, 2121, 261, 12804, 4317, 116, 4319, 1, 12805], [240, 3057, 5921, 439, 2249, 8, 1911, 11, 416, 9, 47, 187, 63, 358, 5921, 439, 2249, 41, 908, 5922, 12806], [12807, 435, 4320, 7, 416, 1, 12808, 12809], [66, 226, 568, 148, 12810, 1165, 5880, 32, 153, 11, 416, 1, 12811, 1480, 12812], [12813, 763, 395, 10, 477, 60, 293, 76, 1381, 416, 9, 16, 146, 1579, 4, 30, 756], [12814, 1614, 12815, 4, 416, 1962, 817, 563, 5923, 5, 12816, 698, 17, 210, 16, 138, 768], [2181, 106, 416, 3446, 1664, 4, 2846, 2181, 106, 3076, 1557, 246, 22, 454, 18, 3, 4316, 1, 12817], [12818, 12819, 29, 416, 15, 1654, 6, 13, 850, 4321, 2295], [55, 24, 29, 12820, 5, 129, 416, 17, 55, 155, 2, 1238, 915, 96, 167, 195, 16], [12821, 454, 5924, 435, 4320, 7, 416, 1, 12822], [2181, 106, 416, 3446, 1664, 4, 2846, 2181, 106, 3076, 1557, 246, 22, 454, 18, 3, 4316, 1, 12823], [723, 156, 1365, 3, 416, 1710, 1, 12824], [12, 22, 121, 5, 5925, 135, 12825, 11, 416, 610, 4, 144, 12, 2, 4884, 1246, 3060, 9, 682, 12, 11, 4322, 2308], [12826, 12827, 5, 49, 3448, 2556, 6, 699, 10, 4, 12828, 9, 4, 2507, 12829, 1174, 12830, 416, 7, 1879, 330], [17, 8, 2, 2383, 434, 4, 416], [906, 416, 1115, 28, 12831], [12832, 2, 1860, 7, 779, 12833, 76, 2, 1404, 20, 2, 1260, 7, 2362, 3100, 5, 176, 702, 12834, 7, 193, 9, 416, 1028, 72], [5926, 5927, 5928, 2601, 903, 1201, 12835, 2, 191, 7, 416, 119, 1840, 1, 12836, 5929, 21], [12837, 325, 1873, 4, 416], [5726, 1123, 2257, 206, 416, 7, 12838, 4318, 330, 1, 12839], [29, 10, 23, 3, 52, 345, 17, 81, 311, 12840, 416], [15, 621, 375, 49, 1923, 12, 38, 1, 12841], [4323, 24, 10, 204, 2439, 53, 10, 24, 6, 41, 23, 4, 579, 10, 18, 14, 1524, 1387], [126, 1728, 310, 4, 579, 5182, 1983, 1797, 12842, 1074, 1336, 112, 12, 208, 111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 12843, 1, 12844, 12845], [1217, 750, 1563, 321, 558, 422, 579, 1, 12846], [1217, 750, 579, 1563, 321, 558, 422, 1, 12847], [12848, 5930, 356, 848, 286, 16, 26, 756, 33, 2237, 5930, 9, 10, 132, 579, 108], [4324, 24, 10, 204, 2439, 53, 10, 24, 6, 41, 23, 4, 579, 10, 18, 14, 1524, 1387], [12849, 56, 132, 579, 1862, 56, 2440, 2, 1424], [579, 1380, 321, 558, 422, 20, 1217, 750, 1, 12850], [12851, 2981, 21, 24, 1590, 11, 2, 126, 1728, 4, 579, 3444, 33, 22, 67, 276, 5, 12852, 1222, 110, 1, 12853, 12854], [4324, 24, 10, 204, 2439, 53, 10, 24, 6, 41, 23, 4, 579, 10, 18, 14, 1524, 1387], [1217, 750, 579, 1509, 321, 558, 422, 1, 12855], [77, 2670, 3200, 1217, 750, 1380, 321, 558, 422, 579, 12856, 1, 12857], [12858, 387, 12859, 346, 1505, 3444, 276, 8, 12860, 17, 1610, 5723, 3444, 276, 1557, 246, 56, 41, 579, 15, 19, 3107, 433, 12861], [3, 1192, 12862, 2299, 2076, 87, 7, 579, 6, 68, 3, 1869, 16, 3, 5931, 502, 31, 15, 1528], [1217, 750, 579, 1509, 321, 558, 422, 1, 12863], [47, 12864, 1468, 1217, 750, 579, 1509, 321, 558, 422, 1, 12865, 12866], [12867, 12868, 185, 12869, 2740, 196, 1708, 12870, 196, 579, 3107, 12871, 2765, 3449], [3362, 13, 2525, 12872, 1735, 113, 93, 29, 3907], [12873, 8, 113, 650, 8, 16, 606, 148, 11, 606, 200, 39, 11, 12874, 3810, 73, 81, 4024, 141, 2581, 241, 56, 579, 141, 1127], [1217, 750, 217, 579, 1509, 321, 558, 422, 1, 12875, 12876, 12877], [4323, 24, 10, 204, 2439, 53, 10, 24, 6, 41, 23, 4, 579, 10, 18, 14, 1524, 1387], [1217, 750, 579, 1380, 321, 558, 422, 20, 12878, 443, 13, 540, 58, 2180, 28, 12879], [579, 1380, 321, 558, 422, 20, 1217, 750, 1, 12880], [12881, 1, 12882, 273, 12883, 579, 20, 5932, 1563, 321, 558, 422], [12884, 744, 22, 636, 41, 906, 579, 5, 185, 161, 106, 70], [579, 1380, 321, 558, 422, 25, 5933, 20, 1217, 750, 1, 12885], [3450, 37, 236, 1129, 36, 11, 2, 579, 12886, 5934, 3815, 1198, 2705, 160, 1, 12887], [12888, 271, 12889, 55, 89, 1383, 793, 9, 31, 12890, 6, 5247, 20, 5409, 269, 757, 4, 579, 3, 12891, 246, 7, 215, 1309, 19, 2072, 12892], [4324, 24, 10, 204, 2439, 53, 10, 24, 6, 41, 23, 4, 579, 10, 18, 14, 1524, 1387], [1217, 750, 579, 1563, 321, 558, 422, 28, 12893, 12894], [12895, 12896, 12897, 12898, 432, 264, 12899, 56, 127, 16, 12900, 2, 476, 136, 159, 1657, 126, 127, 16, 12901, 2100], [1340, 751, 12, 12902, 52, 1165, 798, 18, 321, 558, 422, 4, 579, 1, 12903], [1217, 750, 217, 579, 1563, 12904, 558, 422, 1, 12905, 1, 12906], [4323, 24, 10, 204, 2439, 53, 10, 24, 6, 41, 23, 4, 579, 10, 18, 14, 1524, 1387], [3837, 71, 2764, 8, 1217, 750, 217, 12907, 1563, 321, 558, 422, 3, 12908, 12909, 1, 12910], [52, 443, 13, 25, 5932, 1563, 321, 558, 422, 579, 988, 87, 95, 1246, 5933, 283, 417, 1, 12911], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 1331, 3451, 12912, 12913, 510, 106, 12914, 1, 12915, 1, 12916], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1808, 4325, 5935, 12917, 1, 12918, 1, 12919], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 1331, 12920, 1, 12921, 1, 12922], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 1331, 12923, 1, 12924, 1, 12925], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 1331, 5936, 1, 12926, 1, 12927, 12928], [5937, 12929, 707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1808, 4326, 1, 12930, 1, 12931], [630, 4327, 14, 5938, 5939, 4327, 4328, 1543, 67, 3374, 12932, 1, 12933], [30, 10, 175, 4, 751, 3, 5940, 12934, 3, 2298, 12935, 12936, 17, 12937, 12938, 2, 1417, 7, 2, 630, 7, 128, 126], [189, 157, 1107, 667, 12939, 12940, 12941, 12942, 1552, 133, 12943, 630, 12944], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 3451, 12945, 5941, 12946, 70, 12947, 1, 12948, 1, 12949], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 1331, 5936, 1, 12950, 1, 12951, 12952], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 12953, 94, 1808, 12954, 12955, 1, 12956, 1, 12957], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1808, 4325, 5935, 12958, 1, 12959, 1, 12960], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 5942, 12961, 1, 5943, 12962, 1, 12963], [630, 76, 2, 12964, 13, 12965, 4329, 732, 12966, 1, 12967], [52, 12968, 707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1808, 12969, 1, 12970, 1, 12971], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 1331, 12972, 1, 12973, 1, 12974], [234, 52, 1139, 997, 21, 1350, 165, 12975, 12976, 3452, 4330, 254, 12977, 4885, 1271, 12978, 12979, 1, 12980, 1, 12981], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 5942, 12982, 1, 12983, 5944, 1, 12984], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1808, 5945, 1742, 245, 1650, 1773, 12985, 1, 12986, 1, 12987, 12988], [3, 52, 1025, 12989, 630, 20, 12990, 28, 2324, 12991, 12, 2180], [30, 16, 343, 4022, 135, 12992, 630, 7, 2, 12993, 12994, 4027, 129, 1490, 5, 153, 336, 2113, 730, 22, 770, 4, 23, 12995, 1, 12996], [630, 4331, 4332, 2063, 13, 165, 4333, 3453, 4334, 4335, 1, 12997, 12998, 1, 12999], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1808, 5945, 1742, 245, 1650, 1773, 13000, 1, 13001, 1, 13002], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 1331, 3451, 13003, 3293, 13004, 13005, 70, 13006, 1, 13007, 1, 13008], [630, 4331, 4332, 2063, 13, 165, 4333, 3453, 4334, 4335, 1, 13009, 1, 13010], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1808, 4325, 5937, 13011, 1, 13012, 1, 13013], [55, 24, 12, 129, 169, 4, 153, 110, 8, 2, 1142, 519, 7, 2, 630, 7, 2, 243, 13, 126], [630, 4331, 4332, 2063, 13, 165, 4333, 3453, 4334, 4335, 1, 13014, 1, 13015], [336, 174, 46, 153, 9, 1088, 5946, 7, 3, 128, 630, 6, 13016, 1, 13017], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 1331, 3451, 13018, 4313, 13019, 161, 13020, 1, 2324, 13021, 1, 13022], [707, 918, 788, 94, 630, 1443, 1331, 13023, 1, 13024, 1, 13025], [13026, 13027, 13028, 266, 37, 1042, 17, 51, 15, 2350, 6, 41, 47, 622, 13, 5947, 13029, 327, 12, 13030, 1030], [115, 13, 13031, 198, 26, 5948, 17, 970, 6, 286, 26, 59, 1042, 53, 54, 112, 3, 5199, 86, 3454, 969], [4336, 1218, 1037, 78, 1042, 4, 819, 7, 2, 193, 7, 141, 743, 1056, 1666, 963, 73, 27, 4337, 2441, 1, 13032], [3872, 5949, 13033, 8, 13034, 381, 13035, 13036, 13037, 1, 13038, 1, 13039], [1711, 47, 59, 13040, 13041, 306, 220, 1042, 13042, 13043, 20, 4273, 13044, 1711, 542, 13045], [5950, 228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 4338, 5951], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 1551, 5952, 228, 44, 4339, 2, 5901, 7, 1, 13046], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 1709, 1, 13047], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 13048], [4336, 1218, 1037, 78, 1042, 4, 819, 7, 2, 193, 7, 141, 743, 1056, 1666, 963, 73, 27, 4337, 2441, 1, 13049, 14, 13050], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 13051, 13052], [4336, 1218, 1037, 78, 1042, 4, 819, 7, 2, 193, 7, 141, 743, 1056, 1666, 963, 73, 27, 4337, 2441, 1, 13053], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 13054], [75, 11, 88, 158, 32, 13055, 13056], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 13057], [13058, 13059, 13060, 831, 4, 38, 1549, 2, 166, 1246, 6, 375, 485, 27, 3, 1042, 1263, 186, 1, 13061, 1480, 13062], [1042, 618, 2, 1621, 1537, 32, 7, 45, 65, 1002, 2814], [614, 15, 27, 1418, 45, 121, 110, 27, 1512, 1042, 51, 6, 5953, 15, 27, 16], [2414, 1347, 1042, 61, 49, 5954, 41, 343, 13063, 240, 229, 77, 1306, 2760, 3, 331, 372], [2414, 44, 322, 12, 95, 512, 1335, 5955, 70, 1537, 35, 341, 13064, 1002], [2414, 1042], [13065, 1921, 95, 13066, 1269, 2353, 69, 1042, 11, 2, 13067], [2852, 228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1, 5956], [2720, 5957, 41, 26, 1042, 1705, 13068, 13069], [13070, 55, 172, 23, 112, 15, 1634, 2442, 16, 188, 12, 17, 1224, 9, 2442, 1042], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 1, 13071], [1042, 20, 1391, 5958], [13072, 6, 35, 1042], [1002, 6, 41, 26, 1042, 53, 15, 8, 4340, 713, 3, 233, 1794], [8, 2437, 2183, 2, 179, 98, 651, 197, 506, 5, 1870, 6, 23, 868, 11, 174, 17, 2, 1925, 21, 189, 1042, 3284], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 13073], [13074, 66, 24, 10, 31, 43, 123, 4, 386, 22, 527], [6, 35, 5, 3455, 1905, 94, 9, 527, 10, 30, 16, 138, 4, 170, 4, 26, 589, 758, 66, 6, 30, 57, 85, 198, 8, 173, 1471], [5, 22, 5129, 75, 972, 2394, 2768, 2, 527, 2, 4341, 89, 311, 15, 8, 2, 197, 966, 28, 13075], [5, 13076, 13077, 13078, 9, 13079, 69, 8, 671, 47, 330, 589, 11, 2, 13080, 13081, 1, 13082, 58, 13083], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 148, 504, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 835, 1, 1462, 13084, 13085], [13086, 527, 25, 2183, 18, 2, 903, 9, 1979, 609, 15, 18, 2602, 5, 1121, 233, 121, 13087, 5284, 1, 13088], [1, 13089, 4342, 3456, 264, 854, 13090, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 20, 2, 122, 280, 608, 7, 49, 243, 13, 345, 13091], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 148, 504, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 835, 1, 13092], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 148, 504, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 835, 1, 13093], [13094, 1710, 2318, 527, 89, 26, 692, 59, 13095, 153], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 13096, 504, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 13097, 1, 13098], [13099, 810, 6, 1318, 39, 15, 8, 2, 1905, 94, 13100, 17, 13101, 65, 5, 53, 56, 37, 438, 527, 177, 15, 13102, 38], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 148, 504, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 835, 1, 13103, 13104], [2599, 13, 800, 217, 13105, 243, 13, 527, 4866, 11, 4343, 2, 65, 7, 153, 9, 1088, 1, 13106], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 148, 504, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 835, 1, 13107], [13108, 1049, 4344, 13109, 444, 9, 13110, 46, 4345, 527, 1, 13111], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 148, 504, 1, 13112, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 20, 4346], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 148, 504, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 835, 1, 13113], [55, 23, 16, 868, 2, 527, 25, 2, 1384, 5006, 13114, 651, 26, 2560, 31, 5341, 1, 13115, 1, 13116], [2799, 13117, 6, 1318, 18, 13118, 4, 31, 32, 1389, 189, 19, 527, 179, 5959, 626, 13119, 13120, 13121, 13122], [8, 22, 832, 5081, 226, 2051, 302, 13123, 67, 454, 730, 55, 1109, 12, 2, 1484, 13, 527, 5, 54, 558, 1, 13124], [2, 527, 51, 10, 3438, 40, 483], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 148, 504, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 835, 1, 13125], [13126, 4071, 349, 13127, 5960, 9, 4347, 527, 79, 1, 13128], [1, 13129, 25, 527, 4, 13130, 252, 72, 12, 14, 1624, 80, 64, 1357, 211, 3113, 4, 190, 2783, 1, 13131], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 148, 504, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 835, 1, 13132], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 148, 504, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 835, 1, 13133], [61, 89, 40, 187, 189, 33, 53, 15, 112, 68, 2, 2431, 7, 2, 153, 213, 13134, 13135, 1, 13136, 13137], [13138, 118, 212, 25, 698, 726, 4348, 16, 13139, 16, 527, 37, 65, 1408, 85, 1, 13140], [296, 13141, 3457, 5711, 1294, 129, 13142, 4, 190, 5961, 1776, 2, 1073, 527, 7, 2605, 352, 21, 1, 13143], [336, 174, 46, 243, 13, 1127, 274, 92, 6, 84, 1183, 1358, 18, 148, 504, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 835, 1, 13144, 13145], [668, 13146, 2, 519, 7, 2, 527, 1359, 20, 2, 122, 280, 608, 7, 49, 243, 13, 345, 249, 1, 13147], [6, 3970, 153, 5, 13148, 15, 8, 49, 2300, 741, 22, 5962, 1124, 527, 7, 2, 126, 1, 13149], [527, 283, 4, 3, 1708, 9, 789, 2, 5963, 926, 13150, 34, 417, 34, 480, 13151], [230, 57, 5778, 2, 3060, 11, 3274, 75, 972, 1011, 5, 4349, 7, 13152, 1195, 7, 128, 148, 63, 3, 75, 972, 13153, 13, 1, 13154, 264, 13155, 273, 13156], [13, 1645, 13157, 5256, 1597, 13158, 12, 1287, 527, 976, 1, 13159], [6, 3240, 4, 1045, 2766, 3315, 18, 38, 907, 83], [59, 339, 83, 1193, 4350, 1, 13160, 58, 13161], [6, 35, 3, 83, 28, 13162, 273, 13163], [13164, 6, 81, 13, 113, 67, 7, 40, 1025, 1716, 8, 620, 83, 15, 150, 57, 26, 67, 7, 1397], [13165, 2, 1149, 2106, 66, 162, 24, 140, 2853, 1149, 46, 166, 83, 5, 1669, 1110, 76, 3, 13166, 1, 13167], [620, 83, 4280, 13168, 8, 713, 3, 75, 623], [5964, 3, 3061, 4351, 1254, 36, 173, 221, 7, 13169, 1053, 2354, 38, 7, 226, 334, 205, 241, 2, 148, 5, 1779, 3, 13170, 1706, 4, 83], [5965, 5700, 13171, 1, 13172, 4352, 13173, 1444, 13174, 13175, 83], [620, 83, 28, 13176], [14, 122, 13177, 4353, 27, 3, 83, 28, 13178, 13179], [13180, 5186, 18, 83, 1, 13181], [6, 175, 4, 138, 72, 4, 3291, 11, 14, 2319, 39, 6, 257, 33, 17, 89, 26, 713, 3, 83, 158, 32, 114, 29, 221, 817, 89, 192, 4, 26, 1516], [978, 3214, 150, 26, 1375, 4, 3, 1670, 25, 176, 13182, 83, 215, 12, 13183, 3261, 1, 13184], [3403, 290, 3458, 143, 235, 13185, 83, 5478, 2, 13186, 13187, 3, 263, 2736, 3459, 5, 2184, 3, 227, 742, 13188], [13189, 1842, 1468, 142, 83, 13190, 154, 62, 199, 13191, 5966, 334, 5966, 334, 1, 13192, 2, 13193], [83, 2266, 74, 42, 646, 1336, 18, 3868, 2542, 42, 19, 1984, 1, 13194, 58, 1616], [783, 13195, 13196, 13197, 13198, 2, 5400, 5401, 7, 2, 13199, 5072, 13200, 60, 2, 13201, 83, 1, 13202], [4069, 553, 5967, 259, 2, 2827, 82, 111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 1, 13203], [263, 1671, 3084, 2443, 7, 2114, 1068, 991, 12, 83, 3244, 1, 5968, 58, 1628, 14, 293], [3460, 35, 2, 5969, 7, 14, 705, 13204], [13205, 14, 121, 44, 68, 3, 83, 7, 2854], [6, 35, 1459, 850, 36, 11, 83], [61, 2, 806, 8, 935, 18, 13206, 904, 1722, 18, 49, 13207, 5970, 1269, 2353, 4, 83, 132, 4243, 67, 121, 9, 16, 2, 302], [13208, 80, 13209, 13210, 1021, 119, 3876, 1349, 5971, 135, 13211, 13212, 1173, 13213, 64, 83, 295, 1373, 1052, 190, 5971, 13214, 13215, 13216], [13217, 13218, 61, 3, 83, 132, 163, 6, 35, 2544], [116, 13219, 2, 13220, 83, 5972, 4354, 2844, 1, 13221, 4354, 1760], [1651, 13222, 38, 61, 22, 13223, 33, 6, 109, 2, 13224, 53, 6, 163, 2, 935, 13225, 829, 37, 1082, 76, 3, 83], [1054, 5031, 21, 17, 172, 171, 2254, 386, 4347, 83, 1, 13226], [2, 13227, 2185, 3184, 83, 1015, 134, 106, 13228, 106, 13229, 325, 31, 363, 1136, 2535, 604, 4, 3, 13230, 2158, 157], [6, 286, 33, 4, 155, 6, 35, 13231, 13, 39, 240, 64, 6, 13, 3, 118, 13, 18, 38, 5, 15, 6, 37, 155, 4, 850, 13232, 61, 3, 83, 2424], [83, 2266, 74, 42, 646, 1336, 18, 13233, 2542, 13234, 13235, 1, 13236], [83, 2266, 74, 42, 646, 1336, 18, 3868, 2542, 42, 19, 1984, 1, 13237], [53, 290, 3458, 44, 4, 3461, 5, 2, 2693, 15, 8, 16, 3, 83, 39, 56, 210, 1347, 13238, 219, 171, 208, 3461, 2, 3058, 3914], [1290, 83, 1740, 1407, 5, 2444, 13239, 564, 866, 13240, 98, 1, 13241, 58, 13242], [13243, 2052, 5617, 279, 4, 2, 13244, 9, 10, 23, 2, 197, 13245, 11, 83], [1006, 521, 2402, 19, 2855, 733, 7, 47, 1670, 1, 5973, 5974, 2856, 33, 2445, 1672, 1564, 4355, 2853, 379], [853, 78, 32, 45, 121, 13246, 36, 2561, 19, 2, 1060, 19, 2, 31, 3, 13247, 13248, 255, 48, 521, 4356, 22, 35, 1, 13249], [1118, 2857, 2858, 315, 8, 3, 1978, 11, 1672, 1564, 379, 2859, 1360, 521, 65, 753, 9, 29, 12, 28, 13250], [727, 140, 1089, 298, 5975, 521, 22, 8, 2109, 234, 2136, 1, 13251, 96, 1454, 1, 13252, 13253], [1006, 119, 521, 2402, 19, 2855, 733, 7, 47, 1670, 1, 13254, 13255, 13256, 1, 13257], [13258, 51, 6, 23, 29, 221, 253, 31, 43, 123, 12, 5, 14, 293, 6, 286, 1419, 970, 60, 15, 86, 23, 49, 13259, 521, 1834, 13260, 13261], [3015, 3016, 3017, 5976, 452, 3, 342, 50, 10, 7, 106, 44, 68, 521, 46, 2316, 1663, 5977, 261, 5978, 9, 5979, 48, 5980, 47, 2672], [920, 513, 4357, 1498, 2186, 2860, 7, 1927, 1667, 728, 3462, 3409, 11, 4358, 49, 920, 1360, 521, 4359, 1, 13262], [6, 13263, 13264, 1007, 7, 65, 78, 13265, 39, 833, 57, 69, 8, 59, 13266, 11, 1267, 5888], [2, 207, 8, 13267, 9, 2, 329, 402, 1901, 1187, 7, 5981, 5695, 44, 2861, 2, 122, 2862, 255, 3463, 9, 141, 13268, 24, 521], [1444, 563, 2028, 1360, 521, 2789, 2376, 1711, 3464, 1, 13269], [19, 478, 5982, 140, 3, 1393, 521, 5, 732, 251, 732, 1667, 13270, 11, 13271, 1, 13272, 13273], [3015, 3016, 3017, 5976, 452, 3, 342, 50, 10, 7, 106, 44, 68, 521, 46, 2316, 1663, 5977, 261, 5978, 9, 5979, 48, 5980, 47, 2672], [1540, 13274, 25, 13275, 432, 13276, 7, 2585, 18, 47, 13277, 7, 3416, 1, 13278], [1118, 2857, 2858, 315, 8, 3, 1978, 11, 1672, 1564, 379, 2859, 1360, 521, 65, 753, 9, 29, 12, 28, 3465], [1118, 2857, 2858, 315, 8, 3, 1978, 11, 1672, 1564, 379, 2859, 1360, 521, 65, 753, 9, 29, 12, 28, 3465], [1118, 2857, 2858, 315, 8, 3, 1978, 11, 1672, 1564, 379, 2859, 1360, 521, 65, 753, 9, 29, 12, 28, 3465], [1118, 2857, 2858, 315, 8, 3, 1978, 11, 1672, 1564, 379, 2859, 1360, 521, 65, 753, 9, 29, 12, 28, 3465], [2, 2395, 3466, 5983, 521, 538, 161, 1, 13279, 745], [2567, 13, 292, 928, 3355, 3100, 548, 140, 1780, 521, 1, 13280, 1, 13281], [920, 513, 4357, 1498, 2186, 2860, 7, 1927, 1667, 728, 3462, 3409, 11, 4358, 49, 920, 1360, 521, 4359, 1, 13282], [1006, 521, 2402, 19, 2855, 733, 7, 47, 1670, 1, 13283, 2856, 33, 2445, 1672, 1564, 4355, 2853, 379], [521, 2789, 75, 142, 1384, 1562, 13284, 4360, 1, 13285, 1, 13286], [1444, 563, 2028, 1360, 521, 2789, 2376, 1711, 3464, 2, 13287, 1, 13288], [66, 221, 89, 15, 1985, 4, 23, 91, 1394, 521, 2150, 11, 3, 317, 695], [1006, 521, 2402, 19, 2855, 733, 7, 47, 1670, 1, 5973, 5974, 2856, 33, 2445, 1672, 1564, 4355, 2853, 379], [326, 521, 20, 245, 1656, 1986, 2078, 48, 3081, 1, 13289], [13290, 136, 152, 21, 521, 20, 3467, 13291, 837, 47, 67, 27, 298, 5, 2, 48, 1, 13292], [5430, 3, 1490, 17, 13293, 1780, 5, 306, 220, 13294, 13, 5984, 27, 4361, 134, 32, 39, 189, 13295, 2316, 3, 944, 4362, 208], [13296, 1006, 119, 521, 2402, 19, 2855, 733, 7, 47, 1670, 1, 13297, 1, 13298], [920, 513, 4357, 1498, 2186, 2860, 7, 1927, 1667, 728, 3462, 3409, 11, 4358, 49, 920, 1360, 521, 4359, 1, 13299], [172, 13300, 215, 1069, 13301, 26, 521, 20, 301, 402, 543, 62, 13302, 443, 13, 3060, 1, 13303], [77, 65, 1073, 1413, 21, 77, 995, 2742, 521, 13304, 2109, 28, 13305, 4, 13, 5053], [13306, 13307, 30, 10, 175, 4, 819, 59, 521, 14, 1268, 335, 6, 270, 722, 168, 134, 5, 2, 13308], [5985, 5986, 1357, 2, 521, 25, 2, 268, 1429, 48, 196, 5987, 90, 300, 862, 1, 5988, 58, 5989, 5990], [11, 211, 521, 20, 4363, 5991, 9, 2579, 2545, 2835, 32, 7, 2732, 28, 13309], [13310, 13311, 447, 13312, 19, 866, 3848, 7, 5992, 5, 447, 1, 13313, 13314, 1, 13315], [93, 119, 5, 1263, 320, 308, 447, 1, 13316], [93, 119, 1263, 320, 308, 447, 1, 13317], [2034, 134, 60, 66, 2, 981, 447, 829, 5993, 10, 1673, 279, 195, 15, 13318, 129, 2394, 1, 13319], [5994, 970, 125, 71, 93, 119, 5, 1263, 320, 308, 447, 2, 940, 1532, 44, 16, 68, 277, 20, 3, 907, 320, 308, 5, 864, 1, 13320], [1, 13321, 4231, 13322, 93, 119, 5, 1263, 320, 308, 447, 1, 13323], [800, 2860, 2376, 13324, 4, 1239, 11, 447, 1, 13325], [13326, 3468, 447, 4309, 13327, 32, 3468, 2398, 1, 13328, 1, 13329, 13330], [1703, 750, 3427, 981, 194, 4, 447, 1, 13331, 98], [333, 531, 8, 5995, 13332, 1477, 33, 1069, 3469, 4356, 5995, 447, 173, 57, 13333, 13334, 6, 104, 8, 1208, 5, 476, 2790], [13335, 2756, 34, 102, 447, 13336, 5887, 1, 13337], [1454, 754, 447, 3468, 1618, 1039, 954, 161, 4309, 3468, 615, 4364, 13338, 3326, 13339, 4, 3470, 727, 1, 13340], [1970, 64, 4, 30, 484, 18, 447, 355, 32, 66, 2, 3471, 13341, 24, 1357, 13342, 230, 1, 13343], [13344, 13345, 2537, 2347, 113, 10, 29, 5164, 9, 1065, 51, 55, 23, 3, 447, 33, 10, 250], [1931, 29, 17, 5996, 2, 13, 13346, 3472, 447, 13347], [413, 332, 221, 2069, 34, 447, 2445, 13348, 205, 57, 3942, 9, 221, 7, 2, 5997, 409, 5998, 1, 13349], [2863, 71, 66, 4075, 8, 672, 102, 447, 1208, 782, 5, 839, 1177, 315, 5132, 1, 13350], [13351, 5999, 63, 1208, 447, 4, 3127, 7, 13352, 905, 4365, 13353, 65, 1, 13354, 1, 13355], [844, 13356, 3184, 4, 31, 2, 239, 447, 2445, 5, 40, 409, 28, 13357], [4366, 447, 8, 43, 6, 37, 2446, 1549], [2, 447, 8, 77], [254, 3259, 102, 8, 5, 3, 447, 61, 24, 10, 354, 30, 60, 22, 1581, 53, 10, 175, 4, 26, 1551, 22, 4296, 286, 16, 170, 18, 321], [13358, 62, 13359, 38, 10, 722, 6, 41, 26, 3246, 53, 6, 31, 242, 7, 17, 447, 13360], [11, 301, 13361, 15, 8, 33, 1408, 5, 1046, 2051, 13362, 4367, 37, 5996, 230, 3, 774, 50, 10, 13363, 1, 13364], [93, 119, 5, 1263, 320, 308, 447, 2, 940, 1532, 44, 16, 68, 277, 20, 3, 907, 320, 308, 5, 2, 504, 2245, 174, 9, 15, 1654, 33, 13365], [1029, 332, 13366, 1255, 5, 268, 94, 2012, 87, 13367, 434, 332, 6000, 447], [102, 867, 80, 159, 13368, 48, 1224, 18, 2614, 853, 1762, 1079, 1049, 1, 13369], [5999, 447, 8, 6001, 2864, 928, 948, 3906, 13370, 13371, 4091, 13372, 6002, 1, 13373], [614, 15, 27, 3, 447, 13374, 1, 13375], [13376, 55, 109, 2733, 13377, 6, 614, 15, 27, 3, 447], [55, 156, 5552, 50, 10, 801, 13378, 3, 2250, 1987, 4750, 4, 2, 858, 447, 2101, 40, 13379, 28, 13380], [3473, 99, 1703, 12, 447, 1457, 1, 13381], [5994, 970, 125, 71, 93, 119, 5, 1263, 320, 308, 447, 2, 940, 1532, 44, 16, 68, 277, 20, 3, 907, 320, 308, 5, 1, 13382], [15, 8, 49, 13383, 8, 169, 7, 13384, 722, 129, 779, 9, 129, 480, 3357, 13385, 13386, 20, 13387, 1, 13388], [13389, 266, 16, 3, 6003, 648, 39, 56, 68, 5, 3, 447, 56, 192, 4, 138, 6004, 158, 32, 114], [1118, 10, 335, 6, 270, 10, 572, 20, 230, 4329, 2, 2763, 10, 146, 1595, 44, 626, 22, 233, 832, 4, 347, 4, 253, 186, 117, 3, 1967], [13390, 9, 88, 4000, 139, 15, 433, 15, 27, 776, 114, 1133, 4, 572, 32, 2, 13391, 1051, 38, 13392, 4131, 905], [313, 13393, 13394, 5, 14, 3433, 6, 2038, 36, 1357, 208, 32, 6, 1494, 54, 829, 13395, 28, 13396], [398, 38, 25, 14, 906, 30, 16, 171, 38, 572], [55, 45, 2305, 301, 460, 698, 17, 47, 67, 969, 81, 13, 56, 1617, 96, 157, 33, 13397, 56, 572, 96, 32, 19, 1149], [745, 13398, 13399, 1150, 572, 18, 38, 232, 946, 232, 19, 1, 13400], [51, 10, 13401, 671, 104, 117, 354, 572, 5, 216, 22, 207, 1, 13402], [13403, 30, 16, 572], [2704, 17, 230, 19, 38, 335, 6, 270, 6, 572, 9, 14, 166, 712, 24, 13404, 38, 1, 13405], [37, 157, 572, 38, 3474, 6, 132, 2436, 28, 13406], [91, 694, 6, 572, 5, 14, 1514, 39, 6, 30, 16, 171, 15, 31, 38, 157], [13407, 6, 132, 572, 14, 6005, 56, 104, 66, 4, 2436], [13408, 151, 53, 93, 171, 38, 572, 10], [13409, 985, 6, 41, 572, 10, 5, 2, 615, 1259], [51, 40, 5159, 146, 4226, 29, 10, 1082, 40, 3136, 5481, 45, 2, 169, 36, 4, 572, 88, 32], [4368, 809, 38, 516, 572, 850, 54, 8, 713, 49, 3776], [13410, 461, 22, 5, 5232, 644, 1131, 1328, 26, 3934, 32, 2435, 400, 9, 572, 13411, 56, 13412, 5, 2, 230, 28, 13413], [13414, 6, 289, 10, 572], [6, 132, 572, 14, 6005, 56, 104, 66, 4, 2436], [354, 572, 15, 5, 13415, 9, 5931, 2691], [14, 1268, 30, 16, 457, 643, 5, 2, 1840, 1211], [91, 4222, 6006, 13416, 457, 643, 17, 2, 245, 13417, 78, 2187, 25, 2, 13418, 7, 49, 920, 191, 73, 1015, 134, 4, 572, 2, 125], [47, 67, 1134, 38, 10, 81, 572, 749, 20, 1918, 173, 221, 230], [51, 3, 77, 644, 1235, 1617, 10, 157, 10, 1763, 4, 572], [6, 421, 15, 32, 157, 572, 141, 13419, 32, 18, 61, 6, 257, 8, 13420, 13421, 2154, 5023, 991, 18, 13422, 13423, 310, 19, 4271, 13424], [6, 35, 17, 229, 77, 85, 12, 783, 17, 1865, 2664, 88, 443, 13, 36, 4, 572, 32, 2, 4369, 7, 88, 342, 50, 10, 1386, 840, 240, 121], [30, 16, 155, 11, 67, 743, 6, 35, 32, 4, 572, 40, 2865, 598, 10, 35, 16, 1504, 2, 13425], [22, 1317, 8, 38, 9, 13426, 1478, 1317, 29, 53, 10, 175, 4, 572, 749, 5, 3159, 30, 5447, 460, 9, 1401, 5, 4370, 168, 8, 4781], [55, 24, 252, 91, 982, 7, 292, 261, 13427, 373, 216, 196, 608, 3168, 51, 1024, 5, 2, 409, 1082, 411, 30, 16, 572], [572, 20, 1045, 38, 2, 6007, 19, 933, 4237, 998, 13428, 217, 28, 13429, 13430], [31, 43, 123, 4, 138, 572, 14, 6008, 18, 1211, 443, 13, 26, 205, 72], [13431, 50, 10, 5772, 29, 55, 210, 597, 15, 45, 70, 208, 177, 572, 208, 5, 15, 6, 33, 2, 169, 93, 155, 13432, 761], [1500, 13433, 14, 1514, 631, 32, 2, 2033, 3056, 356, 13434, 1075, 38, 88, 6009, 9, 2121, 506, 4, 13435, 38, 36], [3475, 38, 10, 3475, 1710, 30, 10, 104, 61, 156, 1013, 4, 1603, 3475, 54, 631, 66, 3475, 20, 95, 2514, 13436], [61, 2, 1372, 22, 932, 37, 631, 88, 909], [548, 865, 631, 34, 2160, 445, 1969, 87, 1266, 1, 13437, 11, 13438], [1865, 241, 167, 172, 398, 1852, 13439, 631, 5, 2, 13440, 7, 3, 13441, 13442, 39, 19, 478, 167, 3476, 7, 168, 134, 609, 61, 167, 1481], [6, 631, 5, 2, 13443, 8, 1620, 9, 6, 825, 14, 13444], [1, 13445, 2606, 342, 50, 10, 3101, 1422, 34, 2866, 8, 1270, 11, 939, 73, 6010, 1, 13446], [2, 1404, 7, 226, 334, 4371, 1, 13447], [2328, 13448, 833, 2328, 683, 17, 64, 10, 631, 45, 2, 13449, 1, 13450], [13451, 13452, 716, 54, 356, 1134, 10, 13453, 44, 631, 5, 2, 166, 70, 174, 3419, 112, 259, 13454, 39, 171, 952, 16, 1855, 17], [52, 9, 57, 1267, 6011, 13455, 1597, 13456, 8, 631, 70, 13457, 14, 1047, 13458, 21, 15, 8, 1, 13459, 5534, 13460], [4283, 548, 865, 631, 34, 2160, 445, 1969, 87, 1266, 548, 7, 428, 13461, 1, 13462], [58, 4283, 1209, 2447, 548, 865, 631, 34, 2160, 445, 1969, 87, 1266, 1, 2324, 13463, 13464], [19, 2, 1222, 212, 3, 140, 13465, 974, 313, 898, 6, 1098, 61, 156, 13466, 6, 30, 16, 104, 807, 15, 631, 61, 2, 1372], [191, 66, 249, 5344, 23, 16, 45, 631, 32, 7, 4372, 240, 64, 15, 1956], [1, 13467, 2606, 342, 50, 10, 3101, 1422, 34, 2866, 8, 1270, 11, 939, 73, 6010, 1, 13468], [428, 572, 19, 1149, 46, 445, 1969, 87, 1266, 1, 13469, 1, 13470], [1967, 29, 1256, 6, 6012, 631, 1774, 42], [13471, 13472, 19, 2, 631, 6013, 4373, 2093, 652, 337, 1, 13473], [1295, 3231, 13, 748, 631, 32, 5, 13474, 39, 15, 8, 1416, 3449, 19, 91, 733], [13475, 4, 285, 8, 47, 6, 776, 631, 10, 863, 1415], [939, 631, 5, 3192, 46, 4300, 589, 1148, 4, 13476, 29, 3737, 95, 13477, 1, 13478], [29, 6, 118, 124, 850, 87, 2, 1424, 9, 13479, 241, 6, 631, 277, 2, 2384, 29, 931, 6, 13480, 1774, 42, 5170, 42, 22, 64, 411, 8, 1267], [382, 10, 13481, 2556, 51, 266, 631, 2020, 68, 49, 13482], [6, 175, 4, 13, 14, 13483, 29, 331, 176, 16, 188, 1308, 6, 41, 848, 2405, 9, 631, 208, 5, 6014, 51, 6, 30], [2606, 342, 50, 10, 3101, 1422, 34, 2866, 8, 1270, 11, 1, 13484, 6, 13485], [548, 865, 631, 46, 204, 1669, 6015, 2867, 445, 351, 1, 13486], [6, 109, 631, 33, 185, 159, 5, 2, 811, 304, 110], [2506, 3406, 7, 1210, 5469, 1504, 4876, 1393, 6016, 631, 5, 13487, 57, 17, 8, 3, 226, 568, 447, 13488], [644, 1131, 1025, 1598, 8, 113, 10, 1165, 798, 1622, 6, 30, 16, 104, 1967, 173, 2729, 776, 631, 3, 644, 1235], [2, 197, 506, 60, 22, 8, 15, 631, 32, 2, 437, 25, 2, 898, 920, 311, 54, 112, 16, 2432, 3, 2868, 1298, 1, 13489], [548, 865, 631, 34, 2160, 445, 1969, 87, 1266, 1, 13490], [29, 110, 6, 2077, 87, 3, 268, 94, 13491, 14, 385, 3918, 9, 916, 631, 13492], [548, 7, 428, 865, 631, 87, 1266, 428, 908, 302, 4, 141, 1790, 19, 3, 1146, 310, 261, 13493, 1, 13494, 98], [289, 2, 631, 13495, 70], [13496, 5332, 1346, 6017, 11, 363, 2799, 631, 15, 18, 301, 710, 198, 33, 13497, 538, 295, 5672, 1, 13498], [2156, 2, 96, 13499, 13500, 11, 13501, 13502, 13503, 15, 8, 3, 2448, 56, 23, 16, 4926, 134, 1, 13504], [13505, 4, 285, 13506, 2082, 926, 2, 3736, 29, 13507, 13508, 95, 3142, 259, 95, 13509, 6, 35, 609, 75, 13510, 10], [1531, 493, 5, 14, 3410], [2, 493, 229, 77, 85, 20, 3477, 930, 2148, 3478, 3479, 1340, 236, 1129, 3480, 1764, 145, 736, 1, 13511, 1, 13512, 32, 13513], [2, 493, 229, 77, 85, 20, 3477, 930, 2148, 3478, 3479, 1340, 236, 1129, 3480, 1764, 145, 736, 1, 13514, 1, 13515], [2869, 22, 8, 16, 40, 122, 107, 10, 104, 971, 5639, 13516, 1674, 41, 3447, 34, 307, 34, 13517, 493, 17, 138, 20, 13518, 6018], [1162, 8, 493, 9, 6, 232, 20, 2, 615], [342, 50, 10, 6019, 493, 7, 4374, 939, 18, 2075, 3481, 13519, 168, 13520, 4121, 548, 7, 13521, 5556, 1, 13522], [113, 24, 10, 493, 5, 816, 1558, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 13523, 1, 13524], [13525, 13526, 27, 17, 10, 6020, 34, 221, 34, 10, 175, 13527, 10, 31, 40, 775, 673, 39, 117, 3365, 493, 5, 170], [493, 13528, 13, 4375, 975, 532, 28, 13529, 304], [2, 493, 229, 77, 85, 20, 3477, 930, 2148, 3478, 3479, 1340, 236, 1129, 3480, 1764, 145, 736, 1, 13530, 13531, 1, 13532], [6, 3978, 13533, 25, 1634, 2050, 1, 13534], [13535, 5914, 567, 1631, 1601, 810, 55, 23, 395, 493, 160, 597, 3, 1469, 13, 1, 13536, 13537, 13538], [13539, 61, 53, 6, 35, 493], [13540, 176, 33, 2081, 48, 5, 14, 2644, 9, 266, 493, 25, 2112], [30, 16, 10, 2662, 751, 2, 295, 1373, 51, 6, 23, 68, 493, 11, 174], [6, 41, 682, 493, 110, 6, 84, 10, 165, 13541, 1, 13542, 1, 13543], [13544, 132, 188, 4107, 13545, 257, 33, 493, 9, 132, 760, 18, 14, 13546, 13547], [47, 1109, 1727, 7, 65, 493, 5, 3849, 11, 40, 933], [1, 13548, 342, 50, 10, 6019, 493, 7, 4374, 939, 18, 2075, 3481, 769, 1164, 3353, 1, 13549], [13550, 457, 643, 15, 63, 16, 2039, 112, 173, 221, 332, 160, 129, 13551, 3316, 13552, 1674, 24, 700, 493], [372, 13553, 6021, 13, 1538, 25, 493, 3, 13554, 5, 13555, 13556, 76, 3, 1620, 4, 398, 95, 6021, 13, 1538, 25, 493], [1315, 5, 485, 6022, 1609, 70, 2068, 493, 5, 14, 1514], [3481, 1125, 204, 1586, 9, 92, 6, 84, 3, 3482, 4, 2655, 4374, 939, 18, 2075, 3481, 13557, 13558, 1, 13559], [6, 35, 493, 5, 4376, 4, 2175, 10, 32], [2, 493, 229, 77, 85, 20, 3477, 930, 2148, 3478, 3479, 1340, 236, 1129, 3480, 1764, 145, 736, 1, 13560, 1, 13561], [1337, 13, 305, 1581, 3, 52, 2727, 3038, 13562, 1824, 2728, 1620, 11, 493, 5, 669, 2996, 9, 2, 13563, 15, 1988, 3, 126], [493, 6008, 5, 13564, 13565], [81, 92, 6, 84, 13, 15, 13566, 13567, 13568, 13569, 2076, 5, 14, 327, 13570, 1148, 989, 13571, 5, 2, 72, 651, 493, 32, 45, 2, 649], [14, 932, 8, 763, 3, 438, 60, 6023, 13572, 9, 2, 65, 12, 108, 493, 5, 141, 893, 2068, 67, 7, 14, 350, 1138, 1510], [493, 5, 13573, 100, 105], [61, 22, 115, 127, 4, 398, 3, 493, 5622, 8, 1347, 13574, 13575, 1, 13576, 98], [13577, 151, 5788, 9, 13578, 1535, 3483, 1511, 26, 493, 5, 1415, 117, 671, 493, 5, 3484, 158, 32, 114], [6, 257, 33, 6, 35, 493, 698, 14, 705, 97], [6, 35, 493, 5, 13579, 57, 9, 17, 8, 4351, 31, 43, 123, 4, 2436, 13580], [13581, 13582, 13583, 29, 692, 13584, 7, 107, 37, 4, 129, 726, 13585, 32, 18, 450, 332, 4, 9, 978, 1163, 13586, 18, 3485, 4, 119], [91, 974, 13587, 3941, 5, 13588, 287, 6024, 450, 107, 78, 13589, 4, 1603, 13590, 642, 1, 2412, 13591], [637, 1258, 6025, 5, 450, 107, 5, 6026, 13, 1925, 8, 2844, 1, 13592, 116, 6027, 3330], [3119, 13593, 1562, 450, 107, 43, 13594, 13595, 9, 2, 13596, 7, 13597, 1, 13598, 13599], [13600, 13601, 13602, 450, 107, 135, 5581, 13603, 913, 13604, 6028, 13605, 1, 13606, 72], [324, 107, 6029, 34, 15, 2581, 42, 2778, 6030, 94, 409, 4377, 6031, 150, 1809, 450, 9, 684, 787, 435, 456, 2870, 1, 13607], [51, 2, 1396, 14, 317, 695, 8, 16, 4378, 5, 2, 13608, 8, 6032, 66, 4, 386, 3, 450, 107, 1, 4379, 1, 13609], [637, 1258, 6025, 5, 450, 107, 5, 6026, 13, 1925, 8, 2844, 1, 13610, 116, 6027, 3330], [66, 4, 386, 3, 450, 107, 1, 13611], [450, 107, 2512, 1578, 25, 5371, 42, 2504, 4, 13612, 1, 13613], [6, 421, 13614, 1657, 395, 5213, 3, 2388, 450, 107, 5, 14, 358, 63, 395, 5948, 13615], [29, 6, 37, 1899, 2, 13616, 11, 2, 450, 107, 9, 6, 155, 538, 7, 38, 37, 168, 134, 13617, 8, 29, 1576, 14, 13618], [450, 5687, 2355, 13619, 1325, 36, 858, 13620, 107, 3486, 13621], [13622, 65, 5, 2726, 1632, 36, 4, 2, 385, 1163, 146, 485, 46, 3, 450, 107, 33, 13623], [69, 8, 3, 374, 107, 6033, 1720, 3485, 353, 9, 332, 1530, 3754, 124, 450, 22, 172, 26, 1276], [13624, 6034, 13625, 6035, 18, 816, 6036, 604, 4, 3, 450, 107, 60, 161, 787, 942, 7, 2, 404], [75, 169, 4, 381, 2, 121, 13626, 2016, 450, 107, 1, 13627], [450, 107, 5, 6037], [52, 993, 2080, 3487, 438, 87, 3, 1824, 450, 107, 3488, 1108, 3489, 3490, 1, 13628], [171, 15, 26, 1328, 484, 33, 3, 450, 5, 2, 423, 374, 423, 33, 3, 553, 18, 815, 353, 9, 107, 176, 17, 61, 6, 325, 175, 15], [52, 993, 2080, 3487, 438, 87, 3, 1824, 450, 107, 3488, 1108, 3489, 3490, 1, 13629, 13630, 13631, 2259], [2, 1396, 14, 317, 695, 8, 6032, 5, 2, 13632, 239, 1079, 588, 11, 1, 13633, 2163, 248, 9, 1119, 607, 1, 4379], [6, 192, 2, 450, 107, 1020, 34, 417, 34, 13634, 2, 2301, 11, 2, 13635, 64, 13636], [107, 1911, 2778, 13637, 1798, 18, 4378, 450, 1260, 4, 880, 787, 435, 456, 96, 1687, 889, 13638, 189, 32, 13639, 1, 13640], [13, 1645, 1024, 316, 3, 450, 107, 1, 13641, 1307], [6, 270, 59, 60, 1484, 212, 25, 67, 693, 6038, 450, 107, 86, 6, 127, 5, 45, 14, 174, 5, 3824, 13642, 13643, 435, 13644], [510, 460, 252, 874, 5, 3, 450, 107, 2, 13645, 77, 3998, 595, 23, 5, 1586, 79, 1, 13646], [6039, 79, 450, 107, 6040, 316, 913, 1, 13647, 1, 13648], [13649, 13650, 13651, 1977, 5, 3, 13652, 6041, 1264, 13653, 7, 450, 589, 5, 141, 702, 34, 56, 1977], [450, 5, 2, 423, 13654, 13655, 845, 4, 3, 6042, 616, 287, 3, 450, 107, 5, 801, 7, 2127, 4964, 1, 13656], [1329, 7, 4369, 8, 67, 506, 39, 3, 1329, 7, 450, 1461, 19, 6043, 435, 456, 1, 4379, 66, 4, 16, 31, 545, 484, 1, 13657], [52, 993, 2080, 3487, 438, 87, 3, 1824, 450, 107, 3488, 1108, 3489, 3490, 1, 13658, 13659], [13660, 188, 13661, 36, 45, 142, 4, 54, 6044, 246, 11, 13662, 9, 177, 711, 4, 371, 316, 3, 450, 107, 9, 776, 2036, 32], [31, 43, 123, 4, 3, 6045, 1045, 2728, 13663, 1358, 11, 2, 450, 107, 5, 2, 4380, 6046], [324, 107, 6029, 34, 15, 2581, 42, 2778, 6030, 94, 409, 4377, 6031, 150, 1809, 450, 9, 684, 787, 435, 456, 2870, 1, 13664], [52, 993, 2080, 3487, 438, 87, 3, 1824, 450, 107, 3488, 1108, 3489, 3490, 1, 13665, 1, 13666], [291, 1675, 321, 144, 161, 6047, 877, 7, 6048, 102, 1565, 6049, 822, 348, 1099, 6050, 13667, 1, 13668], [144, 4010, 291, 245, 812, 1248, 261, 984, 554, 13669, 409, 1206, 19, 13670, 822, 348, 64, 291, 1, 13671], [6051, 6052, 6053, 21, 4, 291, 6054, 5, 6055, 6056, 13672, 2115, 1, 13673, 13674], [13675, 181, 6057, 1397, 212, 688, 13, 1407, 1, 13676, 13677, 3, 1264, 291, 19, 6058, 6057, 6059, 2250, 44, 2187, 3, 13678], [461, 2, 205, 709, 36, 12, 2, 413, 94, 6060, 2, 1237, 7, 13679, 8, 2507, 2979, 2669], [70, 617, 291, 5, 539, 2188, 50, 10, 2285, 2382, 2449, 1094, 2, 291, 135, 904, 11, 59, 933, 1, 4381], [1566, 3491, 321, 144, 70, 6061, 119, 7, 6062, 2625, 102, 1099, 6063, 822, 348, 1099, 1111, 1, 13680, 291], [3325, 3, 52, 623, 291, 1, 13681, 1, 13682], [91, 7, 2, 828, 1086, 81, 26, 37, 34, 374, 34, 2, 3364, 5, 734, 291, 1, 13683], [1675, 6064, 70, 161, 261, 2, 1265, 7, 1339, 715, 1108, 13684, 70, 13685, 2, 1265, 7, 1339, 715, 1, 13686, 6065], [1566, 3491, 321, 617, 510, 13687, 6066, 7, 6067, 102, 1565, 13688, 822, 348, 1099, 13689, 6068, 1, 13690, 291], [144, 340, 291, 245, 812, 1248, 4382, 877, 7, 2450, 2221, 19, 13691, 822, 348, 64, 291, 2450, 1, 13692], [13693, 13694, 116, 13695, 1445, 2722, 4, 4383, 291, 1011, 19, 275, 9, 1213, 13696, 3814, 1, 13697, 1754, 45, 13698], [1566, 321, 617, 340, 222, 102, 1565, 6069, 822, 348, 1565, 6069, 822, 348, 64, 19, 959, 6070, 1, 13699, 13700], [13701, 624, 13702, 161, 161, 291, 13703, 2174, 7, 13704, 936, 12, 13705, 1, 13706, 58, 13707], [1566, 321, 144, 70, 6061, 119, 7, 6062, 2625, 102, 1099, 6063, 822, 348, 1099, 13708, 6068, 1, 13709, 4384], [13710, 77, 13711, 119, 460, 167, 328, 5, 3, 236, 2843, 4385, 13712, 620, 830, 70, 13713, 106, 13714, 17, 6071, 49, 291], [4344, 291, 106, 770, 4, 1252, 12, 542, 260, 2593, 28, 2018, 13715, 58, 13716], [6064, 70, 617, 539, 2188, 50, 10, 2285, 1, 13717, 98, 13718], [1566, 982, 3, 2871, 2451, 291, 1989, 119, 7, 632, 1676, 12, 6072, 6073, 822, 348, 64, 1, 6074, 4345], [75, 645, 212, 6075, 406, 5812, 25, 291, 5965, 6076, 1, 13719, 296], [69, 27, 3, 1264, 291, 5, 858, 39, 30, 16, 1313, 3181, 50, 10, 6077, 8, 1750, 2530, 13720, 8, 233], [1566, 3491, 321, 144, 340, 4382, 877, 7, 2450, 2221, 1565, 6078, 822, 348, 1099, 6079, 13721, 1, 13722, 291], [291, 1675, 321, 144, 340, 4382, 877, 7, 2450, 2221, 1565, 6078, 822, 348, 1099, 6079, 6080, 1, 13723], [6051, 6052, 6053, 21, 4, 291, 6054, 5, 6055, 6056, 2, 13724, 41, 1045, 2, 13725, 1, 13726], [13727, 423, 34, 7, 6081, 3492, 13728, 6081, 3492, 877, 13729, 3492, 119, 13730, 3492, 1, 13731, 636], [2871, 4322, 13732, 822, 348, 13733, 6082, 7, 1222, 13734, 102, 1, 13735], [291, 1890, 6083], [69, 44, 16, 68, 144, 77, 6084, 32, 7, 6060, 119, 830, 22, 953, 1378, 2669], [1566, 321, 144, 161, 6047, 877, 7, 6048, 102, 1565, 6049, 822, 348, 1099, 6050, 6085, 19, 2140, 1, 13736, 4384], [1675, 321, 144, 106, 13737, 13738, 7, 2, 13739, 102, 1099, 13740, 822, 348, 1099, 13741, 6085, 3, 1, 13742, 6065], [291, 1890], [13743, 382, 10, 11, 40, 233, 4386, 9, 11, 116, 7, 52, 79, 1, 2872, 2, 283, 418, 2873, 13, 96, 291, 550], [291, 1890], [291, 6086, 1947, 70, 340, 87, 1265, 7, 222, 102, 1, 13744, 2270, 1, 13745], [69, 27, 3, 1264, 291, 5, 858, 39, 30, 16, 1313, 13746, 6077, 8, 1750], [621, 2, 13747, 441, 1516, 3, 1237, 7, 182, 13, 39, 2, 1598, 8, 41, 756, 198, 359, 1, 13748], [291, 321, 106, 161, 13749, 9, 7, 13750, 13751, 440, 1468, 1099, 13752, 822, 348, 1099, 13753, 13754, 4387, 1, 13755], [1065, 4, 26, 1408, 5, 1787, 51, 22, 1433, 1664, 291, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 384], [13756, 6087, 1083, 72], [13757, 13758, 3219, 15, 195, 16, 224, 390, 40, 13759, 4388, 681, 14, 180, 87], [637, 109, 1964, 1479, 7, 2, 304, 2127, 151, 70, 4097, 6088, 21, 6, 3881, 14, 244, 1479, 112, 33, 566, 5666, 9, 89, 916, 224, 390, 10], [13760, 172, 224, 390, 38, 9, 6, 286, 163, 607], [51, 10, 109, 49, 5168, 3279, 17, 4389, 25, 40, 1120, 4, 40, 3192, 13761, 1411, 1141, 6, 30, 16, 224, 390, 850], [6, 516, 619, 80, 64, 3, 6089, 382, 10, 11, 16, 672, 38, 27, 4, 224, 390, 850, 619, 80, 64, 39, 6, 35, 1065, 6, 41, 13762, 15], [61, 2, 1372, 2027, 13763, 46, 672, 2, 13764, 635, 4, 224, 390, 2874, 4, 178, 271, 155, 6090, 514, 27, 2875, 13765], [3879, 13766, 1662, 771, 13767, 624, 402, 1878, 127, 16, 224, 390, 906], [224, 390, 749], [6, 224, 390, 40, 1082], [13768, 24, 10, 838, 6, 224, 390, 10, 173, 13769, 205], [2, 1149, 41, 224, 390, 96, 45], [1552, 13, 1019, 1213, 6033, 16, 3404, 4, 224, 390, 850, 1598, 1, 13770, 13771], [6091, 30, 16, 171, 5513, 190, 32, 54, 41, 848, 224, 390, 1836], [13772, 1015, 21, 4, 224, 390, 906, 18, 483, 3279], [6, 35, 16, 2, 932, 317, 695, 39, 6, 92, 6, 84, 13, 14, 317, 881, 34, 14, 313, 1648, 21, 17, 6, 23, 4, 477, 11, 63, 969, 56, 41, 224, 390, 2783], [113, 195, 14, 483, 224, 390, 38, 51, 15, 8, 2452], [167, 346, 17, 167, 286, 50, 4, 249, 190, 13773, 1149, 89, 224, 390, 96, 45], [15, 8, 3847, 5, 14, 1148, 6, 13774, 175, 4, 13775, 2, 2746, 39, 6, 30, 16, 175, 4, 224, 390, 13776, 9, 168, 8], [6, 192, 93, 4, 6092, 22, 241, 6, 678, 1689, 76, 14, 2189, 9, 224, 390, 850, 28, 13777], [13778, 4755, 19, 10, 9, 172, 23, 141, 13779, 224, 390, 10, 9], [171, 88, 138, 3426], [13780, 13781, 13782, 54, 8, 757, 4, 224, 390, 1885, 180, 158, 32, 114, 806, 47, 6, 35, 16, 265, 18, 13783, 47, 59], [13784, 8, 60, 4, 224, 390, 6093], [47, 39, 1629, 6, 41, 224, 390, 573, 7, 1038, 13785, 29, 6, 81, 2440, 13786, 6, 30, 16, 751, 1080, 51, 15, 1063, 4, 3797], [367, 6094, 6, 6095, 171, 1467, 224, 390, 1836, 29, 2442, 2, 4390, 1, 13787], [6, 89, 33, 4, 224, 390, 271, 73, 2417, 2, 1621, 3493, 5, 13788, 18, 4870, 2045, 74, 3738, 21, 4250, 1509, 13789, 3134], [367, 6094, 6, 6095, 171, 1467, 224, 390, 1836, 29, 2442, 2, 4390, 1, 13790], [1616, 54, 92, 6, 84, 44, 95, 4391, 44, 54, 68, 3970, 20, 6096, 269, 5, 2856, 53, 54, 1651, 17, 13791, 4391, 224, 390, 208, 1874, 13792], [39, 2, 1149, 89, 224, 390, 96, 45], [1483, 13793, 290, 4392, 55, 81, 819, 2, 4393, 57, 937, 2453, 55, 614, 10, 250, 224, 390, 684, 1393, 9, 29, 12], [2, 3427, 4, 165, 2, 438, 502, 170, 63, 6, 829, 224, 390, 395], [51, 6, 27, 6097, 1557, 246, 6, 109, 224, 407, 91, 13794, 62, 199, 57, 6, 35, 13795, 13, 158, 32, 114], [6098, 6099, 187, 71, 115, 224, 407, 25, 129, 6100, 6099, 3, 115, 27, 224, 407, 1, 13796], [833, 1622, 2876, 38, 4006, 47, 1745, 124, 40, 943, 124, 5, 91, 230, 177, 49, 5648, 29, 93, 31, 224, 407], [2553, 8, 1651, 2739, 38, 17, 6, 192, 4, 26, 224, 407], [29, 6, 112, 14, 483, 2452, 9, 3494, 2178, 5, 14, 6101, 9, 6, 27, 1143, 14, 483, 9, 15, 224, 407, 14, 1121, 2089, 29, 331, 115], [6, 109, 224, 407, 22, 917, 66, 8, 40, 121, 31, 43, 123], [113, 35, 6, 146, 3365, 224, 407, 6, 30, 16, 104, 24, 10, 20, 963, 4104, 302, 4, 3, 13797, 13798, 6102, 6103, 273, 13799, 13800], [513, 224, 407, 485, 13801, 13802, 13803, 1, 13804], [17, 1394, 898, 69, 8, 840, 3, 79, 7, 49, 2877, 54, 112, 2042, 134, 36, 5, 1287, 6104, 9, 224, 407, 4, 193], [2363, 13, 1695, 6, 1011, 146, 224, 407, 240, 1933, 28, 13805], [914, 224, 407, 5, 13806, 1, 13807, 98, 28, 13808, 58, 4070], [693, 892, 2878, 255, 6105, 224, 407, 4175, 296, 13809, 6106, 13810, 1, 13811, 13812, 5944], [254, 1369, 1626, 60, 51, 54, 27, 224, 407, 227, 14, 191, 13813, 1, 13814, 636], [13815, 13816, 13817, 255, 10, 146, 224, 407, 45, 2, 169, 1609, 2, 1361, 621, 328, 33, 15], [6, 35, 1754, 22, 2599, 13, 4007, 725, 55, 150, 63, 150, 16, 23, 109, 224, 407, 109, 13818, 3, 670, 159, 9, 3858, 5, 1, 13819], [109, 224, 407, 166, 142, 19, 170, 11, 2, 122, 64, 5, 14, 85, 253, 27, 1691], [432, 264, 4394, 13820, 13821, 1309, 13822, 13823, 13824, 2289, 45, 92, 6, 84, 1595, 1, 13825], [37, 614, 6, 286, 171, 10, 45, 104, 15, 8, 848, 16, 3, 75, 1207, 4, 2454, 5, 40, 13826, 51, 15, 8, 2729, 10, 41, 26, 224, 407], [2176, 13827, 1474, 42, 2524, 7, 6107, 5, 1001, 8, 135, 13828, 224, 407, 5, 1009, 7, 13829, 4203, 1, 13830, 13831], [6, 27, 2876, 13832, 14, 1251, 2, 1438, 874, 12, 48, 6, 171, 138, 7, 15, 34, 417, 34, 6, 2642, 37, 241, 6, 172, 31, 224, 407], [6, 27, 1122, 32, 110, 9, 6, 13833, 29, 221, 33, 6, 847, 6, 27, 354, 31, 224, 407, 20, 6108, 227, 14, 191], [30, 1648, 21, 700, 31, 224, 407, 25, 1329, 402, 2683, 6, 35, 2879, 66, 6, 9, 211, 241, 38, 449, 3440], [356, 14, 2382, 4395, 8, 1619, 9, 6, 37, 224, 407, 850], [15, 27, 3, 13834, 13835, 368, 2, 368, 56, 224, 407, 2, 13836, 9, 6, 127, 16, 104, 61, 6, 27, 609, 5, 52, 431], [1629, 189, 33, 3, 31, 224, 407, 46, 6, 2876, 2810, 14, 1251, 15, 8, 198, 5714], [13837, 13838, 13839, 27, 224, 407, 4, 193, 20, 13840, 2, 919, 6109, 12, 6109, 4932, 144, 1, 13841], [6098, 6110, 6111, 187, 71, 224, 407, 25, 129, 6100, 6110, 6111, 3, 914, 27, 13842, 1, 13843], [191, 811, 15, 6, 224, 407, 850], [763, 3, 115, 224, 407, 12, 2, 2074, 7, 13844, 5074, 8, 2680, 3, 5588, 65, 196, 979, 13845, 13846, 1876], [2190, 5, 2878, 13847, 1316, 645, 1833, 13848, 27, 224, 407, 6112, 6113, 1424, 2541, 591, 771, 14, 996, 269, 6, 27, 19, 2720, 3343], [6114, 8, 354, 381, 36, 252, 224, 407, 167, 8, 354, 381, 36, 33, 17, 1446, 25, 2047, 4396], [6, 35, 5, 2, 1933, 9, 6, 536, 4, 138, 359, 2, 623, 9, 7, 921, 6, 31, 265, 224, 407, 20, 2, 3279], [16, 146, 1579, 4, 2440, 756, 63, 641, 5, 13849, 288, 146, 224, 407], [2595, 224, 407, 4, 193, 5, 216, 3495, 1, 13850], [3, 13851, 6115, 1498, 2186, 17, 3496, 7, 1464, 12, 2, 775, 59, 86, 863, 1643, 4, 111, 154, 62, 569, 1, 13852], [2046, 1559, 6116, 48, 3459, 3122, 487, 1219, 2990, 82, 4388, 119, 6117, 145, 736, 1, 13853, 1, 13854], [82, 5200, 1, 13855, 13856, 1, 13857, 13858, 1, 13859], [82, 13860, 5, 13861, 430, 5, 2, 215, 1915, 1, 13862], [2046, 1559, 6116, 48, 3459, 3122, 487, 1219, 2990, 82, 4388, 119, 6117, 145, 736, 1, 13863, 1, 13864], [82, 6118], [2404, 1, 13865, 13866, 13867, 2568, 4397, 6119, 80, 1081, 13868, 1559, 82, 4398, 4099, 477, 13869, 1, 13870, 273, 13871, 13872], [191, 6120, 641, 5, 14, 342, 50, 10, 2106, 66, 4, 1396, 3, 483, 6, 192, 52, 82, 13873], [13874, 3102, 7, 13875, 13876, 24, 13877, 13878, 2583, 82, 5704, 13879, 1, 13880], [2, 121, 10, 979, 2, 13881, 7, 82, 13882, 8, 2, 121, 40, 13883, 2064, 6121, 13884], [13885, 11, 2, 1441, 82, 1469, 6122, 1938, 18, 13886, 2012, 1588, 9, 13887], [559, 25, 52, 431, 4, 4399, 13888, 4, 1038, 46, 13889, 305, 7, 82, 1, 13890, 13891], [51, 40, 909, 915, 82, 477, 56, 81, 26, 868, 5, 129, 82, 1181, 20, 13892, 387, 13893, 594, 62, 4400, 1, 13894], [13895, 13896, 13897, 3449, 13898, 13899, 1866, 13900, 82, 1866, 13901, 1, 13902, 1, 13903], [2, 52, 2776, 2455, 8, 954, 36, 2776, 176, 49, 325, 3497, 2776, 18, 13904, 2240, 1316, 1129, 4, 190, 65, 954, 36, 768, 7, 82, 13905], [5975, 13906, 727, 6123, 2341, 3943, 1187, 3433, 1559, 82, 2046, 6124, 13907, 145, 1871, 1, 13908, 1, 13909], [452, 13910, 305, 74, 42, 4401, 6125, 261, 13911, 1061, 82, 404, 6126, 17, 926, 4191, 1791, 11, 60, 4038, 676], [4068, 3361, 912, 2220, 872, 785, 13912, 13913, 82, 13914, 164, 181, 161, 13915, 2447, 3006, 3361, 542, 755, 387, 731], [82, 1979, 13916, 13917, 13918, 5713], [3321, 2128, 761, 2407, 62, 746, 52, 2418, 6127, 17, 1259, 5, 9, 155, 3, 13919, 8, 49, 82], [1006, 251, 13920, 28, 13921, 9, 1441, 915, 28, 13922, 9, 477, 5322, 13923, 21, 135, 13924], [2450, 899, 82, 1469, 6122, 3498, 13925, 4402, 13926, 13927, 13928, 4403, 1734, 1, 13929], [1459, 36, 49, 82, 3499, 5, 106, 1849, 2416, 10, 219, 104, 51, 3, 2448, 13930, 41, 2134, 36, 29, 170, 36, 864, 1, 13931], [2, 830, 7, 2, 2356, 13932, 13933, 1755, 24, 12, 2221, 13934, 6128, 82, 6129, 6130], [354, 437, 36, 647, 18, 2, 13935, 82, 4398, 135, 5643, 3500, 6131, 37, 33, 2, 385, 4397, 1255, 32, 1707, 7, 166, 207], [5440, 335, 6, 270, 3457, 121, 3460, 82, 817, 4194, 13936, 906, 13937, 861, 2765, 13938, 13939], [5, 722, 13940, 80, 13941, 9, 159, 7, 329, 82], [25, 13942, 13943, 1114, 11, 1057, 2867, 74, 42, 82, 1314, 64, 1, 13944], [1095, 5597, 4404, 826, 1963, 441, 34, 187, 3001, 649, 1215, 187, 111, 154, 62, 569, 250, 82, 2880, 4405, 864, 1, 13945, 13946], [13947, 6132, 1290, 13948, 13949, 13950, 2, 515, 593, 3486, 12, 310, 1, 1810, 652, 337, 9, 1094, 79], [479, 928, 22, 48, 79, 16, 1397, 1766, 48, 5894, 6133, 82, 101, 282, 1601, 5082, 13951, 1, 13952, 13953], [6134, 55, 3048, 2, 438, 110, 233, 675, 2, 82, 3501, 90, 300, 27, 1276, 23, 3, 233, 371], [5450, 4406, 1544, 4407, 25, 13954, 5, 13955, 70, 37, 3288, 5, 234, 6128, 82, 6129, 616, 6130, 2221, 13956], [13957, 7, 13958, 3, 374, 607, 11, 2, 82, 371, 4, 118, 124, 13959, 8, 36, 25, 13960, 983, 6135, 221, 135, 2059, 62, 986, 10, 1910], [6, 35, 75, 1262, 51, 6, 437, 395, 15, 8, 16, 49, 82, 278, 56, 219, 1396, 141, 3338, 63, 437, 72], [4, 6136, 9, 13961, 52, 13962, 82, 3502, 19, 13963, 13964, 13965, 299, 4408, 1070, 13966, 1, 13967], [82, 5, 13968, 13969, 13970, 1362, 1309, 13971, 24, 29, 2423, 17, 56, 2014, 1543, 476, 1, 13972], [161, 13973, 82, 312, 13974, 13975], [1118, 382, 10, 11, 82, 13976, 1, 13977, 161, 694, 9, 47, 312, 4, 31, 13978, 4, 211, 73, 23, 47, 813, 81, 10, 13979, 2191], [13, 849, 161, 234, 1756, 13980, 13981, 66, 162, 13982, 23, 49, 82, 312, 1, 13983, 8, 1, 13984], [129, 13985, 8, 711, 3, 4398, 82, 306, 220, 44, 4321, 14, 312, 4, 2849, 13986, 208, 22, 1928, 18, 14, 5165], [22, 25, 2, 187, 7, 592, 187, 7, 592, 44, 2881, 1677, 1678, 82, 13987, 1677, 1678, 82, 1, 13988], [1, 13989, 4371, 2, 381, 7, 225, 8, 283, 15, 8, 64, 55, 13990, 49, 82, 90, 300, 312], [2510, 4, 285, 2804, 301, 24, 2407, 62, 746, 75, 11, 10, 18, 2, 637, 13991, 13992, 13993, 13994, 124, 13995, 13996, 1, 13997], [75, 1931, 195, 40, 342, 50, 10, 23, 49, 82, 312, 1, 13998, 1, 13999], [6137, 6138, 3503, 82, 312, 836, 324, 323, 360, 1, 14000, 1679, 1811, 1, 14001], [187, 7, 592, 3503, 1677, 1678, 82, 312, 1, 14002], [1068, 312, 11, 14003, 14004, 4, 1867, 14005, 2192, 7, 817, 1659, 65, 4, 2369, 5697, 2363, 106, 510, 803, 770, 4, 1252, 2363, 82, 1133, 3504, 5116, 3505], [30, 10, 104, 2, 82, 312, 19, 40, 4409, 53, 16, 1659, 40, 3496, 63, 3299, 2390, 4410], [329, 668, 4800, 1209, 1771, 6139, 52, 312, 4, 867, 80, 64, 82, 477, 3322, 1, 14006, 14007], [2, 187, 44, 2881, 2, 1677, 1678, 82, 312, 6140, 50, 10, 682, 5957, 1582, 2977, 1688, 437, 14008, 11, 1, 14009], [187, 7, 592, 3503, 1677, 1678, 82, 312, 14010, 71, 1, 14011, 1, 14012, 14013], [1631, 592, 5761, 71, 196, 26, 5388, 1, 14014], [605, 1931, 25, 129, 317, 881, 19, 14015, 515, 593, 649, 1, 14016], [754, 15, 1988, 1476, 4, 23, 539, 124, 65, 1294, 82, 5215, 3905, 1, 14017, 264, 14018], [14019, 14020, 8, 1735, 14021, 55, 192, 4, 23, 33, 49, 82, 991, 312, 6141, 3781, 1395, 2744, 14022, 17, 1789, 598], [14023, 14024, 14025, 82, 1314, 312, 12, 3705, 7, 14026, 329, 264, 14027, 1, 14028], [14029, 254, 185, 82, 312, 1047, 2310, 1, 14030], [1377, 42, 40, 152, 21, 48, 1067, 312, 29, 271, 2106, 61, 4, 30, 5, 869, 7, 49, 82], [14031, 55, 2645, 45, 1145, 4, 31, 49, 14032, 3332, 7, 1552, 4411, 2314, 423, 9, 6088, 21, 23, 49, 82, 312, 57], [51, 40, 5193, 33, 138, 4, 400, 4, 2135, 14033, 9, 40, 3189, 33, 178, 49, 82, 312, 11, 240, 339, 83, 138], [30, 10, 23, 3, 312, 82, 1740, 11, 152, 21, 14034, 387, 731, 18, 594, 62, 199, 915, 1, 14035, 14036, 594, 62, 14037], [14038, 1941, 11, 82, 2649, 3234, 6142, 72, 312, 4, 845, 2291, 3506, 4, 2104, 3495, 1, 14039], [324, 323, 360, 2119, 11, 1210, 14040, 6137, 6138, 44, 14041, 1677, 1678, 82, 312, 46, 1391, 107, 1811], [132, 2375, 1778, 2176, 14042, 30, 16, 1014, 316, 2977, 14043, 2376, 187, 34, 15, 14044, 1677, 1678, 82, 312, 1679, 1811], [30, 10, 23, 49, 82, 1918, 230, 312, 1094, 1437, 5, 1209, 2447, 2630, 1585, 14045, 13, 63, 652, 6143, 1, 14046, 6, 14047], [3, 374, 1581, 589, 14048, 8, 66, 4, 31, 183, 53, 14049, 279, 1886, 14050, 798, 44, 47, 77, 82, 312, 5, 741, 28, 14051], [187, 7, 592, 3503, 1677, 1678, 82, 312, 34, 59, 1800, 135, 6144, 1, 14052, 14053], [2, 1677, 1678, 82, 312, 8, 57, 5, 856, 682, 1458, 271, 1811, 1679, 1, 14054, 14055], [107, 14056, 187, 7, 14057, 1677, 1678, 82, 312, 14058, 1, 14059], [430, 1601, 6145, 3507, 608, 7, 82, 312, 287, 2030, 161, 6146, 1, 14060, 1, 14061], [14062, 14063, 5, 49, 82, 1772, 1605, 5, 2, 207, 16, 34, 3, 312, 5, 1146], [14064, 14065, 929, 24, 10, 198, 14066, 6147, 4, 2, 82, 164, 181, 2882, 14067, 970, 60, 36, 40, 705, 14068], [4412, 4412, 2, 1014, 5, 14069, 926, 722, 1895, 269, 82, 164, 181, 760, 18, 3, 437, 32, 1553, 24, 57, 2795], [75, 14070, 14071, 30, 10, 104, 255, 14072, 34, 6, 505, 82, 164, 181, 261, 20], [1383, 2, 2883, 668, 164, 181, 876, 13, 129, 239, 1990, 775, 1786, 160, 1, 14073, 14074, 981, 1072], [5285, 14075, 1349, 14076, 14077, 4, 3499, 82, 164, 181, 14078, 1, 14079], [1990, 2750, 82, 1181, 3417, 13, 1746, 1540, 6148, 121, 2883, 668, 164, 181, 14080, 1974, 1, 14081], [6, 35, 16, 49, 226, 568, 39, 6, 23, 342, 50, 10, 73, 23, 2884, 5, 2, 280, 170, 5, 2, 82, 164, 181, 9, 170, 5, 1, 14082], [82, 164, 181, 6149, 9, 6150, 6149, 867, 80, 1592, 12, 1033, 142, 1, 14083], [78, 1072, 1697, 124, 4, 135, 1652, 1746, 14084, 164, 14085, 1, 14086, 1990, 3320, 14087, 1, 14088], [78, 1072, 248, 60, 129, 239, 775, 1786, 160, 1746, 3498, 1186, 2390, 82, 164, 181, 145, 64, 1, 14089], [1991, 4413, 1245, 89, 14090, 240, 280, 1991, 1992, 4, 3274, 954, 7, 82, 477, 164, 181, 6151, 14091, 14092], [82, 164, 181, 14093, 66, 4, 6152, 18, 1962, 7, 14094, 3228, 1, 14095, 14096], [1363, 290, 14097, 4414, 3385, 82, 3467, 13, 164, 181, 14098, 2, 14099, 94, 3276, 14100, 1, 14101], [799, 13, 1738, 12, 5350, 14102, 2533, 1812, 6153, 2994, 19, 14103, 82, 164, 181, 14104, 14105, 1, 14106], [135, 1652, 57, 4, 170, 11, 2596, 5484, 668, 34, 1746, 82, 164, 181, 145, 64, 14107, 14108, 14109, 3495, 5, 14110, 899, 1, 14111], [175, 4, 170, 5, 6154, 981, 652, 337, 129, 239, 1786, 1, 14112, 1990, 775, 899, 1072], [4917, 550, 297, 25, 2, 797, 1265, 14113, 4415, 14114, 9, 82, 164, 181, 2390, 7, 4346, 1, 14115], [2, 2429, 8, 186, 14116, 2168, 150, 23, 578, 3307, 14117, 6, 289, 1658, 192, 82, 164, 181, 1, 2018, 14118], [410, 71, 437, 11, 6058, 82, 164, 181, 4, 26, 14119, 5, 1301, 1, 14120, 1, 14121], [81, 10, 2645, 641, 11, 22, 775, 1746, 82, 164, 181, 145, 64, 14122, 106, 14123, 2675, 1271, 14124, 3495, 1, 14125, 1072], [82, 6155, 4416, 1226, 14126, 1, 14127], [4402, 775, 5, 6156, 4403, 82, 164, 181, 3496, 82, 19, 2883, 668, 164, 181, 1, 14128, 899], [396, 540, 8, 160, 4, 2, 101, 282, 55, 23, 14129, 82, 164, 42, 979, 59, 60, 15, 160, 1, 14130, 1, 14131], [175, 4, 170, 19, 14132, 668, 164, 181, 78, 1072, 5, 1787, 1974, 1697, 124, 11, 2232, 1, 14133, 1990, 775, 899], [6157, 115, 6158, 2444, 14134, 363, 82, 164, 181, 24, 814, 11, 3, 6157, 115, 73, 1258, 4229, 25, 14135, 1, 14136], [78, 1072, 248, 60, 129, 239, 775, 1786, 160, 82, 1181, 3417, 13, 1746, 1540, 6148, 121, 1, 14137], [2883, 668, 164, 181, 82, 164, 181, 3496, 82, 1181, 6156, 4403, 1, 14138, 4402, 775], [175, 4, 170, 5, 14139, 981, 652, 337, 129, 239, 1786, 1, 14140, 1990, 775, 899, 1072], [1512, 4417, 1512, 6159, 76, 2, 2885, 14141, 6160, 7, 1513, 6155, 7, 45, 39, 82, 164, 181, 5, 14, 1751], [164, 181, 24, 14142, 4, 2886, 14143, 46, 3, 1469, 133, 82, 19, 14144, 9, 4350, 2101, 1650, 1773, 6126, 19, 14145, 1557, 246], [14146, 1326, 6, 614, 17, 6, 2096, 14147, 40, 3207, 6, 457, 643, 17, 2, 82, 164, 181, 24, 2, 197, 6161, 3215, 1825, 3176, 14, 4418], [129, 591, 5610, 9, 6162, 5, 2, 52, 14148, 13, 82, 1181, 24, 45, 594, 62, 14149, 5, 909, 164, 181, 1, 14150], [6154, 981, 1990, 4419, 3498, 82, 1181, 145, 64, 19, 2883, 668, 164, 181, 1, 14151], [37, 487, 3, 147, 12, 2, 2517, 1399, 494, 5, 247, 5793], [752, 1067, 147, 494, 5, 247, 5, 2193, 1813, 853, 1205, 311, 1, 14152, 1, 14153], [752, 1067, 147, 494, 5, 247, 5, 2193, 1813, 853, 1205, 311, 1, 14154, 1, 14155], [54, 479, 4, 3, 596, 306, 220, 27, 494, 5, 1814, 148, 9, 1110, 15, 76, 3, 596, 7, 780, 6, 877, 2456, 2457, 1004], [555, 14156, 6035, 14157, 6163, 19, 14158, 1166, 5, 14159, 136, 14160, 3074, 5, 149, 18, 67, 1399, 494, 5, 247, 5, 2522], [752, 1067, 147, 494, 5, 247, 5, 2193, 1813, 853, 1205, 311, 1, 14161, 1, 14162], [54, 479, 4, 3, 596, 306, 220, 27, 494, 5, 1814, 148, 9, 1110, 15, 76, 3, 596, 7, 780, 6, 877, 2456, 2457, 1004], [2179, 1261, 232, 239, 1278, 1560, 34, 1162, 8, 494, 5, 3508, 203, 14163, 1278, 41, 26, 14164, 1, 14165], [37, 109, 494, 5, 3, 14166, 6164, 531, 12, 14, 371, 6, 614, 22, 151, 156, 1013, 5, 2, 258, 21], [6011, 14167, 3008, 69, 494, 5, 2, 48, 6165], [2179, 1261, 232, 239, 1278, 1560, 34, 1162, 8, 494, 14168, 1, 14169, 1, 14170], [54, 479, 4, 3, 596, 306, 220, 27, 494, 5, 1814, 148, 9, 1110, 15, 76, 3, 596, 7, 780, 6, 877, 2456, 2457, 1004], [30, 10, 257, 494, 18, 816, 1558, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 14171, 1, 14172], [752, 1067, 147, 494, 5, 247, 5, 2193, 1813, 853, 1205, 311, 1, 14173, 1, 14174], [54, 479, 4, 3, 596, 306, 220, 27, 494, 5, 1814, 148, 9, 1110, 15, 76, 3, 596, 7, 780, 6, 877, 2456, 2457, 1004], [254, 1369, 8, 494, 20, 17, 14175], [113, 24, 10, 494, 20, 816, 1558, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 6166, 343, 14176, 1, 14177], [14178, 9, 167, 6167, 281, 95, 4864, 411, 6093, 15, 1377, 1175, 494, 88], [51, 40, 994, 8, 494, 5, 247, 14179], [14180, 8, 14181, 66, 67, 205, 115, 19, 2, 14182, 81, 398, 3, 351, 900, 494, 5, 3, 14183, 307, 673], [113, 3155, 127, 6, 3398, 4, 4021, 110, 14, 97, 1477, 33, 15, 8, 68, 494, 20, 3, 206, 7, 1344, 14184, 14185], [30, 10, 257, 494, 18, 816, 1558, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 14186, 14187, 1, 14188], [115, 8, 6168, 14189, 7, 1050, 2, 14190, 4420, 25, 306, 220, 54, 6169, 9, 2, 3878, 5, 306, 220, 54, 8, 494, 14191, 14192], [1399, 494, 14193, 48, 14194, 4987, 698, 14195, 1227], [54, 479, 4, 3, 596, 306, 220, 27, 494, 5, 1814, 148, 9, 1110, 15, 76, 3, 596, 7, 780, 6, 877, 2456, 2457, 1004], [14196, 69, 8, 47, 712, 4, 14197, 2, 1749, 133, 14198, 4, 14199, 3803, 10, 3713, 269, 10, 495, 11, 3509, 14200, 33, 68, 494], [14201, 4306, 14202, 14203, 835, 3, 1904, 53, 17, 2887, 6170, 2549, 494, 5, 247, 14204], [147, 494, 5, 247, 5771, 36, 555, 13, 19, 14205, 6171, 1, 14206], [113, 24, 10, 494, 20, 816, 1558, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 14207, 1, 14208], [54, 479, 4, 3, 596, 306, 220, 27, 494, 5, 1814, 148, 9, 1110, 15, 76, 3, 596, 7, 780, 6, 877, 2456, 2457, 1004], [752, 1067, 147, 494, 5, 247, 5, 2193, 1813, 853, 1205, 311, 1, 14209, 1, 14210], [752, 1067, 147, 494, 5, 247, 5, 2193, 1813, 853, 1205, 311, 1, 14211, 1, 14212], [752, 1067, 147, 494, 5, 247, 5, 2193, 1813, 853, 1205, 311, 1, 14213, 1, 14214, 14215], [30, 10, 257, 494, 18, 816, 1558, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 14216, 1, 14217], [2179, 1261, 232, 239, 1278, 1560, 34, 1162, 494, 5, 3508, 3924, 14218, 3764, 14219], [14220, 14221, 8, 5262, 2521, 16, 2, 612, 13, 3928, 1479, 39, 49, 2651, 494, 5, 247, 14222, 1848], [14223, 1710, 9, 3, 14224, 14225, 1207, 4, 741, 19, 2, 959, 1815, 7, 3, 52, 14226, 14227, 1797], [1598, 8, 3454, 969, 711, 22, 1250, 18, 2, 567, 4380, 5, 959, 1815, 1, 14228], [647, 1052, 124, 87, 40, 1317, 18, 4048, 2262, 14229, 1, 14230, 14231, 1, 14232], [14233, 62, 1403, 6, 155, 7, 17, 240, 64, 6, 138, 4, 2, 959, 1815, 929], [22, 1418, 2094, 6172, 3360, 1908, 959, 1815, 1, 14234], [6173, 2877, 1544, 4407, 20, 880, 5, 1427, 174, 6174, 3047, 1, 14235, 1, 14236, 14237, 14238], [6, 192, 3, 879, 800, 91, 1496, 594, 62, 569, 6, 35, 1385, 1522, 7, 2, 959, 1815], [116, 14239, 6173, 2877, 1544, 4407, 20, 880, 5, 1427, 174, 6174, 3047, 1, 14240, 1, 14241], [2380, 532, 14242, 19, 2, 959, 1815, 806, 14243], [66, 3, 313, 5452, 5, 2, 1140, 7, 6175, 8, 4421, 2, 959, 1815, 7, 3098, 904, 1, 2018, 14244, 1, 14245], [959, 1815, 14246, 14247, 28, 14248, 607, 4, 14249], [1598, 8, 3454, 969, 711, 22, 1250, 18, 2, 567, 4380, 5, 959, 1815, 58, 14250, 1, 14251], [6, 257, 33, 53, 14252, 9, 5057, 267, 109, 5, 2, 701, 1148, 271, 210, 90, 364, 186, 15, 89, 26, 29, 14253, 9, 14254, 6, 2446, 760], [769, 1164, 1489, 217, 14255, 7, 158, 32, 6176, 163, 56, 24, 4401, 2, 443, 13, 2538, 46, 2, 1405, 7, 3, 107, 4422, 108, 4, 90, 364], [979, 66, 4, 90, 364, 40, 183, 5, 2, 1407, 7, 3, 194, 652, 337, 1693, 19, 1, 14256, 14257, 1853, 981, 5992, 4310, 1930, 63, 1, 14258], [83, 941, 2880, 24, 14259, 1895, 4, 90, 364, 2, 2724, 409, 5, 1314, 4, 6164, 531, 1875, 14260], [29, 361, 178, 621, 4, 90, 364, 504, 2, 48, 4423, 242, 2122, 14261, 89, 55, 1257, 2, 4423, 4, 2, 14262, 6, 6, 1243], [51, 69, 8, 3, 48, 1215, 31, 43, 123, 87, 5, 14263, 9, 55, 421, 1122, 11, 889, 1539, 177, 3398, 4, 90, 364, 271], [102, 14264, 48, 8, 889, 4014, 34, 2974, 24, 1134, 4, 90, 364, 1, 14265], [53, 10, 127, 3, 5038, 903, 76, 2, 245, 1656, 177, 274, 89, 90, 364], [14266, 90, 364, 25, 14267, 1986, 358, 48, 1, 14268], [838, 6, 192, 45, 7, 10, 4, 90, 364, 2, 358, 29, 6, 81, 2359, 22, 6177], [48, 853, 90, 364, 1214, 25, 3, 1350, 1265, 1816, 377, 281, 51, 2194, 2077, 928, 3, 14269, 14270, 3352, 98, 1, 14271], [14272, 90, 364, 2, 14273, 111, 154, 62, 199, 79, 28, 14274, 58, 137], [14275, 14, 2391, 441, 69, 8, 49, 920, 459, 229, 77, 85, 462, 156, 1365, 34, 55, 4424, 90, 364], [14276, 6, 840, 6178, 32, 7, 1120, 461, 12, 980, 2718, 9, 2370, 32, 14, 1388, 33, 6, 112, 4, 90, 364, 11, 49, 418, 509], [2163, 81, 1634, 2, 14277, 90, 364, 391, 14278], [3348, 2, 265, 438, 90, 364, 6179, 28, 14279], [14280, 2791, 3510, 2, 239, 1314, 14281, 5127, 90, 364, 14282, 1271, 14283], [2, 6180, 89, 26, 1316, 1129, 11, 666, 245, 812, 4139, 863, 56, 90, 364, 9, 424, 4, 141, 90, 300, 4276, 4425], [3179, 9, 4736, 1330, 36, 69, 610, 45, 40, 3097, 9, 3258, 65, 90, 364, 749], [14284, 6181, 17, 8, 15, 17, 8, 2, 6181, 119, 558, 119, 4426, 900, 90, 364, 2, 666], [29, 45, 2, 5309, 48, 4427, 536, 87, 110, 19, 170, 9, 55, 112, 4, 90, 364, 6, 27, 33, 227, 14, 191, 6, 119, 6, 119, 176, 156, 1365], [1315, 8, 1211, 3348, 2, 438, 57, 271, 699, 90, 364, 22, 132, 138, 12], [47, 30, 16, 90, 364, 2, 1288, 37, 2704, 108, 5, 2, 14285, 17, 8, 1778], [2, 93, 119, 356, 2594, 43, 1543, 126, 724, 5, 125, 148, 2288, 18, 360, 3435, 2739, 65, 4, 90, 364], [14286, 1619, 2194, 90, 364, 1350, 1265, 1816, 14287, 164, 181, 1, 14288], [29, 74, 42, 14289, 250, 69, 27, 3, 709, 2707, 4, 3949, 36, 2, 2821, 12, 6182, 56, 112, 4, 90, 364], [2, 368, 1501, 6, 2190, 11, 536, 2, 187, 1620, 55, 112, 4, 90, 364, 186, 67, 7, 14, 637, 589, 3, 2448, 4157, 3343], [96, 1068, 6183, 4, 90, 364, 14290, 7, 226, 1132, 25, 4049, 28, 14291, 4049, 905, 90, 300, 1680], [14292, 9, 25, 61, 6, 81, 773, 56, 4405, 4, 1391, 1336, 1057, 1593, 9, 78, 1579, 4, 90, 364, 45, 2, 1092, 29, 47, 67, 27, 725], [727, 1850, 11, 14, 2679, 4, 90, 364], [102, 1457, 1349, 1007, 4, 90, 364, 1, 14293, 58, 137], [14294, 810, 6, 4428, 36, 5, 2, 1813, 2888, 1482, 3, 55, 112, 4, 90, 364, 3, 670, 159], [1057, 124, 1796, 157, 2, 438, 209, 2, 1606, 157, 90, 364, 271, 25, 14295, 14296, 1315, 8, 1646], [867, 80, 14297, 30, 16, 3851, 269, 10, 78, 14298, 6, 5536, 4, 90, 364, 271, 32, 7, 160, 1843, 14299, 29, 29, 138, 1195, 9, 311], [90, 364, 25, 40, 85], [433, 8, 146, 1577, 1276, 3, 670, 1539, 730, 2, 48, 1311, 536, 87, 9, 55, 112, 4, 90, 364, 2, 666], [6, 37, 175, 271, 4, 104, 17, 14300, 27, 2034, 134, 6, 27, 252, 3, 4429, 51, 55, 78, 1763, 4, 90, 364], [9, 14, 3138, 112, 4, 90, 364, 754, 55, 192, 514], [955, 6184, 44, 4430, 1224, 14301, 5, 1299, 1115, 341, 806, 90, 364, 2, 666, 14302, 14303], [3402, 2, 4431, 2458, 14304, 210, 3944, 141, 376, 90, 364, 2783, 25, 1162, 45, 1038, 2429, 307, 673], [195, 641, 104, 113, 6185, 2821, 27, 90, 580, 22, 1352, 14305, 3408], [1021, 785, 164, 42, 12, 693, 892, 14306, 46, 4295, 143, 3425, 1214, 90, 580, 1, 14307, 1, 14308], [2194, 157, 43, 1816, 12, 14309, 1791, 1214, 23, 37, 68, 90, 580, 14310, 6186, 1, 14311], [485, 319, 6187, 2220, 19, 971, 14312, 216, 46, 964, 237, 90, 580, 5, 411, 1447, 1974, 604, 4, 194, 6188], [52, 90, 300, 4432, 11, 964, 237, 5, 468, 7, 1687, 566, 48, 261, 1447, 2175, 1, 6189, 4433, 1, 6190, 98], [56, 90, 580, 2, 3511, 361], [59, 86, 2716, 14313, 90, 580, 34, 102, 194, 14314, 12, 111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 1, 14315], [2889, 998, 1020, 1087, 920, 46, 2890, 1984, 90, 580, 1061, 1475, 48, 1215, 512, 2449, 773, 1, 14316], [2974, 90, 580, 34, 102, 1196, 677, 247, 4, 398, 237, 268, 2975, 1, 14317, 1, 14318], [2889, 998, 1020, 1087, 920, 46, 2890, 1984, 90, 580, 1061, 1475, 48, 1215, 1, 14319, 1, 14320], [268, 1429, 48, 5, 222, 102, 4297, 4, 880, 1932, 1089, 90, 580, 1, 14321, 1993, 1439, 3512, 3117, 2580], [2889, 998, 1020, 1087, 920, 46, 2890, 1984, 90, 580, 1061, 1475, 48, 1215, 512, 2449, 773, 2891, 1, 14322], [185, 140, 106, 363, 3785, 152, 21, 90, 580, 604, 4, 251, 5, 14323, 1, 14324], [14325, 6, 127, 16, 31, 4, 1325, 67, 46, 2, 166, 1162, 438, 186, 2, 48, 1215, 536, 87, 9, 271, 112, 4, 26, 90, 580, 6191], [37, 109, 90, 580, 25, 2, 258, 8, 2290, 11, 49, 82, 487, 65, 949, 25, 204, 56, 24], [1709, 2991, 2194, 12, 6192, 1816, 452, 48, 853, 23, 90, 580, 36, 4, 727, 1214, 73, 78, 3193, 1, 6193], [1214, 90, 580, 2522, 413, 771, 87, 34, 514, 5842, 249, 157, 43, 3, 1350, 1265, 1816, 6186, 1, 14326], [2750, 6194, 14327, 14328, 216, 90, 580, 46, 14329, 14330, 1, 14331], [2889, 998, 1020, 1087, 920, 46, 2890, 1984, 90, 580, 1061, 1475, 48, 1215, 1, 14332, 14333], [90, 300, 1456, 1883, 11, 1447, 5, 1791, 566, 48, 1, 14334, 4433, 1, 1462, 14335], [129, 2326, 24, 18, 301, 290, 1071, 1821, 64, 11, 91, 927, 332, 1, 14336], [2889, 998, 1020, 1087, 920, 46, 2890, 1984, 90, 580, 1061, 1475, 48, 1215, 1774, 1, 14337, 14338], [3746, 1214, 90, 580, 4434, 46, 1021, 785, 143, 3425, 1, 14339, 14340], [2227, 90, 580, 46, 48, 12, 14341, 1014, 5, 14342, 1, 14343], [14344, 591, 3350, 55, 563, 699, 4113, 2, 5662, 8, 6195, 2, 385, 666, 8, 1134, 4, 26, 90, 580, 209, 2, 1193, 55, 192], [90, 300, 808, 1883, 11, 875, 7, 1447, 1206, 159, 1, 14345], [268, 1429, 48, 1, 14346], [14347, 1634, 5506, 5, 129, 6196, 5, 14348, 18, 534, 43, 1634, 6197, 56, 968, 45, 6198, 90, 580, 32, 7, 1634, 6197], [953, 875, 7, 1447, 2175, 90, 580, 186, 7, 194, 1, 14349], [6199, 14350, 2119, 926, 34, 4017, 48, 1929, 14351, 1932, 1, 14352, 6188, 1, 14353], [75, 506, 69, 27, 700, 37, 3, 3377, 48, 5, 2, 3511, 9, 2529, 90, 580], [8, 15, 14354, 51, 3, 911, 8, 90, 580, 9, 3, 909, 8, 589, 1008, 5, 2, 911, 4, 1349, 14355, 14356, 181], [268, 1429, 48, 5, 222, 102, 4297, 4, 880, 1932, 1089, 90, 580, 1, 14357, 1993, 1439, 3512, 3117, 2580], [6, 109, 90, 580, 25, 2, 1984, 727, 3682, 316, 698, 14358, 38, 196], [1350, 1265, 1816, 277, 20, 2991, 2194, 36, 4, 727, 65, 23, 68, 90, 580, 25, 3, 1816, 12, 2, 1350, 1265, 1920, 1, 14359], [1816, 14360, 90, 580, 46, 2194, 249, 157, 5, 6200, 1, 14361], [1994, 1456, 90, 300, 7, 1680, 777, 19, 2231, 1994, 6201, 17, 2, 991, 112, 962, 4272, 604, 4, 1633, 1, 14362], [410, 2273, 21, 23, 1039, 52, 6202, 90, 300, 1241, 181, 11, 964, 237, 4, 2, 726, 7, 2, 48, 5, 1447, 1974], [1994, 1456, 90, 300, 7, 1680, 777, 19, 2231, 1, 14363, 58, 14364], [1447, 2175, 259, 90, 300, 808, 604, 4, 194, 1, 14365], [14366, 14367, 14368, 111, 42, 44, 1039, 49, 90, 300, 1995, 11, 535, 14369, 5, 2, 14370, 212, 409, 59, 1136, 19, 1, 14371], [1994, 1456, 90, 300, 7, 1680, 777, 19, 2231, 1, 14372, 14373], [652, 2195, 148, 4435, 96, 14374, 90, 300, 1588, 14375, 1469, 212, 1, 14376, 1, 14377], [14378, 6139, 14379, 46, 121, 14380, 1673, 279, 90, 300, 1, 14381, 1, 14382], [129, 2351, 4, 13, 2, 381, 7, 22, 258, 8, 166, 142, 14383, 14384, 14385, 46, 252, 48, 1215, 90, 300, 1, 14386], [452, 4436, 6203, 346, 14387, 1930, 2168, 2368, 13, 1130, 316, 339, 1213, 785, 5, 488, 111, 42, 1706, 4, 90, 300, 11, 60, 3, 14388], [90, 300, 1995, 11, 14389, 1996, 409, 14390, 615, 2364, 3169, 1, 14391, 1457, 14392], [371, 32, 90, 300, 1588, 14393, 14394, 7, 14395, 14396, 19, 514, 4088, 4931, 14397, 1, 14398], [29, 2, 14399, 8, 49, 4437, 122, 2196, 1559, 4, 2655, 3, 1165, 798, 414, 295, 1373, 6, 155, 6, 210, 1809, 2, 6180, 63, 90, 300, 122, 2196, 1559], [5985, 5986, 1357, 2, 521, 25, 2, 268, 1429, 48, 196, 5987, 90, 300, 862, 1, 5988, 58, 5989, 5990], [4436, 488, 111, 42, 14400, 13, 1130, 1213, 785, 14401, 90, 300, 1, 14402], [1994, 1456, 90, 300, 7, 1680, 777, 19, 2231, 1994, 6201, 17, 2, 991, 112, 962, 14403, 1, 14404, 58, 14405], [4438, 13, 14406, 14407, 14408, 6, 27, 992, 11, 10, 710, 12, 2, 232, 1784, 6, 35, 14409, 2, 90, 300, 1985, 10, 2, 1009], [1994, 4439, 2823, 7, 1680, 777, 90, 300, 14410, 1, 14411, 14412, 58, 774, 50, 14413, 56, 210, 3204, 108, 173], [2085, 268, 2975, 1361, 18, 6202, 90, 300, 1688, 485, 1995, 90, 300, 4440, 70, 14414, 5028, 1021, 28, 14415], [452, 2, 75, 14416, 44, 37, 1039, 3, 6204, 90, 300, 808, 11, 4441, 2823, 19, 118, 6205, 1222, 261, 2, 6206, 1, 14417], [90, 300, 808, 1883, 11, 875, 7, 1447, 2175, 847, 1821, 3333, 4, 26, 1018, 4, 699, 1057, 1593, 1, 14418], [6134, 55, 3048, 2, 438, 110, 233, 675, 2, 82, 3501, 90, 300, 27, 1276, 23, 3, 233, 371], [14, 216, 37, 461, 2, 90, 300, 4427, 12, 14419, 18, 70, 1267, 2575, 14420, 156, 1365, 24, 10, 2755, 38], [1323, 157, 2, 1140, 7, 254, 2831, 1166, 166, 1466, 287, 158, 32, 14421, 90, 300, 234, 28, 14422], [3513, 2262, 14423, 14424, 90, 300, 9, 14425, 2545, 1, 14426, 14427, 58, 14428], [3514, 6204, 90, 300, 8, 146, 5767, 19, 22, 14429, 11, 118, 6205, 1222, 14430, 928, 1791, 25, 14431, 48, 346, 14432, 14433, 14434], [14435, 1994, 1456, 90, 300, 7, 1680, 777, 19, 2231, 1, 14436, 58, 512, 1, 14437], [90, 300, 808, 1883, 11, 875, 7, 1447, 1, 6207, 1, 6208], [452, 59, 25, 4436, 6203, 12, 66, 3, 339, 1213, 785, 13, 1130, 4422, 90, 300, 7, 2, 1641, 488, 111, 42, 22, 1928, 1, 14438], [52, 90, 300, 4432, 11, 964, 237, 5, 468, 7, 1687, 566, 48, 261, 1447, 2175, 1, 6189, 4433, 1, 6190, 98], [6206, 1222, 48, 3507, 14439, 90, 300, 808, 1, 14440], [22, 8, 49, 2126, 14441, 94, 9, 2657, 90, 14442, 692, 34, 2, 1026, 81, 14443, 833, 833, 833], [14444, 14445, 75, 751, 1334, 18, 88, 10, 150, 1371, 40, 2127, 18, 2, 193, 987, 2, 90, 300, 8, 916, 1513], [90, 300, 1890, 19, 170, 2, 48, 4423, 2197, 1257, 29, 6, 109, 4, 3438, 2, 82, 1799, 75, 1515, 14446], [90, 300, 808, 1883, 11, 1447, 46, 194, 6209, 875, 14447, 71, 1, 14448, 14449, 14450], [1213, 5468, 1877, 90, 300, 5, 942, 14451, 2459, 1, 14452, 2993, 1, 14453], [53, 4442, 195, 16, 1799, 52, 443, 13, 417, 6, 829, 426], [979, 66, 6, 2228, 1992, 4, 2, 1733, 7, 2, 263, 2892, 635, 108, 4, 426, 14, 183, 680, 160, 1, 14454, 196, 116], [14455, 4136, 208, 18, 14456, 5, 14457, 6210, 331, 14458, 14459, 54, 150, 37, 426], [6, 2014, 186, 15, 809, 14, 6211, 426, 18, 2128, 9, 14, 1135, 820, 6212, 1, 14460, 14461, 1, 14462], [2649, 1625, 426, 4, 14463, 1, 4443, 14464, 1, 14465], [14466, 10, 24, 31, 43, 123, 4, 178, 2, 1244, 426, 18, 22, 1227, 3176, 14, 4418, 558, 558, 27, 54, 1008, 63, 27, 69, 3, 14467, 737, 158, 32, 114], [14468, 14469, 14470, 307, 55, 45, 1832, 88, 244, 3775, 27, 33, 3, 14471, 14472, 4, 426], [13, 301, 710, 3515, 2, 1009, 3147, 32, 6042, 2, 3755, 9, 4444, 3436, 30, 6, 3516, 14473, 1, 14474], [6213, 1937, 240, 1794, 8, 14475, 2, 125, 89, 426], [2829, 10, 33, 15, 63, 16, 831, 1063, 32, 7, 2, 1720, 26, 1018, 11, 17, 253, 4, 426], [15, 8, 1321, 9, 14, 293, 1172, 4, 426, 2, 14476, 7, 1122, 25, 183, 6, 35, 31, 43, 123, 72, 4, 1120, 780, 32], [53, 6214, 2370, 76, 38, 31, 43, 123, 17, 859, 6, 89, 426, 76, 834, 2804], [8, 54, 60, 4, 14477, 2, 1387, 168, 14478, 587, 426, 73, 2106, 1, 14479], [6, 14480, 15, 1477, 33, 266, 60, 4, 426], [6215, 6216, 9, 612, 124, 14481, 24, 4445, 9, 2, 125, 829, 1577, 840, 426, 1, 14482], [14, 1751, 2067, 60, 4, 426, 681, 14, 180, 87], [46, 711, 136, 14483, 426, 6, 968, 4, 1496, 2, 2409, 39, 301, 14484, 1767, 6217, 1, 14485, 367], [979, 66, 6, 2228, 1992, 4, 2, 1733, 7, 2, 263, 2892, 635, 108, 4, 426, 14, 183, 680, 160, 1, 14486, 196, 116], [4928, 7, 6213, 255, 53, 3, 1794, 27, 240, 1794, 125, 89, 426, 14487], [6218, 14488, 14489, 3413, 14490, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 426, 5, 234, 1, 14491, 71, 14492], [6, 35, 60, 4, 426], [979, 66, 6, 2228, 1992, 4, 2, 1733, 7, 2, 263, 2892, 635, 108, 4, 426, 14, 183, 680, 160, 1, 14493, 196, 116], [14, 293, 354, 426, 417], [14494, 5427, 219, 5428, 1077, 17, 8, 67, 169, 4, 178, 141, 2396, 426], [413, 94, 2, 2717, 18, 3, 2452, 6214, 283, 157, 2, 785, 14495, 6, 2662, 10, 10, 89, 426, 76, 3, 313, 14496, 7, 309], [14497, 14498, 53, 10, 2839, 36, 15, 8, 354, 426], [14, 14499, 31, 43, 123, 4, 426, 6, 192, 4, 699, 22, 358, 3517, 26, 32, 2676, 2686, 53, 10, 192, 38], [2152, 7, 2, 207, 227, 14, 191, 6, 35, 60, 4, 426, 28, 14500], [6219, 2339, 20, 14501, 6, 6220, 14502, 1734, 14503, 14504, 372, 9, 14505, 14506, 459, 1076, 14507, 1, 14508], [979, 66, 6, 2228, 1992, 4, 2, 1733, 7, 2, 263, 2892, 635, 108, 4, 426, 14, 183, 680, 160, 1, 14509, 196, 116], [61, 53, 6, 175, 4, 400, 2, 6221, 335, 6, 270, 426, 15, 172, 26, 14510], [45, 301, 65, 426], [979, 66, 6, 2228, 1992, 4, 2, 1733, 7, 2, 263, 2892, 635, 108, 4, 426, 14, 183, 680, 160, 1, 14511, 196, 116], [14512, 155, 176, 3, 2042, 8, 18, 1800, 1415, 56, 178, 14, 1135, 426], [14, 293, 8, 354, 426], [6, 35, 1018, 4, 426, 1, 14513, 142], [14514, 387, 14515, 53, 6, 1340, 12, 2, 14516, 41, 14, 293, 426], [2735, 31, 43, 123, 901, 11, 2, 978, 3828, 81, 10, 1600, 53, 2, 14517, 31, 75, 2, 187, 829, 840, 426], [769, 124, 14518, 3, 898, 335, 6, 270, 167, 748, 528, 12, 88, 327, 1, 14519], [14520, 14521, 188, 10, 23, 4, 1310, 6222, 14522, 17, 14523, 27, 3, 13, 390, 14524, 42, 7, 180, 177, 167, 528, 45, 43, 2, 14525], [14526, 14527, 14528, 14529, 7, 110, 5, 153, 15, 8, 528, 2, 67, 243, 13, 14530, 15, 8, 29, 1211, 121, 1, 14531], [3, 6059, 7, 14532, 591, 330, 528, 9, 4422, 22, 14533, 58, 2893, 1309, 4446, 1309, 2874, 6223, 1, 14534], [14535, 176, 1619, 176, 1399, 528], [266, 140, 14, 136, 2760, 5, 144, 367, 14, 537, 528, 76, 3, 1393, 834, 2804, 14536, 8, 14537, 1, 14538], [2, 3518, 3463, 23, 111, 154, 62, 746, 528, 12, 2, 1244, 1, 14539], [1965, 14540, 452, 725, 3, 14541, 6224, 12, 1009, 528, 18, 3, 3770, 12, 72, 14542, 118, 13, 8, 3452, 1233, 1, 14543], [307, 34, 6, 27, 14544, 49, 5188, 1817, 15, 265, 528, 9, 75, 1515, 536, 45, 43, 2, 741, 328, 33, 14, 775, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 192, 3, 52, 67], [2, 3518, 3463, 23, 111, 154, 62, 746, 528, 12, 2, 1244, 1, 14545], [14, 313, 537, 37, 528, 3519, 2272, 67, 1240, 28, 14546, 14547], [14548, 27, 985, 174, 244, 51, 2, 243, 13, 126, 528, 43, 153, 12, 564, 510, 2460, 1, 14549, 431, 14550, 273, 14551, 1, 14552], [37, 487, 2, 115, 6225, 1935, 528, 69, 210, 26, 3, 14553, 14554, 121], [6, 248, 60, 17, 1216, 11, 676, 241, 512, 1241, 2851, 15, 9, 6, 847, 17, 8, 685, 4, 1313, 60, 754, 512, 27, 16, 528, 754, 7, 15], [17, 528, 1516, 60, 6226, 7, 2079, 4447, 6227, 5, 2, 6228, 2824, 9, 6229, 2, 2079], [53, 10, 1134, 38, 2154, 174, 730, 17, 6, 286, 26, 1050, 14555, 12, 2, 374, 1817, 6, 848, 89, 23, 528], [2, 3518, 3463, 23, 111, 154, 62, 746, 528, 12, 2, 1244, 1, 14556], [1567, 14557, 44, 528, 12, 137, 14558, 28, 14559], [3919, 254, 6230, 528, 14560, 21], [2087, 1934, 14561, 14, 483, 37, 528, 929], [127, 22, 115, 37, 6231, 204, 14562, 293, 18, 95, 3031, 1897, 335, 6, 270, 15, 840, 528], [14563, 57, 6, 23, 4, 138, 1946, 14, 6232, 14564, 306, 220, 37, 528], [14565, 14566, 37, 660, 3, 279, 3520, 310, 36, 12, 3, 1890, 1344, 638, 18, 3, 2100, 1344, 638, 2223, 506, 37, 528, 76, 1287, 5476], [14567, 246, 929, 1853, 14568, 8, 2680, 5, 2, 215, 1915, 158, 32, 14569, 8, 14570, 8, 47, 1267, 25, 3, 126, 17, 109, 528], [14, 293, 528, 6, 3881], [14571, 6178, 5, 2448, 34, 2, 48, 725, 6212, 76, 2, 396, 9, 528, 874, 87, 3486, 14572, 167, 112, 14573], [17, 528, 1516, 60, 6226, 7, 2079, 4447, 6227, 5, 2, 6228, 2824, 9, 6229, 2, 2079], [227, 810, 14, 5603, 776, 528, 166, 142, 6, 27, 1294, 15, 269, 2452, 9, 253, 27, 14574, 14575, 776, 168, 134], [14576, 3, 14577, 14578, 2, 528, 6233, 2, 14579], [4445, 867, 80, 64, 851, 215, 1290, 180, 528, 20, 1394, 1210, 94, 1, 14580], [71, 1177, 315, 1162, 2894, 528, 5, 14581, 186, 14582, 78, 3761, 14583, 6, 14584, 14585, 1, 14586, 85, 2124], [14587, 4448, 233, 623, 1851, 532, 174, 252, 6234, 532, 174, 110, 6, 84, 95, 14588, 528, 57, 723, 2555, 31, 43, 123, 4, 30, 57, 17, 54], [2190, 19, 3, 859, 330, 6235, 14589, 4031, 215, 275, 157, 2, 3909, 15, 277, 2, 230, 5, 2, 2532, 9, 528, 14590, 3343], [52, 2895, 2896, 75, 1515, 1817, 2897, 1020, 11, 2898, 2899, 145, 248, 2461, 1, 14591, 1, 14592], [3916, 3521, 514, 805, 483, 14593, 46, 394, 1929, 513, 217, 2, 2705, 1, 14594], [204, 3467, 133, 1303, 394, 115, 298, 51, 3, 6236, 1303, 2713, 36, 5, 95, 1121, 1, 14595, 1, 14596], [424, 6237, 14597, 27, 2656, 3897, 46, 14598, 394, 1, 14599], [1192, 14600, 2581, 60, 2716, 914, 5, 4449, 19, 2, 6238, 914, 394, 22, 504, 1997, 4923, 1, 14601], [411, 535, 298, 5, 394, 5, 464, 133, 1060, 5, 1339, 2697, 1, 14602], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 14603, 896, 666, 394, 19, 14604, 2, 2900, 2577, 710], [1029, 394, 268, 1086, 14605, 3445, 5, 3522, 14606, 14607, 3523, 1, 14608], [30, 16, 155, 6, 23, 267, 68, 22, 1375, 4, 3, 3524, 394, 5, 29, 565], [14609, 617, 394, 4450, 70, 263, 3360, 617, 32, 617, 5356, 617, 2116, 47, 67, 12, 422, 1111, 2311, 14610, 835], [176, 3, 2042, 8, 6239, 394, 12, 2988, 190, 38, 266, 493, 5, 2042, 8, 6239], [14611, 52, 1348, 667, 2198, 7, 49, 394, 20, 1001, 14612, 1, 14613, 1, 14614, 5756, 273, 14615], [14616, 111, 1822, 12, 14617, 14618, 394, 14619, 71, 6240, 14620, 14621, 4971, 14622, 1, 14623], [3, 6241, 1361, 7, 240, 128, 394, 278, 2460, 20, 14624, 14625, 14, 14626, 148, 243, 14627, 28, 14628, 14629], [14630, 14631, 1411, 31, 3, 6242, 118, 1640, 1422, 9, 23, 2, 14632, 394], [374, 781, 9, 402, 543, 62, 199, 933, 394, 2, 2808, 17, 172, 5445, 40, 4410, 1978, 14633], [14634, 443, 154, 62, 3096, 623, 3525, 1963, 88, 4180, 19, 2, 6238, 914, 394, 12, 22, 504, 1997, 1, 14635], [14636, 6, 289, 54, 195, 9, 6, 289, 10, 168, 8, 5, 2, 394, 173], [3, 14637, 13, 14638, 20, 14639, 14640, 5392, 76, 3, 14641, 12, 2, 2416, 7, 2, 6218, 1, 14642, 173], [14643, 14644, 1514, 24, 1208, 6243, 1000, 2, 394, 9, 59, 995, 121, 4, 121, 205], [14645, 14646, 17, 8, 325, 75, 11, 3, 844, 394], [52, 2895, 2896, 75, 1515, 1817, 2897, 1020, 11, 2898, 2899, 145, 248, 2461, 1, 14647, 1, 14648], [3916, 3521, 514, 805, 3526, 2686, 46, 394, 5, 1288, 3180, 1, 14649], [13, 1234, 14650, 1234, 14651, 13, 6244, 13, 14652, 14653, 6244, 13, 14654, 14655, 14656, 14657, 77, 14658, 1234, 1, 14659], [14660, 18, 14661, 933, 394, 1931, 3382, 14662, 1112, 62, 199, 263, 14663, 14664], [52, 2895, 2896, 75, 1515, 1817, 2897, 1020, 11, 2898, 2899, 145, 248, 2461, 1, 14665, 1, 14666], [52, 2895, 2896, 75, 1515, 1817, 2897, 1020, 11, 2898, 2899, 145, 248, 2461, 1, 14667, 1, 14668], [127, 10, 343, 2, 4957, 394, 30, 16, 343, 32, 14669, 433, 19, 14670, 98, 14671, 1, 14672], [14673, 1213, 394], [2976, 1201, 14674, 394, 232, 5, 2103, 19, 14675, 8, 6245, 3470, 2013, 1269, 2353, 1136, 1, 14676], [55, 276, 3, 14677, 394, 12, 129, 1259, 1, 14678, 14679, 1, 14680], [27, 5, 3, 331, 180, 2430, 110, 109, 12, 2, 14681, 19, 216, 9, 2797, 4, 178, 394, 14682, 5897, 91, 67, 5624, 3, 2462], [14683, 45, 2, 14684, 798, 1151, 3832, 17, 14685, 5, 12, 14686, 4979, 1, 14687, 1, 14688], [52, 2895, 2896, 75, 1515, 1817, 2897, 1020, 11, 2898, 2899, 145, 248, 2461, 1, 14689, 14690, 1, 14691], [10, 24, 5594, 4, 2, 14692, 394, 368, 1407, 234, 51, 564, 14693, 1418, 14694, 1603, 877, 14695, 1, 14696], [2, 14697, 5, 14698, 112, 2723, 14699, 3098, 904, 394, 14700], [2, 14701, 7, 2, 394, 1502, 31, 15, 13, 14702, 2, 169, 10, 14703, 14704, 2989, 80, 14705, 28, 14706], [11, 211, 17, 78, 3110, 5, 2, 944, 14707, 1200, 2130, 14708, 19, 2, 381, 7, 14709, 4, 6246, 133, 14710, 13, 1, 14711], [2, 611, 8, 1891, 60, 2, 1544, 394, 9, 2, 1544, 8, 1891, 60, 2, 611, 394, 1623, 14712], [2235, 14713, 689, 779, 7, 2248, 187, 20, 3099, 14714, 14715, 6247, 1, 14716, 1, 14717], [14718, 6, 35, 49, 689, 1950], [689, 14719, 904, 58, 225, 1, 14720, 1, 14721], [6248, 803, 689, 71, 14722, 436, 310, 4, 14723, 176, 4451, 1650, 1773, 6248, 803, 14724, 1, 14725, 14726], [689, 6249, 7, 415, 7, 153, 75, 14727, 25, 14728, 7, 4099, 779, 4452, 28, 14729, 14730], [2618, 348, 1081, 6250, 3308, 14731, 961, 2110, 13, 689, 79, 1495, 2, 1113, 3, 2618, 348, 1081, 6250, 14732, 1, 14733], [689, 708, 8, 14734, 14735, 20, 1038, 3044, 5592, 248, 2, 424, 20, 14736, 12, 2, 1923, 7, 14737, 5, 71, 1, 14738], [248, 49, 689, 1341, 25, 153, 25, 22, 121, 5, 2460, 1, 14739, 1, 14740, 85], [1276, 135, 6144, 39, 195, 16, 1946, 689, 79, 2, 3384, 869, 79, 1, 14741, 1, 14742], [6251, 689, 4, 1673, 279, 866, 402, 543, 62, 199, 708, 1975, 17, 438, 37, 66, 901, 460, 3, 1, 14743, 14744], [14745, 6252, 74, 42, 1327, 728, 14746, 1952, 14747, 44, 1134, 567, 689, 71, 54, 132, 2361, 63, 6253, 49, 2901, 8, 3300], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 14748, 1914, 6254, 2686, 3, 5544, 232, 424, 25, 2, 2053, 430, 3493, 12, 14749, 689], [3724, 3710, 2, 689, 1341, 7, 2127, 14750, 9, 2, 825, 2463, 7, 6255, 14751, 1, 14752, 1, 14753, 798], [2, 2283, 2410, 3276, 689, 779, 1180, 21, 14754, 14755, 14756, 1, 14757, 1, 14758], [66, 14759, 14760, 575, 2, 65, 5, 153, 217, 689, 4453, 14, 14761, 1, 14762], [248, 3, 14763, 689, 1341, 7, 153, 1, 14764], [248, 49, 689, 1341, 25, 153, 25, 22, 121, 5, 2460, 1, 14765, 85], [6256, 689, 71, 14766, 216, 14767, 1184, 5, 2222, 12, 909, 3527, 4454, 1, 14768, 14769], [702, 36, 14770, 430, 689, 71, 14771, 14772, 205, 57, 12, 14773, 19, 2366, 14774, 1, 14775, 14776, 19, 2366, 1, 14777], [12, 519, 7, 153, 213, 14778, 3863, 7, 1945, 689, 1341, 2902, 3528, 14779, 40, 1839, 1, 14780], [849, 1644, 234, 976, 438, 1079, 1049, 217, 144, 689, 1341, 7, 3901, 14781, 14782, 20, 1270, 1939, 4, 1777, 1, 14783], [2903, 689, 1278, 1437, 4455, 1278, 1437, 560, 3529, 10, 210, 421, 49, 1026, 12, 1, 14784], [2903, 689, 1278, 1437, 4455, 1278, 1437, 560, 3529, 10, 210, 421, 49, 1026, 12, 1, 14785], [116, 1881, 14786, 3173, 14787, 14788, 689, 1341, 7, 637, 854, 14789, 10, 2158, 2, 126, 9, 14790, 1, 14791], [4872, 4954, 20, 14792, 14793, 14794, 3, 14795, 689, 5923, 28, 14796, 14797, 58, 137], [3, 1073, 2582, 689, 71, 1028, 14798, 14799, 1, 14800], [2903, 689, 1278, 1437, 769, 1164, 20, 14801, 14802, 14803, 14804, 1278, 1716, 560, 3529, 10, 119, 1, 14805], [15, 8, 1866, 32, 361, 18, 6257, 3157, 4456, 6257, 3157, 4456, 41, 26, 5, 1349, 1296, 3352, 98, 9, 14806, 98, 1, 6258], [2903, 689, 1278, 1437, 4455, 1278, 1437, 560, 3529, 10, 210, 421, 49, 1026, 12, 1, 14807], [6256, 689, 71, 3126, 115, 73, 5608, 96, 1733, 2904, 134, 14808, 14809, 11, 851, 1, 14810], [14811, 14812, 14813, 4424, 36, 14814, 41, 178, 621, 167, 610, 4, 216, 1922, 1, 14815, 1, 14816], [6, 1015, 134, 4, 398, 2565, 6259, 62, 1403, 67, 7, 2, 383, 1498, 3085, 44, 14817, 134, 54, 1015, 134, 4, 398, 2565, 6259, 62, 14818, 85, 1, 6258], [958, 330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 3971, 804, 958, 611, 1, 14819, 435, 14820], [245, 14821, 710, 301, 2679, 35, 16, 551, 177], [330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 1, 14822], [1123, 330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 5, 832, 14823, 733, 7, 2619, 4457, 1599, 551, 2865, 1, 14824, 1, 14825], [4308, 1886, 38, 9, 6, 132, 6260, 848, 2197, 166, 565, 5, 551, 14826, 191], [1643, 4, 3, 1717, 31, 3, 14827, 2464, 2, 59, 817, 10, 23, 2, 59, 1144, 10, 24, 4, 3530, 25, 64, 551, 14828, 1, 14829, 14830], [1092, 33, 14831, 4458, 110, 9, 551, 647], [263, 106, 1082, 12, 2, 4251, 1191, 14832, 1387, 14833, 551, 4406], [958, 330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 1, 14834], [14835, 1633, 40, 3531, 816, 330, 1230, 181, 311, 14836, 4, 138, 1330, 551, 302, 207, 1225, 1954, 14837, 2279, 4, 1973, 65], [3, 2866, 4, 2, 1780, 73, 14838, 5, 2, 14839, 44, 68, 14840, 5, 2, 93, 119, 4256, 1, 14841, 4, 285, 4459, 1, 14842], [14843, 330, 1752, 3750, 2, 1250, 1046, 1132, 41, 381, 551, 9, 733, 7, 2619, 20, 14844, 32, 7, 941, 1814, 1614, 28, 14845], [330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 1, 14846], [52, 1079, 588, 958, 330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 248, 59, 19, 160, 1, 14847, 14848], [666, 3257, 18, 4458, 9, 551, 3532, 272, 168, 1599, 747, 24, 1604, 411, 2711, 3418, 39, 61, 210, 6261, 28, 14849], [2, 551, 8, 283, 4, 49, 381, 14850, 1, 14851, 14852], [167, 14853, 33, 3, 4458, 46, 3, 551, 9, 54, 27, 6262, 4921, 2082, 14854, 1, 14855, 14856, 14857, 14858, 14859], [958, 330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 1, 14860], [1123, 1536, 330, 269, 65, 138, 2423, 78, 16, 2, 151, 1412, 18, 49, 2239, 611, 1, 14861], [1112, 62, 5359, 6263, 14862, 1781, 14863, 4198, 142, 2196, 51, 551, 2178, 11, 70, 174, 3533, 14864, 28, 14865, 14866], [804, 958, 330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 1, 14867, 1, 14868], [3, 2626, 5, 218, 1301, 14869, 3198, 14870, 14871, 1, 14872], [958, 14873, 14874, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 14875, 21, 1, 14876], [14877, 611, 14878, 330, 6136, 4, 14879, 514, 43, 14880, 1544, 6264, 154, 62, 199, 551, 27, 2, 1903, 28, 14881], [958, 330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 1, 14882, 58, 4274], [6, 23, 1197, 4460, 2, 6265, 7, 14883, 14884, 11, 2, 122, 64, 2, 551, 563, 23, 68, 2093, 53, 2, 385, 832, 14885, 33, 17], [1, 14886, 958, 330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 1, 14887], [51, 460, 962, 2033, 59, 86, 2, 233, 6263, 551], [14888, 2354, 38, 51, 2, 14889, 399, 141, 330, 51, 14890, 200, 479, 4, 14891, 2, 2759, 15, 626, 14892], [452, 14893, 330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 958, 402, 1901, 1187, 92, 6, 84, 14894, 1, 14895], [2, 4461, 7, 14896, 340, 2, 551, 8, 43, 1, 14897], [330, 1279, 5, 1123, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 6266, 14898], [3376, 4462, 551, 2862, 2148, 6267, 14899, 14900, 28, 14901], [958, 330, 1279, 14902, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 1, 14903], [1668, 2, 381, 7, 159, 24, 1107, 96, 551, 148, 193, 2815, 2, 6268, 8, 6269, 6270], [14904, 6003, 14905, 141, 3164, 6271, 4463, 108, 330, 2196, 287, 2, 5329, 551, 1098, 53, 4464, 3, 14906, 3218, 91, 931, 3410], [2761, 7, 551, 217, 289, 5, 4160, 3, 413, 12, 61, 156, 1508, 51, 55, 1769, 191, 1, 14907, 14908, 14909], [3401, 367, 6, 14910, 3, 6084, 551, 2815, 550, 47, 963, 4465, 14911], [958, 330, 1279, 1280, 1090, 836, 872, 551, 791, 21, 4092, 71, 1, 14912, 77, 14913], [923, 372, 419, 18, 857, 7, 939, 424, 49, 923, 372, 44, 68, 419, 18, 857, 43, 2, 223, 1681], [4767, 14914, 223, 4066, 2800, 4257, 49, 2661, 3174, 115, 1, 14915], [372, 866, 419, 18, 857, 5, 669, 193, 7, 6272, 3534, 2, 923, 135, 4229, 1231, 5, 3, 1, 14916, 273, 14917], [223, 6273, 8, 1586, 9, 61, 55, 23, 1586, 8, 995], [14918, 1205, 223, 669, 7, 106, 207, 244, 909, 5, 3522, 2450, 1, 14919, 273, 14920], [470, 1186, 2161, 1236, 4, 311, 7, 223, 3535, 48, 1, 14921], [14922, 6, 35, 937, 39, 6, 35, 32], [74, 42, 115, 5, 95, 1055, 14923, 168, 21, 46, 669, 12, 4466, 554, 1, 14924, 1, 14925], [115, 1498, 3085, 5, 223, 14926, 4, 31, 52, 2798, 1, 14927, 58, 14928], [14929, 74, 42, 124, 14930, 5, 14931, 9, 4250, 223, 103, 1, 14932], [14933, 4, 285, 14934, 14935, 14936, 5, 1555, 14937, 1, 14938], [923, 372, 419, 18, 857, 7, 939, 424, 49, 923, 372, 44, 68, 419, 18, 857, 43, 2, 223, 1681], [1376, 4, 14939, 223, 14940, 144, 18, 3, 14941, 1955, 8, 1115], [923, 372, 419, 18, 857, 7, 939, 424, 49, 923, 372, 44, 68, 419, 18, 857, 43, 2, 223, 1681], [115, 419, 43, 223, 103, 261, 14942, 4463, 6274, 1, 14943, 58, 774, 50, 14944], [102, 115, 4910, 857, 2841, 5, 6275, 14945, 223, 103, 5, 1, 14946, 981, 1, 14947], [2, 1427, 223, 14948, 5, 2, 534, 760, 28, 14949, 58, 137], [391, 4307, 74, 42, 24, 1205, 3, 223, 14950, 669, 5, 726, 391, 4307, 1, 14951], [2981, 21, 591, 14952, 1873, 4, 223, 669, 5, 709, 430, 1, 14953, 14954, 14955], [923, 372, 419, 18, 857, 7, 939, 424, 49, 923, 372, 44, 68, 419, 18, 857, 43, 2, 223, 1681], [981, 1647, 1879, 14956, 18, 161, 3090, 14957, 419, 5, 223, 851, 131, 1, 14958], [14959, 14960, 6, 35, 838, 382, 10, 761, 40, 6276, 8, 223, 847, 15, 8, 33, 1881, 124, 14961, 954, 6276], [923, 372, 419, 18, 857, 7, 939, 424, 49, 923, 372, 44, 68, 419, 18, 857, 43, 2, 223, 1681], [3290, 8, 16, 4467, 365, 50, 117, 8, 16, 223], [470, 1186, 2161, 1236, 4, 311, 7, 223, 3535, 48, 1, 14962], [923, 372, 419, 18, 857, 7, 939, 424, 49, 923, 372, 44, 68, 419, 18, 857, 43, 2, 223, 1681], [923, 372, 419, 18, 857, 7, 939, 424, 49, 923, 372, 44, 68, 419, 18, 857, 43, 2, 223, 1681], [773, 38, 113, 63, 113, 14963, 14964, 5, 22, 14965, 6, 14966, 14967, 11, 14968, 113, 16], [372, 866, 419, 18, 857, 5, 669, 193, 7, 6272, 3534, 1, 14969], [3376, 14970, 290, 14971, 24, 325, 19, 2, 223, 954], [223, 6273], [71, 4468, 74, 42, 2067, 295, 1373, 5, 223, 103, 17, 926, 6125, 261, 5562, 67, 709, 8, 606, 1, 14972, 1721, 42, 4469], [923, 372, 419, 18, 857, 7, 939, 424, 49, 923, 372, 44, 68, 419, 18, 857, 43, 2, 223, 1681], [470, 1186, 2161, 1236, 4, 311, 7, 223, 3535, 48, 1, 14973], [372, 866, 419, 5, 223, 669, 7, 14974, 1, 14975], [923, 372, 419, 18, 857, 7, 939, 424, 49, 923, 372, 44, 68, 419, 18, 857, 43, 2, 223, 1681], [923, 372, 419, 18, 857, 7, 939, 424, 49, 923, 372, 44, 68, 419, 18, 857, 43, 2, 223, 1681], [470, 1186, 2161, 1236, 4, 311, 7, 223, 3535, 48, 1, 14976], [5005, 5, 14977, 380, 21, 1291, 14978, 14979, 1647, 5, 532, 174, 151, 14980, 1, 14981], [52, 431, 187, 71, 231, 193, 2352, 2817, 4, 566, 5, 52, 431, 187, 45, 3536, 380, 21, 78, 7, 4222, 3929, 18, 1, 14982], [171, 952, 3714, 2, 6277, 192, 11, 129, 380, 21, 66, 89, 10, 1216, 15, 157, 5, 2546, 14983, 1, 14984], [4470, 3291, 5, 263, 185, 2699, 21, 11, 3390, 949, 380, 21, 14985, 1, 14986], [55, 24, 977, 14987, 11, 49, 14988, 131, 722, 1001, 1123, 9, 848, 793, 14989, 108, 1540, 380, 21, 113, 24, 55, 6278, 108], [187, 14990, 14991, 16, 4, 4187, 46, 59, 982, 7, 1436, 380, 21, 261, 2167, 14992, 1, 14993], [14994, 14995, 73, 250, 14996, 9, 2341, 27, 75, 11, 10, 289, 69, 8, 68, 47, 352, 21, 63, 380, 21], [1776, 17, 69, 24, 47, 380, 21, 34, 47, 67, 27, 377, 281, 698, 2, 2980, 595, 566, 48, 14997, 9, 326, 48, 2794, 12, 1169], [34, 7, 2, 14998, 4, 23, 2681, 69, 78, 3, 1381, 7, 14999, 380, 21, 6279, 59, 86, 2, 122, 573, 7, 166, 207, 1, 15000], [15001, 1902, 2155, 4409, 5011, 21, 781, 23, 3, 189, 1, 15002, 1, 15003], [15004, 6280, 1058, 485, 624, 3321, 15005, 2756, 1, 15006], [185, 5064, 1998, 1999, 380, 21, 1998, 1999, 44, 661, 29, 15007, 2, 5795, 21, 7, 15008, 1, 15009, 1, 15010], [3424, 3758, 143, 3100, 5705, 907, 15011, 2836, 15012, 1170, 3425, 2539, 76, 6044, 246, 1329, 18, 380, 21], [352, 21, 15013, 9, 380, 21, 239, 2905, 1, 15014], [1, 15015, 15016, 980, 1902, 871], [6, 1098, 66, 15017, 15, 41, 189, 4, 23, 45, 2, 2637, 5, 4471, 30, 380, 21, 12, 15018, 6281], [401, 2162, 15019, 380, 21, 1109, 1061, 100, 105, 213, 19, 511, 1582, 409, 1, 15020], [608, 129, 1900, 15021, 9, 1547, 2, 15022, 25, 15023, 171, 96, 23, 47, 380, 21, 43, 22, 2727, 4244, 75, 15024], [1998, 1999, 380, 21, 24, 29, 15025, 39, 1276], [2, 15026, 5, 4471, 26, 992, 33, 380, 21], [15027, 116, 17, 15028, 51, 10, 1212, 104, 66, 4, 30, 380, 21, 5, 1998, 1999, 1, 15029], [15030, 88, 380, 21, 15031, 15032, 2152, 20, 15033, 28, 15034], [15035, 1891, 60, 15036, 380, 21, 1, 15037, 1, 15038, 40, 15039], [1998, 1999, 1030, 45, 380, 21, 12, 4472, 6281, 28, 4443, 6282, 11, 15040, 15041], [2906, 284, 9, 380, 21, 7, 49, 15042, 243, 13, 126, 1921, 12, 40, 15043, 1, 15044, 6283], [2, 6284, 24, 2793, 380, 21, 9, 1297, 352, 21, 34, 3, 1903, 7, 2, 627, 12, 2, 6285, 261, 6286], [1068, 15045, 15046, 144, 106, 4473, 11, 262, 991, 1581, 1000, 998, 1606, 46, 380, 21, 5, 15047, 1, 15048], [69, 23, 68, 6287, 2811, 15049, 380, 21, 5, 1249, 278, 6288], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 15050, 6289, 8, 47, 4008, 6289, 15051, 380, 15052], [15053, 15054, 134, 4, 359, 129, 6290, 411, 555, 13, 380, 21, 55, 192, 4, 138, 72, 4, 2, 1404, 15055, 28, 15056], [5246, 4, 190, 129, 5725, 342, 50, 10, 1, 15057], [1463, 476, 1641, 4263, 1051, 4474, 380, 21, 24, 65, 15058, 4, 15059, 638, 4, 3, 147, 1, 15060], [1998, 1999, 1030, 8, 49, 3173, 380, 21, 9, 2, 272, 675, 3450, 267, 112, 18, 3, 1998, 1999, 15061, 1479, 1, 15062], [4205, 15063, 1470, 1024, 380, 21, 346, 4319, 2813, 1, 15064], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 15065, 1, 15066, 1998, 1999, 1030, 2325, 4207, 380, 15067, 4471], [4470, 3291, 5, 263, 185, 2699, 21, 11, 3390, 949, 380, 21, 1, 15068], [6284, 2361, 380, 21, 5, 5577, 588, 103, 6285, 2119, 926, 19, 6286, 604, 4, 149, 1, 15069], [226, 568, 523, 21, 1843, 15070, 380, 21, 9, 1427, 4, 2154, 1393, 1182, 380, 21, 28, 15071], [47, 1038, 143, 149, 380, 21, 11, 4475, 207, 949, 3400, 161, 3537, 5, 3426, 6291, 1, 15072, 15073], [6, 2310, 4, 13, 66, 17, 89, 16, 1045, 2, 1298, 7, 434, 380, 21, 157, 15074], [74, 15075, 8, 19, 15076, 166, 799, 13, 1738, 5, 52, 431, 187, 110, 9, 647, 4, 2802, 909, 2593, 9, 15077, 380, 21, 1, 15078], [3220, 3221, 4476, 2768, 17, 1780, 7, 1182, 380, 21, 78, 823, 11, 6292, 15079, 15080], [2303, 6293, 212, 15081, 380, 21, 34, 2160, 445, 1969, 5, 1356, 18, 548, 15082, 203, 4477, 34, 6, 1, 15083], [636, 15084, 41, 6294, 2085, 555, 13, 380, 21, 36, 25, 4998, 9, 52, 636, 3045, 110, 555, 13, 406, 15085, 2900, 11, 2168], [1056, 380, 21, 157, 12, 4478, 1900, 39, 5748, 9, 4479, 19, 59, 1011, 1, 15086], [15087, 4, 15088, 3179, 374, 1482, 3148, 350, 5760, 8, 4051, 43, 6287, 1598, 581, 4862, 295, 2527, 1, 15089], [3885, 15090, 581, 96, 55, 24, 13, 15091, 205, 57, 29], [2420, 15092, 1735, 1500, 636, 38], [29, 301, 15093, 5077, 2027, 4257, 15094, 1341, 9, 1098, 113, 54, 27, 1057, 124, 4, 581, 95, 15095, 5004, 835, 77, 1888], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 6295, 1, 15096, 4480, 4481, 6296, 6297, 3, 85, 6298, 1019, 4482, 581, 2907, 2908], [15097, 15098, 15099, 7, 3461, 581, 15100, 4483, 15101], [581], [1701, 7, 15102, 1062, 869, 581, 1545, 916, 1069, 1, 15103], [15104, 3474, 51, 93, 30, 3, 581, 9, 33, 2, 15105, 8, 92, 6, 84, 15106], [581], [955, 581, 12, 2909, 374, 15107, 277, 1698, 370, 1753, 955, 6, 35, 539, 124], [15108, 15109, 15110, 1757, 10, 277, 4484, 8, 3538, 2, 581, 9, 177, 15111, 208, 3538, 2, 15112, 1321, 1321, 34, 400, 681, 14, 265, 180, 5163], [6299, 74, 42, 1205, 4474, 581, 277, 20, 3, 143, 1033, 1, 15113], [581, 28, 15114], [15115, 14, 2805, 761, 85, 44, 3, 1069, 581, 1545], [66, 162, 15116, 127, 3, 15117, 581, 20, 15118, 15119, 31, 1, 15120, 2665, 15121], [56, 24, 672, 3, 331, 1801, 106, 9, 161, 3, 563, 13], [581, 96, 192, 3, 876, 55, 192, 67], [2373, 1332, 246, 508, 96, 1247, 226, 2051, 15122, 581, 278, 652, 2195, 1, 15123], [17, 1665, 219, 156, 1508], [15124, 581], [15125, 1446, 581, 15126, 334, 1847, 15127, 3342, 15128, 1446, 18, 459, 15129, 3393, 2182, 12, 6300, 302, 4, 726, 892, 7, 434], [15130, 15131, 15132, 581], [15133, 1606, 15134, 1375], [1050, 17, 69, 8, 3, 79, 7, 240, 581, 12, 15135, 809, 38, 1211], [15136, 581], [6299, 74, 42, 1205, 4474, 581, 277, 20, 3, 143, 1033, 1, 15137], [581, 28, 15138], [581, 2029, 1920, 848, 16, 2, 197, 2908, 39, 92, 6, 84, 2029], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 6295, 1, 15139, 4480, 4481, 6296, 6297, 3, 85, 6298, 1019, 4482, 581, 2907, 2908], [303, 103, 12, 15140, 19, 15141, 5, 6301, 8, 3, 581, 590, 1211, 1320, 565, 2785, 316, 2, 917], [15142, 6103, 273, 15143, 4412, 761, 135, 1896, 424, 7, 4290, 581, 34, 307, 1865], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 15144, 1, 15145, 15146, 1030, 15147, 15148, 829, 581, 12, 15149, 15150, 6236], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 15151, 4480, 4481, 4482, 581, 2907, 2908, 1019, 1719, 2115, 15152, 15153], [193, 7, 6302, 15154, 2592, 11, 3930, 15155, 228, 4271, 4213, 3385, 2, 15156, 581, 7, 2245, 12, 559, 1, 15157], [581], [2327, 8, 3, 261, 193, 581, 11, 38, 12, 2, 434, 382, 191, 8, 12, 14, 892], [260, 2878, 5, 4304, 673, 760], [6, 375, 3, 317, 695, 59, 1276, 86, 45, 7, 1541, 2910, 28, 15158], [2, 3846, 6, 118, 1084, 2, 67, 17, 2998, 14, 85, 15159, 260, 15160, 1098, 15161, 2848, 2, 624, 15162, 1, 15163], [15164, 1295, 40, 15165, 15166, 316, 14, 2189, 1817, 9, 6, 15167, 5, 260], [311, 6, 104, 240, 115, 44, 3, 260, 7, 3, 15168, 513, 39, 6, 163, 167, 8, 3, 15169, 53, 167, 109, 15, 12, 88, 705, 9, 1651, 15, 15170], [14, 350, 1138, 260, 8, 1258, 15171, 2, 65, 73, 457, 643, 5, 38], [6, 2297, 175, 4, 2779, 10, 39, 2, 260, 2911, 38, 4, 30, 15, 6303], [752, 260, 2, 758, 7, 146, 4062, 20, 3, 513, 63, 15172, 1834, 15173, 146, 15174, 76, 15175, 241, 56, 24, 1018], [2, 460, 55, 260, 272, 5, 15176, 15177, 15178, 2, 3539, 3339, 7, 6304, 15179, 15180], [260, 2878, 893, 111, 154, 62, 199, 443, 15181, 273, 15182, 1, 15183], [15184, 15, 8, 45, 60, 3540, 15185, 15186, 53, 10, 30, 9, 1017, 40, 6305, 177, 3131, 507, 93, 41, 104, 9, 286, 16, 260, 4, 30, 756], [367, 15187, 15188, 6, 614, 2, 5800, 78, 830, 9, 6, 776, 2912, 134, 25, 260, 15189, 1, 15190], [15191, 2, 260, 7, 16, 992, 33, 10, 104, 61, 10, 24, 15192, 15193, 17, 27, 3, 374, 67, 11, 38, 15194], [2, 3541, 7, 50, 8, 260, 2834, 15195, 15196], [260, 137, 1, 15197], [190, 38, 934, 296, 296, 296, 296, 20, 711, 2, 272, 1963, 12, 14, 1079, 588, 3, 3696, 7, 260, 1, 15198, 607, 15199, 334, 6306], [6307, 77, 15200, 55, 563, 6308, 4, 962, 3, 2356, 18, 271, 1408, 5, 260, 7, 146, 725, 4485, 20, 15201, 3030, 63, 901, 65], [753, 15202, 24, 375, 20, 5833, 15203, 15204, 55, 1550, 15205, 2319, 7, 108, 5, 2913, 11, 2, 15206, 7, 260, 1, 15207], [6, 175, 4, 26, 18, 10, 15208, 20, 14, 15209, 22, 594, 62, 199, 15210, 9, 15211, 5, 4470, 15212, 15213], [14, 945, 260, 28, 15214], [15215, 15216, 1108, 15217, 266, 4486, 5, 260, 54, 8, 354, 5045, 2, 2557], [51, 2, 125, 163, 4260, 191, 346, 30, 16, 260, 1, 15218, 15219, 15220], [20, 3510, 260, 7, 2, 4487, 18, 13, 6309, 55, 1257, 6310, 36, 15221, 28, 15222], [50, 191, 59, 86, 10, 260, 806], [30, 16, 773, 2, 2752, 4439, 38, 2, 260], [15223, 3318, 15224, 783, 15225, 798, 15226, 6, 35, 15227, 22, 174, 1747, 1638, 1620, 32, 7, 260, 6, 150, 934, 9, 31, 14, 180, 1052, 1084], [34, 7, 205, 57, 6, 35, 4401, 2, 15228, 17, 8, 61, 56, 260, 2, 272, 15229], [232, 3, 15230, 85, 5490, 40, 260, 7, 1820, 18, 289, 5, 95, 3029, 9, 50, 11, 208], [14, 350, 1138, 260, 8, 17, 3270, 10, 41, 13, 38, 2, 169, 6, 13, 850], [3453, 711, 1476, 851, 11, 260, 15, 41, 26, 3, 171, 157, 1244, 258, 21, 9, 1716, 1335, 66, 851, 15231, 4, 26, 6311, 1, 15232], [685, 4, 260, 15, 8, 45, 60, 1048, 6312], [15233, 798, 749, 25, 5436, 40, 6305, 4, 2772, 40, 915, 9, 66, 4, 50, 288, 260, 15234, 946, 1, 15235], [2, 1323, 140, 15236, 87, 260, 2, 1323, 140, 8, 12, 2, 15237], [15238, 13, 6, 260, 16, 11, 3, 269], [2, 260, 7, 2, 894, 8, 2, 678, 7, 15239, 39, 2, 15240, 23, 47, 608, 11, 15241, 9, 4249, 15242, 1233], [2, 1298, 7, 65, 15243, 1010, 359, 12, 2, 15244, 2151, 1079, 588, 809, 38, 260, 11, 2, 1404, 7, 2, 96, 39, 356, 1852, 5, 1247], [15245, 6313, 2086, 6, 35, 4881, 15246, 931, 57, 23, 776, 685, 260, 444, 18, 15247, 15248, 15249], [219, 171, 260, 31, 5, 2, 169, 7, 3879, 3103, 40, 3236, 15250, 387, 731, 15251, 15252, 1964, 15253, 1, 15254], [260, 8, 14, 15255], [774, 50, 10, 15256, 15257, 20, 3, 4488, 15258, 7, 260, 15259, 15260, 9, 15261, 1, 15262], [15263, 15264, 459, 48, 15265, 15266, 15267, 1319, 3383, 2182, 510, 15268, 1, 15269, 1, 15270], [5926, 5927, 5928, 304, 7, 6314, 15271, 6315, 20, 48, 1, 15272, 5929, 21], [398, 2, 1070, 1997, 564, 532, 234, 8, 2, 15273, 48, 1181, 1257, 358, 19, 15274, 15275, 554, 15276, 4, 1, 15277], [113, 461, 32, 3, 48, 51, 15, 8, 92, 6, 84, 99], [343, 15278, 311, 78, 12, 48, 55, 24, 12, 48, 78, 12, 48, 57, 810, 78, 12, 48, 55, 24, 12, 48, 78, 12, 48, 57], [14, 15279, 9, 15280, 1682, 8, 48], [1, 15281, 4873, 2091, 6316, 185, 48, 485, 1, 15282, 273, 15283], [14, 4390, 8, 12, 48, 28, 15284], [6, 35, 1689, 17, 623, 37, 2038, 1459, 850, 12, 48, 28, 15285], [1459, 460, 12, 48, 8, 325, 49, 2758], [1523, 411, 3, 48, 1091, 233, 205, 60, 57], [6, 13, 48], [39, 461, 262, 7, 48, 19, 2, 263, 7, 2, 1741, 28, 15286], [6, 35, 12, 48, 1, 15287], [6317, 3542, 6318, 727, 1802, 7, 542, 2884, 1270, 1939, 4, 1777, 2591, 8, 3, 6319, 12, 48, 1076, 8, 1, 15288, 2065], [3509, 15289, 6, 1516, 15, 15290, 48, 15291, 15292, 15293, 1, 15294], [15295, 5217, 810, 37, 73, 55, 192, 204, 1140, 911, 3829, 1204, 568, 32, 4, 31, 931, 1122, 1647, 48, 2794, 4489], [22, 48, 8, 169, 173, 1375, 61, 2, 1372, 8, 31, 43, 123, 12, 1, 15296], [48, 867, 80, 64, 15297, 325, 1416, 31, 1302, 1774, 42, 158, 32, 114], [15298, 15299, 6320, 1622, 8, 48], [307, 15, 1477, 33, 266, 12, 48], [88, 830, 9, 712, 24, 29, 6, 654, 39, 167, 1929, 33, 15300, 12, 2, 48], [71, 6317, 3542, 6318, 727, 1802, 7, 542, 2884, 1270, 1939, 4, 1777, 2591, 8, 3, 6319, 12, 48, 1076, 8, 1, 15301], [685, 33, 3, 75, 48, 28, 15302], [15303, 15304, 2881, 15305, 48, 2321], [102, 68, 4486, 4105, 12, 48, 9, 15306, 1092, 12, 15307, 11, 2, 504, 3683, 174, 15, 35, 16, 31, 43, 123, 6175], [69, 8, 3, 48, 5, 2, 15308, 328, 1385, 605, 22, 118, 1640, 195, 16, 30, 15, 1721, 42, 28, 15309], [5902, 30, 16, 6321, 749, 40, 1246, 8, 354, 26, 48, 37, 30, 16, 6321, 63, 3344, 6, 50, 10, 209, 477], [4154, 15310, 6, 2623, 16, 4, 2045, 5510, 63, 15311, 63, 16, 1701, 5, 3, 48], [22, 644, 1235, 15312, 3199, 27, 61, 956, 27, 4076, 4, 30, 22, 253, 700, 48], [6, 516, 310, 91, 253, 12, 48], [5, 2, 712, 7, 2256, 8, 2344, 4, 285, 4303, 48, 12, 2, 1305, 371, 1801, 371, 203, 28, 15313], [6, 37, 3041, 5, 217, 19, 12, 48, 12, 15314, 15315, 1, 15316], [51, 40, 537, 8, 350, 714, 86, 2, 15317, 5, 1009, 7, 10, 4151, 15318, 2030, 48, 4151], [48, 821, 9, 4251], [15, 150, 4234, 33, 129, 48, 44, 68, 3, 313, 4031, 32], [15319, 3, 15320, 48, 269, 1024, 809, 38, 516, 26, 1523, 261, 67, 672, 15321], [41, 26, 5846, 48, 1955, 8, 647, 1335, 117, 1028, 1195, 7, 64], [48, 437, 15322, 2518, 15323, 897, 11, 48, 2914, 1165, 798, 1785, 147, 510, 12, 437, 303, 1, 15324], [40, 5814, 11, 2, 121, 53, 3, 48, 303, 8, 1051, 10, 18, 1866, 31, 43, 123, 845, 43, 29, 56, 81, 31, 4, 141, 437], [15325, 48, 303, 164, 42, 97, 11, 15326, 48, 1386, 101, 282, 1176, 1650, 1773, 15327, 1, 15328], [2915, 303, 2301, 4490, 48, 5, 2915, 1, 15329], [314, 142, 5, 2, 999, 7, 15330, 240, 48, 303, 8, 32, 17, 2, 875, 44, 306, 220, 8, 33, 3, 48, 303, 11, 240, 358, 15331], [49, 5547, 479, 1334, 9, 2178, 2, 48, 303, 4444, 15, 411, 5982, 2719, 9, 1431, 15, 4, 2657, 43, 1, 15332, 15333], [4491, 3, 4492, 452, 15334, 926, 19, 185, 2784, 15335, 6322, 303, 48], [15336, 127, 16, 189, 33, 3, 383, 1169, 37, 144, 1647, 3, 48, 303, 9, 70, 48, 3026, 893, 1334, 18, 3, 703, 778], [1095, 1986, 48, 303, 146, 635, 5, 1444, 4493, 4494, 159, 1, 15337, 1444], [1095, 1986, 48, 303, 146, 635, 5, 1444, 1986, 7, 4493, 4494, 4988, 48, 1327, 728, 15338, 3534, 15339, 1, 15340], [129, 5219, 303, 198, 874, 12, 48, 681, 14, 265, 180, 87], [15341, 12, 15342, 20, 2, 4495, 303, 17, 8, 48], [15, 8, 219, 3, 75, 236, 142, 51, 10, 4496, 36, 4, 170, 69, 8, 1427, 4789, 3, 48, 303, 5, 2, 1493, 15343, 19, 478, 15, 8, 1418], [48, 303, 9, 397, 5, 15344, 6323, 106, 289, 2653, 838, 15345], [4491, 3, 4492, 726, 4138, 3543, 926, 20, 2, 3975, 185, 2784, 9, 6324, 2143, 604, 4, 303, 48, 6325, 8, 6326, 555, 13], [15346, 15347, 1073, 186, 7, 2, 303, 17, 874, 48], [15348, 15349, 2424, 6, 127, 16, 938, 15, 29, 422, 39, 10, 23, 17, 48, 303, 5, 2, 72, 7, 10, 4, 178, 36, 11, 15, 29, 10, 75, 2424], [479, 928, 22, 48, 79, 16, 1397, 1766, 5043, 169, 7, 1335, 1326, 4, 38, 269, 54, 8, 5, 2, 48, 15350, 203, 1, 15351], [3543, 9, 504, 2, 185, 1482, 1829, 8, 15352, 45, 476, 2522, 24, 926, 45, 2522, 24, 1257, 12, 2, 3543, 119, 6322, 303, 48, 2751, 15353], [4491, 3, 4492, 726, 4138, 3543, 926, 20, 2, 3975, 185, 2784, 9, 6324, 2143, 604, 4, 303, 48, 6325, 8, 6326, 555, 13], [276, 22, 605, 367, 16, 1397, 15354, 15355, 4497, 792, 134, 161, 1916, 453, 3421, 15356, 2176, 48, 1181, 303, 45, 15357, 1, 15358], [15359, 15360, 3791, 48, 303, 18, 15361, 15362, 48, 3945, 485, 15363, 15364, 4918, 13, 1, 15365, 1455, 15366, 1, 15367], [939, 15368, 6133, 5496, 48, 303, 1917, 1745, 2867, 15369, 236, 142, 1329, 1, 15370], [51, 3, 6327, 303, 15371, 4490, 12, 48, 19, 2, 3493], [303, 48, 15372, 1813, 434, 1, 15373], [15374, 303, 2301, 4490, 48, 5, 2915, 1, 15375], [1444, 1095, 1986, 48, 303, 146, 635, 5, 1444, 203, 7, 82, 1650, 1773, 5, 15376, 15377, 1, 15378], [2081, 3, 48, 303, 5, 22, 3028, 562], [1352, 1322, 1079, 588, 12, 15379, 1, 15380], [4498, 4, 26, 156, 744, 48, 303, 2, 2409, 1, 15381, 1059, 337, 7, 1052, 124, 6328, 20, 15382], [1095, 1986, 48, 303, 146, 635, 5, 1444, 4493, 4494, 159, 1, 15383, 15384], [2606, 48, 101, 282, 3013, 15385, 1047, 303, 111, 154, 62, 199, 15386, 15387, 28, 15388, 58, 137], [6329, 3, 6329, 6187, 676, 46, 303, 48, 5, 1, 15389, 1, 15390], [15391, 587, 60, 122, 656, 280, 56, 24, 129, 1073, 5366, 4499, 40, 443, 13], [6, 35, 2712, 11, 129, 122, 656, 4500, 15392, 9, 895, 73, 5378, 29, 15393, 704, 4, 398, 5393, 444, 110], [1400, 15394, 11, 2261, 5773, 9, 1176, 7, 122, 656], [1383, 1845, 15395, 371, 1407, 15396, 678, 1322, 889, 6330, 15397, 15398, 1755, 122, 15399, 15400], [1481, 2, 169, 22, 802, 27, 2634, 4, 2660, 29, 162, 6034, 1863, 7, 122, 656, 15401, 1760, 1, 15402, 15403], [122, 656, 89, 219, 26, 1221, 4, 2, 935, 2802, 361, 18, 15404, 2792, 1480, 15405, 182, 13, 2462, 15406, 1176, 1, 15407], [15408, 81, 15409, 346, 1342, 1917, 1122, 4, 13, 4501, 122, 6331, 100, 105, 1, 15410], [723, 605, 8, 17, 5782, 24, 4421, 61, 6, 33, 4, 437, 5884, 122, 656, 11, 141, 317, 881, 73, 192, 3, 313, 190, 63, 801], [15411, 15412, 12, 1983, 1797, 669, 55, 24, 2712, 11, 2563, 9, 122, 656, 1176, 8, 3274, 6332, 1, 15413], [116, 15414, 607, 4, 4086, 11, 95, 441, 4, 45, 122, 656, 11, 146, 69, 51, 55, 192, 10, 203, 1, 15415], [6, 37, 1078, 6194, 122, 656, 825, 141, 237, 4, 4502, 183, 2309, 540, 12, 15416, 28, 15417], [5390, 11, 129, 122, 656, 2407, 62, 746, 4500, 11, 85, 1649, 1314, 110, 5, 1983, 1797], [15418, 5634, 122, 656, 1082, 32, 11, 329, 142, 32, 1, 15419], [15420, 6, 30, 16, 2704, 2, 1621, 1487, 411, 15421, 1665, 15422, 11, 122, 656, 9, 280, 39, 54, 8, 3, 1487], [96, 1172, 1404, 122, 656, 4, 26, 59, 15423, 1, 15424], [69, 8, 92, 6, 84, 1148, 11, 10, 19, 129, 1198, 11, 122, 656, 25, 411, 2, 832, 3360, 2155, 197, 267, 1, 15425], [6141, 7, 149, 2, 122, 656, 89, 104, 17, 69, 8, 3, 598, 3497, 28, 15426], [15427, 15428, 1, 15429, 561, 15430, 15431, 668, 477, 4, 1601, 122, 656], [55, 81, 190, 346, 1342, 1917, 1122, 4, 13, 4501, 122, 6331, 100, 105, 1, 15432], [122, 656, 15433, 11, 329, 6171, 9, 15434, 12, 15435, 1520, 1, 15436, 15437, 15438], [431, 1930, 122, 656, 4802, 4, 398, 444, 5, 15439, 11, 15440, 3027, 13, 2246, 1, 15441, 1236], [91, 75, 1136, 4, 190, 122, 656, 6152, 4437, 15442, 315, 15443, 80, 64, 11, 656, 1, 2247, 15444], [15445, 15446, 47, 444, 825, 1937, 211, 7, 122, 656, 63, 2, 799, 13, 56, 24, 419, 18, 5786], [122, 656, 31, 15447, 15448, 369, 12, 1997, 2232, 1, 15449], [19, 2, 15450, 82, 164, 181, 6294, 867, 80, 1592, 2, 4503, 74, 42, 1196, 9, 122, 656, 17, 190, 421, 96, 1458], [22, 454, 122, 656, 9, 15451, 1173, 24, 5025, 15452, 5, 3, 1054, 121, 15453, 4504, 133, 1029, 1436, 1, 15454], [34, 1196, 178, 15455, 12, 268, 2975, 5357, 750, 8, 3544, 4, 2, 409, 4, 867, 80, 64, 18, 122, 656, 647, 917], [46, 669, 1407, 19, 2, 1074, 5963, 8, 1254, 369, 1767, 4, 45, 122, 656, 74, 42, 1196, 1983, 15456, 15457], [47, 15458, 6333, 11, 1991, 63, 122, 656, 504, 9, 3497, 12, 15459, 28, 15460, 15461], [52, 919, 247, 919, 145, 218, 15462, 6334, 6335, 15463, 1, 15464, 118, 13, 512, 15465], [52, 2391, 12, 3335, 218, 2037, 4505, 4506, 4507, 119, 3523, 247, 145, 736, 1, 15466, 1, 15467], [52, 2391, 12, 3335, 218, 2037, 4505, 4506, 4507, 119, 3523, 247, 145, 736, 1, 15468, 1, 15469], [3856, 31, 43, 123, 316, 2, 3263, 7, 247, 6336, 6337, 15470, 1, 15471], [4441, 15472, 70, 247, 28, 15473], [53, 10, 132, 15474, 2, 247, 15475, 25, 806, 2369, 1861, 8, 15476, 15477, 21], [37, 1078, 91, 59, 48, 4, 2, 247, 11, 1997, 440, 124, 1098, 41, 26, 4444, 3, 6338, 310, 1334, 18, 15478, 1, 15479], [15480, 15481, 15482, 247], [15483, 247, 61, 809, 3, 75, 6106, 1524, 1, 15484, 1, 15485, 15486], [6, 1171, 10, 81, 163, 15487, 5626, 536, 36, 5, 247], [6, 41, 2405, 335, 6, 270, 14, 15488, 15489, 5, 247], [17, 52, 1789, 835, 1030, 963, 8, 685, 39, 247], [15490, 6, 1430, 6, 27, 75, 1133, 4, 2052, 247, 4, 14, 5885, 266, 12, 48], [14, 2252, 1323, 1609, 18, 108, 750, 247, 2882, 15491], [52, 2391, 12, 3335, 218, 2037, 4505, 4506, 4507, 119, 3523, 247, 145, 736, 1, 15492, 1, 15493], [15494, 220, 938, 15495, 1199, 27, 37, 2676, 9, 2, 265, 506, 536, 36, 5, 247, 6, 847, 3, 126, 536, 87, 227, 14, 191, 1065], [2916, 2917, 48, 17, 139, 510, 626, 20, 1663, 2454, 259, 2047, 1150, 424, 346, 76, 2, 247, 1, 15496, 15497], [52, 919, 247, 919, 15498, 750, 6334, 6335, 15499, 1, 15500, 561, 15501, 1, 15502], [5584, 13, 2, 527, 1970, 1905, 1170, 3460, 1196, 1781, 4, 489, 247, 5, 102, 15503, 982, 203], [763, 15, 138, 36, 5, 247], [15504, 250, 56, 81, 13, 309, 283, 25, 2, 15505, 12, 15506, 530, 80, 64, 5, 15507, 39, 47, 247], [6, 6339, 10, 29, 53, 55, 81, 1440, 11, 2, 2128, 7, 37, 2, 136, 7, 96, 15508, 26, 261, 5764, 47, 1535, 61, 1321, 247, 1491, 129, 15509, 15510], [2916, 2917, 48, 17, 139, 510, 626, 20, 1663, 2454, 259, 2047, 1150, 424, 346, 76, 2, 247, 1196, 15511], [15512, 15513, 271, 8, 1459, 247, 1107, 38], [247, 2356, 17, 8, 2, 15514, 13, 892, 7, 38, 47, 2509, 15, 8, 2338, 39, 15, 81, 26, 673, 6, 257, 33, 2, 1080, 41, 6340, 12, 2597], [2916, 2917, 48, 17, 139, 510, 626, 20, 1663, 2454, 259, 2047, 1150, 424, 346, 76, 2, 247, 1, 15515], [29, 15516, 38, 269, 6, 2138, 76, 247, 6, 23, 112, 1133, 7, 2, 125, 9, 176, 4182, 15517, 1080], [15518, 15519, 175, 4, 2138, 76, 247, 4125, 15520, 2339, 208, 15521], [6341, 15522, 15523, 15524, 13, 15525, 6341, 93, 16, 4105, 247, 25, 38, 266, 37, 354, 26, 15526, 2, 15527], [341, 5612, 171, 15, 1491, 15528], [53, 10, 23, 49, 2805, 9, 10, 30, 16, 461, 15, 12, 15529, 1244, 10, 41, 15530, 76, 247], [6, 23, 3, 2465, 5095, 15531, 70, 59, 1825, 5, 2, 504, 454, 31, 40, 3666, 205, 160, 1, 15532], [15533, 15534, 37, 1296, 15535, 9, 15536, 485, 247, 653, 411, 88, 709, 1459, 916, 831, 5, 2, 409], [15537, 15538, 2916, 2917, 48, 17, 139, 510, 626, 20, 1663, 2454, 259, 2047, 1150, 424, 346, 76, 2, 247, 15539], [2916, 2917, 48, 17, 139, 510, 626, 20, 1663, 2454, 259, 2047, 1150, 424, 346, 76, 2, 247, 1, 15540], [15541, 5647, 10, 502, 178, 45, 40, 1167, 647, 311, 6, 35, 5423, 9, 247, 41, 26, 5319, 647], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 15542, 612, 3188, 3920, 36, 5, 247, 111, 154, 62, 199, 79], [54, 502, 86, 2646, 1892, 6, 81, 1310, 6222, 17, 2646, 8, 247, 57, 39, 54, 502, 86, 2646, 28, 15543], [2, 15544, 15545, 7, 5, 247, 15546, 6342, 6343, 4315, 15547], [582, 45, 15548, 5840, 69, 15549, 28, 15550], [2, 434, 4, 3290, 8, 5399, 18, 15551, 4, 285, 21, 17, 6, 582, 12, 2, 143, 1485, 117, 1028], [257, 33, 6, 23, 68, 582, 20, 3, 15552, 15553, 47, 995, 47, 6344, 15554, 15555, 1343], [2086, 5, 330, 582, 1, 15556], [3545, 44, 37, 582, 208, 69, 4733], [3545, 44, 37, 1347, 582, 17, 898], [582, 28, 15557], [336, 174, 730, 2, 122, 243, 13, 131, 582, 153, 106, 694, 1368, 15, 27, 1088, 722, 148, 4468, 4, 461, 3971, 5, 176, 741], [110, 564, 3921, 8, 2, 1142, 519, 7, 5915, 313, 372, 68, 1921, 12, 153, 336, 139, 15558, 34, 2, 187, 27, 582], [89, 23, 37, 582, 2, 313, 5796, 28, 15559], [73, 250, 22, 15560, 15561, 63, 15562, 15563, 15564, 1389, 11, 3, 582, 32, 15565, 2644, 15566, 2624, 203, 6, 325, 15567], [15568, 19, 15569, 15570, 15571, 62, 1403, 51, 54, 582, 15572, 127, 54, 1583, 17, 677, 4172, 54, 825, 2543, 4, 710, 54, 1765, 7, 825, 4, 356], [15573, 582, 1055, 3546, 195, 31, 1271, 13, 3729, 29, 15574, 1906, 3148, 1271, 591, 94, 9, 165, 1092, 15575, 28, 15576], [15577, 146, 582, 15578, 1624, 80, 64, 1036, 7, 1052, 124, 3502, 127, 16, 31, 1897, 36, 76, 6345, 1, 15579], [582, 6346, 6347], [118, 256, 36, 582, 15580, 752, 15581, 5, 15582, 2812, 28, 15583], [3545, 37, 582, 17, 898], [15584, 666, 310, 4, 26, 582, 67, 7, 15585, 187, 998, 6, 6348, 13, 120, 8, 1258, 15586, 25, 2, 4739, 1, 15587], [15588, 6349, 40, 637, 6349, 40, 1366, 54, 8, 12, 2, 1807, 6, 614, 6, 582, 10, 18, 3, 903], [2777, 68, 233, 53, 15589, 37, 582, 17, 313, 6013], [15590, 15591, 903, 158, 32, 114], [6, 30, 16, 2509, 15, 39, 15, 27, 95, 5458, 15592, 2918, 5, 609, 15, 17, 809, 38, 175, 208, 582, 20, 3, 453, 28, 15593], [15594, 3, 75, 1207, 15595, 15596, 9, 582, 6350, 6350, 27, 3, 15597, 4817, 3429, 4508, 16, 3, 15598, 15599, 13, 1339, 1487], [15600, 15601, 5149, 15602, 15603, 6, 155, 2, 1011, 7, 2711, 9, 252, 88, 2633, 582, 44, 3, 562, 4, 30, 18, 15], [15604, 840, 37, 118, 1084, 36, 88, 52, 147, 110, 9, 582, 2, 3526, 671, 757, 4, 3476, 32, 2, 3547, 15605], [619, 80, 15606, 15607, 15608, 15609, 582, 6351, 5, 95, 15610, 4318, 5422, 7, 1007, 7, 17, 758, 51, 15611, 1985, 15612, 899], [15613, 582, 4264], [1600, 252, 582, 20, 15614, 3545], [2, 6352, 8, 15, 8, 36, 4, 2, 4509, 3689, 15, 8, 36, 4, 2, 4077, 2829, 15, 41, 26, 582, 63, 16, 15615, 15616], [367, 980, 3548, 980, 6353, 4396, 3548, 421, 1966, 9, 980, 12, 3548, 375, 18, 582, 1, 15617], [1069, 144, 1546, 52, 2107, 1292, 6354, 6355, 3923, 6356, 10, 4498, 1546, 582, 145, 736, 1, 15618, 1, 15619], [15620, 2107, 15621, 59, 33, 54, 582, 2, 15622, 25, 15623, 108, 72, 5, 2, 121, 362], [15624, 267, 868, 20, 692, 3, 15625, 189, 479, 43, 95, 327, 9, 95, 3859, 582, 34, 54, 1178, 4, 1259, 4510, 2919, 88, 2367], [1069, 144, 1546, 52, 2107, 1292, 6354, 6355, 3923, 6356, 10, 4498, 1546, 582, 145, 736, 1, 15626, 1, 15627], [51, 15628, 8, 1523, 5, 2, 3287, 262, 15629, 9, 47, 67, 2106, 73, 167, 8], [37, 6357, 3726, 4, 6358, 6359, 890, 262, 360, 11, 3214, 15630, 6360, 6361, 1, 15631, 2199], [879, 262, 1682, 2200, 2201, 13, 2202, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 805, 1884, 1281, 2000, 1152, 145, 736, 1, 15632, 1, 15633], [879, 262, 1682, 2200, 2201, 13, 2202, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 805, 1884, 1281, 2000, 1152, 145, 736, 1, 15634, 1, 15635], [3, 1264, 262, 18, 15636, 28, 2590, 273, 15637, 1, 15638, 15639, 15640], [15641, 1387, 139, 12, 169, 183, 25, 2, 15642, 20, 262, 6362, 402, 543, 62, 2920, 1, 15643], [3549, 3550, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 1281, 1152, 147, 303, 445, 2260, 2466, 262, 2921, 145, 1871, 1, 15644, 1, 15645], [15, 8, 68, 2978, 278, 10, 589, 15646, 6, 35, 493, 5, 2, 15647, 13, 6, 23, 325, 68, 3, 15648, 288, 10, 6, 1066, 36], [15649, 15650, 15651, 15652, 13, 144, 158, 32, 15653, 651, 92, 6, 84, 113, 127, 29, 162, 2406, 168, 8, 5, 2, 5746, 262, 6, 1098], [9, 196, 30, 16, 262, 974, 15654, 15655, 2317, 54, 8, 461, 5, 95, 170], [879, 262, 1682, 2200, 2201, 13, 2202, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 805, 1884, 1281, 2000, 1152, 145, 736, 1, 15656, 1, 15657], [15658, 39, 54, 2297], [803, 6363, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 805, 6364, 879, 262, 1682, 2408, 1281, 2466, 445, 145, 2335, 1, 15659, 1, 15660], [3549, 3550, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 1281, 1152, 147, 303, 445, 2260, 2466, 262, 2921, 145, 1871, 1, 15661, 1, 15662], [15663, 13, 282, 2, 262, 7, 65, 3012, 1175, 1941, 10, 17], [15664, 215, 2404, 15665, 1, 15666, 15667, 6365, 15668, 15669, 1100, 170, 624, 262, 1152, 15670, 303, 4123, 6366, 4511, 1, 15671], [15672, 15673, 1100, 4248, 459, 624, 5768, 1808, 3551, 262, 624, 15674, 1152, 15675, 1, 15676, 1, 15677], [17, 15678, 15679, 19, 535, 35, 70, 6082, 15680, 15681, 1930, 1326, 430, 111, 154, 62, 199, 982, 2922, 262, 203, 1, 878, 15682, 1, 15683], [144, 3873, 52, 6365, 161, 1609, 1100, 170, 1024, 262, 624, 1281, 15684, 6366, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 15685, 1, 15686], [3549, 3550, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 1281, 1152, 147, 303, 445, 2260, 2466, 262, 2921, 145, 1871, 1, 15687, 1, 15688], [1244, 2708, 212, 2, 262, 15689, 15690, 8, 1135, 3042, 2, 3389, 884, 3319, 15691, 1, 15692], [15693, 639, 15694, 262, 1995, 11, 4512, 1634, 110, 6, 84, 849, 185, 5578, 179, 98, 1220, 1, 15695], [3549, 3550, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 1281, 1152, 147, 303, 445, 2260, 2466, 262, 2921, 145, 1871, 1, 15696, 1, 15697], [262, 1995, 5, 856, 11, 4512, 430, 5, 1634, 335, 6, 270, 340, 179, 98, 15698, 1, 15699], [116, 15700, 2878, 6367, 2923, 15701, 867, 80, 1592, 12, 15702, 9, 262, 6367, 310, 11, 1033, 142, 203, 1, 15703], [879, 262, 1682, 2200, 2201, 13, 2202, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 805, 1884, 1281, 2000, 1152, 145, 736, 1, 15704, 1, 15705], [879, 262, 1682, 2200, 2201, 13, 2202, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 805, 1884, 1281, 2000, 1152, 145, 736, 1, 15706, 1, 15707, 15708], [879, 262, 1682, 2200, 2201, 13, 2202, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 805, 1884, 1281, 2000, 1152, 145, 736, 1, 15709, 1, 15710], [262, 1995, 1039, 564, 975, 19, 15711, 98, 2001, 20, 1153, 1, 15712, 15713], [449, 2, 15714, 2, 15715, 15716, 129, 2396, 2888, 2, 15717, 1412, 15718, 15719, 191, 41, 55, 386, 6310], [879, 262, 1682, 2200, 2201, 13, 2202, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 805, 1884, 1281, 2000, 1152, 145, 736, 1, 15720, 1, 15721], [262, 4513, 4265, 5, 15722, 430, 57, 15723, 11, 1780, 5, 305, 2196, 3081, 1, 15724], [2371, 101, 282, 876, 15725, 5, 1006, 4, 190, 262, 295, 1242, 1, 15726, 15727, 1, 15728], [262, 1995, 1039, 564, 975, 19, 15729, 98, 1220, 335, 6, 270, 564, 975, 19, 15730, 98, 1220, 20, 1153, 2, 15731, 9, 1, 15732, 279], [803, 6363, 1219, 1100, 170, 624, 805, 6364, 879, 262, 1682, 2408, 1281, 2466, 445, 145, 2335, 1, 15733, 1, 15734], [268, 94, 2504, 217, 1821, 1408, 87, 15735, 530, 80, 64, 1781, 4, 489, 292, 639, 46, 15736, 332, 107, 15737, 1, 15738], [13, 4514, 1869, 4389, 4238, 4, 652, 2195, 43, 292, 19, 1, 15739], [680, 19, 2, 5108, 591, 1086, 3395, 32, 20, 332, 292, 1, 15740, 15741], [15742, 1387, 54, 15743, 3, 313, 59, 241, 54, 6368, 95, 1210, 94, 1256, 698, 88, 292, 88, 15744, 9, 1967, 18, 95, 215, 3754, 124, 13, 1234], [324, 1800, 9, 890, 292, 480, 5, 2, 6369, 9, 6370, 1, 15745, 15746, 279, 3552, 1010, 2167], [15747, 2827, 452, 4269, 15748, 39, 1461, 43, 2, 701, 15749, 292, 480, 15750, 1, 15751], [1931, 4, 1547, 3685, 5849, 1809, 941, 15752, 4, 15753, 3553, 4919, 15754, 292, 1, 15755, 15756], [292, 1, 15757], [15758, 15759, 47, 1109, 292, 2682, 5, 2, 409, 15760, 15761], [292, 508, 3554, 4515, 43, 67, 1393, 5, 936, 774, 50, 10, 71, 3386, 1, 15762, 3699], [292, 508, 3554, 4515, 43, 67, 1393, 5, 936, 774, 50, 10, 71, 3386, 1, 15763], [15764, 292, 535, 3225, 5703, 125, 4516, 4797, 1, 15765], [251, 15766, 432, 15767, 101, 427, 836, 890, 251, 5, 15768, 3, 540, 7, 432, 3193, 1, 15769, 292], [15770, 807, 2, 312, 8, 4, 943, 50, 390, 335, 6, 270, 56, 81, 4434, 163, 55, 23, 4, 678, 2452, 63, 15, 8, 43, 3956, 89, 249, 292, 5], [13, 4514, 1869, 4389, 4238, 4, 652, 2195, 43, 292, 19, 1, 15771], [3517, 151, 1500, 636, 2227, 1136, 186, 65, 24, 292, 14, 3154, 1694, 2150, 38, 11, 1136], [51, 2, 821, 24, 292, 2, 15772, 6, 132, 789, 14, 169, 183, 15773, 8, 51, 6, 189, 19, 10, 1, 15774, 15775], [53, 292, 245, 812, 861, 5, 40, 183, 66, 4, 294, 15776, 4100, 58, 15777, 1, 15778], [1, 15779, 15780, 292, 7, 1485, 626, 405, 4098, 6371, 6371, 1, 15781], [2, 2371, 24, 292, 52, 431, 187, 595, 33, 219, 241, 1, 15782], [228, 1651, 3127, 15783, 782, 5, 839, 6015, 3954, 15784, 269, 292, 93, 119, 15785, 1022, 1, 15786, 15787, 58, 15788], [29, 2712, 11, 45, 2, 801, 292, 5, 25, 15789, 15790, 3149, 15791, 382, 10, 45, 28, 15792], [69, 91, 890, 292, 5, 4197, 15793], [15794, 8, 15, 173, 417, 4, 678, 292, 40, 1293, 2983, 18, 249, 4, 2032, 2687, 754, 6, 41], [9, 166, 207, 15, 27, 37, 3, 562, 7, 2, 15795, 24, 292, 9, 15796, 42, 6, 35, 1255], [6372, 264, 15797, 1771, 3, 2138, 230, 1641, 1286, 907, 292, 19, 3, 6373, 1588, 1, 15798, 1, 15799, 227, 14, 191], [927, 4252, 9, 292, 5, 222, 652, 2195, 1772, 424, 47, 70, 1, 15800, 273, 15801, 1, 15802], [15803, 227, 14, 191, 2, 791, 21, 24, 292, 72], [262, 83, 2138, 230, 2389, 251, 5813, 19, 52, 431, 15804, 2287, 862, 15805, 15806, 230, 2389, 251, 3, 1, 15807], [4517, 189, 19, 45, 14, 2800, 1477, 292, 72], [1006, 2853, 6374, 1007, 34, 945, 292, 5, 4343, 1886, 2924, 7, 1006, 1, 15808], [1821, 5, 2, 948, 538, 7, 245, 1656, 187, 505, 25, 5801, 60, 262, 3244, 2999, 4152, 245, 15809, 1, 15810], [5619, 6, 827, 31, 2, 229, 77, 85, 6, 175, 6, 35, 292, 1541, 3538, 45, 118, 212, 7, 96, 3483, 1415], [15811, 6, 13, 88, 292, 19, 993, 5482], [3324, 292, 508, 2171, 5, 1006, 15812, 1529, 11, 190, 1, 15813], [2866, 2467, 11, 6375, 430, 6376, 139, 5, 6330, 292, 6375, 430, 6377, 4450, 3751, 15814, 1, 15815], [292, 508, 3554, 4515, 43, 67, 1393, 5, 936, 1, 2018, 15816, 478, 3554, 65, 23, 68, 139, 9, 916, 866, 15817], [382, 93, 45, 6378, 221, 11, 292, 14, 3154, 15818, 14, 4806, 15819, 212, 930, 15820, 15821, 6378, 15822, 50, 93, 45, 325, 15823], [4081, 15824, 484, 890, 251, 1136, 11, 15825, 15826, 15827, 15828, 15829, 1, 15830], [73, 8, 1987, 2, 2925, 9, 251, 73, 8, 1987, 2, 1010, 359, 191, 8, 46, 226, 334, 54, 8, 3555, 88, 3556, 2185], [1006, 292, 927, 3324, 1956, 287, 2, 770, 4, 23, 7, 2030, 23, 626, 292, 890, 251, 9, 15831, 1, 15832], [5, 732, 15833, 65, 23, 988, 2220, 5, 2, 15834, 1667, 728, 4518, 2, 611, 44, 310, 36, 46, 2, 251, 1, 15835], [179, 5959, 30, 16, 1313, 6, 35, 621, 1010, 44, 685, 4, 30, 18, 362, 251, 6379, 5, 2997, 4315, 6, 35, 621, 2261, 37, 993, 19, 10], [6, 15836, 6, 219, 614, 15, 89, 26, 3, 61, 2, 1372, 1113, 651, 15, 8, 160, 46, 770, 4, 1252, 7, 1540, 2631, 15837, 55, 41, 23, 890, 251], [15838, 33, 573, 14, 875, 251, 51, 15, 1956, 39, 92, 6, 84, 6380], [15839, 6381, 724, 2714, 567, 441, 373, 820, 120, 302, 4, 816, 15840, 1794, 2360, 5, 734, 5, 49, 409, 17, 251], [15841, 6, 289, 17, 1305, 15842, 15843, 40, 5085, 9, 251, 40, 2763, 1519, 10, 4, 572, 4, 193], [83, 540, 6382, 20, 251, 1, 15844], [69, 8, 22, 709, 56, 15845, 51, 117, 1701, 40, 1751, 251, 18, 1500, 15846, 1431, 10, 4, 5497, 40, 85, 5, 77, 64, 5, 3, 539, 343, 3088], [23, 10, 267, 3111, 49, 244, 623, 587, 10, 23, 16, 15847, 11, 174, 712, 17, 2305, 251, 7, 791, 21, 45, 1334, 1230, 6383], [251, 3326, 827, 15848, 15849, 2404, 25, 15850, 519, 1893, 3224, 5154, 3, 620, 85, 1, 15851], [262, 83, 4464, 3, 85, 251, 4190, 6384, 6385, 4035, 6386, 2926, 1125, 305, 2279, 4, 608, 1484, 13, 864, 1, 15852], [4519, 140, 604, 4, 251, 5, 1006, 15853, 849, 185, 15854, 15855, 2, 193, 2352, 2675, 110, 4, 4519, 5, 1006, 1, 15856, 561, 15857], [599, 882, 135, 2468, 46, 567, 139, 70, 363, 5, 251, 5, 1444, 1, 15858, 58, 15859, 1164], [15860, 51, 15, 1956, 5, 6387, 15, 890, 251, 4520, 176, 37, 3, 4367, 7, 2274, 728, 9, 15861], [1094, 2469, 1, 3378, 15862, 251, 7, 75, 6388, 20, 15863, 15864, 3864, 1200, 443, 13], [15865, 4476, 287, 251, 7, 2013, 63, 889, 15866, 3246, 15867, 240, 1374, 7, 230, 15, 172, 272, 15868, 4368, 2452, 40, 169], [15869, 251, 646, 2874, 3546, 1, 15870, 1, 15871], [6, 289, 15, 1956, 6389, 2, 385, 1317, 6, 289, 15, 251, 9, 2, 15872, 962, 15873, 618], [1448, 1327, 15874, 15875, 943, 6390, 12, 15876, 251, 15877, 4, 1154, 1, 15878], [15879, 15880, 4440, 360, 15881, 436, 15882, 6391, 480, 251, 5, 6392, 1688, 15883, 5, 15884, 1688], [116, 15885, 5, 2801, 4181, 611, 44, 16, 4339, 251, 49, 82, 15886, 41, 1781, 4, 6393, 1, 15887], [916, 684, 3239, 65, 575, 20, 251, 5, 15888, 1, 15889, 1, 15890], [15891, 4464, 3, 85, 251, 4190, 6384, 6385, 4035, 6386, 2926, 1125, 305, 2279, 4, 608, 1667, 728, 2923, 188, 34, 262, 800, 1, 15892], [150, 1820, 190, 45, 211, 2742, 25, 2, 936, 251, 10, 9, 40, 152, 21, 24, 5, 129, 15893], [755, 387, 731, 5, 1006, 327, 3, 1292, 448, 34, 251, 277, 2, 272, 1, 15894], [50, 51, 1031, 251, 2640, 809, 10, 257, 77, 5, 3852, 18, 831, 54, 127, 33, 10, 27, 69, 63, 15895], [73, 8, 1987, 2, 2925, 9, 251, 73, 8, 1987, 2, 1010, 359, 191, 8, 46, 226, 334, 54, 8, 3555, 88, 3556, 2185], [4519, 168, 8, 5, 1006, 251, 15896, 575, 1, 15897, 28, 15898], [599, 882, 135, 2468, 46, 567, 139, 70, 363, 5, 251, 5, 15899, 1, 15900, 599], [3877, 435, 3161, 325, 251], [251, 311, 284, 9, 193, 928, 3355, 45, 708, 201, 1, 15901, 975, 4375, 234, 1, 15902], [34, 417, 34, 2355, 2350, 271, 251, 2, 15903, 399, 20, 1673, 15904, 1625, 15905], [73, 8, 1987, 2, 2925, 9, 251, 73, 8, 1987, 2, 1010, 359, 191, 8, 46, 226, 334, 54, 8, 3555, 88, 3556, 2185], [15906, 144, 70, 2902, 15907, 36, 7, 3955, 6394, 5209, 2438, 15908, 13, 2639, 214, 48, 3298, 133, 2628, 15909, 6395, 15910, 15911], [26, 1718, 641, 73, 444, 797, 7, 15912, 214, 4173, 44, 3, 2864, 6001, 48, 3544, 942], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 15913, 15914, 9, 2, 15915, 214, 2140, 510, 48, 9, 193], [66, 8, 15, 67, 6396, 1596, 81, 678, 3, 214, 48, 39, 15, 1000, 3, 385, 1502, 4, 678, 3, 6397], [129, 313, 214, 48, 15916, 1, 15917], [48, 5, 4521, 329, 214, 1683, 4, 3557, 1932, 1, 15918], [15919, 15920, 15921, 15922, 12, 3935, 48, 1334, 1996, 12, 214, 434, 144, 6398, 1, 15923], [1503, 80, 6399, 1521, 19, 88, 11, 1459, 14, 214, 12, 48, 9, 5508, 2, 253, 32, 7, 88, 6400], [15924, 3080, 2, 214, 12, 48], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 2412, 15925, 2184, 6401, 48, 1728, 1384, 214, 2786, 1014], [652, 337, 7, 309, 15926, 2465, 2888, 2, 693, 381, 7, 2, 3915, 48, 1334, 214, 434, 144, 6398, 1, 15927], [15, 1625, 3, 214, 48, 17, 132, 26, 461, 32, 1, 15928], [48, 5, 4521, 329, 214, 1683, 4, 3557, 1932, 1, 15929], [6, 112, 4, 1980, 11, 3, 216, 6260, 67, 7, 2, 5320, 55, 112, 31, 43, 123, 27, 844, 221, 1657, 87, 63, 214, 48, 47, 15930, 375, 15, 170], [15931, 11, 211, 73, 165, 43, 38, 214, 48, 309, 44, 1883, 6402, 15932, 15933, 3, 371, 15934, 15935, 2369, 12, 2, 1687, 6403, 6, 41, 15936, 20, 15937], [55, 24, 711, 214, 130, 32, 160, 5, 402, 1071, 39, 2, 151, 48, 10, 210, 165, 11, 8, 15938, 15939, 28, 15940], [93, 119, 214, 164, 42, 1917, 1467, 15941, 15942, 168, 134, 5, 2, 4264, 48, 5, 2, 15943, 201, 329, 214, 54, 112, 68, 15944, 50, 10, 15945, 1129], [15946, 49, 15947, 11, 940, 1532, 48, 164, 42, 1, 15948], [66, 8, 15, 67, 6396, 1596, 81, 678, 3, 214, 48, 39, 15, 1000, 3, 385, 1502, 4, 678, 3, 6397], [151, 10, 81, 1547, 214, 130, 1, 15949], [15950, 34, 102, 130, 3247, 2, 214, 164, 42, 1091, 2, 1215, 60, 2465, 194, 1988, 203, 1, 15951], [6404, 113, 30, 6405, 23, 374, 2107, 1624, 80, 64, 3, 4, 4522, 32, 214, 130, 6404, 113, 30, 15952, 23, 374, 2107, 1624, 80, 64, 3, 4, 4522, 32, 4208, 6405], [15953, 15954, 955, 255, 8, 22, 11, 2, 2409, 7, 2, 368, 6, 1665, 23, 4, 1313, 60, 214, 130, 592, 8, 60, 566, 676, 484], [34, 102, 130, 3247, 214, 164, 42, 1091, 2, 1215, 60, 15955, 2465, 194, 1988, 1, 15956, 1, 15957], [3, 313, 1891, 60, 2, 1298, 7, 214, 130, 255, 6, 41, 26, 1408], [52, 431, 15958, 1395, 8, 3, 1010, 2847, 4, 285, 246, 15959, 15960, 5, 2, 2378, 13, 25, 2281, 4, 15961, 15962, 5, 15963, 214, 130, 5804, 5805, 15964], [2, 214, 164, 42, 57, 15965, 684, 7, 176, 1812, 1386, 130, 1, 15966], [5207, 3054, 288, 108, 55, 89, 15967, 47, 15968, 7, 214, 130, 63, 2095, 2654], [22, 8, 2, 122, 207, 2, 214, 164, 42, 1851, 59, 86, 573, 176, 2155, 1812, 12, 1386, 130, 6251, 1, 15969], [34, 102, 130, 3247, 2, 214, 164, 42, 1091, 2, 1215, 60, 2465, 194, 1988, 1, 15970], [225, 1, 15971, 338, 3252, 52, 130, 5, 6406, 329, 214, 15972], [2, 15973, 7, 2234, 826, 15974, 44, 2365, 49, 3537, 5, 130, 4029, 214, 6389, 4523, 1, 15975], [367, 978, 20, 214, 130, 3332, 1, 15976, 1, 15977], [6, 35, 60, 4, 1758, 40, 15978, 2, 2151, 1649, 214, 130, 327, 180, 28, 15979, 4, 191, 15980], [214, 130, 1701, 3669, 64, 70, 1245, 16, 6253, 1010, 359, 15981, 24, 160, 1, 15982, 14, 15983, 15984, 15985, 15986], [15987, 7, 2, 1674, 1256, 230, 1754, 1222, 6407, 9, 47, 214, 130, 28, 15988], [3328, 15989, 422, 321, 2362, 146, 375, 12, 6406, 214, 15990, 15991, 1, 15992], [3, 540, 7, 2222, 214, 164, 42, 1196, 172, 26, 15993, 4, 102, 4, 190, 6408, 130, 2232, 19, 535, 1, 15994], [1141, 11, 942, 1265, 214, 130, 1141, 17, 56, 26, 461, 32, 1141, 11, 332], [2347, 15995, 4524, 1036, 7, 15996, 230, 12, 6147, 196, 597, 15, 4, 432, 4364, 4, 190, 18, 2, 214, 130], [15997, 93, 119, 214, 164, 42, 346, 3558, 59, 86, 573, 7, 1812, 12, 130, 1, 15998], [47, 15999, 151, 10, 81, 1547, 214, 130], [1010, 5946, 93, 119, 214, 164, 42, 346, 3558, 59, 86, 573, 7, 1812, 12, 130, 1, 16000, 1, 16001], [93, 119, 214, 164, 42, 346, 3558, 59, 86, 573, 7, 1812, 12, 130, 1, 16002], [1012, 2620, 25, 222, 102, 194, 916, 1292, 1, 16003, 758, 16004, 58, 4274], [16005, 63, 452, 6409, 6410, 329, 214, 130, 16006, 3419, 179, 98, 6409, 6410, 16007, 6411, 1, 16008], [214, 130, 172, 3681, 16009, 39, 111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 15, 172, 26, 3, 75, 506, 1, 16010], [93, 119, 214, 164, 42, 346, 3558, 59, 86, 573, 7, 1812, 12, 130, 20, 1828, 16011, 1, 16012], [16013, 16014, 16015, 1933, 16016, 130, 47, 637, 4366, 2668, 214, 844, 1784, 47, 16017, 16018], [51, 686, 317, 695, 9, 93, 24, 1626, 60, 214, 130, 5, 3, 214, 9, 54, 2531, 93, 4, 2158, 686, 1546, 4525, 32, 69, 16019], [6412, 16020, 214, 164, 42, 1812, 3252, 1174, 133, 3559, 214, 164, 42, 424, 6413, 6414, 1985, 2891, 1, 16021], [233, 254, 2831, 5495, 16022, 607, 4, 16023, 362, 16024, 16025, 16026, 16027, 1, 16028], [2807, 16029, 16030, 362, 4, 2, 1191], [45, 362, 2044, 3692, 1546, 1380, 2927, 16031, 1, 16032, 137, 137], [16033, 55, 33, 374, 362, 9, 55, 132, 1076, 8, 16034], [16035, 639, 324, 323, 360, 423, 880, 787, 435, 456, 362, 617, 2928, 5, 11, 2730, 1968, 110, 6, 84, 16036, 179, 98, 1220, 1, 16037, 2199], [136, 233, 16038, 16039, 9, 16040, 362, 305, 1, 16041, 16042], [1343, 323, 161, 787, 726, 7, 6415, 1461, 42, 19, 964, 787, 435, 456, 1029, 362, 9, 423, 2870, 36, 4, 684, 787, 435, 456, 6416, 4526, 1, 16043], [16044, 639, 324, 323, 360, 423, 880, 787, 435, 456, 362, 144, 3202, 5, 11, 268, 16045, 16046, 1580, 110, 6, 84, 849, 185, 535, 179, 98, 2001, 203], [382, 10, 29, 29, 221, 4, 271, 11, 4153, 2, 332, 9, 362, 768, 6, 112, 47, 1207, 710], [16047, 271, 362, 4, 2, 16048, 1191], [13, 282, 107, 18, 2002, 423, 9, 362, 57, 3, 514, 6417, 16049, 5, 16050, 430], [16051, 1766, 3219, 69, 41, 26, 47, 959, 13, 362, 2470, 255, 10, 24, 31, 43, 123], [1343, 323, 161, 787, 726, 7, 6415, 1461, 42, 19, 964, 787, 435, 456, 1029, 362, 9, 423, 2870, 36, 4, 684, 787, 435, 456, 6416, 4526, 1, 16052], [45, 362, 1253, 6418, 1382, 1567, 10, 210, 26, 5475, 18, 6418, 6401, 1, 16053], [16054, 16055, 328, 33, 3, 2627, 7, 279, 16056, 52, 16057, 1080, 16058, 362, 4527, 16059, 188, 5, 3389], [362, 1859, 145, 7, 2869, 2, 894, 8, 18, 6346, 2312, 1200, 16060, 1463, 542, 9, 2312, 8, 2, 2341, 7, 5890, 1, 16061], [868, 12, 16062, 45, 362, 2, 16063, 1, 16064, 2272, 4154, 5616, 1660, 1, 16065], [16066, 2, 362, 8, 5301, 831, 2016, 14, 147, 6, 23, 16, 188, 2432, 651, 23, 651, 204, 1524, 16067, 9, 6, 825, 14, 75, 6419], [16068, 332, 45, 362, 2, 3471], [52, 360, 11, 948, 2786, 144, 362, 880, 787, 435, 456, 1260, 16, 4528, 6420, 39, 172, 1368, 433, 6421, 1, 16069], [362, 16070, 115, 10, 16071, 6, 35, 69], [362, 118, 13, 217, 28, 16072], [927, 332, 9, 338, 16073, 5, 16074, 2174, 592, 19, 478, 15, 41, 4529, 2, 362, 4530, 1811], [16075, 927, 332, 9, 362], [4064, 160, 1063, 2, 362], [16076, 283, 16077, 25, 2471, 112, 16078, 3948, 362, 1864, 6422, 1924, 3674, 21, 110, 16079], [948, 206, 2341, 1674, 1067, 927, 284, 46, 423, 362, 1, 16080], [52, 360, 11, 948, 2786, 144, 362, 880, 787, 435, 456, 1260, 16, 4528, 6420, 39, 172, 1368, 433, 6421, 1, 16081], [6423, 2137, 324, 323, 360, 423, 880, 787, 435, 456, 362, 2928, 5, 11, 6424, 3359, 9, 13, 6425, 347, 615, 6426, 16082, 110, 6, 84, 16083, 6311], [16084, 5183, 346, 362, 4, 2, 16085, 203, 9, 1021, 16086, 306, 220, 3832, 6427, 9, 4103, 13, 6097, 1, 16087], [362, 2, 52, 16088, 1, 16089, 1, 16090], [592, 6428, 18, 362, 12, 743, 121, 7, 2470, 28, 16091], [16092, 4496, 36, 16093], [16094, 16095, 6429, 107, 37, 4178, 7, 1226, 16096, 8, 57, 324, 18, 144, 964, 362, 9, 6043, 435, 456, 423, 480, 2203, 1, 16097], [6423, 639, 324, 323, 360, 423, 880, 787, 435, 456, 362, 617, 2928, 5, 11, 6424, 3359, 9, 13, 6425, 347, 615, 6430, 16098, 6426, 3560], [307, 29, 221, 11, 3551, 16099, 16100, 16101, 965, 332, 16102, 16103], [6431, 16104, 965, 833, 69, 8, 3, 1168, 1731, 124, 4, 31, 3557, 617, 1101, 3559, 6432, 16105, 355, 108, 57, 12, 14, 3561], [612, 42, 775, 592, 3358, 1, 16106], [1561, 2471, 965, 16107, 3, 965, 7, 680, 11, 16108, 1943, 594, 62, 4400, 16109, 16110, 433, 16111], [227, 14, 191, 6433, 444, 17, 8, 440, 3072, 321, 6433, 1731, 4531, 943, 4531, 205, 69, 5, 2, 118, 1640, 8, 16, 15, 6434, 5, 592, 54, 1, 16112], [16113, 3775, 16114, 3, 965, 5500, 1427, 2664, 15, 2715, 45, 16115, 1937, 2, 6, 42, 2455], [592, 71, 279, 9, 555, 13, 11, 564, 185, 1540, 1, 16116, 16117, 1, 16118], [16119, 14, 4418, 965, 121, 70, 16120, 1679, 4530, 1, 16121], [59, 1952, 1084, 279, 6040, 316, 592, 9, 5997, 1688, 1, 16122, 1, 16123, 16124], [1416, 50, 368, 5, 592, 1679, 965, 16125, 1, 16126], [324, 279, 9, 3, 2075, 965, 16127, 2471, 1, 2412, 16128, 697], [55, 2, 369, 965, 2157, 1, 16129, 16130], [211, 17, 6, 23, 16131, 4, 4532, 23, 16132, 2783, 4, 26, 317, 881, 7, 2, 358, 965], [3431, 2470, 2876, 316, 592, 144, 1, 16133, 1, 16134, 10], [368, 333, 4314, 6435, 4, 592, 6436, 2671, 1, 16135, 1, 16136], [1018, 11, 14, 1375, 36, 2720, 4172, 16137, 43, 16138, 4, 285, 965, 2997, 16139, 66, 1087, 16140, 1, 16141], [2988, 1, 16142, 16143, 15, 8, 16144, 361, 1811, 1679, 362, 965, 16145, 16146, 592, 16147, 2997, 16148], [368, 333, 4314, 6435, 4, 592, 6436, 106, 1, 16149, 1, 16150], [1865, 2, 1790, 3447, 127, 16, 386, 22, 965, 9, 57, 6, 23, 1514, 5, 2, 2074, 9, 230, 5, 2, 1790, 151, 1, 16151], [22, 27, 2471, 1864, 46, 49, 16152, 965, 16153, 25, 16154, 16155, 203, 1, 16156, 1, 16157], [14, 1025, 1410, 1, 16158], [1454, 965, 890, 292, 16159, 592, 788, 1086, 32, 514, 4, 5258, 13, 16160, 16161, 16162, 1, 16163], [53, 117, 354, 209, 3, 1216, 19, 170, 10, 1416, 30, 15, 205, 16164, 16165, 1, 16166], [324, 965, 5, 2362, 43, 4533, 6437, 430, 16167, 1, 16168], [16169, 15, 195, 163, 965], [22, 8, 113, 6, 35, 1065, 4, 699, 14, 147, 259, 1674, 5, 3, 16170, 6438, 2471, 16171, 28, 16172], [592, 71, 279, 9, 555, 13, 11, 564, 185, 4534, 1, 16173, 1, 16174], [2, 2328, 1166, 3946, 16175, 109, 3, 313, 3803, 36, 5, 2, 965, 110, 1679, 1811, 592, 16176, 1, 16177], [1826, 592, 16178, 945, 7, 5239, 1952, 1084, 279, 1111, 1, 16179, 1, 16180], [367, 22, 8, 113, 6, 35, 1065, 4, 699, 14, 147, 259, 1674, 5, 3, 107, 1690, 6438, 2471, 965, 1, 16181], [592, 3358, 1059, 16182, 74, 654, 46, 1519, 548, 7, 16183, 2929, 287, 16184, 1, 16185, 1, 16186], [1362, 1214, 1680, 19, 4517, 3520, 287, 16187, 965, 1, 16188, 1679, 4530, 1811], [2736, 4056, 212, 4535, 21, 150, 466, 790, 618, 477, 6439, 163, 3539, 477, 1749, 154, 62, 2770, 3285, 1617, 3208, 295, 1, 16189], [16190, 1071, 6, 155, 3, 562, 7, 16191, 21, 23, 4, 2655, 1092, 34, 53, 56, 172, 466, 108], [1745, 1085, 9, 16192, 150, 1216, 14, 16193, 712, 41, 219, 466, 38], [6, 5160, 53, 641, 1015, 21, 4, 466, 14, 13, 3562, 6, 41, 265, 1729, 10, 157, 4, 2, 381, 7, 2, 1238, 6440], [16194, 122, 30, 47, 466, 1, 16195, 16196], [16197, 50, 61, 10, 118, 1084, 78, 989, 1504, 15, 20, 2629, 4536, 3513, 186, 7, 10, 946, 1389, 1, 4537, 2, 4538], [1600, 3, 591, 3350, 6441, 49, 1194, 790, 618, 288, 267, 5429, 1836, 5, 16198, 169, 1, 16199], [39, 205, 57, 117, 151, 16200, 20, 108, 53, 10, 700, 16201, 32, 18, 108, 2367, 13, 17, 56, 938, 47, 466, 16202], [6, 23, 412, 850, 241, 16, 5, 2, 906, 466, 169, 5, 2, 6, 35, 3, 16203, 9, 6, 1765, 26, 2635, 4, 26, 411, 48, 169], [6, 6442, 40, 2, 622, 10, 3346, 18, 40, 909, 2, 59, 466, 16204, 28, 16205], [65, 421, 16, 6219, 442, 906, 466, 9, 15, 8, 265, 38, 36], [16206, 50, 61, 10, 118, 1084, 78, 989, 1504, 15, 20, 2629, 4536, 3513, 186, 7, 10, 946, 1389, 1, 4537, 2, 4538], [6, 30, 16, 1141, 466, 12, 1173, 7, 793, 6, 1141, 56, 1197, 315, 2, 16207, 50, 7, 191, 962, 5791, 5, 2261, 16208, 1965, 1245], [24, 2, 1176, 16209, 146, 375, 4, 1578, 16210, 5, 2332, 609, 59, 466, 86, 75, 1, 16211], [8, 1882, 115, 16212, 12, 1578, 4, 466, 1851, 3510, 846, 16213, 16214], [53, 756, 156, 1508, 6, 41, 265, 3447, 70, 6179, 306, 220, 8, 106, 676, 484, 25, 16215, 606, 1934, 32, 7, 6096, 73, 1015, 21, 70, 466, 606, 1801, 16216], [10, 81, 219, 1067, 38, 3137, 30, 16, 466, 38, 685, 16217, 38, 39, 6, 104, 995, 6, 104, 995, 1295, 6, 1119, 15, 18, 395, 33, 10], [66, 16218, 4539, 466, 755, 387, 731, 7, 3201, 9, 61, 55, 81, 30, 60, 15, 1, 16219, 58, 16220, 6443, 16221], [16222, 6, 104, 2, 747, 6, 23, 11, 6261, 739, 2, 894, 16223, 4, 16224, 10, 9, 16, 4, 466, 10, 747, 4, 1, 16225], [3224, 16226, 567, 167, 286, 16, 466, 10], [1860, 16227, 228, 210, 257, 2592, 1987, 5, 301, 16228, 54, 95, 342, 50, 10, 307, 16229, 25, 466, 47, 758, 63, 537, 161, 895], [6, 23, 68, 3846, 4, 466, 10, 5, 2, 197, 169, 6, 13, 3932], [16230, 6, 1731, 16231, 18, 3, 3287, 16232, 265, 16233, 6444, 8, 29, 466], [851, 2168, 163, 3766, 2321, 16234, 12, 846, 6445, 30, 59, 466, 86, 75, 1, 16235], [66, 81, 395, 466, 22, 1860, 28, 16236], [53, 641, 78, 4, 466, 2, 1801, 56, 89, 31, 988, 157, 4113, 16, 20, 515, 593, 39, 20, 2, 1087, 77, 1057, 124], [29, 162, 515, 593, 16237, 22, 8, 75, 6, 2662, 108, 4, 171, 395, 466, 3542, 3519], [395, 37, 16238, 2339, 3, 118, 1640, 7, 906, 466, 4540, 227, 196, 176, 234, 81, 55, 294], [16239, 723, 2, 466, 56, 24, 16240], [1550, 337, 18, 5954, 16241, 16242, 3, 119, 3474, 61, 172, 26, 2, 466, 1, 16243], [16244, 50, 61, 10, 118, 1084, 78, 989, 1504, 15, 20, 2629, 4536, 3513, 186, 7, 10, 946, 1389, 1, 4537, 2, 4538], [45, 6, 109, 5, 22, 125, 8, 14, 2387, 6, 30, 16, 516, 13, 47, 466, 249, 56, 169, 3892, 1789, 1646, 205, 57], [16245, 970, 4, 196, 30, 16, 466, 40, 906, 5, 242, 169, 1353, 63, 6446, 196, 55, 477, 60, 10, 9, 53, 6, 487, 93, 205, 57, 93, 502], [16246, 6198, 1781, 4, 457, 643, 56, 24, 59, 16247, 9, 56, 6447, 466, 16248, 16249, 2, 16250, 7, 1004], [16251, 761, 3, 562, 59, 466, 177, 75, 53, 69, 24, 16252, 36, 57, 113, 1243, 55, 138, 684, 141, 41, 26, 3, 374, 1250, 51, 216, 1625], [841, 16253, 47, 466, 47, 4541, 9, 1912, 2069, 4, 163, 15], [16254, 16255, 681, 14, 265, 180, 16256, 806, 16257, 1735, 180, 614], [906, 466, 6, 35, 29, 920, 196, 2738, 40, 4540, 12, 5892, 2658, 4160, 6, 951, 516, 31, 2204, 2472], [16258, 6, 30, 16, 104, 6, 257, 33, 95, 258, 21, 23, 673, 59, 466, 86, 75, 56, 178, 96, 189, 16259, 133, 16260, 16261, 8, 16262, 3476, 7], [2736, 4056, 212, 4535, 21, 150, 466, 790, 618, 477, 6439, 163, 3539, 477, 1749, 154, 62, 2770, 3285, 1617, 3208, 652, 1472, 1, 16263], [1174, 154, 62, 2770, 24, 1294, 1475, 5958, 4, 131, 16264, 4, 1777, 466, 542, 55, 24, 16, 16265, 55, 5386, 1, 16266, 16267], [16268, 16269, 463, 375, 95, 845, 4467, 138, 75, 16270, 22, 368, 681, 14, 180, 87], [6448, 16271, 809, 38, 539, 16272, 598, 2718, 16273, 3, 16274, 1, 16275, 1, 16276], [16277, 810, 6, 30, 16, 155, 54, 8, 4088, 1657, 6, 155, 463, 8, 2, 502, 1913, 173, 39, 16, 20, 221], [3563, 463, 3507, 3281, 7, 6449, 2121, 1165, 6450, 1, 16278], [1050, 463, 288, 2, 4391, 33, 1, 16279], [31, 17, 463, 996], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 16280, 1, 16281, 1818, 638, 161, 1308, 2198, 6451, 7, 463, 4284, 1332, 246], [16282, 16, 53, 2081, 3, 3563, 463, 951, 168, 8, 241, 6, 31, 69], [434, 463, 16283, 897, 2174, 755, 387, 16284, 1227, 2174, 1, 16285, 50, 16286], [434, 4542, 2835, 5, 856, 604, 4, 463, 1674, 1255, 1150, 4913, 9, 16287, 1521, 7, 2, 48, 214, 164, 42, 434, 144, 2119, 1375], [29, 57, 17, 943, 2588, 44, 589, 14, 3509, 4724, 697, 72, 4, 2, 16288, 2588, 6452, 6, 286, 163, 463, 8, 169, 502, 6, 30, 16, 477], [16289, 2656, 1437, 11, 6162, 20, 16290, 16291, 16292, 9, 6028, 463, 16293, 1, 16294, 1, 16295], [2, 3564, 463, 7, 3784, 4962, 28, 16296, 16297], [322, 4737, 463, 9, 16298, 8, 41, 26, 32, 11, 2, 2409, 7, 2, 1224, 28, 16299], [16300, 16301, 3564, 463, 34, 16302, 8, 879, 12, 16303, 8, 16304, 133], [6, 1545, 463, 590, 4543, 39, 95, 16305, 24, 1463, 2, 945, 6249, 12, 512], [16306, 16, 331, 6453, 6, 286, 31, 3313, 7, 1657, 463, 63, 16307, 11, 3, 502, 6347, 86, 16308], [3563, 463, 3507, 3281, 7, 6449, 2121, 1165, 6450, 1, 16309], [410, 16310, 16311, 16312, 44, 68, 1184, 11, 4955, 4328, 2, 1258, 4233, 7, 3564, 463, 203, 1, 16313], [1561, 149, 621, 992, 11, 395, 4, 3388, 807, 683, 17, 1913, 1330, 95, 3565, 13, 1695, 6170, 27, 19, 72, 7, 381, 616, 1586, 1237], [4304, 1717, 1497, 16314, 2, 540, 2841, 7, 2587, 295, 1242, 1335, 252, 16315, 27, 49, 245, 812, 16316, 463, 96, 280, 793], [16317, 5941, 16318, 5549, 4825, 16319, 82, 360, 463, 16320, 2462, 16321, 16322, 1, 16323, 1, 16324], [3002, 71, 2893, 16325, 3564, 463, 16326, 4, 1596, 5621, 5, 16327, 16328, 9, 6454, 5296, 16329, 1, 16330], [350, 1138, 1486, 463, 5, 52, 1209, 1771, 779, 810, 171, 952, 5690, 301, 710, 28, 16331], [140, 16332, 186, 53, 15, 78, 12, 48, 17, 286, 26, 3, 1176, 463], [6455, 3671, 16333, 8, 16334, 11, 3563, 463, 1, 16335], [16336, 54, 8, 3331, 39, 16337, 35, 16, 354, 26, 16338, 2757, 50, 10], [16339, 179, 98, 463, 5, 373, 555, 13, 409, 19, 684, 16340, 404, 897, 1, 16341], [1818, 638, 161, 1308, 2198, 6451, 7, 463, 4284, 1332, 246, 16342, 864, 28, 16343, 58, 137], [6456, 1326, 8, 69, 49, 4544, 17, 65, 81, 608, 4, 424, 16344, 56, 155, 8, 3, 48, 16345], [129, 16346, 3366, 1472, 2893, 1398, 3566, 69, 8, 3, 16347, 1292, 1, 16348, 2893, 463, 1, 16349], [1556, 229, 77, 85, 10, 92, 6, 84, 2379, 6457, 799, 13, 16350, 668, 463, 93, 210, 26, 5, 3668], [3493, 1133, 55, 23, 136, 7, 2, 197, 3264, 16351, 5, 2, 16352, 5, 463, 9, 16353, 73, 41, 2708, 1175, 678, 240, 304, 1069], [16354, 179, 98, 463, 5, 373, 555, 13, 409, 19, 16355, 16356, 897, 1, 16357], [2980, 55, 2995, 3381, 17, 296, 277, 19, 45, 1988, 491, 16358, 16359, 28, 16360], [5569, 3329, 19, 343, 785, 452, 16361, 2, 491, 5342, 8, 31, 43, 123, 221, 3677, 86, 1161, 434, 172, 682, 926, 335, 6, 270, 647, 35], [1273, 2869, 1320, 17, 1029, 268, 1086, 1674, 6458, 6195, 6459, 16362, 596, 150, 3502, 590, 491, 5, 16363, 1688], [6460, 639, 491, 279, 1819, 2003, 1, 16364], [3813, 639, 491, 279, 1819, 2003, 1, 16365], [1, 16366, 1011, 16367, 9, 16368, 11, 16369, 491, 2192, 2265, 6427, 4347], [3813, 639, 491, 279, 1819, 2003, 1, 16370, 16371, 2199], [16372, 24, 16, 16373, 16374, 834, 16375, 16376, 1401, 5, 4370, 491, 4, 2, 830], [4545, 4546, 4547, 4548, 76, 1962, 46, 1108, 4549, 1432, 2875, 9, 491, 11, 4550], [61, 1814, 4551, 125, 2253, 1, 16377, 66, 4, 2096, 2816, 3, 491, 2192, 9, 2, 6461, 1, 16378], [3253, 3171, 24, 491, 11, 40, 668, 402, 543, 62, 2920, 1, 16379], [25, 3761, 4, 151, 1294, 16380, 464, 6462, 3342, 4997, 6447, 16381, 4, 6463, 49, 16382, 6464, 4372], [3246, 16383, 4551, 125, 2253, 1, 4552, 16384, 66, 4, 2096, 2816, 3, 491, 2192, 9, 2, 16385, 1, 16386], [219, 260, 16387, 39, 124, 491, 4461, 28, 16388], [16389, 179, 98, 491, 279, 1819, 1, 16390, 47, 491, 279, 8, 1161, 19, 22, 64, 1, 16391], [37, 6357, 3726, 4, 6358, 639, 491, 279, 1819, 2003, 1, 16392, 2199], [16393, 356, 2163, 190, 96, 18, 129, 2837, 142, 4, 3391, 2, 799, 13, 60, 2, 491, 6465, 6466, 2, 6467, 4093, 6468], [6469, 639, 491, 279, 1819, 2003, 1, 878, 16394, 2199], [16395, 356, 2163, 190, 96, 18, 129, 2837, 142, 4, 3391, 2, 799, 13, 60, 2, 491, 6465, 6466, 2, 6467, 4093, 6468], [3168, 6470, 150, 26, 491, 4, 40, 668], [8, 15, 480, 4, 6471, 76, 3, 1588, 29, 6, 81, 3144, 850, 18, 3, 491, 4553, 9, 16396, 91, 901, 1062, 76, 14, 16397, 335, 6, 270, 6, 168, 8], [16398, 16399, 173, 3302, 13, 1653, 1062, 491, 2192, 16400], [3168, 6470, 150, 26, 491, 4, 40, 668], [6469, 639, 491, 279, 1819, 2003, 1, 16401], [15, 8, 252, 4, 26, 491, 252, 76, 22, 125, 1595, 28, 16402], [5593, 16403, 16, 619, 80, 1592, 9, 1024, 16404, 6472, 24, 491], [4545, 4546, 4547, 4548, 76, 1962, 46, 1108, 4549, 1432, 2875, 9, 491, 11, 4550], [1, 16405, 16406, 82, 5750, 1559, 11, 45, 279, 2875, 491, 16407, 5830, 94, 16408, 1, 16409], [16410, 639, 491, 279, 1819, 2003, 1, 16411, 16412], [463, 491, 4177, 19, 3679, 2147, 2784, 19, 2174, 16413, 2143, 1993, 63, 1993, 74, 42, 16414, 16415, 6473], [3253, 3171, 24, 491, 11, 40, 668, 402, 543, 62, 2920, 1, 16416], [4545, 4546, 4547, 4548, 76, 1962, 46, 1108, 4549, 1432, 2875, 9, 491, 11, 4550], [16417, 594, 62, 199, 4551, 125, 2253, 1, 16418, 66, 4, 2096, 2816, 3, 491, 2192, 9, 2, 6461, 1, 16419], [6460, 639, 491, 279, 1819, 2003, 1, 16420, 2199], [3253, 3171, 24, 491, 11, 40, 668, 402, 543, 62, 2920, 1, 16421], [116, 16422, 2291, 3567, 287, 726, 913, 333, 531, 1, 16423, 1, 16424], [16425, 6, 35, 5, 2, 1140, 7, 3, 16426, 333, 531, 9, 3, 4435, 12, 14, 16427, 16428, 36, 6, 209, 4554, 16429, 16430, 9, 161, 16431, 4554, 275], [333, 1995, 8, 5, 856, 25, 144, 179, 98, 316, 567, 179, 98, 1033, 3, 666, 333, 531, 9, 6414, 3469, 16432, 1, 16433], [162, 382, 10, 11, 1119, 9, 40, 1293, 4086, 16434, 61, 2292, 127, 15, 209, 63, 41, 15, 209, 11, 10, 63, 40, 1, 16435], [418, 16436, 13, 534, 333, 531, 916, 3888, 125, 1263, 1, 16437, 16438], [274, 333, 531, 5391, 21, 217, 193, 2352, 16439, 4, 4356, 1, 16440], [16441, 6, 683, 2, 333, 531, 2, 207, 6, 536, 1907, 9, 56, 30, 16, 23, 2746], [16442, 16443, 7, 406, 59, 86, 535, 604, 4, 333, 531, 5, 3086, 150, 1820, 16444, 790, 315, 4, 141, 16445, 1, 16446], [587, 16447, 8, 156, 1365, 4, 2, 279, 5, 2, 1140, 942, 1, 16448], [16449, 16450, 187, 5, 3568, 55, 109, 4, 1233, 2719, 110, 17, 8, 3, 333, 531, 11, 96, 929], [16451, 1914, 333, 531, 16452], [6474, 279, 4483, 6475, 9, 1637, 333, 531, 41, 6476, 928, 2, 693, 948, 940, 16453, 1, 16454], [16455, 605, 4, 16456, 16457, 332, 165, 239, 16458, 639, 360, 7, 16459, 332, 974, 6036, 1, 16460], [16461, 307, 6, 23, 868, 15, 57, 17, 8, 3, 4815, 2039, 112, 22, 333, 531, 1415, 16462, 6, 286, 3569, 2, 332, 422], [15, 8, 3, 333, 531, 1728, 16463, 16464, 1, 16465], [2050, 343, 3570, 2753, 7, 3571, 333, 278, 1289, 1713, 5, 3420, 1, 16466], [563, 248, 1713, 3570, 2753, 7, 3571, 333, 278, 1289, 61, 156, 1508, 302, 1, 16467, 1, 2685, 561, 16468], [16469, 6477, 51, 41, 2, 333, 531, 1425, 8, 15, 198, 31, 43, 123, 4, 26, 3895, 770, 4, 23, 16470, 372, 16471, 23, 3, 6478, 1949, 5, 16472], [16, 1018, 11, 22, 333, 531, 6, 30, 16, 175, 2, 1322, 4, 249, 72, 32, 6, 35, 3572, 22, 1216, 7, 4555, 16473], [15, 8, 1385, 605, 433, 8, 2, 333, 531, 827, 43, 16474, 16475, 16476, 16477], [333, 531, 8, 4210, 763, 3, 374, 409, 7, 332, 847, 41, 1923, 538, 7, 2, 409, 2232, 57, 12, 329, 264, 16478, 19, 3352, 98], [16479, 2, 16480, 915, 4, 178, 15, 3189, 36, 122, 1719, 2925, 57, 89, 10, 163, 3, 333, 531], [16481, 333, 531, 16482, 219, 2310], [333, 531, 5, 1028, 72, 927, 2620, 9, 47, 16483, 424, 1, 16484, 58, 16485, 2585], [333, 531, 4089, 4, 2, 16486, 7, 16487, 16488, 1, 16489, 58, 16490, 1, 16491], [5671, 3166, 6479, 16492, 124, 37, 16493, 16494, 16495, 16496, 20, 3181, 50, 16497, 1, 16498, 16499], [3570, 2753, 7, 3571, 333, 278, 1289, 1713, 5, 3420, 49, 6475, 9, 1637, 333, 531, 41, 1, 16500], [333, 531, 1416, 26, 43, 1540, 110], [16501, 15, 8, 16502, 69, 86, 1439, 22, 454, 18, 5519, 2, 3469, 333, 531], [6480, 19, 3573, 50, 4, 104, 255, 6, 27, 51, 45, 22, 612, 42, 279, 156, 1013, 127, 343, 2, 333, 531], [16503, 2589, 75, 4555, 279, 11, 16504, 16505, 4360, 8, 758, 2, 333, 531, 57, 16506, 1695, 14, 332, 6481, 24, 16, 1122], [3570, 2753, 7, 3571, 333, 278, 1289, 1713, 5, 3420, 1, 16507, 1, 16508], [23, 10, 505, 16509, 50, 4, 50, 10, 333, 531, 16510, 16511, 20, 2236, 16512, 12, 2180, 2807, 28, 16513], [279, 16514, 1083, 2, 817, 22, 611, 8, 61, 129, 16515, 4883, 78, 360, 96, 60, 2, 279, 1, 16516], [16517, 236, 142, 7, 2, 16518, 1, 16519], [121, 106, 288, 14, 483, 9, 604, 4, 14, 2900, 16520, 950, 15, 8, 3455, 583, 16521, 597, 190], [2, 2473, 780, 26, 1107, 208, 250, 398, 749, 25, 583, 188, 53, 15, 8, 20, 1254, 573, 3, 1070, 5, 1845], [583, 8, 2474, 20, 1568, 29, 26, 1718, 9, 1212, 171, 40, 1568, 941, 10, 2930], [2, 2473, 780, 26, 1107, 208, 250, 398, 749, 25, 583, 188, 53, 15, 8, 20, 1254, 573, 3, 1070, 5, 1845], [16522, 16523, 68, 12, 2306, 5, 2, 121, 4, 583, 16524, 89, 50, 4, 5706, 2, 741, 847], [4556, 7, 40, 3286, 9, 3, 1807, 2139, 301, 136, 1637, 349, 2910, 81, 1486, 3, 709, 4, 2, 583, 1004], [583, 2140, 16525, 16526, 4, 285, 2842, 28, 16527], [1820, 4557, 2475, 36, 2759, 1114, 15, 89, 166, 1531, 34, 2, 4558, 7, 2, 65, 7, 583, 5, 4559, 4560, 4561], [4556, 7, 40, 3286, 9, 3, 1807, 2139, 301, 136, 1637, 349, 2910, 81, 1486, 3, 709, 4, 2, 583, 1004], [2, 2473, 780, 26, 1107, 208, 250, 398, 749, 25, 583, 188, 53, 15, 8, 20, 1254, 573, 3, 1070, 5, 1845], [583, 55, 1212, 188, 175, 4, 155, 60, 15, 63, 1855, 15, 29, 2263, 16, 30, 756, 17, 1873, 4, 15], [583, 8, 2474, 20, 1568, 29, 26, 1718, 9, 1212, 171, 40, 1568, 941, 10, 2930, 1004], [1828, 583, 10, 250, 15, 8, 16528, 1604, 12, 49, 1197, 315, 3574, 7, 3, 302, 954, 3575, 619, 80, 64, 5, 3, 169, 158, 32, 114, 1657, 169, 10, 109, 2190, 36], [16529, 14, 75, 10, 682, 5, 1847], [583, 4368, 16530, 177, 6, 30, 22, 4, 67, 7, 108], [356, 6, 951, 155, 4562, 614, 3, 873, 5939, 89, 170, 32, 17, 307, 158, 32, 114], [1820, 4557, 2475, 36, 2759, 1114, 15, 89, 166, 1531, 34, 2, 4558, 7, 2, 65, 7, 583, 5, 4559, 4560, 4561], [1828, 583, 6, 109, 15, 11, 2, 4066, 39, 2541, 109, 15, 1208, 311, 141, 775, 27, 4, 16531, 14, 170, 2541, 127, 16, 359, 46, 17], [17, 583, 623, 25, 2, 16532, 7, 16533, 4563, 2354, 38, 3, 562, 7, 14, 358], [2, 636, 10, 1221, 9, 56, 30, 16, 4231, 6, 13, 17, 10, 487, 14, 636, 2, 478, 10, 81, 30, 8, 773, 38, 4, 400, 87, 63, 587], [4556, 7, 40, 3286, 9, 3, 1807, 2139, 301, 136, 1637, 349, 2910, 81, 1486, 3, 709, 4, 2, 583, 1004], [2, 2473, 780, 26, 1107, 208, 250, 398, 749, 25, 583, 188, 53, 15, 8, 20, 1254, 573, 3, 1070, 5, 1845], [583, 8, 2474, 20, 1568, 29, 26, 1718, 9, 1212, 171, 40, 1568, 941, 10, 2930], [583, 55, 1212, 188, 175, 4, 155, 60, 15, 63, 1855, 15, 29, 2263, 16, 30, 756, 17, 1873, 4, 15, 1004], [52, 1210, 16534, 12, 2, 1741, 1483, 6482, 16535, 16536, 16537, 4440, 16538, 3871, 13, 16539, 16540, 583, 16541, 1, 16542], [583, 8, 2474, 20, 1568, 29, 26, 1718, 9, 1212, 171, 40, 1568, 941, 10, 2930, 1004], [2, 2473, 780, 26, 1107, 208, 250, 398, 749, 25, 583, 188, 53, 15, 8, 20, 1254, 573, 3, 1070, 5, 1845], [583, 55, 1212, 188, 175, 4, 155, 60, 15, 63, 1855, 15, 29, 2263, 16, 30, 756, 17, 1873, 4, 15], [75, 304, 16543, 2809, 6483, 16544, 227, 838, 6, 37, 109, 2, 636, 1774, 42, 9, 109, 16545, 6484, 937, 6, 41, 355, 15, 32], [1820, 4557, 2475, 36, 2759, 1114, 15, 89, 166, 1531, 34, 2, 4558, 7, 2, 65, 7, 583, 5, 4559, 4560, 4561], [583, 8, 2474, 20, 1568, 29, 26, 1718, 9, 1212, 171, 40, 1568, 941, 10, 2930], [16546, 894, 16547, 8, 60, 4, 168, 8, 583, 5122, 1, 16548], [583, 16549, 16550, 16551, 1, 16552], [16553, 955, 2058, 10, 109, 2282, 11, 17, 173, 2624], [1828, 583, 361, 16, 198, 30, 10, 23, 242, 1207, 66, 162, 159, 6, 23, 68, 707, 5859, 11, 16554, 10, 132, 1320, 756], [2, 2473, 780, 26, 1107, 208, 250, 398, 749, 25, 583, 188, 53, 15, 8, 20, 1254, 573, 3, 1070, 5, 1845], [16555, 44, 3177, 76, 2, 16556, 2250, 4, 1946, 16557, 9, 583, 6485, 355, 15, 32, 160, 1, 16558], [583, 55, 1212, 188, 175, 4, 155, 60, 15, 63, 1855, 15, 29, 2263, 16, 30, 756, 17, 1873, 4, 15, 1004], [1684, 5, 1154, 34, 790, 315, 1282, 747, 4, 718, 1448, 1685, 1, 16559], [4371, 129, 953, 4353, 4, 718, 40, 1755, 384, 40, 1434, 9, 16560, 271, 5, 4564, 27, 37, 16561, 13, 2158, 140], [1154, 2464, 1684, 5, 1154, 34, 790, 315, 1282, 747, 4, 718, 1448, 1685, 747, 20, 1095, 122, 1253, 9, 1, 16562], [16563, 16564, 16, 4, 718, 39, 34, 3, 16565, 16566, 16567, 6, 81, 2361, 22, 34, 1073, 16568, 16569, 16570, 11, 542], [4565, 3337, 5, 1399, 4566, 4567, 1030, 1063, 259, 2639, 4568, 4, 718, 16571, 1, 16572], [4565, 3337, 5, 1399, 4566, 4567, 1030, 1063, 259, 2639, 4568, 4, 4569, 4570, 6486, 4504, 334, 1, 16573], [2756, 16574, 718, 940, 3422, 11, 16575, 16576, 1, 16577], [6, 23, 37, 3325, 12, 14, 413, 60, 2476, 73, 718, 2743, 21, 9, 1553, 1184, 5, 1354, 367, 1, 16578, 16579], [2476, 73, 718, 2743, 21, 9, 1553, 1184, 5, 1354, 367, 16580, 74, 16581, 16582, 28, 16583], [2476, 73, 718, 2743, 21, 9, 1553, 1184, 5, 1354, 367, 1, 16584], [1684, 5, 1154, 34, 790, 315, 1282, 747, 4, 718, 1448, 1685, 1, 16585, 1, 16586], [747, 20, 1095, 122, 1253, 9, 1366, 7, 16587, 16588, 1282, 4563, 790, 315, 1282, 4, 718, 2, 45, 1, 16589, 13], [2477, 16590, 13, 16591, 61, 53, 54, 6487, 88, 439, 2, 1329, 11, 2, 935, 966, 39, 177, 54, 479, 32, 7, 718, 1115, 9, 15], [790, 315, 1282, 12, 2, 845, 4, 718, 1448, 5, 1154, 305, 1, 16592, 1, 16593], [2476, 73, 718, 2743, 21, 9, 1553, 1184, 5, 1354, 1643, 4, 2, 1155, 74, 42, 1349, 1, 16594, 58, 443, 16595], [790, 315, 1282, 12, 2, 845, 4, 718, 1448, 5, 16596, 1, 16597], [3566, 3075, 718, 4571, 845, 11, 3576, 1708, 4572, 2444, 4573, 2755, 1, 16598], [16599, 6488, 2823, 5202, 6115, 439, 16600, 16601, 16602, 46, 5176, 2, 16603, 1, 16604, 16605, 16606, 117], [4565, 3337, 5, 1399, 4566, 4567, 1030, 1063, 259, 2639, 4568, 4, 4569, 4570, 6486, 4504, 334, 1, 16607], [16608, 5, 1154, 34, 790, 315, 1282, 747, 4, 718, 16609, 1, 16610, 1, 16611], [3566, 6489, 718, 4571, 845, 11, 3576, 1708, 4572, 2444, 4573, 6490, 1, 6491], [16612, 1697, 124, 12, 2, 2738, 69, 8, 1613, 7, 108, 116, 108, 4, 718, 2, 3708], [204, 2230, 16613, 16614], [239, 488, 1154, 2464, 1684, 5, 1154, 34, 790, 315, 1282, 747, 4, 718, 1448, 1685, 1, 16615], [4342, 1684, 5, 1154, 34, 790, 315, 1282, 747, 4, 718, 1448, 1685], [1684, 5, 1154, 34, 790, 315, 1282, 747, 4, 718, 1448, 1685, 1, 16616, 1, 16617], [682, 16618, 1, 16619], [1154, 2464, 1684, 5, 1154, 34, 790, 315, 1282, 747, 4, 718, 1448, 1685, 747, 20, 1095, 122, 1253, 9, 1, 16620], [440, 16621, 400, 10, 173, 594, 62, 746, 69, 52, 253, 122, 56, 718, 2469, 57, 45, 16622, 6492, 400, 87, 671, 929, 37, 16623], [1684, 5, 1154, 34, 790, 315, 1282, 747, 4, 718, 1448, 1685, 1, 16624], [3566, 6489, 718, 4571, 845, 11, 3576, 1708, 4572, 2444, 4573, 6490, 1, 6491], [1154, 2464, 1684, 5, 1154, 34, 790, 315, 1282, 747, 4, 718, 1448, 1685, 747, 20, 1095, 122, 1253, 9, 1, 16625, 201], [16626, 16627, 2893, 192, 4, 718, 115, 16628, 760, 11, 16629, 889, 2102, 2528, 5755, 1024, 183, 5, 6493, 905, 6494, 4960], [1283, 1449, 1156, 11, 216, 453, 601, 1, 16630, 16631, 1, 16632], [1283, 1449, 1156, 11, 102, 216, 453, 601, 73, 2170, 281, 1957, 755, 387, 731, 5, 6495, 1, 16633, 1, 16634], [1703, 750, 1449, 1156, 11, 6495, 16635, 216, 453, 601, 3190, 16636, 1, 878, 16637, 1, 16638, 304], [1661, 2, 1, 16639, 9, 2205, 2004, 601, 1, 16640, 11, 57, 1, 16641], [1555, 5826, 4183, 4184, 1283, 750, 1449, 1156, 11, 102, 216, 453, 601, 1, 16642], [1661, 2, 1, 16643, 9, 2205, 2004, 601, 1, 16644, 1, 16645], [2, 16646, 73, 16647, 2273, 21, 11, 667, 4343, 1, 16648, 58, 4162], [1283, 1449, 1156, 11, 216, 453, 601, 1, 16649], [1283, 1449, 1156, 11, 216, 453, 601, 1, 16650, 58, 329, 264, 3973, 6, 683, 22, 1490, 1221, 6496, 316, 1268], [216, 453, 601, 2156, 1156, 46, 3432, 174, 1, 16651], [1661, 2, 1, 16652, 9, 2205, 2004, 601, 1, 16653, 1, 16654], [1661, 2, 1, 16655, 9, 2205, 2004, 601, 1, 16656, 1, 16657], [1283, 1449, 1156, 11, 216, 453, 601, 1, 16658], [66, 4, 1661, 1, 16659, 16660, 1, 16661, 1, 16662], [1513, 2803, 4, 31, 3313, 7, 1, 16663, 217, 2004, 601, 4270, 1437, 1, 16664], [1661, 2, 1, 16665, 9, 2205, 2004, 601, 1, 16666, 1, 16667], [1661, 2, 1, 16668, 9, 2205, 2004, 601, 1, 16669, 1, 16670], [4574, 4575, 533, 601, 16671, 4576, 2, 16672, 16673, 16674, 704], [1283, 1449, 1156, 11, 102, 216, 453, 601, 6497, 1392, 290, 1071, 3228, 1, 16675, 1, 16676], [102, 216, 453, 601, 1156, 3008, 1, 16677, 3330], [1283, 1449, 1156, 11, 102, 216, 453, 601, 290, 1071, 1, 16678, 1, 16679, 16680], [16681, 16682, 72, 5, 2, 591, 94, 1, 16683, 1, 16684], [1283, 6498, 1156, 11, 102, 216, 453, 601, 1, 16685, 1, 16686], [1283, 1449, 1156, 11, 216, 453, 601, 1, 16687], [1283, 6498, 1156, 11, 102, 216, 453, 601, 1, 16688, 1, 16689], [116, 6499, 2, 151, 2346, 1562, 7, 6500, 601, 606, 835, 6501, 1, 6502], [1283, 1449, 1156, 11, 102, 216, 453, 601, 1, 16690, 6497], [116, 6499, 2, 151, 2346, 1562, 7, 6500, 601, 606, 835, 6501, 1, 6502], [16691, 16692, 28, 16693, 359, 4570, 316, 17, 1137, 15, 41, 1052, 124, 2, 601, 87], [16694, 452, 16695, 6503, 39, 3, 601, 44, 1992, 829, 26, 61, 6, 27, 992, 11, 1867, 697], [16696, 16697, 601, 2271, 5845, 16698, 16699, 16700, 1180, 21, 1292, 6340, 1, 16701, 1, 16702], [4574, 4575, 533, 601, 931, 3009, 16703, 2, 987, 16704, 16705], [1661, 2, 1, 16706, 16707, 9, 2205, 2004, 601, 1, 16708, 1, 16709, 16710], [66, 4, 1661, 6504, 601, 6504, 784, 4, 16711, 13, 2167, 802, 16712, 32, 190, 1149], [1283, 1449, 1156, 11, 102, 216, 453, 601, 2226, 1575, 2840, 1, 16713], [2, 2458, 441, 7, 226, 2931, 122, 602, 1, 16714], [16715, 2, 3531, 6, 635, 8, 188, 1208, 5, 17, 15, 8, 3, 16716, 757, 4, 595, 2249, 16717, 602], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16718, 662, 197], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16719, 662, 197], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16720, 662, 197], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16721, 662, 197], [2, 2458, 441, 7, 226, 2931, 122, 602, 16722, 16723, 29, 16724, 16725, 1421, 2891, 1, 16726], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16727, 662, 197], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16728, 662, 197], [2, 2458, 441, 7, 226, 2931, 122, 602, 1, 16729], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16730, 662, 197], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16731, 662, 197], [602, 1552, 13, 16732, 4, 178, 108, 16733, 3814, 1, 16734], [6505, 6506, 725, 5, 753, 602, 3980, 16735, 1054, 752, 78, 725, 140, 5, 16736, 369, 5404, 1, 16737], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16738, 662, 197], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16739, 662, 197], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16740, 662, 197], [2, 900, 44, 1823, 4434, 29, 15, 27, 1577, 6075, 4, 236, 142, 2, 16741, 17, 55, 286, 16, 719, 254, 3732, 53, 242, 602, 245, 812, 1248], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16742, 662, 197], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16743, 662, 197], [2611, 16744, 24, 6161, 602, 7, 2, 5146, 2617, 13, 1080, 28, 16745], [772, 588, 602, 5, 16746, 16747, 12, 6507, 19, 16748, 459, 16749, 4462, 16750, 1, 5943, 16751], [16752, 249, 12, 3780, 41, 327, 16753, 11, 3264, 16754, 9, 602, 783, 3520], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16755, 662, 197], [4, 6508, 8, 602, 14, 16756, 16757, 6, 23, 3, 590, 3222, 13, 6509, 310, 6, 41, 1809, 3, 1794, 9, 16758, 3, 16759, 438, 60, 10], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16760, 662, 197], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16761, 662, 197], [2, 2458, 441, 7, 226, 2931, 122, 602, 1, 16762], [6505, 6506, 725, 5, 753, 602, 1, 16763, 16764, 16765, 16766, 1472], [2, 2458, 441, 7, 226, 2931, 122, 602, 1, 16767], [932, 8, 602, 14, 1341, 4, 16768, 16769, 2545, 31, 40, 705, 1341, 16770, 1, 16771, 16772], [215, 1102, 602, 950, 4, 597, 781, 34, 649, 821, 218, 885, 234, 1, 16773, 662, 197], [16774, 5, 839, 1126, 2042, 134, 4, 793, 6510, 4, 646, 4577, 5, 839, 571, 52, 431, 159, 1, 16775, 16776, 3046, 220, 938, 64], [16777, 14, 16778, 5785, 835, 1409, 16779, 2189, 6511, 571, 3, 3823, 290, 771, 4779, 16780, 342, 50, 10, 818, 9, 6512, 1, 16781], [6, 325, 773, 14, 932, 4, 1045, 38, 330, 63, 6, 41, 1617, 88, 1446, 571], [17, 3441, 17, 2005, 38, 571, 1864, 44, 68, 6513, 12, 2, 2111, 16782, 45, 121, 9, 6, 35, 16, 838, 18, 22], [1337, 13, 305, 540, 2206, 4, 646, 571, 53, 16783, 16784, 16785, 171, 138, 1, 16786], [6514, 16787, 16788, 793, 79, 2206, 4577, 5, 839, 571, 1, 16789], [6, 35, 2423, 34, 3, 571], [73, 8, 16790, 16791, 2, 1337, 13, 1532, 272, 3374, 571, 1, 16792], [16793, 6515, 264, 854, 16794, 15, 8, 33, 763, 3, 571, 79, 1295, 39, 16, 325, 19, 478, 16, 651], [1337, 13, 305, 540, 5, 3577, 2206, 4, 646, 4578, 571, 1, 16795, 16796, 1307], [10, 41, 26, 2005, 571, 20, 3, 16797, 133, 540], [51, 93, 31, 16798, 2339, 18, 686, 4837, 93, 249, 36, 18, 2, 197, 3500, 2186, 16, 4, 189, 33, 3, 1622, 6, 968, 4, 677, 39, 61, 53, 54, 2005, 93, 571], [2251, 17, 2044, 16799, 38, 571, 6, 23, 68, 160, 11, 694], [1762, 71, 793, 79, 2206, 571, 3578, 1668, 1, 16800], [16801, 16802, 233, 159, 335, 6, 270, 2, 453, 1056, 2005, 96, 571, 5, 2, 3511, 3028, 562, 681, 14, 265, 180, 87], [2, 3082, 13, 441, 7, 146, 3, 571, 2, 3082, 13, 441, 7, 146, 3, 571, 15, 8, 6516, 9, 12, 3, 432, 1, 16803], [1337, 13, 305, 540, 5, 3577, 2206, 4, 646, 4578, 571, 1, 16804], [6185, 3673, 6, 35, 1738, 2821, 12, 119, 6182, 8, 12, 290, 16805, 18, 3, 571, 8, 17, 1073, 63, 3, 16806], [1337, 13, 305, 540, 5, 3577, 2206, 4, 646, 4578, 571, 1, 16807], [6, 1221, 14, 5776, 113, 24, 2, 16808, 1617, 38, 571, 2299, 2076, 38, 36], [61, 2, 1372, 88, 3298, 133, 2514, 8, 1143, 88, 571, 9, 88, 16809, 1268, 23, 16, 188, 2329, 11, 88, 4431, 3189, 109, 38, 2666, 36], [16810, 4, 285, 16811, 1055, 150, 16812, 16813, 221, 7, 306, 220, 44, 4, 30, 18, 6301, 3277, 131, 534, 571, 872, 1266, 4483, 35], [53, 10, 2772, 40, 1935, 18, 4386, 9, 16814, 177, 15, 286, 16, 209, 10, 571, 26, 1718, 7, 40, 201], [6, 536, 4, 118, 124, 36, 14, 2819, 110, 9, 2, 16815, 27, 1143, 14, 359, 571, 186, 54, 968, 14, 1298], [179, 6517, 201, 8, 2005, 571, 20, 3228, 604, 4, 6518, 6333], [52, 793, 79, 793, 2206, 4, 16816, 4577, 5, 839, 571, 2112, 3288, 676, 16817, 16818, 1, 16819], [2726, 571, 872, 44, 57, 68, 16820, 25, 2, 16821, 392], [16822, 3, 3442, 2819, 6, 109, 16823, 9, 6, 35, 16824, 246, 86, 3, 571], [916, 2671, 174, 46, 141, 1799, 25, 16825, 6076, 8, 146, 16826, 5, 2105, 4, 16827, 16828, 1, 16829], [16830, 23, 10, 68, 2005, 571], [16831, 16832, 747, 12, 1143, 16833, 154, 62, 199, 16834, 571, 204, 3531, 7, 66, 1077, 2241, 16835, 1, 16836, 203], [70, 496, 5, 1266, 2835, 16837, 611, 3339, 12, 1231, 2847, 4, 285, 134, 982, 17, 136, 1351, 16838, 16839, 1, 16840], [215, 1569, 594, 62, 746, 1570, 134, 4, 596, 5, 3, 1450, 9, 101, 282, 496, 5, 534, 5, 1451, 1, 16841, 662, 197], [215, 1569, 594, 62, 746, 1570, 134, 4, 596, 5, 3, 1450, 9, 101, 282, 496, 5, 534, 5, 1451, 1, 16842, 662, 197], [16843, 248, 226, 568, 444, 122, 2, 3812, 588, 16844, 16845, 496, 2005, 20, 534, 1744, 1, 16846], [1569, 594, 62, 746, 1570, 134, 4, 596, 5, 3, 1450, 9, 101, 282, 496, 5, 534, 5, 1451, 1, 2412, 16847, 1, 16848], [1123, 16849, 157, 1321, 148, 2740, 1432, 63, 327, 245, 1656, 16850, 16851, 6519, 302, 16852, 310, 16853, 2, 496], [16854, 6520, 496, 4, 6521, 4520, 16855, 2796, 969, 16856, 16857, 16858], [2478, 603, 3579, 659, 2443, 7, 991, 16859, 1, 16860, 1, 16861], [6522, 3825, 6523, 125, 13, 2315, 55, 78, 6524, 496], [215, 1569, 594, 62, 746, 1570, 134, 4, 596, 5, 3, 1450, 9, 101, 282, 496, 5, 534, 5, 1451, 1, 16862, 662, 197], [215, 1569, 594, 62, 746, 1570, 134, 4, 596, 5, 3, 1450, 9, 101, 282, 496, 5, 534, 5, 1451, 1, 16863, 662, 197], [6525, 8, 16864, 129, 16865, 3397, 88, 4579, 5, 50, 9, 496, 355, 15, 32, 16866, 258, 8, 2764, 16867, 16868, 16869, 16870], [16871, 3026, 6344, 34, 16872, 11, 40, 496, 4, 6521, 16873, 1, 16874], [1569, 594, 62, 746, 1570, 134, 4, 596, 5, 3, 1450, 9, 101, 282, 496, 5, 534, 5, 1451, 1, 16875, 561, 16876, 1, 16877, 1307], [16878, 5763, 246, 5809, 496, 24, 16879, 16880, 829, 34, 307, 37, 751, 6526, 1440, 9, 384], [307, 1171, 61, 1192, 229, 77, 1306, 10, 24, 16, 16881, 5, 16882, 10, 24, 16, 496, 4, 2, 712, 7, 40, 16883, 1, 16884], [47, 71, 7, 496, 5, 4580, 16885, 650, 1046, 334, 1489, 4581, 4582, 71, 4583, 4584, 2926, 1, 16886], [16887, 16888, 16889, 16890, 3484, 219, 614, 6, 172, 23, 17, 221, 675, 1649, 9, 669, 16891, 2151, 496, 158, 32, 114], [2478, 603, 3579, 659, 2443, 7, 991, 43, 496, 1, 16892], [1569, 594, 62, 746, 1570, 134, 4, 596, 5, 3, 1450, 9, 101, 282, 496, 5, 534, 5, 1451, 16893, 1, 16894, 16895, 2479], [6522, 55, 16896, 4, 211, 2671, 694, 34, 2, 571, 1772, 55, 78, 6524, 496], [16897, 41, 773, 2, 226, 568, 65, 17, 2, 444, 7, 2, 496, 5, 534, 16898, 12, 2105, 4451, 4, 1066, 420, 3, 2740, 11, 496], [6527, 233, 775, 673, 20, 999, 496], [215, 1569, 594, 62, 746, 1570, 134, 4, 596, 5, 3, 1450, 9, 101, 282, 496, 5, 534, 5, 1451, 1, 16899, 662, 197], [215, 1569, 594, 62, 746, 1570, 134, 4, 596, 5, 3, 1450, 9, 101, 282, 496, 5, 534, 5, 1451, 1, 16900, 662, 197], [2478, 603, 3579, 659, 2443, 7, 991, 43, 496, 1, 16901, 1993, 1439, 3081, 3512, 3117, 2580, 1779], [52, 369, 3527, 2603, 1048, 7, 496, 1637, 11, 16902, 369, 1, 16903, 2415, 851, 2179], [16904, 6, 356, 1481, 2, 1378, 497, 5, 1224, 106, 51, 16905, 16906, 1304, 496, 5, 2, 16907], [47, 71, 7, 496, 5, 4580, 16908, 650, 1046, 334, 1489, 4581, 4582, 71, 4583, 4584, 2926, 1, 16909], [1575, 534, 760, 16910, 161, 226, 568, 496, 16911, 5, 16912, 1, 16913, 16914, 16915, 1, 16916], [1155, 280, 101, 282, 16917, 496, 25, 4585, 3580, 2222, 2840, 3354, 16918, 1, 16919, 515, 593, 650], [47, 71, 7, 496, 5, 4580, 16920, 16921, 650, 1046, 334, 1489, 4581, 4582, 71, 4583, 4584, 2926, 1, 16922], [67, 207, 12, 25, 2, 2478, 603, 3579, 659, 2443, 7, 991, 43, 16923, 16924, 16925], [215, 1569, 594, 62, 746, 1570, 134, 4, 596, 5, 3, 1450, 9, 101, 282, 496, 5, 534, 5, 1451, 1, 16926, 662, 197], [215, 1569, 594, 62, 746, 1570, 134, 4, 596, 5, 3, 1450, 9, 101, 282, 496, 5, 534, 5, 1451, 1, 16927, 662, 197], [16928, 2478, 4586, 4, 3, 16929, 1630, 5136, 2, 540, 461, 1422, 12, 2, 16930, 7, 4587, 496, 5, 2, 694, 1061, 8, 603, 70], [16931, 144, 34, 435, 3033, 16932, 6528, 89, 760, 18, 2, 2170, 281, 496, 16, 2902, 3528, 16933, 53, 16934, 727, 16935, 6528], [10, 6529, 36, 14, 758, 33, 3, 320, 308, 1663, 22, 1619, 183], [16936, 946, 4, 320, 308], [2653, 1098, 73, 41, 934, 9, 6, 35, 43, 160, 2879, 24, 211, 16937, 77, 2669], [320, 308, 2480, 232, 4588, 2868, 4589, 1627, 849, 2271, 1, 16938, 16939, 1, 16940, 1, 16941], [16942, 3, 16943, 8, 929, 6, 50, 320, 308, 186, 7, 10], [320, 308, 2480, 232, 4588, 2868, 4589, 1627, 849, 2271, 1, 16944, 1, 16945, 16946, 1, 16947], [320, 308, 6530, 156, 744, 1478, 374, 1907], [898, 16948, 158, 32, 114, 59, 86, 1028], [320, 308, 4563, 6, 30, 16, 23, 108, 56, 32, 160], [4590, 3581, 320, 308, 2108, 3547, 161, 144, 3582, 3583, 3584, 4591, 2066, 145, 736, 1, 16949, 1, 16950], [16951, 127, 10, 13, 320, 308, 2480, 18, 6531, 1, 6532, 6533], [16952, 320, 308, 3585, 22, 160, 8, 590, 1073, 106], [56, 210, 871, 320, 6534, 18, 218, 65, 6535, 6, 286, 26, 16953, 134, 7, 320, 308, 16954], [108, 16955, 26, 29, 2423, 18, 792, 21, 12, 56, 16956], [320, 308, 16957, 16958, 16959], [320, 308, 539, 124], [6536, 787, 320, 308, 7, 675, 2, 672, 7, 2729, 215, 28, 16960], [320, 308, 16961, 2, 122, 5278, 16962, 16963, 1209, 798, 6158, 16964, 9, 1930, 16965, 1, 16966], [6240, 6537, 187, 3001, 209, 538, 5, 2477, 94, 320, 308, 1367, 1, 16967, 1, 16968], [26, 1718, 287, 320, 308, 1224, 28, 16969, 16970], [14, 72, 8, 29, 16971], [16972, 10, 682, 5, 3320], [745, 268, 94, 10, 33, 3, 320, 308, 4812, 1, 16973], [2, 320, 308, 16974, 1385, 4592, 33, 2, 16975, 1054, 16976, 16977], [4590, 3581, 320, 308, 2108, 3547, 161, 144, 3582, 3583, 3584, 4591, 2066, 145, 736, 1, 16978, 1, 16979], [16980, 127, 10, 13, 320, 308, 2480, 18, 6531, 1, 6532, 6533], [2869, 160, 24, 284, 2374, 905, 2337, 1273, 1001, 125, 320, 16981, 16982, 21, 16983, 361, 1, 16984], [16985, 6538, 150, 23, 1619, 2552, 320, 308, 6539, 150, 23, 626, 91, 284, 1, 16986, 288, 6538, 4807], [16987, 1347, 16988, 16989, 18, 320, 308, 1349, 1260, 373, 107, 3585, 9, 889, 7, 332, 16, 75, 71, 19, 45, 1, 16990], [6540, 1616, 742, 6, 614, 16991, 320, 308, 27, 12, 4354, 807, 17, 27, 16992, 6, 23, 68, 16993, 36, 3, 253, 107, 4593], [320, 308, 2480, 232, 4588, 2868, 4589, 1627, 849, 2271, 1, 16994, 1, 16995, 1, 16996], [16997, 22, 614, 11, 3, 16998, 320, 308], [4590, 3581, 320, 308, 2108, 3547, 161, 144, 3582, 3583, 3584, 4591, 2066, 145, 736, 1, 16999, 1, 17000, 17001, 17002], [1784, 3665, 320, 308], [1052, 124, 320, 308, 1629, 1954, 17003, 1, 17004, 992, 11, 3, 1629, 1954, 1501, 4, 1, 17005], [320, 308, 6530, 47, 17006], [1666, 864, 1712, 2745, 1350, 17007, 5, 3707, 186, 54, 614, 15, 89, 26, 49, 17008, 4, 2, 65, 73, 825, 831, 46, 320, 308, 6539], [5355, 9, 6, 12, 31, 43, 123, 4, 320, 308, 3218, 1418, 1, 17009], [1126, 131, 74, 42, 488, 5, 1312, 70, 1732, 17010, 1126, 1033, 389, 3, 74, 42, 488, 5, 1, 17011, 17012], [17013, 877, 1804, 70, 542, 2641, 25, 99, 358, 168, 134, 166, 1418, 17014, 2348, 244, 17015, 17016, 17017, 17018, 1, 17019], [17020, 5411, 1290, 1056, 1463, 70, 139, 5, 1580, 103, 1, 17021, 17022], [9, 10, 1098, 113, 54, 8, 298, 240, 207, 28, 17023], [1197, 4460, 17024, 757, 4, 190, 17025, 298, 542, 4096, 2, 945, 17026, 1, 17027, 17028], [17029, 17030, 668, 477, 1059, 1472, 18, 17031, 6520, 539, 124, 9, 298, 790, 6127, 19, 3, 290, 1071, 2720, 24, 864, 1, 17032], [1726, 131, 74, 42, 488, 70, 1732, 298, 1, 17033, 17034], [355, 22, 6541, 1312, 1185, 131, 1126, 131, 74, 42, 488, 70, 1732, 17035, 1, 17036, 17037, 6541, 732], [17038, 4594, 195, 421, 95, 2623, 9, 17, 8, 4, 31, 298, 240, 17039], [17040, 17041, 59, 1144, 4, 26, 17042, 20, 3, 17043, 6542, 944, 86, 20, 793, 28, 17044], [17045, 2, 151, 2448, 8, 17, 56, 24, 16, 45, 298], [17046, 117, 16, 298, 1549], [263, 1413, 21, 2298, 798, 161, 140, 2171, 298, 5, 2055, 659, 261, 358, 3586, 5, 368, 17047, 1, 17048], [818, 1233, 65, 139, 9, 43, 964, 298, 5, 1700, 401, 511, 100, 105, 131, 1, 17049], [1, 17050, 1654, 56, 4339, 148, 439, 611], [1312, 1185, 131, 1126, 131, 74, 42, 488, 70, 1732, 298, 1, 17051], [53, 6, 172, 6, 89, 23, 68, 20, 19, 170, 39, 109, 298, 9, 55, 23, 515, 593, 3118, 56, 563, 6543, 22, 8, 5984], [6, 132, 457, 643, 17052, 109, 298, 1255, 87, 3, 13, 4501, 17, 8, 587, 17, 89, 156, 1370, 4, 38, 219, 15, 1161, 11, 3, 3382, 1913], [298, 17053, 17054, 17055, 32, 7, 1201, 13, 2315, 1, 5387, 17056], [254, 17057, 66, 249, 3587, 440, 42, 195, 16, 31, 204, 725, 1143, 17058, 21, 4, 3, 17059, 3393, 8, 54, 298], [1312, 1185, 131, 1126, 131, 74, 42, 488, 70, 1732, 298, 1494, 1126, 433, 389, 3, 422, 1, 17060], [29, 17061, 298, 6544], [3428, 1, 878, 17062, 17063, 17064, 2095, 1176, 17065, 1, 17066], [1206, 488, 161, 140, 2171, 298, 5, 2055, 659, 261, 358, 3586, 5, 368, 148, 1, 17067], [17068, 6545, 17069, 5708, 13, 5908, 5, 17070, 2117, 2789, 78, 17071, 298, 12, 1231, 51, 752, 558, 1, 17072, 116], [2553, 17073, 196, 801, 22, 196, 6546, 119, 6547, 9, 801, 2196, 11, 539, 124, 9, 298, 1601, 656, 6548], [161, 140, 2171, 298, 5, 2055, 659, 261, 358, 3586, 5, 368, 148, 1206, 488, 1, 17074, 125], [161, 140, 2171, 298, 5, 2055, 659, 261, 358, 3586, 5, 368, 148, 1, 17075, 58, 1, 17076], [17077, 17078, 431, 17079, 17080, 53, 91, 7, 2, 1517, 876, 3205, 109, 17081, 17082, 13, 89, 31, 17083, 11, 989, 17084, 132, 934], [1312, 1185, 131, 1126, 131, 74, 42, 488, 70, 1732, 298, 1494, 1126, 433, 389, 3, 422, 1, 17085], [2887, 4595, 4034, 17086, 6549, 3088, 46, 79, 298, 125, 1298, 67, 6550, 4595, 17087, 6549, 17088, 1, 17089, 71], [2610, 2286, 1126, 131, 1312, 74, 42, 488, 70, 1732, 298, 1, 17090, 374, 760], [17091, 196, 801, 22, 196, 6546, 119, 6547, 9, 801, 2196, 11, 539, 124, 9, 298, 1601, 656, 6548], [17092, 567, 54, 27, 298, 54, 8, 3, 3382, 2627, 72], [1312, 1185, 131, 1126, 131, 74, 42, 488, 70, 1732, 298, 1494, 1126, 433, 389, 3, 422, 1, 17093], [352, 21, 150, 26, 4596, 39, 16, 3588, 17094], [111, 154, 62, 199, 17095, 4525, 7, 17096, 17097, 17098, 17099, 12, 1586, 352, 21, 1, 17100, 1, 17101], [17102, 17103, 697, 4597, 54, 8, 112, 352, 21, 12, 722, 17104, 847, 1717, 67, 1208, 39, 6551, 722], [5, 1379, 53, 1541, 172, 2738, 33, 1264, 17105, 63, 906, 17106, 1664, 352, 21, 7, 2, 2644, 34, 17107, 18, 17108, 17, 89, 26, 612, 42], [166, 64, 6, 3041, 1613, 7, 352, 21, 43, 2, 921, 7, 64, 455, 4513, 17109, 35, 6, 935], [53, 117, 17110, 17111, 11, 17112, 455, 177, 117, 3, 17113, 4, 2, 5701, 697, 648, 3129, 352, 21, 156, 1370, 10, 13, 3917], [302, 115, 17114, 5365, 22, 6, 35, 29, 1522, 7, 352, 21, 61, 156, 1013, 4, 1146, 13, 3562, 59, 33, 1146, 17115, 9, 1216], [14, 598, 229, 77, 1306, 147, 17116, 22, 1928, 382, 191, 47, 1297, 352, 21, 9, 167, 27, 2745, 88, 17117, 1, 17118], [6, 35, 151, 1197, 4460, 18, 352, 21, 2765, 2, 5226], [4598, 17119, 93, 132, 3388, 15, 45, 12, 17120, 2386, 4535, 21, 17121, 63, 352, 21, 13, 17122, 8, 848, 3, 75, 169, 4, 461, 15, 6552], [433, 55, 23, 17123, 3, 48, 5, 17124, 18, 6456, 5397, 47, 352, 21, 1, 17125], [5103, 74, 42, 163, 17126, 2775, 2178, 261, 17127, 434, 9, 3899, 17128, 1014, 5, 6343, 1297, 39, 3501, 5546, 352, 21], [17129, 440, 220, 17130, 146, 455, 4513, 8, 16, 700, 37, 2742, 352, 21, 2710], [17131, 34, 3, 668, 477, 6553, 17, 2404, 45, 944, 2636, 17132, 6, 2523, 100, 6554, 352, 21, 1830, 9, 17133, 6554], [797, 17134, 17135, 337, 434, 17136, 17137, 87, 1339, 1791, 1785, 12, 1169, 7, 3, 4287, 143, 1019, 303, 47, 352, 21], [149, 18, 352, 21, 12, 17138, 3679, 19, 3695, 17139, 897, 1, 17140], [17141, 189, 61, 17142, 17143, 44, 673, 5, 144, 207, 55, 286, 16, 23, 34, 162, 352, 21, 34, 241, 55, 41, 6555, 23, 352, 21, 33, 895], [3, 52, 2455, 7, 17144, 293, 352, 21, 5, 755, 387, 731, 1392, 4, 6556, 2062, 2207, 1, 17145], [17146, 17147, 17148, 17149, 205, 4476, 117, 3, 5310, 4, 95, 352, 21, 929, 15, 8, 3, 17150], [17151, 6, 1832, 2577, 16, 609, 221, 89, 6557, 96, 54, 27, 17152, 20, 17, 4214, 2563, 9, 352, 21, 24, 16, 4725], [6558, 72, 5, 2, 4159, 647, 97, 8, 16, 188, 19, 684, 30, 16, 516, 1011, 352, 21], [113, 8, 1077, 413, 1170, 963, 11, 17153, 18, 17154, 352, 21, 4, 23, 755, 387, 731, 17155, 1, 17156], [160, 55, 265, 138, 18, 2, 352, 21, 361, 2251, 302, 28, 17157], [17158, 373, 216, 1037, 1239, 11, 17159, 352, 21, 1, 17160], [2, 352, 21, 24, 2146, 196, 17161, 4599, 682, 5181], [668, 1379, 2928, 7, 3257, 206, 8, 375, 36, 7, 5688, 1496, 230, 4, 1547, 17162, 17163, 9, 476, 352, 21, 1, 17164], [45, 352, 21, 4430, 17165, 211, 41, 26, 2307, 302, 454, 28, 17166], [6515, 264, 854, 61, 3, 265, 3776, 54, 112, 3, 944, 3, 4600, 651, 69, 78, 92, 6, 84, 47, 1297, 352, 21, 75, 1262, 74, 42, 17167, 208], [414, 352, 21, 1291, 637, 9, 1870, 1665, 3874, 1762, 6559, 414, 3484, 1, 17168, 219, 17169, 3484, 1, 17170], [17171, 17172, 17173, 9, 1425, 6560, 2409, 7, 17174, 8, 6217, 17175, 352, 21], [168, 2481, 17176, 915, 4, 294, 252, 352, 21, 17177], [161, 1586, 949, 352, 21, 9, 66, 4, 1582, 108, 1, 17178], [3572, 3, 313, 2887, 22, 368, 209, 477, 4, 1582, 455, 72, 9, 655, 352, 21, 81, 156, 1370, 1057, 1593, 1, 17179], [17180, 1085, 254, 1369, 3589, 1121, 455, 1765, 4601, 95, 1747, 391, 94, 254, 1369, 3589, 1663, 6561, 1743, 203], [6550, 4595, 4, 1406, 3186, 455, 5, 1317, 1377, 42, 17181, 1919, 1, 17182, 1, 17183], [4602, 18, 2932, 1882, 2433, 1835, 1696, 1947, 2933, 1166, 1319, 1355], [17184, 17185, 1400, 2826, 254, 1369, 3589, 1121, 455, 1765, 4601, 95, 1747, 391, 94, 1, 17186], [2082, 6544, 44, 974, 455, 17187, 95, 87, 1344, 638, 17188, 195, 16, 190, 2737], [17189, 17190, 17191, 289, 10, 24, 935, 976, 5, 3320, 23, 208, 34, 3459, 46, 4594, 455], [555, 13, 627, 47, 455, 2147, 119, 19, 2147, 119, 4141, 1166, 5579, 693, 2781, 1, 5580], [17192, 17193, 5803, 2190, 29, 931, 4, 31, 4, 17, 954, 17, 6, 17194, 31, 43, 123, 4, 171, 2, 455, 6562, 38, 6, 27, 31, 43, 123, 4, 6562, 15, 203, 605], [3178, 2, 125, 7, 1673, 2408, 217, 340, 1413, 21, 36, 9, 76, 2, 4603, 615, 1, 2056, 17195], [102, 17196, 9, 17197, 394, 17198, 1, 17199], [4602, 18, 2932, 1882, 2433, 1835, 1696, 1947, 2933, 1166, 1319, 1355], [4450, 17200, 16, 5, 2, 1574, 11, 17201, 433, 1019, 17202, 6391, 5, 17203, 17204, 751, 54, 589, 2, 3033, 304, 18, 49, 455, 17205], [17206, 6563, 6564, 13, 6565, 455, 2173, 1559, 1, 17207, 1201, 373, 17208, 6564, 13, 6565, 2144, 1, 17209], [232, 2703, 2353, 3198, 5, 45, 1596, 17210, 17211, 2306, 876, 17212, 17213, 17214, 17215, 17216, 17217, 17218], [14, 1433, 1597, 11, 2, 17219, 304, 22, 1466, 951, 1320, 3, 385, 562, 17220, 6, 155, 17221, 2223, 8, 455, 369, 1517, 304], [17222, 71, 6566, 455, 424, 6567, 6568, 6569, 3976, 3186, 8, 3128, 34, 6570, 1, 17223], [4833, 17224, 2159, 455, 172, 17225, 17226, 17227, 3585, 72, 4, 1, 17228], [17229, 4898, 3957, 455, 63, 293, 869], [1227, 2082, 17230, 1550, 337, 4210, 72, 995, 11, 280, 455, 946, 57, 1, 17231], [112, 3, 5143, 9, 27, 60, 4, 17232, 32, 7, 1120, 51, 6, 3111, 14, 455, 17233, 15, 27, 173, 1605, 9, 6, 495, 5, 14, 3180], [17234, 17235, 17236, 17237, 17238, 17239, 25, 17240, 1257, 6413, 455, 4, 88, 2754, 589, 3565, 17241, 1, 17242], [17243, 17244, 17245, 2100, 17246, 1377, 42, 18, 3, 2665, 455, 1, 17247], [1881, 154, 62, 1403, 17248, 242, 452, 12, 2, 17249, 455, 25, 1391, 1377, 17250], [4602, 18, 2932, 1882, 2433, 1835, 1696, 1947, 2933, 1166, 1319, 1355], [17251, 254, 1369, 3589, 1121, 455, 1765, 4601, 95, 1747, 391, 94, 1, 17252, 2826, 71, 2693], [17253, 2850, 4, 1406, 17254, 1033, 58, 5255, 1, 17255], [52, 954, 7, 17256, 4106, 455, 1, 17257], [1870, 2512, 37, 146, 1392, 4, 2737, 1286, 455], [1707, 18, 2932, 1882, 2433, 1835, 1696, 1947, 2933, 1166, 1319, 1355], [2099, 4599, 6566, 455, 424, 6567, 6568, 6569, 3976, 3186, 8, 3128, 34, 6570, 1, 17258], [17259, 17260, 17261, 17262, 227, 17263, 27, 14, 4764, 39, 18, 17264, 302, 9, 6571, 252, 3, 3310, 19, 52, 431, 17265, 455, 6, 536, 6571, 158, 32, 114, 935], [3178, 2, 125, 7, 1673, 2408, 217, 340, 1413, 21, 36, 9, 76, 2, 4603, 615, 1, 17266], [17267, 455, 2552, 71, 8, 32, 1, 17268, 1413, 21, 58, 17269], [2099, 4599, 2236, 455, 17270, 1304, 17271, 25, 122, 1609, 4, 757, 4, 1745, 124, 411, 81, 54, 30, 15, 1, 17272], [3178, 2, 125, 7, 1673, 2408, 217, 340, 1413, 21, 36, 9, 76, 2, 4603, 615, 1, 17273], [129, 374, 598, 17274, 36, 12, 22, 506, 12, 17275, 17276, 2159, 455, 3077, 14, 17277, 17278, 1758, 686, 620, 180, 11, 6572], [1707, 18, 2932, 1882, 2433, 1835, 1696, 1947, 2933, 1166, 1319, 1355], [17279, 12, 455, 1741, 19, 678, 7, 1377, 42, 11, 6573, 1, 17280], [3, 6574, 229, 77, 85, 6575, 11, 3, 52, 317, 695, 4, 1946, 88, 6576, 3380, 9, 44, 68, 529, 1, 6577, 17281, 98, 1, 17282], [17283, 3099, 848, 55, 24, 529, 18, 108, 272, 174], [272, 7, 96, 17284, 31, 22, 1209, 2447, 116, 17285, 142, 1210, 4392, 2, 125, 8, 529, 18, 17286, 65, 682, 1632], [1517, 17287, 7, 5561, 4, 285, 246, 168, 1599, 9, 14, 530, 80, 64, 17288, 1060, 1166, 8, 529, 18, 4569, 555, 13, 29, 17289, 723, 40, 312, 17290], [97, 17291, 529, 18, 893, 17292, 20, 362, 75, 71, 1035, 4175, 331, 71, 10, 24, 2795, 18, 17293, 17294, 273, 17295], [1326, 17296, 3, 75, 17297, 937, 11, 2, 3681, 2048, 529, 18, 135, 4604, 1694, 19, 2, 2577, 39, 55, 23, 861, 9, 41, 31, 72, 4, 10, 34, 417, 34, 480], [3, 6574, 229, 77, 85, 6575, 11, 3, 52, 317, 695, 4, 1946, 88, 6576, 3380, 9, 44, 68, 529, 1, 6577, 17298, 1, 17299], [6, 17300, 14, 3863, 41, 26, 529, 18, 17301, 17302, 2384, 17303, 7, 17304, 619, 80, 159, 57, 606], [17305, 30, 17306, 608, 781, 167, 27, 529, 20, 3, 540, 1410, 1864], [17307, 1538, 10, 30, 16, 175, 14, 317, 17308, 175, 4, 2052, 40, 2377, 62, 569, 12, 14, 1975, 17309, 6, 35, 529, 18, 22, 1934, 774, 50, 10], [17310, 17311, 607, 6, 104, 10, 45, 31, 529, 23, 3, 75, 67], [17312, 17313, 3402, 10, 210, 359, 10, 871, 4, 4092, 195, 16, 477, 24, 10, 29, 529, 18, 5707, 17, 10, 132, 2133, 4, 38], [171, 65, 3401, 1326, 8, 47, 17314, 1493, 15, 8, 16, 33, 2, 980, 8, 63, 267, 41, 26, 529, 18, 6200, 28, 17315], [1460, 2309, 7, 17316, 17317, 5516, 2, 854, 17, 17318, 635, 70, 646, 17319, 8, 529, 18, 3411, 17320, 28, 17321], [637, 24, 529, 18, 2761, 9, 933, 846, 9, 5, 708, 9, 23, 47, 169, 4, 17322, 2482, 17323, 17324], [17325, 6, 35, 17326, 10, 23, 16, 68, 529, 17327], [17328, 17, 1091, 33, 2, 1576, 6578, 6, 41, 277, 36, 17329, 17330, 22, 17331, 16, 198, 158, 32, 114, 671, 146, 529, 18], [2092, 4, 14, 17332, 970, 60, 95, 2727, 8, 233, 39, 6, 30, 16, 175, 4, 26, 529, 18, 143, 818], [2098, 17333, 17334, 17335, 1511, 26, 529, 18, 17336, 7, 17337, 17338, 17339, 57, 17340], [34, 3, 1903, 7, 927, 1956, 5, 2801, 17341, 3164, 24, 529, 20, 262, 17342, 328, 33, 6018, 19, 373, 4112, 2801, 17343], [17344, 848, 146, 529, 18, 22, 1598, 57, 39, 2251, 283, 4, 17345, 5875, 196, 163, 45, 106, 17346], [17347, 17348, 1666, 17349, 17350, 81, 13, 10, 9, 529, 6083, 29, 37, 968, 4, 163, 307, 673, 10, 24, 609, 3, 3788, 775, 17351], [529, 18, 5633, 1296, 107, 7, 17352, 34, 3, 802, 12, 4525, 4267, 17353, 7, 304, 7, 6314, 6, 30, 16, 104, 14, 17354, 25, 14, 17355], [17356, 1551, 17357, 65, 4, 699, 3, 6392, 2388, 5076, 1618, 12, 1033, 18, 332, 230, 17, 44, 529, 221, 7, 2, 17358], [17359, 80, 159, 10, 89, 31, 529], [22, 8, 310, 4, 962, 3, 896, 67, 770, 4, 23, 1098, 9, 177, 17360, 41, 26, 529, 1, 878, 17361], [529, 18, 17362, 2727, 6020, 17363, 129, 3471, 1604, 456, 4867, 17364, 80, 159, 41, 190, 17365, 40, 17366, 6293, 212], [17367, 749, 17368, 20, 1466, 1352, 10, 41, 529, 18, 1007, 7, 1529, 25, 17369, 2737, 1087, 1, 17370], [17371, 154, 62, 17372, 34, 10, 81, 1600, 78, 529, 18, 17373, 1543, 454, 11, 17374, 34, 221, 34, 1627, 50, 4, 26, 1579, 4, 597, 1503, 80, 159, 803], [254, 832, 1326, 124, 17375, 6, 1430, 6, 112, 3, 6579, 33, 17, 1036, 6, 35, 774, 50, 10, 529, 18, 4605, 2637, 7, 2, 701, 17376, 17377, 17378], [2124, 781, 6145, 2, 6269, 2583, 11, 3694, 9, 2914, 5, 3, 125, 529, 18, 933, 1, 17379, 71], [17380, 4, 193, 8, 49, 1246, 276, 51, 54, 17381, 95, 6101, 186, 95, 1446, 529, 2, 1908, 17382, 1446, 330], [17383, 9, 4118, 6, 35, 529, 18, 1193, 17384], [671, 2987, 4, 26, 529, 18, 1079, 1049, 60, 17385, 17386, 996, 17387, 20, 1055, 302, 207, 39, 53, 22, 8, 1073, 15, 41, 26, 692, 1208], [17388, 117, 6243, 15, 8, 283, 25, 722, 6580, 807, 6, 35, 37, 317, 881, 12, 1460, 800, 59, 3381, 29, 14, 1973, 8, 529, 800, 1475, 1125], [17389, 409, 17390, 1198, 17391, 260, 4193, 75, 972, 2006, 17392, 17393, 2359], [17394, 4606, 69, 24, 3, 670, 1567, 11, 17, 39, 67, 7, 108, 8, 2, 3765, 1031, 2006, 2267, 4226, 53, 1031, 3164, 96, 3], [227, 47, 2, 17395, 2511, 402, 543, 62, 199, 708, 2006, 8, 2146, 196, 47], [1401, 5, 734, 107, 3585, 292, 1361, 20, 329, 320, 308, 862, 1, 17396, 1, 17397], [6271, 611, 262, 1667, 728, 6581, 1, 17398, 4607, 933, 12, 2006, 2715, 101, 282, 2615, 1278, 5790], [307, 6582, 11, 14, 1825, 1606, 118, 212, 479, 5, 110, 5676, 17399, 21, 11, 2, 17400, 28, 17401], [17402, 2016, 117, 307, 32, 7, 2, 2006, 616, 5178], [937, 39, 17, 17403, 2006, 27, 3898, 1782, 28, 17404], [1512, 45, 17405, 110, 6, 84, 2006, 820], [17406, 5692, 1455, 2122, 60, 17407, 2006, 4416, 17408, 17409], [17410, 17411, 874, 5, 3, 467], [3909, 17412, 1238, 5698, 9, 17413, 17414, 1004, 408, 467, 759, 905, 1053, 1038, 1566, 6086], [6583, 6584, 51, 127, 3, 803, 1915, 3216, 18, 6585, 7, 2, 1389, 962, 3, 467], [17415, 10, 265, 502, 17416, 53, 6, 30, 16, 934, 22, 265, 506, 5, 3, 467, 6, 35, 1143, 10, 6453, 265, 2592], [467, 232, 20, 1506, 80, 17417, 2230, 745, 17418], [200, 6586, 1510, 1807, 268, 1086, 25, 4608, 467, 172, 646, 208, 19, 242, 1113, 54, 44, 2608, 3, 362, 7, 17419, 1, 17420], [467, 1395, 964, 185, 717, 803, 185, 1, 17421, 58, 17422, 3423], [17423, 32, 7, 17424, 162, 118, 1084, 2, 17425, 4, 934, 2, 17426, 942, 5, 3, 467, 56, 13, 1645, 1612, 70, 1, 17427, 17428], [17429, 1766, 2, 4842, 467, 2648, 17430], [17431, 555, 13, 17432, 17433, 6587, 17434, 17435, 6588, 6252, 17436, 6589, 17437, 17438, 2993, 1, 17439, 17440], [14, 17441, 17442, 1025, 623, 8, 467, 22, 623, 44, 2432, 38, 316, 3, 562, 7, 847, 159, 1, 17443, 17444], [3006, 7, 17445, 17446, 17447, 17448, 17449, 17450, 467, 17451, 12, 2830, 121, 5, 1451, 321, 1, 17452], [17453, 1077, 3, 17454, 89, 934, 350, 1138, 467, 5, 779, 65, 73, 23, 16, 5904, 5, 174, 188, 244, 216, 5046, 89, 17455, 208], [239, 467, 508, 667, 261, 6590, 42, 46, 927, 332, 1, 17456], [17457, 5263, 6583, 6584, 306, 220, 17458, 467, 10, 132, 4597, 938, 2, 17459, 3216, 7, 17460, 1, 17461], [57, 989, 467, 20, 17462, 17463, 1, 17464, 17465], [109, 15, 6591, 20, 3, 467, 211, 2, 1576, 712, 311, 6, 109, 15, 32, 2, 6458], [4608, 71, 200, 6586, 1510, 1807, 268, 1086, 25, 4608, 467, 172, 646, 208, 19, 242, 1113, 1, 17466, 6, 17467], [29, 605, 17468, 5, 2, 71, 13, 17469, 17470, 6105, 39, 6, 829, 26, 3, 313, 17471, 1, 17472], [17473, 17474, 17475, 10, 37, 421, 686, 293, 5, 2, 6592, 2459, 2, 197, 741, 11, 15, 17476, 46, 17477, 467, 2446, 1600, 17478, 57], [3256, 5, 17479, 7, 1707, 49, 1706, 17480, 467, 17481, 1, 17482], [146, 2795, 12, 3, 17483, 143, 11, 1382, 676, 46, 17484, 604, 4, 3, 467, 27, 272, 2680, 2, 6046, 7, 2, 1949], [17485, 70, 350, 1138, 17486, 62, 986, 10, 17487, 5, 17488, 5, 2348, 17489, 2830, 5533, 17490, 934, 11, 4609, 1, 17491], [17492, 1286, 467, 5, 17493, 936, 284, 4, 889, 237, 17494, 1900, 9, 6023, 17495, 1, 17496], [2285, 667, 140, 46, 467, 5, 2, 2172, 2934, 1, 17497, 58, 137], [29, 51, 117, 874, 5, 3, 17498, 41, 26, 69, 11, 17499, 5, 2, 332, 1066, 10, 17500, 41, 26, 69, 11, 10], [467, 269, 12, 3, 1949, 5, 17501, 28, 17502], [946, 4, 467, 20, 227, 1098, 2180, 28, 17503, 17504], [17505, 1770, 5836, 3446, 1664, 17506, 25, 4451, 5, 3288, 467, 17507, 3935, 1743, 3407, 2830, 20, 17508, 17509, 7, 140, 65, 5, 913], [22, 1068, 7, 17510, 44, 1264, 4150, 651, 2722, 34, 53, 15, 44, 3, 467, 4609, 17511, 18, 4516, 17512, 4308, 4, 6210, 22, 1770, 2349], [17513, 906, 39, 17514, 2320, 20, 3, 467, 28, 17515, 273, 17516], [467, 508, 667, 261, 6590, 42, 46, 17517, 1, 17518], [917, 1623, 17519, 17520, 1623, 686, 29, 6593, 93, 210, 371, 161, 1551, 686, 1576, 2, 226, 568, 65, 50, 6594, 4610, 934, 20, 3, 467], [1576, 142, 11, 3, 4611, 552, 160, 6, 249, 1, 17521], [1629, 301, 136, 1485, 67, 52, 67, 244, 24, 1924, 17522, 791, 21, 18, 1514, 28, 17523, 17524], [1600, 3, 1148, 18, 3913, 17, 24, 552, 17525], [2, 2229, 2329, 33, 49, 17526, 632, 14, 3364, 5, 734, 614, 27, 2, 17527, 1471, 552, 1, 17528], [14, 1897, 24, 1321, 39, 14, 1624, 80, 64, 24, 4248, 17, 8, 255, 6, 421, 14, 552], [2935, 552, 659, 514, 485, 2331, 4, 2936, 17529, 17530], [17531, 637, 1712, 4, 165, 38, 751, 2208, 6, 552, 10, 623, 12, 14, 17532, 589, 34, 6, 109, 76, 6291, 30, 16, 294, 457, 3103, 17533], [17534, 17535, 17536, 29, 167, 17537, 12, 3, 1267, 327, 11, 10, 88, 537, 1330, 46, 3953, 38, 552, 3399, 1628, 14, 293], [6, 150, 23, 2432, 3, 313, 173, 6595, 43, 14, 183, 375, 552, 1152, 316, 3332, 1, 17538, 1, 17539, 1695], [552, 2601, 17540, 6, 37, 17541, 3, 552, 2601, 5, 17542, 2136, 14, 1060, 4, 355, 15, 32, 1, 17543], [1590, 11, 14, 2766, 3315, 552, 3399, 4, 31, 160], [4028, 31, 43, 123, 4, 17544, 37, 4, 31, 3, 17545, 552, 994], [6, 150, 23, 2432, 3, 313, 173, 6595, 43, 14, 183, 375, 552, 1152, 1, 17546, 1, 17547, 8], [552, 3399, 24, 14, 2767], [6, 552, 10, 1, 17548], [2935, 552, 659, 514, 485, 168, 17549, 17550, 17551, 2331, 4, 2936], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 17552, 1, 17553, 2043, 4780, 106, 1030, 70, 552, 1388, 66, 4, 3336, 17554, 2259], [28, 17555, 7, 17556, 552, 79], [760, 7, 2, 121, 1, 17557, 4330, 52, 17558, 552, 2189, 17559, 453, 3701, 2578, 17560, 1423, 17561, 1, 17562], [17563, 953, 310, 44, 68, 67, 374, 304, 7, 2, 1606, 8, 552, 1, 17564], [6, 552, 10], [355, 32, 14, 552, 1152, 1199, 1, 17565], [6596, 372, 9, 552, 229, 77, 85, 11, 2, 3963, 64, 110, 6, 1171, 22, 8, 61, 711, 637, 3410, 33], [2935, 552, 659, 1554, 514, 485, 2331, 4, 2936, 13, 17566, 17567], [6, 552, 10], [3, 615, 7, 552, 5, 2, 1163, 22, 1352, 15, 27, 1710, 3, 620, 2229, 1163, 433, 17568, 1, 17569], [2935, 161, 552, 659, 514, 485, 2331, 4, 2936], [69, 8, 3, 598, 5, 17570, 2436, 911, 17, 2912, 21, 2, 953, 911, 15, 8, 33, 95, 1268, 24, 17571, 208, 63, 17572, 208, 5, 552], [171, 952, 751, 2, 1908, 8, 552, 39, 1036, 7, 37, 2, 1908, 171, 952, 751, 18, 2, 385, 125, 9, 219, 31, 32, 7, 1120, 1, 17573], [355, 22, 760, 1, 17574, 17575, 668, 9, 4189, 17576, 552, 215, 2123, 17577, 1559, 18, 6585, 834, 17578, 1, 17579, 17580], [17581, 552, 10, 17582, 17583, 36], [2935, 552, 659, 1554, 514, 485, 2331, 4, 2936, 17584, 17585], [6, 1430, 17, 2, 1238, 1149, 9, 1163, 36, 17586, 597, 38, 395, 4, 552], [6, 1015, 134, 672, 3, 2766, 3315, 9, 2652, 2323, 552, 994, 1294, 14, 17587, 17588, 1628, 1546, 9, 4511, 28, 17589], [353, 9, 338, 480, 5, 2, 6597, 17590, 1713, 1, 17591], [1309, 338, 4612, 268, 1086, 19, 2, 243, 13, 954, 3, 338, 1261, 81, 6598, 3, 6599, 3836, 2914, 1, 17592], [61, 10, 354, 30, 57, 5373, 21, 47, 59, 4029, 14, 2382, 338, 6104, 28, 17593], [2, 338, 32, 160, 8, 587, 1297], [973, 2470, 261, 17594, 8, 507, 1519, 5654, 11, 49, 1352, 338, 17595, 2203, 1, 17596], [1153, 346, 1800, 18, 1700, 338, 41, 845, 928, 2, 218, 2786, 22, 1352, 17, 17597, 69, 8, 3, 1458, 2455, 3116], [3338, 3428, 1, 17598, 17599, 6600, 338, 4326, 70, 6601, 147, 4395, 11, 135, 3115, 185, 6602, 6603, 510, 510, 17600, 1, 17601, 17602], [3553, 17603, 15, 6604, 91, 710, 1150, 277, 20, 338, 9, 91, 17604, 2911, 1833, 2977, 530, 80, 159], [1320, 3590, 1260, 927, 6605, 9, 338, 1461, 4533, 2919, 2104, 57, 1, 17605], [1177, 315, 774, 50, 10, 338, 4612, 268, 1086, 19, 2, 243, 13, 954, 3, 338, 1261, 81, 6598, 3, 6599, 3836, 119, 1, 17606], [6, 17607, 17608, 6606, 134, 338, 1438, 5396, 1, 17609, 1, 17610], [30, 16, 17611, 286, 16, 13, 2, 338, 209, 2, 800, 1, 17612], [17613, 18, 3, 17614, 1165, 798, 36, 2, 1140, 5324, 277, 7, 2, 142, 11, 17615, 2504], [17616, 17617, 607, 607, 106], [927, 332, 3590, 1260, 9, 17618, 338, 1461, 942, 316, 2, 17619, 57, 1, 17620], [338, 1286, 2982, 52, 130, 12, 17621, 1, 17622, 17623], [1320, 3590, 1260, 927, 6605, 9, 338, 1461, 4533, 2919, 2104, 57, 1, 17624], [125, 148, 2288, 802, 338, 1623, 49, 6607, 20, 1247, 2184, 6608, 6609, 1, 17625, 1, 17626], [2810, 1800, 18, 338, 480, 5, 2, 6597, 2398, 1713, 1, 17627, 1, 17628], [17629, 17630, 2, 1388, 12, 2, 3706, 5, 2, 2384, 573, 338, 283, 36, 5, 2, 263, 7, 2, 17631], [745, 2, 338, 1261, 1271, 1719, 17632, 1271, 3, 4488, 1393, 17633, 1, 17634], [338, 6102, 201, 6, 35, 146, 17635, 4, 17636, 2650, 4393], [338, 4406, 10, 198, 23, 2616, 17637, 422], [810, 433, 6, 3021, 2, 338, 4, 14, 1965, 17638, 741], [3037, 483, 2668, 1, 17639, 17640, 6600, 338, 4326, 70, 6601, 147, 4395, 11, 135, 3115, 185, 6602, 6603, 510, 510, 2672, 1, 17641], [125, 148, 2288, 802, 338, 1623, 49, 6607, 20, 1247, 2184, 6608, 6609, 1, 17642, 1, 17643], [338, 1261, 5, 2, 387, 58, 6610, 212, 1, 6611, 6612, 118, 212], [91, 901, 338, 768], [6237, 4415, 711, 91, 3955, 17644, 19, 116, 3019, 34, 6, 2455, 22, 54, 109, 1602, 12, 338, 17645, 20, 864, 3534], [338, 1261, 5, 2, 387, 58, 6610, 212, 1, 6611, 6612, 118, 212, 1, 17646], [355, 32, 22, 1924, 3591, 7, 338, 17647, 269, 4009, 87, 25, 769, 1164, 1, 17648, 1, 17649], [355, 22, 32, 338, 4612, 268, 1086, 19, 2, 243, 13, 954, 1, 17650, 17651, 17652, 1177, 315], [51, 10, 1259, 17653, 59, 4, 17654, 2, 338, 5, 40, 17655, 17656, 949, 11, 141, 444], [17657, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [17658, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [17659, 17660, 460, 700, 81, 426, 18, 3, 114, 497, 5, 841], [17661, 17662, 114, 17663, 171, 96, 497], [17664, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [17665, 293, 15, 277, 2, 1329, 1051, 208, 18, 3, 114, 497, 6290, 1031, 17666, 19, 208, 241, 252, 36, 6, 35, 31, 43, 123, 32, 682], [17667, 50, 10, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [17668, 561, 5152, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [17669, 17670, 8, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [69, 27, 3, 114, 497, 768, 1557, 246, 9, 6, 355, 4, 789, 14, 1179, 12, 2, 1908, 46, 2, 3912, 54, 27, 1523, 12, 1330, 1, 17671], [73, 2, 400, 3725, 443, 13, 2267, 114, 19, 5821, 12, 3, 4152, 917, 17672, 30, 56, 175, 38, 4, 249, 497, 108], [607, 5, 17673, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [916, 112, 3, 537, 131, 37, 57, 114, 497, 439, 1916, 302, 4, 17674, 2664, 32, 15, 27, 136, 3546, 2667, 76, 2, 75, 1515], [17675, 81, 10, 13, 2, 17676, 1296, 6613, 17677, 722, 24, 114, 9, 479, 5, 18, 3, 374, 497, 32, 2, 701, 169, 1411, 13], [2, 769, 124, 6, 170, 18, 17678, 4613, 6614, 29, 114, 257, 4, 497, 88], [17679, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [61, 2, 400, 27, 17, 69, 27, 3, 114, 497, 9, 3, 890, 7, 624, 768, 6, 35, 844, 621, 6, 35, 16, 140, 39, 61, 2, 806], [2174, 855, 2773, 114, 1923, 497, 17680, 259, 143, 4, 17681, 60, 4, 2483, 17682], [17683, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [3474, 3592, 6579, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [6, 27, 6615, 1523, 5, 14, 1148, 9, 6, 505, 22, 114, 497, 7, 587, 1255], [17684, 3592, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [3592, 106, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [15, 8, 27, 60, 17685, 5, 2, 17686, 536, 6616, 4, 165, 91, 17687, 2368, 375, 3, 114, 17688, 17689, 44, 3, 1619, 17690], [17691, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [3302, 17692, 3, 114, 497, 54, 17693, 12, 2, 879, 34, 4510, 240, 293, 1110, 2778, 208, 67, 7, 2, 460, 54, 3443, 2, 272, 27, 4, 26], [17694, 17695, 5, 1692, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [497, 38, 36, 17696, 54, 27, 33, 54, 27, 2771, 29, 114], [1977, 12, 4, 497, 497, 268, 94, 9, 2657, 20, 1200, 6617, 15, 8, 68, 173, 565, 278, 6, 23, 1302, 22, 67, 114, 1200, 6617, 263, 7, 2, 6618], [554, 2248, 1767, 17697, 4301, 528, 22, 35, 18, 114, 497, 215, 1767, 5431, 725, 43, 3263, 2558, 5837, 6619, 17698, 66], [3592, 3389, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [192, 4, 170, 5, 49, 111, 42, 6, 81, 497, 45, 14, 2767, 1404, 6368, 32, 114], [17699, 410, 71, 1157, 6, 37, 505, 3, 114, 497, 737, 5, 61, 135, 957, 4, 26, 3, 659, 7, 423, 25, 14, 1158, 180], [6, 30, 16, 681, 32, 114, 19, 162, 460, 39, 115, 6, 198, 158, 32, 114, 2, 374, 497, 3156], [6620, 4, 6621, 15, 27, 17700, 204, 1245, 7, 206, 383, 5917, 9, 4596, 311, 2, 4050, 21, 1743, 16, 20, 38], [17701, 15, 8, 16, 49, 6622, 9, 15, 195, 16, 381, 5, 206, 383, 17702, 195, 16, 17703, 17704], [17705, 17706, 10, 36, 4, 17707, 206, 383, 433], [2, 708, 915, 4, 294, 799, 6623, 206, 383, 29, 162, 539, 124, 65, 30, 301, 460, 11, 2, 830, 7, 2, 125, 2, 708, 8, 16, 1357], [6620, 4, 6621, 17708, 150, 3231, 1175, 23, 68, 2, 205, 437, 807, 39, 15, 8, 49, 1245, 7, 206, 383, 9, 6, 132, 17709, 15], [55, 23, 1267, 3972, 4416, 1397, 4893, 2, 206, 383, 7, 2661, 17710, 861, 5614, 17711, 6624, 713, 17712, 28, 17713], [591, 17714, 5720, 206, 383, 160, 55, 249], [116, 17715, 116, 17716, 19, 22, 456, 336, 2113, 730, 67, 7, 2, 1499, 2722, 7, 206, 383, 5, 125, 17717, 1, 17718], [53, 3901, 8, 383, 177, 17719, 24, 17720, 9, 17721, 8, 206, 1672, 1564], [4614, 6625, 17, 8, 255, 2, 17722, 4518, 9, 206, 383, 249, 5, 240, 265, 64], [17723, 440, 17724, 21, 61, 53, 54, 5432, 3, 206, 383], [17725, 17726, 17727, 1271, 17728, 1434, 4211, 206, 383, 7, 4615, 5, 17729, 5416, 831, 2, 5823, 1, 17730, 561, 17731], [153, 67, 7, 17732, 945, 17733, 7, 206, 383, 1, 17734, 153, 148, 17735, 274], [1922, 44, 274, 267, 2420, 249, 4, 4349, 18, 527, 9, 206, 383, 7, 1780, 7, 2371, 9, 895, 18, 2698, 349], [227, 2, 2515, 206, 383, 9, 125, 17736, 747, 43, 1767, 66, 195, 40, 121, 31, 43, 123], [1, 6626, 6627, 30, 40, 1214, 104, 60, 2, 206, 383, 17, 1000, 741, 5, 2, 4616, 240, 207], [4614, 6625, 2, 17737, 6622, 6555, 2350, 5, 17738, 9, 206, 383], [4350, 398, 2, 1300, 615, 4832, 206, 383, 20, 2, 590, 1092, 1763, 4, 2028, 108, 1, 17739, 1668, 2937], [22, 17740, 206, 383, 1516, 4, 10, 20, 2, 228, 1310, 6628, 1, 17741], [54, 375, 713, 3, 75, 733, 459, 709, 17742, 206, 383, 17743, 34, 4431, 3593, 195, 2, 701, 506, 1, 17744, 273, 2125], [1, 17745, 17746, 196, 209, 2, 4616, 87, 40, 17747, 335, 6, 270, 2, 206, 383, 7, 17748, 4615, 2064], [17749, 55, 2255, 3556, 4, 4, 3482, 535, 17750, 4, 820, 36, 4617, 206, 383, 34, 54, 37, 127, 5, 3512, 1, 17751], [1, 6626, 6627, 30, 40, 1214, 104, 60, 2, 206, 383, 17, 1000, 741, 5, 2, 4616, 240, 207], [2, 708, 915, 4, 294, 799, 6623, 206, 383, 29, 162, 539, 124, 65, 175, 2, 830, 7, 2, 125, 9, 2, 708, 1, 17752], [17753, 4062, 383, 8, 1750, 206, 383, 4, 3, 3312, 7, 17754, 65, 8, 16, 869, 926], [1633, 17755, 6, 35, 325, 36, 11, 206, 383], [17756, 2, 206, 383, 109, 88, 215, 9, 17757, 39, 19, 537, 167, 27, 325, 3, 17758], [4500, 17759, 1865, 100, 105, 20, 1844, 1627, 2358, 98, 296, 258, 8, 195, 16, 3, 206, 383, 178], [6629, 17760, 17761, 1074, 669, 2575, 1336, 1161, 17762, 1187, 11, 206, 383, 9, 685, 969, 1, 17763], [6630, 113, 195, 401, 2162, 9, 1117, 31, 484, 18, 206, 17764, 5351], [838, 16, 621, 2, 1621, 206, 383, 135, 4227, 21, 287, 22, 148, 39, 15, 27, 17765, 1658, 2, 1476, 28, 17766], [204, 459, 898, 757, 4, 206, 383, 65, 11, 47, 135, 4146, 966, 37, 186, 171, 38, 1171, 54, 8, 3990, 3517, 4618, 4618, 4618, 1983, 1797], [153, 336, 174, 278, 2, 945, 206, 383, 5, 1147, 779, 219, 1769, 1, 17767, 17768], [17769, 4036, 3, 206, 690], [17770, 27, 3, 540, 4, 306, 220, 4619, 6631, 6632, 3, 206, 690, 73, 5, 17771, 725, 9, 139, 2536, 17772, 1, 17773, 17774], [17775, 6, 155, 2039, 151, 112, 33, 67, 218, 206, 690, 5, 2, 779, 7, 206, 5960, 459, 65, 30, 17, 253], [206, 690, 17776, 17777, 2989, 80, 1592, 3, 513, 5, 726, 4348, 1, 878, 17778, 4896], [17779, 563, 155, 6, 35, 3, 77, 17780, 891, 115, 3, 17781, 206, 7, 3257, 6, 30, 39, 6, 30, 16, 155, 117, 3, 206, 690], [4620, 1396, 4, 17782, 1216, 2411, 12, 2, 17783, 17784, 963, 3, 206, 690, 1124, 36, 28, 17785, 17786], [17787, 17788, 690, 6339, 16, 70, 17789, 5, 1965, 6323, 106, 29, 54, 286, 16, 17790, 835, 2431, 70, 17791, 63, 17792, 2122], [15, 8, 33, 191, 1172, 38, 4, 962, 3, 206, 690, 18, 66, 162, 943, 6633, 6, 23, 4, 760, 18, 12, 3, 774, 50, 10, 5905], [17793, 5466, 1750, 785, 20, 2, 169, 206, 690, 9, 420, 761, 55, 30, 16, 104, 53, 69, 8, 17794, 63, 402, 543, 62, 199, 17795, 651, 4122, 54, 536, 4, 3], [459, 65, 6, 104, 10, 1313, 17796, 60, 218, 12, 218, 1490, 39, 61, 24, 10, 31, 43, 123, 4, 30, 60, 40, 206, 690, 1250], [17797, 6, 189, 33, 3, 206, 690, 5, 15], [17798, 587, 60, 17799, 2, 180, 7, 206, 690, 195, 16, 1612, 205, 18, 38, 1118, 1477, 22, 8, 507, 1, 17800], [10, 156, 1370, 4, 17801, 4, 285, 5171, 1769, 60, 66, 10, 17802, 17803, 9, 17804, 206, 690, 6631, 6632, 28, 17805], [1050, 34, 66, 22, 709, 8, 3, 206, 690, 9, 44, 33, 3126, 948, 62, 1403, 2626, 1650, 1773, 4, 30, 2126, 253], [833, 258, 17806, 206, 690, 3861, 55, 30, 16, 751, 17, 253, 5, 2, 17807], [4225, 4145, 17808, 273, 17809, 17810, 206, 4032, 4353, 4, 3537, 17811, 996, 6634, 17812, 7, 185, 3537, 1289], [17813, 17814, 4036, 206, 690], [4047, 206, 690, 9, 459, 17815, 17816, 17817, 27, 356, 17818, 704, 49, 17819, 1, 17820], [17821, 4621, 67, 31, 17, 206, 4032, 17822, 87, 2, 17823], [53, 40, 317, 881, 198, 78, 40, 317, 881, 56, 286, 801, 10, 6551, 7, 40, 3594, 1862, 10, 962, 3, 6635, 63, 587], [295, 17824, 61, 30, 10, 209, 38, 11, 6, 35, 16, 3, 206, 690, 37, 2, 67], [156, 744, 372, 4, 206, 690, 1, 17825, 170, 17826], [17827, 53, 10, 209, 2, 5090, 87, 208, 6, 2197, 26, 2544, 4, 819, 22, 8, 2, 327, 17, 4619, 4, 204, 1770, 17828, 6635], [44, 944, 2411, 267, 17829, 3, 1401, 5, 734, 206, 690], [204, 459, 206, 690, 382, 191, 6, 232, 5, 102, 28, 17830], [17831, 1411, 289, 15, 8, 3, 2598, 911, 459, 206, 690, 321], [204, 459, 206, 690, 382, 191, 6, 35, 25, 102, 17832], [16, 151, 24, 10, 3, 206, 690, 39, 19, 3, 258, 8, 2290, 255, 644, 1131, 1921, 6578, 4, 13, 3, 258, 8, 6494, 115], [17833, 17834, 17835, 17836, 690], [5330, 206, 690, 2549, 5216, 19, 17837, 2656, 854, 5, 1, 17838], [204, 459, 206, 690, 1983, 1797, 28, 17839], [17840, 3, 17841, 9, 51, 41, 10, 26, 17842, 12, 1828, 17843, 17844, 18, 206, 690, 17845], [484, 25, 2366, 535, 1227, 17846, 793, 24, 17847, 39, 56, 30, 16, 23, 2, 3034, 4, 603, 1880, 692, 25, 2, 5916, 33, 2, 17848], [4072, 17849, 1268, 7, 1106, 1074, 669, 295, 1373, 260, 3595, 3596, 3597, 3598, 3599], [1038, 74, 42, 1137, 17850, 980, 603, 18, 17851, 2862, 131, 1, 17852], [598, 2877, 168, 21, 37, 694, 46, 17853, 603, 7, 95, 342, 50, 10, 1, 17854, 17855], [17856, 1268, 7, 1106, 1074, 669, 295, 1373, 260, 3595, 3596, 3597, 3598, 3599], [6, 37, 1861, 1269, 1526, 4, 193, 1120, 1199, 1892, 1198, 603, 6, 18, 6540, 232, 19, 17857, 28, 1462, 17858], [22, 1418, 17859, 980, 430, 17860, 1180, 21, 67, 142, 17861, 7, 17862, 1, 17863, 17864, 17865, 21], [17866, 13, 17867, 17868, 32, 863, 978, 17869, 9, 3441, 78, 874, 9, 171, 138, 17870, 36, 17871, 603, 4, 3, 17872, 1964, 3199], [106, 174, 46, 2, 17873, 983, 603, 17874, 4937, 8, 4191, 17875, 17876, 1, 17877, 1, 17878], [603, 19, 2478, 44, 2, 125, 3588, 2, 4587, 1, 17879, 4587, 17880, 3, 85, 1672, 1564, 17881, 1564], [1106, 258, 8, 603, 2575, 5961, 2732, 4120, 826, 12, 17882, 4263, 1, 17883, 1, 17884], [92, 6, 84, 17885, 46, 684, 174, 127, 2, 93, 119, 190, 17886, 2, 5236, 4523, 603, 1, 17887], [17888, 17889, 219, 168, 21, 3, 374, 1490, 33, 17890, 603, 34, 565, 2, 3731, 8, 146, 17891, 17892], [331, 121], [17893, 24, 10, 1297], [17894, 8, 8, 672, 38, 165, 913, 17895, 603], [17896, 6636, 11, 17897, 603, 1721, 42, 11, 318, 2159, 4895, 7, 6006, 226, 1132, 1, 17898, 1, 17899], [6, 13, 3, 603], [1911, 4, 2, 603, 792, 21, 3941, 2327, 61, 78, 211, 17900, 10, 505, 118, 256, 2, 5623, 36, 1334, 2, 169], [17901, 783, 3860, 137, 3600, 31, 43, 123, 205, 57, 50, 831, 10, 710, 30, 9, 382, 10, 17902, 38, 4, 1199, 1892, 1198, 603], [2, 2568, 7, 17903, 17904, 17905, 1209, 2447, 1, 17906, 228, 2701, 717, 1077, 762, 6637, 432, 264, 1345, 1668, 17907, 17908], [683, 22, 27, 3, 603, 7, 1880, 153, 1, 17909], [30, 16, 2839, 18, 14, 17910, 6, 81, 26, 3, 603, 17911], [17912, 980, 603, 1392, 4, 6638, 1185, 131, 12, 2862, 1, 17913], [948, 62, 1403, 833, 10, 710, 6, 1712, 3, 603, 29, 10, 597, 2, 1647, 4, 14, 358, 4, 178, 22, 875, 6639, 902, 38, 61, 2, 1372], [6640, 17914, 17915, 177, 10, 23, 820, 7, 17916, 17917, 603, 5646, 3587, 9, 218, 512, 59, 17918, 34, 307], [1059, 337, 1199, 1892, 1198, 603, 6, 1, 17919, 20, 1881, 124, 17920, 2838, 4098, 1, 17921], [17922, 17923, 2484, 43, 17924, 1492, 755, 387, 731, 336, 259, 803, 287, 2055, 603, 255, 27, 2828, 17925, 8, 3, 125, 2126], [17926, 980, 603, 1392, 4, 17927, 2862, 131, 1, 17928], [17929, 9, 2546, 24, 16, 34, 5889, 34, 3, 603, 39, 56, 24, 59, 1700, 5, 2, 565, 371, 2681, 17930], [773, 4622, 4, 17931, 6636, 7, 17932, 2156, 4, 96, 1332, 1525, 19, 2, 603, 7, 318, 2159, 236, 142, 57, 116, 28, 17933], [6525, 17934, 1268, 7, 1106, 1074, 669, 295, 1373, 260, 3595, 3596, 3597, 3598, 3599], [17935, 1268, 7, 1106, 1074, 669, 295, 1373, 260, 3595, 3596, 3597, 3598, 3599], [17936, 15, 8, 3, 17937, 1379, 17, 2, 554, 17938, 121, 603, 172, 23, 68, 6641, 18, 91, 17939, 2800, 5529], [2, 17940, 73, 2340, 1312, 1726, 19, 1493, 2266, 3, 603, 15, 27, 136, 17941, 1, 17942, 17943], [8, 22, 2, 17944, 1058, 914, 1146, 267, 1, 17945], [980, 6642, 5, 564, 5824, 3200, 17946, 8, 1254, 484, 242, 802, 5, 924, 1180, 21, 1, 17947], [17948, 273, 17949, 17950, 382, 10, 2911, 20, 2, 924, 66, 2029, 17951], [3693, 6643, 12, 816, 924, 2538, 4449, 1191, 2586, 3403, 6644, 2036, 1, 17952], [6, 1171, 3517, 219, 26, 1579, 4, 138, 4, 924], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 6645, 1, 17953, 944, 2996, 924], [3601, 3602, 5, 1327, 728, 3603, 1902, 1581, 567, 1, 17954, 7, 3604, 1139, 3605, 9, 924], [6646, 32, 6647, 6, 30, 15, 37, 4223, 33, 2, 5361, 78, 32, 7, 808], [3601, 3602, 5, 1327, 728, 3603, 1902, 1581, 567, 1, 17955, 17956, 17957, 7, 3604, 1139, 3605, 9, 924], [433, 15, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 26, 924, 6648, 6649, 369, 18, 1410, 6650, 6, 554, 3505, 1574, 1, 17958, 17959], [924, 8, 620], [924, 6279, 24, 10, 1788, 205, 4, 589], [641, 969, 155, 17, 2328, 1091, 33, 6651, 943, 124, 51, 54, 748, 3297, 2, 6652, 146, 6, 700, 33, 2328, 17960], [6653, 2129, 145, 1287, 924, 125, 2838, 1596, 4623, 2318, 988, 32, 3, 1299, 1063, 4, 49, 381, 9, 59, 1, 17961], [6646, 32, 6647, 307, 57, 6, 104, 158, 32, 114], [2582, 4, 17, 64, 14, 197, 317, 695, 9, 6, 182, 1084, 19, 2, 2007, 28, 17962], [1748, 13, 187, 924, 17963, 4461, 849, 185, 234, 1, 17964], [2643, 80, 17965, 45, 73, 17966, 17967, 18, 1083, 17968, 116, 161, 3, 17969], [3601, 3602, 5, 1327, 728, 3603, 1902, 1581, 567, 1, 17970, 7, 3604, 1139, 3605, 9, 924], [56, 24, 2, 77, 2463, 1705, 4503, 2511, 1, 17971], [2, 2837, 142, 41, 17972, 9, 17973, 31, 3, 17974, 4617, 4552, 13, 924, 5, 22, 1782, 1174, 133, 17975, 161, 1, 17976], [433, 15, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 26, 924, 6648, 6649, 369, 18, 1410, 6650, 6, 554, 3505, 1574, 1, 17977], [17978, 1060, 669, 1109, 1, 17979, 58, 17980], [3450, 868, 1613, 1659, 60, 22, 2176, 17981, 17982, 6, 1455, 11, 1748, 13, 17983, 39, 16, 1747, 723, 2, 5433, 1, 17984], [3693, 6643, 12, 816, 924, 2538, 4449, 1191, 2586, 3403, 6644, 2036, 1, 17985], [2, 197, 1935, 8, 2747, 201, 9, 17986, 11, 694, 28, 17987], [3601, 3602, 5, 1327, 728, 3603, 1902, 1581, 567, 1, 17988, 7, 3604, 1139, 3605, 9, 924], [17989, 16, 294, 158, 1374, 7, 722, 31, 43, 123, 4, 17990, 32, 863, 6, 23, 4114, 17991, 443, 13, 11, 2, 924], [410, 2273, 21, 2133, 4, 245, 1656, 48, 1, 17992], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 6645, 1, 17993, 944, 2996, 924], [6653, 2129, 145, 1287, 924, 125, 2838, 1596, 4623, 2318, 988, 32, 3, 1299, 1063, 4, 49, 381, 9, 59, 1, 17994], [556, 7, 17995, 17996, 6, 17997, 4, 1966, 850, 565, 1133, 4, 1082, 2, 6362, 4, 215, 9, 742, 11, 2, 4509, 4, 3471, 14, 4516], [2, 1528, 6654, 17998, 17999, 51, 56, 2861, 556, 112, 271, 18000, 1, 18001], [18002, 18003, 959, 13, 512, 556, 1, 18004], [2, 18005, 556, 295, 2527, 11, 2, 1848], [18006, 3, 1954, 556, 18007, 23, 10, 267, 868, 49, 32, 7, 941, 1898], [18008, 18009, 18010, 556, 18011], [18012, 266, 937, 11, 14, 556, 166, 142, 681, 14, 180, 87, 39, 6, 35, 252, 14, 4397, 4247, 1418], [67, 7, 301, 18013, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 23, 3, 3762, 18014, 954, 556, 18, 66, 18015, 50, 1395, 47, 1535, 61, 1, 18016], [6, 112, 3, 556, 5, 18017, 2640, 2687, 1, 18018], [18019, 23, 3, 556, 54, 1241, 2851, 10], [6655, 6, 23, 3, 556, 9, 192, 395, 18020, 18021, 8, 325, 33, 1519, 5, 185, 9, 6, 30, 16, 104, 66, 6, 109, 29, 704, 2312], [328, 33, 15, 150, 23, 68, 254, 4877, 2145, 3823, 757, 4, 452, 1431, 2, 556], [18022, 18023, 770, 4, 18024, 556, 12, 18025, 234, 4375, 1644, 1, 18026, 18027, 4624, 9, 6654, 927, 3078, 1, 18028], [2, 75, 972, 1484, 13, 556, 8, 32, 1, 18029, 2, 18030, 1413, 21, 58, 18031, 18032, 18033], [18034, 272, 6656, 5, 18035, 775, 2173, 18036, 9, 18037, 1100, 287, 3959, 125, 18038, 1853, 23, 10, 673], [18039, 3795, 18040, 227, 14, 191, 6, 683, 2, 556, 2, 121, 6, 127, 88, 1251, 33, 6114, 9, 16, 4125, 227, 2, 753, 158, 32, 114, 5879, 18041], [1500, 18042, 6, 112, 14, 556, 1864, 6, 35, 31, 43, 123, 4, 343, 10, 29, 221, 10, 24, 6558, 14, 18043, 11, 85, 51, 6, 31, 72, 18044], [113, 563, 6, 23, 3, 556, 240, 670, 694], [18045, 6, 198, 132, 457, 643, 54, 8, 4814, 32, 241, 2, 1204, 568, 556, 6, 938, 1971], [18046, 18047, 4030, 33, 15, 8, 3959, 45, 43, 361, 1, 18048, 58, 680], [3, 72, 4, 216, 2377, 62, 199, 479, 12, 9, 14, 2244, 112, 3, 556], [6, 42, 1803, 2, 556], [1, 18049, 18050, 3606, 1775, 4576, 18051, 18052, 595, 556, 1, 18053, 1518], [6657, 1315, 8, 1522, 2016, 2, 556, 7, 1087, 51, 54, 322, 54, 8, 3, 1179, 39, 91, 1087, 24, 3515, 672, 18054, 9, 1534], [267, 278, 14, 1460, 1848, 556, 46, 2, 18055, 5101, 1848, 24, 880, 117, 1028], [13, 1645, 18056, 556, 1298, 70], [18057, 5434, 436, 1324, 556], [18058, 18059, 65, 261, 556, 4552, 212, 73, 23, 369, 64, 4, 742, 5, 785, 12, 1466, 645, 24, 16, 3, 18060, 18061, 4605], [556], [23, 10, 248, 22, 1047, 802, 651, 2, 136, 5685, 296, 556, 1, 18062], [18063, 7, 1287, 1230, 42, 556, 8, 3, 4046, 1319, 1230, 42, 1, 18064], [1551, 5952, 228, 44, 12, 396, 556, 43, 4609, 4, 534, 128, 760, 1, 18065, 58, 18066], [158, 32, 114, 18067, 5, 2, 18068, 7, 18069, 556, 3515, 11, 1292, 3891, 72, 628, 1848], [106, 3727, 18070, 1069, 1624, 80, 64, 3930, 13, 280, 18071, 18072, 18073, 2455, 6, 567, 661, 18074, 943, 1, 18075], [18076, 177, 789, 18077, 73, 189, 33, 88, 188, 502, 53, 56, 24, 5, 280, 4625], [958, 6658, 2725, 280, 6659, 885, 18078, 18, 4457, 1599, 6660, 6661, 18079, 1, 18080], [2453, 6662, 20, 982, 93, 119, 280, 152, 21, 18081, 3, 93, 119, 2453, 250, 12, 1231, 54, 27, 6662, 2461, 1, 18082], [18083, 6663, 382, 10, 11, 3540, 2, 1703, 151, 2531, 96, 60, 185, 7, 723, 198, 31, 43, 123, 12, 6, 23, 280, 358, 948, 62, 1403, 18084], [18085, 11, 2, 65, 73, 168, 134, 5, 1147, 2938, 20, 2296, 2939, 7, 1182, 280, 1, 2940, 1, 18086], [2927, 1108, 3952, 2130, 6664, 3, 1017, 4110, 1, 18087, 58, 137, 280, 1991, 3552], [885, 958, 4457, 1599, 200, 18088, 280, 18089, 6658, 6661, 18090, 1, 18091], [18092, 96, 280, 9, 5267, 24, 1386, 5736, 173], [200, 6535, 3437, 1305, 1785, 11, 1779, 1642, 18093, 4714, 1, 18094], [4313, 476, 280, 590, 612, 42, 18095, 18096, 18, 6479, 18097, 2301, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 18098, 1, 18099], [382, 10, 2453, 5850, 11, 40, 4626, 12, 1744, 129, 280, 3986, 685, 1476, 382, 18100, 18101], [2927, 1108, 3952, 2130, 6664, 3, 1017, 4110, 1, 18102, 58, 137, 280, 1991, 3552], [6, 4935, 704, 801, 129, 280, 141, 152, 21, 37, 16, 2, 1210, 94, 18103, 5, 1737, 56, 170, 11], [18104, 11, 2, 65, 73, 168, 134, 5, 1147, 2938, 20, 2296, 2939, 7, 1182, 280, 1, 2940, 1, 18105], [985, 1567, 113, 55, 50, 542, 5, 2, 280, 3607, 2479, 1, 18106, 1, 2685, 561, 18107, 18108], [846, 18109, 18110, 280, 1367, 18111, 1933, 157, 1107, 18112, 62, 34, 6342], [18113, 11, 2, 65, 73, 168, 134, 5, 1147, 2938, 20, 2296, 2939, 7, 1182, 280, 1, 2940, 1, 18114], [66, 30, 10, 437, 749, 3, 3129, 5102, 51, 93, 155, 15, 8, 838, 70, 6221, 280, 164, 42, 18115, 1007, 70, 18116, 6665], [78, 1072, 248, 60, 129, 239, 775, 1786, 160, 4419, 3498, 18117, 280, 1501, 1, 18118, 18119, 1990], [18120, 9, 4045, 3386, 7, 192, 4, 608, 243, 13, 126, 5, 2460, 6283, 1182, 280, 4463, 6519, 28, 18121], [985, 1567, 113, 55, 50, 542, 5, 2, 280, 3607, 2479, 1, 18122, 1, 18123], [946, 232, 1, 18124, 3162, 1550, 337, 18125, 18126, 7, 18127, 12, 280, 932, 5498], [6666, 124, 6666, 124, 18128, 1867, 697, 17, 69, 41, 26, 3, 1056, 25, 18129, 1085, 5, 280, 18130, 18, 18131], [985, 1567, 113, 55, 50, 542, 5, 2, 280, 3607, 2479, 1, 18132, 1, 18133], [985, 1567, 113, 55, 50, 542, 5, 2, 280, 3607, 2479, 1, 18134, 1, 18135], [18136, 11, 2, 65, 73, 168, 134, 5, 1147, 2938, 20, 2296, 2939, 7, 1182, 280, 1, 2940, 1, 18137], [562, 7, 889, 2800, 18138, 280, 2665, 18139, 18140, 1, 18141, 18142], [1210, 18143, 11, 2, 65, 73, 168, 134, 5, 1147, 2938, 20, 2296, 2939, 7, 1182, 280, 1, 2940, 1, 18144], [6, 683, 51, 6, 2190, 19, 4011, 6, 608, 4, 26, 676, 1605, 186, 55, 635, 280, 64, 9, 6, 608, 4, 2839, 36, 51, 6, 112, 4, 26, 69], [936, 3608, 1497, 6667, 280, 4469, 4, 967, 1880, 2, 3608, 1497, 18145, 89, 18146, 2, 18147, 1, 18148], [331, 71, 11, 96, 1001, 1123, 18149, 280, 18150, 5, 3355, 6668, 1441, 1, 18151, 58, 18152], [2813, 18153, 3943, 1187, 7, 5030, 21, 172, 190, 3506, 2191, 18, 4065, 1, 18154, 1, 18155, 58, 18156], [2, 3213, 5, 1737, 41, 699, 129, 280, 18157, 4, 26, 18158, 157, 20, 420, 3, 562, 18159, 16, 141, 937, 18160], [6669, 4101, 498, 1872, 4126, 994, 150, 23, 852, 10, 960], [15, 328, 33, 3, 498, 9, 960, 8, 72, 18, 3, 18161], [18162, 12, 2, 485, 5891, 19, 3, 18163, 11, 6670, 498, 28, 18164, 1, 18165], [6669, 461, 5156, 80, 18166, 5, 95, 994, 9, 188, 825, 4, 3, 498], [6477, 930, 6360, 18167, 6, 155, 2, 498, 994, 1253, 41, 138, 9, 2, 18168, 41, 6582, 682], [289, 18169, 498, 994, 2320, 960], [15, 328, 33, 3, 498, 15, 8, 33, 4613, 12, 1872, 960], [2, 2013, 207, 18170, 18171, 327, 51, 4627, 3278, 32, 88, 498, 218, 214, 4102, 1230, 6383, 960], [18172, 18173, 18174, 18175, 18176, 18177, 18178, 15, 8, 16, 844, 83, 960, 498], [328, 33, 3, 498, 9, 4592, 33, 1872, 227, 66, 6, 50, 2, 72, 19, 3314, 87, 6671, 19, 3573, 18179], [15, 328, 33, 3, 498, 974, 506, 6480, 19, 3573], [191, 3284, 10, 9, 40, 498, 994, 4627], [262, 9, 498, 360, 11, 942, 18180, 6, 6672, 1059, 337, 1, 18181, 6, 18182, 337, 58, 6, 6672, 1059, 337], [395, 3676, 3, 498, 800, 38, 51, 6, 31, 87, 170], [1481, 2, 18183, 9, 92, 6, 84, 758, 3763, 11, 18184, 9, 18185, 3749, 19, 2, 498, 4627, 55, 232, 10, 960], [70, 233, 52, 3261, 498, 994, 9, 29, 937, 18186, 960], [2098, 18187, 6, 2446, 498], [960, 2, 6652, 1296, 1594, 9, 1859, 14, 18188, 15, 328, 33, 3, 18189, 6, 23, 3, 758, 15, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 3056, 233], [18190, 2882, 2, 871, 7, 2, 498, 994, 6673], [116, 18191, 18192, 1759, 2, 6674, 498, 994, 960, 1, 18193], [18194, 328, 33, 498], [158, 32, 18195, 18196, 3954, 15, 8, 3, 498, 15, 8, 33, 4613, 12, 3, 1872, 4126, 9, 18, 211, 6, 35, 673, 18197, 960], [2020, 1069, 2666, 36, 51, 1594, 346, 40, 994, 328, 33, 3, 498, 9, 4592, 33, 1872], [122, 18198, 75, 1262, 885, 115, 8, 1519, 5, 1076, 18199, 7, 59, 1276, 997, 21, 289, 498, 1253, 3687, 435, 676, 302, 454], [18200, 3984, 57, 6, 257, 3763, 60, 18201, 18202, 32, 6, 2058, 2, 498, 27, 5190, 6484], [18203, 3, 498], [432, 72, 19, 3314, 87, 27, 233, 844, 1782, 2198, 498], [52, 18204, 498, 6402, 250, 960], [6670, 1206, 498, 1314, 1550, 337, 217, 538, 144, 1, 18205, 18206], [72, 19, 6675, 881, 2, 67, 18, 2, 498], [54, 910, 15, 3, 498, 2237], [18207, 1872, 498, 92, 6, 84, 158], [72, 19, 6675, 881, 960, 2, 67, 18, 2, 498, 9, 2, 898, 18, 2, 885], [51, 241, 641, 969, 4611, 10, 5, 498, 19, 18208, 5918, 4, 5919, 154, 80, 5920, 1, 18209], [88, 994, 328, 33, 3, 498, 3662], [122, 64, 252, 76, 18210, 9, 1749, 1175, 18211, 19, 2, 994, 498, 1707, 671, 169, 173, 2849, 18212], [18213, 188, 2, 67, 17, 2329, 33, 3, 498], [167, 8, 3, 339, 83, 167, 8, 2, 166, 7, 2, 226, 568, 229, 77, 1306], [36, 4, 326, 7, 1145, 575, 20, 3, 339, 63, 3977, 83, 219, 18214, 18215], [18216, 56, 24, 379, 65, 73, 23, 68, 1953, 4, 699, 141, 832, 5, 808, 4, 1067, 148, 18217, 18218, 63, 339, 83], [12, 2, 6471, 226, 334, 44, 96, 18219, 3, 339, 83, 41, 5483, 644, 1131], [6676, 4055, 3, 636, 7, 6677, 4, 652, 2195, 1061, 339, 83, 1, 18220], [18221, 158, 32, 114, 339, 18222, 872, 587, 8, 2069, 4, 31, 3313, 7, 91, 3105, 1173], [18223, 7, 330, 9, 230, 150, 356, 962, 4272, 287, 49, 82, 713, 34, 3, 339, 83, 63, 1185, 131], [91, 65, 24, 198, 339, 83, 173], [61, 339, 83, 24, 10, 51, 10, 31, 920, 1, 18224, 18225], [283, 1368, 22, 207, 2, 115, 17, 18226, 542, 3, 5758, 1604, 12, 3, 77, 2578, 1524, 25, 18227, 3, 339, 83, 18228], [6676, 4055, 3, 636, 7, 6677, 4, 652, 2195, 1061, 339, 83, 12, 3705, 7, 2, 13, 4514, 611, 49, 1, 18229, 18230], [18231, 178, 339, 83, 2793, 59, 1276, 20, 4089, 2, 4, 4916, 713, 34, 101, 425, 24, 18232, 316, 2, 392], [3464, 4875, 1112, 62, 199, 184, 339, 83, 2279, 18233, 1, 18234, 1, 18235], [820, 36, 33, 3, 339, 83, 55, 209, 2, 2602, 9, 177, 55, 209, 72, 2, 875], [176, 151, 252, 6678, 9, 6678, 9, 3340, 9, 3340, 9, 51, 6, 122, 2642, 15, 15, 27, 33, 3, 339, 83], [2689, 70, 38, 18236, 37, 18237, 3124, 2638, 3, 4628, 3, 18238, 6679, 4, 129, 2696, 3, 1147, 339, 83, 266, 937, 39, 176, 1073], [339, 83, 217, 71, 1413, 21, 60, 339, 83, 2309, 144, 18239, 1, 18240], [9, 117, 1754, 38, 33, 230, 18241, 316, 14, 1867, 713, 3, 339, 83, 50], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 18242, 339, 83, 2046, 6680, 20, 3, 6338, 12, 18243], [22, 8, 2, 339, 9, 4629, 4630, 7, 402, 543, 62, 4631, 1753, 15, 44, 68, 1015, 134, 1, 4632, 3], [18244, 6681, 3007, 2817, 4, 296, 144, 985, 6682, 5, 945, 207, 7, 339, 83, 1125, 1, 18245], [7, 921, 2, 67, 121, 6, 23, 4, 3518, 18246, 2068, 18247, 11, 911, 8, 2, 121, 6, 23, 967, 9, 18248, 3, 339, 83], [1716, 3, 1040, 4, 18249, 51, 832, 8, 18250, 1174, 133, 6683, 9, 3, 339, 83, 47, 1098, 15, 27, 29, 6684, 4302], [18251, 18252, 53, 10, 78, 3, 339, 83, 61, 89, 10, 26], [55, 23, 18253, 3, 339, 83, 2046, 6685], [22, 8, 2, 339, 9, 4629, 4630, 7, 402, 543, 62, 4631, 1753, 15, 44, 68, 1015, 134, 1, 4632, 877], [263, 1671, 3084, 2443, 7, 2114, 1068, 991, 12, 83, 3244, 1, 5968, 58, 1628, 14, 293], [1631, 339, 18254, 2173, 82, 2386, 1092, 81, 93, 2645, 75, 18255, 4, 1083, 63, 597, 38, 3427, 7, 75, 6642], [18256, 3, 125, 5, 306, 220, 65, 24, 16, 1701, 25, 339, 9, 4116, 83, 9, 148, 272, 1144], [6686, 9, 4562, 5, 6687, 6686, 9, 4562, 5, 6687, 51, 3, 339, 83, 277, 18257, 18258, 1, 18259], [5792, 2046, 1437, 30, 10, 104, 66, 386, 51, 2, 4929, 184, 63, 476, 339, 83, 156, 1508, 1, 18260], [22, 8, 2, 339, 9, 4629, 4630, 7, 402, 543, 62, 4631, 1753, 15, 44, 68, 1015, 134, 1, 4632, 1509], [61, 339, 83, 24, 10, 51, 10, 31, 920, 1, 18261], [8, 40, 876, 1018, 11, 3, 339, 83, 3, 458, 2418, 618, 63, 514, 6417, 6688, 1018, 4413, 4, 1316, 142, 1, 3311, 18262], [3209, 106, 1095, 1926, 2485, 4, 26, 2070, 407, 5, 1023, 128, 83, 203, 1, 18263, 1, 18264], [18265, 820, 5, 140, 4508, 85, 278, 2, 1023, 128, 83, 1, 18266, 1, 18267], [128, 760, 83, 1744, 18268, 18269, 18270, 4622, 1, 18271], [53, 6, 619, 80, 64, 774, 50, 10, 1023, 274, 75, 972, 128, 83, 4633, 1092, 951, 477, 69, 8, 47, 289, 161, 1852, 1409, 1, 18272], [18273, 128, 83, 2820, 6689, 1653, 5, 96, 18274, 1653, 18275, 18276, 18277], [847, 1297, 339, 83, 2820, 5, 18278, 128, 1176, 1331, 8, 692, 18279, 4, 96, 1331, 6690, 2381], [1749, 133, 1237, 3922, 18280, 791, 21, 7, 1717, 3609, 83, 18281, 18282, 1, 18283, 18284, 877, 128, 18285], [1, 18286, 83, 1590, 4, 156, 1370, 9, 40, 18287, 15], [18288, 177, 23, 2, 350, 1138, 128, 83, 4, 267, 23, 156, 1013], [228, 236, 1129, 36, 4, 3, 760, 17, 692, 25, 672, 2, 125, 3, 3151, 741, 1, 18289, 58, 18290, 534, 128, 18291], [106, 1095, 1926, 2485, 4, 26, 2070, 407, 5, 1023, 128, 83, 1, 18292], [1002, 81, 55, 23, 3, 799, 13, 1389, 11, 2, 302, 2155, 999, 83, 6, 175, 49, 793, 1261, 63, 3, 128, 149, 381, 22, 1531], [106, 1095, 1926, 2485, 4, 26, 2070, 407, 5, 1023, 128, 83, 1, 18293], [1023, 128, 83, 2820, 6689, 1653, 5, 93, 119, 1, 18294], [2, 65, 73, 619, 80, 64, 9, 477, 60, 274, 1023, 128, 83, 24, 16, 2, 1250, 211, 73, 707, 6691, 24, 2, 1250], [55, 175, 4, 13, 47, 59, 153, 9, 1088, 128, 126, 83, 5, 22, 620, 125, 1411, 26, 3405, 398, 22, 1147, 4821], [274, 1023, 2, 272, 1297, 115, 375, 83, 5, 1147, 779, 3514, 3678, 7, 1571, 1751, 18295, 1, 18296], [379, 7, 128, 83, 5, 1339, 274, 41, 26, 1512, 1775, 3239, 19, 478, 3826, 1922, 18297, 2381], [106, 1095, 1926, 2485, 4, 26, 2070, 407, 5, 1023, 128, 83, 1, 18298], [18299, 1395, 81, 163, 612, 42, 460, 60, 128, 514, 39, 1890, 598, 1890, 18300, 6692, 74, 654, 83, 11, 128, 514], [4408, 141, 830, 4, 83, 305, 1181, 18301, 7, 982, 534, 8, 18302, 128, 4425, 1, 18303], [106, 1095, 1926, 2485, 4, 26, 2070, 407, 5, 1023, 128, 83, 2, 441, 1, 18304, 58, 2381], [242, 83, 18305, 3524, 668, 2407, 62, 746, 5, 3567, 3262, 1, 18306], [1023, 5174, 6123, 2761, 18307, 928, 2, 1618, 136, 174, 46, 128, 83, 1, 18308, 58, 18309], [213, 534, 89, 1903, 5, 3, 4991, 304, 7, 128, 18310, 1856, 113, 1, 18311, 1, 18312], [1023, 2, 441, 7, 3, 128, 83, 1, 18313, 1, 18314], [2, 1551, 18315, 7, 18316, 5454, 4, 18317, 128, 83, 287, 2, 1321, 148, 4, 18318, 95, 705, 3461, 11, 2105, 135, 5166], [18319, 406, 23, 68, 6606, 134, 20, 2, 611, 34, 18320, 18321, 18322], [106, 1095, 1926, 2485, 4, 26, 2070, 407, 5, 1023, 128, 83, 1, 18323], [336, 174, 730, 110, 2460, 153, 27, 2, 122, 128, 243, 13, 126, 1519, 3, 907, 83, 5, 2, 702, 1, 18324], [53, 93, 477, 60, 85, 12, 596, 1149, 5, 396, 177, 951, 6693, 707, 6691, 2, 128, 83, 5, 274, 1023, 22, 8, 3, 75, 972, 1250], [128, 74, 654, 7, 274, 288, 3610, 60, 128, 83, 41, 3962, 701, 365, 50, 117, 18325, 1922, 2381, 804], [43, 573, 7, 2464, 18326, 1313, 128, 83, 6444, 25, 799, 13, 18327, 1, 18328, 1023], [4633, 83, 18329, 2, 369, 18330, 30, 16, 10, 37, 50, 2, 128, 1520, 15, 8, 29, 75, 3686, 28, 18331], [18332], [355, 32, 22, 1047, 3561, 12, 18333, 2728, 3611, 635, 5, 128, 18334, 1, 18335, 5572, 1, 18336], [2486, 128, 3445, 4, 845, 1195, 46, 6694, 515, 4634, 1, 18337], [75, 972, 128, 765, 3983, 595, 4428, 161, 185, 1296, 1289, 9, 1384, 1, 18338], [44, 49, 1103, 618, 128, 765, 68, 2164, 5, 1046, 334, 217, 40, 1, 18339], [2053, 70, 128, 765, 1796, 157, 43, 1552, 133, 2395, 4635, 365, 50, 117, 12, 2788, 2, 2053, 70, 128, 765, 112, 4073, 1, 18340], [1057, 124, 1379, 47, 128, 765, 44, 249, 76, 2127, 5, 2, 96, 11, 43, 4010, 174, 1, 18341], [96, 1488, 2209, 106, 2487, 2941, 1, 18342, 18343, 18344, 1488, 2209, 106, 2487, 18345, 1, 18346, 1488], [2697, 44, 3432, 18347, 7, 18348, 2314, 3504, 67, 18349, 8, 60, 3448, 4, 2, 3504, 7, 3, 128, 765, 1, 18350], [96, 1488, 2209, 106, 2487, 2941, 1, 18351], [128, 765, 8, 33, 3, 513, 10, 37, 23, 4, 248, 2, 18352, 9, 1340, 2, 205, 2462], [128, 765, 18353, 89, 26, 3, 233, 169, 4, 3811, 18354], [18355, 18356, 2, 18357, 901, 4, 608, 2, 5462, 6452, 534, 81, 18358, 3, 128, 765, 157, 2, 2095], [611, 259, 1761, 4, 4426, 747, 4, 18359, 18360, 122, 128, 765, 11, 59, 86, 889, 207, 1, 18361], [18362, 18363, 18364, 1076, 21, 19, 2, 537, 7, 136, 96, 18365, 4452, 53, 274, 78, 4, 138, 1195, 49, 1, 18366], [128, 2314, 514, 1182, 1023, 765, 2019, 274, 5080, 47, 2438, 1620, 59, 1, 18367, 1, 18368], [2688, 18369, 7, 128, 765, 1506, 80, 64, 859, 135, 2468, 1, 18370], [53, 6, 35, 356, 16, 18371, 78, 1523, 205, 302, 70, 3, 128, 765, 16, 6593, 51, 55, 23, 3, 18372, 13, 1407, 17, 18373, 18374, 157], [4827, 8, 35, 6, 18375, 6, 89, 2405, 5, 4, 14, 128, 765, 18376, 2060, 18377], [1108, 18378, 13, 9, 18379, 13, 128, 18380, 765, 1, 18381], [18382, 3792, 18383, 18384, 18385, 6, 35, 47, 3464, 39, 6039, 4959, 9, 128, 765, 2438, 18386, 24, 70, 590, 1267, 18387], [2486, 4636, 4637, 128, 765, 41, 138, 1195, 58, 4638, 1, 18388], [1488, 2209, 106, 2487, 2941, 1, 18389], [96, 1488, 2209, 106, 2487, 2941, 1, 18390], [3167, 18391, 2, 18392, 18393, 2076, 7, 2, 1149, 2, 437, 7, 18394, 9, 3, 128, 765, 18395, 1, 18396, 18397], [2486, 128, 3445, 4, 845, 1195, 46, 6694, 515, 4634, 1, 18398, 58, 680], [96, 2019, 1181, 3428, 296, 18399, 11, 52, 128, 765, 1316, 645, 6668, 1441, 1, 18400], [3, 313, 18401, 698, 3, 128, 765, 19, 4633, 18402, 18403, 18404, 972, 18405, 116, 226, 334, 28, 18406, 18407], [2053, 70, 128, 765, 1796, 157, 43, 1552, 133, 2395, 4635, 365, 50, 117, 12, 2788, 1, 18408], [2486, 4636, 4637, 128, 765, 41, 138, 1195, 1, 18409, 1709, 71, 2610, 2286], [2053, 70, 128, 765, 1796, 157, 43, 1552, 133, 2395, 4635, 365, 50, 117, 12, 2788, 1, 18410, 1, 18411], [2486, 4636, 4637, 128, 765, 41, 138, 1195, 1, 18412, 18413], [849, 185, 2, 2072, 18414, 128, 3520, 8, 19, 1069, 3504, 110, 1643, 4, 2, 6695, 1, 18415], [18416, 18417, 4499, 89, 10, 1419, 1796, 157, 3, 385, 128, 765, 11, 2355, 63, 3, 423, 3581, 19, 3, 64], [18418, 38, 96, 1488, 2209, 106, 2487, 2941, 1, 18419, 1, 18420], [3, 1233, 207, 372, 18421, 2187, 3, 1914, 128, 765, 5, 95, 183], [943, 18422, 18423, 22, 809, 1237, 2654, 3136, 268, 94, 2654, 1063, 25, 3250, 29, 3250, 210, 26, 1579, 4, 801, 9, 663, 268, 94], [2, 4182, 1204, 13, 7, 1001, 1889, 201, 4426, 2, 797, 18424, 1149, 9, 45, 2, 28, 18425, 58, 18426], [3423, 4, 663, 18427, 3951, 1174, 133, 2337, 18428, 1486, 4221, 457, 2818, 6232, 18429, 440, 18430, 18431, 905, 6696], [675, 18432, 1, 18433, 18434, 717, 250, 1557, 246, 22, 454, 17, 16, 151, 195, 54, 175, 4, 663, 1270, 1939, 4, 1777, 18435], [18436, 699, 1253, 18437, 1008, 63, 6, 1591, 663, 10, 18438], [18439, 18440, 195, 16, 29, 18441, 8, 1953, 76, 2, 595, 150, 1602, 18442, 9, 18443, 2880, 18, 2796, 18444, 263, 161, 18445, 2880, 41, 663, 96], [18446, 18447, 41, 663, 2, 329, 2385, 9, 1066, 1613, 7, 52, 3292, 20, 3778, 18448, 817, 6697, 28, 18449], [158, 32, 114, 18450, 18451, 663, 18452, 1, 18453], [1643, 4, 18454, 9, 356, 1668, 3, 2230, 1527, 41, 1714, 663, 2, 192, 11, 476, 3982, 18455, 1, 18456, 18457, 273, 18458, 72], [18459, 6, 35, 663, 10, 4, 2, 2044, 18460], [1077, 1971, 433, 39, 47, 4280, 4224, 302, 454, 4, 663, 108, 6698], [18461, 155, 66, 6699, 3466, 15, 41, 189, 51, 2, 18462, 2357, 663, 2, 459, 358], [165, 2942, 4639, 663, 1270, 1939, 4, 1777, 11, 3091, 3593, 542, 217, 4640, 1, 2056, 18463], [18464, 66, 8, 22, 2525, 1234, 92, 6, 84, 1595, 663, 22, 1653], [5197, 5198, 2079, 1115, 538, 18465, 663, 1, 18466, 58, 137], [64, 4, 663, 22, 3176], [104, 108, 2096, 2816, 108, 177, 663, 108, 4159, 18467, 18468, 876, 18469, 28, 18470], [1737, 6, 50, 10, 39, 196, 663, 514, 229, 77, 85], [18471, 75, 1739, 6, 127, 16, 1430, 4, 39, 57, 6, 35, 1953, 4, 6, 563, 663, 10], [18472, 18473, 2161, 1236, 12, 38, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 663, 5911, 3196], [30, 10, 267, 37, 175, 4, 663, 49, 953, 5523, 21, 87, 2, 327, 7, 2, 1238, 6, 1389, 11, 18474], [395, 4249, 10, 17, 18475, 315, 41, 663, 4641, 5, 40, 85, 8, 757, 4, 5798, 10, 3, 635, 147, 18476, 85, 2713, 17, 3156], [2879, 53, 1350, 172, 18477, 36, 296, 684, 12, 2, 899, 2905, 647, 9, 37, 663, 2, 18478, 3, 374, 1913, 18, 710, 172, 3438, 108], [15, 210, 26, 129, 2769, 4, 663, 18479, 25, 129, 402, 1901, 1187, 18480, 1834, 18481], [956, 2102, 4788, 612, 3188, 3920, 4, 171, 208, 663, 5194, 745, 1, 18482, 1, 18483], [125, 7, 4058, 809, 38, 993, 1295, 39, 15, 8, 29, 18484, 40, 1839, 51, 10, 319, 2, 864, 12, 3, 4642, 9, 37, 663, 15], [165, 2942, 4639, 663, 1270, 1939, 4, 1777, 11, 3091, 3593, 542, 217, 4640, 1, 18485], [39, 64, 1704, 19, 166, 4, 663, 2, 18486, 7, 14, 1215, 1, 18487, 18488], [18489, 6, 104, 61, 15, 1225, 15, 1225, 6, 41, 138, 12, 512, 9, 663, 242, 963, 7, 267, 6591, 204, 2830, 11, 2253, 331, 19, 18490], [165, 2942, 4639, 663, 1270, 1939, 4, 1777, 11, 3091, 3593, 542, 217, 4640, 1, 18491], [55, 24, 57, 2560, 4, 663, 59, 2864, 9, 1714, 240, 18492, 18493, 2, 1182, 23, 2888, 1424, 5, 242, 187], [18494, 6, 1302, 846, 166, 142, 9, 109, 14, 180, 664], [18495, 8, 12, 17, 903, 27, 664], [664], [811, 296, 18496, 109, 664, 1957, 17, 210, 996, 896, 4, 6508, 1302, 18497, 704], [396, 18498, 664, 12, 176, 18499, 293, 33, 3, 5507, 134, 3122, 18500], [6, 35, 60, 4, 26, 664], [2610, 18501, 18502, 18503, 165, 18504, 2, 18505, 21, 650, 1378, 534, 44, 325, 3443, 2, 93, 119, 56, 175, 96, 664], [38, 30, 16, 3851, 1941, 63, 18506, 38, 186, 14, 483, 8, 18507, 18508, 2100, 1529, 9, 6135], [18509, 33, 254, 6700, 1433, 826, 2, 125, 41, 417, 26, 664, 20, 3, 99, 6701, 6702, 39, 132, 6703, 75, 6704, 1631], [22, 2, 701, 1199, 17, 664, 956, 2102, 951, 2798, 3, 802, 20, 176, 1402, 1, 18510], [1470, 3612, 2909, 61, 4, 1758, 51, 117, 977, 664, 1, 18511], [1503, 80, 6399, 6, 479, 5, 112, 54, 265, 1977, 95, 953, 4372, 2777, 68, 664], [1470, 3612, 2909, 61, 4, 1758, 51, 117, 977, 664, 1, 18512], [55, 399, 2, 18513, 648, 2094, 12, 512, 18514, 9, 55, 664, 18515, 2943, 88, 4, 3, 402, 94, 6705, 1, 18516, 18517], [268, 5306, 34, 3, 1898, 6, 683, 1738, 1151, 60, 727, 4, 1540, 694, 4643, 3, 2597, 9, 117, 18518, 3038, 94, 664, 17], [29, 15, 328, 33, 14, 2180, 3561, 1591, 26, 47, 59, 685, 589, 4, 2806, 3833, 18519, 664, 18520], [191, 2, 1848, 24, 29, 1210, 1429, 205, 57, 9, 6, 50, 15, 3032, 664, 17, 903, 177, 18521, 2, 400, 32, 7, 2, 4644, 1502], [6, 27, 664, 166, 142], [18522, 33, 254, 6700, 1433, 826, 2, 125, 41, 417, 26, 664, 20, 3, 99, 6701, 6702, 39, 1243, 6703, 75, 6704, 1631], [1470, 3612, 2909, 61, 4, 1758, 51, 117, 977, 664, 1, 18523], [3032, 37, 664, 3, 2037], [18524, 18525, 241, 40, 875, 8, 664, 9, 2, 1238, 8, 18526, 864, 864], [6, 132, 742, 4, 26, 1512, 664, 22, 1317], [664, 14, 483, 1817, 110, 18, 3, 4624, 1745, 124, 2312], [18527, 18528, 168, 1599, 18529, 18530, 664, 18531, 18532, 1063, 2888, 18533], [18534, 32, 18535, 15, 8, 2, 5847, 2914, 4, 2, 18536, 998, 17, 27, 16, 1714, 664], [1470, 3612, 2909, 61, 4, 1758, 51, 117, 977, 664, 1, 18537, 561, 18538], [590, 75, 1262, 17, 10, 109, 664, 5, 1030, 752, 122, 911, 10, 1399, 18539, 15, 46, 45, 18540, 18541], [12, 2, 2075, 245, 3055, 6, 30, 138, 32, 6, 35, 1513, 664, 2, 302, 121, 2632, 36, 9, 2036, 32, 14, 97, 8, 1498, 6706, 4, 3243], [37, 1347, 664, 3, 3441, 14, 52, 3793, 8, 2541], [6, 155, 6, 41, 31, 664, 433], [18542, 708, 163, 96, 75, 2559, 331, 18543, 75, 780, 331, 1381, 3903, 699, 1123, 1008, 30, 16, 943, 42, 18, 691, 18544], [22, 8, 18545, 127, 191, 808, 691, 7, 1103, 618, 2210, 1, 18546, 58, 3613, 50, 10], [18547, 6, 89, 163, 6, 35, 140, 39, 6, 35, 16, 17, 205, 69, 27, 691], [113, 127, 191, 808, 691, 7, 1103, 618, 2210, 1, 18548, 58, 3613, 50, 10], [227, 18549, 6387, 691, 18550, 14, 18551, 1609, 144, 156, 744, 1478, 18552, 18553, 18554, 18555, 28, 18556], [6, 192, 49, 18557, 5395, 2375, 39, 18558, 8, 4279, 151, 949, 691, 6, 286, 188, 1325, 3, 6526, 2838, 53, 56, 3295, 45, 18559, 2851, 12, 4509], [18560, 77, 85, 10, 31, 38, 6707, 22, 2557, 172, 30, 18, 3, 896, 18561, 7, 691], [24, 65, 16, 1891, 17, 46, 18562, 691, 5, 4040, 6708, 1038, 8, 18563, 2249, 3713, 43, 18564, 18565], [18566, 18567, 18568, 290, 3458, 18569, 6709, 18570, 16, 53, 67, 892, 8, 310, 12, 691, 7, 1068, 9, 2, 476, 12, 5505, 15, 17, 8, 173, 692], [113, 127, 191, 808, 691, 7, 1103, 618, 2210, 1, 18571, 18572], [18573, 4174, 113, 151, 1728, 691], [113, 127, 191, 808, 691, 7, 1103, 618, 2210, 1, 18574], [72, 5, 3614, 4, 18575, 89, 219, 250, 17, 684, 89, 23, 2038, 18576, 33, 691], [18577, 69, 24, 16, 162, 691, 5900, 39, 6, 325, 33, 4, 751, 51, 69, 24, 606], [61, 3, 934, 20, 6710, 18578, 691], [18579, 1935, 6711, 728, 2, 4270, 7, 45, 18580, 7, 587, 691], [113, 127, 191, 808, 691, 7, 1103, 618, 2210, 1, 18581], [113, 127, 191, 808, 691, 7, 1103, 618, 2210, 1, 18582, 18583, 58, 3613, 50, 18584, 8, 2, 6292, 7, 3, 402, 1901, 1187], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 18585, 2403, 185, 1308, 2198, 691, 2403, 185, 846, 1308, 2198], [69, 24, 47, 1054, 18586, 995, 7, 2721, 17, 8, 2, 3845, 7, 995, 7, 2, 691, 7, 17, 2721, 7, 2, 995, 4, 17, 691], [18587, 2559, 8, 692, 25, 146, 3, 75, 709, 18588, 19, 478, 6, 112, 1009, 2393, 1915, 4, 95, 1513, 691, 7, 18589, 5276, 3, 18590], [140, 841, 691, 18591, 1607, 1, 18592, 58, 137], [306, 220, 8, 1073, 4, 49, 18593, 2, 691, 7, 459, 18594, 89, 1940, 18595, 18596], [195, 18597, 938, 691, 1, 18598, 5264, 2386, 4626, 18599, 4645, 680], [11, 2157, 343, 1234, 284, 18600, 374, 4000, 1115, 11, 18601, 691], [113, 127, 191, 808, 691, 7, 1103, 618, 2210, 1, 18602, 58, 3613, 50, 10], [54, 8, 6712, 40, 1839, 113, 22, 18603, 89, 67, 121, 381, 5, 606, 691, 7, 61, 2119, 34, 2, 305, 7, 936, 28, 18604], [260, 8, 2, 1935, 1524, 260, 8, 2, 18605, 17, 3278, 1381, 691, 18606, 18607, 18608, 439, 260, 18609, 18610], [2434, 7, 18611, 25, 2, 18612, 20, 18613, 18614, 18615, 1, 18616], [18617, 52, 18618, 6007, 275, 366, 18619, 7, 2923, 25, 3172, 3457, 434, 9, 404, 4452, 5, 5794, 1, 18620], [102, 275, 366, 829, 26, 2488, 86, 823, 1, 18621, 1, 18622], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 3, 2489, 45, 226, 568, 2944, 275, 366, 87, 1, 18623], [858, 159, 886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18624], [102, 1355, 275, 366, 2084, 1683, 20, 2, 1909, 543, 62, 986, 10, 1910, 1340, 58, 4646, 1, 18625], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18626], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18627], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18628], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18629], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 6713, 18630], [2726, 555, 13, 463, 275, 366, 6714, 3938, 554, 19, 6715, 554, 18631, 13, 555, 18632], [2489, 45, 226, 568, 2944, 854, 150, 23, 6716, 326, 59, 6717, 275, 86, 3000, 2906, 18633, 18634, 1, 18635], [18636, 555, 13, 463, 275, 366, 6714, 3938, 554, 19, 6715, 554, 1, 18637], [165, 129, 79, 7, 18638, 18639, 3006, 60, 2, 3172, 275, 366, 5, 2, 18640, 7, 1842, 1468, 1970, 2, 1478, 1, 18641], [329, 2342, 4647, 797, 102, 1355, 275, 366, 2084, 1683, 1630, 2343, 388, 12, 1231, 18642, 1, 2099, 18643], [3018, 2032, 886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 3, 2489, 45, 226, 568, 2944, 18644, 1, 18645], [18646, 153, 1091, 33, 15, 172, 26, 3, 741, 5, 1001, 8, 16, 17, 255, 2, 275, 366, 27], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18647], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 858, 159, 1, 18648], [102, 1355, 275, 366, 2084, 1683, 1630, 2343, 388, 12, 1231, 18649, 17, 49, 275, 3606, 1, 18650, 18651], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18652, 18653, 3756, 71], [329, 2342, 4647, 797, 102, 1355, 275, 366, 2084, 1683, 1630, 2343, 388, 12, 1231, 606, 1, 18654, 4646], [2489, 45, 226, 568, 2944, 854, 150, 23, 6716, 326, 1802, 59, 6717, 275, 86, 3000, 2906, 1, 18655], [5266, 2311, 18656, 16, 773, 18657, 66, 56, 286, 2133, 4, 49, 275, 366, 1017, 108, 13, 18658, 161, 70, 18659, 1, 18660], [71, 886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 6718], [18661, 4312, 2867, 86, 49, 275, 366], [2489, 2281, 275, 366, 172, 26, 2488, 86, 2906, 1, 18662, 273, 18663], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18664], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18665], [71, 886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18666], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18667, 71], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18668, 28, 18669], [71, 886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 6718], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18670, 18671, 3, 2489, 45, 226, 568, 2944, 275, 366, 87, 2, 3560], [886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18672], [858, 159, 886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 18673], [2453, 1474, 181, 3118, 43, 3172, 275, 366, 3457, 1, 18674], [102, 1355, 275, 366, 2084, 1683, 20, 2, 1909, 543, 62, 986, 10, 1910, 1340, 58, 4646, 1, 18675], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18676], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1062, 5, 3615, 24, 4], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18677], [231, 1062, 723, 146, 673, 4, 294, 1700, 393, 1, 18678], [3437, 193, 322, 5, 231, 393, 5, 693, 4648, 1381, 1727, 4282, 3609, 6561, 1, 18679], [59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1062, 5, 3615, 24, 4, 719, 136, 5822, 1, 18680], [3, 993, 448, 2, 393, 7, 125, 148, 6, 9, 2, 184, 7, 2, 1, 18681, 1, 18682, 2755], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18683], [18684, 871, 18685, 1063, 25, 49, 393, 7, 18686, 19, 2, 226, 18687, 18688, 5, 2678, 5, 18689, 168, 134, 25, 15], [231, 1062, 723, 146, 673, 4, 294, 1700, 393, 1, 18690], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18691], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18692], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1062, 5, 3615, 24, 4], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18693], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18694], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18695], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 6719, 1, 18696, 18697], [3018, 2285, 152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 18698, 1, 18699], [18700, 387, 3232, 171, 952, 967, 4, 30, 129, 197, 4, 1547, 204, 393, 7, 2636, 20, 1626, 4, 1543, 476, 722, 2, 65, 9, 2, 1174, 212], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18701, 18702], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18703], [52, 431, 187, 393, 61, 8, 231, 1062, 1, 18704], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18705], [18706, 18707, 255, 127, 10, 31, 17, 118, 13, 25, 255, 15, 1124, 17, 69, 8, 70, 18708, 21, 11, 393, 63, 127, 56, 3334, 15], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18709], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18710], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18711], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18712], [4475, 709, 168, 21, 5, 1847, 231, 1062, 393, 1, 18713, 18714, 18715], [231, 1062, 723, 146, 673, 4, 294, 1700, 393, 2, 18716, 393, 7, 6719, 1, 18717, 18718], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18719], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 1062, 393, 5, 3615, 432, 264, 1345, 71, 1, 18720], [71, 152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1, 18721], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 558, 1, 18722, 71, 355, 1083], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18723], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18724], [49, 393, 7, 231, 1062, 5, 52, 431, 44, 139, 19, 478, 566, 65, 217, 57, 111, 154, 62, 569, 155, 56, 23, 18725, 1, 18726], [152, 21, 4, 719, 43, 231, 59, 86, 326, 152, 21, 575, 20, 2, 223, 393, 7, 231, 1005, 1, 18727], [49, 393, 7, 231, 1062, 5, 52, 431, 44, 139, 19, 478, 566, 65, 971, 79, 1, 18728, 1, 18729], [410, 3437, 193, 322, 5, 231, 393, 5, 693, 4648, 1381, 1727, 4282, 3609, 18730, 18731], [2179, 1261, 6720, 584], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 327, 818, 1, 18732, 1, 18733], [6721, 7, 3351, 2, 350, 1138, 1198, 7, 2, 368, 4628, 1997, 1269, 1526, 19, 1, 6722], [18734, 741, 32, 15, 27, 3421, 18735, 18736, 6651, 18737, 5, 145, 4625, 15, 27, 4193, 584, 3455, 924, 18738], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 327, 818, 1, 18739], [18740, 6, 35, 31, 43, 123, 4, 461, 2, 18741, 1412, 32, 19, 2, 1317, 29, 6, 155, 584, 30, 16, 1769, 2, 18742, 2681, 89, 26, 18743], [5691, 89, 50, 4, 13, 3, 6482, 1361, 5777, 46, 2790, 33, 18744, 63, 2176, 18745, 63, 584], [6527, 1068, 210, 1425, 2, 6723, 5, 2, 584, 18746, 635, 4, 30, 15, 113, 1243, 5684], [6, 41, 26, 19, 18747, 590, 417, 584, 1, 18748], [5367, 7, 10, 18749, 18750, 11, 763, 2, 18751, 9, 2, 18752, 584, 28, 18753], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 327, 818, 1, 18754], [584, 18755, 18756, 1, 18757], [584, 608, 4, 26, 14, 2767, 3740, 6, 112, 4, 31, 15, 1, 18758], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 327, 818, 1, 18759], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 327, 818, 1, 18760], [125, 911, 6724, 77, 85, 180, 3614, 1169, 161, 584, 1, 18761, 18762], [833, 45, 209, 3, 189, 19, 14, 1059, 337, 7, 584, 18763, 18764, 20, 3224, 18765, 1766, 1, 18766], [6721, 7, 3351, 19, 4628, 1997, 2319, 997, 21, 369, 241, 6303, 1, 6722], [125, 911, 6724, 77, 85, 180, 3614, 1169, 161, 584, 1, 18767], [18768, 30, 16, 18769, 3042, 56, 23, 988, 204, 70, 278, 6, 3325, 22, 619, 80, 64, 15, 8, 584], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 327, 818, 1, 18770], [18771, 18772, 1905, 94, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 18773, 598, 367, 69, 27, 584, 1, 18774, 18775, 431, 18776, 18777], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 327, 818, 1, 18778], [1227, 18779, 18780, 18781, 18782, 12, 2, 2553, 8, 18783, 304, 161, 584, 19, 2, 4793, 1, 18784], [53, 167, 30, 16, 104, 1906, 17, 584, 1246, 18785], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 327, 818, 1, 18786], [18787, 3361, 5, 18788, 1, 18789, 13, 18790, 851, 3527, 79, 18791, 369], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 327, 818, 1, 18792], [14, 4409, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 26, 584, 51, 2, 1224, 1625], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 327, 818, 1, 18793, 1, 18794], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 327, 1, 18795, 1, 18796], [4479, 15, 8, 584, 12, 2, 1900, 110, 1014, 18797], [18798, 848, 3, 140, 18799, 1517, 456, 9, 3, 573, 46, 2, 584, 7, 2, 166, 1406, 18800], [367, 18801, 77, 18802, 18803, 18804, 18805, 18806, 8, 18807, 18808, 1, 18809], [584, 5, 1223, 34, 513, 1272, 598, 288, 18810, 1, 18811], [2420, 3, 1169, 7, 3508, 5765, 5, 18812, 584, 188, 3455, 18813, 17, 641, 449, 713, 6725, 8, 18814, 18815], [1, 1462, 18816, 584, 5591, 67, 18817, 6316, 2599, 13, 245, 6581, 18818, 18819, 1038, 1, 18820], [15, 8, 30, 16, 182, 13], [18821, 1140, 7, 2, 142, 182, 13, 131], [18822, 6, 37, 847, 60, 182, 13, 19, 2, 2007, 51, 6, 250, 17], [1031, 18823, 3381, 11, 2, 18824, 18825, 4, 18826, 2, 476, 142, 51, 1167, 18827, 32, 19, 5511, 27, 16, 3, 18828, 949, 5, 182, 13, 47, 675], [2, 605, 637, 1455, 38, 53, 6, 968, 4, 4212, 32, 46, 216, 29, 6, 112, 3, 182, 13, 131, 9, 112, 4, 138, 4, 2, 1588, 18829], [50, 15, 51, 18830, 18831, 3, 182, 13, 131, 28, 18832], [5964, 254, 18833, 51, 30, 93, 155, 5192, 277, 2, 182, 13, 2462, 18834], [18835, 1856, 538, 70, 7, 18836, 18837, 18838, 182, 13, 6, 175, 10, 178, 15, 502, 507, 28, 2099, 18839, 58, 137], [8, 15, 64, 4, 182, 13, 57, 28, 18840], [559, 182, 13, 61, 3574, 7, 6726, 3891, 72, 628, 6614], [53, 312, 3, 195, 16, 170, 30, 16, 182, 13, 754, 69, 24, 964, 59, 3435, 6, 33, 22, 39, 257, 33, 6, 150, 26, 949, 32, 7, 3435, 2326], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 18841, 182, 13, 19, 2, 2007, 229, 77, 18842, 77, 18843, 111, 154, 62, 199, 79], [6, 37, 2911, 18, 722, 14, 1268, 5, 2, 147, 681, 14, 180, 87, 17, 27, 3, 182, 13, 131, 1590, 4, 156, 1370], [18844, 18845, 37, 763, 2, 18846, 27, 331, 6, 30, 16, 155, 6, 172, 700, 1259, 5, 69, 6, 286, 182, 13, 9, 31, 539, 124], [55, 27, 45, 37, 158, 9, 1626, 5784, 57, 271, 5, 182, 13, 1115], [2, 75, 506, 8, 17, 2, 5677, 286, 16, 327, 3, 2945, 6727, 8, 5, 2, 2693, 47, 77, 966, 4, 182, 13], [3400, 2, 5844, 3779, 1187, 9, 18847, 182, 13, 1795, 6, 286, 163, 6, 35, 18848, 77, 18849, 18850], [182, 13, 43, 790, 618, 5, 1284, 4539, 3411, 11, 18851, 18852, 18853], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 18854, 182, 13, 19, 2, 2007, 343, 2050, 1563, 158, 32, 18855, 111, 154, 62, 199, 79], [240, 64, 6, 257, 3, 52, 995, 63, 18856, 5, 14, 97, 6, 182, 13, 186, 6, 192, 15, 11, 14, 1299], [182, 13, 19, 2, 2007, 8, 2, 197, 623, 20, 22, 8, 18857, 3850, 13, 1, 18858, 18859], [1583, 453, 2321, 182, 13, 3574, 453, 1056, 1946, 453, 2321, 789, 453, 2321, 18860], [18861, 6688, 2077, 32, 39, 167, 27, 18862, 15, 2297, 536, 12, 4, 18863, 88, 18864, 32, 57, 5075, 711, 3, 182, 13, 131, 43, 626, 284], [3190, 18865, 4649, 18866, 10, 104, 6, 325, 1670, 88, 29, 47, 192, 4, 182, 13, 6, 37, 1075, 88, 91, 7, 211, 18867, 18868, 422], [6728, 18869, 18870, 6, 163, 3367, 39, 16, 182, 13, 173, 162, 1080, 589, 9, 91, 1080, 589, 439, 1543, 476], [182, 13, 1047, 607], [6728, 1848, 18871, 18872, 18873, 18874, 18875, 18876, 18877, 47, 182, 13, 25, 18878, 39, 3367, 11, 621], [350, 18879, 328, 33, 2236, 27, 711, 3, 182, 13, 131, 158, 32, 114], [1840, 1748, 13, 2, 18880, 3256, 18881, 1479, 144, 3779, 1187, 182, 13, 13, 117, 1501, 1, 18882, 2, 18883, 1, 18884], [395, 1455, 38, 60, 3, 5553, 5970, 60, 70, 1624, 80, 64, 565, 18, 3, 182, 13, 2391, 33, 2, 67, 118, 18885, 4, 26, 635, 34, 3, 1, 18886], [3889, 31, 43, 123, 4, 26, 3, 207, 278, 6, 536, 4, 2, 182, 13, 2103, 6729, 34, 18887, 4442, 30, 93, 710, 683, 17], [6730, 13, 2110, 13, 39, 219, 182, 13, 245, 18888, 2359, 18889, 5, 2, 6731, 13], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 18890, 182, 13, 19, 2, 2007, 18891, 145, 2132], [37, 112, 3, 182, 13, 131, 754, 6, 30, 16, 23, 1133, 817, 11, 45, 2, 3306, 9, 3243, 6, 968, 4, 1325, 22, 207, 171, 1008, 14, 347, 6723], [6, 112, 216, 110, 9, 6, 23, 671, 112, 3, 182, 13, 131, 382, 10, 373, 216, 11, 18892], [182, 13, 1795, 24, 2, 945], [182, 13, 19, 2, 2007, 5093, 18893], [23, 4, 18894, 182, 256, 43, 595, 157, 144, 91, 13, 301, 34, 3208, 18895, 17, 8, 3, 4008, 59, 4, 249, 150, 26, 1874, 704], [18896, 398, 2, 182, 256, 11, 51, 10, 31, 4, 18897], [6732, 18898, 3146, 39, 53, 395, 18899, 113, 24, 56, 182, 256, 2882, 2708, 13, 1534], [838, 6, 132, 789, 15, 29, 6, 35, 1385, 182, 256], [52, 488, 65, 24, 827, 182, 256, 60, 1438, 783, 1, 18900], [6, 819, 2, 18901, 6, 819, 2, 18902, 6, 109, 1734, 1065, 4650, 182, 256], [10, 375, 14, 2430, 138, 25, 4214, 1920, 4, 182, 256, 1920, 18903], [838, 57, 6, 35, 182, 256], [18904, 636, 53, 10, 1491, 2, 385, 18905, 187, 18906, 6, 35, 37, 354, 681, 19, 271, 269, 6733, 182, 256], [10, 3254, 24, 1828, 18907, 233, 4, 13, 45, 10, 18908, 18909, 182, 256, 19, 2, 614, 7, 319, 1198, 801, 18910], [52, 488, 65, 24, 827, 182, 256, 60, 1438, 783, 1, 18911], [15, 8, 18912, 9, 6, 35, 671, 182, 256, 9, 1689, 754, 6, 35, 29, 4417, 612, 42], [65, 24, 827, 182, 256, 60, 1438, 783, 1, 18913], [18914, 227, 17, 8, 16, 173, 331, 177, 929, 6, 2777, 68, 182, 256, 1415], [18915, 1757, 115, 54, 8, 182, 256, 54, 37, 276, 32, 95, 2387, 112, 15, 87, 18, 95, 57, 1366, 18916, 8, 8, 5, 1588, 54, 8, 4417], [182, 256, 186, 807, 14, 3380, 589, 38, 19, 1001, 805, 63, 807, 18917, 12, 2, 2095, 11, 18918], [18919, 18920, 212, 6, 150, 26, 182, 256, 3, 313, 6, 27, 16, 34, 859, 18921, 2, 6446, 34, 6, 1665, 35], [45, 17, 182, 256, 375, 38, 1522, 6, 175, 4, 2135, 5, 14, 1120], [651, 18922, 24, 182, 256, 60, 2, 1038, 1, 18923], [10, 210, 26, 1065, 10, 210, 26, 357, 9, 182, 256, 22, 18924, 1, 18925, 6730, 18926], [14, 1179, 8, 182, 256, 34, 14, 3418, 1962, 1225, 54, 915, 4, 4651, 36, 18, 14, 52, 2718, 18927, 170, 18928, 6, 2732, 14, 2223], [671, 182, 256, 60, 216, 2146, 361], [65, 24, 827, 182, 256, 60, 1438, 783, 1, 18929, 1, 18930], [6, 257, 33, 6, 210, 26, 182, 256, 59, 34, 6, 30, 16, 104, 6, 31, 14, 2129, 72, 5, 3, 454, 6, 35, 18931, 704, 1966], [37, 2642, 17, 807, 15, 16, 2886, 4, 1612, 36, 1009, 18, 49, 4205, 1056, 182, 256], [1409, 18932, 6, 13, 65, 24, 182, 256, 60, 18933, 45, 43, 361], [4302, 6, 35, 1399, 182, 256, 158, 32, 114], [51, 54, 1411, 10, 1014, 95, 303, 9, 10, 678, 182, 256, 186, 10, 112, 4, 4652, 17, 1622, 1, 18934], [18935, 16, 354, 1076, 8, 6, 35, 182, 256, 3, 313, 1374, 295, 18936, 16, 69, 18937, 16, 1377, 1050], [65, 24, 827, 182, 256, 60, 1438, 783, 1, 18938], [10, 81, 294, 182, 256, 18939, 28, 18940], [14, 6707, 81, 57, 1612, 12, 3, 4195, 4351, 182, 256, 28, 18941], [113, 24, 65, 182, 256, 60, 2129, 121, 847, 4795, 33, 6734, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 359, 40, 2129], [226, 334, 250, 15, 112, 3, 148, 12, 650, 177, 74, 42, 1304, 14, 18942, 51, 6, 27, 1018, 4, 678, 669, 2, 5231, 21], [74, 42, 1336, 1109, 140, 19, 2284, 409, 1074, 3, 481, 73, 4361, 134, 3, 944, 9, 3, 4600, 19, 2, 18943, 1, 18944, 18945], [18946, 161, 74, 42, 111, 1822, 1184, 11, 6735, 755, 387, 731, 19, 74, 6736, 3616, 1146, 5, 1555, 4206, 6737, 2281, 1, 18947], [301, 265, 74, 42, 132, 2440, 38, 301, 400, 644, 1131, 35, 16, 265, 800, 38], [125, 71, 18948, 74, 42, 4051, 6629, 3792, 2901, 18949, 74, 42, 23, 6167, 281, 36, 141, 2901, 1, 18950, 18951], [1336, 73, 2861, 48, 19, 2576, 258, 8, 1074, 139, 20, 74, 42, 641, 481, 100, 18952], [74, 42, 646, 5233, 5234, 1336, 73, 2861, 48, 698, 2284, 258, 8, 1074, 18953, 18954, 1952, 1, 18955], [74, 42, 4188, 18956, 1721, 42, 18957, 1703, 296, 39, 1647, 1389, 161, 3483, 29, 3483, 138, 46, 4489, 4188, 1036, 1737, 18958, 6430, 18959, 8, 18960], [18961, 419, 18, 1927, 18962, 25, 74, 42, 111, 657, 6738, 1, 18963, 28, 18964], [3, 2226, 18965, 74, 42, 2808, 413, 1086, 79, 7, 2, 2584, 19, 1163, 373, 18966, 13, 18967, 18968, 2, 6739, 13, 1, 18969, 18970], [161, 74, 42, 111, 1822, 1184, 11, 6735, 755, 387, 731, 19, 74, 6736, 3616, 1146, 5, 1555, 4206, 6737, 2281, 6740, 1, 18971], [18972, 4, 285, 8, 3911, 610, 12, 2, 1602, 18, 18973, 74, 42, 1, 18974, 18975], [57, 18976, 5, 3617, 74, 42, 2841, 2698, 18977, 895, 18, 18978, 383, 1, 18979], [102, 74, 42, 111, 657, 2547, 944, 12, 115, 288, 242, 135, 4146, 18980, 2690, 79, 1, 18981, 26, 18982, 58, 774, 50, 6741], [74, 42, 6476, 1440, 11, 363, 3387, 513, 5, 18983, 74, 42, 5, 440, 18984, 18985, 24, 18986, 2822, 1, 18987], [75, 17, 2, 74, 42, 24, 1048, 477, 7, 22, 9, 356, 23, 2614, 515, 593, 6440], [113, 24, 18988, 146, 6742, 4, 290, 1071, 74, 42, 18989, 1172, 4, 18990, 18991], [18992, 709, 19, 4127, 413, 94, 7, 42, 18993, 1166, 1993, 63, 1993, 74, 42, 18994, 18995, 6473], [18996, 4811, 18997, 12, 434, 1949, 18, 18998, 62, 199, 342, 50, 10, 1963, 18999, 441, 7, 74, 42, 19000, 1, 19001, 58, 774, 50, 6741], [2692, 2946, 2040, 967, 4, 2584, 1439, 74, 42, 1327, 2818, 183, 1, 19002, 3, 540, 7, 3961, 2946, 1, 19003], [296, 144, 1393, 6274, 11, 115, 1498, 3085, 7, 669, 19, 19004, 74, 42, 849, 185, 19005, 179, 98, 5313, 1, 19006], [6112, 19007, 116, 31, 3, 19008, 40, 705, 1011, 3272, 3664, 74, 42, 81, 2848, 3, 118, 19009, 1878, 5, 19010, 19011, 1, 19012], [19013, 19014, 1856, 2, 441, 1, 19015], [74, 42, 646, 1336, 19, 2284, 258, 8, 2290, 159, 7, 732, 159, 7, 732, 74, 42, 19016, 1, 19017], [2692, 2946, 2040, 967, 4, 2584, 1439, 74, 42, 1327, 2818, 183, 1, 19018], [5333, 19019, 93, 4266, 19020, 989, 11, 706, 909, 6542, 2, 4266, 6743, 74, 42, 41, 31, 93], [52, 1520, 1316, 1129, 4, 190, 1547, 1637, 74, 42, 3992, 5, 49, 2233, 4, 1940, 352, 21, 6744, 74, 19021, 1, 19022], [19023, 1230, 42, 897, 726, 3280, 926, 25, 3618, 4, 5035, 19024, 1613, 7, 74, 42, 723, 19025], [5811, 2380, 19026, 752, 419, 5, 183, 3904, 74, 42, 992, 11, 4899, 19027, 1, 19028], [74, 42, 1259, 36, 12, 38, 6, 26, 19029, 309, 5, 5036, 327, 516, 290, 94, 38, 36, 13, 1236, 6, 109, 6242, 253, 8, 1611], [74, 42, 115, 139, 3421, 5719, 19030, 46, 1888, 19031, 2413, 46, 208, 1, 19032, 227, 14, 191, 1347, 901], [617, 367, 19033, 111, 154, 62, 569, 3482, 74, 42, 11, 1024, 439, 555, 13, 5, 19034, 1, 19035], [19036, 19037, 61, 30, 6, 30, 14, 317, 695, 44, 68, 1269, 19038, 20, 74, 42, 5, 4497, 430, 254, 2831, 76, 219, 3143, 733, 7, 2619, 19039, 66, 30, 6, 190, 208], [106, 2999, 4, 2375, 40, 1460, 1402, 19040, 1, 19041, 9, 421, 2, 1460, 74, 42, 484, 402, 543, 62, 5052, 1978], [1668, 2576, 258, 8, 1074, 669, 481, 139, 20, 74, 42, 1, 19042], [2692, 2946, 2040, 967, 4, 2584, 1439, 74, 42, 1327, 2818, 183, 3, 540, 7, 3961, 2946, 2040, 2474, 2, 2108, 1, 19043], [19044, 70, 693, 19045, 74, 42, 111, 1822, 9, 70, 19046, 1060, 111, 1822, 1184, 46, 909, 2593, 2901, 19, 3616, 1146], [225, 41, 57, 19047, 1, 19048, 98, 4653, 21, 225, 6745, 6746, 680, 1, 19049], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19050], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19051, 1520, 19052, 19053, 2124, 452], [225, 1560, 201, 74, 654, 2947, 4, 499, 3619, 3620, 2948, 21, 1, 19054], [225, 1560, 201, 74, 654, 2947, 4, 499, 3619, 3620, 2948, 21, 1, 19055, 19056], [116, 5348, 1936, 225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19057, 1, 19058, 203], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19059, 1, 19060], [452, 92, 6, 84, 23, 16, 4203, 278, 19061, 35, 92, 6, 84, 23, 4, 2558, 2, 2810, 562, 9, 2772, 230, 5, 499, 150, 1425, 32], [355, 32, 225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19062], [19063, 3, 19064, 225, 1560, 201, 74, 654, 2947, 4, 499, 2267, 925, 2948, 21, 1, 19065, 6747, 5], [225, 1560, 201, 74, 654, 2947, 4, 499, 3619, 3620, 2948, 21, 1, 19066, 561, 19067], [19068, 225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 28, 19069, 6748], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19070], [225, 41, 57, 499, 4654, 1, 19071], [5346, 1936, 225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19072, 1, 19073, 203], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 225, 2949, 9, 1783, 1827, 2950, 44, 2467, 59, 3621, 1, 19074], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 225, 2949, 9, 1783, 1827, 2950, 44, 2467, 59, 3621, 1, 1462, 19075], [1936, 680, 225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19076], [116, 1936, 225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19077], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19078, 4653, 21, 225, 58, 1936], [1936, 225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 225, 2949, 9, 1783, 1827, 2950, 44, 2467, 59, 3606, 1, 19079], [19080, 40, 619, 80, 64, 27, 6514, 20, 1936, 1, 19081], [651, 204, 854, 757, 4, 19082, 2, 1244, 225, 44, 1178, 4, 499, 141, 201, 1, 19083, 6443], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 225, 2949, 9, 1783, 1827, 2950, 44, 2467, 59, 3621, 1, 19084], [225, 41, 57, 499, 19085, 1, 19086, 4653, 21, 225, 6745, 6746, 1, 19087], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 225, 2949, 9, 1783, 1827, 2950, 44, 2467, 59, 3621, 1, 19088], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19089, 19090], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19091], [225, 41, 57, 499, 4654, 1, 878, 19092, 19093, 1, 19094], [225, 1560, 201, 74, 654, 2947, 4, 499, 3619, 3620, 2948, 21, 1, 19095], [1481, 769, 1164, 29, 221, 17, 15, 304, 38, 19096, 1026, 57, 6, 1612, 9, 1316, 142, 5, 499, 9, 5, 2, 1720], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19097], [225, 41, 57, 499, 4654, 28, 19098, 1, 19099], [225, 41, 57, 499, 925, 201, 1, 19100], [263, 1137, 225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19101], [51, 10, 24, 500, 4, 3, 313, 19102, 754, 10, 24, 173, 539, 124, 4, 26, 5, 2, 111, 42, 39, 170, 8, 2475, 36, 9, 56, 192, 10, 1385, 121], [225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19103, 1, 19104], [263, 1137, 225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19105], [215, 225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19106, 662, 197], [111, 154, 62, 569, 1284, 183, 500, 43, 480, 1194, 869, 1, 19107], [215, 225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19108, 662, 197], [225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19109], [160, 55, 138, 361, 1194, 371, 11, 40, 444, 19110, 5940, 19111], [225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19112, 1, 19113], [265, 761, 19114, 8, 500, 2204, 2472, 2, 13, 19115, 55, 23], [215, 225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19116, 662, 197], [225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19117, 1, 19118], [24, 2449, 7, 22, 3575, 4, 26, 500, 1, 19119], [111, 154, 62, 569, 1284, 183, 500, 43, 480, 1, 19120], [19121, 1941, 15, 57, 19122, 748, 922, 63, 500, 241, 770, 4, 1252, 381], [111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 3, 499, 8, 5, 741, 19, 3, 6373, 183, 43, 3, 480, 1194, 869, 6749, 19123, 7, 2, 1, 19124], [3046, 220, 938, 19125, 4655, 154, 62, 569, 1284, 183, 500, 43, 480, 1194, 869, 1206, 159], [263, 1137, 225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19126], [225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19127, 1, 19128, 19129], [263, 1137, 225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19130], [1284, 183, 500, 43, 480, 1194, 869, 111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 3, 499, 8, 5, 741, 19, 1, 19131, 19132, 5425], [6750, 2176, 19133, 1284, 183, 500, 43, 480, 1194, 869, 1, 19134, 1, 19135, 19136], [6, 35, 37, 31, 43, 123, 4, 163, 15, 259, 2, 52, 225, 74, 654, 1435, 6, 155, 19137, 41, 26, 500, 9, 66, 17, 8, 331, 11, 2, 1390, 6393], [838, 2, 1446, 44, 68, 500, 5, 14, 2111, 176, 19138, 198, 114, 39, 6, 1110, 36, 2, 783, 19139, 460, 37, 829, 170, 32, 838], [1284, 1196, 500, 46, 480, 1194, 6751, 1, 19140, 982, 1, 19141], [19142, 4655, 154, 62, 569, 1284, 183, 500, 43, 480, 1194, 869, 762, 71], [1284, 183, 500, 43, 480, 1194, 869, 49, 397, 3415, 768, 2, 3618, 7, 1284, 4387, 1, 19143], [215, 225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19144, 19145, 662, 197], [225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19146, 1, 19147], [833, 225, 2, 3960, 7, 3, 499, 809, 47, 1237, 53, 2, 65, 2020, 500, 81, 37, 19148, 32, 60, 6655, 56, 175], [1194, 1284, 183, 500, 43, 480, 1194, 869, 1762, 1079, 1049, 1, 19149], [245, 19150, 4655, 154, 62, 569, 1284, 183, 500, 43, 480, 1194, 869, 1206, 488], [263, 1137, 225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19151], [132, 19152, 3, 4435, 4, 2375, 2, 2535, 5, 19153, 34, 15, 8, 500, 2, 2189, 6563, 1712, 45, 3582, 2211, 158, 32, 114, 1520], [263, 1137, 225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19154], [215, 225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 610, 76, 856, 162, 503, 1104, 922, 63, 500, 1, 19155, 662, 197], [1, 19156, 128, 82, 13, 3040, 905, 1571, 2374, 6752, 724], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 19157, 96, 1454, 1571, 452, 82, 3326, 4542], [6753, 82, 2881, 186, 7, 2048, 2951, 2374, 7, 1571, 19158], [91, 7, 945, 1571, 6751, 25, 1023, 556, 156, 1013, 19159, 19160, 17, 1264, 82, 3307, 19161, 1212, 13, 1130, 15], [195, 6753, 5047, 5, 4360, 1205, 3, 724, 19162, 1571, 1788, 44, 2881, 176, 82, 4305, 862, 346, 47, 19163, 1799], [4071, 1502, 500, 19164, 19165, 2724, 27, 90, 580, 51, 82, 2880, 2164, 1571, 19166, 1, 19167], [1571, 82, 1740, 1625, 18, 3771, 4, 31, 698, 682, 698, 9, 682, 3273, 1, 19168, 58, 5034], [73, 969, 1172, 1630, 2343, 1571, 82, 1889, 3816, 1644, 1382, 6754, 1571, 82, 1889, 3816, 1644, 1382, 6754, 1, 19169], [19170, 2065, 1571, 128, 82, 2868, 19171, 19172, 19173], [604, 4, 2, 633, 166, 142, 13, 3562, 19174, 8, 156, 1365, 57, 19, 2, 19175, 5210, 296, 70, 1889, 4078, 4, 19176, 1, 19177], [633, 1034, 75, 19178, 19179, 19180, 19181, 1731, 154, 62, 19182, 1731, 154, 62, 19183, 28, 19184], [19185, 6709, 19186, 6, 3240, 1466, 227, 14, 191], [955, 61, 6755, 1076, 21, 2112, 240, 107, 988, 110, 46, 3, 633, 19, 6756, 19187, 1, 19188], [633, 1536, 1362, 961, 5, 2952, 305, 633, 1536, 1362, 961, 5, 2952, 305, 774, 50, 10, 1017, 19189, 1, 19190], [31, 43, 123, 4, 2, 980, 18, 4200, 19191, 1225, 3, 5173, 633, 704, 1, 19192], [1838, 19193, 5493, 19194, 368, 633, 19195, 1091, 1, 19196, 58, 1, 19197], [667, 65, 78, 139, 51, 3, 324, 633, 5, 2, 2172, 2934, 626, 3, 467, 1, 19198], [467, 5, 2172, 2934, 508, 667, 3622, 804, 667, 65, 78, 139, 51, 3, 324, 633, 5, 2822, 1, 19199], [633, 1536, 1362, 961, 5, 2952, 19200, 28, 19201, 58, 4070], [2795, 5, 3, 633, 682, 2919, 2, 1140, 7, 2, 434, 272, 530, 80, 159, 24, 19202, 29, 230, 19203, 4, 1620, 12, 2, 6580], [907, 633, 156, 1365, 6, 35, 354, 1076, 8, 157, 9, 19204, 484, 4, 2, 19205, 411, 38, 11, 3, 313, 269, 19206], [467, 5, 2172, 2934, 508, 667, 3622, 804, 667, 65, 78, 139, 51, 3, 324, 633, 5, 2, 6, 1, 19207], [53, 10, 132, 23, 2, 19208, 7, 2, 821, 3, 633, 91, 19209, 28, 19210], [3611, 633, 55, 23, 136, 19211, 21, 12, 2, 5530, 1747, 1638, 876, 1383, 96, 1970, 675], [4057, 10, 189, 33, 10, 109, 874, 5, 3, 633, 22, 8, 1924, 9, 3991, 19, 2, 701, 64], [633, 452, 3004, 726, 63, 3004, 693, 1, 19212, 1, 19213], [3617, 633, 1536, 1362, 961, 5, 2952, 305, 774, 50, 10, 1017, 19214, 43, 19215, 1, 19216], [467, 5, 2172, 2934, 508, 667, 3622, 804, 667, 65, 78, 139, 51, 3, 324, 633, 5, 2822, 1, 19217], [332, 332, 138, 484, 3, 19218, 8, 12, 2, 169, 1, 19219, 19220, 1, 19221], [19222, 6757], [3889, 1352, 4277, 19223, 3, 485, 624, 3, 633, 19224, 2, 1618, 41, 6328, 15, 8, 169, 5, 1605, 1352, 1, 19225], [17, 633, 127, 16, 166, 916, 565, 1133], [3611, 633, 6, 35, 3476, 7, 3110, 5, 61, 19226, 56, 24, 1294], [19227, 19228, 19229, 6, 2911, 3623, 1256, 230, 5, 3, 890, 19230, 1943, 1985, 296, 4605, 964, 2113, 1368, 65, 92, 6, 84, 19231, 893, 6758], [197, 457, 643, 45, 2, 935, 3594, 24, 146, 375, 32, 160, 5, 301, 3877, 435, 3161, 530, 80, 159, 287, 22, 160, 633, 158, 32, 114, 14, 5802, 19232], [6, 175, 15, 4, 633, 196], [6759, 36, 539, 124, 18, 3, 633, 768, 89, 1665, 178, 38, 1211, 16, 110, 847, 461, 91, 2, 19233, 12, 2, 3583, 9, 171, 952, 30, 22], [2589, 6, 81, 257, 2, 423, 19234, 36, 11, 3, 633, 5, 4117, 1045, 15, 12, 447, 19235, 1457], [3611, 633, 6, 35, 3, 896, 1638, 648, 34, 10, 104, 39, 6, 23, 219, 673, 1747, 6760, 790, 315, 11, 3, 2945, 6727, 8], [2, 169, 10, 845, 8, 33, 3, 145, 12, 633, 9, 6, 35, 3, 358, 7, 6761], [633, 1536, 1362, 961, 5, 2952, 305, 1, 19236], [2, 169, 10, 845, 8, 33, 3, 145, 12, 633, 9, 6, 35, 3, 358, 7, 6761], [467, 626, 20, 324, 633, 508, 106, 5, 19237, 28, 19238, 1, 19239], [1095, 3351, 19240, 585, 4, 178, 169, 11, 52, 237, 1, 19241], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19242], [1684, 5, 4727, 34, 4726, 111, 19243, 19244, 1283, 19245, 1685, 19246, 6762, 1, 19247], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 2, 239, 12, 1457, 99, 5, 102, 4798, 1, 19248], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 1, 19249, 1, 19250, 2755], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19251, 1307], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19252], [1, 19253, 2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 19254, 71, 9, 1692, 1, 19255], [71, 2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 52, 431, 159, 1, 19256, 19257, 19258], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19259], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19260], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 1, 19261, 1, 19262], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 1, 19263, 1, 19264, 19265], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 1, 19266, 19267, 1, 19268], [19269, 19270, 432, 264, 19271, 66, 236, 2843, 4385, 30, 10, 155, 2, 6, 6348, 13, 118, 13, 7, 2017, 807, 5983, 9, 1476, 19272, 5, 734, 2615, 585], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 1, 19273, 1, 19274], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 1, 19275, 1, 19276], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19277], [4261, 19, 478, 10, 78, 19278], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19279], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19280], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 1, 19281, 1, 19282], [59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 2281, 194, 1, 19283, 3624, 2481, 1, 19284], [2236, 6763, 2, 1487, 852, 95, 99, 317, 695, 25, 3, 6764, 194, 1, 19285], [110, 41, 26, 204, 19286, 18, 266, 585, 53, 10, 3048, 6024, 355, 32, 1391, 19, 185, 179, 98, 19287], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19288, 75, 142], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19289], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19290], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19291], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 19292, 194, 1, 19293, 6765, 1, 19294], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 1, 19295, 1, 19296], [2236, 6763, 2, 1487, 852, 95, 99, 317, 695, 25, 3, 6764, 194, 1, 19297], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 1, 19298, 1, 19299], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 19300], [19301, 358, 4, 26, 585, 4, 178, 169, 11, 799, 13, 19302, 19303, 19304, 982, 1, 19305], [22, 6766, 134, 1338, 973, 1075, 326, 1473, 379, 49, 2300, 2984, 1, 19306, 3966, 108, 1036, 7, 342, 50, 10, 317, 881], [74, 42, 6752, 4127, 19307, 5, 3964, 1, 19308, 58, 19309], [1338, 3625, 3894, 1324, 817, 61, 3, 620, 19310, 92, 6, 84, 23, 3097, 5, 1852, 1, 19311], [22, 6766, 134, 1338, 973, 1075, 326, 1473, 379, 49, 2300, 2984, 4052, 1, 19312], [19313, 19314, 19315, 19316, 19317, 477, 7, 6767, 12, 3, 19318, 2, 1340, 19319, 19320], [2643, 80, 64, 1364, 19321, 60, 1089, 1155, 379, 604, 4, 4585, 3580, 1, 19322], [3625, 1973, 1473, 379, 19, 141, 1324, 2937, 71, 239, 1454, 125, 2262, 9, 680, 71, 1, 19323], [6768, 1089, 1155, 379, 1572, 25, 1364], [3116, 1089, 1155, 379, 1572, 25, 1364, 1, 19324], [3626, 1089, 1155, 379, 1572, 25, 1364, 1, 19325, 641, 19326], [1600, 49, 953, 19327, 3827, 3030, 4, 672, 65, 189, 33, 19328, 379, 6559, 7, 385, 19329, 19330, 2983], [2548, 973, 3346, 1324, 121, 3532, 326, 1473, 379, 1, 203, 1, 19331, 13, 59, 1, 19332], [19333, 2163, 1089, 1155, 379, 1572, 25, 1364], [263, 441, 2548, 973, 3346, 1324, 121, 3532, 326, 1473, 19334, 1, 19335, 13, 59, 1, 19336], [3165, 19337, 2764, 19338, 2837, 142, 41, 26, 31, 43, 123, 232, 647, 801, 96, 9, 190, 3815, 2, 151, 846, 1755, 11, 379], [1541, 248, 1089, 1155, 379, 1572, 25, 1364, 1, 19339], [1471, 7, 2632, 108, 19340, 1836, 6, 30, 16, 155, 242, 476, 1869, 172, 30, 221, 1208, 20, 379, 86, 19341, 945, 179, 98, 267], [1364, 1572, 1089, 1155, 379, 1, 19342, 19343], [2907, 6613, 563, 138, 157, 18, 6767, 445, 379, 782, 5, 19344, 28, 19345], [3, 1338, 973, 1851, 141, 1324, 121, 3532, 326, 1473, 379, 3, 1338, 973, 73, 109, 2904, 8, 203, 1, 4443, 19346], [66, 67, 973, 8, 1294, 2540, 4, 398, 379, 19, 2, 1348, 6280, 1058, 4317, 1, 19347], [3626, 1089, 1155, 379, 1572, 25, 1364, 1, 19348, 19349], [3116, 1089, 1155, 379, 1572, 25, 1364, 1, 19350], [1338, 973, 2797, 4, 1973, 326, 1473, 379, 34, 538, 7, 141, 1324, 6146, 1, 19351, 1, 19352], [19353, 19354, 4, 19355, 205, 57, 188, 46, 136, 174, 69, 78, 92, 6, 84, 379, 19356, 37, 693, 7, 19357, 999, 9, 19358], [3625, 1973, 1007, 7, 1473, 379, 1036, 7, 3069, 3, 6769, 1324, 3149, 1, 19359, 273, 19360, 1803, 71], [5, 818, 2, 1192, 379, 1953, 4, 19361, 19362, 2636, 295, 42, 71, 28, 19363, 13, 59, 1, 19364, 1307], [19365, 1711, 379, 382, 10, 1711, 9, 379, 11, 1357, 29, 162, 65, 5, 192, 45, 43, 2, 125, 28, 19366, 203], [6768, 1089, 1155, 379, 1572, 25, 1364], [3625, 1973, 1007, 7, 1473, 379, 1036, 7, 3069, 3, 6769, 1324, 3149, 1, 19367, 58, 1628, 14, 293], [1, 19368, 19369, 708, 998, 1079, 1049, 1249, 19370, 3753, 43, 52, 515, 593, 19371, 43, 2793, 12], [4311, 1089, 1155, 379, 1572, 25, 1364, 1, 6770], [2, 272, 19372, 2752, 12, 1238, 973, 19373, 326, 1473, 379, 12, 141, 1324, 121, 1, 19374, 58, 6771, 50, 19375, 50, 15], [3626, 1089, 1155, 379, 1572, 25, 1364, 1, 6770], [2, 19376, 3255, 379, 61, 78, 56, 5254, 25, 66, 41, 2, 652, 6143, 1068, 2655, 108, 57, 56, 24, 3255, 19377, 19378], [19379, 116, 379, 11, 129, 1825, 5, 6772, 30, 2136, 3, 1840, 7, 1852, 5242, 20, 19380, 203, 203, 1, 19381, 19382], [74, 19383, 4077, 4, 1697, 1468, 101, 282, 312, 1, 19384, 1, 19385], [30, 16, 19386, 19387, 4, 2, 101, 282, 1, 19388], [2922, 2061, 2419, 101, 282, 245, 201, 3627, 3, 1137, 1, 19389, 2212, 282, 28, 6773], [4610, 101, 282, 471, 184, 3587, 434, 6774, 434, 431, 1846, 3245], [101, 282, 7, 2, 121, 1970, 125, 1446, 121, 1997, 849, 4475, 218, 19390, 3349, 37, 296, 185, 1, 19391, 2945, 19392, 282], [6, 35, 12, 70, 370, 1761, 19393, 9, 15, 8, 92, 6, 84, 848, 316, 2, 2074, 565, 241, 2, 19394, 441, 1330, 6, 27, 3074, 5, 1436, 101, 282], [2922, 2061, 2419, 101, 282, 245, 201, 3627, 3, 1137, 1, 19395, 19396, 2212, 282, 28, 6775, 30, 16, 6776], [2922, 2061, 2419, 101, 282, 245, 201, 3627, 3, 1137, 19397, 13, 101, 427, 19398, 1, 19399, 2212, 282], [19400, 1080, 6777, 4, 2, 101, 282, 19401], [242, 19402, 4, 101, 282, 3, 1446, 5, 192, 1, 19403], [166, 963, 1436, 101, 282, 44, 106, 52, 1975, 1, 19404, 2212, 282, 28, 6775, 30, 16, 6776], [166, 963, 1436, 101, 282, 44, 106, 52, 1975, 1, 19405, 2212, 282, 28, 6773], [19406, 9, 2648, 325, 4, 2, 101, 282, 150, 16, 26, 5, 4625, 39, 92, 6, 84, 4, 2, 101, 282, 681, 14, 180, 87, 1531, 19407, 697, 3138], [2819, 11, 2, 3183, 8, 375, 142, 142, 15, 8, 68, 3, 565, 121, 19408, 282], [773, 2, 940, 3721, 19409, 24, 16, 19410, 28, 6166, 19411, 58, 19412], [1859, 283, 4, 5323, 101, 282, 28, 19413], [4610, 101, 282, 471, 184, 3587, 434, 6774, 434, 431, 1846, 3245], [19414, 1247, 19415, 19416, 5252, 19417, 54, 356, 19418, 2, 2615, 7, 19419, 200, 2191, 9, 200, 4783, 5, 101, 282, 6778], [166, 963, 1436, 101, 282, 44, 106, 52, 1975, 1, 19420, 2212, 282], [19421, 66, 162, 1309, 30, 10, 23, 9, 24, 56, 45, 101, 282, 1309], [111, 154, 62, 569, 101, 282, 19422, 428, 87, 1266, 964, 792, 21, 276, 2115, 71, 1, 4293, 4294, 71], [2922, 2061, 2419, 101, 282, 245, 201, 3627, 3, 1137, 1, 19423, 2212, 282, 28, 19424], [4656, 4657, 22, 8, 19425, 14, 1179, 101, 427, 88, 25, 91, 1199, 73, 2340, 88, 5, 3, 3928, 2039, 112, 88, 278, 6, 27, 161, 1, 19426, 19427], [6779, 101, 427, 836, 6780, 251, 1, 19428, 1, 19429, 1, 19430], [161, 2170, 281, 997, 21, 101, 427, 20, 74, 42, 5, 1354, 1155, 3353, 1, 19431], [101, 427, 1356, 428, 2483, 5, 539, 2188, 50, 10, 1, 19432], [19433, 6, 1121, 10, 3, 75, 1515, 7, 230, 9, 1612, 157, 6, 27, 101, 427, 20, 3, 19434, 6, 23, 4658, 5, 14, 900, 411, 2, 19435, 11, 60, 3, 207], [1017, 96, 4, 31, 101, 427, 20, 2, 6781, 1412, 3379, 8, 1782, 1904, 167, 8, 848, 31, 43, 123, 4, 168, 8, 1002], [368, 19436, 102, 6223, 19437, 101, 427, 19438, 19439, 156, 744, 19440, 21, 28, 19441], [115, 73, 4659, 134, 591, 1595, 614, 47, 67, 89, 789, 88, 39, 167, 27, 101, 427, 37, 5, 64, 1, 19442], [19443, 4, 19444, 598, 229, 77, 85, 27, 101, 427, 20, 19445, 46, 167, 4230, 573, 3, 1831, 32, 4, 1149, 402, 543, 62, 2920, 1, 19446], [39, 57, 19447, 6782, 4, 26, 101, 427, 361], [101, 427, 1356, 428, 2483, 5, 539, 2188, 50, 10, 1, 19448], [2, 2486, 2670, 3200, 19449, 19450, 41, 26, 101, 427, 25, 3, 5331, 19451, 9, 1516, 76, 2, 19452, 1368, 19453, 19454], [1574, 19455, 101, 427, 106, 6545, 19456, 1, 19457], [2923, 2069, 11, 101, 427, 177, 1680, 1210, 3206, 6783, 4, 285, 4303, 1, 19458], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 19459, 19460, 101, 427, 539, 124, 6784], [71, 6779, 101, 427, 836, 6780, 251, 1, 19461], [3, 4503, 313, 591, 748, 101, 427, 25, 2, 615, 95, 2173, 41, 19462, 28, 19463, 58, 137], [2291, 115, 4758, 928, 905, 18, 866, 19464, 1309, 54, 101, 427, 748, 3, 1357, 1121, 25, 19465, 1, 19466, 58, 19467], [19468, 410, 71, 433, 637, 78, 101, 427, 25, 751, 1148, 46, 3, 454, 18, 47, 330, 63, 230, 30, 4, 1268, 851, 85, 929], [10, 81, 151, 26, 101, 427, 25, 255, 10, 700, 24, 9, 16, 25, 255, 10, 6693, 10, 24, 19469, 19470], [55, 101, 427, 14, 591, 19, 478, 340, 174, 730, 167, 8, 244, 39, 92, 6, 84, 1503, 80, 64, 34, 267, 4656, 4657, 1, 19471], [1, 19472, 101, 427, 1356, 428, 2483, 5, 539, 2188, 50, 10, 548, 7, 428, 101, 19473, 1, 19474], [113, 3295, 56, 988, 72, 4, 1046, 334, 863, 101, 427, 6785], [428, 101, 427, 46, 445, 1969, 87, 1266, 1, 1462, 19475, 19476], [1192, 755, 387, 731, 1463, 211, 101, 427, 25, 4477, 445, 87, 1266, 1, 19477, 58, 19478], [2463, 3, 19479, 6783, 4, 285, 2842, 88, 591, 1179, 101, 427, 3, 2929, 598, 5119, 1, 19480, 1, 19481], [1017, 96, 4, 31, 101, 427, 20, 2, 6781, 1412, 1002, 2814], [667, 19482, 4615, 101, 427, 5, 6710, 1, 19483], [101, 427, 3802, 610, 12, 4, 19484, 19, 1886, 1, 19485, 58, 19486], [1082, 72, 4, 38, 6, 23, 101, 427, 10, 9, 6786, 484, 40, 19487, 34, 847, 56, 78, 3485, 19488, 19489, 19490, 1209, 2447, 1479], [4656, 4657, 4446, 930, 33, 538, 7, 2, 342, 50, 10, 6, 50, 2874, 2, 166, 70, 4446, 6, 112, 6, 101, 427, 3888, 14, 537, 51, 2874, 24, 5380], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 19491, 2291, 591, 1408, 5, 3, 19492, 1502, 748, 101, 427, 44, 3, 6787], [920, 19493, 101, 427, 2877, 3227, 780, 9, 317, 6788, 5, 88, 52, 183, 818, 1, 19494, 58, 19495], [367, 548, 7, 101, 427, 428, 19496, 19497, 25, 49, 4478, 6789, 19498, 19, 5742, 2285, 19499, 28, 19500], [101, 427, 1356, 428, 2483, 5, 539, 2188, 50, 10, 1, 19501], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 1, 19502, 1046, 334, 71], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 2008, 1, 19503], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 2008, 1, 19504], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 2008, 1, 19505], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 1669, 1, 19506], [125, 1510, 43, 363, 428, 5, 1356, 101, 425, 1440, 11, 415, 46, 3, 445, 1530, 34, 162, 3, 1, 19507, 71], [5848, 4145, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 1669, 46, 3, 445, 6790, 1, 19508, 273, 19509, 19510, 26], [6, 23, 49, 19511, 2721, 4, 165, 2, 101, 425, 19512], [19513, 1510, 43, 363, 428, 5, 1356, 101, 425, 1440, 11, 415, 46, 3, 445, 1530, 34, 4338, 1, 19514], [19515, 3600, 185, 23, 68, 609, 2, 701, 11, 2, 6381, 18, 591, 101, 425, 2, 19516, 62, 199, 44, 19517, 5, 2, 72, 1388], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 1669, 46, 3, 445, 3628], [19518, 2792, 1480, 1311, 135, 904, 6791, 101, 425, 4, 298, 3429, 5, 6792, 430, 1, 19519], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 2008, 1, 19520], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 2008, 1, 19521], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 1669, 46, 3, 445, 3628], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 1, 19522, 19523, 1046, 334, 71], [166, 743, 560, 3422, 116, 1, 19524, 19525, 101, 425, 2513, 3690, 19526, 6492, 6793, 19527, 1427, 19528, 19529, 19530, 196, 19531], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 1669, 46, 3, 445, 3628], [1709, 79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 432, 264, 1345, 71, 6794, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 1, 19532], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 2008, 1, 19533], [1, 19534, 79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 19535, 1, 19536], [19537, 441, 7, 2, 514, 1436, 101, 425, 23, 3, 6262, 2291, 591, 18, 47, 1404, 27, 101, 427, 20, 3, 709, 1, 19538, 19539], [101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 1669, 46, 3, 445, 1530, 34, 162, 34, 1362, 65, 4477, 87, 2, 1265, 2891], [71, 162, 406, 5, 5743, 101, 425, 24, 757, 4, 398, 548, 7, 428, 46, 2, 1, 19540, 58, 19541], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 2008, 1, 19542, 19543], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 2008, 1, 19544], [51, 101, 425, 276, 208, 54, 27, 4281, 1595, 39, 56, 112, 47, 1207, 54, 27, 19545, 13, 4, 22, 1, 19546], [1510, 43, 363, 428, 5, 1356, 101, 425, 1440, 11, 415, 46, 3, 445, 1530, 34, 162, 34, 1362, 2160, 1, 19547], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 1669, 46, 3, 445, 3628], [19548, 2792, 1480, 1311, 135, 904, 6791, 101, 425, 4, 298, 3429, 5, 6792, 430, 19549, 1, 19550], [1510, 43, 363, 428, 5, 1356, 101, 425, 1440, 11, 415, 46, 3, 445, 1530, 34, 162, 34, 1362, 6795, 1, 19551], [101, 425, 789, 415, 7, 4344, 291, 4659, 134, 1, 19552], [101, 425, 3223, 97, 7, 19553, 592, 115, 25, 1222, 261, 19554, 203, 1, 19555], [1510, 43, 363, 428, 5, 1356, 101, 425, 1440, 11, 415, 46, 3, 445, 1530, 34, 162, 34, 1362, 6795, 1, 19556], [79, 78, 118, 256, 36, 792, 21, 25, 230, 101, 425, 24, 814, 11, 548, 7, 428, 5, 2, 1, 19557, 19558, 432, 264, 1345, 71], [4, 45, 2, 2490, 2054, 7, 2, 125, 462, 1980, 44, 1823, 2134, 1041, 306, 220, 30, 10, 3569, 19559, 1, 19560, 1200], [2437, 2183, 1000, 3536, 241, 1623, 1979, 1521, 462, 439, 1925, 21], [19561, 6, 1433, 826, 3, 462], [19562, 2164, 20, 612, 4660, 4661, 4662, 462, 12, 4663, 13, 2469, 28, 4664, 203, 4665], [4, 45, 2, 2490, 2054, 7, 2, 125, 462, 1980, 44, 1823, 1, 19563, 3215, 1, 19564], [1, 19565, 19566, 19567, 462, 2306, 6739, 13, 187, 980, 19568, 889, 19569, 1269, 1526, 1, 19570], [4, 45, 2, 2490, 2054, 7, 2, 125, 462, 1980, 19571, 1, 19572], [1629, 30, 55, 23, 4, 30, 3, 19573, 133, 462, 439, 2, 6796, 7, 1964, 9, 3108], [19574, 462, 421, 49, 1026, 32, 307, 26, 992, 11, 1613, 7, 52, 876, 1173, 5, 283, 19575], [4, 45, 2, 2490, 2054, 7, 2, 125, 462, 1980, 44, 1823, 2134, 1041, 306, 220, 30, 10, 3569, 3965, 1, 19576], [232, 19577, 1955, 8, 19, 19578, 63, 462, 19579, 19580], [19581, 62, 19582, 6, 41, 678, 3, 374, 180, 462, 597, 38, 4, 3668, 110, 3684, 19583], [462, 1559, 19584, 538, 7, 2, 52, 3960, 6124, 283, 11, 19585, 1139, 19586, 28, 19587], [19588, 19589, 2164, 20, 612, 4660, 4661, 4662, 462, 12, 4663, 13, 2469, 28, 4664, 203, 4665], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 19590, 19591, 2326, 462, 9, 19592, 1115, 158, 32, 114], [2437, 2183, 1000, 3536, 241, 1623, 1979, 1521, 462, 439, 1925, 21, 2437, 2183, 1304, 19593, 19594, 7, 566, 1, 19595], [2643, 80, 3869, 2942, 19596, 19597, 7, 14, 1259, 1625, 800, 19598, 19599, 56, 30, 16, 104, 1576], [4, 45, 2, 2490, 2054, 7, 2, 125, 462, 1980, 44, 1823, 1, 19600], [46, 45, 17, 64, 462, 210, 198, 178, 49, 111, 154, 62, 199, 4894, 19601, 2644, 1, 19602], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 19603, 1695, 539, 124, 462, 19604, 638, 3502, 5899], [19605, 19606, 55, 325, 1136, 2, 1168, 12, 158, 32, 114, 304, 355, 2, 1168, 4, 31, 1362, 617, 462, 1863, 12, 14, 4158], [19607, 9, 4666, 3744, 7, 3201, 1486, 2, 462, 3, 307, 2346, 6797, 348, 1081, 3757, 8, 1665, 19608, 11, 19609, 15], [19610, 10, 81, 57, 6798, 2, 1020, 12, 2469, 165, 19611, 2589, 1, 19612, 1, 19613, 1, 19614, 19615], [288, 49, 6799, 261, 10, 132, 608, 22, 6509, 66, 127, 10, 31, 19616, 198, 311, 15, 8, 672, 240, 462, 2563, 3073, 189, 19617], [2134, 1041, 306, 220, 30, 10, 3569, 3965, 3731, 63, 317, 134, 19618, 19619, 9, 440, 19620, 1, 19621, 1, 19622], [4, 45, 2, 2490, 2054, 7, 2, 125, 462, 1980, 44, 1823, 1, 19623, 19624], [19625, 19626, 1937, 55, 30, 16, 104, 73, 1178, 2, 462, 63, 53, 15, 188, 809, 1237, 4, 3766, 242, 2902, 3466, 3262], [19627, 19628, 5810, 4667, 2, 1168, 1931, 4, 31, 1069, 617, 462, 1863, 158, 32, 114, 24, 32, 57, 355, 2, 1168, 12, 12, 14, 4158], [3522, 3251, 462, 1180, 21, 6800, 19629, 3522, 3251, 462, 1180, 21, 6800, 19630, 2067, 2, 29, 1, 19631], [1503, 80, 19632, 24, 949, 462, 19, 2, 19633, 9, 19634, 36, 3, 19635, 121, 1, 19636], [2437, 2183, 1000, 3536, 241, 1623, 1979, 1521, 462, 439, 1925, 21], [462, 74, 42, 19637, 46, 3576, 9, 19638, 6474, 19639, 3559, 203, 1087, 3559, 5, 19640, 4, 743, 1, 19641], [19642, 2164, 20, 612, 4660, 4661, 4662, 462, 12, 4663, 13, 2469, 28, 4664, 203, 4665], [19643, 459, 462, 1, 19644, 745], [39, 2, 611, 41, 16, 477, 74, 42, 41, 294, 490, 3270, 7, 19645, 3270, 91, 19646, 962, 19647], [52, 591, 4392, 433, 19, 5645, 98, 19648, 1919, 3568, 19649, 337, 2, 3235, 74, 42, 6268, 19, 3, 402, 3862, 304, 5, 3568, 294, 1547, 2, 490], [4438, 13, 19650, 725, 2, 6377, 5, 6516, 9, 1171, 66, 162, 65, 78, 490, 205, 1658], [53, 56, 646, 87, 3379, 6, 35, 490, 1002], [817, 132, 1325, 156, 2491, 8, 37, 3, 1076, 8, 55, 773, 974, 65, 4, 421, 108, 25, 490], [341, 806, 15, 8, 671, 68, 5680, 4, 490, 19651, 19652, 697], [512, 8, 609, 3, 3663, 157, 4, 2, 490, 9, 1112, 62, 199, 184, 7, 2032, 19653, 1, 19654], [53, 17, 89, 7, 68, 3, 218, 1199, 1983, 1797, 89, 26, 490], [19655, 3226, 6801, 18, 2, 432, 264, 1345, 4, 2130, 19656, 3289, 19657, 5, 226, 334, 2, 3292, 7, 490, 19658, 28, 19659], [804, 65, 33, 10, 210, 26, 419, 46, 2, 4236, 490, 11, 5747, 4, 15, 18, 40, 1076, 21], [1, 19660, 72, 6802, 6803, 5, 4132, 14, 4133, 490, 6804, 133, 6805], [5302, 648, 490, 5, 19661, 19, 3, 2754, 2042, 246, 2677, 13, 2315, 1965, 19662, 19663], [92, 6, 84, 490, 5, 3, 973, 7, 676, 589, 335, 6, 270, 6, 23, 4, 26, 36, 11, 911], [19664, 69, 78, 6806, 7, 218, 65, 490, 51, 19665, 1743, 2, 6807, 34, 307], [19666, 2, 3384, 2357, 2190, 22, 7, 22, 2, 302, 64, 10, 163, 490, 195, 16, 359, 756, 69, 4247, 15, 11, 10], [432, 264, 4394, 2, 180, 7, 432, 3282, 346, 490, 41, 1985, 3282, 19667, 39, 74, 42, 2905, 24, 2943, 20, 2796, 1394, 19668], [19669, 165, 371, 2, 4819, 608, 4087, 4, 4532, 490, 5, 3384, 2, 402, 543, 62, 746, 19670, 19671, 1000, 12, 2, 1, 19672], [6, 155, 512, 27, 19673, 4, 421, 96, 19674, 25, 490, 5, 2, 4668, 1264, 676], [6808, 65, 24, 16, 490, 186, 1721, 42, 44, 68, 2884, 9, 17, 690, 8, 1051, 3831, 1954, 47, 1721, 19675, 780, 1721, 19676], [92, 6, 84, 490, 5, 4, 19677], [19678, 19679, 19680, 19681, 490], [19682, 19683, 53, 6, 30, 16, 31, 14, 817, 20, 647, 490], [116, 113, 3999, 8, 16, 4669, 69, 23, 68, 3, 670, 694, 7, 490, 5, 4669, 18, 2, 2357, 19684, 19, 19685, 1, 19686], [19687, 63, 2, 490, 5, 156, 744, 2398, 46, 6247, 305, 5167], [19688, 3, 540, 7, 19689, 19690, 229, 77, 1306, 490, 41, 26, 3082, 13, 6, 155], [2, 166, 64, 3, 373, 3561, 871, 27, 604, 4, 26, 236, 4670, 11, 19691, 697, 2, 187, 27, 490, 19692, 19693, 57, 3, 19694, 871, 30, 19695, 13], [19696, 61, 4341, 2579, 4341, 4897, 490, 150, 16, 26, 2, 272, 3405, 506, 39, 15, 8, 3, 19697, 7, 66], [19698, 6, 35, 29, 539, 124, 7, 2476, 1268, 9, 317, 881, 490, 51, 56, 24, 139, 20, 74, 42, 10, 30, 16, 1066, 3, 811, 51, 111, 657, 8], [6808, 39, 2, 490, 1704, 3090, 4, 2, 3629, 11, 2, 4291, 19699, 29, 117, 16, 198, 672, 1237, 19, 22, 19700], [2, 1426, 1406, 1596, 8, 13, 1645, 59, 1276, 86, 1778, 2105, 490], [65, 490, 1753, 9, 6, 155, 6, 286, 26, 67, 7, 108, 19701, 106], [1638, 19702, 5668, 11, 490, 241, 304, 5, 4040, 27, 671, 922, 25, 4447, 5, 1209, 1771, 19703, 1, 19704], [1, 19705, 6802, 6803, 5, 4132, 14, 4133, 490, 6804, 133, 6805], [35, 432, 264, 4394, 2, 180, 432, 3282, 346, 490, 41, 1985, 19706, 39, 74, 42, 2905, 24, 2943, 20, 2796, 1394, 5120], [19707, 6, 23, 4658, 14, 342, 50, 10, 23, 4658, 5, 2694, 21, 255, 5364, 78, 725, 12, 4564, 255, 490, 27, 16, 19708, 113, 160], [6308, 4, 171, 14, 85, 26, 2943, 4, 766, 72, 628, 51, 2, 253, 1651, 2475, 36, 31, 3, 19709, 19710], [1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 2213, 391, 94, 595, 103, 22, 19711, 1, 19712, 58, 3630], [53, 10, 138, 12, 18, 22, 128, 2330, 3289, 45, 10, 24, 31, 43, 123, 4, 30, 8, 178, 2, 766, 72, 628, 19713, 3242, 19714], [4253, 2213, 391, 94, 595, 103, 22, 368, 44, 2365, 3283, 25, 2528, 1729, 1, 19715, 4254, 62, 986, 10, 4255, 3], [4253, 2213, 391, 94, 595, 103, 22, 368, 44, 2365, 3283, 25, 2528, 1729, 1, 19716, 4254, 62, 986, 10, 4255, 3], [14, 1268, 24, 29, 19717, 1295, 6, 683, 283, 183, 4, 14, 1148, 3672, 18, 450, 766, 72, 628, 37, 186, 56, 968, 15, 6809, 1129], [3680, 766, 72, 628, 25, 4363, 76, 4465, 3062, 1085, 10, 81, 1608, 961, 18, 22, 67, 4235, 5, 19718, 1, 19719], [3631, 1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19720], [3630, 1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 2213, 391, 94, 595, 103, 22, 368, 1950, 1, 19721], [3630, 3578, 1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19722], [2213, 391, 94, 595, 103, 22, 368, 44, 2365, 3283, 25, 2528, 2040, 9, 19723, 19724, 12, 3, 19725, 19726, 1, 19727, 19728], [19729, 19730, 361, 6, 127, 16, 163, 15, 27, 6, 27, 4586, 4, 2, 1641, 70, 120, 567, 27, 277, 20, 766, 72, 628], [1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19731], [3631, 1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19732], [19733, 234, 19734, 1440, 11, 415, 259, 2, 766, 72, 628, 7, 961, 5, 2, 244, 187, 7, 19735, 1061, 49, 1, 19736, 220, 938, 64], [1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19737, 19738, 19739], [1827, 19740, 27, 3, 19741, 241, 19742, 19743, 19744, 19745, 2596, 2953, 3623, 19746, 766, 72, 628, 19747, 161, 415, 1, 19748], [1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19749, 2065, 19750, 71], [1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 2213, 391, 94, 595, 103, 22, 368, 2108, 1, 19751, 20, 3630], [6, 276, 3, 2586, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628], [19752, 1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19753], [1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19754, 19755, 19756], [1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19757, 28, 19758, 1, 19759], [3631, 1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19760], [52, 488, 1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19761], [1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 2213, 391, 94, 595, 103, 22, 368, 44, 2365, 1, 19762], [367, 19763, 2873, 19764, 19765, 411, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19766], [3631, 1159, 391, 94, 595, 103, 24, 69, 1101, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 1, 19767], [19768, 811, 6810, 30, 16, 171, 17, 446, 40, 207, 1907, 22, 129, 207, 502, 678, 19769, 33, 55, 127, 72, 5, 2, 121], [53, 6, 132, 446, 95, 2430, 177, 6, 150, 23, 825, 14, 1240, 28, 19770], [6, 446, 831], [2185, 219, 171, 40, 2207, 446, 40, 3097], [266, 29, 4292, 847, 186, 29, 162, 1092, 41, 38, 763, 38, 867, 80, 64, 108, 9, 17, 809, 38, 19771, 39, 6, 1243, 171, 17, 446, 2, 1113], [19772, 17, 446, 17, 52, 147, 6265], [19773, 37, 742, 335, 6, 270, 40, 317, 881, 19, 19774, 446, 15, 19775], [6, 35, 198, 1211, 60, 485, 567, 4408, 19776, 21, 9, 19777, 446, 831], [325, 1416, 446, 14, 2430], [6, 1776, 10, 3404, 4, 4212, 32, 18, 40, 898, 317, 881, 6, 41, 1066, 10, 40, 841, 39, 30, 16, 446, 14, 1017, 18, 10], [33, 113, 12, 1238, 89, 10, 175, 3454, 4, 26, 3632, 744, 30, 16, 19778, 446, 1912, 19779, 156, 2491], [2954, 32, 1725, 1933, 19780, 92, 6, 84, 1754, 22, 52, 1251, 195, 15, 446, 14, 4330, 761, 28, 19781], [19782, 161, 13, 2435, 446, 14, 85], [307, 673, 38, 271, 135, 5857, 38, 9, 66, 19783, 13, 6, 35, 9, 66, 6, 219, 446, 756], [1054, 460, 17, 150, 446, 40, 2659, 455, 149, 2591, 1, 19784], [66, 4, 446, 2, 19785, 5, 106, 19786, 15, 8, 3, 19787], [240, 64, 6, 23, 3, 198, 75, 121, 395, 37, 44, 4, 446, 15], [10, 516, 446, 3, 3232, 37, 1659, 61, 24, 40, 19788, 9, 1511, 30, 15], [9, 177, 6, 138, 3, 446, 15, 45, 18, 587, 2093, 5488, 1, 19789], [15, 27, 198, 2093, 9, 6, 1243, 188, 170, 18, 3, 178, 36, 5091, 57, 186, 56, 41, 446, 460], [811, 19790, 2106, 66, 4, 446, 3, 623], [311, 10, 751, 38, 33, 3, 5924, 435, 4320, 751, 38, 110, 6, 84, 40, 1867, 19791, 6, 35, 40, 1499, 19792, 1064, 10, 446, 38], [113, 195, 14, 342, 50, 10, 23, 4, 446, 587, 17, 8, 700, 31, 43, 123, 75, 11, 38], [6, 902, 17, 266, 29, 5526, 9, 6, 446, 460], [565, 434, 4, 446, 19793, 2794], [113, 30, 93, 446, 831, 19794, 93, 4321, 2, 19795, 2322, 9, 93, 461, 3, 3062, 124, 7, 2121, 5, 2, 19796, 19797], [30, 16, 171, 3, 670, 6594, 446, 40, 142], [158, 32, 114, 2, 77, 1581, 8, 2, 2, 169, 2, 2826, 8, 757, 4, 446, 22, 710, 1768, 28, 19798], [116, 4, 446, 19799, 119, 121, 1, 19800], [6811, 19801, 19802, 169, 4, 446, 6304, 19803, 12, 137, 28, 19804], [1858, 19805, 167, 1765, 146, 18, 108, 8, 354, 446, 88, 304, 9, 19806, 8, 3, 233, 1913], [19807, 761, 761, 6, 41, 6, 951, 516, 446, 14, 85, 158, 32, 114], [329, 264, 854, 6, 516, 13, 10, 19808, 2, 2954, 3102, 7, 19809, 1045, 72, 2, 245, 3105, 9, 831, 30, 685, 17, 41, 446, 2, 438], [10, 81, 151, 178, 749, 156, 744, 400, 211, 2435, 446, 15, 421, 6165], [69, 24, 3, 670, 65, 6, 286, 171, 446, 14, 85, 14, 1135, 14, 19810, 14, 831, 19811, 8, 2680, 263, 7, 17, 1741], [6, 41, 446, 14, 85, 53, 6, 23, 4], [5480, 6, 35, 354, 446, 10, 53, 10, 171, 38, 682], [19812, 831, 563, 26, 507, 186, 167, 8, 2092, 4, 472, 57], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19813], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19814], [2492, 19815, 19816, 15, 2197, 1082, 76, 3, 472, 53, 462, 1075, 3, 75, 1396, 1036, 56, 1075, 6812, 3500, 2186, 19, 478, 52, 2418, 618, 8, 69], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19817], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 19818, 2955, 472], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19819], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19820], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19821], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19822, 19823], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19824], [3, 472, 5, 3413, 44, 19825, 2, 1140, 19826, 3235, 3165, 1146, 5, 3, 19827, 7, 19828, 1, 19829, 1, 19830], [472, 19831, 19832], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19833], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19834, 273, 19835], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19836], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19837], [73, 192, 317, 881, 51, 69, 8, 19838, 9, 2955, 472, 606], [402, 543, 62, 19839, 75, 19840, 19841, 116, 6695, 19842, 472, 19843, 19844, 9, 19845, 5, 2, 19846, 3165, 1146, 203, 1, 19847], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19848], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19849], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19850], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19851], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19852, 19853], [19854, 136, 676, 7, 472, 19855, 45, 19856, 1422, 47, 19857, 3150], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19858], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19859], [461, 472, 157, 28, 19860], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19861, 561, 19862], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19863], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19864], [249, 32, 4, 472, 4810, 849, 6813, 19, 2754, 19865, 6814, 19866, 19867, 6814, 19868, 98], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19869], [19870, 19871, 154, 62, 1403, 8, 15, 2955, 472], [6, 132, 946, 4, 2955, 472, 288, 2987, 19872, 57], [57, 989, 2955, 472, 976, 4743, 1, 19873, 1, 19874], [165, 22, 642, 31, 767, 36, 20, 3, 472, 5, 259, 3, 640, 1, 19875], [6, 6487, 14, 483, 4, 2, 1424, 9, 177, 495, 19876], [19877, 6, 37, 495, 4, 2, 125, 66, 221, 6, 50, 14, 313, 6254], [452, 2, 74, 42, 4223, 33, 612, 42, 1133, 65, 6, 1346, 331, 51, 6, 5864, 9, 56, 495, 30, 16, 1313, 56, 24, 151, 19878], [3152, 354, 31, 495, 19, 11, 252, 2, 3197, 212, 935, 681, 14, 180, 87], [6, 37, 495, 19879, 6, 1243, 908, 10, 28, 19880], [19881, 6711, 728, 7, 19882, 19883, 3902, 167, 2641, 15, 32, 9, 19884, 15, 76, 19885, 19886, 51, 19887, 495, 9, 19888, 19, 88, 3565, 19889], [19890, 1320, 4666, 38, 157, 4, 26, 2, 122, 623, 19891, 1302, 4033, 6, 495, 29, 19892, 4786, 8, 1065, 1, 19893, 273, 19894], [167, 495, 51, 167, 109, 2, 254, 19895, 19896, 4553, 4, 26, 4045, 6, 89, 23, 2912, 134, 173, 2, 4553, 27, 2002, 1885, 3580], [6, 505, 2, 19897, 2079, 19898, 623, 25, 19899, 9, 495, 95, 871, 19, 2, 538, 7, 2, 623, 9, 1065, 14, 3633], [19900, 19901, 6, 495, 46, 3516, 619, 80, 64], [2, 229, 77, 1306, 302, 4, 38, 495, 61, 2, 400, 8, 3, 6815, 6, 35, 19902], [6, 614, 2, 19903, 2223, 6, 267, 495, 27, 19904, 19905, 2223, 439, 2697], [6, 2370, 18, 6108, 5, 306, 220, 6, 57, 3341, 1225, 6, 848, 127, 16, 19906, 163, 1326, 4, 19907, 39, 59, 63, 1476, 495, 19, 208], [6, 37, 109, 495, 19, 11, 2150, 14, 1179, 4, 845, 573, 3, 4621, 29, 6, 172, 31, 316], [19908, 6, 140, 180, 495, 51, 55, 236, 1129, 208, 6, 2446, 265, 457, 643, 15], [30, 16, 294, 457, 3103, 37, 479, 12, 2, 976, 19, 22, 3760, 9, 3, 1789, 459, 1374, 495, 15, 8, 19909, 623], [6816, 37, 327, 19910, 38, 19, 2, 2103, 9, 37, 495, 11, 70, 1539, 1528], [1172, 4, 178, 619, 80, 64, 60, 66, 221, 6, 19911, 1391, 19912, 3276, 39, 195, 16, 175, 4, 26, 495, 19, 1, 19913], [1957, 65, 23, 495, 205, 5, 14, 3153, 22, 454, 19, 1146, 19914, 9, 55, 92, 6, 84, 23, 803, 121, 589, 19915, 19916], [91, 637, 31, 43, 123, 4, 4626, 1146, 479, 76, 14, 170, 110, 2150, 11, 2, 2111, 9, 14, 1882, 19917, 1898, 495, 3, 562, 6, 343, 1146], [4396, 452, 14, 233, 5162, 37, 139, 3, 2811, 18, 88, 3031, 1121, 46, 6, 495, 5, 260, 1344, 3318], [16, 186, 6, 175, 4, 6817, 63, 756, 37, 1477, 75, 4, 19918, 4, 14, 512, 288, 3, 19919, 146, 495, 19, 158, 32, 114], [6, 35, 937, 6, 35, 29, 314, 5, 19920, 1124, 33, 5, 14, 19921, 438, 6089, 1178, 2771, 5644, 14, 229, 77, 85, 6, 840, 495, 1796, 2, 400, 36], [6, 37, 495, 5, 4322, 4671, 22, 8, 29, 75, 28, 19922], [6, 495, 19, 2, 381, 19923, 266, 19924, 142, 3519, 1, 19925], [6, 23, 219, 495, 29, 114, 28, 19926], [6, 495, 723, 3, 6815, 1, 19927], [77, 19928, 19929, 6, 495, 19, 2, 263, 7, 14, 2763, 51, 10, 250, 10, 710, 89, 249, 72, 4, 119, 3, 29, 421, 40, 2623, 19930], [19931, 19932, 3910, 19933, 3910, 8, 6818, 19934, 6818, 113, 10, 495], [1556, 6, 840, 6819, 32, 7, 2, 2103, 9, 495, 14, 1135, 44, 68, 2312], [6, 37, 495, 61, 2, 400, 8, 3, 19935], [6, 37, 495, 19936, 5448, 1, 19937], [1385, 495, 28, 19938], [6, 951, 188, 683, 19939, 156, 1365, 6, 37, 683, 146, 33, 61, 2, 1372, 9, 177, 2, 1866, 1110, 87, 9, 271, 495, 11, 2, 6820], [50, 6759, 36, 4, 14, 1179, 357, 19, 38], [53, 10, 24, 19940, 1599, 1133, 10, 81, 840, 819, 2, 19941, 357, 19, 2, 5947, 619, 80, 64], [6, 35, 357, 9, 19942, 77, 19943, 227, 14, 191, 28, 19944], [287, 4666, 38, 157, 166, 142, 6, 27, 357, 3009, 7, 3, 19945, 1036, 7, 3009, 7, 3, 115, 9, 6, 155, 271, 3443, 38, 69], [6821, 1360, 9, 19946, 357], [13, 282, 2, 19947, 4925, 357], [19948, 8, 357], [6821, 57, 266, 1360, 357], [19949, 2, 122, 64, 6, 536, 19950, 5, 15, 6, 27, 2708, 1175, 357, 113, 195, 15, 19951, 29, 331], [357, 19952, 1556, 1, 19953], [19954, 4061, 357, 27, 19955, 28, 6713, 19956], [19957, 54, 8, 215, 54, 81, 2825, 6, 35, 357], [15, 8, 1750, 598, 6, 27, 357, 19, 2, 783, 1030, 28, 19958], [19959, 3294, 96, 19960, 19961, 2942, 19962, 2326, 18, 357, 19963, 72, 9, 5886, 11, 1, 19964], [14, 5766, 6, 35, 357, 29, 265, 114, 1, 19965], [19966, 266, 357], [19967, 357], [19968, 609, 3, 1083, 19969, 433, 266, 357, 7, 156, 2491], [19970, 937, 11, 357, 19, 10, 9, 19971, 588, 25, 2, 147, 6, 37, 1385, 6, 104, 211, 65, 171, 952, 19972], [14, 1179, 3, 357, 2673, 325, 1075, 95, 2628, 1071, 19973, 1577, 2, 4021, 12, 2, 1344, 638, 1, 19974, 19975], [4134, 340, 66, 30, 65, 16, 104, 73, 6215, 6216, 8, 167, 44, 510, 159, 2, 2640, 1825, 7, 6313, 357, 681, 14, 180, 87], [19976, 9, 53, 167, 112, 3, 357, 598, 10, 89, 23, 1481, 17, 29, 221, 59], [1556, 1959, 1660, 6, 35, 357, 227, 14, 191, 19977, 19978, 19979], [1959, 1660, 1556, 81, 10, 819, 38, 357], [19980, 19981, 265, 357], [1556, 1959, 1660, 45, 2, 2760, 26, 357, 19, 22, 67], [833, 69, 3442, 229, 77, 19982, 10, 23, 4, 773, 40, 317, 19983, 2, 169, 6, 109, 10, 357, 14, 871], [3670, 19984, 357], [6091, 53, 10, 1083, 38, 6, 41, 138, 76, 875, 9, 19985, 40, 137, 3600, 20, 357, 9, 1323, 411, 18, 3, 236, 142, 2163], [1959, 1660, 1556, 357], [19986, 1901, 19987, 1002, 266, 357, 2638, 14, 3860], [1959, 1660, 1556, 266, 357], [357, 5, 1607, 1267, 4671, 1, 19988], [1959, 1660, 6, 35, 357, 806, 761, 1759, 227, 14, 191, 1, 19989], [33, 313, 372, 10, 502, 1612, 40, 180, 157, 294, 357, 19, 14, 2258, 294, 4026, 40, 1251, 1689, 33, 3, 106, 207, 244, 1826, 3155, 36], [1556, 1959, 1660, 227, 14, 19990, 4799, 304, 266, 357], [19991, 6822, 6822, 586, 806, 6, 50], [19992, 586, 510], [586, 5, 2, 387, 1, 19993], [51, 10, 12, 2, 483, 9, 19994, 586, 19995, 19996, 36, 12, 2, 483, 29, 271, 328, 19, 10], [586, 5, 964, 1267, 4671], [586, 1360], [586, 1, 19997], [19998, 6, 35, 31, 43, 123, 4, 19999, 40, 180, 29, 931, 6, 41, 23, 4, 20000, 40, 327, 12, 2, 6823, 4, 20001, 40, 586, 7, 995, 9, 5545], [6, 249, 6616, 757, 4, 189, 34, 2886, 34, 480, 5, 1009, 7, 14, 932, 9, 20002, 586, 20003, 2624, 20004, 47], [54, 277, 3, 20005, 265, 375, 1292, 751, 9, 20006, 586, 54, 27, 20007, 7, 3, 277], [135, 1896, 14, 327, 586, 31, 38, 2849, 20008, 9, 177, 6817, 12, 38], [20009, 20010, 16, 6824, 38, 9, 176, 20011, 212], [748, 12, 1818, 638, 106, 586, 76, 254, 13, 19, 13, 3917], [92, 6, 84, 20012, 7, 141, 586], [5, 240, 3797, 623, 20013, 586], [20014, 12, 2, 483, 18, 20015, 269, 167, 2912, 21, 9, 586, 60, 3, 2811], [20016, 586], [8, 2, 452, 1160, 85, 57, 8, 15, 8, 20017, 20018, 6, 1243, 5220], [6825, 20019, 1885, 6826, 3919, 586, 9, 748, 3, 327, 145, 7, 6825, 20020], [20021, 266, 16, 183, 6, 192, 4, 165, 586], [5, 624, 7, 3374, 2774, 45, 6, 89, 33, 4, 163, 8, 586, 11, 1427, 174], [29, 20022, 154, 62, 199, 37, 20023, 38, 9, 6, 132, 6408, 14, 586, 7, 2128, 20024], [20025, 6, 6220, 20026, 14, 20027, 1527, 586, 18, 20028], [20029, 6, 30, 257, 937, 11, 208, 54, 8, 16, 3, 834, 1064, 7, 4472, 54, 8, 3, 612, 42, 898, 65, 30, 16, 192, 4, 6560, 208, 9, 586, 5, 95, 327], [6, 1318, 18, 2304, 13, 20030, 135, 6827, 460, 39, 1793, 53, 93, 2329, 19, 14, 358, 15, 586, 135, 6827, 754, 20031, 9, 1534], [22, 20032, 20033, 20034, 2377, 62, 199, 586, 141, 672, 3, 841, 2441, 70], [586, 255, 8, 271, 227, 742, 20035, 507], [2237, 115, 1217, 853, 37, 586, 55, 132, 155, 7, 3, 871, 11, 22, 218, 898, 1057, 124, 871, 91, 9, 20036, 108, 1422], [20037, 138, 4, 2135, 241, 395, 586, 19, 96], [51, 10, 138, 4, 3, 2103, 9, 395, 586, 5, 40, 3153, 195, 15, 189, 33, 6, 516, 1807, 14, 1738, 5151, 417], [20038, 228, 4211, 20039, 1, 20040], [2, 313, 229, 77, 85, 302, 4, 38, 212, 2, 879, 1866, 5, 2, 1163, 9, 586, 932, 189, 6, 13, 4524, 5, 2, 1163], [20041, 3, 507, 20042, 845, 4, 204, 20043, 29, 47, 67, 20044, 14, 1611, 180, 586], [586], [586, 19, 14, 705, 2258, 1, 20045], [275, 9, 1213, 2009, 1, 20046], [115, 8, 1788, 3, 1741, 7, 3452, 443, 154, 62, 2770, 73, 20047, 128, 514, 955, 2141, 2292, 56, 563, 104, 3, 562, 60, 688, 13, 6312], [688, 13, 1011, 3, 4215, 1296, 70, 869, 20048, 21, 20049, 9, 20050, 1, 20051], [5808, 93, 502, 979, 20052, 7, 20053, 688, 13, 1419, 86, 1114, 60, 460, 33, 17, 63, 10, 24, 3, 460, 33, 17, 929], [2009, 1000, 688, 13, 1186, 5, 2956, 4, 2493, 1, 20054], [2536, 7, 275, 9, 1213, 6828, 23, 47, 4607, 6829, 12, 4938, 3210, 13, 66, 20055, 81, 190, 1, 20056], [2009, 1000, 688, 13, 1186, 5, 2956, 4, 2493, 20057, 20058, 1, 20059, 2493], [2, 20060, 20061, 688, 13, 6830, 18, 291, 71, 779, 1, 20062, 1, 20063], [688, 13, 135, 3115, 783, 164, 42, 4, 1784, 964, 6831, 928, 45, 606, 1, 20064, 28, 20065, 1, 20066], [20067, 20068, 20069, 19, 2, 2713, 39, 195, 16, 171, 20070, 138, 54, 2417, 688, 13, 20071], [688, 13, 2132, 6832, 6832, 20072, 218, 3634, 2600, 70, 20073, 7, 144, 144, 3873, 1, 20074, 1, 20075], [1675, 3635, 3636, 9, 424, 144, 20076, 6833, 436, 1618, 5070, 617, 2913, 6834, 2157, 343, 1234, 688, 13, 2421, 106, 3637], [12, 2, 608, 7, 20077, 1287, 20078, 4186, 20079, 688, 20080, 135, 4604, 1694, 1, 20081], [424, 185, 20082, 20083, 20084, 20085, 20086, 185, 2913, 20087, 2157, 343, 1234, 688, 13, 2421, 161, 291], [607, 20088, 20089, 11, 2, 1083, 355, 32, 129, 6835, 19, 1, 6836], [12, 1033, 19, 20090, 55, 2085, 129, 20091, 7, 20092, 9, 2957, 688, 13, 2009, 20093, 20094, 275, 1, 6836], [275, 9, 1213, 2009, 1000, 688, 13, 1186, 5, 2956, 4, 2493, 5828, 1, 20095, 2493], [20096, 93, 941, 2, 1404, 7, 732, 20097, 2431, 2009, 63, 688, 13, 2355, 1552, 133, 63, 3467, 133], [1675, 3635, 3636, 9, 424, 106, 20098, 6833, 436, 1618, 20099, 566, 2913, 6834, 2157, 343, 1234, 688, 13, 2421, 106, 3637], [1403, 1085, 2687, 12, 688, 13, 5699, 1, 20100], [92, 6, 84, 47, 747, 30, 16, 1313, 55, 109, 10, 2307, 6806, 7, 688, 13, 20101, 9, 688, 13, 6231, 20102, 4, 190, 1, 20103], [20104, 2009, 1000, 688, 13, 1186, 5, 2956, 4, 2493, 1, 20105, 58, 680], [2009, 1000, 688, 13, 1186, 5, 2956, 4, 20106, 20107, 1, 20108], [52, 488, 25, 688, 20109, 106, 907, 5307, 7, 3600, 20110, 20111, 1, 20112], [20113, 13, 4237, 13, 4672, 899, 46, 688, 13, 1407, 1, 20114], [1209, 1771, 942, 1265, 5502, 714, 2083, 20115, 144, 688, 13, 6837, 5, 2362, 20, 5362, 1339, 20116, 20117, 3, 20118, 20119, 565, 1438, 2112, 6411], [3, 20120, 1122, 11, 1585, 688, 13, 6837, 540, 20121, 304, 44, 68, 2170, 281, 5, 4845, 9, 8, 2005, 20, 1337, 13, 305, 2, 854, 250, 12, 20122], [2, 1200, 1348, 688, 13, 1186, 72, 4, 2, 20123, 20124, 1, 20125], [1675, 3635, 3636, 9, 20126, 6838, 2906, 688, 13, 2421, 617, 3637], [408, 1955, 21, 10, 1752, 457, 643, 723, 5, 2, 1363, 408, 408, 1955, 21, 10, 1752, 457, 8, 1, 2685, 561, 20127], [20128, 51, 3, 408, 1942, 36, 6839, 14, 317, 881, 9, 6, 5257, 1308, 158, 32, 114, 3741, 20129, 79, 1562, 116, 1, 20130], [970, 12, 20131, 8, 2041, 13, 272, 1276, 1379, 29, 692, 8, 17, 56, 20132, 1861, 45, 2, 20133, 20134, 4, 408, 1419, 86, 124, 20135], [685, 20136, 38, 1549, 9, 6, 35, 621, 69, 8, 59, 4, 249, 1, 20137], [1029, 408, 2214, 953, 3638, 5, 2494, 430, 3639, 1029, 20138, 1, 20139, 245, 20140], [20141, 230, 1641, 1216, 2495, 2958, 164, 42, 1, 20142], [408, 4124, 20143, 1014, 5, 20144, 1986, 1, 20145], [3, 408, 1683, 5, 1363, 6840, 3640, 2214, 530, 80, 64, 1, 20146], [20147, 357, 993, 1177, 20148, 20149, 46, 4972, 43, 5520, 9, 1255, 76, 408, 287, 2901], [20150, 408, 1942, 36, 5, 1363, 52, 431, 1, 20151, 20152], [20153, 22, 917, 20154, 4405, 4, 3, 408, 5, 1363, 1785, 2835, 20155, 18, 52, 431, 20156, 895, 1, 20157], [4673, 408, 1942, 5, 2494, 430, 2360, 5, 734, 20158, 1539, 730], [1029, 408, 2214, 953, 3638, 5, 2494, 430, 3639, 1, 20159, 6841], [6, 23, 68, 757, 4, 2359, 3, 6246, 133, 1471, 441, 60, 3, 6327, 1408, 5, 3, 408, 177, 6, 505, 60, 1363, 20160], [408, 1955, 21, 10, 1752, 457, 643, 723, 5, 2, 1363, 408, 1, 20161, 20162, 201], [20163, 5709, 7, 1534, 31, 43, 123, 12, 3226, 13, 2, 413, 19, 1, 20164, 408, 2475, 1, 20165], [4673, 408, 1942, 5, 2494, 430, 2360, 5, 734, 409, 1, 20166, 20167], [3624, 2481, 71, 408, 2495, 1034, 2958, 164, 42, 2, 1707, 156, 1013, 1627, 1, 20168, 20169], [3209, 3, 408, 1683, 5, 1363, 6840, 3640, 2214, 530, 80, 64, 203, 1, 20170, 1, 20171], [2002, 408, 6169, 5, 1363, 1, 20172, 1, 20173], [20174, 1007, 7, 20175, 865, 825, 919, 408, 20176, 1363, 20177, 1, 20178, 20179], [4673, 408, 1942, 5, 2494, 430, 2360, 5, 734, 409, 1, 20180, 20181], [408, 2495, 1034, 2958, 164, 42, 3624, 2481, 1, 20182], [408, 2214, 1363, 5554, 217, 79, 1, 20183, 1, 20184], [6, 172, 168, 8, 20, 1255, 5, 3, 408, 9, 6, 286, 92, 6, 84, 26, 2282, 11, 15], [811, 17, 408, 12, 2229], [230, 1641, 1216, 2495, 2958, 164, 42, 1, 20185, 3624, 2481, 1, 20186], [116, 20187, 1555, 168, 2481, 480, 408, 2495, 2958, 164, 42, 3, 20188, 5, 3, 4245, 7, 20189, 5, 1034, 20190, 1, 20191], [408, 1955, 21, 10, 1752, 457, 643, 723, 5, 2, 1363, 408, 408, 20192, 1, 20193, 20194, 1308], [91, 6842, 1821, 1134, 4, 4383, 230, 20195, 604, 4, 408, 3983, 91, 6842, 1821, 5998, 1, 20196, 20197], [20198, 30, 16, 20199, 55, 132, 186, 3, 408, 767, 240, 4495, 741, 5, 2, 4299], [408, 12, 797, 892, 4003, 893, 58, 20200, 1, 20201], [3639, 408, 4124, 434, 2214, 385, 3638, 1, 20202], [195, 17, 5518, 189, 33, 15, 8, 351, 4, 10, 8, 22, 61, 156, 1508, 20203, 9, 6, 35, 31, 43, 123, 2239, 1, 20204, 20205, 20206, 636], [408, 20207, 20208, 1942, 5, 2649, 20209, 20210, 849, 234], [3, 3553, 2604, 37, 1330, 32, 5, 2, 530, 80, 64, 1, 20211], [20212, 2533, 978, 785, 6552, 1320, 2785, 1034, 604, 4, 3, 408, 17, 8, 20213, 5, 2, 295, 4787, 7, 5504, 1409, 530, 80, 64], [69, 8, 3, 408, 5, 1363], [1119, 1029, 408, 2214, 953, 3638, 5, 2494, 430, 3639, 3, 20214, 1, 20215, 6841], [30, 10, 257, 33, 10, 24, 351, 5, 816, 1558, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 20216, 1, 20217], [46, 3, 670, 174, 20218, 20219, 747, 678, 351, 361, 1, 20220], [30, 10, 257, 33, 10, 24, 351, 5, 3632, 2491, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 20221, 1, 20222], [18, 3, 351, 443, 13, 79, 783, 1299, 6816, 20223, 210, 26, 20224, 88, 1179, 11, 2, 369, 799, 4411, 3019, 6, 2509, 15, 41, 190, 88], [20225, 6, 257, 29, 331, 11, 108, 6, 81, 840, 257, 17, 758, 7, 40, 537, 351, 754, 10, 127, 16, 31, 641, 2622, 20226, 697], [745, 351, 859, 57, 63, 219, 12, 726, 942, 20227, 1129, 976, 946, 19, 1, 20228], [17, 503, 351, 758, 51, 2215, 68, 19, 183, 12, 40, 483, 11, 3, 269, 9, 10, 2216, 176, 68, 12, 2217, 22, 385, 64], [644, 1235, 147, 351, 39, 54, 20229, 2076, 15, 36, 11, 2115, 985, 5625, 21, 1, 20230], [20231, 212, 10, 210, 6092, 22, 67, 15, 8, 16, 49, 20232, 5438, 351, 4020, 2, 20233, 7, 2, 20234, 20235, 943, 20236], [17, 503, 351, 758, 51, 2215, 68, 19, 183, 12, 40, 483, 11, 3, 269, 9, 10, 2216, 176, 68, 12, 2217, 22, 385, 64], [161, 1650, 1773, 3472, 1216, 1107, 20237, 40, 342, 50, 10, 1244, 20238, 20239, 20240, 3, 351, 5474, 20241], [13, 20242, 20243, 241, 20244, 20245, 20246, 20247, 20248, 4634, 3160, 20249], [17, 503, 351, 758, 51, 2215, 68, 19, 183, 12, 40, 483, 11, 3, 269, 9, 10, 2216, 176, 68, 12, 2217, 22, 385, 64], [53, 117, 825, 9, 1008, 63, 117, 351, 33, 3, 2123, 2305, 12], [5286, 2701, 351, 3781, 1395, 2771, 171, 952, 178, 226, 334, 233, 361, 28, 20250], [1489, 173, 2900, 424, 2, 351, 445, 5, 2, 1669, 1149, 61, 3, 1904], [55, 1259, 2, 20251, 7, 3, 351, 900], [2, 351, 900, 20252, 20253, 1829, 20254, 8, 12, 3510, 2123, 20255, 20256], [17, 503, 351, 758, 51, 2215, 68, 19, 183, 12, 40, 483, 11, 3, 269, 9, 10, 2216, 176, 68, 12, 2217, 22, 385, 64], [5, 2, 258, 8, 6843, 13, 2082, 9, 2675, 722, 172, 23, 20257, 12, 2, 20258, 2921, 288, 15, 351], [20259, 40, 825, 1008, 63, 40, 351, 33, 3, 2123, 2305, 20260], [53, 69, 8, 3, 963, 41, 31, 3, 6844, 7, 2, 351, 900, 17, 8, 20261, 173, 132, 190, 39, 135, 20262, 14, 20263, 13, 6309, 20264], [29, 156, 744, 4, 26, 6845, 7, 2, 5354, 7, 20265, 1230, 42, 2340, 2465, 164, 42, 2340, 351, 5955], [30, 10, 257, 33, 10, 24, 351, 5, 816, 1558, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 20266, 1, 20267, 20268], [20269, 71, 20270, 1021, 1305, 5686, 20271, 4576, 1963, 351, 20272, 391, 1086, 5, 2, 5147, 1, 20273], [20274, 127, 20275, 7, 1162, 20276, 40, 2058, 18, 20277, 351, 2554], [351, 2, 20278, 63, 2684, 2, 3616, 5, 1, 20279], [5, 40, 830, 6, 13, 2, 20280, 863, 1832, 6, 35, 351, 6, 35, 20281, 25, 10, 30, 16, 1082, 20282, 13, 10, 81, 178, 15], [17, 503, 351, 758, 51, 2215, 68, 19, 183, 12, 40, 483, 11, 3, 269, 9, 10, 2216, 176, 68, 12, 2217, 22, 385, 64], [6, 35, 351, 157, 5, 2, 6846, 1840, 29, 1256, 29, 1321, 22, 995, 698, 7, 38, 14, 50, 11, 10, 8, 59, 1554, 6, 81, 2151, 20283, 20284], [351, 20285, 20286, 4276, 747, 172, 20287, 906, 232, 1528, 3, 1706, 169, 7, 1067, 20288], [22, 8, 20289, 167, 6696, 351, 88, 6119, 80, 1081, 76, 14, 20290, 9, 20291, 14, 2330, 1, 20292], [1851, 173, 162, 676, 351, 76, 2, 20293, 2187, 1348, 7, 6847, 9, 6847, 2288, 5, 14, 85, 3297, 11, 204, 20294], [30, 10, 257, 33, 10, 24, 351, 5, 3632, 2491, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 20295, 1, 20296], [17, 503, 351, 758, 51, 2215, 68, 19, 183, 12, 40, 483, 11, 3, 269, 9, 10, 2216, 176, 68, 12, 2217, 22, 385, 64], [176, 37, 57, 351, 5, 22, 8, 2, 166, 1378, 14, 537, 2089, 29, 331], [4510, 351, 20297, 20298], [2, 20299, 37, 1651, 351, 2327, 15, 1654, 3340, 34, 11, 22, 207, 15, 8, 68, 3, 6843, 13, 83], [17, 503, 351, 758, 51, 2215, 68, 19, 183, 12, 40, 483, 11, 3, 269, 9, 10, 2216, 176, 68, 12, 2217, 22, 385, 64], [1543, 64, 55, 967, 55, 325, 381, 36, 351], [30, 10, 257, 33, 10, 24, 351, 5, 3632, 2491, 209, 2, 1041, 1, 20300, 1, 20301], [6, 37, 375, 3, 1691, 373, 20302, 4369, 9, 177, 6, 505, 3, 665, 20303, 20304], [110, 8, 20305, 674, 1478, 20306, 88, 57, 1, 20307, 20308, 1, 20309], [20310, 561, 20311, 929, 2441, 20312, 20313, 3433, 187, 20314, 6848, 4, 6848, 18, 20315, 397, 55, 3398, 4, 3093, 58, 20316, 4, 285, 20317, 20318, 665, 20319], [20320, 227, 253], [374, 50, 20321, 154, 62, 199, 28, 20322], [20323, 142, 4763, 20324, 4579, 11, 665, 20325, 21, 981, 753, 1, 20326, 20327], [158, 32, 114, 20328, 3633, 20329, 665, 6849, 6850, 6851, 57, 56, 24, 1431, 943, 2588, 158, 32, 114], [61, 2, 400, 28, 20330], [6, 35, 59, 76, 2, 20331, 892, 7, 2, 304, 1419, 86, 502, 3264, 29, 11, 57, 665, 45, 476, 2637, 1937, 52, 229, 77, 85], [3, 20332, 18, 2, 1474, 42, 7, 49, 1860, 33, 3, 674, 437, 20333, 38, 4, 2, 20334, 30, 16, 12, 20335, 28, 20336], [20337, 5962, 20338, 665, 20339, 246, 74, 42, 82, 772, 588, 145, 248, 20, 560, 1, 20340, 1, 20341], [1, 20342, 176, 2, 197, 64, 7, 121, 1730, 665, 1474, 42, 8, 20343], [745, 623, 4, 2, 665, 2459, 20344, 62, 20345, 3275, 1, 20346], [29, 51, 930, 93, 252, 2904, 20347, 665, 227, 827, 6852, 6853, 109, 2904, 134, 6, 35, 29, 156, 744, 11, 88], [1201, 1503, 80, 64, 9, 620, 28, 20348, 20349], [135, 1896, 56, 24, 31, 43, 123, 4, 23, 3, 6854, 665, 4, 20350, 587, 16, 621, 53, 17, 8, 675, 63, 20351, 754, 2, 6854, 665, 8, 3, 1398, 20352, 649], [69, 8, 3, 1691, 665, 31, 43, 123, 87, 160, 6, 289, 20353, 8, 16, 5, 2, 1889, 20354, 7, 4378, 2249, 4, 20355], [20356, 56, 45, 24, 20357, 4, 138, 37, 1590, 11, 1260, 4, 2158, 665, 37, 1328, 87, 4, 236, 20358, 56, 2635, 4, 699, 6245, 1658, 1328], [1244, 20359, 4, 26, 2431, 4, 52, 20360, 593, 1151, 5, 3010, 1, 20361], [6, 30, 16, 155, 6, 23, 4596, 20362, 20363, 8, 651, 20364], [6849, 6850, 6851, 57, 56, 24, 1431, 943, 2588, 158, 32, 114], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 20365, 665, 144, 20366, 538, 144], [3362, 20367, 20368, 6, 35, 5303, 57, 754, 6, 968, 3, 20369, 2845, 11, 14, 20370, 29, 6, 81, 1263, 1693, 39, 6, 2297, 23, 2, 817, 11, 15], [189, 19, 20371, 1930, 156, 744, 4473, 173, 20372, 665, 227, 827, 6852, 6853, 109, 2904, 134, 6, 35, 29, 156, 744, 11, 88], [20373, 14, 620, 20374, 20375, 665, 7, 2, 5492, 9, 20376, 7, 20377, 196, 2825, 22, 5659, 20378, 10, 1008, 1591], [20379, 20380, 18, 3, 114, 2405, 33, 49, 82, 665, 265], [665, 20381, 14, 2325, 1341, 109, 20382, 395, 1015, 134, 4, 4496, 32, 43, 3419, 20383, 306, 220, 27, 16, 69, 57, 6, 23, 49, 20384, 47, 1207, 73, 63, 113], [30, 16, 20385, 6684, 57, 117, 502, 86, 17], [2, 77, 1598, 8, 113, 8, 2, 553, 665, 31, 43, 123, 87, 5, 20386], [81, 10, 20387, 10, 398, 20388, 10, 398, 14, 20389], [665, 1406, 1513, 2, 1406, 44, 6855], [20390, 2, 665, 106, 1, 20391], [858, 665, 607, 11, 4140, 2, 3147, 20392], [3551, 665, 1406, 2358, 98, 2, 20393, 10, 665, 41, 26, 3897, 19, 2358, 98, 110, 204, 636, 41, 26, 1221, 51, 2, 1406, 8, 6855], [20394, 13, 6, 938, 6, 35, 3, 648, 39, 6, 30, 16, 192, 3, 229, 77, 85, 6121, 87, 33, 3, 811, 665], [6, 902, 22, 811, 6744, 20395, 45, 2, 893, 649, 33, 3, 198, 565, 553, 665, 31, 43, 123, 87, 9, 15, 1632, 38, 36, 25, 14, 4018], [242, 52, 1080, 283, 417, 20396], [6856, 18, 2, 20397, 665, 20398, 15, 37, 241, 54, 6819, 32], [22, 1844, 1629, 37, 1110, 12, 141, 665, 4, 31, 316, 555, 13, 9, 1110, 15, 205, 72, 87, 33, 61, 2, 1372], [93, 104, 2, 443, 13, 75, 51, 10, 819, 2, 665, 9, 10, 31, 6496], [1567, 6, 210, 23, 1328, 4, 20399, 110, 6857, 1302, 639, 3702, 36, 1464, 800, 674, 1302, 20400, 6, 20401, 8, 69, 639, 639, 639], [20402, 849, 1644, 234, 20403, 3046, 220, 938, 20404, 822, 348, 20405, 20406, 674], [20407, 20408, 12, 2, 413, 94, 55, 819, 674, 1413, 21, 7, 637, 252, 20409, 151, 4, 13, 141, 85, 31, 640, 375, 55, 1626, 20410, 4869], [3, 20411, 7, 2, 20412, 784, 4, 20413, 1180, 21, 8, 252, 2, 20414, 1020, 2524, 1, 20415], [20416, 2, 674, 24, 2739, 10, 4, 31, 1018, 4, 1082, 36, 1, 20417], [400, 1464, 18, 674], [14, 1179, 250, 6, 189, 20418, 86, 2515, 39, 198, 266, 43, 160, 33, 1, 20419], [2299, 3795, 294, 4149, 74, 42, 674, 9, 678, 4149, 5406, 623], [2589, 11, 674], [4, 4854, 1464, 18, 674, 20420], [20421, 20422, 61, 8, 67, 1747, 170, 60, 3, 6858, 5470, 17, 10, 155, 271, 210, 248, 28, 20423], [20424, 37, 487, 3, 126, 1728, 147, 3544, 726, 12, 4920, 18, 674, 12, 242, 1621, 12, 255, 56, 24, 1911], [6, 104, 3, 20425, 118, 20426, 51, 6, 3056, 67, 38], [20427, 20428, 2413, 6859, 7, 674, 1609, 70, 11, 20429, 20430, 20431, 1446, 6596, 976, 879, 1, 878, 20432, 20433], [20434, 242, 1207, 723, 31, 43, 123, 12, 6, 819, 47, 674, 39, 22, 811, 20435, 8, 2667, 29, 816, 14, 5040, 8, 4486], [1411, 138, 1, 20436], [3, 52, 1025, 20437, 638, 1247, 2007, 674, 358, 1226, 636, 1479, 20438, 20439, 20, 20440, 28, 20441, 273, 20442, 12, 2180], [5876, 20443, 20444, 35, 3, 6860, 6, 27, 4228, 12, 3, 1818, 638, 6861, 12, 3, 1818, 638, 2496, 674, 1, 20445], [20446, 674, 27, 6862], [53, 10, 992, 11, 14, 644, 1131, 10, 81, 1083, 2, 674], [723, 31, 43, 123, 12, 5, 843, 20447, 6740, 703, 4947, 9, 674, 20448, 6388], [20449, 20450, 811, 674, 6, 289, 271, 8, 838, 1554, 20451, 81, 10, 196, 31, 2484, 12, 204, 530, 80, 64], [20452, 1271, 20453, 295, 20454, 137, 1271, 20455, 1, 20456, 1464, 18, 674, 20457, 9, 20458, 3850, 13, 1402], [3, 268, 1878, 4, 2, 2120, 1464, 18, 674, 3, 268, 1878, 4, 2, 2120], [20459, 20460, 20461, 2320, 674, 1609, 136, 1, 20462, 976, 71], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 20463, 20464, 20465, 674], [1464, 18, 674, 20466, 20467, 20468, 3606], [3212, 8, 67, 7, 2, 166, 65, 6, 89, 1320, 4, 33, 1464, 18, 674], [15, 8, 371, 25, 674, 20, 573, 456, 2227, 20469, 20470, 3798, 20471, 2806, 1, 20472], [723, 935, 18, 37, 3, 1789, 309, 9, 75, 4393], [20473, 53, 6, 127, 6, 286, 309, 10, 36, 1892], [6, 4281, 309, 18, 65, 6, 5435, 45, 14, 20474], [309, 6380, 10, 109], [309, 2, 2863, 20475, 2049, 1563, 20476, 8, 20477], [9, 45, 10, 229, 77, 1306, 17, 309, 23, 10, 1241, 42, 17, 10, 1178, 4, 1583, 6863, 7, 3418, 6750, 30, 16, 104, 97, 175, 47, 3927, 229, 77, 85, 3155], [309, 18, 38, 598, 9, 3937, 18, 38, 598, 9, 681, 18, 38, 598, 6, 37, 175, 2, 1954, 460], [266, 354, 31, 20478, 9, 309, 14, 3317, 395, 437, 38, 20479, 63, 8, 15, 37, 173, 215, 5, 160], [309, 6863, 7, 2863, 33, 400, 20480, 461, 3, 2618, 348, 1081, 5, 38], [20481, 61, 33, 3, 2389, 375, 7, 2652, 2323, 63, 3, 2389, 10, 81, 309, 2652, 2323, 32, 7], [6, 175, 4, 309], [5, 1384, 6, 41, 151, 309, 20482, 53, 6, 20483, 3, 3993, 40, 705, 1011, 22, 20484, 20485], [51, 10, 20486, 9, 309, 1063, 32], [53, 117, 4445, 395, 73, 195, 16, 171, 10, 309, 699, 108, 9, 1070, 395, 73, 356, 20487, 1017, 38], [644, 1131, 6864, 2863, 37, 29, 56, 81, 309, 682, 373, 1541, 644, 1235, 5, 2, 169], [6, 516, 1496, 3, 313, 309, 3, 313], [309, 1166, 530, 80, 159, 5055, 20488], [20489, 10, 30, 16, 104, 186, 10, 30, 16, 309, 2, 169, 4, 178, 20490, 9, 1553, 249, 8, 4, 624, 3, 3317, 4, 309, 269, 10, 742], [20491, 20492, 6454, 855, 309, 290, 20493, 18, 1108, 20494, 6865, 1, 20495, 1, 20496, 704], [20497, 309, 3, 6866, 31, 316, 15, 47, 59, 20498, 1080, 11, 10], [6, 309, 4, 221, 681, 14, 180, 87, 6, 27, 1065, 4, 1410, 22, 1298, 20499, 39, 57, 15, 45, 809, 1237, 158, 32, 114], [20500, 6, 35, 2435, 309, 17, 3213, 32], [26, 20501, 309, 6867, 32, 39, 54, 3, 5135], [20502, 1163, 328, 2747, 47, 309, 25, 2, 130, 1766, 40, 64, 5, 6407, 67, 7, 14, 1025, 2790], [29, 195, 6868, 309, 173, 278, 54, 2741, 4, 17, 871, 63, 61, 217, 158, 32, 114, 47, 1, 20503], [309, 15, 45, 1, 20504], [6, 31, 4, 309, 14, 253, 5, 780], [53, 10, 516, 309, 20505, 17, 8, 40, 705, 1250, 39, 51, 40, 20506, 6869, 33, 49, 244, 6870, 20507, 17, 8, 265, 3991], [20508, 20509, 3436, 7, 108, 188, 309, 29, 6, 2903, 61, 27, 31, 43, 123, 12, 158, 32, 114], [309, 2014, 2135], [6, 343, 20510, 8, 311, 6, 516, 309, 20511, 9, 138, 4, 4495, 3214], [20512, 4278, 178, 621, 14, 309, 1215, 3526, 8, 36, 4, 5112, 19, 45, 159, 63, 327, 162, 512, 20513, 7, 6871, 14, 3526], [20514, 47, 6, 938, 51, 8, 20515, 250, 17, 54, 195, 16, 309, 93, 1855, 15, 241], [6, 37, 516, 309, 91, 2863, 9, 31, 91, 20516], [740, 20517, 275, 12, 5225, 3275, 1, 20518, 1200, 3109], [20519, 4674, 11, 49, 1055, 2332, 740, 29, 95, 1498, 20520, 20521], [1326, 1541, 22, 6177, 8, 910, 8, 2, 67, 60, 2, 740, 51, 55, 867, 80, 64, 5, 841, 9, 17, 67, 64, 15, 6604, 382, 10, 686, 763, 1964, 20522], [11, 91, 966, 788, 1170, 12, 3152, 1388, 19, 20523, 5, 3, 740, 269, 2745, 20524, 20525, 8, 16, 2, 197, 169, 4, 31, 76, 141, 2111], [20526, 2225, 3, 48, 20, 14, 6872, 671, 20527, 20528, 20529, 20530, 20531, 196, 6463, 17, 740, 110, 6, 270, 6, 2483], [4675, 187, 229, 77, 85, 832, 4676, 2929, 5, 4677, 1305, 740, 4678, 1, 20532, 4679, 4680], [20533, 1038, 15, 286, 16, 171, 38, 34, 10, 30, 16, 1083, 38], [52, 367, 3925, 5, 3, 740, 1, 20534, 988, 5, 2725, 12, 2, 6873, 3800, 2400, 1200, 1150, 6874], [117, 2, 740, 6, 35, 20535, 134, 2, 6846, 5678, 5018, 5, 2, 20536, 20537], [1914, 20538, 20539, 20540, 20541, 6875, 20542, 6876, 740, 5934, 5599, 42, 145, 736, 1, 20543, 20544, 1, 20545], [20546, 1045, 72, 1080, 25, 2, 504, 740, 1269, 13, 20547, 3857, 20548, 859, 330, 20549], [4675, 187, 229, 77, 85, 832, 4676, 2929, 5, 4677, 1305, 740, 4678, 1, 20550, 4679, 4680], [6732, 20551, 6, 23, 92, 6, 84, 109, 91, 7, 2, 20552], [81, 10, 1741, 185, 1567, 113, 3, 1162, 2429, 8, 502, 86, 3, 740, 248, 160, 1, 20553, 24, 20554], [20555, 271, 160, 3958, 6, 902, 20556, 158, 32, 114, 93, 437, 22, 3, 740, 20557], [20558, 4499, 40, 3078, 323, 63, 740, 1757, 132, 163, 17, 6, 23], [4555, 86, 6640, 8, 2050, 20559, 3, 4429, 5, 3, 740], [20560, 4186, 6429, 3, 79, 7, 3, 5092, 7, 20561, 5, 3, 740, 5, 3359, 103, 103, 103, 20562, 15, 20563, 20564], [4675, 187, 229, 77, 85, 832, 4676, 2929, 5, 4677, 1305, 740, 4678, 1, 20565, 4679, 4680], [20566, 1759, 6, 683, 211, 694, 5, 3, 740, 173], [118, 256, 36, 3, 115, 5, 3, 805, 8, 33, 3, 740, 10, 219, 104, 51, 54, 8, 283, 66, 162, 20567, 1511, 31, 63, 66, 20568, 54, 41, 682], [745, 166, 309, 241, 2, 740, 20, 20569, 20570, 20571, 220, 3219, 52, 1246, 283, 417, 1, 20572], [52, 367, 3925, 5, 3, 740, 1, 20573, 12, 2, 6873, 3800, 2725, 2400, 1200, 1150, 20574, 6874], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 20575, 4681, 20576, 20577, 5, 740, 2845, 1210, 6877, 652, 337, 20578, 2132, 1378, 1574], [367, 20579, 61, 8, 20580, 1738, 353, 287, 3, 740, 8, 2267, 20581, 1, 20582], [20583, 740, 20584, 20585, 20586, 45, 14, 1889, 4078, 11, 5141, 18, 22, 1316, 142, 41, 20587, 28, 20588], [4517, 20589, 4, 2, 3197, 212, 4, 819, 374, 6826, 5381, 113, 20590, 34, 605, 34, 20591, 3, 4429, 5, 3, 740, 20592, 3831, 39, 20593, 19, 2, 64], [20594, 20595, 20596, 6, 35, 700, 13, 1645, 6729, 11, 3, 740, 3400, 146, 5, 2, 1140, 7, 3, 913, 368, 607, 111, 42, 2746], [740, 1270, 768, 20597, 554, 1859, 907, 433, 2155, 245, 3055, 6264, 154, 62, 199, 1719, 2235, 368, 1719, 5, 20598, 6536, 12, 701, 879], [827, 3, 107], [20599, 3804, 6878, 1115, 1144, 3516, 2463, 7, 2, 107, 171, 952, 138, 72, 4, 2, 3045, 1, 20600, 20601], [599, 882, 27, 3641, 5, 22, 2300, 3119, 367, 12, 15, 8, 169, 4, 1273, 1, 20602, 20603, 1, 20604], [29, 22, 107, 37, 479, 32, 7, 47, 255, 400, 38, 176, 605], [4033, 6, 37, 1632, 36, 361], [52, 12, 560, 1038, 987, 1614, 107, 20605, 2134, 2392, 20606, 72, 628, 293, 5878, 2134, 20607, 1, 20608, 20609, 20610, 1, 20611], [66, 4, 1239, 40, 1012, 11, 3, 20612, 20613, 1, 20614], [20615, 20616, 20617, 20618, 20619, 20620, 20621, 85, 8, 16, 60, 1590, 11, 2, 107, 4, 1425, 15, 8, 60, 1944, 4, 1229, 5, 2, 332], [20622, 249, 39, 113, 8, 15, 1906, 4, 107, 1415], [116, 20623, 4459, 2, 709, 73, 6481, 18, 10, 5, 2, 332, 41, 272, 1144, 1259, 18, 10, 5, 2, 107, 6690], [2, 1733, 7, 2, 107, 20624, 2, 338, 20625, 802, 203, 1, 20626], [8, 15, 331, 4, 163, 17, 6, 35, 1385, 2505, 7, 2470, 9, 55, 24, 5, 3, 107, 190], [328, 33, 3, 1576, 20627, 1352, 283, 36, 355, 32, 2, 3551, 156, 20628, 5096, 19, 1, 20629, 20630], [901, 107, 277, 9, 6, 35, 377, 281, 698, 3, 20631, 20632, 20633, 1, 20634], [15, 8, 838, 6, 1028, 2, 332, 1075, 10, 45, 2, 107, 17, 10, 172, 279], [4161, 2887, 107, 3932, 2887, 6022, 218, 5587, 1, 20635, 20636, 20637, 1, 20638, 20639], [240, 64, 6, 1325, 3, 403, 11, 85, 6, 155, 6, 23, 109, 106, 694, 589, 4, 232], [61, 2401, 133, 107, 2480, 20, 20640, 1, 20641, 1, 20642], [52, 4996, 4682, 2600, 242, 2182, 4682, 1402, 2885, 4682, 6823, 3089, 246, 20643, 20644, 107, 2885, 20, 20645, 203, 1, 20646], [22, 107], [20647, 107, 9, 3150, 20, 20648, 246, 2512], [3, 3804, 6878, 1115, 8, 1144, 283, 4, 2463, 7, 2, 107, 1, 20649, 1, 20650, 20651, 20652, 1, 20653], [2, 107, 1433, 1597, 862, 44, 20654, 2, 20655, 1011, 409, 4, 2660, 59, 7, 948, 1580, 20656, 20657, 1, 20658], [20659, 6382, 20, 107, 1035, 1948, 4, 285, 21, 6879, 5015, 1529, 1811, 1, 20660], [20661, 107, 400, 14, 72, 20662, 678, 20663, 33, 3, 3213], [1018, 11, 22, 107], [324, 20664, 360, 11, 2808, 430, 20665, 98, 263, 3210, 2660, 927, 332, 338, 4003, 1260, 1, 20666], [6, 42, 2322, 13, 3562, 1614, 107, 201, 20667], [2959, 308, 3533, 2378, 13, 145, 452, 2010, 212, 6041, 7, 3533, 2378, 212, 2401, 133, 107, 20668, 1, 20669], [2, 6880, 2747, 2, 107, 44, 3271, 39, 15, 8, 92, 6, 84, 2978, 5, 14, 293], [156, 744, 1478, 20670, 20671, 6881, 6, 343, 10, 29, 221, 6, 289, 10, 23, 3, 233, 1478], [3119, 5834, 17, 3, 2002, 2314, 107, 8, 1911, 1528, 11, 96, 1, 20672], [14, 166, 136, 279, 118, 212, 25, 2, 107, 12, 564, 1505, 65, 20673, 36, 77, 859, 46, 2, 20674, 1921, 9, 1260, 118, 1084, 36], [20675, 2, 107, 1499, 2847, 4, 285, 246, 1552, 13, 20676, 20677, 1, 20678], [20679, 107, 41, 1425, 171, 20680, 624, 2989, 80, 64, 10, 18, 3, 4740, 20681, 5, 22, 1754, 20682, 171, 40, 1135, 1670, 4, 20683], [1912, 31, 2, 591, 3350, 6, 35, 5595, 844, 974, 1912, 31, 2, 661, 29, 20684, 6, 277, 2, 1908], [2673, 20685, 20686, 20687, 20688, 47, 39, 3, 661, 29, 729, 89, 23, 68, 612, 42], [369, 560, 4974, 116, 1, 20689, 20690, 6882, 72, 661, 29, 729, 3173, 4177, 196, 1025, 1119], [661, 29, 729, 2960, 3642, 3643, 2497, 6, 13, 2, 5769], [1554, 3327, 27, 988, 87, 12, 3, 661, 29, 729, 46, 2344, 4, 285, 5094, 4415, 378, 20691, 1028, 20692, 289, 56, 24, 722, 507, 54, 910, 91, 1080, 43, 174], [20693, 89, 135, 2059, 62, 986, 10, 3095, 53, 271, 5, 2246, 172, 450, 87, 141, 20694, 2631, 20695, 45, 661, 29, 729, 20696, 1, 20697, 170, 20698], [661, 29, 729, 1516, 32, 11, 3856, 13, 1130, 4, 2377, 62, 199, 8, 16, 3, 75, 236, 142, 6336, 6337], [66, 4, 2780, 2392, 6883, 9, 178, 15, 189, 52, 361, 1, 20699, 1, 20700], [661, 29, 729, 3643, 2960, 2497, 171, 952, 23, 1648, 21], [4103, 13, 339, 5550, 661, 29, 729, 20701, 3548, 97, 6353, 18, 3109, 5, 1814, 1, 20702, 1, 20703], [47, 1895, 3, 79, 11, 661, 29, 729, 20704, 20705, 8], [52, 661, 29, 729, 5, 185, 3644, 28, 20706, 264, 20707, 20, 20708, 20709, 20710, 6507, 1520], [6884, 32, 6885, 3642, 661, 29, 729, 2960, 4683, 2497, 92, 6, 84, 3, 562], [66, 4, 20711, 4721, 9, 20712, 6266, 20713], [20714, 3786, 20715, 6618, 23, 10, 112, 1307, 672, 108, 1, 20716, 1, 20717], [2, 20718, 20719, 20720, 785, 8, 12, 20721, 53, 661, 29, 729, 8, 48], [6876, 661, 29, 729, 1, 20722, 1, 20723], [6886, 29, 729, 5, 185, 3644, 3634, 6887, 1, 20724], [2960, 3642, 2497, 661, 29, 729, 6884, 32, 6885, 4683, 6, 132, 294], [6, 210, 23, 2346, 502, 86, 4, 155, 6, 286, 31, 756, 673, 46, 3, 70, 456, 20725, 911, 661, 29, 20726], [3642, 2960, 661, 29, 729, 3643, 2497, 1603, 20727], [54, 8, 146, 461, 12, 3, 661, 29, 729, 30, 16, 175, 4, 13, 17], [4593, 6, 68, 20728, 178, 38, 516, 461, 3, 400, 644, 1235, 12, 3, 661, 29, 729], [20729, 693, 1046, 1132, 37, 132, 135, 2059, 62, 986, 10, 3095, 2233, 661, 29, 729, 27, 16, 17, 331, 294, 3829], [421, 1353, 40, 2091, 1518, 3147, 20730, 1353, 6888, 1914, 6888, 1150, 661, 29, 729, 20731, 20732, 6882, 20733, 1, 20734], [661, 29, 729, 5, 185, 3644, 3634, 4966, 1, 20735], [4593, 6, 23, 68, 259, 1761, 178, 38, 516, 461, 3, 400, 20736, 12, 3, 661, 29, 729], [661, 29, 20737, 78, 1332, 1525, 6225, 775, 27, 4, 1083, 1051, 2, 1692, 9, 1045, 2, 318, 72, 76, 141, 1, 20738], [2029, 1534, 5, 1555, 5555, 2090, 293, 2673, 1554, 3327, 27, 371, 76, 12, 2, 2209, 9, 2077, 43, 6889, 1833, 2, 1908, 661, 29, 729, 57, 32], [66, 4, 2780, 2392, 6883, 9, 178, 15, 189, 52, 361, 1, 20739, 1, 20740], [20741, 1757, 39, 1114, 7, 252, 3, 661, 29, 729, 5, 14, 20742, 61, 93, 155], [661, 29, 729, 4683, 3643, 2497, 438, 38, 3, 118, 1640, 7, 15], [6886, 29, 729, 5, 185, 3644, 3634, 6887, 1, 20743], [144, 470, 163, 3, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 1686, 103, 27, 626, 20, 471, 365, 50, 117, 46, 2, 2498, 1662, 771, 3, 3645, 1311, 1055], [20744, 20745, 20746, 471, 365, 50, 117, 1304, 157, 2908, 340, 1, 20747], [20748, 20749, 20750, 15, 8, 59, 7, 3, 471, 20751, 63, 807, 3, 790, 315, 365, 50, 117, 12, 141, 538], [1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 103, 1055, 1662, 1170, 7, 2961, 2204, 2472, 471, 365, 50, 117, 1, 20752], [79, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 103, 2961, 2282, 470, 23, 250, 3, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 1686, 103, 27, 626, 20, 471, 365, 50, 20753], [470, 23, 250, 3, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 1686, 103, 27, 626, 20, 471, 365, 50, 117, 46, 2, 2498, 1, 20754], [470, 163, 3, 223, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 1686, 103, 166, 207, 27, 626, 20, 471, 365, 50, 117, 46, 2, 1, 20755], [6890, 666, 471, 3414, 365, 50, 117, 2207, 6891, 1943, 1, 6892, 58, 6893], [20756, 3908, 2430, 4243, 12, 3, 1382, 456, 2833, 8, 16, 17, 66, 471, 365, 50, 117, 245, 812, 861], [2, 1903, 7, 365, 50, 117, 5, 20757, 471, 2207, 18, 20758, 1112, 62, 199, 2015, 184, 28, 20759, 20760], [106, 20761, 3013, 365, 50, 117, 1545, 236, 2843, 4385, 2355, 3365, 20762, 471, 6894, 5909, 17, 8, 3, 562, 6, 163], [1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 103, 1055, 1662, 1170, 7, 2961, 2204, 2472, 471, 365, 50, 117, 4478, 6895, 1, 3378, 20763, 273, 20764], [2603, 20765, 20766, 2, 471, 20767, 20768, 611, 365, 50, 117, 1, 878, 20769], [470, 163, 3, 223, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 1686, 103, 166, 207, 27, 626, 20, 471, 365, 50, 117, 46, 2, 20770], [55, 2806, 20771, 164, 181, 713, 34, 20772, 9, 20773, 4, 294, 471, 365, 50, 117, 7, 40, 1674, 437, 20774, 4, 802, 861, 20775], [6890, 666, 471, 3414, 365, 50, 117, 6891, 2715, 6894, 6896, 1943, 1, 6892, 58, 6893], [6897, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 212, 20776, 103, 604, 4, 471, 365, 50, 117, 51, 3645, 1311, 1662, 771, 1055, 1, 20777, 58, 20778, 1489], [470, 23, 250, 3, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 1686, 103, 27, 626, 20, 471, 365, 50, 117, 46, 2, 2498, 1, 20779], [470, 1722, 546, 13, 471, 365, 50, 117, 3392, 5, 1384, 1, 20780], [470, 23, 250, 3, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 1686, 103, 27, 626, 20, 471, 365, 50, 117, 46, 2, 2498, 1, 20781], [470, 23, 250, 3, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 1686, 103, 27, 626, 20, 471, 365, 50, 117, 46, 2, 2498, 1662, 771, 3, 3645, 1311], [20782, 20783, 5050, 20784, 20785, 9, 7, 921, 10, 30, 16, 23, 4, 4529, 2, 2248, 5, 808, 4, 311, 471, 365, 50, 117], [20786, 2, 1014, 1245, 20787, 2, 365, 50, 117, 7, 3407, 1204, 1132, 4, 2802, 2, 471, 20788, 3555, 2, 1791, 1017, 3499], [367, 365, 50, 117, 5, 471, 3414, 4365, 96, 45, 2829, 15, 8, 3, 4007, 6861, 1107, 3, 6113, 5088, 1, 20789], [20790, 20791, 1722, 32, 471, 365, 50, 117], [20792, 2, 1286, 7, 4275, 365, 50, 117, 24, 20793, 471, 9, 56, 41, 16, 26, 2757, 50, 10, 20794, 1, 20795], [20796, 24, 3, 20797, 305, 365, 50, 117, 4, 3773, 2649, 4, 4684, 20798, 20799, 20800, 471, 2207, 20801, 5410], [470, 163, 3, 223, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 1686, 103, 166, 207, 27, 626, 20, 471, 365, 50, 117, 46, 2, 1, 20802], [20803, 20804, 9, 22, 8, 3, 471, 1250, 1419, 86, 37, 3, 365, 50, 117, 7, 20805, 20, 2698, 402, 201, 1770, 20806, 13, 20807, 21], [2695, 2438, 1243, 4529, 20808, 471, 365, 50, 117, 8, 20809, 20810, 743, 559, 4030, 76, 2, 666, 8, 20811, 27, 3, 126], [470, 1722, 546, 13, 471, 365, 50, 117, 3392, 5, 1384, 1, 20812], [1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 103, 1055, 1662, 1170, 7, 2961, 2204, 2472, 471, 365, 50, 117, 2, 103, 7, 3, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 1, 20813], [470, 1722, 546, 13, 471, 365, 50, 117, 3392, 5, 1384, 20814, 1762, 1079, 1049, 1, 20815], [6897, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 103, 626, 20, 471, 365, 50, 117, 2204, 2472, 51, 2961, 1662, 771, 1055, 1, 20816, 1, 20817], [470, 163, 3, 223, 1043, 31, 3, 1105, 13, 1686, 103, 166, 207, 27, 626, 20, 471, 365, 50, 117, 46, 2, 2498, 1662, 771, 3, 3645], [20818, 45, 228, 8, 609, 8, 1254, 3, 1475, 64, 2833, 12, 534, 6896, 69, 122, 126, 126, 128, 100, 105, 4685], [53, 10, 267, 155, 10, 949, 32, 7, 1589, 181, 5, 85, 20819, 69, 8, 17, 1898, 17, 44, 47, 1589, 42, 39, 3667, 3, 100, 105, 126, 4685], [824, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 1, 2499, 824, 824, 824, 2500], [118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20820, 1, 20821], [118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20822, 1, 20823], [824, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 1, 2499, 824, 824, 824, 2500], [20824, 15, 829, 23, 249, 32, 151, 173, 2138, 34, 3, 126, 672, 208, 100, 105, 238], [118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20825, 1, 20826], [118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20827], [3626, 118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20828], [189, 19, 2, 3033, 5827, 4684, 78, 20829, 100, 105, 29, 4, 16, 26, 259, 226, 568, 941, 2, 126, 27, 2, 151, 169, 329, 264, 3973], [167, 8, 3, 100, 105, 126], [824, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 1, 2499, 824, 824, 824, 2500], [118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20830, 1, 20831], [13, 2, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 20832, 1, 20833, 20834, 20835, 58, 20836, 1, 20837], [118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20838], [824, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 1, 2499, 824, 824, 824, 2500], [824, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 1, 2499, 824, 824, 824, 2500], [118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20839], [4311, 118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20840], [866, 1332, 1525, 139, 5, 793, 100, 105, 126, 5, 396, 3129, 942, 6898, 2109, 71, 20841, 20842, 1, 20843, 793, 6898], [720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20844], [720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20845], [720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20846], [118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 878, 20847, 1, 20848], [4643, 118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20849], [118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20850], [1779, 20851, 20852, 20853, 793, 100, 105, 147, 126, 1, 20854, 793, 1, 20855], [1482, 118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20856], [720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20857], [20858, 118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20859], [824, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 1, 2499, 824, 824, 824, 2500], [20860, 121, 278, 20861, 3617, 100, 105, 126, 1795, 139, 6899, 65, 2282, 4585, 3580, 1482, 3, 20862, 1, 20863], [720, 244, 372, 118, 13, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 1, 20864, 1, 3020, 20865], [52, 488, 118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 20866], [100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 1, 20867, 6900], [100, 105, 238, 508, 985, 19, 401, 511, 1, 20868, 401, 20869, 1266], [2982, 65, 78, 139, 1033, 51, 3, 20870, 100, 105, 238, 634, 49, 20871, 2339, 303, 768, 3, 74, 42, 6901, 5, 3533], [793, 1125, 3610, 11, 401, 511, 100, 105, 213, 1, 20872, 1, 20873], [100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 1, 20874], [793, 1125, 3610, 11, 401, 100, 105, 213, 1, 20875, 20876], [1337, 13, 305, 1125, 100, 105, 213, 19, 401, 3035, 511, 2154, 1173, 7, 82, 164, 42, 1, 20877, 58, 20878], [20879, 985, 322, 140, 34, 100, 105, 238, 1795, 401, 3035, 511, 2, 6, 1, 20880, 1, 20881], [100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 804, 1454, 804, 20882, 105, 238, 508, 532, 1, 20883], [100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 1, 20884, 58, 804], [71, 1337, 13, 305, 1125, 100, 105, 213, 19, 401, 3035, 511, 1, 20885], [1233, 139, 5, 20886, 511, 100, 105, 20887, 100, 105, 238, 389, 3, 511, 5, 20888, 20889, 401, 1, 1462, 20890], [511, 213, 2116, 401, 594, 62, 199, 1877, 19, 478, 532, 65, 140, 3, 100, 105, 238, 2178, 3, 511, 6, 1, 20891, 71], [100, 105, 238, 1886, 401, 511, 1, 20892], [100, 105, 238, 20893, 5, 401, 2162, 511, 1233, 2850, 139, 1, 20894], [100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 3, 100, 105, 238, 139, 19, 478, 532, 65, 5, 49, 131, 12, 1, 20895], [100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 804, 1, 20896, 273, 2125], [100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 804, 1, 20897], [5244, 5245, 100, 105, 238, 3322, 401, 511, 19, 478, 985, 140, 100, 105, 238, 3322, 401, 511, 19, 478, 985, 20898, 8, 2507, 2979], [1, 20899, 100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 804, 1, 20900], [20901, 100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 804, 1, 20902], [100, 105, 238, 508, 59, 86, 3, 6902, 5, 401, 511, 401, 2162, 23, 1178, 1197, 4025, 91, 420, 1, 20903], [100, 105, 238, 508, 985, 19, 20904, 1, 20905], [100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 1, 20906, 6900], [8, 1125, 100, 105, 213, 439, 401, 74, 42, 49, 1337, 13, 305, 540, 100, 105, 238, 12, 1033, 634, 49, 1, 20907], [432, 264, 20908, 113, 8, 47, 67, 1626, 60, 2, 1011, 7, 3, 100, 105, 238, 6434, 2723, 2, 428, 20909, 20910, 2, 5787, 855], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 20911, 1, 20912, 2403, 185, 100, 105, 1745, 4531, 238, 2403, 185, 846, 1308, 2198], [8, 1125, 100, 105, 213, 439, 401, 74, 42, 6037, 3826, 49, 1337, 13, 305, 540, 100, 105, 238, 12, 20913, 1, 20914], [100, 105, 238, 508, 59, 86, 3, 6902, 5, 401, 511, 401, 2162, 23, 1178, 1197, 4025, 91, 420, 1, 20915], [100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 125, 71], [100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 804, 1, 20916], [6, 27, 6903, 19, 216, 5, 2, 20917, 17, 20918, 20919, 9, 100, 6904, 78, 20920, 2567, 133, 47, 67, 177, 1161, 108, 4, 20921, 812, 40], [46, 3, 100, 105, 213, 5, 6905, 17, 139, 3844, 65, 715, 20922, 20923, 439, 4930, 9, 20924, 2168, 1198, 4518, 5, 1779], [20925, 20926, 20927, 6857, 20928, 54, 8, 68, 711, 4686, 5, 100, 105, 213, 25, 95, 20929], [20930, 20931, 1731, 20932, 8, 1665, 6, 286, 1318, 863, 2, 385, 20933, 2396, 87, 2632, 5375, 87, 20934, 100, 105, 213, 678], [100, 105, 213, 11, 20935, 8, 20936, 20937, 20938, 100, 105, 213, 11, 245, 20939, 20940, 56, 1119, 129, 3182, 28, 20941], [964, 140, 5, 4399, 511, 100, 105, 213, 5575, 20, 793, 20942, 12, 1, 20943, 1480, 20944], [100, 105, 213, 8, 37, 2, 260, 7, 1701, 1008], [100, 105, 213, 19, 290, 2690, 2413, 6906, 1, 6907], [20945, 15, 8, 776, 1924, 4, 155, 395, 614, 100, 105, 213, 89, 700, 26, 3, 75, 1207], [985, 515, 593, 6150, 139, 5, 1779, 100, 105, 213, 1, 20946, 1, 20947], [1338, 2191, 139, 5, 3646, 3647, 100, 105, 131, 1, 20948], [2235, 20949, 20950, 326, 7, 2, 1444, 2484, 20, 4687, 1726, 5, 2, 100, 105, 213, 7, 4688, 453, 47, 4689], [20951, 13, 19, 478, 889, 1338, 515, 593, 111, 154, 62, 569, 139, 5, 625, 9, 793, 1185, 1795, 278, 6908, 100, 105, 213, 1, 20952], [5949, 20953, 197, 74, 42, 111, 657, 3079, 20, 20954, 134, 5, 3, 100, 105, 213, 12, 3127, 4111, 20955, 27, 59, 86, 3, 1538, 4, 38, 20956, 42], [1906, 4, 138, 100, 105, 213, 1, 20957], [100, 105, 213, 7, 80, 2808, 147, 508, 19, 478, 667, 5, 20958, 12, 1, 20959], [20960, 69, 24, 782, 5, 839, 1726, 4, 26, 621, 39, 6, 30, 16, 100, 105, 213, 8, 20961, 2710, 34, 15, 8, 5, 1337, 13, 5408], [1338, 2191, 139, 5, 3646, 3647, 100, 105, 131, 1, 20962], [1338, 2191, 139, 5, 3646, 3647, 100, 105, 131, 1, 20963], [2280, 1056, 5, 4399, 131, 20964, 195, 641, 5259, 37, 3, 121, 241, 2, 6875, 1957, 100, 105, 213, 54, 20965, 5, 1497, 1, 20966], [20967, 20968, 20969, 807, 91, 20970, 21, 41, 5525, 6394, 15, 8, 33, 1820, 100, 105, 213, 108, 34, 20971], [2, 1298, 7, 515, 593, 111, 154, 62, 569, 139, 20, 625, 5, 1185, 1795, 278, 2, 6908, 100, 105, 213, 44, 20972, 1607, 28, 20973], [100, 105, 213, 19, 290, 2690, 2413, 6906, 1, 6907], [20974, 341, 5099, 12, 2030, 889, 3, 100, 105, 213, 5, 715, 1304, 2, 444, 7, 1696, 402, 543, 62, 4400, 5, 6905, 1, 20975, 20976, 13], [6860, 100, 105, 131, 508, 70, 1338, 1332, 1525, 1, 20977], [329, 264, 20978, 212, 1123, 9, 17, 72, 2316, 57, 234, 189, 61, 156, 1013, 20979, 7, 4508, 20980, 100, 105, 20981, 1795, 12, 125, 4425], [956, 2102, 210, 1383, 793, 278, 54, 2760, 100, 6904, 95, 1299, 11, 47, 75, 966], [1600, 3, 216, 255, 100, 105, 213, 8, 146, 6903, 2, 4489, 89, 163, 4, 2, 1288, 196, 996, 1, 20982], [1338, 2191, 139, 5, 3646, 3647, 100, 105, 131, 1, 20983], [340, 288, 2, 213, 10, 89, 23, 4, 30, 20984, 10, 104, 4617, 100, 105, 1, 20985, 153, 336, 174, 730], [2235, 20986, 20987, 317, 4818, 4306, 1382, 7, 20988, 20989, 20990, 2484, 20, 4687, 1726, 5, 2, 100, 105, 213, 7, 4688, 453, 47, 4689], [2235, 20991, 20992, 1607, 7, 20993, 20994, 2484, 20, 4687, 1726, 5, 2, 100, 105, 213, 7, 4688, 453, 47, 4689], [144, 7, 2, 907, 966, 7, 100, 105, 213, 8, 2, 20995, 7, 2650, 20996], [113, 27, 16, 22, 2894, 501, 1668, 122, 12, 1668, 2734, 2894, 1863, 345, 19, 93, 119, 703, 778, 111, 154, 62, 199, 346, 1, 20997], [840, 37, 501, 5, 55, 109, 20998, 216, 5, 1853, 3, 454, 119, 119, 119], [6, 20999, 10, 21000, 6, 27, 5, 2, 21001, 5, 2, 1915, 21002, 18, 333, 3136, 21003], [432, 21004, 4079, 784, 4, 21005, 1510, 276, 140, 20, 2, 235, 7, 3, 21006, 774, 50, 10, 2345, 1, 21007], [261, 108, 12, 2, 6592, 573, 501, 3, 21008, 21009, 1076, 21, 1, 21010], [6909, 4690, 235, 6910, 445, 501, 900, 6911, 2406, 2060, 3375, 6912, 145, 248, 203, 1, 21011, 1, 21012], [21013, 3450, 68, 1061, 10, 22, 21014, 501, 1985, 6352, 63, 21015], [21016, 63, 501, 4122, 15, 150, 26, 4, 2, 21017, 596, 1512, 2, 21018, 7, 3, 5377, 4185, 1093, 21019, 1107, 95, 72, 2990, 9], [29, 53, 6, 21020, 12, 40, 5155, 373, 4112, 21021, 10, 501, 14, 4642], [44, 16, 501, 5, 17, 6, 699, 11, 216, 5, 3, 770, 4, 23], [15, 92, 6, 84, 44, 16, 501, 5, 17, 6, 41, 219, 13, 14, 6793, 361, 66, 44, 15, 68, 70, 770, 4, 1252, 671], [274, 21022, 911, 4642, 21023, 6789, 1402, 2013, 367, 21024, 501, 1610, 1, 21025, 1, 21026], [21027, 54, 250, 34, 54, 501, 95, 327, 76, 40, 4691, 672, 15, 21028, 21029], [44, 16, 1577, 501, 5, 17, 6, 487, 4834, 21030, 9, 21031, 6913, 45, 5, 2, 841, 7, 3, 670, 676, 12, 1466], [21032, 78, 10, 1786, 3287, 63, 5073, 2686, 116, 5596, 21033, 144, 21034, 21035, 76, 624, 21036, 127, 16, 21037, 21038, 10, 621, 60, 211, 3697], [21039, 92, 6, 84, 44, 16, 501, 5, 28, 21040], [21041, 395, 44, 4, 26, 19, 2, 2384, 7, 240, 2677, 433, 2791, 21042, 113, 2, 6573, 24, 255, 56, 24, 501], [15, 92, 6, 84, 44, 16, 501, 5, 17, 6, 23, 700, 6801, 14, 6914], [21043, 6, 955, 3331, 21044, 4650, 88, 293, 9, 21045, 2864, 34, 2, 52, 933, 501, 5, 6, 198, 30, 16, 104, 61], [21046, 6, 6656, 10, 9, 344, 10, 11, 40, 4180, 6, 1171, 6, 92, 6, 270, 30, 39, 34, 3, 1147, 146, 2020, 501, 816, 1666, 4863], [863, 1107, 3, 64, 2, 1379, 17, 6, 2797, 4, 138, 4, 3618, 567, 676, 484, 700, 501, 5], [21047, 15, 29, 6734, 70, 13, 66, 91, 74, 42, 111, 1822, 5, 3002, 23, 501, 4, 816, 4, 2, 733, 7, 21048, 18, 118, 124, 1756, 2683], [21049, 21050, 6, 104, 15, 92, 6, 84, 44, 16, 1577, 501, 5, 606], [2, 758, 7, 21051, 44, 501, 76, 38, 2773, 5873, 758], [55, 150, 26, 37, 3, 454, 484, 25, 216, 39, 6, 30, 16, 155, 2, 1207, 7, 38, 146, 3, 2287, 44, 198, 501, 5, 651], [266, 252, 3, 147, 955, 15, 44, 16, 501, 5], [1638, 8, 72, 22, 1317, 176, 37, 501, 5], [67, 1240, 8, 1048, 3, 1216, 46, 22, 302, 1246, 14, 537, 44, 501, 15, 2089, 9, 6, 35, 590, 1646, 56, 5374, 3, 1216, 14, 537, 2089], [6909, 4690, 235, 6910, 445, 501, 900, 6911, 2406, 2060, 3375, 6912, 145, 248, 203, 1, 21052, 1, 21053], [2, 21054, 21055, 9, 21056, 44, 501, 267, 2754, 9, 21057, 73, 44, 2884, 12, 2, 1497, 278, 5925, 44, 1, 21058], [95, 3142, 34, 54, 501, 76, 2, 1120, 95, 2330, 697, 1051, 95, 293, 34, 54, 1899, 95, 2907, 30, 3, 1298, 12, 95, 97, 21059, 638], [21060, 21061, 373, 64, 783, 6831, 5953, 61, 2374, 56, 23, 501, 11, 21062, 9, 6445, 15, 44, 962, 3, 2477, 6619], [21063, 2197, 17, 23, 501, 2, 3575], [176, 33, 6, 219, 589, 6, 37, 501, 4, 2, 3967], [21064, 400, 5716, 2459, 2658, 14, 537, 37, 501], [21065, 6, 1346, 331, 11, 21066, 54, 6915, 39, 3524, 1534, 501, 95, 1299, 6, 1313, 701, 506, 41, 156, 1370, 4, 21067, 348, 1081, 2347], [831, 44, 501, 5, 1937, 2, 1379, 17, 6, 35, 700, 1461, 4, 2, 305, 7, 1106, 647, 68, 6916, 7, 15, 278, 6, 27, 3, 1898], [811, 69, 8, 198, 47, 21068, 862, 17, 44, 16, 501, 5, 651], [2, 2118, 21069, 235, 7, 2, 21070, 606, 501, 46, 3516, 3, 21071, 21072, 5, 4346, 1, 878, 21073, 1, 21074, 201], [21075, 2663, 3134, 832, 1801, 81, 386, 111, 154, 62, 199, 443, 13, 79, 28, 21076, 58, 137], [21077, 1197, 315, 150, 190, 6537, 21078, 386, 1010, 359, 21079, 2415, 21080, 4, 2820, 1, 21081], [21082, 9, 6, 30, 16, 23, 242, 21083, 1422, 9, 6, 35, 16, 621, 53, 6, 41, 26, 1579, 4, 386], [6, 23, 14, 1965, 647, 4459, 8, 3896, 39, 6, 41, 386], [3958, 3240, 14, 3584, 66, 35, 6, 1763, 4, 386, 3, 121, 288, 443, 13, 21084], [535, 1895, 4, 386, 9, 1067, 21085, 5, 734, 2411, 125, 1, 21086, 1, 21087], [66, 4, 386, 5, 2, 2015, 1, 21088, 275, 5499, 817, 6917, 6918, 1350, 1319, 680, 1, 21089], [29, 221, 253, 44, 156, 1013, 110, 61, 2, 1372, 6, 30, 16, 104, 66, 6, 386, 21090, 15, 45], [2038, 1391, 2563, 867, 80, 1592, 18, 2, 4059, 1479, 7, 6, 41, 386, 21091, 1, 21092], [66, 41, 6, 386, 288, 21093], [53, 6, 386, 433, 6, 2197, 359, 67, 506], [106, 460, 45, 6919, 21094, 192, 4, 386, 846, 240, 6919, 21095, 8, 325, 1, 21096, 21097], [30, 16, 178, 675, 7, 108, 11, 21098, 386, 5, 713, 3, 3092, 21099, 832], [55, 979, 9, 1826, 9, 962, 6270, 34, 55, 327, 9, 386, 2, 4641, 316, 306, 220, 55, 563, 1425, 21100, 21101, 21102], [3, 832, 21103, 81, 386], [6, 41, 386, 20, 75, 21104, 21105, 18, 21106, 2542, 217, 28, 21107], [5783, 88, 21108, 27, 2, 1517, 4621, 57, 167, 563, 386, 3, 1700, 107, 3, 21109, 21110, 21111, 21112, 273, 21113], [5, 3, 1840, 10, 487, 3, 169, 4, 386, 9, 10, 78, 145, 7, 2128], [1111, 21114, 6674, 961, 17, 829, 190, 10, 386, 2, 1857, 8, 418, 509, 1, 21115, 1, 21116], [15, 8, 31, 43, 123, 12, 667, 174, 17, 55, 23, 68, 21117, 1295, 10, 23, 4, 171, 3, 115, 104, 10, 41, 699, 208, 17, 93, 81, 386, 288], [57, 2642, 6, 1793, 132, 386, 288, 301, 75, 6419, 57, 158, 32, 114], [190, 38, 386, 2, 1857, 8, 418, 509, 19, 2, 1857, 8, 675, 371, 12, 5261, 6813, 28, 21118, 21119, 1857, 21120], [2477, 21121, 21122, 21123, 15, 8, 2992, 11, 38, 173, 21124, 33, 6, 132, 386, 3, 121, 288, 4472, 21125], [386], [10, 132, 677, 3357, 9, 10, 132, 386, 1008, 6, 132, 190, 39, 1241, 42, 17, 776, 1654, 33, 3, 21126, 7, 73, 6, 35], [21127, 21128, 9, 21129, 132, 386, 288, 4586, 6920, 288, 1666, 4273, 56, 24, 374, 21130], [21131, 21132, 66, 127, 65, 386, 33, 17], [33, 15, 4365, 240, 954, 7, 85, 117, 2987, 38, 4, 1325, 831, 9, 92, 6, 84, 386, 18, 14, 1764, 1756, 1878, 817], [6921, 1434, 6922, 12, 21133, 893, 21134, 1, 6923], [53, 6, 386, 6, 41, 13, 10, 647], [6921, 1434, 6922, 12, 21135, 2015, 817, 159, 1, 6923], [100, 105, 7, 3, 21136, 41, 226, 334, 386, 4, 21137, 20, 1881, 124, 2184, 21138, 1, 21139, 1, 21140], [449, 204, 2179, 1261, 18, 2, 166, 709, 19, 111, 42, 3515, 183, 55, 24, 252, 502, 19, 21141, 2116], [452, 6, 449, 47, 6478, 150, 23, 68, 2, 21142, 1973, 32, 5, 779, 847], [6771, 50, 21143, 21144, 21145, 21146, 11, 672, 14, 5133, 14, 2696, 172, 16, 23, 449, 2, 800, 717, 174, 288, 10, 6698, 21147], [21148, 6, 257, 33, 1830, 24, 37, 2962, 4, 10, 39, 6, 35, 156, 744, 2020, 449, 45, 7, 108, 289, 117, 838], [188, 51, 6, 27, 3, 1898, 929, 1201, 1605, 39, 21149, 635, 4, 21150, 38, 11, 17, 253, 6, 1776, 54, 449, 1653, 39, 54, 92, 6, 84, 21151], [21152, 382, 10, 6, 449], [867, 80, 64, 2, 115, 73, 449, 722, 153, 9, 1088, 1, 21153, 1, 21154], [1552, 4411, 1243, 294, 21155, 638, 644, 1235, 449, 3, 21156, 5, 21157], [15, 8, 3, 21158, 17, 21159, 449, 336, 174, 278, 67, 7, 2, 945, 694, 5, 176, 779, 45, 5898, 24, 87, 53, 15, 41, 386, 2, 302, 336], [21160, 54, 41, 646, 38, 1036, 53, 54, 449, 2, 725, 6, 30, 16, 1853, 104, 6, 5609, 2, 1169, 9, 2641, 2, 2204, 714, 18], [16, 188, 2, 21161, 1329, 449, 2, 3277, 6, 21162, 56, 41, 267, 26, 3, 2696, 33, 2, 3277, 21163, 1, 21164], [21165, 21166, 21167, 21168, 2829, 1761, 63, 16, 3501, 6924, 16, 449, 188, 53, 21169, 127, 16, 1799], [16, 67, 1794, 5, 2, 1965, 21170, 1180, 21, 44, 267, 449], [254, 3259, 265, 232, 160, 266, 2544, 5620, 449, 22, 565], [37, 2138, 32, 5, 2651, 1514, 7, 2128, 51, 4340, 449, 2814, 1002], [1155, 3234, 73, 449, 21171, 18, 21172, 2744, 3452, 12, 137, 1, 21173], [713, 3, 3442, 21174, 15, 8, 21175, 8, 3, 121, 17, 6, 35, 75, 1262, 6, 449], [66, 89, 6, 23, 449, 288, 2, 21176, 2758, 12, 5762, 904], [2, 2554, 449, 141, 122, 121, 7, 373, 216, 56, 24, 354, 23, 3, 233, 207, 21177, 21, 234, 1, 21178], [307, 38, 9, 1179, 449, 14, 1024], [20, 2, 2869, 7, 191, 6, 449, 2, 21179, 1186, 9, 266, 16, 17, 1522], [3316, 21180, 174, 730, 15, 27, 1977, 4, 96, 22, 21181, 449, 153, 39, 176, 441, 27, 916, 825, 1, 21182, 58, 21183], [151, 67, 115, 21184, 21185, 8, 250, 4, 23, 449, 722, 243, 13, 126, 3084, 19, 153, 9, 1088, 21186, 1, 21187], [6, 449, 3, 21188, 1501, 11, 851, 4404, 1597, 1, 21189], [110, 40, 85, 172, 359, 1531, 3812, 21190, 132, 26, 6641, 15, 81, 26, 21191, 21192, 1, 21193], [13, 390, 45, 21194, 2, 85, 177, 10, 21195, 5, 12, 1412, 327, 9, 10, 23, 3, 5981, 1018, 6, 23, 868, 2, 3883, 7, 806, 9, 449], [307, 250, 1739, 14, 3633, 27, 3, 21196, 3434, 4904, 449, 39, 219, 21197, 60, 15, 2, 213, 27, 5265, 134, 28, 21198], [21199, 21200, 6, 683, 57, 69, 27, 3, 432, 115, 73, 449, 722, 356, 132, 683, 95, 871, 847], [116, 21201, 116, 21202, 21203, 51, 3135, 2, 4965, 2049, 449, 3, 559, 103, 2582, 1, 21204, 1, 21205], [21206, 21207, 2525, 21208, 21209, 21210, 21211, 810, 55, 449, 340, 3704, 9, 70, 258, 21, 171, 952, 289, 11, 2, 75, 69, 8, 289], [69, 24, 65, 73, 21212, 439, 38, 17, 24, 92, 6, 84, 2879, 66, 6, 449], [449, 2630, 1503, 80, 64, 21213, 28, 21214, 40, 21215], [6372, 264, 21216, 21217, 21218, 449, 2, 153, 126, 22, 8, 88, 441, 1, 2590, 273, 21219, 1, 21220], [2, 4373, 371, 20, 3774, 131, 415, 5, 732, 1, 21221, 1, 21222], [1701, 18, 2385, 81, 26, 5874, 11, 415], [153, 415, 677, 128, 1434, 5, 2032, 6, 79, 1, 878, 21223], [1731, 3675, 939, 243, 13, 21224, 21225, 5, 3, 3714, 7, 3, 743, 129, 3594, 359, 2, 5153, 7, 1852], [790, 21226, 6925, 348, 21227, 5, 6556, 415, 7, 21228, 13, 21229, 1653, 432, 5009, 7, 6118, 1, 21230], [3509, 1118, 5, 2, 871, 7, 21231, 21232, 4, 153, 415, 930, 93, 1018, 4, 30, 21233, 21234, 1, 21235], [21236, 3648, 791, 21, 2962, 20, 415, 1, 21237], [116, 21238, 693, 21239, 148, 12, 542, 415, 163, 2587, 44, 962, 37, 3, 2886, 506, 28, 21240, 1, 21241], [3648, 791, 21, 2962, 20, 415, 1, 21242], [153, 415, 677, 128, 1434, 5, 2032, 217, 79, 1, 21243], [415, 6017, 8, 75], [1709, 1510, 43, 363, 428, 5, 1356, 432, 264, 1345, 71, 6794, 425, 1440, 11, 415, 46, 3, 445, 6790, 1, 21244], [21245, 21246, 306, 220, 8, 113, 6, 175, 88, 4, 26, 502, 306, 220, 1225, 193, 6782, 88, 272, 7, 96, 24, 16, 2463, 55, 24, 415], [161, 211, 73, 477, 60, 5531, 2593, 415, 1383, 2, 52, 342, 50, 10, 1150, 1, 21247, 1, 878, 21248], [410, 71, 3648, 791, 21, 2962, 20, 415, 1, 21249], [21250, 3528, 5012, 1653, 4246, 11, 95, 21251, 1075, 268, 1429, 95, 85, 72, 1, 21252, 1, 21253], [21254, 7, 2, 52, 21255, 225, 41, 26, 725, 76, 2, 1322, 415, 41, 26, 21256, 76, 3, 218, 2604, 9, 177, 21257], [34, 519, 21258, 243, 13, 126, 415, 4424, 32, 439, 128, 514, 1, 21259], [153, 415, 677, 128, 1434, 5, 2032, 217, 79, 1, 21260], [2, 743, 538, 306, 220, 2161, 2186, 12, 2, 415, 8, 198, 2530, 5024, 4, 165, 39, 19, 2, 701, 64, 8, 198, 2141], [21261, 449, 186, 7, 1748, 13, 167, 8, 814, 2, 3250, 11, 415, 768, 7, 1162], [21262, 6, 257, 40, 995, 415, 41, 189, 72, 12, 22, 4244, 34, 272, 21263, 5, 1147, 779, 21264, 21265, 25, 2963], [21266, 97, 4619, 4, 14, 21267, 153, 1088, 2740, 415, 3281, 5019, 336, 174, 12, 217, 116, 71, 1, 21268], [415, 7, 4692, 21269, 21270, 46, 336, 174, 1, 21271, 4692, 1001], [65, 18, 21272, 69, 8, 3, 198, 75, 1630, 21273, 60, 153, 21274, 20, 2459, 2779, 70, 21275, 17, 1550, 1472, 2243, 415], [21276, 21277, 112, 68, 6926, 36, 5, 49, 2078, 2369, 18, 2117, 476, 415, 75, 6927, 21278, 21279, 21280, 9, 21281], [21282, 25, 14, 13, 3734, 970, 2, 876, 21283, 70, 1653, 415, 5, 21284, 21285, 13, 3734, 1087, 190, 204, 1, 21286, 21287, 21288], [3648, 791, 21, 2962, 20, 415, 1, 21289], [6431, 21290, 440, 21291, 2543, 11, 230, 5, 2, 166, 415, 1059, 337, 1, 21292], [21293, 1, 21294, 153, 1, 21295], [1390, 28, 21296, 264, 2218, 21, 1, 21297], [21298, 21299, 4060, 13, 21300, 21301, 419, 259, 650, 1245, 1, 21302], [21303, 21304, 21305, 210, 26, 419, 11, 6374, 650, 21306, 6828, 1, 21307], [1390, 28, 21308, 264, 2218, 21, 1, 21309], [21310, 21311, 1038, 650, 4454, 1, 21312], [513, 21313, 76, 533, 1210, 6877, 650, 16, 1494, 1, 21314, 1, 21315], [1580, 3407, 3294, 358, 12, 2579, 991, 12, 650, 2715, 3242, 1, 21316], [1174, 212, 1770, 21317, 5789, 11, 902, 203, 21318, 6510, 4, 21319, 706, 1770, 2349, 21320, 650, 1950, 1, 21321], [1390, 28, 21322, 264, 2218, 21, 1, 21323], [6928, 752, 3525, 6929, 650, 6930, 5, 49, 959, 13, 3212, 6931, 441, 28, 21324, 348, 21325, 58, 6932], [6933, 650, 936, 874, 6934, 361, 1, 21326], [6935, 4362, 667, 6277, 2476, 25, 21327, 3086, 21328, 1181, 6935, 7, 2, 21329, 74, 42, 1, 21330], [92, 6, 84, 4414, 13, 650, 28, 21331], [21332, 933, 217, 3577, 5735, 9, 4949, 2741, 4, 21333, 1, 21334, 1, 21335], [195, 22, 135, 1652, 4, 21336, 21337, 21338], [5718, 12, 650, 3540, 21339, 21340, 1, 21341], [21342, 6183, 4, 437, 6936, 21343, 13, 21344, 32, 7, 2313, 11, 1022, 1, 21345, 58, 2682, 554, 1, 21346], [21347, 3608, 1497, 1151, 4, 2255, 280, 4641, 11, 21348, 5, 650, 1727, 1, 21349], [4414, 13, 650, 47, 21350, 21351, 63, 21352, 60, 15, 10, 2187, 22, 1077, 1, 21353], [3, 75, 834, 1064, 12, 706, 21354, 9, 2566, 650, 20, 21355, 1, 21356], [5, 1004, 1649, 3, 709, 8, 3448, 5, 2647, 4, 1649, 45, 2254, 1004, 8, 2, 3541, 7, 650], [6928, 752, 3525, 6929, 650, 6930, 5, 49, 959, 13, 3212, 6931, 441, 1, 21357, 6932], [5, 1004, 1649, 3, 709, 8, 3448, 5, 2647, 4, 1649, 45, 2254, 1004, 8, 2, 3541, 7, 650], [21358, 4362, 424, 6518, 18, 650], [1390, 28, 21359, 264, 2218, 21, 1, 21360], [198, 132, 4936, 49, 953, 540, 1604, 12, 2, 1951, 7, 3, 670, 3, 6787, 6937, 439, 650, 1, 21361], [1390, 28, 21362, 21363, 264, 2218, 21, 1, 21364], [3220, 3221, 54, 8, 671, 673, 15, 20, 6196, 5, 21365, 18, 2, 144, 305, 7, 650, 5, 2, 125, 61, 27, 95, 4651, 5, 757, 4, 31, 3, 760], [1, 21366, 1079, 1049, 5, 401, 1340, 4830, 958, 3364, 5, 21367, 11, 5027, 21368, 18, 21369, 21370, 4, 677, 650], [1390, 28, 21371, 264, 2218, 21, 1, 21372], [936, 3608, 1497, 6624, 280, 4469, 11, 650, 1727, 1, 21373], [846, 5021, 515, 593, 49, 135, 21374, 7, 21375, 21376, 1245, 28, 21377], [1390, 28, 21378, 264, 2218, 21, 1, 21379], [6933, 650, 936, 874, 6934, 361, 2, 159, 7, 732, 1, 21380], [3641, 420, 2964, 16, 4419, 34, 129, 21381, 936, 1, 21382], [339, 21383, 904, 4693], [111, 154, 62, 21384, 10, 24, 420], [236, 4670, 3, 1376, 4, 124, 3029, 12, 3, 193, 6572, 11, 3, 21385, 420, 8, 3, 775, 307, 673, 5, 732, 39, 2150, 3, 4198, 142, 1068, 21386], [2834, 66, 708, 5, 936, 2307, 2, 3309, 7, 420, 6938, 2964, 1, 21387], [452, 12, 6939, 4199, 17, 1704, 1557, 246, 110, 1505, 420, 139, 20, 515, 593, 1877, 515, 593, 1877, 1, 21388], [2834, 66, 708, 5, 936, 2307, 2, 3309, 7, 420, 6938, 2964, 1, 21389], [2954, 4199, 5, 6939, 7, 21390, 67, 420, 139, 895, 6926, 36, 698, 3, 358, 1, 21391], [2, 420, 1015, 134, 4, 31, 32, 7, 2, 147, 6, 725, 208, 1, 21392], [38, 4026, 43, 9, 1386, 2, 5910, 17, 910, 3872, 3, 420, 1, 21393], [1312, 1185, 131, 21394, 1000, 43, 3204, 1116, 420, 21395, 2293, 2847, 4, 285, 21, 1137, 1, 21396, 21397, 21398, 203], [6920, 21399, 153, 8, 57, 620, 12, 2, 1426, 7, 2, 244, 29, 172, 26, 3, 420, 936], [124, 190, 21400, 4693], [21401, 113, 21402, 8, 5180, 1708, 11, 420], [641, 363, 141, 2379, 1237, 2717, 136, 4163, 1412, 276, 12, 1726, 147, 1, 21403], [936, 21404, 21405, 57, 21406, 2964, 305, 7, 6692, 2964, 2, 420, 3641, 1595, 46, 21407, 1, 21408], [2, 2293, 420, 73, 44, 68, 874, 1595, 563, 26, 1015, 134, 859, 16, 5172, 34, 21409, 563, 597, 590, 931, 636, 4, 2293, 1036, 7, 21410], [21411, 21412, 66, 8, 69, 65, 73, 700, 155, 54, 8, 3, 420], [10, 150, 104, 38, 25, 713, 21413, 34, 420, 161, 1, 21414], [21415, 21416, 21417, 91, 2566, 1092, 1318, 21418, 1117, 8, 3, 4623, 2812, 3, 420, 305, 21419, 2585, 637, 2812, 542], [4622, 2453, 2459, 21420, 6940, 1113, 21421, 6513, 18, 21422, 1, 21423, 21424, 1, 21425, 273, 2125], [116, 2169, 72, 3412, 2828, 420, 600, 21426, 1943, 2668, 2914, 5, 21427, 21428, 1, 21429], [667, 706, 1332, 1525, 318, 5, 797, 2083, 420, 131, 21430, 1, 21431], [667, 706, 1332, 1525, 318, 5, 797, 2083, 420, 131, 58, 4638, 1, 21432], [116, 2169, 72, 3412, 2828, 420, 2170, 281, 532, 3416, 5, 3649, 1185, 12, 1492, 3225, 203, 1, 6941], [21433, 70, 420, 725, 140, 1312], [21434, 1616, 33, 21435, 12, 1601, 21436, 799, 13, 4087, 6, 35, 16, 3, 4218, 2, 21437, 21438, 12, 21439, 59, 86, 37, 420], [8, 16, 15, 3012, 13, 17, 12, 2, 519, 7, 153, 129, 13, 3040, 1551, 8, 1357, 3, 420, 2356, 6942, 128, 349, 21440], [116, 2169, 72, 3412, 2828, 420, 2170, 281, 532, 3416, 5, 3649, 1185, 12, 1492, 3225, 203, 1, 6941], [667, 706, 1332, 1525, 318, 5, 797, 2083, 420, 131, 58, 4638, 1, 21441, 170, 21442], [30, 16, 163, 21443, 542, 109, 2207, 22, 21444, 506, 8, 590, 1276, 9, 1476, 4001, 4693], [1608, 9, 1119, 40, 705, 13, 5456, 135, 4604, 1694, 45, 2112, 21445, 18, 4771, 2211, 1, 21446, 5297, 21447, 21448], [8, 22, 2, 381, 7, 3974, 197, 21449, 1, 21450, 58, 21451], [21452, 21453, 4, 2, 3235, 21454, 54, 286, 1519, 2, 350, 1138, 67, 11, 485, 9, 2316, 18, 67, 1261, 671, 2, 1405, 27, 2943], [459, 226, 1132, 24, 2, 350, 1138, 1405, 5, 2, 125, 21455, 28, 21456], [2, 670, 6, 3333, 60, 78, 37, 34, 6, 1161, 56, 24, 3, 1405, 4, 95, 1135], [21457, 21458, 21459, 43, 6943, 1405, 7, 2540, 1, 21460, 2540, 6943, 1, 2056, 21461], [31, 1992, 4, 2, 272, 5013, 3339, 7, 1405, 933, 205, 32, 7, 2, 1502, 177, 2757, 50, 10, 2052, 40, 705, 2605, 62, 21462], [53, 3, 644, 1235, 27, 3, 1405, 177, 17, 372, 1759, 26, 3623], [2733, 537, 4413, 3227, 21463, 1405, 12, 95, 147, 19, 3511, 21464, 7, 10, 21465, 3506, 1, 21466], [1500, 21467, 21468, 3609, 21469, 1405, 208, 9, 6351, 722], [956, 2102, 2607, 4, 21470, 5195, 6045, 310, 18, 21471, 8, 1405, 1, 21472], [21473, 6, 21474, 745, 355, 32, 1, 21475, 21476], [35, 6, 1738, 353, 63, 3245], [2, 945, 538, 8, 1050, 338, 9, 757, 4, 1171, 51, 2, 353, 41, 3310], [22, 353, 8, 620], [21477, 21478, 21479, 2118, 4524, 708, 1784, 1, 21480], [21481, 13, 3278, 88, 1284, 353, 72, 4, 2, 6731, 13, 2380, 1957, 1269, 1526, 28, 21482], [21483, 353, 9, 4002], [838, 807, 16, 34, 1673, 34, 353, 9, 338, 39, 844, 221, 45, 476, 6944, 6184, 28, 21484], [5866, 2774, 9, 353, 558], [3553, 423, 5667, 37, 479, 316, 6844, 848, 91, 21485, 4377, 23, 16, 505, 242, 353, 651, 39, 3, 670, 21486, 7, 332, 21487], [21488, 219, 1899, 2253, 155, 2638, 3, 943, 124, 33, 353, 847], [6945, 6946, 353, 4694, 353, 4694], [6945, 6946, 353, 4694], [21489, 353, 21490, 21491, 3236, 1060, 234, 3827, 3030, 4, 21492, 21493, 1, 21494], [2, 67, 506, 6, 33, 60, 160, 8, 353, 21495], [1201, 114, 353, 1632, 38, 36, 25, 14, 590, 612, 42, 4018], [927, 332, 21496, 353, 9, 3590, 1260, 1461, 76, 2924, 7, 5087, 9, 21497, 1, 21498, 21499, 1, 21500], [560, 21501, 116, 1, 21502, 4465, 514, 888, 310, 21503, 353, 21504, 21505, 196, 1025, 1119], [353, 3494, 21506, 5, 734, 332, 9, 3, 514, 13, 1130], [22, 8, 21507, 353, 21508, 21509, 21510, 18, 4611, 2152, 20, 21511, 28, 21512], [2, 890, 9, 2, 353, 20, 21513, 1057, 124, 12, 1518, 1760, 9, 417, 5, 3166, 19, 1518, 1716, 58, 1809, 1, 21514, 58, 21515], [2, 353, 4650, 14, 358, 1632, 14, 2244, 9, 375, 147, 4427, 138, 87], [6, 819, 3494, 9, 13, 353], [6, 27, 43, 160, 6916, 6615, 177, 17, 114, 180, 353, 968, 4, 6824, 38], [14, 1538, 8, 1689, 311, 2, 353, 681, 14, 180, 87], [17, 27, 2, 21516, 353, 6, 23, 267, 505], [21517, 21518, 21519, 21520, 567, 1719, 353, 9, 338], [353, 8, 3377], [227, 253, 176, 1160, 4695, 80, 21521, 69, 8, 2, 353, 9, 21522, 2100, 368, 2470], [14, 3650, 1065, 7, 2, 353], [196, 196, 93, 1416, 946, 4, 21523, 21524, 9, 353, 15, 8, 21525, 8, 72], [4118, 15, 8, 87, 12, 75, 21526, 353, 29, 114, 15, 4696, 2, 2561, 16, 267, 12, 2, 1493, 409, 343, 38, 21527, 158, 32, 114, 1, 21528, 21529], [353, 768, 14, 358, 22, 1928, 6002], [1482, 835, 1445, 353, 6947, 4606, 21530, 1445, 187, 353, 914, 1029, 21531, 21532, 4410, 296, 2928, 4606, 6947, 1, 21533], [127, 6, 37, 819, 353], [353], [6, 50, 2, 649, 7, 353, 21534, 928, 2, 4023], [21535, 29, 75, 1262, 6, 852, 108, 45, 19, 863, 177, 21536, 175, 10, 1927, 14, 353, 422], [324, 323, 360, 11, 1445, 430, 335, 6, 270, 4697, 98, 2827, 160, 1, 21537, 2203], [644, 1131, 989, 5, 2, 323, 289, 2, 21538, 3284, 1734], [4747, 42, 25, 4614, 951, 138, 949, 5, 3, 323], [4698, 594, 62, 199, 279, 2918, 1039, 564, 975, 19, 21539, 98, 2001, 20, 1153, 1343, 323, 41, 1923, 1, 21540], [324, 323, 360, 1039, 564, 975, 19, 21541, 98, 1220, 335, 6, 270, 564, 975, 19, 21542, 98, 1220, 20, 1153, 1, 21543], [6948, 6359, 324, 323, 360, 11, 21544, 6437, 1445, 507, 1, 21545, 2199], [4698, 324, 279, 2918, 1039, 564, 975, 19, 6949, 98, 2001, 20, 1153, 2, 324, 323, 360, 1, 21546, 21547], [21548, 13, 21549, 21550, 507, 507, 61, 53, 6, 178, 2, 1375, 5825, 49, 1680, 4441, 5, 2, 4718, 5, 3, 323], [21551, 1522, 15, 21552, 35, 1632, 36, 4, 3, 323, 338, 9, 332, 66, 24, 10], [620, 338, 34, 868, 25, 559, 1916, 1, 21553, 1, 21554], [1153, 44, 3651, 3, 324, 323, 360, 11, 6950, 335, 6, 270, 3652, 179, 98], [2, 329, 279, 164, 42, 5, 313, 268, 94, 44, 1039, 3, 324, 323, 360, 11, 2444, 21555, 430, 5, 203, 1, 21556], [21557, 2750, 21558, 25, 3328, 21559, 179, 98, 4, 532, 179, 98, 2001, 11, 118, 6951, 430, 1343, 323, 41, 1923, 1, 21560], [324, 323, 1875, 23, 68, 6862, 5, 948, 1445, 92, 6, 84, 1320, 684, 787, 435, 456, 1260, 21561, 3948, 362], [2445, 11, 6772, 2363, 19, 21562, 35, 21563, 13, 3040, 21564, 21565, 21566, 6422, 373, 4090, 816, 21567, 179, 98, 323], [324, 279, 2918, 1039, 564, 975, 19, 21568, 98, 1220, 20, 1153, 2, 324, 323, 3391, 1, 21569, 21570, 2203], [324, 323, 360, 1843, 21571, 1968, 21572, 1968, 21573, 1968, 335, 6, 270, 21574, 179, 98, 1220, 1, 21575], [116, 6952, 1153, 1975, 324, 323, 1875, 11, 2924, 7, 1968, 1580, 507, 124, 1343, 2220, 53, 19, 1011, 1, 21576], [324, 323, 360, 11, 1445, 430, 335, 6, 270, 4697, 98, 1, 21577, 2203], [1255, 1803, 851, 290, 3439, 4, 2, 1091, 4, 1007, 7, 615, 2717, 1087, 5, 2, 1450, 9, 3, 323, 21578], [1343, 323, 161, 787, 942, 7, 118, 6951, 1461, 4178, 19, 889, 787, 435, 456, 21579, 2182, 362, 9, 423, 2870, 36, 4, 326, 787, 435, 456, 6000, 1, 21580], [324, 323, 360, 11, 1445, 430, 5, 507, 335, 6, 270, 4697, 98, 1220, 2203], [6948, 2137, 324, 323, 360, 11, 1445, 507, 110, 6, 84, 3652, 179, 98, 1220, 1, 21581, 10], [324, 323, 360, 1843, 6370, 187, 507, 4891, 187, 507, 2766, 21582, 507, 335, 6, 270, 3652, 179, 98, 1220, 1, 21583], [324, 323, 118, 5078, 25, 928, 2, 6369, 1, 21584], [373, 6332, 324, 323, 165, 2038, 1039, 11, 21585, 2085, 849, 21586, 21587, 21588, 1, 21589], [3, 1343, 323, 41, 5993, 948, 4262, 430, 316, 6953, 179, 98, 2001, 11, 4262, 2104, 110, 6, 84, 6953, 179, 98, 2001, 1, 21590, 21591], [323, 5, 21592, 338, 21593, 323, 2167, 21594, 28, 21595, 98], [21596, 179, 98, 323, 47, 332, 1540, 2719, 22, 279, 1691], [1627, 3347, 21597, 4907, 880, 1802, 963, 7, 21598, 22, 1352, 18, 1011, 7, 3, 323, 816, 535], [1153, 44, 1039, 3, 324, 323, 360, 11, 6950, 335, 6, 270, 3652, 179, 98], [6, 192, 3, 323, 196], [4698, 324, 279, 2918, 1039, 564, 975, 19, 6949, 98, 2001, 20, 1153, 2, 324, 323, 360, 1, 21599], [14, 1148, 328, 33, 3, 553, 3271, 316, 15, 9, 14, 245, 21600, 8, 16, 711, 15], [21601, 502, 86, 553], [21602, 479, 316, 33, 3, 553, 9, 399, 38, 713, 620, 712], [21603, 1730, 21604, 1730, 1383, 5, 1, 21605, 28, 21606], [1269, 21607, 21608, 6, 41, 2058, 6, 30], [2379, 50, 10, 21609, 8, 3, 3907, 6307, 77, 85, 32, 5, 2, 1745, 1085, 1, 1810, 652, 337, 9, 1094, 79], [6132, 1290, 21610, 21611, 6954, 5, 88, 21612, 21, 1, 1810, 652, 337, 9, 1094, 79], [21613, 21614, 230, 21615, 329, 21616, 41, 138, 12, 34, 1270, 302, 454, 1, 21617, 1407, 18, 284, 25, 3, 553, 12, 21618], [1968, 324, 323, 360, 1039, 564, 975, 19, 21619, 98, 1220, 335, 6, 270, 564, 975, 19, 21620, 98, 1220, 20, 1153, 1, 21621, 4526], [743, 553, 322, 5, 21622, 107, 1, 21623, 142], [6038, 21624, 748, 21625, 18, 91, 3527, 177, 748, 88, 3132, 654, 1967, 6428, 1, 1810, 652, 337, 9, 1094, 79], [507, 324, 323, 360, 1039, 564, 975, 19, 21626, 98, 1220, 335, 6, 270, 564, 975, 19, 21627, 98, 1220, 20, 1153, 1, 21628, 2203], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 21629, 6955, 21630, 11, 1445, 553, 295, 1242], [21631, 592, 409, 553, 1875, 381, 34, 1800, 845, 6956], [710, 54, 81, 371, 29, 859, 54, 6071, 3, 553, 288, 410, 3, 3849, 54, 809, 21632, 189, 33, 3, 21633, 54, 81, 26, 3, 1756, 201], [6, 35, 3, 553, 992, 11, 3, 1135, 4, 209], [3552, 1454, 1804, 1505, 553, 5334, 157, 166, 1317, 1730, 1, 21634], [4366, 9, 3159, 5, 3, 553, 5, 6868, 5675, 1920, 205, 57], [92, 6, 84, 132, 31, 43, 2, 21635, 55, 78, 21636, 36, 4, 1864, 573, 2, 530, 80, 64, 8, 92, 6, 84, 5, 2, 1720, 1, 21637], [21638, 367, 7, 2, 121, 21639, 21640, 21641], [21642, 142, 9, 21643, 21644, 1766, 3, 314, 1290, 21645, 1, 1810, 652, 337, 9, 1094, 79], [6957, 6755, 142, 3, 661, 29, 21646, 32, 12, 3, 295, 21647, 21648, 1, 1810, 652, 337, 9, 1094, 79], [21649, 6, 35, 75, 1262, 10, 109, 484, 2424, 39, 14, 26, 1458, 27, 5, 21650, 4, 3, 553, 261, 592, 9, 4624, 21651, 19, 411, 161, 558], [21652, 21653, 4439, 3, 21654, 9, 177, 21655, 88, 5221, 11, 3, 1967, 21656, 1, 1810, 652, 337, 9, 1094, 79], [3241, 39, 6958, 21657, 1399, 21658, 261, 21659, 1996, 2577, 110, 261, 21660, 273, 2125, 862, 3, 21661, 79, 28, 21662], [21663, 553, 177, 30, 16], [6957, 1290, 21664, 290, 3458, 6954, 19, 183, 1, 1810, 652, 337, 9, 1094, 79], [592, 409, 553, 1875, 381, 34, 1800, 845, 6956, 2937, 981, 2937, 981, 592, 409, 553, 1875, 21665, 1, 21666], [3, 553, 2594, 411, 14, 1148, 241, 10, 479], [4069, 553, 5967, 259, 2, 2827, 82, 111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 1, 21667], [807, 17, 8, 61, 156, 1508, 51, 3, 553, 867, 80, 159, 3, 632], [6, 257, 33, 3, 553, 1, 21668, 21669], [21670, 21671, 833, 21672, 171, 952, 3482, 177, 4, 3, 553, 2738, 5532, 1596, 6859, 209, 45], [553, 44, 4, 178, 2, 2693, 56, 23, 106, 710, 18, 21673, 671, 9, 56, 37, 1078, 21674, 9, 1230, 42], [844, 1290, 21675, 4442, 21676, 9, 21677, 32, 7, 88, 2733, 263, 1, 1810, 652, 337, 9, 1094, 79], [1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1, 21678, 5862, 21, 732, 21679], [253, 8, 931, 4, 31, 43, 39, 1295, 2, 518, 1225, 15, 8, 43, 21680], [115, 6, 50, 50, 288, 518, 20, 5799, 6, 1430, 167, 375, 2, 385, 623], [69, 8, 47, 21681, 518, 86, 4421, 21682, 18, 255, 10, 24, 5, 85], [30, 16, 1769, 518, 28, 21683], [10, 2241, 1193, 6959, 2865, 2, 1517, 1722, 7, 2073, 6858, 210, 26, 30, 16, 2440, 204, 21684, 518, 28, 21685], [1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 230, 6, 910, 1, 21686], [1295, 191, 2417, 21687, 518, 4, 310, 2, 1606, 11, 75, 3686, 21688, 1467, 21689, 371, 6960, 28, 21690], [1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 230, 6, 910, 1, 21691], [21692, 21693, 606, 61, 17, 8, 3, 518, 10, 23, 3, 2508, 2633], [3, 77, 85, 21694, 2051, 1251, 12, 242, 2156, 1224, 7, 317, 881], [6961, 874, 4485, 20, 716, 518, 149, 879, 219, 3229, 34, 3567, 159, 2891, 1, 4293, 4294, 71], [2, 518, 7, 85, 8, 16, 17, 15, 2350, 29, 417, 39, 17, 55, 742, 29, 565, 4, 1371, 15, 800, 321, 21695, 4327], [6961, 874, 4485, 20, 716, 518, 149, 879, 219, 3229, 34, 21696, 1, 21697], [21698, 6432, 21699, 37, 566, 640, 241, 518, 204, 143, 112, 697, 22, 741, 6403, 3, 890, 262, 21700, 21701, 7, 1485], [4286, 1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1, 21702], [1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 230, 6, 910, 1, 21703], [21704, 21705, 188, 2, 743, 573, 44, 17, 233, 5521, 518, 21706, 21707, 20, 21708, 21709, 68, 29, 221, 59], [22, 8, 3, 518, 6, 1078, 2, 935, 802, 4, 14, 21710, 1741, 57, 6, 132, 789, 2, 205, 67, 22, 8, 61, 1063, 7, 21711, 37, 12, 3905, 21712], [3018, 732, 1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 230, 1, 21713], [21714, 21715, 179, 6517, 518, 7, 21716, 5402, 4, 799, 13, 21717, 16, 1012, 2410, 1604, 2015, 2, 3541, 7, 61, 10, 163], [2610, 2286, 1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 1974, 1, 21718], [21719, 21720, 33, 3, 620, 180, 518, 158, 32, 114], [1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 230, 6, 910, 1, 21721], [72, 183, 56, 993, 311, 6, 3093, 18, 2, 459, 1801], [1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 230, 6, 910, 1, 21722], [3376, 21723, 21724, 1059, 1472, 2, 448, 7, 21725, 5727, 21726, 9, 66, 782, 5, 2562, 210, 2133, 1, 21727], [1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 230, 6, 910, 21728, 1, 21729], [6, 35, 21730, 157, 21731, 219, 127, 3, 506, 11, 21732, 21733, 9, 21734, 16, 685, 39, 3, 518, 1, 21735], [1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 230, 6, 910, 14, 3175, 9, 250, 864], [1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 230, 6, 910, 1, 21736], [1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 230, 6, 910, 1, 21737], [1160, 518, 5, 716, 91, 232, 4, 1285, 753, 1452, 6, 487, 1037, 7, 14, 143, 1453, 76, 230, 6, 910, 1, 21738, 1307], [116, 21739, 21740, 69, 8, 47, 832, 17, 672, 675, 7, 153, 119, 518, 39, 4348, 1, 21741, 4523, 299, 1690, 334, 203], [132, 789, 14, 21742, 6962, 3794, 22, 8, 3, 265, 518], [21743, 226, 568, 518, 1, 21744, 21745], [21746, 638, 6361, 21747, 6749, 21748, 8, 192, 101, 21749, 1071, 4594, 21750, 377, 281, 1, 21751], [21752, 10, 257, 377, 281, 21753], [266, 377, 281, 5, 2, 811, 1213, 2788, 69, 24, 136, 21754, 12, 1657, 892, 400, 10, 943, 6633], [367, 21755, 158, 32, 114, 167, 377, 281, 108, 76, 17, 29, 21756, 1, 21757], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 2, 1960, 843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 2965, 1, 21758], [21759, 2, 385, 187, 8, 377, 281, 10, 132, 699, 2, 187, 22, 27, 1763, 4, 26, 3, 2886, 1919, 21760, 3538, 3, 50, 21761, 798, 1409], [126, 293, 21762, 3594, 3211, 3079, 59, 140, 755, 387, 731, 86, 140, 792, 21, 377, 281, 21763, 120, 12, 17, 121, 5, 2380, 69], [21764, 4, 45, 2, 637, 92, 6, 84, 377, 281, 5, 2415, 792, 21], [21765, 51, 56, 168, 8, 56, 37, 31, 21766, 76, 6963, 1140, 7, 245, 1656, 9, 4527, 377, 281, 5, 69, 1862, 56, 21767, 1957], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 1, 21768], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 1, 21769, 6765, 1, 21770], [21771, 23, 3, 312, 4, 369, 573, 3, 6682, 6016, 377, 281, 5, 4669, 11, 136, 174, 21772, 982, 1, 21773], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044], [6964, 843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 2, 1960, 21774, 1, 21775, 21776, 6964], [6, 257, 33, 17, 1378, 7, 295, 21777, 51, 56, 45, 109, 377, 281, 5, 49, 21778, 9, 776, 168, 134, 7, 333, 5494, 2272, 67, 1240], [2262, 843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 21779, 5, 21780, 1044, 1489, 217, 2, 21781, 1, 21782, 273, 21783, 71], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 1, 21784], [840, 377, 281, 5, 14, 1148, 13, 1695, 14, 2111, 146, 21785, 2, 151, 1835, 8, 316, 3, 1916], [21786, 21787, 39, 4520, 6, 41, 682, 377, 281, 34, 2, 945, 21788, 21789, 267, 9, 288, 6965, 61, 35, 6, 589, 18, 21790, 47, 607], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 1, 21791], [377, 281, 5, 176, 1258, 4233], [6, 377, 281, 22, 1446, 5, 14, 1148, 9, 15, 8, 31, 43, 123, 2239, 39, 15, 8, 16, 1519, 15, 8, 173, 844, 1, 21792], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 2, 1960, 843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 2965, 1, 21793], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 1, 21794, 21795, 826, 71, 1044], [21796, 176, 3, 21797, 377, 281, 5, 3, 1309, 97], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 2, 1960, 843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 2965, 1, 21798], [21799, 843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 1, 21800, 21801], [127, 10, 104, 21802, 112, 3, 52, 1799, 22, 454, 370, 437, 49, 1103, 618, 2126, 44, 68, 377, 281, 1, 21803, 203], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 2, 1960, 843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 2965, 1, 21804], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 2, 1960, 843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 2965, 1, 21805, 21806], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 1, 21807], [843, 258, 8, 60, 377, 281, 888, 388, 5, 1044, 1, 21808], [367, 6966, 414, 791, 21, 24, 21809, 5, 2761, 34, 414, 8, 3, 59, 21810, 86, 5125, 21811, 1, 2056, 21812], [5, 1314, 4, 414, 755, 387, 731, 7, 4404, 2479, 5113, 3, 21813, 906, 67, 17, 21814, 21815, 106], [40, 1751, 8, 2902, 3528, 3567, 4, 414, 19, 136, 6958, 4005, 1, 21816, 21817, 21818, 6777, 21819], [21820, 414, 2750, 9, 144, 909, 1463, 510, 21821, 46, 21822, 235, 12, 21823, 261, 21824, 1093, 2, 1, 21825], [21826, 4038, 21827, 21828, 66, 30, 10, 21829, 826, 3, 3363, 4, 40, 892, 9, 6866, 1349, 414, 16, 21830, 18, 347, 21831], [1080, 17, 6, 198, 289, 4, 13, 5, 21832, 414, 862, 743, 2805, 21833, 21834, 6725, 21835, 21836, 7, 4005, 21837, 2288], [21838, 21839, 1714, 21840, 2768, 2, 414, 6967], [414, 876, 915, 4, 249, 4, 2, 226, 568, 21841], [4065, 3801, 761, 6, 257, 2, 1979, 7, 17, 8, 1904, 306, 220, 81, 26, 276, 5, 2, 766, 72, 628, 7, 272, 414, 6967], [153, 56, 1134, 38, 4, 4268, 14, 441, 21842, 207, 244, 115, 3521, 2, 1185, 9, 2, 414, 51, 2, 1, 21843], [367, 6966, 2, 3588, 779, 7, 2650, 414, 6159, 27, 49, 21844, 1597, 868, 6140, 50, 10, 1, 3311, 21845], [414, 352, 21, 1291, 637, 9, 1870, 1665, 3874, 1762, 2937, 981, 1, 21846], [3918, 414, 21847], [3162, 1550, 337, 254, 3867, 21848, 4, 21849, 7, 40, 85, 46, 414], [6588, 6, 1178, 2073, 51, 6, 2446, 970, 60, 14, 414, 5, 4246, 15, 27, 2, 151, 169, 6, 172, 3098, 3385, 21850], [21851, 2283, 2410, 3651, 5, 2, 21852, 9, 61, 60, 21853, 414, 53, 756, 55, 210, 946, 4, 2, 226, 1132], [21854, 21855, 6, 23, 3440, 414, 59, 21856, 86, 21857, 2651, 414, 6968, 3139, 1648, 21], [113, 4075, 8, 2731, 133, 11, 1193, 5, 6441, 21858, 21859, 21860, 21861, 21862, 1, 21863], [370, 2865, 21864, 414, 9, 2, 193, 7, 21865, 21866, 1, 21867], [722, 637, 109, 21868, 4672, 800, 21869, 414, 2791, 17, 1529, 11, 5635], [21870, 29, 26, 15, 10, 132, 773, 49, 21871, 540, 7, 65, 66, 4, 6762, 4, 414, 17, 89, 26, 1778, 9, 707, 21872], [6, 192, 4, 312, 3, 1949, 4, 3130, 417], [5938, 4218, 3521, 5574, 13, 1417, 7, 21873, 3440, 414, 21874, 21875, 21876, 1, 21877], [414, 81, 156, 1370, 561, 216, 183, 9, 29, 12, 19, 242, 64, 979, 2, 21878, 7, 414, 9, 66, 4, 21879, 203, 1, 21880], [61, 8, 2, 4579, 7, 21881, 5, 21882, 907, 414, 21883, 3629, 4148, 21884, 21885], [15, 21886, 5, 4370, 44, 587, 4, 30, 18, 14, 414, 34, 307, 39, 17, 8, 3, 565, 441, 9, 1793, 6, 30, 16, 33, 4, 970, 60, 15], [21887, 21888, 2, 1390, 6, 2641, 3, 1111, 32, 9, 135, 1896, 3, 1607, 5, 2, 901, 2415, 414, 9, 56, 2477, 771, 38, 11, 2, 1607], [21889, 6839, 4961, 75, 159, 2, 6760, 705, 6442, 4063, 639, 21890, 21891], [110, 27, 414, 12, 263, 7, 414, 12, 263, 7, 414, 5, 440, 1218, 29, 6, 104, 170, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 26, 901, 2, 302, 136, 694], [2506, 21892, 1164, 21893, 5673, 1173, 6278, 3618, 4, 21894, 1432, 7, 414, 862, 21895, 1, 21896, 1, 21897], [61, 156, 1508, 4, 96, 34, 2650, 414, 415, 21898, 96, 34, 221, 34, 55, 1318, 18, 2, 21899, 73, 2779, 96], [522, 46, 1050, 3, 598, 840, 347, 32, 7, 17, 1253, 167, 151, 536, 11, 3, 4668, 233, 2848, 21900], [72, 5, 3568, 1398, 21901, 34, 8, 3847, 9, 16, 620, 21902, 368, 4, 306, 220, 23, 962, 1498, 6706], [113, 2, 1256, 1900, 1415, 6191, 266, 29, 522, 20, 2, 1256, 1900, 158, 32, 5098], [6, 35, 29, 522], [138, 1849, 12, 88, 1594, 2, 974, 513, 44, 68, 522, 20, 3, 994, 960], [21903, 4598, 21904, 4598, 8, 8, 173, 522, 4, 1396, 1, 21905], [6, 35, 17, 522, 17, 6, 132, 188, 21906, 21907, 3500, 6131, 2, 6472], [21908, 21909, 21910, 6, 132, 165, 21911, 438, 176, 33, 3, 753, 258, 8, 4, 38, 6, 31, 6969, 49, 831, 522], [21912, 67, 75, 506, 479, 32, 7, 763, 2, 1020, 27, 173, 522, 4, 165, 438, 29, 1178, 4791, 2848, 48, 12, 1518, 606], [21913, 54, 8, 92, 6, 84, 522], [155, 6, 35, 522, 11, 85], [226, 334, 33, 693, 1046, 334, 8, 3, 522, 539, 124, 832, 5, 1267, 1895, 7, 921, 39, 92, 6, 84, 6529, 36], [2, 637, 19, 2, 21914, 78, 5253, 16, 173, 522, 1, 21915], [21916, 1362, 955, 17, 8, 3, 562, 7, 522, 637], [21917, 6, 35, 522], [21918, 17, 8, 37, 16, 12, 6, 286, 26, 522, 24, 10, 507, 2, 147, 44, 1328, 9, 57, 11, 960, 9, 4037], [652, 21919, 6797, 348, 21920, 176, 16, 1308, 266, 522], [21921, 6, 35, 522], [21922, 167, 8, 6151, 522, 17, 2691, 8, 140, 6, 132, 742, 4, 13, 88, 327], [21923, 29, 522, 266, 1, 21924], [3143, 3, 3866, 4, 2, 935, 709, 1036, 7, 40, 1538, 60, 2, 2095, 21925, 8, 21926, 522], [3181, 50, 21927, 11, 21928, 929, 15, 8, 3331, 39, 59, 86, 1774, 42, 8, 37, 1778, 54, 8, 522], [6, 35, 29, 1211, 637, 854, 44, 926, 46, 45, 2, 970, 1007, 7, 522, 1192, 65, 41, 3530, 39, 1, 21929], [21930, 21931, 16, 17, 45, 21932, 31, 10, 522, 19, 159, 10, 24, 838, 18, 2, 3629, 604, 4, 1567, 33, 2587], [3460, 21933, 21934, 1416, 31, 3, 1350, 3947, 1511, 21935, 372, 1075, 38, 67, 9, 14, 6400, 536, 1021, 15, 522, 38], [948, 62, 21936, 1397, 479, 12, 2, 121, 46, 14, 781, 21937, 22, 770, 4, 23, 6, 27, 522], [3, 522, 591, 17, 27, 276, 4659, 134, 36, 4, 176, 293, 5, 3251, 5, 1053, 8, 57, 5, 1458, 1897, 22, 8, 713, 3, 1, 21938], [3, 2811, 44, 3377, 37, 371, 928, 14, 6345, 522, 11, 85], [295, 21939, 158, 32, 114, 6, 27, 3, 522, 909, 12, 1231, 4157, 1902, 21940, 13, 11, 1033, 3708, 304, 22, 8, 22, 2308, 5590], [6, 35, 2048, 522, 46, 22, 2308, 67, 4228], [21941, 6, 35, 92, 6, 84, 522, 20, 40, 1024, 711, 6969, 7, 2, 1829, 21942, 442], [21943, 4448, 6, 35, 573, 522, 573, 4674, 14, 6708, 8, 17, 1849], [6, 35, 522, 21944, 21945, 1, 21946], [21947, 929, 522, 806, 47, 6, 175, 3, 775, 1030], [21948, 6, 35, 522, 2, 1789, 253, 916, 21949, 5, 2, 341, 1933, 18, 38], [1812, 227, 6, 35, 5, 578, 39, 761, 6, 89, 1318, 21950, 21951, 21952], [2013, 460, 1511, 1776, 53, 10, 23, 578, 1626, 4, 65, 1, 21953], [711, 578, 3540, 2, 21954, 2112, 3, 21955, 485, 218, 1150, 14, 911, 8, 13, 1645, 21956, 1, 21957, 21958], [21959, 1308, 311, 14, 6812, 180, 27, 2, 1192, 67, 4, 31, 9, 578, 2, 272, 158, 32, 114], [3, 115, 3, 513, 3053, 693, 21960, 578, 12, 1893, 6798, 21961, 1, 21962], [21963, 3, 85, 75, 4, 819, 15, 8, 72, 17, 21964, 68, 2156, 10, 710, 578, 847, 5903], [21965, 6, 23, 3, 562, 7, 578, 252, 722, 1288, 9, 3929, 4, 1776, 17, 2, 2120, 8, 21966, 484, 86, 56, 155], [21967, 72, 36], [578, 578, 51, 6, 30, 16, 31, 14, 169], [21968, 1387, 6, 35, 31, 43, 123, 4, 26, 5, 29, 221, 578], [21969, 77, 85, 219, 250, 15, 27, 3, 1250, 9, 253, 1122, 2435, 682, 32, 7, 578, 1028, 6748, 374, 4484, 8], [21970, 833, 15, 8, 156, 2076, 361, 242, 578, 669, 2416, 11, 51, 22, 156, 1508], [21971, 21972, 1594, 21973, 21974, 21975, 10, 21976, 109, 5, 578, 17, 8, 113, 10, 23, 21977, 1187, 57], [227, 14, 191, 21978, 5, 578, 1, 21979], [232, 1560, 21980, 748, 32, 7, 578, 5, 2271, 1, 21981, 58, 21982], [6483, 21983, 21, 24, 5, 374, 578, 1177, 3123, 3289, 4, 789, 2803, 1, 21984, 1, 21985, 21986], [21987, 6663, 1858, 21988, 21989, 117, 3, 562, 3151, 17, 169, 21990, 3, 562, 59, 21991, 53, 6, 31, 5, 578, 6, 23, 3, 1915, 205, 69], [2, 578, 5, 67, 7, 21992, 1025, 21993, 1, 21994], [51, 69, 8, 578, 10, 104, 73, 4, 437], [113, 8, 15, 21995, 3778, 21996, 232, 12, 1, 21997], [21998, 5724, 1666, 1551, 10, 24, 2, 350, 1138, 420, 9, 578, 6673, 5, 2, 125, 10, 1809, 420, 10, 6738, 420], [2, 945, 1474, 42, 6, 81, 267, 819, 8, 2, 21999, 40, 5, 578, 1474, 42, 25, 14, 932], [22000, 810, 307, 807, 53, 2, 22001, 127, 16, 13, 1130, 14, 1251, 173, 1471, 12, 263, 6, 2197, 7, 1328, 316, 2, 22002, 578], [50, 66, 6, 30, 16, 31, 5, 242, 578, 11, 711, 65, 43, 9, 2, 358, 92, 6, 84, 146, 22003], [22004, 1631, 6924, 93, 6087, 2523, 1061, 38, 72, 19, 2366, 196, 6, 35, 219, 242, 578, 158, 32, 114, 162, 607], [6867, 22005, 47, 754, 55, 325, 109, 5, 578, 11, 158, 173, 221], [2256, 22006, 17, 623, 23, 3, 605, 1602, 33, 685, 39, 578], [225, 8, 52, 201, 74, 654, 1124, 17, 807, 225, 132, 23, 15, 45, 1, 22007, 58, 22008, 1, 22009], [22010, 22011, 704, 974, 2597, 15, 8, 16, 45, 12, 2, 22012, 53, 129, 22013, 24, 22014, 33, 2, 263, 7, 1517, 3914, 22, 876, 8, 5, 578], [22015, 6968, 6457, 368, 9, 176, 3469, 666, 36, 9, 1431, 578], [53, 10, 23, 578, 252, 22016, 683, 17, 64, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 1425, 9, 17, 3893, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 178, 176, 169, 411, 5922, 22017], [685, 39, 578, 1789, 4497, 2256, 8, 22018], [578, 18, 3524, 2000, 2523, 301, 4539, 1, 22019], [6, 257, 29, 704, 1746], [29, 127, 55, 23, 3, 320, 308, 553, 550, 395, 196, 773, 38, 61, 2, 806, 156, 1013, 22020], [6970, 22021, 4699, 4700, 14, 2244, 6970, 11, 116, 7, 52, 79, 1, 2872, 2, 283, 418, 2873, 13, 96, 291, 550], [22022, 14, 22023, 4699, 4700, 1538, 22024, 11, 116, 7, 52, 79, 1, 2872, 2, 283, 418, 2873, 13, 96, 291, 550], [6, 35, 19, 22025, 22026, 550, 22027, 5, 1206, 1737, 28, 22028], [167, 421, 15, 2729, 33, 550], [26, 72, 22029, 1654, 844, 621, 167, 8, 2, 67, 17, 8, 31, 43, 123, 4, 682, 2669], [22030, 550, 9, 22031, 1, 22032, 22033, 2124, 22034, 413, 22035], [2825, 550, 4143, 2189, 3336, 1, 22036, 271, 1172, 4, 979, 4, 1608, 3, 2325, 1633, 1, 22037], [15, 8, 14, 2287, 207, 6, 37, 516, 138, 45, 32], [49, 3362, 133, 22038, 3485, 3167, 5, 43, 2, 4023, 328, 33, 3, 550, 6587, 22039, 1, 22040], [291, 9, 550, 17, 245, 812, 1248, 5, 274, 369, 22041, 8, 356, 767, 1, 22042], [550, 22043, 72, 417, 22044, 22045, 2538, 2532, 22046, 28, 22047, 58, 137], [2825, 550, 4143, 2189, 3336, 1, 22048, 271, 1172, 4, 979, 4, 1608, 3, 2325, 1633, 1, 22049], [550, 3653, 833, 3653], [2689, 2, 244, 1253, 536, 12, 6, 23, 587, 4, 1659, 7, 10, 9, 10, 1008, 2, 283, 550, 1, 22050], [510, 22051, 24, 1024, 3, 781, 550, 11, 6747, 1, 22052, 4645], [22053, 7, 297, 25, 2, 1182, 550, 23, 4230, 4, 2, 797, 22054, 22055], [550, 22056, 6, 35, 3241, 1920], [115, 14, 4691, 257, 33, 3, 550], [22057, 127, 2, 122, 125, 148, 267, 2420, 381, 2, 22058, 24, 18, 92, 6, 84, 9, 23, 68, 6901, 76, 816, 954, 550], [6, 289, 22, 550, 22059, 241, 6, 23, 4, 1259, 768, 4, 14, 147], [550, 3653, 3653, 196, 838], [3162, 2927, 22060, 110, 8, 2, 121, 7, 3743, 382, 10, 1538, 2927, 11, 40, 233, 4386, 1, 2872, 283, 96, 550], [9, 6, 951, 31, 821, 7, 363, 10, 1549, 6733, 59, 33, 550, 6971, 5, 14, 830], [1227, 4200, 2, 550, 2, 239, 52, 3296, 3333, 96, 5, 47, 22061, 4349, 23, 16, 10, 505, 2, 22062, 1, 22063], [6, 30, 16, 31, 821, 7, 363, 10, 1549, 56, 24, 59, 33, 550, 6971, 5, 14, 830], [22064, 2087, 1934, 15, 8, 68, 1531, 278, 6, 487, 22, 258, 8, 39, 2, 6972, 531, 37, 277, 38, 33, 3, 550, 382, 22065], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 22066, 437, 7, 2769, 22067, 22068, 2140, 510, 550], [867, 80, 64, 22069, 40, 705, 2659, 291, 5895, 550, 1055, 360, 22070, 1, 22071], [6, 175, 91, 550, 209, 32], [22072, 4699, 4700, 14, 2244, 11, 116, 7, 52, 79, 1, 2872, 2, 283, 418, 2873, 13, 96, 291, 550], [45, 7, 22, 2019], [4438, 13, 550, 1313, 60, 749], [15, 8, 22073, 451, 19, 6320, 381, 4, 6, 27, 33, 227, 1757], [22074, 9, 22075, 487, 1613, 7, 362, 19, 141, 22076, 183, 56, 23, 79, 7, 451, 803, 1831, 25, 141, 183, 1679, 1, 22077], [175, 451, 1269, 1526, 9, 3, 963, 19, 3, 4502, 1197, 315, 4, 13, 6973, 1697, 124, 160, 1, 22078], [37, 294, 265, 1335, 3514, 385, 22079, 15, 37, 1091, 265, 1778, 10, 265, 938, 3514, 385, 6512, 16, 3, 265, 22080], [22081, 53, 3, 467, 22082, 157, 22083, 35, 12, 40, 22084, 53, 3, 451, 22085, 15, 45, 22086, 12, 40, 705, 22087, 76, 387], [50, 6004, 144, 2, 451, 6974, 9, 22088, 8, 9, 22089, 22090], [1751, 451, 22091, 24, 22092, 43, 439, 22093, 22094, 1454, 12, 14, 169], [901, 932, 3853, 1290, 2613, 3, 4196, 451, 851, 1198, 1643, 4, 88, 317, 22095, 59, 118, 212, 1, 22096, 1, 22097, 22098, 636], [2, 22099, 1562, 22100, 1382, 22101, 451, 218, 1, 22102], [451, 27, 675, 28, 22103], [1751, 451, 171, 2158, 36, 22104, 22105, 3105, 22106], [6, 35, 5, 1120, 3145, 3, 451, 9, 1918, 3, 13, 2315, 7, 3196, 6, 35, 16, 22107, 2, 451, 5, 2, 3196, 17, 89, 26, 307, 1691], [22108, 22109, 6, 41, 1066, 208, 3, 22110, 451], [166, 743, 6975, 116, 1, 22111, 70, 22112, 22113, 451, 22114, 3790, 22115, 2438, 785, 375, 5, 905, 196, 1025, 22116], [1567, 1751, 451, 6976, 210, 22117, 6809, 4670, 861, 3184, 22118, 72], [355, 32, 175, 451, 1269, 1526, 9, 3, 4502, 1197, 315, 4, 13, 6973, 1697, 124, 160, 19, 1, 22119, 89, 50, 50, 50, 4, 934], [22, 8, 14, 2441, 22120, 20, 168, 22121, 22122, 6974, 22123, 745, 1, 22124, 1, 22125], [22126, 22127, 8, 451, 20, 22128, 3079, 20, 22129, 22130, 2845, 321, 1, 22131, 58, 137], [22132, 22133, 22134, 22135, 22136, 11, 1755, 3671, 5343, 1, 22137, 22138], [641, 516, 249, 43, 9, 165, 451, 18, 38, 22139], [901, 932, 3853, 1290, 2613, 3, 4196, 451, 851, 1198, 1643, 4, 88, 317, 22140, 1, 22141, 1, 22142], [22143, 451, 18, 3230, 22144, 9, 22145, 1729], [22146, 22147, 6962, 451], [156, 744, 1382, 451, 382, 10, 11, 45, 2, 22148, 1745, 256, 20, 14, 892, 47, 1535, 61, 9, 356, 6960, 28, 22149], [66, 162, 752, 89, 3, 1147, 6977, 53, 3, 1147, 172, 6977, 22150, 2139, 451, 1463, 22151], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 1, 22152, 1673, 4268, 451], [2925, 1483, 22153, 150, 1066, 5912, 451, 1224, 3, 22154, 2735, 1, 22155, 22156], [22157, 33, 75, 304, 27, 331, 5, 2, 381, 39, 19, 478, 6, 6915, 3, 313, 51, 75, 304, 27, 1554, 311, 15, 27, 3, 451, 6, 30, 16, 104, 22158, 6, 30, 16, 477], [10, 24, 2092, 4, 22159, 22160, 451, 1483, 4892], [459, 451, 218, 1186, 5558, 22161, 3202, 22162, 2182, 1, 22163, 1, 22164], [451, 1229, 304, 1229, 5722, 6865, 1438, 185, 4430, 6234, 3796, 1, 22165, 1, 22166], [22167, 535, 22168, 346, 1952, 1084, 451, 286, 16, 26, 949], [1430, 6, 112, 3, 2659, 1251, 451], [195, 2, 1786, 1169, 7, 3542, 22169, 9, 2, 808, 7, 2, 1439, 22170, 641, 969, 7, 2, 258, 8, 451, 37, 38, 838], [1470, 451, 8, 29, 931], [22171, 22172, 22173, 1397, 24, 168, 22174, 9, 451, 722, 1264, 11, 2, 22175, 39, 590, 1343, 6, 23, 3, 620, 22176, 173], [22177, 22178, 14, 4012, 695, 1172, 173, 13, 22179, 173, 22180, 1, 22181], [91, 13, 22182, 249, 32, 29, 844, 9, 91, 189, 33, 6, 37, 5451, 669, 2, 258, 8, 451], [35, 57, 22183, 20, 2, 2041, 13, 22184, 22185, 22186, 42, 11, 45, 40, 22187, 13, 915, 9, 17, 8, 91, 2139, 451, 619, 80, 159], [22188, 14, 22189, 41, 23, 4, 163, 464, 1175, 1276, 22190, 11, 22191, 16, 1577, 2, 2139, 451, 39, 3254, 4240, 422], [22192, 228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 22193, 1, 22194, 22195], [1361, 599, 4701, 1433, 1664, 2434, 34, 15, 135, 2468, 1273, 1161, 4, 178, 3654, 43, 2388, 1001, 20, 3560, 1, 22196], [789, 32, 66, 40, 3499, 27, 635, 11, 599, 4352, 5, 2, 1444, 13, 22197, 4352, 1667, 728, 2923, 424, 1, 22198], [75, 972, 3655, 3656, 2010, 1495, 2957, 1562, 7, 599, 882, 2959, 308, 2136, 1, 22199], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 22200], [410, 71, 75, 972, 3655, 3656, 2010, 1495, 2957, 1562, 7, 599, 882, 2959, 308, 1, 22201], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 22202], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 22203], [1616, 171, 38, 424, 15, 4, 93, 65, 1036, 1666, 228, 37, 739, 22204, 4275, 83, 409, 488, 599, 882, 93, 710, 22205], [2852, 228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1, 5956], [599, 882, 51, 41, 15, 277, 1273, 217, 9, 66, 331, 41, 15, 26, 5268, 1, 22206], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 22207], [116, 226, 334, 116, 116, 3408, 1026, 7, 1201, 599, 882, 868, 25, 841, 6241, 28, 2247, 22208, 1, 22209, 22210], [599, 882, 1048, 140, 2153, 19, 1273, 1, 22211], [75, 972, 3655, 3656, 2010, 1495, 2957, 1562, 7, 599, 882, 2959, 308, 1, 22212, 80, 22213], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 1, 22214, 1441], [22215, 882, 599, 882, 8, 1048, 140, 2153, 19, 1273, 9, 8, 1161, 4, 178, 3654, 1418, 1643, 4, 2, 6235, 22216], [5950, 228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 4338, 5951], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 22217], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 22218], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 22219], [1230, 42, 7, 22220, 2817, 12, 599, 882, 3118, 1, 22221], [1361, 599, 4701, 1433, 1664, 2434, 34, 15, 135, 2468, 1273, 1161, 4, 178, 3654, 43, 2388, 1001, 20, 1, 22222], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 46, 599, 1886, 96, 22223], [818, 599, 882, 44, 176, 2153, 310, 12, 1273, 22224, 1, 22225, 11, 22226], [2010, 22227, 21, 1201, 599, 882, 25, 841, 367, 1, 22228, 22229], [2002, 599, 2396, 2919, 1273, 1, 22230], [3, 6978, 98, 2010, 6979, 5, 599, 882, 1, 22231], [75, 972, 3655, 3656, 2010, 1495, 2957, 1562, 7, 599, 882, 2959, 308, 1, 22232], [1361, 599, 4701, 1433, 1664, 2434, 34, 15, 135, 2468, 1273, 1161, 4, 178, 3654, 43, 2388, 1001, 20, 3560, 1, 22233], [3, 6978, 98, 2010, 6979, 5, 599, 882, 1, 22234], [22235, 22236, 90, 580, 34, 1273, 5227, 11, 22237, 599, 7, 234, 762, 846], [6, 155, 3, 599, 37, 3271, 316, 160, 158, 32, 114], [196, 3223, 25, 2, 599], [2852, 228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 47, 1, 22238, 125], [228, 739, 83, 11, 794, 795, 228, 236, 645, 83, 1003, 11, 222, 1277, 3, 1, 22239], [599, 882, 1048, 140, 2153, 19, 1273, 1, 22240], [22241, 27, 115, 11, 95, 64, 2002, 22242, 9, 402, 543, 62, 199, 721, 356, 6634, 22243, 22244, 6697, 7, 2, 1103, 618, 125], [3, 189, 19, 305, 1951, 3, 207, 46, 3657, 721, 1, 22245], [22246, 2, 284, 25, 22247, 2, 760, 172, 307, 1809, 3, 52, 954, 7, 22248, 1484, 13, 721, 280, 6683], [22249, 20, 721, 1, 22250], [3, 189, 19, 305, 1951, 3, 207, 46, 6980, 721, 1, 22251], [1180, 21, 22252, 7, 6981, 15, 449, 29, 221, 721, 39, 2, 3044, 315, 109, 29, 221, 75, 441], [2945, 6982, 721, 6983, 6984, 2607, 992, 3003, 4, 2, 121, 167, 81, 22253, 1, 22254, 71, 1, 3020, 22255], [398, 2, 1646, 9, 3344, 7, 721, 9, 171, 96, 190, 421, 22256, 65, 4319, 22257, 477, 22258, 22259, 80, 22260], [4574, 4575, 721, 6985, 1801, 2, 1168, 6511, 802, 22261, 800, 22262, 22263, 1760, 2334, 1, 22264], [721, 373, 4278, 11, 717, 6778, 1, 22265, 2726, 71, 22266], [49, 22267, 189, 19, 2, 52, 125, 7, 170, 9, 66, 1192, 65, 1145, 9, 6986, 21, 24, 6987, 18, 896, 721, 1, 22268], [1103, 618, 2011, 1527, 18, 2492, 2966, 2967, 212, 2968, 2969, 1191, 1, 22269, 1, 22270], [5, 2913, 2, 52, 125, 7, 170, 9, 66, 1192, 65, 1145, 9, 6986, 21, 24, 6987, 18, 896, 721, 1, 22271, 22272, 58, 1563], [3, 189, 19, 305, 1951, 3, 207, 46, 3657, 721, 1, 22273], [39, 227, 66, 440, 220, 2, 22274, 2508, 2, 22275], [22276, 22277, 721, 4879, 43, 4022, 22278, 22279, 22280], [66, 565, 558, 894, 2813, 106, 2, 3058, 6255, 1942, 2, 2774, 7, 22281, 803, 2, 1174, 133, 721, 5, 2, 22282, 1, 22283], [3160, 721, 8, 2, 169, 5, 306, 220, 6976, 81, 398, 40, 358, 1519, 32, 146, 22284, 12, 22285], [1103, 618, 2011, 1527, 276, 5, 22286, 798, 983, 1, 22287], [6942, 40, 22288, 1528, 3, 22289, 5, 6679, 4, 721, 2086, 651, 6988, 22290], [6107, 1098, 66, 221, 2, 721, 18, 876, 8, 4528, 1267, 3205, 433], [1103, 618, 2011, 1527, 18, 2492, 2966, 2967, 212, 2968, 2969, 1191, 1, 22291], [1103, 618, 2011, 1527, 18, 2492, 2966, 2967, 212, 2968, 2969, 1191, 1, 22292], [6989, 1783, 6990, 17, 3, 1423, 6991, 19, 940, 4376, 44, 16, 4702, 1351, 3299, 1, 22293], [116, 22294, 315, 1103, 618, 2011, 1527, 18, 2492, 2966, 2967, 212, 2968, 2969, 1191, 1, 22295, 1, 22296, 22297], [1103, 618, 2011, 1527, 18, 2492, 2966, 2967, 212, 2968, 2969, 1191, 3, 22298, 2011, 2123, 1527, 3825, 2, 1, 878, 22299], [3, 189, 19, 305, 1951, 3, 207, 46, 6980, 721, 28, 22300, 1947, 8, 22301, 5, 2, 166, 540, 11, 3, 2793, 3230], [1103, 618, 2011, 1527, 276, 58, 1, 22302, 1, 22303, 1, 22304, 1, 22305], [564, 185, 40, 774, 50, 10, 22306, 3, 3232, 721, 43, 2, 302, 670, 770, 4, 1252, 150, 26, 5863, 39, 5, 2, 1, 22307], [22308, 915, 2736, 9, 3, 2304, 1237, 7, 515, 593, 146, 18, 3, 709, 10, 132, 1017, 81, 151, 311, 3344, 9, 1548, 721], [3, 189, 19, 305, 1951, 3, 207, 46, 3657, 721, 1, 22309], [2, 233, 721, 20, 22310, 3179, 1, 22311, 1, 22312], [4, 22313, 4236, 721, 2605, 22314, 563, 1486, 2, 169, 1, 22315], [6989, 1783, 6990, 17, 3, 1423, 6991, 19, 940, 4376, 44, 16, 4702, 1351, 3299, 1, 22316], [2945, 6982, 721, 6983, 6984, 2607, 992, 3003, 4, 2, 121, 167, 81, 1396, 2122, 22317, 22318, 1, 22319], [2381, 604, 4, 721, 2187, 20, 2, 797, 5, 1779, 2109, 1266, 9, 29, 12], [3, 189, 19, 305, 1951, 3, 207, 46, 3657, 721, 1, 22320], [2852, 1038, 22321, 7, 3275, 626, 907, 721, 4, 22322, 22323, 18, 22324, 22325, 9, 2856, 61, 24, 55, 1590, 11], [3688, 40, 1839, 733, 7, 2970, 3591, 1495, 458, 1093, 25, 698, 3, 3426, 2695, 287, 3, 107, 5, 2501, 1, 22326, 1278], [1419, 458, 107, 5029, 7, 47, 1784, 433], [458, 107, 1286, 284, 292, 5, 6992, 1, 22327], [353, 22328, 726, 610, 22329, 1256, 6993, 12, 2, 6880, 22330, 2912, 21, 176, 995, 3, 368, 107, 44, 3, 2338, 22331, 458], [6994, 458, 1263, 410, 6995, 1483, 2915, 1445, 553, 916, 1521, 43, 1, 6996, 6997, 1, 6998], [2501, 733, 7, 2970, 79, 1495, 458, 1093, 19, 2501, 642, 4703, 287, 3, 554, 1, 22332, 22333, 1, 22334], [107, 4644, 6999, 9, 7000, 3, 458, 3649, 107, 44, 7001, 6999, 9, 7000, 22335, 1, 22336], [458, 1877, 976, 57, 989, 22337, 107, 7, 2, 418, 22338, 1913, 1, 7002], [7003, 4704, 233, 485, 879, 8, 3, 458, 107, 2488, 86, 2, 953, 1238, 1, 22339, 1, 22340], [46, 3, 458, 1928, 107, 59, 324, 279, 2396, 11, 769, 1164, 433, 2232, 1, 22341], [4704, 233, 485, 879, 8, 3, 458, 107, 2488, 86, 2, 953, 1238, 1, 22342, 22343, 1, 22344], [6, 30, 16, 1776, 1048, 242, 85, 34, 3, 22345, 15, 8, 458, 1421, 1, 22346, 4219, 22347, 181, 22348], [458, 1877, 976, 57, 989, 3774, 107, 22349, 7, 2, 22350, 1913, 1, 7002], [93, 119, 2378, 13, 5398, 6, 81, 13, 22351, 1075, 141, 45, 5, 2, 780, 6937, 22352, 1258, 957, 51, 22353, 458, 107, 277, 1149], [22354, 2746, 2, 107, 3, 458, 22355, 7, 2854, 177, 685], [295, 7004, 22356, 4367, 107, 27, 49, 22357, 134, 295, 2527, 3, 22358, 27, 236, 1129, 259, 2701, 2, 1772, 151, 109, 1208, 9, 59, 458, 2065], [733, 7, 2970, 3591, 1495, 458, 1093, 25, 698, 559, 287, 107, 1, 22359], [116, 7003, 4704, 485, 879, 8, 3, 458, 107, 2488, 86, 2, 953, 1238, 1, 22360, 1, 22361], [22362, 1431, 2, 953, 1163, 411, 141, 489, 4, 22363, 4, 3, 458, 107, 34, 49, 22364, 2141, 22365, 7, 338, 2178, 19], [2110, 13, 79, 1124, 559, 1093, 287, 458, 107, 1, 22366, 1, 22367, 1480, 22368], [2110, 13, 79, 1124, 559, 1093, 287, 458, 107, 1, 22369], [6, 155, 17, 1658, 7, 96, 104, 2, 1923, 55, 23, 12, 2, 444, 7, 211, 411, 96, 188, 2, 22370, 22371, 81, 1809, 3, 458, 107], [733, 7, 2970, 79, 1495, 458, 1093, 19, 2501, 642, 4703, 287, 3, 107, 1, 22372], [107, 22373, 7005, 187, 2495, 2386, 2342, 4647, 22374, 3, 458, 368, 107, 22375, 316, 22376, 1, 22377, 304], [22, 8, 67, 458, 9, 22378, 107, 6, 35, 3572, 763, 15, 22379], [22380, 22381, 974, 22382, 61, 3, 1691, 458, 107], [3, 2342, 728, 458, 107, 6786, 316, 2, 769, 1164, 409, 1466, 1928, 1706, 4, 67, 193, 9, 49, 90, 300, 7, 158, 32, 6176, 9, 59], [107, 4644, 263, 573, 7, 726, 436, 3, 458, 3649, 107, 44, 7001, 2, 2598, 726, 436, 22383, 1, 22384, 435, 22385], [2900, 22386, 11, 22, 1841, 2110, 13, 79, 1124, 559, 1093, 287, 458, 107, 1, 22387], [53, 10, 78, 2, 1153, 22388, 3, 22389, 107, 18, 3, 424, 7, 3, 896, 2002, 458, 553, 61, 89, 10, 30, 28, 22390], [2110, 13, 79, 1124, 559, 1093, 287, 458, 107, 1, 22391, 22392], [733, 7, 2970, 79, 1495, 458, 1093, 19, 2501, 642, 4703, 287, 3, 107, 774, 50, 10, 2345, 1, 22393, 2501, 71], [458, 79, 7006, 5363, 3434, 1602, 74, 42, 107, 290, 1071, 1310, 5214, 22394, 45, 1386, 72, 1, 22395], [22396, 9, 1043, 1953, 4, 3348, 22397, 22398, 361, 186, 7, 6870, 25, 984, 7007, 632, 1, 22399], [22400, 3, 22401, 7008, 63, 49, 6, 42, 3375, 22402, 632, 5, 22403, 2, 22404, 2400, 22405, 4, 285, 2842, 22406, 22407], [274, 7009, 632, 20, 4487, 355, 15, 32, 1, 22408, 7009, 274, 2400, 632], [291, 1675, 321, 144, 340, 1989, 119, 7, 632, 1676, 1565, 3658, 822, 348, 1099, 3659, 535, 19, 1, 22409], [22410, 7010, 7011, 3660, 1222, 8, 3, 3640, 1222, 290, 7012, 5, 2, 3660, 7013, 18, 4511, 1, 22411], [144, 2451, 291, 245, 812, 1248, 1989, 119, 7, 632, 1676, 19, 4705, 822, 348, 64, 291, 632, 1, 22412], [144, 340, 291, 5, 1989, 119, 7, 632, 1676, 2382, 2449, 1094, 2, 291, 135, 904, 11, 59, 933, 1, 4381], [2131, 7, 22413, 632, 3252, 813, 3508, 5, 22, 118, 1640, 673, 25, 79, 984, 7007, 5325, 1, 22414], [1, 22415, 6282, 11, 22416, 2091, 7014, 212, 7015, 1201, 485, 70, 617, 866, 7016, 4, 285, 8, 1344, 7017, 7018, 485, 459, 7019, 1030, 3854, 2885, 632, 70, 1, 22417], [1566, 982, 3, 2871, 2451, 291, 1989, 119, 7, 632, 1676, 12, 6072, 6073, 822, 348, 64, 1, 6074, 4345], [1566, 3491, 321, 144, 340, 1989, 119, 7, 632, 1676, 1565, 3658, 822, 348, 1099, 3659, 535, 3, 1, 22418, 291], [1566, 321, 144, 340, 1989, 119, 7, 632, 1676, 1565, 3658, 822, 348, 1099, 3659, 535, 19, 959, 6070, 1, 22419, 4384], [22420, 22421, 343, 1236, 179, 2012, 2012, 1305, 632, 7, 806, 1305, 2012, 22422], [7010, 7011, 3660, 1222, 8, 3, 3640, 1222, 290, 7012, 5, 2, 3660, 7013, 18, 3, 1, 22423], [2871, 2451, 4705, 822, 348, 7020, 119, 7, 632, 1676, 1, 7021], [1, 22424, 2091, 7014, 212, 7015, 1201, 485, 70, 617, 866, 7016, 4, 285, 8, 1344, 7017, 7018, 485, 459, 7019, 1030, 3854, 2885, 632, 70, 1, 22425, 22426], [22427, 307, 6, 35, 356, 1611, 39, 229, 77, 1306, 33, 91, 173, 29, 6, 1433, 826, 550, 632, 4706, 3, 2984, 25, 191, 35, 782, 5, 839, 39], [6, 1078, 3, 79, 4, 3, 137, 1190, 1, 22428, 591, 201, 5382, 9, 4706, 698, 2, 632], [16, 151, 195, 54, 104, 2, 239, 1193, 2, 22429, 22430, 594, 62, 7022, 22431, 2, 632, 1298, 25, 698, 32, 57, 17, 8, 385, 709, 477], [22432, 632, 2627, 1496], [4083, 4778, 2184, 2184, 1326, 6390, 22433, 22434, 134, 757, 4, 4532, 22435, 1236, 1334, 387, 22436, 27, 3, 370, 632, 1, 22437, 22438], [2, 5969, 1051, 5238, 22439, 632, 28, 22440], [22441, 8, 3, 632, 2, 4843, 7, 306, 220, 2, 6300, 7, 22442, 195, 16, 1826], [6955, 22443, 2, 632, 20, 15], [632, 553, 232, 6963, 969, 11, 3, 269, 9, 1725, 2102, 35, 16, 173, 331, 1888, 22444], [1675, 321, 144, 340, 1989, 119, 7, 632, 1676, 1565, 3658, 822, 348, 1099, 3659, 535, 19, 2140, 1, 22445, 22446, 334], [22, 858, 4645, 8, 29, 215, 17, 141, 22447, 249, 1528, 25, 3, 632, 1, 22448, 6881, 58, 22449], [1523, 92, 6, 84, 5, 2, 22450, 435, 3161, 555, 13, 8, 33, 1523, 5, 3, 148, 616, 56, 30, 16, 845, 11, 2, 74, 42, 56, 30, 16, 477], [616, 7, 2, 22451, 22452, 191, 7, 148, 116, 606, 22453, 2185, 22, 18, 40, 1025, 22454, 304], [3180, 2558, 2111, 2558, 5797, 673, 253, 27, 992, 33, 3, 148, 616, 5, 160], [22, 1120, 328, 33, 3, 148, 616], [382, 10, 4, 22455, 129, 4299, 328, 33, 3, 148, 616, 39, 55, 112, 514, 72, 5, 161, 676], [1705, 3650, 39, 6, 35, 92, 6, 84, 4707, 2953, 311, 2, 125, 8, 3, 148, 616], [4239, 5, 3, 148, 616, 18, 22456, 22457, 22458, 187, 4312, 2867, 1, 22459], [22460, 7, 148, 22461, 337, 3073, 249, 3801, 4770, 1028, 4, 2, 468, 616, 1, 22462], [56, 1110, 22463, 358, 76, 3, 148, 616, 22464], [6275, 287, 1638, 22465, 60, 340, 35, 866, 179, 98, 542, 1765, 188, 290, 22466, 26, 3, 1513, 148, 616], [3650, 6, 35, 92, 6, 84, 4707, 442, 2, 125, 8, 3, 148, 616], [2, 148, 12, 3306, 44, 1110, 2, 93, 119, 76, 3, 148, 616], [6630, 53, 93, 678, 204, 148, 89, 93, 835, 3113, 70, 138, 70, 2, 22467, 749, 63, 597, 686, 5139, 6459, 3175, 70, 677], [3650, 6, 35, 92, 6, 84, 4707, 2953, 2, 125, 8, 3, 148, 616, 14, 4484, 21, 8, 22468, 9, 272, 7, 1734, 140, 935], [22469, 2222, 22470, 22471, 66, 2662, 10, 1082, 129, 530, 80, 159, 76, 3, 148, 616, 3, 148, 439, 4684], [22472, 11, 22473, 2068, 14, 1148, 328, 33, 3, 148, 616], [22474, 2, 1014, 3125, 5, 14, 869, 186, 6, 104, 14, 6872, 328, 33, 3, 148, 616, 9, 177, 271, 610, 76, 2, 6, 192, 22, 1115], [328, 9, 1091, 33, 3, 148, 616], [66, 30, 65, 72, 19, 3314, 288, 3680, 141, 22475, 76, 3, 148, 616, 7, 4043, 9, 22476], [6811, 112, 38, 5, 2, 148, 616, 681, 14, 180, 87], [22477, 252, 277, 20, 3, 4541, 903, 269, 1523, 69, 8, 6757, 3, 1561, 149, 15, 8, 3, 148, 616], [6306, 1323, 504, 769, 3139, 22478, 27, 33, 4329, 3, 148, 616], [22, 8, 3, 67, 1240, 2103, 16, 3, 148, 616, 61, 8, 22, 3519, 1, 22479, 22480], [328, 33, 3, 148, 616, 768, 723, 31, 43, 123, 12], [336, 174, 730, 110, 2, 93, 119, 1921, 3, 128, 345, 12, 274, 160, 24, 91, 1079, 1049, 17, 1119, 14, 2805, 12, 17, 22481], [3871, 10, 35, 16, 47, 1860, 10, 33, 4, 6913, 301, 712, 34, 3, 345, 307, 138, 1195, 209, 40, 197, 725, 513, 6, 516, 699, 10, 15, 8], [2169, 611, 250, 2, 6485, 78, 16, 345, 29, 22482, 172, 3773, 108, 4, 2, 6799, 51, 6959, 906, 2597, 205, 27, 6845], [196, 2255, 38, 4, 22483, 15, 8, 16, 2, 345, 15, 8, 2, 22484, 7, 2, 4437, 6553, 190, 3711, 28, 22485], [6659, 873, 22486, 22487, 345, 7, 1589, 42, 27, 3, 6448, 4114, 72, 5, 3614, 1, 22488], [22489, 685, 935, 18, 17, 2, 2971, 345, 1180, 21, 8, 233, 761, 56, 24, 45, 233], [22490, 6871, 14, 345], [22491, 6, 1171, 6, 81, 163, 10, 9, 38, 829, 23, 67, 506, 5, 1586, 14, 3298, 133, 2514, 375, 38, 22, 169, 4, 26, 95, 345], [400, 128, 345], [1446, 7, 2245, 22492, 22493, 22, 22494, 22495, 345, 8, 635, 5, 22496, 13, 832, 2094, 1271, 1, 4847, 1, 22497], [39, 6, 41, 26, 5734, 301, 1693, 34, 417, 34, 480, 29, 10, 710, 31, 4, 13, 2, 52, 345, 6944, 5, 991], [944, 22498, 345, 22499, 2603, 1200, 11, 2392, 236, 142, 13, 22500, 22501, 1894, 349, 1, 22502, 1, 22503], [22504, 30, 55, 45, 608, 2, 701, 345, 311, 55, 829, 26, 22505, 2424], [345, 1030, 443, 13, 833, 710, 607, 11, 3, 268, 94, 5, 14, 125, 9, 11, 2, 1083], [22506, 321, 457, 643, 14, 978, 16, 793, 22507, 288, 345, 978, 41, 6680, 38, 22508, 22509], [2734, 2894, 1863, 345, 19, 93, 119, 703, 778, 111, 154, 62, 199, 346, 1, 22510, 2065], [410, 228, 111, 154, 62, 569, 1075, 3083, 420, 2, 345, 635, 5, 913, 131, 1, 22511], [6, 6, 829, 1325, 14, 22512, 13, 345, 11, 22513], [2852, 3, 128, 126, 8, 3, 2033, 345], [22514, 5745, 46, 345, 5360, 1, 22515], [2075, 6829, 76, 1185, 9, 66, 4, 677, 15, 1, 22516, 1364, 905, 5249, 22517, 2363, 3617, 1038, 1046, 334, 1271, 981, 22518, 5189], [72, 4, 72, 33, 6, 35, 12, 2, 1402, 7, 2971, 345], [22519, 22520, 6503, 22521, 22522, 636, 22523, 5123, 290, 3206, 345, 1151, 1294, 106, 22524], [22525, 611, 375, 2747, 17, 5318, 78, 16, 345], [151, 345, 266, 1065, 87, 8, 6743], [22526, 1960, 22527, 902, 4, 22528, 40, 22529, 39, 3, 4600, 8, 3, 1700, 345, 6712, 40, 1839, 2971, 1349, 4620], [188, 53, 93, 23, 40, 345, 9, 40, 6660, 55, 354, 461, 108, 22530, 12, 40, 180], [22531, 8, 1499, 7, 45, 64, 5383, 50, 17, 345, 132, 742, 4, 30, 49, 1378, 7, 22532, 18, 15, 22533, 4, 2, 22534, 944, 57], [22535, 117, 173, 6879, 4267, 211, 345, 1316, 645], [29, 810, 22536, 8, 92, 6, 84, 1613, 7, 675, 9, 22537, 22538, 3134, 8, 92, 6, 84, 2, 151, 345, 5585, 6, 35, 75, 19], [2546, 8, 2, 272, 2141, 345, 306, 220, 10, 81, 608, 4, 359, 2, 125, 22539, 22540, 2185, 1, 22541], [22542, 6, 41, 165, 40, 22543, 361, 15, 41, 26, 1069, 361, 6, 356, 23, 476, 106, 41, 608, 67, 345, 110, 422], [22544, 227, 14, 191, 61, 8, 2, 3575, 345], [349, 22545], [17, 121, 683, 2, 128, 345, 514, 153, 1142], [22546, 74, 42, 294, 3, 22547, 5, 2, 4648, 22548, 22549, 3, 295, 1373, 63, 290, 2690, 47, 345, 8, 276], [158, 32, 22550, 66, 2338, 91, 65, 970, 17, 232, 5, 91, 7, 2, 272, 2252, 22551, 2699, 21, 5, 226, 22552, 6211, 8, 16, 3, 22553, 265, 22554], [6, 35, 164, 5467, 5, 14, 2983, 6, 35, 22555, 6, 35, 18, 14, 345], [2734, 2894, 1863, 345, 19, 226, 568, 703, 778, 1, 22556], [22557, 22558, 6, 1318, 18, 3967, 22559, 6, 37, 155, 1894, 63, 349, 5, 1247, 24, 2, 233, 22560], [1052, 124, 22561, 22562, 374, 22563, 4462, 22564, 6835, 45, 349, 11, 22565, 22566, 4383, 6685, 2080, 106], [2741, 69, 2407, 62, 746, 12, 2035, 13, 349, 69, 8, 47, 22567, 966, 11, 22568, 67, 22569, 2674, 22570], [2, 506, 18, 1151, 8, 1216, 15, 863, 15, 2744, 22571, 246, 2, 302, 64, 1, 22572, 28, 22573], [6, 35, 937, 39, 53, 10, 23, 4, 22574, 4, 349, 4, 6543, 587, 117, 3, 1967, 934, 63, 1583, 209, 40, 253, 33, 3, 115, 699, 15, 19, 17], [22575, 19, 3651, 6925, 348, 22576, 7, 3876, 146, 3, 2192, 7, 22577, 817, 39, 219, 22578, 22579, 4, 22580, 12, 128, 349], [278, 2, 464, 22581, 485, 785, 360, 12, 889, 564, 6665, 22582, 23, 322, 17, 19, 478, 22583, 65, 23, 68, 139, 5, 2109], [349, 4163, 25, 329, 3486, 4067, 5, 52, 5326, 92, 6, 84, 363, 4620, 1, 22584], [317, 6464, 4047, 17, 2, 151, 832, 4, 267, 608, 128, 349, 8, 2, 93, 119, 9, 15, 27, 439, 1880, 28, 22585], [1631, 512, 6, 192, 91, 802, 22586, 3902, 9, 1550, 1472, 4328, 14, 802, 349, 3712, 439, 38, 22587], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 4708, 1, 22588, 22589, 1818, 638, 4709, 866, 52, 349, 52, 1361, 4710], [153, 9, 1088, 6, 683, 45, 211, 139, 5, 2280, 96, 148, 4468, 1294, 128, 349, 28, 22590, 22591], [4643, 116, 22592, 437, 7, 2769, 218, 4305, 106, 22593, 1115, 1411, 3205, 1432, 349, 1, 22594, 1, 22595], [3, 614, 12, 16, 22596, 129, 349, 651, 1, 22597], [349, 3431, 22598, 22599], [22600, 1937, 51, 4432, 16, 4, 2305, 22601, 349, 269, 12, 2769, 63, 5, 280, 5457, 2882, 2, 1722, 5340], [7006, 22602, 11, 96, 349, 287, 22603, 2136, 4, 2148, 6267, 1, 22604, 1, 22605], [22606, 382, 10, 11, 22607, 2, 1551, 2, 1744, 1000, 128, 349, 32, 7, 2, 1897, 7, 534, 9, 1651, 271, 3151], [22608, 4564, 7, 3, 944, 809, 74, 42, 217, 9, 799, 13, 217, 59, 1834, 5142, 1016, 163, 1, 22609], [5461, 91, 244, 4453, 14, 7023, 7, 349, 635, 4, 5441, 2234, 22610, 212, 22611, 22612, 7, 22613, 22614], [40, 22615, 8, 67, 7, 2, 239, 22616, 131, 349, 1, 22617, 483, 22618, 783, 71], [22619, 4672, 22620, 6, 50, 6523, 31, 3, 85, 22621, 4, 193, 188, 53, 15, 8, 3, 1374, 1731, 7004, 246, 4, 26, 233, 18, 75, 1262, 59, 349, 24, 252, 22622, 1329], [1818, 638, 22623, 3588, 289, 1168, 349], [1610, 791, 21, 2016, 4686, 7, 153, 55, 92, 6, 84, 192, 128, 349, 1, 22624, 1342, 4080, 7024, 30, 16, 7025, 1787, 7026], [6, 155, 22, 8, 14, 312, 11, 22625, 355, 32, 2, 349, 7, 206, 22626, 22627, 22628, 21, 1788, 1, 22629], [22630, 6395, 2, 22631, 374, 1538, 2756, 4681, 376, 296, 510, 22632, 5110, 4, 1316, 142, 774, 50, 10, 2345, 1, 22633], [179, 98, 2169, 22634, 4, 178, 240, 2233, 4, 124, 3, 125, 288, 128, 349, 1, 22635], [1467, 22636, 22637, 113, 8, 69, 587, 5, 741, 4, 1547, 22638, 186, 3402, 69, 210, 26, 1, 22639], [6, 41, 22640, 22641, 4, 128, 349], [1610, 791, 21, 2016, 4686, 7, 153, 55, 92, 6, 84, 192, 128, 349, 1, 22642, 1342, 4080, 7024, 30, 16, 7025, 1787, 7026], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 4708, 1, 22643, 22644, 1818, 638, 4709, 866, 52, 349, 52, 1361, 4710], [22645, 22646, 22647, 22648, 63, 996, 15, 11, 3, 367, 22649, 47, 349, 2635, 22650, 37, 33, 4, 646, 587], [2048, 195, 16, 190, 17, 54, 44, 6810, 9, 702, 5, 1377, 42, 39, 155, 54, 41, 31, 69, 3, 562, 7, 349, 22651, 1, 22652], [75, 22653, 47, 1207, 61, 22, 1225, 189, 19, 129, 458, 1490, 1545, 288, 349, 1432, 1894, 55, 962, 33, 1842, 1468, 16, 1249], [193, 4213, 22654, 22655, 349, 9, 6090, 6657, 5573, 2519, 515, 593, 1, 22656], [6, 344, 3, 137, 79, 25, 4708, 1, 22657, 1818, 638, 4709, 866, 52, 349, 52, 1361, 4710], [1488, 47, 4454, 439, 111, 657, 11, 349, 5638, 5, 6936, 131, 1, 22658, 22659], [2, 22660, 1310, 6628, 112, 22661, 11, 706, 349, 4, 26, 1221, 4, 2, 22662, 200, 1, 22663, 72], [5, 2865, 7, 2, 295, 1242, 7, 153, 9, 1088, 219, 361, 1432, 128, 349, 28, 22664], [833, 45, 10, 50, 3546, 55, 23, 68, 252, 22665, 11, 2, 473, 77, 474, 1324, 1614, 9, 56, 24, 29, 2041, 13, 421, 3143, 108, 710], [6, 908, 22666, 16, 22667, 9, 22668, 14, 1589, 181, 22669, 6, 563, 3345, 2, 473, 77, 474, 29, 26, 22670, 41, 30, 29, 18, 22671, 1966, 9, 22672], [3, 5665, 473, 77, 474, 56, 30, 16, 13, 15, 283], [190, 6, 35, 5, 3, 473, 77, 474, 7, 6972], [1523, 5, 3, 4373, 3572, 3, 6557, 9, 22673, 11, 14, 867, 80, 1592, 287, 14, 473, 77, 474, 22674, 5, 52, 431, 187, 28, 22675, 22676], [279, 1713, 11, 22677, 3, 473, 77, 474, 8, 283, 70, 2380, 28, 22678], [151, 68, 72, 535, 3, 473, 77, 474, 44, 277, 22679, 1178, 1257, 95, 3497, 1528, 484, 127, 16, 188, 31, 963, 31, 5, 1612, 157, 158, 32, 114], [85, 81, 314, 51, 117, 874, 5, 3, 473, 77, 474], [15, 27, 3, 473, 77, 474, 50, 22680, 17, 1704, 43, 72, 1394, 9, 4428, 76, 221, 59], [830, 3207, 844, 3207, 75, 1251, 343, 22681, 5, 22682, 1, 22683], [52, 431, 3, 473, 77, 474, 121, 7, 5829, 21, 5, 52, 431, 5843, 19, 2, 22684, 2227, 940, 3721, 22685, 2819, 1, 22686], [22687, 2823, 799, 13, 1670, 25, 473, 77, 474, 1949, 4, 22688, 4288, 71, 2840, 1, 22689, 22690, 1, 22691], [22692, 5, 2, 93, 119, 611, 9, 22693, 375, 2126, 75, 9, 75, 2126, 55, 41, 3345, 2, 473, 77, 474, 894, 23, 3029, 12, 96], [72, 25, 1787, 22694, 9, 1993, 473, 77, 474, 1, 22695], [22696, 387, 22697, 1091, 33, 3, 473, 77, 474, 85], [6, 1977, 4, 1209, 1771, 1427, 174, 730, 110, 61, 3, 473, 77, 474, 7, 64, 15, 44, 68, 1, 22698, 851, 290, 22699], [473, 77, 474, 22700, 2132, 22701, 1111, 254, 6230, 22702, 617, 4649, 3683, 1563, 1, 22703, 1, 22704], [1136, 241, 641, 22705, 9, 22706, 41, 26, 22707, 2, 6914, 1919, 6807, 12, 564, 22708, 22709, 1, 22710], [22711, 2, 1211, 830, 9, 22712, 1413, 21, 5, 40, 537, 17, 142, 5, 306, 220, 2, 473, 77, 474, 27, 22713], [14, 22714, 22, 917, 3544, 32, 4, 178, 3, 473, 77, 474, 1949, 157, 22715, 28, 22716], [473, 77, 474, 17, 44, 22717, 11, 59, 86, 49, 456, 9, 92, 6, 84, 1343, 3, 22718, 6, 84, 5, 2924, 7, 1140, 942], [4989, 3106, 6153, 41, 10, 92, 6, 84, 50, 38, 647, 1, 22719, 22720, 154, 62, 199, 473, 77, 474, 1, 22721], [166, 743, 6975, 116, 1, 22722, 22723, 22724, 6756, 22725, 3946, 473, 77, 474, 22726, 22727, 1324, 22728, 196, 22729], [136, 676, 4, 31, 4, 3, 2418, 618, 867, 80, 1592, 473, 77, 474, 7, 2854, 18, 22, 2429], [473, 77, 474, 293, 22730, 12, 22731, 22732, 22733, 22734, 22735, 28, 22736], [257, 33, 6, 23, 109, 47, 941, 7, 756, 17, 610, 12, 5, 14, 85, 19, 2, 640, 473, 77, 474, 22737], [440, 3072, 4649, 46, 473, 77, 474, 670, 694, 1, 22738, 2537], [310, 3, 52, 1263, 567, 1532, 5, 161, 694, 6, 30, 16, 188, 104, 255, 6, 35, 51, 6, 702, 36, 1549, 61, 3, 473, 77, 474, 1754, 240, 640, 847], [3345, 2, 473, 77, 474], [22739, 72, 609, 204, 22740, 672, 3, 22741, 12, 2, 1424, 34, 10, 3703, 69, 6899, 2625, 7, 473, 77, 474, 6, 22742, 34, 396, 1704, 4], [22743, 248, 473, 77, 474, 60, 22, 2431, 2723, 895, 2, 126, 852, 1780, 7, 444, 761, 17, 8, 1073], [5, 22744, 55, 4543, 2645, 22745, 22746, 22747, 3, 473, 77, 474, 22748, 22749, 22750, 28, 22751], [2, 473, 77, 474, 22752, 7, 3578, 116, 22753, 63, 10, 172, 37, 165, 2, 22754, 1054, 1, 22755, 22756], [473, 77, 474, 1317, 144, 1625, 5, 803, 676, 22757], [22, 454, 44, 68, 3, 473, 77, 474, 39, 22, 8, 1853, 61, 6, 5696, 2, 52, 431, 187, 1479, 7, 14, 1299, 4, 26, 33], [14, 229, 77, 85, 109, 3, 229, 77, 2224, 695, 3791, 978, 33, 473, 77, 474], [118, 22758, 1, 22759, 217, 9, 2442, 87, 382, 10, 29, 221, 2735, 15, 44, 68, 713, 3, 473, 77, 474, 7, 22760, 4420, 29, 75, 1262, 6, 22761], [22, 504, 454, 44, 68, 49, 6720, 473, 77, 474, 22762, 3280], [934, 22763, 22764, 2, 473, 77, 474, 684, 5, 1609, 70, 7, 4692, 22765, 22766, 1, 22767, 22768, 1, 22769], [34, 314, 130, 22770, 222, 102, 22771, 22772, 430, 2744, 22773, 1502, 28, 22774], [2265, 7, 1079, 6462, 9, 79, 7, 797, 1265, 314, 130, 20, 762, 1, 22775, 11, 22776], [14, 22777, 22778, 109, 2, 437, 4, 293, 36, 726, 9, 677, 2, 314, 130, 3936, 3, 22779, 4387, 28, 22780], [2117, 314, 130, 23, 412, 3, 562, 7, 596, 5, 102, 160, 8, 67, 7, 2, 2488, 130, 1, 22781, 22782, 1, 22783], [1361, 1124, 255, 45, 7, 3473, 1457, 24, 99, 22, 1361, 2187, 20, 22784, 5056, 1, 22785, 1, 22786], [91, 233, 3591, 7, 1343, 170, 25, 1555, 5568, 430, 48, 73, 8, 356, 1122, 2, 314, 130, 205, 57, 1, 22787], [191, 6120, 22, 8, 1073, 102, 44, 1133, 2207, 18, 324, 447, 314, 130, 1, 22788, 697, 128, 514, 22789], [1196, 1911, 4, 102, 4, 677, 314, 130, 1, 22790], [22791, 4, 61, 2631, 44, 22792, 2615, 4, 22793, 22794, 2411, 5106, 2, 102, 314, 130], [4147, 11, 14, 3633, 54, 8, 5, 102, 1357, 18, 2, 314, 130], [546, 13, 314, 130, 2707, 93, 119, 3895, 797, 1204, 1132, 1386, 52, 1010, 359, 1151, 6, 1171, 22, 8, 2, 2383, 5, 22795], [22796, 6, 27, 1114, 60, 10, 110, 51, 6, 27, 1788, 60, 2, 314, 130], [22797, 22798, 1010, 359, 1668, 279, 594, 62, 7022, 22799, 130, 332, 292, 22800, 60, 2, 1322, 1, 22801], [22802, 607, 22803, 6142, 57, 4651, 183, 186, 102, 8, 3, 896, 22804, 314, 48, 3494, 8, 2146, 52, 130], [314, 130, 1561, 38, 2, 400, 32, 33, 806, 47], [115, 61, 6, 89, 1066, 4, 26, 5, 981, 205, 57, 4, 190, 18, 2, 314, 130], [5, 3578, 2167, 8, 3574, 269, 5, 96, 56, 23, 6379, 320, 6534, 314, 130, 4706, 890, 251, 3908, 1719, 22805], [56, 210, 37, 23, 3157, 4456, 6639, 9, 55, 41, 45, 37, 232, 33, 55, 5, 2, 314, 9, 23, 1146, 130, 1758, 18, 48, 9, 29, 12], [1196, 25, 22806, 1130, 24, 1911, 4, 102, 4, 677, 314, 130, 1, 22807, 22808, 1, 22809], [301, 314, 130, 32, 797, 24, 901], [1256, 3183, 4, 190, 18, 102, 314, 130, 1, 22810, 58, 22811], [7027, 7028, 7029, 4, 285, 1058, 2, 32, 7, 941, 314, 130, 5, 102, 188, 5, 2, 222, 538, 7, 2, 305, 590, 7030], [145, 1378, 22812, 22813, 102, 314, 130, 1349, 1089, 4, 90, 364, 1709, 1, 22814], [115, 6864, 314, 22815, 19, 22816, 22817, 22818, 1322, 22819, 22820, 8, 4, 104, 61, 1674, 56, 1826, 259, 197, 46, 214, 130], [22821, 763, 71, 7, 314, 130, 9, 289, 45, 8, 507], [40, 50, 41, 4232, 249, 789, 22822, 653, 314, 130, 2771, 40, 871], [22823, 6589, 22824, 91, 2341, 5211, 7031, 22825, 4, 129, 48, 2794, 2621, 314, 130, 22826], [314, 596, 130, 160, 6, 249], [1028, 22827, 77, 22828, 761, 191, 22829, 359, 54, 346, 16, 4, 22830, 42, 43, 2, 347, 7, 65, 63, 22831, 21, 33, 314, 130, 22832, 10, 516, 26, 4826], [14, 537, 610, 32, 4, 45, 211, 22833, 20, 2, 314, 130, 5, 22834], [314, 130, 5, 102, 563, 26, 75, 972, 4041, 132, 37, 26, 1673, 333, 2910, 18, 2810, 22835, 707, 22836, 20, 91, 6726, 22837], [195, 2, 22838, 22839, 178, 10, 1098, 35, 6, 2560, 11, 3, 194, 789, 32, 19, 1, 22840, 22841, 1, 22842], [22843, 22844, 4874, 12, 896, 222, 102, 194, 6637, 71], [48, 5, 4521, 329, 214, 1683, 4, 3557, 1932, 22845, 201, 3942, 1, 22846], [1578, 2364, 35, 48, 452, 1578, 2364, 194, 48, 452, 1578, 2364, 1033, 917, 849, 1, 22847, 4717], [2502, 1996, 1379, 4695, 80, 64, 849, 510, 234, 2502, 1996, 194, 933, 483, 7032, 4544, 7033, 1, 22848, 3661], [55, 210, 45, 23, 3, 48, 1176, 312, 116, 3933, 22849, 2477, 94, 194, 261, 22850, 34, 22851, 21, 1239, 11, 2, 945, 1, 22852], [91, 22853, 56, 1491, 33, 3, 194, 28, 22854, 22855, 20, 3301, 5503], [745, 3356, 194, 1380, 22856, 5, 50, 1477, 33, 15, 210, 245, 1546, 2002, 1229, 976, 3838, 1, 22857], [2540, 259, 48, 111, 154, 62, 569, 2806, 296, 22858, 2647, 1706, 4, 2243, 73, 2594, 43, 194, 1, 22859, 2400, 3215], [26, 22860, 2550, 1, 22861], [102, 194, 1536, 59, 237, 39, 853, 1692, 1, 22862, 369, 4148, 846, 1, 22863], [3661, 2502, 1996, 1379, 4695, 80, 64, 849, 510, 234, 2502, 1996, 194, 933, 483, 7032, 4544, 7033, 1, 22864, 22865], [8, 858, 19, 1011, 11, 3, 919, 194, 306, 220, 169, 1482, 3, 12, 22866, 1, 22867], [102, 8, 2621, 176, 4039, 1058, 234, 194, 29, 692, 1, 22868], [194, 1929, 12, 102, 93, 119, 1001, 1484, 13, 6681, 203, 1, 3311, 22869, 1, 22870], [1227, 22871, 12, 194, 2386, 22872, 9, 2182, 7, 130, 1688, 575, 9, 1988, 7, 1386, 108, 45, 438, 22873, 4209, 203, 22874], [2, 239, 1206, 194, 6209, 875, 90, 5370, 381, 22875, 205, 57, 1, 22876], [6, 1793, 1098, 61, 15, 8, 17, 6, 112, 4, 30, 29, 935, 4, 1583, 271], [818, 2, 268, 1429, 48, 44, 4054, 76, 3473, 272, 5459, 194, 22, 207, 1, 22877, 1, 22878, 22879], [194, 261, 4364, 615, 875, 8, 684, 1802, 4014, 1, 22880, 22881, 1974, 1, 22882], [1821, 1670, 4, 399, 237, 34, 1206, 194, 1929, 12, 1, 22883], [102, 8, 2621, 176, 4039, 1058, 234, 194, 29, 692, 2, 268, 1429, 48, 1, 22884], [7034, 48, 452, 564, 510, 234, 7034, 194, 6830, 22, 5352, 48, 8, 146, 1, 22885, 22886], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 22887, 1, 22888, 22889], [804, 263, 71, 818, 2, 268, 1429, 48, 44, 4054, 76, 3473, 272, 1, 22890, 3752, 80, 159, 1, 22891], [22, 2289, 198, 3641, 14, 2062, 703, 778, 6412, 194, 6493, 22892, 28, 22893], [194, 1907, 17, 8, 2, 1253, 25, 22894], [11, 211, 4702, 20, 2, 22895, 160, 24, 91, 233, 2173, 1931, 4, 190, 10, 5, 2, 22896, 1, 22897], [3661, 6488, 434, 9, 434, 1607, 667, 3141, 194, 69, 24, 136, 1900, 926, 4, 2, 1247, 799, 13, 1, 22898], [22899, 350, 1138, 194, 22900, 4100, 1, 22901, 58, 6199], [708, 1799, 1196, 1659, 22902, 4, 236, 22903, 19, 290, 1071, 22904, 2502, 1996, 194, 2502, 1, 22905, 3661], [2, 239, 194, 1536, 59, 237, 39, 853, 1692, 22906, 783, 71, 1574, 1, 22907], [102, 194, 1536, 59, 237, 39, 853, 1692, 1, 22908, 1, 22909], [11, 3058, 207, 5, 3, 2393, 3798, 1988, 11, 475, 1035, 4, 4084, 22, 64, 20, 185, 1802, 31, 3, 22910, 28, 22911], [475, 22912, 4420, 6988, 22913, 22914, 5, 3, 451, 22915, 22916, 1, 22917], [14, 7035, 846, 7036, 9, 113, 6, 35, 92, 6, 84, 1165, 798, 20, 254, 1369, 475, 296, 70, 2674, 4473, 1, 22918, 22919, 1716, 22920], [2963, 1367, 143, 1798, 87, 2951, 1485, 287, 475, 1, 22921, 3027, 13, 2246], [913, 1085, 1293, 12, 1151, 11, 1435, 4, 475, 1671, 1, 22922, 1035], [22923, 913, 1085, 1293, 12, 1151, 11, 1435, 4, 475, 1671, 1, 22924], [328, 768, 19, 2, 475, 612, 42], [913, 1085, 1293, 12, 1151, 11, 1435, 4, 22925, 1, 22926], [51, 6, 4107, 15, 1091, 33, 3, 475, 929, 605], [475, 22927, 1402, 11, 22928, 22929, 445, 1843, 22930, 18, 1952, 1, 22931, 1, 22932], [2860, 22933, 6742, 1667, 728, 3462, 4, 575, 295, 1242, 7, 22934, 83, 19, 22935, 5, 22936, 22937], [2963, 1367, 143, 1798, 87, 2951, 1485, 287, 475, 1, 22938], [1035, 913, 1085, 1293, 12, 1151, 11, 1435, 4, 475, 1671, 2, 913, 1181, 7, 1035, 8, 1, 22939], [745, 216, 7, 2118, 2700, 475, 22940], [475, 1423, 6667, 1545, 4711, 241, 359, 1, 22941, 1174, 212, 22942, 2972], [2963, 1367, 143, 1798, 87, 2951, 1485, 287, 475, 1, 22943, 48, 2246], [67, 506, 6, 516, 13, 241, 6, 168, 8, 1395, 4104, 5, 3, 75, 475, 18, 47, 885, 12, 22944], [22945, 2, 3393, 1077, 4221, 89, 138, 4, 3, 22946, 2395, 1236, 5, 3, 22947, 47], [22948, 1828, 22949, 1621, 8, 33, 3, 7037, 5, 3, 475, 713, 3, 22950], [913, 1085, 1293, 12, 1151, 11, 1435, 4, 475, 1671, 1, 22951], [2963, 1367, 143, 1798, 87, 2951, 1485, 287, 475, 1, 22952], [913, 1085, 1293, 12, 1151, 11, 1435, 4, 475, 1671, 1, 22953, 22954], [14, 6455, 4554, 1150, 825, 22, 489, 204, 901, 475, 5, 1679, 4064, 1, 22955], [22956, 77, 22957, 22958, 475, 1, 22959, 22960, 745, 3838], [53, 10, 789, 40, 22961, 3263, 22962, 9, 6889, 22963, 43, 9, 481, 4541, 751, 1036, 7, 475, 10, 150, 26, 3, 5881, 3525], [6, 33, 2, 1691, 1412, 33, 332, 7, 22964, 133, 63, 475, 63, 245, 1656, 821, 28, 22965], [3, 1344, 3318, 475, 132, 209, 741, 288, 1725, 22966, 6, 22967, 7, 2, 22968, 29, 18, 17, 250, 686, 2605, 22969, 22970, 59, 86, 2302], [3505, 254, 2831, 475, 5453, 2173, 1560, 22971, 3788, 7005, 305, 7, 82, 22972, 22973, 1, 22974, 22975], [52, 2074, 9, 6985, 36, 475, 22976, 647, 1, 22977], [216, 7, 2118, 2700, 475, 1, 22978, 170, 22979, 745], [1035, 913, 1085, 1293, 12, 1151, 11, 1435, 4, 475, 1671, 1, 22980], [811, 27, 2879, 255, 14, 2242, 2038, 36, 46, 2, 1561, 475, 28, 22981, 22982], [22983, 30, 16, 26, 3, 7037, 5, 3, 475, 1083, 38, 671, 22984], [2972, 1423, 135, 7038, 185, 1802, 1545, 4711, 2, 913, 475, 1035, 1909, 543, 62, 986, 10, 7039, 2972, 1423, 7, 7040, 1398, 1, 22985], [913, 1085, 1293, 12, 1151, 11, 1435, 4, 475, 1671, 1, 22986, 10, 58, 22987], [2, 475, 544, 3623, 14, 1257, 1916, 9, 57, 14, 22988, 8, 5, 834, 2804, 37, 204, 3531, 7, 22989, 6160, 4, 1147, 2742], [14, 7035, 846, 7036, 9, 113, 6, 35, 92, 6, 84, 1165, 798, 20, 254, 1369, 475, 296, 70, 2674, 1518, 1, 22990, 1760, 22991, 22992], [22993, 112, 907, 475, 353, 9, 91, 332, 157, 160, 261, 2050, 1966, 57], [2972, 1423, 135, 7038, 185, 1802, 1545, 4711, 2, 913, 475, 1035, 1909, 543, 62, 986, 10, 7039, 2972, 1423, 7, 7040, 1398, 1, 22994], [913, 1085, 1293, 12, 1151, 11, 1435, 4, 475, 1671, 1, 22995, 1, 22996], [4712, 646, 1054, 5, 1483, 4667, 453, 131, 1494, 7041, 2252, 1173, 139, 1054, 65, 9, 318, 119, 1, 22997], [74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 140, 46, 1573, 1167, 1, 22998], [6, 356, 1481, 22999, 14, 537, 19, 318, 2159, 173, 6981], [2, 385, 330, 4522, 1703, 3026, 1501, 915, 4, 26, 23000, 11, 318, 1991, 23001, 9, 7031, 23002, 281, 151, 23003], [4712, 1257, 48, 12, 453, 261, 1483, 23004, 4256, 1421, 161, 3, 454, 46, 2252, 1795, 139, 566, 453, 5631, 1, 23005, 23006], [111, 657, 318, 481, 139, 5, 2211, 7, 2496, 440, 1218, 74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 139, 5, 7042, 1, 23007], [67, 115, 7043, 725, 204, 318, 12, 4466, 530, 80, 64, 2332, 1, 23008], [440, 1218, 74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 139, 1, 23009], [23010, 6820, 318, 2511, 802, 106, 20, 23011, 8, 350, 23012, 1, 23013, 23014, 58, 1518, 23015, 1893, 23016, 23017], [3102, 23018, 250, 7, 2, 2905, 7, 211, 2484, 20, 2, 432, 19, 23019, 23020, 3, 1374, 23021, 23022, 15, 563, 2660, 2, 23023], [102, 1647, 23, 3736, 29, 3737, 7, 1336, 73, 139, 67, 318, 136, 2981, 21, 58, 2, 1616, 135, 904, 1, 23024], [74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 140, 46, 1573, 1167, 440, 1218, 74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 139, 46, 2211, 7, 2496], [171, 952, 16, 1769, 129, 318, 2294, 1991, 1, 23025], [4712, 646, 1054, 5, 1483, 4667, 453, 131, 1494, 7041, 2252, 1173, 139, 1054, 65, 9, 318, 119, 1, 23026, 23027], [23, 10, 267, 868, 2, 1551, 73, 139, 40, 318, 23028, 2, 115, 17, 482, 40, 3141, 559, 23029, 54, 27, 1221, 7, 191], [67, 115, 7043, 725, 204, 318, 12, 4466, 530, 80, 64, 2332, 1, 23030], [1247, 3044, 315, 12, 318, 152, 21, 23031, 2, 125, 868, 25, 3622, 1, 23032], [5369, 7, 318, 3349, 146, 5972, 1, 23033], [50, 8, 2, 345, 11, 22, 318, 2696, 106], [23034, 318, 9, 4361, 134, 88, 72, 4, 255, 95, 2387, 9, 3141, 78, 9, 3177, 2, 396, 900, 4, 138, 72, 4, 23035], [74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 140, 46, 1573, 1167, 440, 1218, 2104, 1489, 217, 3, 440, 1218, 74, 42, 111, 657, 1974, 1, 23036], [74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 140, 46, 1573, 1167, 1, 23037], [74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 140, 46, 1573, 1167, 1, 23038, 762, 71, 23039], [7044, 7045, 74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 140, 46, 1573, 1167, 1, 23040, 7046], [2, 74, 42, 1327, 728, 23041, 2, 3312, 17, 22, 111, 23042, 669, 89, 26, 23043, 1, 23044, 1, 23045], [74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 140, 46, 1573, 1167, 440, 1218, 74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 139, 3, 1, 23046], [6, 35, 5598, 4, 649, 33, 3, 318, 1436, 287, 851, 53, 2, 8, 75, 158, 32, 114], [111, 657, 318, 481, 139, 5, 2211, 7, 2496, 440, 1218, 74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 139, 5, 7042, 1, 23047], [74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 140, 46, 1573, 1167], [111, 657, 318, 481, 139, 5, 2211, 7, 2496, 440, 1218, 74, 42, 163, 49, 111, 657, 44, 68, 318, 9, 3, 1, 23048], [23049, 8, 23050, 59, 86, 23051, 1991, 23052, 23053, 3506, 23, 1749, 133, 547, 162, 59, 23, 23054, 1412, 1, 23055, 2418, 618], [4342, 74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 140, 46, 1573, 1167, 440, 1218, 2104, 1489, 217, 3, 440, 1218, 4953, 1, 23056, 23057], [762, 71, 74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 140, 46, 1573, 1167, 59, 71, 1, 23058], [329, 369, 1979, 3159, 6758, 121, 8, 647, 19, 2237, 25, 2358, 23059, 190, 801, 2, 318, 5022, 2250, 18, 23060], [1264, 403, 25, 2, 2384, 2, 318, 1487, 4696, 15, 3, 23061, 6233, 1798, 25, 15, 23062, 2544, 4696, 2, 23063, 863, 59, 39], [7044, 7045, 111, 657, 318, 481, 139, 5, 2211, 7, 2496, 1, 23064, 7046], [74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 140, 46, 1573, 1167, 440, 1218, 74, 42, 111, 657, 318, 481, 139, 3, 1, 23065], [4713, 3363, 340, 8, 5, 2, 971, 3470, 2, 151, 67, 7, 2, 2154, 547, 17, 8, 16, 5, 2, 7047, 409, 2482, 2973, 7048], [23066, 23067, 54, 8, 252, 684, 160, 6, 155, 1300, 547, 23068, 5], [23069, 33, 23070, 1300, 5, 2, 547, 1179, 1, 23071], [248, 2, 23072, 547, 7, 49, 23073, 2234, 826, 7049, 936, 732, 1, 7050, 23074, 812, 23075, 23076, 826, 23077], [55, 89, 962, 2, 23078, 17, 23079, 1543, 895, 272, 3087, 547, 9, 1568], [6705, 4, 2, 2813, 23080, 20, 23081, 23082, 684, 1544, 5, 7049, 3530, 3417, 13, 23083, 1, 7050, 23084, 826], [10, 24, 6168, 34, 1065, 311, 22, 2295, 1178, 4, 3950, 10, 2772, 40, 547, 17, 10, 863, 614, 78, 4467], [116, 23085, 4713, 3363, 340, 8, 5, 2, 971, 3470, 151, 144, 7, 2, 535, 547, 17, 8, 16, 5, 2, 7047, 409, 2482, 2973, 7048], [459, 1092, 6993, 2757, 50, 10, 255, 686, 7051, 547, 19, 28, 23086], [190, 749, 63, 211, 10, 50, 73, 3530, 25, 23087, 547, 10, 81, 110, 1, 23088, 1, 23089], [3310, 5, 2, 2434, 255, 6, 23090, 32, 22, 917, 287, 980, 371, 3449, 547, 12, 589, 5150, 9, 205, 2159, 1, 23091, 435, 456], [1227, 23092, 346, 1054, 7, 23093, 2154, 7051, 547, 78, 2864, 2971, 2482, 2973, 23094, 1, 23095], [23096, 488, 3, 118, 13, 7, 40, 547, 196], [866, 5689, 547], [711, 40, 547, 6315, 20, 395, 73, 195, 16, 13, 108, 34, 4363, 5, 40, 1135, 39, 1419, 4900, 4, 23097, 141, 50, 76, 8, 1924], [6856, 5, 2, 6172, 17, 172, 209, 3, 189, 19, 211, 547, 7, 861, 53, 2367, 33, 4, 138, 4, 67, 7, 301, 2790, 122, 6965, 44, 112], [13, 4016, 11, 91, 23098, 9, 177, 4153, 2, 547, 846, 8, 3, 23099], [53, 64, 23100, 45, 547, 66, 249, 2, 7008, 2462, 4527, 2, 701], [9, 6, 614, 14, 23101, 133, 547, 78, 23102, 22, 279, 35, 16, 1357, 1657], [7052, 669, 547, 23103, 513, 1290, 7052, 1, 23104, 769, 1164, 1, 23105], [15, 8, 16, 325, 317, 6788, 51, 6014, 438, 36, 3436, 8, 15, 325, 23106, 17, 1124, 36, 51, 547, 438, 36, 23107], [6, 421, 23108, 4, 789, 32, 61, 54, 250, 63, 127, 39, 69, 1654, 4, 26, 47, 23109, 2146, 733, 547, 371, 1256], [6671, 19, 3573, 22, 44, 2861, 36, 244, 72, 19, 23110, 23111, 5721, 547, 173, 417, 960, 173, 417, 23112], [3472, 23113, 266, 75, 1262, 14, 1611, 81, 3950, 535, 547], [1497, 72, 5, 23114, 4453, 14, 7023, 2137, 18, 1356, 6895, 2130, 23115, 4713, 547, 2482, 2973], [6, 23116, 23117, 2598, 23118, 211, 7053, 2953, 6, 2188, 588, 23119, 6, 23120, 9, 3565, 25, 5835, 476, 547, 2, 229, 77, 85, 328, 33, 3, 23121, 23122], [394, 5, 2055, 23123, 508, 1054, 547, 727, 311, 4487, 1, 23124, 23125, 58, 804], [612, 23126, 2442, 16, 621, 17, 23127, 14, 293, 5, 547, 9, 23128, 8, 2, 2803], [23129, 115, 23130, 23131, 2, 3094, 23132, 928, 1543, 67, 7, 95, 547, 2, 995, 3, 562, 59, 1208, 86, 75, 6927, 112, 267], [23133, 5, 14, 23134, 547, 56, 41, 16, 23135], [1056, 23136, 147, 76, 706, 1332, 1525, 547, 106, 280, 3, 1056, 4762, 3, 147, 76, 3, 540, 7, 706, 23137, 1, 23138], [23139, 2954, 547, 43, 244, 4540, 234, 193, 1287, 1, 23140, 1, 23141], [38, 346, 162, 7, 301, 547, 172, 26, 223, 91, 1419, 1057, 1593, 895, 3677, 9, 3, 973, 16, 2971, 19, 45, 2482, 2973], [23142, 37, 23143, 32, 5, 987, 23144, 23145, 14, 372, 235, 22, 23146, 13, 2060], [23147, 2311, 147, 235], [6, 35, 3, 235], [1224, 106, 7, 52, 229, 77, 85, 27, 713, 3, 1548, 143, 235, 6, 37, 968, 4, 2405, 681, 9, 2014, 3, 562, 7, 6, 42, 2322], [235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235, 235], [127, 6, 1496, 173, 221, 35, 6, 2711, 2440, 127, 6, 1608, 3, 900, 4, 235], [6, 35, 3, 7053, 2953, 235, 23148, 2842, 3125, 248, 2, 2152, 23149, 23150], [6992, 23151, 1465, 419, 5, 235, 1, 23152], [66, 162, 893, 30, 211, 4479, 235, 31, 43, 123, 504, 23153, 18, 23154, 56, 210, 26, 922, 6785], [1029, 900, 235, 2406, 2060, 4690, 11, 1893, 1029, 900, 235, 2406, 2060, 23155, 1, 23156], [23157, 39, 2, 1316, 142, 3629, 4, 171, 952, 178, 587, 2954, 9, 620, 9, 2508, 9, 177, 235, 15, 8, 23158, 4240, 5, 23159], [23160, 6, 23161, 113, 127, 56, 23, 4, 235, 15, 18, 12, 1893, 160], [23162, 23163, 23164, 23165, 23166, 2, 2289, 900, 4, 235, 28, 23167, 443, 13, 1190, 137], [2, 2229, 1801, 235, 14, 1120, 245, 6288, 905, 23168, 5991, 2392, 567, 4534, 23169, 1, 23170, 1, 23171], [1395, 1971, 41, 26, 272, 4543, 1899, 438, 433, 188, 1463, 23172, 6, 173, 41, 165, 4674, 11, 3, 6699, 3466, 4208, 235], [641, 104, 53, 2115, 23173, 41, 26, 23174, 4915, 1204, 568, 1971, 846, 6, 175, 4, 165, 2, 143, 235], [229, 77, 23175, 23, 14, 23176, 235, 141, 253], [122, 235, 110, 29, 29, 75, 1262, 38, 9, 932, 24, 838, 6012, 68, 3, 562, 1208, 29, 156, 744, 2, 894, 27, 18, 96, 110], [6, 35, 49, 1548, 235, 205, 57], [14, 2854, 24, 3, 143, 235, 14, 97, 8, 3, 143, 235, 6, 35, 3, 235], [1245, 14, 1803, 27, 3, 2839, 271, 27, 29, 314, 15, 27, 29, 675, 14, 1693, 3, 235], [23177, 9, 2, 235, 7, 2, 1226, 23178, 23179], [1077, 1971, 1918, 304, 11, 641, 992, 11, 3, 1374, 7, 675, 269, 763, 22, 143, 235, 1, 23180, 1, 23181], [235, 18, 434, 413, 23182, 23183, 4115, 23184, 19, 23185, 5, 321, 119, 23186, 13], [109, 5, 3, 147, 235, 2, 147, 5, 1009, 7, 38, 127, 16, 461, 141, 23187, 12, 39, 15, 198, 195, 257, 233, 768, 29, 158, 32, 114], [30, 16, 155, 6, 81, 209, 1549, 1548, 235, 763, 1002, 2814, 2414, 23188], [2, 1497, 1311, 8, 2420, 1619, 1710, 39, 177, 176, 47, 2448, 1604, 12, 73, 15, 8, 371, 20, 1, 23189], [23190, 115, 168, 21, 5, 235, 1, 23191], [23192, 23193, 2532, 876, 4652, 235, 1794, 3944, 157, 161, 5737, 296, 617, 4534, 4, 296, 340, 6224, 25, 296, 340, 2451, 1893, 1, 1462, 23194], [3, 23195, 290, 23196, 235, 61, 172, 4597, 138, 935, 1, 23197], [6, 92, 6, 84, 30, 16, 13, 2, 733, 7, 3, 3786, 7054, 33, 3077, 2, 235, 15, 23198, 7054], [6, 92, 6, 84, 192, 4, 4260, 2, 4144, 39, 6, 35, 763, 22, 476, 5157, 11, 566, 676, 57, 9, 6, 35, 49, 1548, 235, 29, 2, 4144, 915, 4, 742], [227, 14, 191, 53, 4340, 168, 21, 6, 41, 26, 49, 1548, 235, 1002], [23199, 2, 6302, 23200, 67, 27, 3898, 1782, 4, 165, 5, 4607, 15, 27, 33, 3, 143, 235, 7, 23201, 9, 23202], [23203, 158, 32, 114, 266, 37, 3, 23204, 235, 422], [1518, 179, 121, 803, 1057, 124, 23205, 25, 23206, 1108, 2843, 1221, 143, 235, 1, 23207, 23208], [6, 35, 49, 1548, 235, 763, 1002], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23209], [392, 322, 34, 538, 7, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 1040, 202, 1, 23210, 23211, 295, 42, 71], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23212], [202, 295, 23213, 342, 50, 10, 7055, 2, 708, 27, 1134, 60, 392, 5317, 122, 1, 23214], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23215], [1249, 71, 116, 23216, 373, 23217, 777, 392, 8, 25, 202, 1643, 4, 6376, 179, 203, 1, 23218, 23219], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23220], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23221], [23222, 23223, 804, 3, 834, 1064, 7, 3, 5757, 17, 3395, 36, 12, 49, 1351, 245, 1656, 436, 980, 166, 454, 27, 538, 7, 2, 392, 7, 1972, 3], [1177, 315, 57, 17, 3, 834, 1064, 7, 392, 25, 1040, 202, 44, 68, 322, 12, 2165, 436, 8, 15, 480, 864, 1, 23224, 561, 23225], [299, 179, 98, 1804, 392, 4235, 4, 202, 1, 23226, 1, 23227], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23228], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23229], [948, 62, 1403, 3075, 3167, 830, 116, 23230, 2371, 2166, 7, 202, 295, 1242, 163, 557, 436, 392, 27, 3316, 1, 23231], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23232, 23233], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23234, 23235], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98], [1762, 71, 559, 392, 276, 8, 538, 7, 363, 202, 299, 179, 23236, 125, 23237, 1, 23238], [1972, 179, 98, 346, 557, 436, 392, 8, 25, 202, 1, 23239, 58, 4162], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23240], [2, 122, 834, 1064, 7, 392, 25, 2, 23241, 825, 4681, 567, 306, 220, 23242, 72, 5, 1055, 6638, 1334, 18, 2, 23243, 65, 12, 1423, 44], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23244], [1177, 315, 57, 17, 3, 834, 1064, 7, 392, 25, 1040, 202, 44, 68, 322, 12, 2165, 436, 8, 15, 480, 864, 1, 23245], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23246], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23247], [392, 8, 202, 23248, 23249, 30, 16, 23250, 202, 23251, 23252, 77, 1275], [355, 32, 299, 1804, 559, 392, 8, 25, 1040, 202, 19, 1, 23253], [1177, 315, 57, 17, 3, 834, 1064, 7, 392, 25, 1040, 202, 44, 68, 322, 12, 2165, 436, 8, 15, 480, 864, 1, 23254], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23255], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 1, 23256, 28, 23257], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23258], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23259], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23260], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23261], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23262], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 363, 1040, 202, 58, 23263], [392, 796, 322, 34, 25, 202, 299, 179, 98, 470, 9, 2, 152, 21, 7, 211, 73, 78, 1, 23264], [429, 49, 456, 12, 137, 18, 4225, 23265, 23266, 23267, 9, 57, 15, 8, 1377, 42, 64, 361], [1605, 142, 4011, 18, 317, 881, 1782, 3019, 14, 147, 8, 429, 9, 69, 8, 573, 3, 6009, 23268, 8, 5, 2, 23269, 3998], [75, 1307, 4, 271, 73, 44, 216, 417, 39, 40, 1464, 2833, 8, 429, 1512, 1943], [6, 1098, 66, 159, 395, 44, 429, 757, 4, 30, 2, 23270, 9, 1014, 845, 25, 70, 859, 70, 7055], [1054, 4488, 429, 893, 23271, 296, 1069, 23272, 1064, 78, 5820, 11, 2, 672, 7, 22, 5414, 1020, 1, 23273], [2219, 23274, 106, 712, 17, 429, 23275, 391, 94, 23276, 264, 854, 1, 23277], [974, 23278, 9, 6, 252, 129, 3338, 429, 12, 2, 701, 121, 23279, 23280, 23281], [12, 2, 6163, 4, 1046, 334, 110, 6, 270, 6, 429, 14, 23282], [1117, 429, 14, 183, 57, 15, 1172, 14, 596, 28, 23283], [71, 2219, 2503, 106, 712, 17, 429, 2208, 391, 94, 1, 23284, 110, 6, 270, 57, 3456, 264, 854], [3190, 23285, 66, 331, 5314, 429, 2699, 21, 1, 23286, 23287, 23288, 1, 23289], [1, 23290, 2503, 106, 712, 17, 429, 2208, 391, 94, 1, 23291, 1, 23292], [2, 512, 452, 844, 221, 429, 2, 135, 904], [10, 429, 38, 219, 1346, 29, 816, 5, 14, 85, 39, 15, 8, 838, 191, 109, 38], [23293, 429, 1, 23294], [23295, 23296, 13, 147, 429, 5, 143, 149, 1, 23297], [2, 2554, 5913, 3472, 8, 57, 429], [23298, 23299, 304, 158, 32, 114, 93, 109, 429], [10, 429, 14, 385, 125], [6, 429, 14, 4691, 190], [23300, 23301, 54, 16, 354, 26, 1114, 17, 51, 54, 748, 95, 253, 429, 12, 2, 122, 121, 7, 216], [429, 1522, 39, 16, 354, 26, 1803, 851, 290, 3439, 241, 106], [1, 23302, 2219, 2503, 106, 712, 17, 429, 2208, 391, 94, 1, 23303, 23304], [429, 2854], [2, 23305, 89, 26, 2, 197, 23306, 3539, 23307, 5, 734, 3861, 267, 45, 2304, 7, 95, 5444, 335, 6, 270, 54, 748, 429, 20, 3, 440, 220, 898], [23308, 17, 8, 1512, 23309, 6, 289, 15, 286, 16, 26, 429, 57, 17, 15, 8, 68, 1241, 2851], [2219, 2503, 106, 712, 17, 429, 2208, 391, 94, 1, 23310, 3456, 264, 854, 23311], [23312, 13, 93, 2, 142, 4668, 23313, 4, 31, 1347, 429], [23314, 984, 23315, 127, 10, 31, 429, 361], [112, 49, 1047, 64, 5339, 429, 19, 4106, 166, 142, 1, 23316], [2219, 106, 712, 17, 429, 22, 391, 94, 1, 23317], [12, 2, 5060, 892, 6, 429, 1, 23318], [54, 37, 429, 45, 7, 10, 1, 23319], [23320, 54, 8, 1328, 10, 81, 4037, 6, 614, 2, 1366, 73, 429, 88, 994, 27, 3, 23321, 1935, 158, 32, 114, 6940], [23322, 23323, 23324, 9, 6, 429, 10, 722], [667, 694, 87, 25, 170, 9, 56, 23, 844, 221, 45, 68, 429, 4448, 23325, 4, 14, 342, 50, 10, 11, 17, 67], [23326, 6918, 6917, 2219, 2503, 106, 712, 17, 429, 2208, 391, 94, 1, 23327], [23328, 233, 5710, 19, 2, 432, 2049, 4813, 433, 1738, 8, 429, 1, 23329], [2219, 2503, 106, 712, 17, 429, 2208, 391, 94, 3456, 264, 854, 1, 23330], [118, 13, 7, 720, 244, 625, 100, 105, 238, 73, 634, 126, 5, 715, 200, 884, 388, 1, 23331, 1, 23332], [301, 23333, 24, 1018, 4, 426, 23334, 6784, 827, 1823, 23335, 23336, 28, 23337], [592, 74, 42, 262, 434, 4542, 5, 592, 1, 23338], [1675, 3635, 3636, 9, 23339, 688, 13, 2421, 617, 23340, 6838, 3637, 1, 23341], [674, 1753], [410, 793, 1125, 3610, 11, 511, 131, 5, 401, 2162, 17, 139, 985, 1, 23342, 1, 23343], [227, 14, 191, 291], [324, 279, 3354, 47, 185, 11, 599, 5653, 882, 2401, 133, 687, 360, 1039, 19, 1775, 179, 98, 1644, 1, 23344, 203], [333, 531, 360, 4097, 23345, 23346, 37, 51, 6, 312, 4, 2136, 317, 881, 46, 3, 207], [49, 8, 540, 100, 105, 238, 634, 49, 23347, 4685, 5, 3, 511, 698, 3, 401, 594, 62, 199, 1877, 6796, 1421, 532, 65], [6, 37, 505, 3, 198, 114, 497, 9, 271, 8, 1803, 851, 290, 3439, 233], [3, 1213, 506, 37, 528, 9, 6, 505, 586, 9, 57, 2, 385, 530, 80, 64, 6869, 7, 1213], [1153, 890, 262, 360, 3651, 11, 4512, 430, 335, 6, 270, 6080, 179, 98, 1231, 1, 23348, 23349], [116, 6952, 1153, 639, 324, 323, 1875, 11, 2924, 7, 1968, 1580, 507, 1320, 59, 414, 1727, 1, 23350, 23351], [202, 777, 297, 276, 12, 858, 557, 8, 25, 363, 299, 1274, 77, 1275, 1, 23352], [23353, 825, 941, 7, 147, 46, 23354, 9, 378, 23355, 1, 23356, 561, 23357, 23358], [144, 106, 291, 5, 23359, 6066, 7, 6067, 102, 2382, 2449, 1094, 2, 291, 135, 904, 11, 59, 933, 1, 4381], [90, 300, 808, 1883, 11, 875, 7, 1447, 1, 6207, 1, 6208], [410, 858, 886, 275, 366, 150, 23, 68, 887, 246, 350, 714, 86, 823, 1, 23360, 273, 23361], [3, 665, 37, 536, 87, 9, 15, 27, 16, 2, 23362, 553, 360], [111, 154, 62, 569, 163, 3, 499, 8, 5, 741, 19, 49, 1284, 183, 43, 3, 480, 1194, 869, 46, 23363, 23364, 1, 23365], [1709, 2991, 2194, 12, 6192, 1816, 452, 48, 853, 23, 90, 580, 36, 4, 727, 1214, 73, 78, 3193, 1, 6193], [12, 2, 4652, 892, 6, 35, 19, 2821, 9, 69, 8, 3, 126, 9, 271, 112, 4, 90, 364, 29, 682, 3273, 53, 6, 2876, 36, 63, 16], [100, 105, 238, 508, 532, 5, 401, 515, 593, 724, 511, 804, 58, 125, 2298, 798, 71, 1329, 1, 23366, 23367], [6994, 458, 1263, 410, 6995, 1483, 2915, 1445, 553, 916, 1521, 43, 1, 6996, 6997, 1, 6998], [136, 919, 1428, 1143, 3, 404, 184, 76, 737, 237, 1, 23368], [7027, 7028, 7029, 4, 285, 1058, 2, 32, 7, 941, 314, 130, 5, 102, 188, 5, 2, 222, 538, 7, 2, 305, 590, 7030], [2871, 2451, 4705, 822, 348, 7020, 119, 7, 632, 1676, 1, 7021], [74, 42, 1205, 46, 49, 3323, 378, 18, 3, 147, 5, 313, 5537, 3, 85, 3323, 2521, 4121, 1297, 5538, 2707, 352, 21], [2, 239, 59, 237, 585, 20, 222, 102, 194, 762, 71, 1, 23369]]
max_length = 40
X = pad_sequences(encoded_text, maxlen=max_length, padding='post')
[[ 129 4714   24 ...    0    0    0]
 [ 214   48  261 ...    0    0    0]
 [  45 1821 1455 ...    0    0    0]
 [2871 2451 4705 ...    0    0    0]
 [  74   42 1205 ...    0    0    0]
 [   2  239   59 ...    0    0    0]]
(7613, 40)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0, stratify=y)
# clf = LinearSVC()
# run_SVM(clf, X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test)
CPU times: user 3 µs, sys: 1 µs, total: 4 µs
Wall time: 5.25 µs
vec_size = 100

model = Sequential()
model.add(Embedding(vocab_size, vec_size, input_length=max_length))

model.add(Conv1D(32, 2, activation='relu'))

model.add(Dense(32, activation='relu'))

model.add(Dense(16, activation='relu'))


model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
Model: "sequential"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
embedding (Embedding)        (None, 40, 100)           2337000   
conv1d (Conv1D)              (None, 39, 32)            6432      
max_pooling1d (MaxPooling1D) (None, 19, 32)            0         
dropout (Dropout)            (None, 19, 32)            0         
dense (Dense)                (None, 19, 32)            1056      
dropout_1 (Dropout)          (None, 19, 32)            0         
dense_1 (Dense)              (None, 19, 16)            528       
global_max_pooling1d (Global (None, 16)                0         
dense_2 (Dense)              (None, 1)                 17        
Total params: 2,345,033
Trainable params: 2,345,033
Non-trainable params: 0
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy']), y_train, epochs=5, validation_data=(X_test, y_test))
Epoch 1/5
191/191 [==============================] - 6s 29ms/step - loss: 0.6429 - accuracy: 0.6330 - val_loss: 0.5614 - val_accuracy: 0.7603
Epoch 2/5
191/191 [==============================] - 5s 28ms/step - loss: 0.4755 - accuracy: 0.7915 - val_loss: 0.4626 - val_accuracy: 0.7945
Epoch 3/5
191/191 [==============================] - 5s 27ms/step - loss: 0.3527 - accuracy: 0.8565 - val_loss: 0.4587 - val_accuracy: 0.7879
Epoch 4/5
191/191 [==============================] - 5s 27ms/step - loss: 0.2304 - accuracy: 0.9140 - val_loss: 0.4957 - val_accuracy: 0.7846
Epoch 5/5
191/191 [==============================] - 5s 28ms/step - loss: 0.1513 - accuracy: 0.9440 - val_loss: 0.5552 - val_accuracy: 0.7735
CPU times: user 42.3 s, sys: 2.8 s, total: 45.1 s
Wall time: 33.8 s
def get_encoded(x):
  x = get_clean(x)
  x = token.texts_to_sequences([x])
  x = pad_sequences(x, maxlen=max_length, padding='post')
  return x
x = 'i am thrilled to see this'
vec = get_encoded(x)
array([[ 6, 35,  4, 13, 22,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
         0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0]], dtype=int32)
np.argmax(model.predict(vec), axis = -1)

BERT Model Building and Training

!pip install ktrain
id keyword location text target char_counts word_counts avg_wordlength stopwords_counts hashtag_counts mentions_counts digits_counts uppercase_counts vec
0 1 NaN NaN oyour deeds are the reason of this earetweethq... 1 57 13 4.384615 6 1 0 0 1 [-0.2098871, -0.007629695, -0.19607861, -0.163...
1 4 NaN NaN forest fire near la ronge sask canada 1 32 7 4.571429 0 0 0 1 0 [-0.014817425, -0.09212343, -0.10716944, -0.33...
2 5 NaN NaN all residents asked to shelter in place are be... 1 112 22 5.090909 9 0 0 1 0 [-0.00050089136, 0.023181401, -0.102390535, -0...
3 6 NaN NaN 130 people receive wildfires evasee yoyouation... 1 57 8 7.125000 1 1 0 1 0 [-0.14550035, 0.21902388, 0.07671245, -0.14768...
4 7 NaN NaN jyoust got sent this photo from ryouby alaska ... 1 72 16 4.500000 6 2 0 0 0 [-0.0026213732, -0.01916919, -0.063435, 0.0685...
from ktrain import text
import ktrain
(X_train, y_train), (X_test, y_test), preproc = text.texts_from_df(train_df=tweet, text_column='text', label_columns='target', maxlen=40, preprocess_mode='bert')
downloading pretrained BERT model (
extracting pretrained BERT model...

cleanup downloaded zip...

preprocessing train...
language: en
Is Multi-Label? False
preprocessing test...
language: en
model = text.text_classifier(name='bert', train_data=(X_train, y_train), preproc=preproc)
Is Multi-Label? False
maxlen is 40
learner = ktrain.get_learner(model=model, train_data=(X_train, y_train), val_data=(X_test, y_test), batch_size=64)
learner.fit_onecycle(lr = 2e-5, epochs=1)

begin training using onecycle policy with max lr of 2e-05...
108/108 [==============================] - 137s 1s/step - loss: 0.5450 - accuracy: 0.7205 - val_loss: 0.4410 - val_accuracy: 0.7966
<tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks.History at 0x7f353b55aa90>
learner.fit_onecycle(lr = 2e-5, epochs=3)

begin training using onecycle policy with max lr of 2e-05...
Epoch 1/3
108/108 [==============================] - 133s 1s/step - loss: 0.4133 - accuracy: 0.8174 - val_loss: 0.4253 - val_accuracy: 0.8333
Epoch 2/3
108/108 [==============================] - 134s 1s/step - loss: 0.3645 - accuracy: 0.8470 - val_loss: 0.4137 - val_accuracy: 0.8386
Epoch 3/3
108/108 [==============================] - 133s 1s/step - loss: 0.2620 - accuracy: 0.8921 - val_loss: 0.4508 - val_accuracy: 0.8425
<tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks.History at 0x7f35392f5940>
learner = ktrain.get_learner(model=model, train_data=(X_train, y_train), val_data=(X_test, y_test), batch_size=64)
learner.fit_onecycle(lr = 2e-4, epochs=3)

begin training using onecycle policy with max lr of 0.0002...
Epoch 1/3
108/108 [==============================] - 133s 1s/step - loss: 0.3352 - accuracy: 0.8590 - val_loss: 0.4615 - val_accuracy: 0.8228
Epoch 2/3
108/108 [==============================] - 133s 1s/step - loss: 0.3115 - accuracy: 0.8748 - val_loss: 0.5920 - val_accuracy: 0.7480
Epoch 3/3
108/108 [==============================] - 133s 1s/step - loss: 0.1731 - accuracy: 0.9365 - val_loss: 0.5802 - val_accuracy: 0.8346
<tensorflow.python.keras.callbacks.History at 0x7f35389ed5c0>
# learner.lr_find()
# learner.lr_plot()

# it may take days or many days to find out.
predictor = ktrain.get_predictor(learner.model, preproc)
data = ['i met you today by accident', 'i got today car accident, i am injured']
predictor.predict(data, return_proba=True)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ktrain/text/ UserWarning: List or array of two texts supplied, so task being treated as text classification. If this is a sentence pair classification task, please cast to tuple.
  'If this is a sentence pair classification task, please cast to tuple.')
array([[0.9929716 , 0.00702845],
       [0.48570436, 0.51429564]], dtype=float32)
classes = predictor.get_classes()
['i met you today by accident', 'i got today car accident, i am injured']
y_pred = predictor.predict(data[1])
array([[1., 0.],
       [1., 0.],
       [1., 0.],
       [0., 1.],
       [1., 0.],
       [0., 1.]], dtype=float32)